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Available at sfethics. Org. Nature followed was lifechanging for me, get growing at neutrophil. Com we go forwards in america thursday, july 4, they 70s dirt on see it in youre watching debate night america were just a few hours away from history unfolding right here on cnn. Tonights on precedent is showdown between joe biden and donald trump is the first time a current and a former president of ever debated the first time to candidates. Ive ever faced off before officially accepted their partys nomination were the stubbornly close election. It could be a make or break moment for both men welcome to our viewers. Here are the United States and around the world. Im wolf blitzer in atlanta and im Kaitlin Collins from the cnn spin room just outside the debate hall. Where are these two candidates are going to go headtohead tonight . President biden has just touched down here in georgia and we are expecting for President Trump to arrive here in the peach state shortly the stakes tonight, of course, could not be higher for both candidates after months of polling showing the race a relative dead heat, their performances tonight could alter the course of that race and maybe even American History this is debate night in america lets get straight to the final preparations inside both campaigns for tonights highstakes debate are senior White House Correspondent mj lee is joining us right now. Shes got details on President Bidens plans for tonight. Mj. I understand the president has just landed here in atlanta where we are what do we know about his final preparations well, wolf, after the last week of intense debate preparations, these final hours heading into tonight really felt like the calm before the storm for President Biden, we know that he spent the morning at camp david with only please several of his advisers. They didnt do any mock debates and the reporters that finally saw him after a week of not seeing him in the last few hours as he has made his way here to atlanta, he didnt say anything to them and i asked a biden adviser what the general mood was like on air force one. As the team made its way to atlanta. And this adviser said fueling good, we are ready to go. But of course, as we know very well, that sort of buoyant message of optimism really doesnt capture the incredible herculean task, but now lies ahead for President Biden then they have done their runthroughs. They have refine their methods, their attack leinz of vision that he wants to present a, he has prepared for every version of donald trump. We were told that could come up tonight on the debate stage. But the preparations really end there. It is now hi, early on, President Biden to try to execute on everything that he and his team have not prepare for and practice over the last week. And we are just getting images of the president making a pit stop before heading here to the cnn studios. He it was greeted by supporters of the were sharing. He was shaking hands with them. Clearly, it seems like he wanted to get in a good headspace get a good boost of energy, and one advice sir, said that bidens state of mind over the last week heading up to tonight can be summarized by two words. And those two words out wolf are focused and im jamie recorded frehse m, j. Thank you very much. Not a cnns Kristen Holmes. Shes been working her sources inside the Trump Campaign. Kristen trump is due to land here in atlanta in the next hour or so how has he been spending his final hours preparing . Well, thats right. Well, if i just talked to a senior advisers, he is wheels up on his way to atlanta, georgia for this debate, he is accompanied by some of his closest senior advisers that includes his campaign managers, Chris Lacivita and susie wiles, as well as jason miller. Now miller, its been a close ally of Donald Trumps four roughly last eight years. And he is running point on this debate preparation. Of course, if you ask Donald Trumps advisers, there is no debate preparation. However, miller has been in charge of arranging and sitting in on these various policy sessions as we have reported, they have ranged from anything from how to answer questions on abortion and democracy to how to pivot to the the economy and immigration, as well as inflation. Now, they are expected to land here, as you noted, around 530, ive talked to people close to donald trump who say that he is in a good, confident mindset as im jay said, its really up to donald trump and joe biden of who shows up here today and how that performance lands. Now areas, allies. We have spoken to him, say the donald trump knows the gravity of the situation tonight that the he knows what is on the table and that he will remain focused. But if you talk to those who are close to them, they also acknowledged that you never know what version of donald trump youre going to get. They had been watching carefully what is coming out of camp, david, how biden him . Itself has been preparing and they have been preparing in reaction to that. Again, they say that he is ready, that he is confident in tonight and then hes going to stay on message however, again, you never know which version of donald trump is going to show up here and whether or not President Joe Biden is able to get under his skin Kristen Holmes reported from the cnn spin room here in atlanta, kristin, thank you very much, right now, we want to bring you a behind the scenes, look at the stage where the two candidates are set to debate what just five hours or so from now seen as Boris Sanchez joining us from inside the debate hall, boris walk us through how tonight well go wolf the floors have been swept, the lighting has been tweaked, and the microphones have been laid out. The stage is set for a historic night. A sitting president taking on a former president headtohead right here on cnn at 9 00 p. M. At hallway. And then donald trump walk out through here and will approach these podiums, which are exactly eight feet apart. Lets talk about the actual rules while theyre here at the podium, they cannot sit, they cannot bring notes, and they cannot confer with Campaign Officials its when were in a commercial break. There are only allowed to have three things up here. That is pens. And well take a close look at them. The pens, the paper, and a glass of water, and maybe a tau as well in case they start sweating. The most important component, the most important thing on this podium other than this microphone, is this set of lights right here. Remember the rule . Whos wolf . A candidates microphone will be muted once there are a lot of time to speak is up. This will be green when the microphone is on, itll turn red once theyre time is expired. Lets give you a view now of where the moderators are going to be sitting. This is what the candidates are going to be seeing tonight. Youre going to have dana, bash and jake tapper moderating this debate and asking questions of the candidates, how exactly is it going to work . They will ask one candidate an overarching questions. The candidate will then have two minutes to respond. His opponent will have one minute for a rebuttal and then the original candidate will have another minute to respond to the rebuttal. Aside from that, the two moderators are going to opportunity to ask a followup question, and then the candidates will have a minute to respond to that. Follow. How are they going to be able to tell time given all those cues, there is a light, a colored light on top of the cameras where the candidates are going to be facing when they have 15 seconds left in their response. This is going to turn yellow when they have five seconds, itll start flashing red. And then when their time has expired itll be a steady red light on top of the cameras, so they will know and itll be every camera in the studio. So theyll know exactly when theyre time to talk is up. Now, one question that has been lingering over this debate is about the muting of the microphones. You have to remember these podiums are only eight feet apart, so even if a candidates microphone is muted, we at home may not be able to distinguish exactly what theyre saying, but theres no question that the other candidate standing only a few feet away is going to be able to hear them and potentially that may lead to interruptions. It may lead to responses to something that we havent heard from the other candidate itll be potentially true itll be intense and itll be right here on cnn at 9 00 p. M. Well and all of these rules for the debate tonight have been approved by both both candidates. Of course, sanchez, thanks preserves very much. Just ahead. Are details from our team of reporters on whats happening right now behind the scenes. And these the final hours before today its face off. And Kaitlan Collins is set joined by an allstar panel. Were gaming the mission for both sides. Stay right here the cnn president ial debate tonight my been cnn and streaming on max. Its terms de, but neutro, gina ultra hsi or sunscreen is still on the clock. Vital Sun Protection goes six layers deep, blocking 97 of burning uv rays. Its light, but its working hard. Like me, neutral gina ultras, your sunscreen greetings happen cutie. Yeah, thats not good. Happened huge things happen happened with three chop really brende deals at amazon. Com. This is how ag one works to deliver foundational nutrition that its great to with ag, one quality comes first using subtly fruity flavor from the essences of pineapple and vanilla with no added sugars or artificial sweeteners look forward to your morning routine and start your day with great taste upgrade your daily habit today head drink ag one. Com. You founded your Kayak Company because you love the ocean, not spreadsheets. You need to hire. 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During this 90 minute historic debate here on cnn biden arrived here in atlanta a short while ago when we do expect President Trump to be here on the ground soon ahead of that epic rematch between the two, that the president climbing down from air force one, trump on his plane shortly i am lucky to be surrounded by a team of powerhouses. As we look ahead to this debate, we have republican strategist for Michael Singleton and foreseen and political commentators here joining us, jonah goldberg, who was the editor and chief and cofounder of the dispatch. Ashley allison, the former National Coalitions director for the biden 2020 campaign. Kristen salt. Does anderson, a republican strategist and pollster and bucaram sellers, a former South Carolina state rep. I think we have got the resume if every single political job that youve ever could have held on this panel. So obviously that is why youre the experts and spin room for a lot of people who were like, what is the spin room is where all of the candidates surrogates come after their allies reporters are also in here listening to them asking them how the debate went. But because looking at this, i mean, these two men have not been in the same room, much less eight feet apart from each other in four years. And its a striking to think. They havent been in a moment where theyre debating each other in a sense like this since 2020. So this environment is palpable i think the word of the night ive been thinking about all this this entire day. The word of the night is energy its so much energy here in the spin room has so much energy in atlanta, everybodys talking about it. The streets has set down. People are going in different directions. And what we have to see from both of these candidates. One, because its 9 00, two because of their age and three because like you said, they hadnt been together and so long as energy, i expect to see more of a docile type of donald trump trying to stay on message, lowenergy donald trump is what we call them, but i expect joe biden to be somebody who brings a lot of energy, particularly in the first 15, 20 minutes, because that is when this debate is one, mike tyson, the great get american poet once said that everybody has a plan until they get punched in the face. And so i want to see whos going to come out and throw the first punch. And im expected to see joe biden come out with that energy at 9 01, showing that he can serve another four years. Yeah. Sure. My god, i mean, weve been hearing ive been talking to people in both of these campaigns and i do think theyre going to both come out of this this gate, come out of the gate here ready to go . I mean, i think so, but i just hope that President Biden is careful and doesnt trip over himself in the first ten or 15 minutes because that isnt going to look good for him. Look, i think donald trump has one key message here, caitlin, that is a showcase that he is capable to lead the country again for another four years the showcase that despite what our opinions may be about him because of the rallies, because of some of the tweets that we saw on truth social, that he is principally concerned with the issues id impact everyday americans. Those Kitchen Table issues as jane its carnival once said its the economy stupid. 32 years ago is still the economys stupid today in donald trump needs to showcase that hes in the best position to improve the economic condition of hard work and americans and i think thats as number one objective. Jonah, what are you going to be looking for in the first . 20 critical minutes that are that are going to be playing out here mostly looking forward to seeing how quickly their plans evaporate i agree with the energy thing. I mean, its a little like Brian Santana and anchorman, its panda watch, right . I mean, were, were into this, but i think that theyre going to have i generally think the president ial debates dont really matter much. I think this is different because in a lot of ways for good reasons and bad, but the vibes election and this is going to be vibes debate we have to essentially literal or figurative incumbent candidates. Nima, wed never had that before. And to tell us debate or really in an election at all. And theyre not here to introduce themselves to voters. Voters know who these people are. Theyve 100 name id, theyre here to reassure voters and trump needs to reassure people that hes not going to bring more chaos like you did last time. And biden is the reassure people that hes up to the job for another four years and thats a weird debate. Strategy to have to implement when we other guys trying to trip you up at it. Yeah. Yeah theres this push and pull of like is this about the past or this about the future . And i think it has to be the whole story. It has to be dont forget what type of President Donald Trump was. Dont forget what he has been doing the last four years since he hasnt then president , dont forget what happened a couple of weeks ago where he is the only person running for president that now has 34 felony convictions. And looking at the camera, joe biden, i know what i can do for you of the American People. I know things are not perfect, but this is why i am ready for the job. I do think that this debate will be one and the first 15 to 20 minutes, and then it will be one on tiktok, twitter and instagram. Because if one of these candidates have a memorable moment or a clip able moment that is what folks who still might not be paying close attention to the debate tonight will be paying attention to tomorrow. So you will then the first 20 and then dont stumble for the rest of the race. Well, i think one thing thats notable is that were even here, that we are sitting in a spin room right now because a few months ago, it was not guaranteed that wed even have a president ial debate. This elections i absolutely and i think whats fascinating to me is that i always assumed that donald trump for all of his bluster about saying, ill debate you anywhere anytime he is currently leading vary slightly in the polls. So in some ways he has the most to lose here, because any outcome of this debate that dramatically reshapes the race shore, it could dramatically reshape it by causing democrats to go, whoa, biden was so bad, we need a new strategy, but theres also a chance that it goes just bad enough for trump that suddenly he loses that edge that hes had over the last couple of months. So thats why i think if you are a biden fan, you have to be watching this debate, like through closed fingers like, oh, please, please, please pull it off in some ways its actually trump that may have slightly more to lose yeah. Well, i mean, weve seen nothing shakeup this rights that conviction didnt do much to change the numbers that we were looking at. So that is a moment that both campaigns are hoping to avoid. One thats bad, but also hoping to strike one that does stick in voters minds and could prove something that actually does make movement here. Because the next debates, not for several months i oftentimes reject the premise that the race hasnt been shaken up, mainly because nobodys paying attention. Tonight is the first night that people will tune in and watch tonight as the first night that people will have an opportunity to see both of these men outside of the caricatures that everybody tries to make about them. Weve seen trump come out of court. Are you seeing the clips of biden tripping on x and youve seen those things, but this is the first time that the American Public is really going to be able to lay eyes on both of them. And thats what going to Cedric Richmond and i spoken to julie rodriguez, two people who are very influential that i have a great deal of respect for and biden world and what they want to do is put a mirror up to donald trump and say, look, do not forget the chaos that was four years ago. This country, voters in this country, we have a very, very, very short memory its so mcdonalds, we we speak in tweets. We remember something that happened 30 minutes ago. We listened to podcasts. Thats about it. So there is a nostalgia for donald trump and sometimes people dont remember the chaos that surrounded it tonight. Joe biden has to put that mirror up and say, look, this, do crazy. You want me or you want this dude whos crazy and you know what ive been thinking a little bit today . There is an energy in the city and signing there is an energy in the city and i can sometimes be a glass half empty type of person in this political environment. But this morning i woke up and i was reminded we talk about democracy this is democracy in action for voters who are like the system doesnt work for me for voters who are like, i dont know if i want to go vote. There was a free press out here right now and we are covering it and you can Say Something. I dont like, and i can Say Something you dont like, but were allowed to say that in america because that is democracy today, we have the Supreme Court come out with important decisions somewhere for democrats, some were former cup republicans. That is democracy. Tonight, we are going to see two candidates. It could not be more different, but that is democracy. And so when people are saying it doesnt matter that is at stake, all of that is at stake. The fact that you even get to decide whether you want on a vote or not is democracy so tonight is really important, but i think theres also an opportunity for the surrogates in the room tonight in the spin room for everyone watching and having conversations at their Kitchen Table before after this debate to really understand what is at stake when we say donald trump could win this, am trying strip it all away because hes made threats about it. And i dont take him lightly with his never even republicans who were looking at this and not sure who to vote for. I mean, right here in georgia, 78,000 georgians voted for nikki haley in the primary here. She wasnt even on the ballot or she was on the ballot, but she dropped out of the race by then, the georgia governor, who was just here in the spin room being followed around by reporters. A few moments ago told me yesterday that he did not vote for donald trump. He will be voting for him this november, but he just loved his ballot blank. So there are those voters as well. Republicans will be watching to see which candidate are they going to go with if theyre undecided . Yeah. I mean, like when you say theres a lot of differences between these candidates, theres a lot of differences between these candidates. But for voters right now, like a lot of issues dont seem to matter very much. Biden, very much wants to make democracy the issue of the election. Donald trump is not losing on that issue according to the polls, like the biden Camp Campaign is married to this idea of what ought to be rather than what is in terms of what divining people and i think there are a lot of voters. Sadly, the voters who are going to decide this election, they dont think theres that much difference between these two guys. They seek to old guys who look like they should be fighting over the check at an early bird dinner at dennys. I mean, like its too old, cranky, grumpy old men are going to have a fight and that i dont know that it helps either of them that visual jonah goldberg. Thanks, everyone. Dont worry, theyre all sticking around. We have much more to talk about because tonights highly anticipated debate is coming, is actually just met on the same day of that major Supreme Court decision that does allow emergency abortions in idaho, but theres a limit to that. Ill talk with democratic senator Amy Klobuchar, who he said that todays ruling is far from a victory tonight, my for atlanta the most anticipated moment of this election biden doctor, on america isnt future because that we are a nation of possibilities. Trump. We had the best honor me, we had the best order. We had the best of everything, and now we get to do it all over again. Were gonna do it even better two very different visions for america. One unprecedented night moderated by change tapper and dana bash, the cnn president ial debate tonight it live on cnn and streaming and backs how long have you been tracking her cars value with corona . Just like seven months. Sho sell it . We hold all silver vans are gone for more right now. Should we are low mileage is paying off. You think we should all depreciations really heating up we just did goodbye. 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Supreme court handed down a major decision in one of the most anticipated cases of the Supreme Court term the court is now voting to allow emergency abortions in idaho when a pregnant Patients Health as at serious risk idaho as one of the strictest abortion bans in the nation, as we know. And the 63 decision, which was briefly posted yesterday online by mistake, i should note. And was reflected in them. They officially released it today. It creates a temporary win for reproductive rights advocates while the case will continue to move to the lower courts. Joining me on this ruling and much more democratic senator Amy Klobuchar of minnesota and senator, its great to have you here and i know a place for you are deeply familiar with. And theres a lot of energy and seeing this red carpet scene President Biden arrive with reminded me of how he was before those primary debates few years ago, just a lot of enthusiasm. He loves talking to people other candidates are burrowed down and he is just, hey, talking to people, which i think is him. So it was funded. See that . And it is great to be here with you. Well and one of the things that hes been at camp david for several days now, preparing for this moment for this arrival here in atlanta, obviously one of the things we know he is planning to the Supreme Court ruling today on high to idaho, how that affects his strategy or how you think he should utilize that on the stage . Well, good question. And as you know, this idaho law, like what were seeing in other states as well. There are literally been women bleeding out in parking lot to be close to the hospital in the emergency room because theyve been told we cant give you the reproductive care you need. We cant give you the abortion until youre near death. Thats what this is about. So the court is basically punted. They are not ruling on this at this time, which allows the Court Decision out of the idaho case to stand, but it isnt by no means means a victory. And it is the point that President Biden will make. We need to codify roe v. Wade into law. And you have a clear difference in the visions of these two candidates. You have President Biden working to codify roe v. Wade, standing up for womens rights. And then you have President Trump, who only recently very clearly said that he was proudly the person responsible for overturning roe v wade because of the judges that he had appointed. Yeah. But when President Biden, he does often talk about codifying roe versus wade. He cant do that obviously on his own. That has to do with the body that you serve it with the house as well. And i think so what about voters who look at that and say that doesnt seem realistic . In this moment that that actually is going to happen on capitol hill. What can President Biden himself due on this issue . I think it is completely realistic because many odds makers predict that were going to win the house of representatives. And i think we can get this done right now. That house is run by republicans. And so i think it is a realistic point and its going to be on voters minds as it was in the prairies of kansas when they came out in droves and voted on a referendum on this and ohio and the virginia legislative races in the wisconsin Supreme Court races, women and the men that stood with them stood up and said, you know what . We may not agree with everything with the democrats, but man, were not going to let our freedoms be taken away. We dont like this. Donald trump who says he wants to be a dictator from day one. All of this is going to be, i would predict on the debate stage tonight, you won that debate stage with President Biden when he was Vice President didnt biden. And when he comes out and speaking of trumps criminal conviction, do you want to see hear him just flat out called trump, a convicted felon. How do you think he should approach that on the stage tonight . I think its a fair point of debate. He is facing someone who has 91 federal and state felony indictments, someone who has been convicted over 30 times, four crimes that took big deal. You havent seen that before in a president ial race. And President Biden believes in the rule of law. Hes appointed judges that believe in the rule of law. So i think it is fair game for him to talk about but in this debate, and i hope he does bring it up. What about his age . Thats another big concern that weve seen from voters. Obviously, neither of these candidates is exactly young. Do you think its something that President Biden references directly or does a bigger as performance if thats what we see, like the state of the unit speaks for itself. How does a candidate handle Something Like that . Well, first of all, theyre very close in age, so lets not forget and 81 and i would take 81 over 91. That would be 91 indictments for criminal behavior which trump has. But i think that you are correct on this. The way President Biden showed up in a big way at the state of the union the way he was able to handle people yelling at them, hecklers. He just want when it was strong. But you see the same thing at normandy. You say the same thing with a president shows up as a commander in chief. He does it all the time. Thats his job. And thats what i believe youre going to see tonight on that debate stage, we will see senator klobuchar great to have you here in the spinner and thank you for joining. Thanks, kayla. And just ahead, the candidates are going to be speaking to the eric in public tonight is the senator notice. They will be doing it though from one of the most crucial swing states in the 2020 election will see the role it plays in the 2024 election. Were here in georgia of course, and the republican governor, brian kemp will join wolf right after a quick break beit night, in america as biden and trump meet and only cnn has complete coverage with unrivaled access and exclusive pre and post a beat and lss follow cnn for every countless moment followed debate night in america, tonight, its 7 00 p. M. High. Its christina again. Im here to tell you about an all new special offer from my friends at jacuzzi bathroom model that you dont want to miss were waving all installation costs and postponing all payments for up to one year and best of all, they can install it. And as little as one day with no stress and no mess from a safer, easy entry shower to a stunning family bath or how about a luxurious upgrade with a timeless design that well look great for years to come it was done in the same day we did not have to wait its absolutely perfect. Thats exactly what i was dreaming of. Take advantage of this special tv offer today. 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Girls de out is a good day live in the moment asked your doctor about oh, tesla celebrate, go forwards in america thursday, july 4th, they 70s dirt on cnn, a half until the history is being made right here on cnn and the location of tonights debate is worth noting not only is it the birthplace of cnn, but also a crucial swing state, which President Biden narrowly won back in 2020 on his way to the white house, joining us now is georgias republican governor, brian kemp, governor. Thank you so much for joining us. We always love coming back to georgia. You told her colleague, Kaitlan Collins yesterday that trump should defocus on the future and the issues and tonights debate. Do you think trump can stick to that script i think he can i mean, he has a great ability to contrast with the president s message and make the case to the American People that they can afford four more years of joe biden thats what im hearing from people every day wolf when they go to the grocery store, theyre mad when theyre going to the gas station, theyre mad. Theyre mad where theyre seeing stories of terrorists coming across pasta southern border and a lot of people that are here illegally and the crime that comes along with that. And just a tragic things that have happened. And so i think theres a clear contrast. Hes got to stay focused next four years under my leadership versus the current administration. You also revealed in that interview with kaitlan that you did not vote for trumping your states republican primary . Listen to how youre former lieutenant governor, geoff duncan reacted to that. Listen to this brian camp has earned the right to do whatever he wants when he walks in that ballot box has been a great governor. He certainly lead this state through a bunch of difficult times, and hes used conservative principles to do it. But i think it speaks to the broader sense of republicans that they just have this anxi, amongst them. We know and our gut that donald trump is not the right person so how much did that broader anchor and the Republican Party about trump impact your choice not to vote for him in the republican primary . Yeah well im not too worried about i asked her things that happened in the past. A look at the primary was over when it got here, he was the presumptive nominee at the time and im looking forward and on know he is too i mean, theres a lot of republicans that voted for a lot of different people over this process. But all that doesnt matter right now will what matters is is that were focused on the future. Ive said all along won the primary started, when there was a lot of great republicans running for president that i was going to support the nominee. Thats what were doing today. Were focused on our ground game here in the state, making sure that were holding our legislative majorities. I had a fundraiser this week for former governor larry hogan from maryland, hoping he can win a senate seat and get control the senate back. Were helping you to speaker johnson hold the house and we want to control the white house. And im on board doing that. So thats why im staking stay focused on the future and thats really been my advice to former President Trump to, to say, stay focused on the future, tell people why they should vote for us. And while the republican agenda will be better for you over the next four years then the biden agenda has its been were told governor that President Biden is going to paint trump as a threat to democracy tonight. And january 6 as a seismic watershed for american in voters, how should trump handle that well, i think he should just turn that back on President Biden not get distracted by those type accusations not get bogged down and the politicize that politicization that youve seen of the Justice System from the other side and from the democrats, and really stay focused on what the people that are undecided in this race of the people that he did not get in the last election, that he needs to get in this one to be able to beat joe biden and it is a pocketbook election. A lot of people that voted for joe biden last time, theyre worse off now than they were four years ago. And present, former President Trump has a great opportunity to bring those folks back in the fold if hes talking about issues as hes comparing records in speaking about the future. And i believe hes going to focus on that denied if he does, hes going to have a really good night. You know, if he dutton and gets bogged down on the things that the president is trying to push him into you know, hes not going to have a good night georgia governor brian kemp. Thanks so much for joining us and thanks for the hospitality here in georgia im coming up, are political experts are standing by with more news and analysis just ahead of todays historic faceoff between President Biden and former President Trump youre watching debate night in american tonight. My for midland, the most dissipated moment of this election, biden. Thats rod running mate america doesnt future is that we are a nation of possibility. Trump. We had the best economy, we had the best border, we had the best of everything. And now we get to do it all over again. Were going to do it even better. Two very different visions for america. One unprecedented night moderated by jake tapper and dana bash, the cnn president ial debate tonight it live on cnn then and streaming on backs. 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We are inside the spin room where all the surrogates and allies of these candidates will be here with us after it. As you look at this debate, we talk about what the issues are going to be here. One thing that ive been thinking about is obviously these two men have a great disdain for one another if theyre certainly not fans of one another. The first debate fate in 2020 between the two of them became very personal very quickly. And i i dont think theres any doubt that that could certainly resurrect itself on that stage tonight. Well, most certainly could resurrect itself for mean, Chris Wallace said he believes that it probably ultimately lead to trump losing the election i think he fell four or five points and chris, they never recovered. This is why i said the president , former president really has to showcase stability in this moment. Are there is a serious level of disillusionment. I would argue among the greater american populace, and they do remember a moment time the first two years of the Trump Administration, where the economy was vibrant, where it was viable, where they did feel secure about their economic future. That is no longer the case. And so the former president has, i would argue, caitlin and incredible Incredible Opportunity two articulate a vision of forward for the American People who are looking for an out for what they see as a very chaotic and uncertain moment. People want to fill security about their future with their children. They want to feel confident that they can build a family. Were youre seeing less American Star families at earlier stages of their lives. Were seeing less americans buy their first homes. Were seeing College Students graduate with an inability to live in a major city comfortably. And so people are wondering which of these two men can build that future that provides security. And i think the person who articulates that the greatest were having bannons out of this debate. So i think youve got it right, but this is going to be a debate about whos going to provide security and stability and whats so interesting is that earlier in our discussion, there was a lot of talk about how donald trump is mr. Chaos, and that theres gonna be a lot of attempts by joe biden to bring that chaotic, unstable donald trump out. But it is worth noting that donald trump is going to prior to make the same case about joe biden, the add that his campaign released today included things like clips from the chaotic withdrawal from afghanistan we in the political punditry world sometimes tried to separate out the personality from the issues, but voters dont really see it that way. And the personality of these two men is joe biden strong with it, able to be a leader . Is donald trump, able to hold back the crazy for just a little bit. Thats critically tied to the way they think they would handle the economy, immigration and more. Well, ive already seeing the talking points come out. Obviously every candidate for fares leinz for this donald trump is actually posting the lines that were sent to him by a former epa topped epa official when it comes to the climate, but weve also seen trump previewing what his arguments are going to be on democracy. Obviously thats a huge issue for President Biden, that he cares deeply about. President trumps saying today on truth, social, actually, its biden who is the greatest threat to democracy. He often takes threats or takes criticisms of him and turns it around on whoever is labeling him without two things i would i would push back on my my good friends and colleagues and say that while they may reminisce about the first two years of the Trump Administration. We remember things like a muslim ban. We remember things like the instability in the department of justice remember he had a guy who was the attorney general for about 13 seconds. I cant remember his name. That whitaker was his name. And use continue saw that you see the architect of january 6th. You remember charlottesville good people on both sides and that is kind of the chaos that people think about. Remember when they talk about about donald trump on the flip side, this is what joe biden has to do, and this is where democrats drive me crazy. You can not put your head in the sand on issues like crime inflation, and immigration and you cannot say, even though i can tell you right here, i can look dead in the camera and say luck in major cities, Violent Crime is decreasing we know that we know that, we know that inflation is plateauing. We can see that. But the problem is people dont feel that we cannot ignore that and democrats have put their head in the sand. For a very long period of time, particularly on those three issues in joe biden has to be able to answer it for that and then get out of it pivot and talk about what the future will look like is he nimble enough to do that . I would argue, yes, but those are gonna be three issues that can get him on the defensive. And if he does not answer them well, its gonna be its gonna be a hell of a knife at those people they put in the spin room. I will be at the bar had a company to go able to pay might be like hiding i think it is issues are really important in this debate. But i guess i would say i wouldnt do it in a laundry list. I did this. I did this. I did this. Now, the focus groups that ive observed when people actually hear what joe biden has done for them, not like, oh, i like that. I support that so its not working to do a laundry list. Weve tried that for threeandahalf years and the poll numbers are still where they are. I recommend personalizing this, talk about the plant that donald trump couldnt keep open. But joe biden kept open talk about how the chips act in arizona is booming and money is going into the state talk about how today we had a Supreme Court decision that just kick the can down and how were actually having a debate of whether a doctor could provide Emergency Medical Care for a woman, is that the country we live in . Those mn tell the story identify the person in the state the connect the dots, make the American People see those stories as themselves. And when we do, we see those numbers move in. Joe bidens favor. Ill save to your point shore michael. Sure. Perhaps people remember that the economy two under the first two years of donald trump were good. But you know why . Because he inherited in economy that brock obama and joe biden built for him. And then when the covid hit he failed. He was a terrible liter. We werent even able to do things like this four years ago because donald trump told us to put bleach in our bodies and then joe biden got it. Hes slowly hes passed more legislation to get our economy back on track. Are the American Public feeling it now . No, not yet. But if we quit and we can revert back to donald trump, it will get worse but if, if not, now, then when will people fill it . I mean, theres a reason to ask policies, theres a reason actually that people look at the former president and they do believe whether rifle or not, and we can get into the semantics of this, but they do believe that under donald trump, he would do a better job restoring the Economic Conditions of this thank you. They do believe that donald trump would do a better job securing the border. They do believe that donald trump did a better job of avoiding some of the foreign conflicts that we now see under the biden administration, no, they believed that if donald trump gotten office, he were ripped families away a part again, their babies would be crying in cages without their mother that took months to reunite. Thats its what i remember the majority of americans actually agree with donald trump of removing illegal border crossings are down lower right now in this moment, under joe biden than they were under lower for a week, the people who agree with you are already going to vote for joe all right . Correct. The problem is the people who are left that are still persuadable and its a small number of people. And the problem that i think the job but luck, its a weird situation in 2020 joe biden ran as a generic democrat because americans are like all we need is a generic democrat to get rid of donald trump. Thats all we want. A distance himself from the left. He was he was he was vanilla. He was helped by covid with the whole running from the basement thing. He was bland. You couldnt turn them into some sort of radical or anything like that kind of stuff because hed been around for 50 years, people knew who he was. Now hes got a record and the incumbent president s at the end of the first term running for reelection. The argument that they want to make is dont change horses in midstream all the poles are screaming that a lot of people want to change horses in midstream. They just look at the other, the horse and theyre like, i know that horace e, and so it gives them an opening if a generic republican, if it had been nikki haley or, or governor kemp, who was on the ticket right now, i think youd be looking at a blow out landslide for the republicans. Yeah, two president s to records that voters know very well. It can, judge, will see what they decide. Obviously, well see how they defend them tonight, at least stage are countdown is continuing. Were going to take it inside look at the debate hall. What does it look like where donald trump and joe biden will be sidebyside. It just a few hours from now will also remind i knew about what the debate rules are there like, unlike anything weve seen at president ial debates before, all of that, after a quick break et me introduce you to class 500 theme to and easy to use trading app that gives you a glimpse into the future a futures trading. See a trading opportunity. Youll be able to trade it new two clicks once your account is open no matter what kind of trader you are, plus 500 has you covered with a tailored solution . So download the app and start trading futures today, trading in futures and options involves the risk of loss and hes not suitable for every investor plus 500. Its trading with a plus one second. You feel safe police, are on their way. 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It is these cnn president ial debate im Kaitlin Collins live from the cnn spin room, which is just steps away from that debate hall where President Biden and former President Trump are preparing to face off for the first time. Four years. Its also the first time that a current and former president wolfe have ever debated. And i will lets her in atlanta. Were covering tonights historic showdown from every three angle, both candidates hoping to land new attacks and speak directly to voters as they try to shake up a race thats been deadlocked for months, right now, are Political Team has gathering new information inside both campaigns as we count down to the most consequential event of the election, at least so far watching debate night in america we start off this hour with cdns jeff zeleny, jeff, obviously a being question here is about the rules for this debate. Thats what makes it unique and different from what we saw when these two candidates were last on stage together in 2020, give us an overview of exactly what its going to look like inside that debate hall tonight . Okay. And it certainly does. And we should point out both campaigns, both candidates have agreed to these rules and the rules are there will be no audience and that will be dramatically different from the debates four years ago. And certainly other debates weve seen. In fact, it will be more like the first televised president ial debate between john f. Kennedy and Richard Nixon where there was just the two candidates and the moderators in the studio. So it will be the candidates who will be standing just eight feet apart. This will be at close range to say the least, and the two men, as you said, have not been in the same room for four years. Theyve been of course, campaigning and dueling from long distance. Therell be at close range tonight. They are not allowed to bring in any notes. They are not allowed to have any advisers even during the two commercial breaks. So there will be standing there. We will see if they engage with one another, but perhaps one of the biggest changes from the first debate last time, which was filled with interruptions and hectoring from the at the time President Donald Trump to former vice President Joe Biden is the microphones the microphones will only be on for the candidates who are speaking at that time, they will have a couple of minutes to answer so the questions and then they will have one minute to rebut. But again, the microphone only on when the candidate who is being directed a question, well speak so we will see how that changes the dynamic of this, but it will not be until after the debate is over 90 minutes long. Therell be standing on in stage where they will be joined by one guest. If its a Family Member or friend, we shall see, but that is the only time they will have a lifeline if you will after the debate is over. So its extraordinary, caitlin these two candidates very practiced, of course, had been on so many stages. It will be standing alone tonight, eight feet apart, right here in atlanta yeah, neither of them is a stranger to the debate stage, but they by be a little rusty. They have a been on it for years. Certainly not you in this kind of sense that we are going to see here tonight with each other. And obviously jeff, that likely influences this is how these campaigns 4, were preparing for tonight. What have you heard from officials in both camps about how the rules and how all of these changes are factoring into what its gonna look like when they get on stage look, they both are trying to do a similar thing and shake up the race to make voters see them as the best alternative for a second term for the biden side, they are trying to remind voters, shake them if you will. Remind people of the Trump Administration what he did during his four years in office and his plans for a second term, should he make them theyre trying to disqualify him in the minds of voters, but also trying to get democrats and others who may not be thrilled about a biden a second term, to see him as a unacceptable alternative but for the trump side, they are focusing on bidens record. Caitlin is probably the biggest the difference of these debates overall is that biden now has a president ial record. He has stood on so many debate stages, but this is the first time that he has his own record on inflation on the economy, on immigration, and indeed foreign affairs. So this will not be simply talking about the trump record as happened four years ago, both records will be sidebyside, but that is where history may not be our best guide here we have two incumbent president s. They both have a practice record the question here is style and stamina. Talking to voters here in georgia this week, caitlin, perhaps theyre not interested in the nuance of policy as much as which one looks the most president ial, which one looks strong again, standing for 90 minutes . Its not easy. So we will see how each one of these candidates do tonight, but its 90 minutes on stage. But this will linger for far longer, likely for the rest of the campaign caitlin yeah. Those records will be scrutinized. Well see how they defend them. Jeff zeleny. Thank you for that. And book chryslers pardon my allstar panel. Thats back here with me. That is a great point that the geoff makes is last time President Biden was onstage, he had not yet been president. He didnt have a record to defend in the same sense that donald trump did certainly not because of the coronavirus pandemic, but the other thing is naive and what theyre going to say, its the fact that they are eight feet apart from one another. And Chris Wallace, who was one of two people who knows what its like to moderate a debate with these two. He said thats much closer than they were in that first debate of 2020. They were not standing anywhere near that close so there are a couple of things about one and joanna brought this up earlier defending his record. He now has a president ial record to run on. And i think we all know that for joe biden, its about the record, but thats really secondary on voters all right its how he looks when he defends his record. People want to know that joe biden can do the job. Hes 81yearsold. We know that both of the i hate the fact that we tried to say one is old and the other 78. Theyre both old, right. And so he has to look the part he has to be energetic, at least for the first few moments because 90 minutes is a long time to be on that stage. You dont get the feed off the energy of anybody else. You dont get the beat up on little marco are lying ted, theres nobody elses wife. The call ugly on. Its just you and another human being. The problem also when youre talking about staying locked in if i was you know, if its basketball, im like, look, biden, stay locked in for 90 minutes. You cannot let up on this guy. You got to stay locked in but because theyre so close and because the mics cut off, i do not believe that when the mic cuts off, donald trump is going to cut off and my fear is that, that may pose some presentation difficulty for the president of the United States because his heart is hill to communicate about afghanistan, Foreign Policy gaza, health care. When you have somebody yelling over here, the bodies cant hear, but it sounds crazy to you. And i think that type of closeness, just aesthetically and presentation may pose some issues for the president does bear in mind remember in the last debate when he said, will you shut up, man, that was one of those elements that went really viral and made biden look a little more vigorous, a little more. He was kind of channeling the inner thoughts of a lot of people watching. But if you cant hear what donald trump is saying that he wants him to shut up man about. Maybe that changes thing. I mean, bear in mind donald trump came up in the world of television. Television is a medium he understands and excels at. What will be a challenge for him, i think is that donald trump does best when he gets to be in kind of celebrity donald trump mode apprentice donald trump mode. And this is very president ial, this is very historic, much more significantly traditional one. So itll be curious to see how does a question to my three republican france for a second. Sure. Im intrigued can donald trump talk substantive policy . For 90 minutes . Thats he had the ability to do that i dont think so i think cashflows is a democrat quickly on the conservative, but i dont really call mazola republican anymore look, i think hes going to try to be really disciplined for the first 20 minutes, 25 minutes, right . And then hes going to feel like he ate his spinach. And now he gets to have this desert and start and hes going look the way i think about this is hes never been able to stay on script unless hes actually reading a script, right hes also historically the first debate are always go badly for incumbent president s because they spent four years is a president and no ones, everyone saying yes to them and above the law, donald trump has spent four years at maralago surrounded by an entourage that tells him everything he says is brilliant. So he hasnt been criticized from eight feet away in the last four years, the last eight years, except on a big debate. So i think theyre both eminently rateable. You can just eating get under the skin. The problem is Christmas Point is how does it look when joe biden or donald trump perfectly legitimately says off camera, will you shut up . And no one has any idea i think i think thats an important part though. Its not just the audio, its a visual debate. The split screen tonight is going to be important if youre a candidate talking to a Television Screen like what do you think is going to dont make that amino but if thats how youre talking it will look strange to the American Public. So when people break the rules, i think its important to be able to show that pitcher because that was one of when you go back and rewatch the debates this is dedicated my life to doing this week, you see that oftentimes biden would look directly at the camera when when trump was speaking a lot and chattering and zero, he would just look directly at the camera and say, okay, it doesnt matter what my family or his Family Matters that your family it seemed to be an effective method, but drug let me ask you something. Were just learning, which is married trump, who is Donald Trumps niece . She isnt a strange niche is by no means been a fan of history, wrote a book incredibly critical of him weve just learned that she is going to be here in this spin room tonight, not on behalf of the trump family, but she is joining the Biden Campaign as a surrogate. I dont think delta will be surprised to know that shes not supporting him. But but what do you make of the fact that that shes coming out here and she saying in a quote tonight thats seen as just obtaining shes in atlanta to remind everyone who donald trump is as a person and how he would rule as a president because the stakes are far too high. Married, trump says for us to get this wrong, and she says that he cant be a now allowed near the levers of power again, i dont think its going to matter for republican voters, and i would go as far as to say that some of trumps supporters, but frankly see it as trail. I mean, this is a nice, youre going against your own Family Member, whether you like and monod perhaps this is something that you should deal with behind closed doors. But i wanted to Say Something about president by and this is, i think one of his greatest strengths and assets the president has a very, very unique ability to showcase compassion during turbulent and uncertain times. Weve talked a lot about the Economic Conditions. We talked a lot about immigration. And i think President Biden could have an opportunity if he so chooses to talk to directly to the American People about understanding where they are i think he has an opportunity to say because of my age. Yeah, ive slowed down a little bit, but ive seen a whole lot of things. I do understand what it takes to rebuild when things are sort of faulty and shaky. I think he has an opportunity to articulate to the American People. I may not be here to see what the future is going to look like in the next 20 years. But i can help be a part of the process to guide the nation to that future sure that can be a very, very powerful moment for the president. I think that would resonate deeply with a lot of independent voters and a lot of moderate republicans. Yeah, well see what it looks like. Obviously, therell be watching closely tonight at one of the earliest debates weve ever seen, thats remarkable in and of itself, ever in standby because we are counting down to this president ial debate here on cnn. President biden has arrived here in atlanta. We are waiting for, for President Donald Trump and his plane to touch down. Any moment well be tracking all of this live also the key issues that biden and trump are going to try to capitalize on. They each have different priorities that they want to make sure voters are them talk about on that stage that youre seeing right here, well talk about that. After a quick break debate in america as biden that trump meet and only cnn has complete coverage with unrivaled access and exclusive pre and post of beat analysis follows cnn for every countless moment followed to beat night in america, tonight, its seven ps youre introducing neds plaque psoriasis he thinks is flaky red patches are all people see. 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Thats where hes going to stay until the debate get acclimated with the setup with the podiums with this area, and also have some time to talk to his senior advisors and prepare right ahead of that debate. Now, as we have been reporting, donald trump has been spending the last several days in maralago. He is expected to have a rally tomorrow in virginia. But what he has been focused on is conversations that is how donald trump has done his debate prep while his team has said they dont use the word preparation when it comes to donald trump, it is very pretty clear that they are taking this debate very seriously. Jason miller, one of Donald Trumps closest allies, has been running point on this debate preparation, and that means setting up or raise entering and sitting in on various policies sessions from everything from how to answer questions on abortion to add our answer questions on democracy, particularly Donald Trumps role in january whereas six, what he has said since then, including what he said about pardoning individuals who are involved in an insurrection on that day. Now weve also learned from these senior your advisers, if they have drilled down to donald trump at the most important thing that he can do is focus on key issues for voters. Theyve identified those she was particularly through polling as the economy, particularly inflation, as immigration, as crime rates. These are things they think what will resonate with voters and donald trump has a message that he wants to send. That message is where you better off under my administration, particularly when it comes to the economy or are you better off now . And that really goes to the heart . Part of what we know tonights be a historic moment because we have never before seen a former us president on the stage with a current us president. And both of these teams are seeking to contrast the administrations that they have already had their records, that they believed that they have already proven. Now, of course, the outline buying factor here is who donald trump is at his core. We know that President Biden is planning attacks on donald trump. And the question is whether or not trump reciprocates those. We talked about we see at these rallies when he has these crowds of supporters he really doubles down on nasty personal attacks against not only biden, but his family. Will we see that tonight . Spoken to a number of allies and donors in particular who say they dont want to see that, they dont want this to get into mudslinging. They think that donald trump will actually be able to appeal to the voters who needs to appeal to by talking about messaging, we talk about those voters he needed its to appeal to your talking about the number of voters in the middle who are likely to determine this election. Thats what they want to see from donald trump when he takes the stage lets see what happens. Kristen holmes reporting for us. Kristen will be checking back with you frequently to be sure. Any moment now we expect Donald Trumps plane to be wheels down here in atlanta. Were going to bring that to you plus, the messages were hearing right now from close supporters of President Biden and former President Trump in the hours before and tonights debate. Thats also coming the most anticipated moment of this election. And the stakes couldnt be higher president and no former president , one stage moderated by jake tapper and dana bash. The cnn president ial debate tonight at nine live on cnn and streaming unmet in official message for medicare about fraud treene knee brace from my medicare number Medicare Fraud can happen through text call or email. They try next hello, im calling about your medicare you are looking live right now as dollars ill trumps plane has just landed here in atlanta, georgia. There it is taxing down the runway that comes after we solve President Biden land not too long ago. Hes waiting at a nearby hotel until he makes his way to the debate hall where he is going to be meeting with, of course, is top advisors as hes preparing for this debate has been at camp david for several days for for President Donald Trump has also been somewhere you dont typically find him this time a year at his Maralago Club in palm beach, florida. Normally hes at his new jersey clubs, reporters who covered him know well, during the summer months, but he has been there because it was a more seclusion, airy space for him to be thinking about debate prep. You wasnt around everyone. It lunches and dinners like he typically is at his clubs. It does show how differently the two of them. Sure. Michael have prepared for this moment but in how theyve been approaching it, where it would joe biden, they used it with present by using air an airplane hangar at camp david movie theater. They set up with lights and outfitted it to look look similar to what the debate stage will look like tonight to really get him prepped for this obviously thats how President Biden is known to prep intensively, donald trump take a different tactic hes still been doing debate prep. It hasnt been that informal based on based on what weve been hearing from his aides and allies. But it will maybe show up on the debates stage tonight, how they prep for the mics for the no audience. Two things that neither of them have ever done before. I mean, look, depending on the questions it will show whether or not a candidate has a command the issues. When i worked for mitt romney, it was a very thorough debate process. Newt gingrich, a very thorough debate process for these were two men who were interested in the nuance as a pop policy. President trump, i dont think as one whos interested in the nuances of policies and that will show when there are questions about china, where there are nuanced questions about russia i expect President Biden to probably do better on some of those issues when there are more nuanced questions about monetary theories of biden decides to get into that about the economy, most voters bint care but what hes showcases people watching, this is someone who i can trust to do the job, whether i agree with him on everything or not, and i think considering how close this election is going to be, jonah keeps bringing up the very slim folks in the middle. I think those people are more astute. Theyre typically more educated. They do care about someone who has more nuance and has a command of those Critical Issues because they want to be able to trust. But you can lead the country forward in a very critical time and its doing it without notes. And i think thats we havent talked about that yet, but there has been a lot of criticism for joe biden for always having notes and needing something to rely on because he cant remember tonight is a test. He will have 90 minutes where he will talk to the American People, where he will have to go from his memory about the issues. And if he gets nuanced and can really say show a command, as you said, of the issues that can help well, some of the some of the concern that these voters have about joe bidens age. Thats a great point. And also donald trump himself uses a prompt or when hes on sometimes he often, he does go off prompter, which maybe some of you would like for him to not. There will be obviously, no prompter for those candidates tonight. And that is a really big impact. Checked on this, but this is just the candidates themselves and what theyve rehearsed and been prepared to do. But no other assistance. And also during the two commercial breaks, only to break so theyll have this whole 90 minute stretch. Makari none of their advisors can come up and talk to them and say youre doing a great job, or you need to fix this. Its just them with their thoughts. And i think i mean, i think the preparation is key and i do know for a fact just talking my friends around around biden world how they changed scheduling, et cetera, because of the time of day the debate is and how he appearing for this intently, how he prepares for the day of being president. And i think one of the things were going to go back to the presentation because when youre talking policy and you have someone give an answer that although you may disagree with, you can also juxtapose that again, somebody whos browsing utter obs, right . And that may be the splitscreen image like, i dont necessarily agree with donald trump in this position. I mean, excuse me, job out in this position. But i dont know what donald trump is even talking about for me. I know youve been watching debates. I spent a lot of time im in the old world of the 44th president of the United States. And i remind people like our colleague David Axelrod how they got there behind, kicked by mitt romney in the first debate, it was clinical, it was surgical the way that mitt romney thoroughly destroyed one of the smartest man i knew because mitt romney was more prepared form. And mitt romney actually put that preparation forward somebody who we thought barack obama could just go on stage and beads gods gift to debate got smacked around. He didnt do it the second time he performed better and so i do think this preparation is going to really matter in this debate, we shall see if donald trump is taking this series in that both can be rusty for this. And of course, another thing wolf that were watching as Donald Trumps plane has just pulled up and landed here in atlanta is who gets off the plane with him . We do know the first Lady Joe Biden will be here accompanying her husband. She is expected to join him later on stage at the end of the debate were another thing were watching is to see which Family Members are accompanying donald trump on this trip here tonight for this historic debate, wolf well, we know one Family Member who wont be accompanying donald trump tonight. Were going to talk with her in just a moment. This on the cusp of tonights debate, theres a new surrogate right now. Get this for the Biden Campaign and actual member of the trump family, and shes joining us right now. Donald trumps niece and frequent critic of her uncle, mary trump. By mary, thanks. Very much for joining us you say youve witnessed your uncles quote, and im quoting now, narcissism and cruelty, your entire life. Why you come . Coming out for biden right now and why did you feel it was actually so important to say all this right before this debate tonight and show up actually here in atlanta well, first of all, well, thank you so much for having me and i just want to make it clear. I have always been a huge supporter of President Biden, and ive been saying for a long time, i believe that this is the most important election certainly of my lifetime. And i think this is a Perfect Moment for me to come out publicly not just with my supportive President Biden, but to send a very clear message to the American People that we could not make a more egregious mistake than letting donald trump, again, anywhere near the levers of power. By the way, very were showing a live picture of your uncles playing with just landed did here and hartsfieldjackson Atlanta International airport, we expect him to be walking off that plane momentarily. Well show our viewers that when that when that happens, weve heard as you probably have heard as well, supposedly about a more subdued donald trump showing up to tonights debate. Given what you know about your uncle, can we keep that up for now . 90 minutes absolutely not. I think some of the conditions of the debate that his team agreed to well make . The situation even worse for him. Having his mic muted not having an audience. All of those play to his weaknesses. And i think it as the debate continues, especially as President Biden shows up completely prepared to run circles around much inferior candidate, donald will not be able to contain himself for that long. Were still trying to confirm where Donald Trumps immediate family will be tonight. Mary were wondering about melania ivanka, jared kushner, his soninlaw, if any of them show up, what does that say to you . Do you think first of all, well show up i have no inside knowledge of that, but i think weve seen over the last many months that they dont seem interested in supporting donald in any active public way. That doesnt mean they wont show up. And if they do, i honestly dont think it means much. All of his relationships are transactional and it would simply mean that they are keeping all of their options to open. So i dont make much of it at all either way do you plan to hit campaign with President Biden in the days, weeks, and months ahead. And what can we expect from you . Over this coming period i i am available to help the Biden Campaign in any way i can. I would be honored to be of service to them in any capacity but outside of that, ill continue to do what ive been doing since the 20 before the 2020 election to speak out against donald i he is authoritarian wannabe, he would be terrible for the future of this country and its citizens as hes proven, time and time again. And President Biden is the man for our time and i will do everything i can to make sure as many people as possible. Support him as much as i do mary trump. Thanks so much for joining us thank you. Caitlin. Were showing our viewers as you will ill know these live pictures over at the Hartfield Jackson Atlanta International airport. We expect to donald trump to be walking down those stairs momentarily this is a huge huge deal thats coming up at this debate tonight. And it potentially could set the stage for an eventual outcome of the actual 11. Its going to be watched by tens of milk billions of americans indeed, people all over the world will be watching as well. Caitlin yeah, wolf, its more eyeballs than either of these candidates have gotten. Probably in this entire Campaign Season as theyve both been battling it out with relatively stable polling. As weve seen obviously, one thing thats different about this debate that weve emphasized is there is no audience here. So you will not see the typical huge line of surrogates and allies that are seated in the audience for these candidates, but they will have some that they are bringing with them. They will be here the spin room after the debate to talk about their respective candidates performance. And so thats one thing im watching is we see for President Trump in moments come down these stairs is whos accompanying him on this trip are members of his family with him . We obviously know members of his campaign that had been down with him at his Maralago Club in florida, are going to be there with him and they are indeed on the plane with them. Theyve been rehearsing and practicing as theyve made their way here to atlanta, georgia. They will other thing wolf course is the second contest thats happening tonight is the veepstakes that is still very much playing out. We heard a few days ago, Donald Trumps say he does believe life hey, cli, the person he is going to be on the ticket, the person who is going to pick to be on the ticket with him will be accompanying him on this trip. Therell be here in the spin room. We know governor doug burgum and north dakota senator jd vance of ohio, senator marco rubio of florida, three names that have been mentioned repeatedly. And the last several days are expected to be here to spin on Donald Trumps behalf. No word yet of if hes actually selected one of them to be his running mate though wolf. So all of this is, obviously well be watching the main show that two of them on stage tonight. But all of this is also a key part of the campaign as well. I want caitlin, youve covered trump now for the past several years and youve watched him closely were you surprised that his niece, mary trump has now not only endorsed biden, but it is actually shown up here at this debate to speak out so aggressively. In favor of bidens election and wolf, i remember when married trump first came public with her criticism of her uncle. You can hear a crowd at the airport right now chanting is donald trump is about to get off his plane. I should note, but, but mary trump came out and she was she eviscerated trump. She was everywhere. She was on cable news she was doing interviews. And those are questions we posed to donald trump when he was in the white houses as President Trump, to his aides because it was remarkable to see a member of his family come out and be so heavily critical of him. Obviously, married trump has continued to do so. She has written books about it as have other people and his orbit and talked about this. And i do think thats another part of this that could come up tonight is when you see donald trump and his aides descend these stairs, he also has a slew of former advisers, cabinet officials, his own Vice President , who served with him, mike pence, were going against him for the gop nomination, have criticized him and said he should not be back inside the white house. Thats another thing we could see President Biden bring up on the debate stage tonight, wolf, because hes used it in campaign ads against donald trump. Those who around him and our closest to him and as you just interviewed mary wolf there and that fascinating moment that now since criticized him and said he shouldnt be back in the white house im wondering, i caitlin give me your thoughts when he walks down these theres he has now landed his at the atlanta airport. Hes going to walk down a small crowd of trump supporters, as you know, has gathered at the airport on the tarmac over there do you think the former president is actually going to go over and talk to these people a little bit. Do you think hes going to make the statement to the media which are there, or you think hes just going to get into the car . And drive off we may see some retail politics. Well, if i mean we saw that when President Biden landed here earlier, he made an unexpected pit stop. He greeted some supporters of his before then making his way over to the hotel where of course he was waiting and hanging out until he makes his way over here to the debate hall donald trump soon when he got off of his plane, whether its at a rally or even when he was inside the white house and he was pulling up and white house events. And there would be a crowd gathered. They greet local officials typically when they get off the plane and then they go and greet their supporters, one thing i should note, wolf as you saw the current mayor of atlanta and the previous mayor, keisha lance bottoms, who was now working as a surrogate for the Biden Campaign greeting President Biden when he got off air force one the governor here, governor brian kemp, that you just interviewed in the last hour, wolf is not expected to be there, greeting former President Trump. They havent spoken in quite some time ever since. They had incredibly contentious relationship and a major fracture when kemp didnt do what trump wanted to do, wanted him to do to try to help overturn the Election Results here in the state of georgia so thats another factor as youre looking at trump arriving here in georgia, it was just a little over a year ago that donald trump was here when he was indicted in the Georgia Election interference case, had his mug shot taken. Thats about three miles from where im sitting right now. We were here covering at all. So there are just so many layers to this arrival here, wolf to seeing donald trump is he is preparing to come here to debate joe biden on stage and just a few hours from now caitlin, i want you to stand by. I want to bring in right now one of Donald Trumps Vice President ial contenders are republican congressman from florida, Byron Donalds thanks so much, congressman from joining us i know youve arrived. They support trump big time what does a win for him look like tonight well, wealth is good to be with you. I will tell you success tonight is crate creating that direct contrast between the terrible agenda of joe biden and a successful agenda when donald trump was president of the United States, you have to clear contrast in a way that mistake nine, were seeing the former president get off the plane right now, hes about to walk down those gears, but hes waving to a group of supporters who have gathered there on the term act. Im im curious to see if hes actually going to go over there speak with them, shake some hands talk to the media a little bit. So hold on one second was we watched this unfold congressmen discuss this in a lot more, in just a moment, but lets see what lets see what he does right now as hes getting down these stairs. And lets see if he walks over and see some of these supporters. Are those right to the car, to the limo, and drafted hes gotten to the hes not going to go to the supporters, has got his van right there. So congressmen, what do you think that what are your expectations for tonight i think donald trump is going to be very clear. Hes going to be very direct to the American People about what his agenda means in their lives on an individual basis, what it means for our country overall, what it means for our standing in the world and you dont have to look very far to look at the stark contrast. Were looking at what joe biden and Kamala Harris have done with the United States are standing around the world has fallen there are conflicts across the globe. Inflation has ravaged the purchasing power of so many americans, especially working families and seniors on fixed incomes and then you look at our border, the drug cartels have operational control over our southern border trafficking millions and millions of people and deadly fentanyl into the streets of america. The pitcher cannot be starker. Donald trump has the prescription to save our country as you know, a congressman, President Biden has argued that trump is only working for himself, not working for americans. If trump lists his grievances because including about his criminal trials will prove biden right tonight well, actually, if anybody is going to be bringing that stuff up, wolf, its going to be joe biden because he has nothing else to talk about. Hes got nothing to run on except what he wants. So spring up in terms of slides against President Trump. If youve watched a president on the campaign trail, he has been focused on the American People. Of course, he brings up what happened in lower manhattan, his Constitutional Rights were violated in that courtroom. Thats why everybody believes that case is going to be overturned. But at the end of the day, he has been laserfocused on the American People. Its joe biden that wants to go back for years and talk about january 6. Joe biden was to talk about these these threats to democracy, which frankly joe biden is the one thats bringing to our country we see trumps vehicle leaving the airport and are driving away from the plane from the tarmac and heading to where i am right now here at the at the site of the president ial debates hes gonna be heading over here, fare very soon for this major debate tonight. As you know, congressman, this week, trump asked him of his supporters, if he should be nasty, are nice during the course of this debate, what do you think . What advice would you give him . Should he be nasty or should he be nice well, ill tell you, i think hes going to be hes going to be direct. Hes going to present leadership. And when the time comes where hes going to have to push back, hes going to push back. And if the time comes back where he needs to push back hard, hes going to do that too. This is not about naughty or nice. Were not talking about christmas presents here. Were talking about leadership for the American People. Hes going to demonstrate that mantle of leadership thats what youre going to see the night from donald trump. One quick final question. Do you want to be his running mate of course, who wouldnt listen. Im in into to make sure number one, we win this election. But number two, we save our country. We got the best country a world. Obviously we have our own problems, but we are the best thing going today. It is a shame was happening to america right now, we can do better and ill tell you this, whether its me or anybody on that list. Itll be a significant upgrade over Kamala Harris republican congressman Byron Donalds of florida. Thanks so much for joining us thank you. And let me bring in our panel thats here with me in atlanta and jamie, lets talk a little bit about this historic night right now. What should we be looking for . What are you going to be looking four, once this debate actually gets underway, i think its the things we dont know. This surprises are they going to shake hands when these two men come together . What will the energy be in the room . Weve heard we know that the mics will be muted thats not so good for donald trump because he likes to interrupt, but there are other ways to interrupt. I think we all remember when he debated Hillary Clinton and they were sitting on two stools and he started walking back and forth. So you dont need your voice and donald trump is a showman. He will figure out how to get attention. Does it go shake . Yes, i do think theyll lets see. I think also we could just take a step back and wolf there. Let me so many voters tonight who have been tuned out of politics have really not been paying attention to anything that has happened in the last four years may have their impression about what joe biden has done an office now by basically what he said, but may but some thing a friend as said, are made have not been a painting bandaged, doing that trump has done over the past four years. It may have forgotten would the Trump Presidency is like those in for vose voters, often called in political terms low information voters are going to be key targets, of course, for trump and biden can trump appear president ial alleviate the concerns of some of those . Voters who are concerned about his character. Theres bombastic, they didnt like. And for biden concerns about his age, his ability to do the job. Can you show them that he can stand there for 90 minutes and deliver a convincing argument about his vision for the future that is gonna be the key test for both them because were gonna be so many new voters who are tuning in tonight, who will be weighing in for looking at other its time hes got real constituency or work to do biden does hes here in georgia this is a state that he won by about 12,000 votes in 2020. Its a, its an electorate that could be Something Like 30 are africanamerican. You saw him there on the tarmac when he arrived the royalty of the black are Political Class in atlanta and so hes got to figure out how to bring those voters back in higher numbers to the democratic fold. Also, young voters, latino voters, and also suburban women voters. Georgia is real, i think a real test case or him can he do that kind of work here tonight and its obviously what trump has to do. Two, hes got some constituents during see work to do to reaching across the aisle, trying to get some of those independent voters in sort of nikki haley voters were disaffected with him primarily on grounds around his morality and his character his temperament. How does he do that tonight . And i think you can actually pull out monitors point even further. Its not just low information voters will all or low propensity voters. I think its voters generally, right . People have been very tuned out. People have been very apathetic. Theyre there are a lot of reasons why it has been a dramatic and really difficult last 34 or five years for a lot of people who arent excited, at least according to polling, by a significant margin. Written about the candidates they have and about a rematch this is the moment, tens of millions of people where they want it to or not are going to be watching tonight because they want to know theres a very real possibility, particularly theres a second page scheduled. We dont know necessarily whether or not its going to happen. Theres a lot of chatter on both sides that this may be it. This may be the last final best moment for both of these candidates to demonstrate not just trying to get away from perceptions that they believe are inaccurate, but also they have dramatically divergent policy lets see positions and what they believe the next four years should look like. This is an opportunity for both of them tonight. But more importantly, its an opportunity for voters to see these individuals, not clips of them, not snippets of them, not what they remember from 46 years ago to see what they wanna do. You know, jamie, it was noticeable that when trump got off the plane and walked down those stairs, he walked down by himself. I didnt see melania any other Family Member walking down. And when he got into that vehicle, he got into that vehicle by himself. Yeah. Weve seen no family thus far. We have no reason to believe that melania is going to be coming. He did Something Else when he walked down the stairs where were replaying it now, hes looking down at those dues and very simply when he walks, he stops, he does the fifth thing, but and hes back watching every single one of those depths. We have to old men here, not just one ive talked a lot about joe biden being gold donald trump is two. Im hearing. I reached it. Think too about 20 or 20 25 sources, republicans and democrats to ask them what they thought about tonight, particularly biden sources, they are worried, they want a knock out, punch. They want biden to trigger trump to get under his skin and they want him to talk about democracy in peril that hes a convicted felon twice impeach january 6 one thing i heard from both sides, theyre both nervous about debates. I was just going to read one last thing one source sent me this. Remember dan rather . Theres famous quotes quote, i feel more nervous than a longtailed cat in a room full of rocking chairs by everybody. Bye. Theyre all watching. Yeah. Yeah. It looks so much of his gonna be stylistically how he responds, because biden trump was going to lay out a number of attacks against joe biden. Of course, will biden does go through a laundry list of things, respond to each charge thats not actually what democrats or thats not what operatives say you should do. We should respond. Maybe one thing and then turn an attack back against donald trump. That is a much more effective debates strategy. But what do you see so many times especially incumbent president s when they come in, they get very defensive right away. Theyll go back and lay out a laundry list of their accomplishments that is not necessarily whats going to create a debate moment because those moments oftentimes define the percentage of the keep saying, lets not forget tens and tens of millions of americans will be watching this vague, many of them are presumably undecided. Well see they make up their minds and how it goes. Everybody standby were just over three hours from the start of tonights cnn president ial debate President Biden, the former President Trump, are now both here in atlanta truck arrived just moments ago. Were back with gaurav are special coverage right after this so probably seen as hosting shark, shark his back. Who is the alpha male again asu about to get shug mike shams shark week hosted by me, john sina starts sunday, july 7th. 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This has been room after and i think the question is, if you are seeking to be Donald Trumps Vice President how do you get the how do you, how do you distinguish yourself after, after a debate, obviously televisions, his favorite media, you know, i think that it is, it requires a certain level of being a sycophant that i dont think im capable of doing it requires you setting aside most of what youve achieved or attempted to do that lane you tried to cut out for yourself . I think the best example of that is probably somebody like tim scott, who is a friend of mine and who has somewhat changed who we knew him to be throughout this process but its also hard because usually when youre attempting to get a job such as this, you want to at least have some relationship and know what that person is thinking when Kamala Harris went through the process, Gretchen Whitmer went through the process and i cant remember who the third possible candidate was, Kamala Harris, literally new job oh, biden knew his thought process, came up with them, knew his son, beau, and so it was those relationships that matter i personally dont think and i maybe wrong, but if i were betting, i would say that Donald Trumps not going to pick any of them i think that is going to be a wildcard. I think donald trump pick somebody like ben carson who he has an amazing relationship with. I think he pick somebody like Sarah Huckabee sanders, which is also somewhat of a wildcard and i think that if he was serious about winning, he picked nikki haley, the one who terrifies most democrats though, was marco rubio. Well, obviously fundraising is going to be a huge part of whoever it is. He pigs, axios is reporting about the rnc holding a fundraiser in a watch party. The tickets are going for 10,000 per couple couple 25,000 for a seat at a table with a trump surrogate and all thats playing out as hes also very interested in who is going to boost his ticket, maybe not with voters, but certainly at least when it comes to fundraising, i look at this in two ways, caitlin, i think you need someone who can boost donald trump in the eye. Because of some swing voters who may not maybe skeptical of him. Maybe theyre not comfortable voting for him, but with the right person whos moderate, the right temperament they could say, okay, ill vote for him. I think thats why i chose mike pence, not only because of evangelicals, but pence did for a lot of conservatives bring a level of calm to trumps chaos with that said, i do think you also want someone who can raise a lot of money and donors who dont like trump were skeptical of trump, who are slow to come on board would probably be more comfortable with someone like rubio with someone like a doctor arsonists, i think trump has to be careful with whomever he chooses i mean, you mentioned mike pence. It is notable, mike, what happened to mike pence it doesnt seem to give any of these these candidates pause. Ive spoken at least senator jd vance about that and he was downplayed what happened to mike pence on january well, in the mike pence experience, has made donald trump say that loyalty is one of the most important things to him. And thats why i think when youre looking at the boxes that these folks have to check in the great apprentice Vice President ial addition that were going to watch unfold loyalty, the ability to be a fighter, and the somebody who looks good on tv, somebody who fills the role who looks the part. I think thats what hes going to be looking for. So that could mean somebody like a doug burgum who comes to the table with a great deal of business success. We know donald trump thinks that thats very important. The state of north dakota is actually been doing great. He has an interesting record to run on there. He would be a steadying hand in addition to the fact that he again, these is kinda this alternate universe mitt romney type character now. But does that hurt him though . Is he going to be as aggressive out there as somebody like a jd vance are in Elise Stefanik who has been known for going on eva and being more of that kind of pitbull in his corner a difficult crazy. Is that none of that was it that they could be the president. United States Donald trump is 78yearsold and whoever is his president ial pick could become president. And thats not a part of the conversation, which is, i think hypocritical in the republican were getting closer. We got to standby, take a quick break. I do hear everyones thoughts on the veepstakes as we will see them here behind us in this room is were getting even closer to the president ial debate tonight, up next, the messages that we are hearing from both campaigns, those fine no messages. Well ahead of the face off tonight the stage is set for the most anticipated this election. Biden trump, the weight only cnn can bring it to you. The cnn president ial debate to that end, i live on cnn. And streaming on max youve founded your Kayak Company because you love the ocean, not spreadsheets you need to hire. I need indeed. Indeed, you do. 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Com, youll find inspiration and real patient stories helpful tips, reliable information, and more. Cid p can be tough. But finding hope just got a little easier. Sign up and shining tcelebra is in america thursday, july 4, they 70s dirt on see it in this is debate night in america. Right now were closing in on the first ever face off between a current and former president of the united didnt states. Joe biden and donald trump. Now here in atlanta, after touching god just a short time ago, as they ready themselves for a truly historic cnn present the ventral debate. Welcome to our viewers here in the United States and around the world im wolf blitzer in atlanta candidates will find themselves preparations are now underway for the earliest general Election Debate that weve ever seen in us history. Its a rare chance for both candidates to get to speak directly to voters and their concerns and also maybe land some attacks that could reset or at least shake up this race that has been relatively stable so far. This hour were going to take you inside the campaign. Does we are counting down to this unprecedented event. You are watching debate night here on America First off this our President Bidens plans to take on former President Trump tonight on the debate stage, cnns mj lee is gathering some new information for us right now. What are you learning mj well, well President Biden is here in atlanta. We are waiting for him to make his way over here to the cnn studios. Weve been talking so much over the last week about the debate preparations at camp david, but we should also talk a little bit about just how closely the biden team over the last few days, but has been watching the trump team and everything that they have been saying about their own preparations. Theyve certainly taken note of the fact that the former president and allies of his have been talking about how little time that he is actually spending on debate prep there havent even been formal debate prep sessions and advisers have told us that they basically dont buy that argument, that they actually think that the former president has been doing a lot more debate prep, and he has been lighting on and that this could end up resulting in the president being up more disciplined and more on message than some people might actually expect. Theyre also very keenly aware where of the abrupt shift in tone that we have seen from President Trump and others close to him about the expectation setting for up President Biden for once the trump team has been attacking President Biden for being physically not all they are mentally not all there can even stand on the debate stage for 90 minutes and they are aware the biden team, that in some ways the trump team has helped to lower the bar for him. But of course, they are very much hoping tonight that all of the intensive debate preparations will really pay off and that he will do more than just clear the bar j we heard directly from the first lady earlier this afternoon. What did she say about tonights debate yeah, thats right. Wolf she will of course be the biggest cheerleader for President Biden tonight, and she will be one of the Family Members that will be joining him at the debate. We heard her earlier basically asking americans and asked i think viewers to yes, Pay Attention to the policy, Pay Attention to the substance, but also Pay Attention to the person that her husband is. Take a listen i want you tonight when you seen a vote debating, i want you to hear joes words. But those of all, i want you to listen to his heart much joe cares about barricades and we know wolf that the biden Team Preparations at camp david have included getting the president ready for potential attacks and insults against members of the president s family . Of course, i should remind everyone thats still very fresh for the biden family is the news from earlier this month that the president s son, hunter biden, was convicted on three felony gun charges but certainly all of this just gets to the broader point that the biden team has been trying to prepare for anything and everything that could be thrown. The president s way tonight, well see if trump throws any of that his way out will be watching very closely mj lee. Thank you very much. I also want to check in with cnns Kristen Holmes right now. Shes covering the Trump Campaign first, kristen, how is the former president of preparing . With less than what, three hours to go until this debate well, donald trump just landed in atlanta. He and his team, he was surrounded by some of his top advisors, Chris Lacivita, susie wiles, jason miller, who has been running point on the debate. They headed into the motorcade and they should be here at the debate. Cite any minute now in terms of what they are doing to prepare, we are told theyre going directly into the room that is designated for trump and his team. Theyll continue to watch the debate coverage. The lead up, and they will maintain conversations about what to expect later tonight according to one aid, it is now all on the former president s shoulders. Theres not much else, but they believed that they can do to drill into him ahead of this debate course as we know from these senior advisers, they have in enormous amount of time focusing on things like immigration, like crime, like the economy and particularly inflation. They are hoping that donald trump, lulu we use that messaging when he takes the stage and it was interesting to hear mj talking there about jill and what a supporter and cheerleader that she has been 4 President Joe Biden noted billy as he parted his plane that hed flown up on from florida, there was one person missing, Melania Trump, the first former first lady. Now its not that surprising when you think about the fact that the entire time that donald trump has been running for president , which he announced back in 2022, that she has only appeared at one Single Campaign event and that was the launch event at her maralago home. However, this is because a significant moment when we talked to Anyone Around former President Donald Trump, they will tell you that he understands how significant this moment and how gravity, the gravity of time that we are in so interesting, of course, to see the contrast between joe biden and Melania Trump Kristen Holmes reported for us, kristin, thank you very much for joining us now, ambassador susan rice, a former domestic policy adviser for President Biden. She also served as National Security adviser under president obama. She was the u. S. Ambassador to the United Nations as well, ambassador thank you so much for joining us as you probably have heard, trump will likely argue tonight that under President Biden two wars broke out in ukraine, as well as israel or hamas in gaza. And the border, the u. S. Border with mexico is a mess thats what we will here, presumably from a former President Trump how do you think a President Biden can best counter those arguments well, good to be with you, wolf. President biden will make the brock case that america standing in the world is much stronger than its been in a long time and certainly much stronger than it was under donald trump the reality is that nato is expanded. We have two additional countries. We have more cohesion and strengthen our alliances, both in europe and in asia than ever before. And the United States is back and you hear our allies every day say how grateful they are to have President Biden as their partner. Yes, the world is a dangerous place much of that is longstanding, but you want, when the world is a dangerous place somebody who is steady somebody whos committed to the United States and its interests rather than ones personal interests, rather than somebody who is erratic, who embraces dictators, who gibbs Vladimir Putin the sort of praise and encouragement to go and do what the hell he wants to nato countries, we need strong American Leadership and thats what but joe biden has provided and thats what hes going to continue to provide when hes reelected as you know, ambassador rice, some younger democrats in critical swing battleground states like michigan for example, have been very vocal about their disagreement with President Biden over his support for israel in the war against hamas in gaza. Should President Biden attempt to win back their votes tonight. And if so, how well President Biden is going to do what he has been doing, which is to make it clear that across the board whether youre talking about Foreign Policy or domestic policy, hes fighting for american interests. And for the interests of working families. He is committed to doing all he can to lower costs for american families. And we see great progress in Health Care Costs coming down and Prescription Drug costs coming down. Hes working to preserve the freedoms that americans hold dear from our Voting Rights to the ability of women to control what happens to their own bodies. And on the international stage, yes, hes been clear that we have we will stand with our ally, israel, but hes also been clear that it is vitally important that this war come to an end, that it is time for a ceasefire, that there be adequate and much increased humanitarian assistance, the return of the hostages. And that the threepoint threephase plan that the president laid out that the israelis proposed to hamas needs to be the basis moving forward and its now an incumbent upon hamas to accept that plan and the israelis two, to embrace what they have committed to and put forward on the table. That is what is essential. Wolf, if were to see this horrific war come to an end hamas degraded and defeated as it must be the Palestinian People having the opportunity to chart a future that they deserve as well as, you know, a bachelor rice trump has often said that he says it all the time. That he had a better relationship with some of the dictators. Theres such as Vladimir Putin or kim jong un, and that they would listen to him if he were president. Once again, what should president binds response to that argument . I suspect we will hear that from trump later today. What should binds his response be . Well, if you want to be buddies with kim jong un and Vladimir Putin that is not the way to serve american interests. Vladimir putin has indicated, and demonstrated time and time again that his ambition is to not just take ukraine and as he tried to take georgia years ago and not just to take crimea, but to take all of ukraine and then move into europe and nato territory and the western alliances united and clear that we cannot allow that to happen. We cannot caudal putin. We can not compromise with putin. We cannot give putin the green light that donald trump has given him to do whatever the hell he wants with nato that is reckless and dangerous and its characteristic of the kinds of erratic leadership that weve seen so much out of donald trump that we just cannot afford ambassador susan rice. Thanks so much for joining us thanks for having me wolf and up next, how the battle over abortion in america could play a big role. Potentially. And tonights debate, stay with us the most anticipated moment of this election and the stakes couldnt be higher the president and the former president , one stage are two very different visions for americas future. The cnn president ial debate to 99. Live on cnn. And streaming unmet next, theres a power within each of us when awakened, you can boost performance, enhanced learning, even help you work smarter. And you can unlock it with one simple thing better sleep software provides that with her luxury mattresses handcrafted with premium materials in our american factories. We even delivered to any ruling for free sought for, you deserve the comfort of a great night sleep a us bank and we say were in it with you. We mean it matches further good stuff the grand opening celebrations but for all the hard work it took to get there. We are in for all of it its tough for sure. But less tough when you have the right people by your side. 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You just got whether tax body lets get dirty dr. Worryfree with these American Made products, whether tech. Com celebrate, go forth in america thursday, july 4th, they seven eastern on see it in closed captioning brought to you by thunder shirt, constant gentle pressure for a calmer pet. If your dog suffers from fear of thunder fireworks, separation, or any other anxieties, thunder shirt can help thunder shirts find it. Retailers like pet smart and petco tonights debate is coming. Justice the Supreme Court today voted to allow emergency abortions in idaho for now when a pregnant Patients Health is at serious risk. Of course, we have looked at that abortion ban. Their idaho has one of the nations strictest abortion bans in the United States this ruling though, is temporary. It leaves a lot of unanswered questions. Is the case is now going to go back and work its way through the lower courts here to talk about all of this and the dynamics that decision has on the debate stage. Should i is ralph reed, who is the chairman of the faith and freedom coalition, where we just solve 4 and President Trump speaking over the weekend and its great to have you because i just from your perspective, weve been talking from the political aspect of what voters want to see, what they want to see when it comes to evangelicals and seeing donald trump on debate stage tonight. Do you want to see him call for a National Abortion ban . What are you hoping . He says about that on stage . Well, we support both federal and state protection for the innocent unborn. I mean, our position is that an unborn child is a member of the human family and it has a right to life that cannot and should not be infringed. We also thank caitlin and this is in the Republican Party platform and has been for over 40 years that aid unborn child is protected under the 14th amendments guarantee that no person can be denied or infringed life or liberty without due process of law thats our position. Its in the party platform. Now. Weve had Dobbs Decision two years ago, almost. Well, this week week. So thats changed everything. All right. And what the president has said, meaning trump, what President Trump has said . Is it was. The liberals who federalize this row, federalize this for most of American History, it was decided by the states and by the Dobbs Decision, states now have a right to do that again. And thats his position. I have no problem with that position because i think the reality is whether youre prochoice or youre prolife thats where the action is the prochoice side is qualifying these initiatives and referendums and trying to get their way. We are passing prolife bills. Weve done it in 24 states. Keep going. Caitlin. Its called democracy. Thats what democracy looks like, saying the voters in each state should, should right . Decision. But weve seen how democrats as ive talked about this in President Biden himself has talked about it a lot and theyve said, if donald trump is reelected, he will sign a federal abortion ban into law because people who support him want to see that. But is that something that you believe is something he should call for on the debate stage . Well, its something that we clearly support. I mean, i like to see him wed like to see protection of the unborn at the federal level and the state level. And we dont want to see states like california, illinois, new york pass laws. And this is joe bidens position. Lets be clear about this. He supports a federal bill that would allow abortion on demand for any reason at any stage of pregnancy, including the eighth or ninth month including after the child can feel pain including after the child can survive outside the womb. Now there was a time caitlin, when democrats called that infanticide people like Daniel Patrick moynihan called it infanticide. He also wants to use tax dollars to pay for those abortions. Yeah. Under medicaid. So his position is the radical and extreme position. I know you dont you dont agree with him at all . I dont expect you to write. I will note that that eight and nine month abortions are incredibly rare. I mean, we just spoke to kate cox about this, who had to leave texas to go get an abortion. And she wanted to go or family she talked to all painful. It actually was for her to have an abortion when she did, but she had a fetal anomaly that that was going to have her for babies survived maybe a week after it was born. And so when you look at this and we talk about the blowback politically for some republicans and certain ballot measures that have been on the ballot after rover this is waiting by of return. Thats been a difficult line performed. President trump to walk and how he talks about that, because there are some states, my home state of alabama that dont have a lot of exceptions. Some of them have no exceptions whatsoever. Some dont have it for incest only for the life of the mother, right. Politically though, is arent you worried theres going to be blowback . For a ticket for republican candidate this fall because of those no, im really not because the president has made it abundantly clear. He takes the same position. Ronald reagan two which is the three exceptions of rape, incest, and life of the mother he thought, what about states that dont have those says it should be up to the states. How do you square that . He has his position . But he also said this is what democracy looks like. And im not worried about the initiatives and referendums and ill tell you why you go back, caitlin, and look at the exit polling and ohio were they one what i think is a pyrrhic victory. I think ultimately will succeed in passing tougher prolife restrictions and ohio, but they want about initiative. It was quite surprising and the exit polling shows that one out of every four trump voters voted for the initiative in kansas, it was even higher than that so let me tell you whats getting ready to happen theyre qualifying initiatives in arizona, nevada, and florida at a minimum, theyre trying to get these on the ballot theyre gonna be turning out trump voters who tend to be more prochoice than say im, or my organization theyre going to vote for the initiative and then theyre going to vote for donald trump its not going to help joe biden at all. And let me tell you what else is going to have you think theyll come out to vote, but theyll still vote for donald trump. But dont vote for the measure, but theyre also vote for donald the polling is clear on it. And not only that katelyn, but trump will be able to say when he goes to those states im the one who gave you the right to vote on this. He wants to deny you the right to vote on this hes the one who wants to pass a federal radical and extreme pro abortion law would repeal all state restrictions and set it at the federal level. So you wont get to vote on it. Yeah, he wants to codify the federal right to an abortion, which was overturned by the Supreme Court, will see how these candidates talk about it. Its one of the issues thats nearly guaranteed to come up on stage tonight, ralph reed. Thank you. You for joining us. Thank you. Great to have you and also coming up. Were going to get alan moore analysis from our top political reporter is were now in the final moments before donald trump and joe biden. Biden will meet for the first time in four years. This is debate night here in america. Stay tuned beit 19, america as biden and trump meet and only cnn has complete coverage with unrivaled access and exclusive pre and post of beit analysis. 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This now just a few hours before our debate gets underway, are political experts are joining me right now with more analysis this is a let me start with you. This race has been stubbornly close for months and months and months. Our latest cnn poll a polls, ill put it up on the screen. You can see trumps at 49 by 47 among likely voters out there. What needs to happen tonight to change that . Wilson, theyve got to have breakout moments and theyve got to address their weaknesses. The primary weakness that biden has is about age, but it is also about questions around on the economy, questions around immigration and questions around crime. And you know that donald trump is going to go hard at that. The questions that donald trump has to answer an address have to do with his character, his moral standing january 6, his authoritarian tendencies. Hes got to figure out a way to get voters who were skeptical of him along those lines to come back to him in so many ways, the voters who left him in 2020 though, trump, to biden voters so hes got to figure that out. Well see you i think whoever has a breakout moment can they capitalize on that in the weeks following the debate, right . Because were going to have a 90 minute debate tonight and people are going to mostly in just this through clips and analysis it come after, right . And its going to be moment so theyve got to figure out a way to not only have breakout moments within to capitalize on that Going Forward, campaigns will be spending a lot of money with advertisements of highlights as they see him during the course of this debate, jamie, i want to play for you in our viewers some of bidens social media video thats coming out right now underscoring a key contrast thats going on listen to this, watch this dictator hiring dangerous threat to democracy. I cannot in good conscience endorsed donald trump we dont take an oath to a king or queen. Would a tyrant or a dictator. We dont take it off to a wannabe dictator. He worked with him he knew him. This man is unfit to be president as second term would be more dangerous than first fusion paying and Vladimir Putin, kim jong, not there fully prepared to take advantage in a job and yes, i do. Regard him as a threat to democracy these are all some of trumps former advisers. And this is a Biden Campaign video. Write it said, the question is 20 is point. Does this resonate . Does it keep getting played and does it appeal just to biden voters or will it appeal to undecided voters . Weve talked a lot about the double haters, people who dont want trump or biden the question is, will that change someones mind . There is no question that trumps behavior is baked in. Its become normalized. So i think a big question for joe biden is, how does he persuade people . That they need to remember that . And thats whats coming. That its not overstating it. Zen time motto, the Trump Campaign released an ad making front of bidens age and his fitness. Im going to play a clip for you when you think about the joe biden you saw on the debate ask yourself a question. Do you think the guy who was defeated by the stairs got taken down by his bike . Most of fight with his jacket. And regularly gets lost, makes it four more years in the white house and you know, his weight, right vote joe biden today Pamela Harris tomorrow you think were gonna hear and see more of that from trump tebor. Well, i mean, that is a brutal add. Im sure were going to see a lot more of that along the airwaves over the next couple, several weeks, basically suggesting that biden will not survive in a second term in office. That is how this this debate is going, but it really also shows the trump has been the expectation setting. Theyre saying that joe biden cant string two sentences together yet at the same time, also calling him an effective debater that is going to affect the perception of how joe biden ultimately does and proud zubaida good benefit from that. Actually more votes according to polls, believed that trump will do better tonight, then bidens of biden exceeds those expectations. Perhaps a lot of voters will think that he is capable of serving another four years. So this expectation setting can cut both ways against trump. Can we just quickly add that also has a dog whistle . About common law yes. You cant get past it. And also the production value that music that is social media that is tiktok, that is from trumps perspective, a brilliant, brutal, devastating, but a brilliant ad for going viral on social me. The im sorry. Yeah, i think youre going to see more of that. Heres the Kamala Harris point. I think its going to land with a certain segment of voters. This dog whistle thats very, very loud, but there are voters who really, really like Kamala Harris for is right and would love to see her be president in some of these polls early on, she has higher approval ratings. Then joe biden. So you know, its sort of cuts both ways. If youre a young voter, if youre an africanamerican i can vote or if youre a woman voter, maybe you say Kamala Harris wouldnt be so bad. Were gonna thankful what i think is interesting about it is i dont think the people that theyre targeting and the things you hear from people that are tied to the campaign in an advisers that republicans on the outside as well saying talk about the economy, talk about immigration, talk about crime why like, i get it. And i think jamies point is actually critical here. The trump operation from a social media pr perspective, and their ability to use influencers when we look at the subgroups that joe bidens coalition is lagging right now. Young voters is one of those coalitions. I dont know if these are the reasons why, but these are things the go viral on the places where people get their news. And so i think theres an effectiveness in that sense, but i also dont think that for the seven states and 58,000 people that are going to decide, at least based on the 2020 numbers, whos going to win this election . When you talk to people around him, thats not necessarily what they want him to go. The one thing i would say about that though, is hes not going there. The campaign is outside. Groups are outside advisers are. And so theres some value there. I think youd look at the Biden Campaign and what theyre willing to say about donald trump theyve been much more aggressive than they were in 2020 theyre much more aggressive on the types of platforms or on what theyre saying, what theyre willing to say. Johans not going to do that. Thats not a its not who he is and he wouldnt do it to begin with, but b, they have one level of separation. I think thats why youre seeing the weight playing out. Borden posard, everybody standby. We have a lot more to discuss trump and biden are already taking swipes at one another as we just saw on social media today insights on how personal attacks might get tonight were watching all of this as we watch debate night in america the most anticipated moment of this election and the stakes couldnt be higher. The president and theyll form for president , one state moderated by jake tapper and dana bash. The cnn president ial debate tonight at nine live on cnn and streaming on max greetings happen. Purity. Yeah, thats not good. Happened huge things happen happened with three chop early prime day deals at amazon. Com meaning response to the trade rumors we keep praying about. We talk about lumen not thats right. Not its right. We talked about moving. No. Thank you. You could use opendoor sell your house directly to them. Its easy. 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From cnns president ial debate here, i have someone here who knows firsthand what its like to debate for President Donald Trump and carson did so and 2016 then became one of trumps closest allies and also one of his cabinet secretaries the former housing and urban Development Secretary and retired neurosurgeon joins me now. So dr. Carson, its great to have you here because you do have experience debating donald trump. You know what its like to be up there on the stage with him. Everyone remembers the republican primary in 2016 in a 2020 debate, the first one against President Biden for President Trump became quite personal. He went after his family. I wonder if you think when you see donald trump on that stage tonight, you want to see him stay away from those personal attacks when hes debating joe biden theres so many good things that he can talk about in terms of the economy during his administration. Crime during some illustration, the border during his Administration Interest rates it was just a lot of good things to talk about. So i dont think it will be necessary to dwell upon those so you do believe itd be more helpful if he talked more about the issues than Say Something thats more personal, President Bidens son, hunter biden, for example. Im hopeful that they both will take advantage of this historic situation in which we have the two administrations juxtaposed to each other. You dont have to think back many years. And you can compare the policies and see where theyve taken us yeah. And obviously, everyone iwe on stage, when you were competing with him and the republican primary, but he even lobbed personal attacks against you as well on the issues here. Obviously, abortion is expected to be a major one. This is the first time weve had a president ial debate since the Supreme Court overturned roe versus wade. Obviously we saw that major decision from the Supreme Court today allowing those emergency abortions in idaho when it comes to how trump is talking about abortion though. And the three Supreme Court justices that he put on the court he often says hes proud of them, but then sometimes distances himself from the decision to overturn roe versus wade deal you think hell take credit for that tonight . What is that going to look like on that debate stage well, i would say they will have to wait and see, but you know, what he has done . Is trying to bring vicks situation back to the state level, to the level of the pico and their representatives, which i think is what the intention was of our founders rather than having mandates proclaimed nationally so i think thatll be good. I suspect he will also pivot to the area of extremism because there are some people who advocate abortion right up until birth and as a pediatric neurosurgeon who operated on lots of premature babies i can tell you 252627 weeks gestation baby. They feel pain then when you reach into the uterus and pull them apart, they feel that. And i think we need to help people to understand whats actually going on and come to reasonable conclusions. And thats why its better at the state level. Because you can talk with the representatives and what the people who fashion laws yeah, weve obviously seen other states that are extreme in the other direction where there are no exceptions for rape or incest. For example, obviously, we do know that will be a major topic dr. Ben carson. Thank you for joining us on what we do expect to see on the debate stage pleasure. Thank you so much my panel is back here with me in the spin room where all the surrogates and other people whose names are among those including dr. Ben carson, potential Vice President ial picks for donald trump when it comes to what he wants to see on the debate stage tonight show, michael, he was the saying that he believes theres so much for donald trump to talk about, whether its his record or President Bidens, that he should stay away from the personal insults dr. Carsons, right. Im biased. I worked for dr. Carson im dr. Carson, but governor kim said the same thing in your interview with him yesterday, that theres a lot of potential for the president to make his case to the American People and issues of the economy, immigration and including Foreign Policy i mean, i think some americans are a big concern about chinese aggression. What will the United States response be to china in their economic brick system and their attempts to devalue the dollar. Business leaders do care about stuff a flight that. So those an Incredible Opportunity to speak to the nuance of those issues and how they have implications for the American People at the lower level all the way up to our wealthy ceos. Yeah. I mean speaking of the personal attacks me, he wants compared dr. Ben carson to a child molester. I mean, that is how ugly the 2016 primary republican primary fight got with donald trump, azo, we saw the National Enquirer or publishing headlines out not just marco rubio and ted cruz that has gotten a lot of tension, but also dr. Ben carson as well, who is now one of his top surrogates. Yeah. So look, i would think about this. I think theres very little chance that biden is going to have a chance the ability to really energize his own base in all this. He can reassure them, right . He can make some wavering people come home but i dont think hes hes gotten them to fire up the base, you know, as the ability to fire up the base for the democrats is donald trump and he could have answers tonight where he gets personal, which will make a lot of democrats, but rally that biden be defensive. A button as kristen wiig can tell you he has all sorts of potential landmines on answers about abortion abortion is an issue, is going to have coattails for biden, not the other way around and if theyve been practicing as much as they claim, if he hasnt prepared a bunch of ways to try and get that out of trump than these going to fail tonight anyway. And its not even just abortion. Its also ivf its access to medication, mifepristone. Remember, donald trump told Time Magazine in april that his plan for mifepristone would be coming out. That analysis ultimate never came. I mean, these are Big Questions that voters of both political stripes want answers. And on the stage, hes not gonna be able to wiggle out of it as easy as he may have been in past experiences. So this is going to be a debate that i think is more about. Do people get reassured that bidens all there, that trump can be president again, those sorts of things. But that doesnt mean that no substance is going to be important and theyre going to be ways that if candidates flubbed things like donald trump flooding something on abortion, that thats going to turn into an ad that we are going to see over and over and over again from now till november, it might not be a flood, but it will be hypocrisy energy tonight to your point, energy, energy, energy, thats where we begin at 4 00. Joe biden has to bring that energy on this stage tonight, even when hes talking about issues like abortion luckily, you have brought the energy this entire everybody has. You guys have been amazing. Im going to get the tequila and we watch a good debate tequila will be added here ahead and mute for cars a team biden surrogate is going to be coming up next with what they expect to see on the debate stage. That is georgia senator Raphael Warnock in here as we are inching closer and closer to that historic showdown tonight the stage is set for the most anticipated event of this election. Biden trump the weight only cnn can bring it to you. The cnn president ial debate tonight at i live on cnn and streaming on max introducing allison black psoriasis she thinks or flee gray . The roll people see oh, tesla is the number one prescribed pill to treat plaque psoriasis oh, tesla can help you get clear skin and reduce itching and flaking with no routine blood tests required doctors have been prescribing you tesla for over a decade oh, tesla is also approved to treat Psoriatic Arthritis dont use our tesla, if youre allergic to it, serious allergic reactions can happen. 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Its just six doses a year after two starter doses, cbs allergic reactions may occur, can fire, may increase your risk of infection the lower your ability to fight them tell your doctor if you have an infection or symptoms 4, if you had a vaccine or plan to emerge as you emerge trim fired, ask your doctor about trim via 799 months. Gaul but need 77538388 or visit home serve. Com. Celebrate. Go 4 is in america thursday, july 4 at 70 on cnn just a short time from now, youre going to see something that none of us have ever seen before, no longer. No matter how long have you been watching politics, paying attention closely, paying attention to those president ial debates weve never seen a former president and a current president go headtohead on a debate stage. But that is all going to change tonight when we see the rematch of donald trump and joe biden on stage, they will be eight feet apart, as we know inside that debate hall, when all of this gets underway panel is back here with me and kristen salt to sanderson as we are looking at what tonights going to look like, there is a very small amount of voters that donald trump and joe biden are trying to appeal to. And i think its an a nuance of what theyve been prepping and what thats going to look like in a moment of how theyre reaching out to those its photos. I mean, we know Donald Trumps bases with him and bidens base may not be energized for him, but theyre still not going to vote for joe biden over are for donald trump over him. How did they make that that outreach on issues like immigration, the economy abortion, as you write that, tonight, is going to be an opportunity for for these two men to talk to the sort of voter who is not been following, say trumps legal troubles very closely, who is not been following the news de, in and day out. Theyve been out living their lives. And so now the reengaging as we get closer and closer to november with this big blockbuster moment and so for those lower engagement voters, those are the types of folks that have actually been more in Donald Trumps camp. He does quite well with the type of folks that dont. All didnt watch the news, but know that donald trump has been good in business or those sorts of thing thats what i hear in focus groups from these lower engagement voters. Theyre gonna be tuning into night to see does donald trump show up and do something entertaining . And his joe biden show up and demonstrate that hes got it all together. I think when i was on the campaign in 2020, i ran the Coalitions Department and thats about like pat stitching together a quill of all the different communities in our country from seniors, to young americans, to africanamericans, to immigrants and that is a challenge. Joe biden has to speak to tonight. I think that we are saying perhaps that theres a Smaller Group of voters that joe biden needs to speak to. And when i hear that and i shouldnt assume, but when i hear that, i hear like nikki haley voters, i think if thats the only people joe biden tries to speak to tonight, thats a mistake he needs speak to his base. They arent going to vote for joe biden, but as bacardi always says, they could stay home on the couch. And so today is the day to start to get the people ready to make a plan to go vote november, whether youre super excited about joe biden or not, you will do what you have to do to ensure donald trump. And thats what the timing of this is. So interesting is that this is what, this is the earliest president ial debate weve ever seen a lot of voters start paying attention closer to the election when theyre like, oh yeah, ive got to vote for whoever is going to be the next president. This is happening so much earlier for them to be tuning into paying attention to yeah, that was smarter. The Biden Campaign to do that, they needed to change the narrative change of the direct trajectory most theres never been president ial debate in the general election prior to the second week of september, i think. So. This is like telling people, hey, you got to Pay Attention now, get an aware about early voting. And obviously, one of the states that biden one and 2020 that donald trump lost, which was historic and of itself is the one were sitting in right now, the state of georgia well if thats been a key part of what weve been paying attention to Donald Trumps relationship with republicans here, but also how the Biden Campaign is using the representatives of this state as their surrogates. This time around. And georgia obviously emerging is a battleground state itself im here, caitlin now with democratic senator Rafael Warnock of georgia. Hes a National Advisory board number for the Biden Harris Campaign senator. Thank you so much for joining us as you know, the Biden Campaign is hoping that tonights debate can reset the race in their favor. What do you think the president needs to do to accomplish that tonight well, thank you so very much and welcome to battleground georgia. Listen to president does not need my advice, but ill tell you this. Ive been moving all around my state and people of the people of georgia understand that theres so much at stake to hear. The good news in this moment is that this is a binary choice. The difference between these two men could not be more stark the difference is between the man who has spent his whole life, i think in many ways and formed by his own deep sense of loss and pain serving people. And another man whose only thinking about themselves oh, and hes especially focused on himself now that hes living under this cloud of all of these criminal convictions and charges against him. The American People Going Forward someone who will be focused on them and who will be focused on ordinary people that man is is joe biden hearing your home state senator, a new atlanta so journal constitution who shows President Biden support among black georgias slipping 260, 9 compared to 88 back in 2020. Why do you think President Biden support is falling among black voters here in georgia well, i can tell you as somebody whose name has been on the ballot some five times and less than three years, that the polls dont tell you as much as the people do. The only poll that really counts is november 5th and i think that the people of georgia gonna get it right, black voters are going to get it right after all. Black wealth is its up some 60 . Since the pandemic weve seen the narrowing of the racial wealth gap in part because this is a problem because it then who had the courage to cancel student debt. Ive been in rooms all across the state. Wolf and every time i asked a question that ive been asking lately heavy you had your student debt canceled or do you know someone whos had their student debt canceled . I havent been in room yet. Were hands have not gone up. So what weve got to do between now and november is what i do every sunday i am im still the past of ebenezer church. Ive preached the gospel, which literally means good news, even though it was good news, you got to tell it sunday after sunday at one while at the same time continuing to build on the progress that weve already made. So what youre seeing, senator, how ship President Biden make that clear to voters, what should President Biden say tonight . Stage to make his case . And really try to solidify his support with black voters well, first of all, hes running against a man who is an existential threat donald trump is a plague on the american conscience and the american nation and black voters in particular, ought to be concerned that the oval office could be occupied by a man who took out a full fullpage ad condemning the exonerated five used to be the central part five. These young teenagers of a terrible crime. They did not commit. And when they were proven to be not guilty the hes hes never apologize for that. Hes never come around joe biden is running on his record. Hes running on a record of canceling student debt of passing. The largest tax cut for middle and working class families in American History. And donald trump is literally running on his criminal record as if thats a reason for black voters to vote for. Nothing could be more insulting. And at the end of the day not only are based are people who george and i believe the American People are going to get this right because theres so much at stake i want you to listen to senator, to what a republican i can senator, one of your colleagues, republican senator tim scott, said about the fact that he, scott is a top contender to be trumps running mate. Listen to this we southerners gets so little credit for the progress weve made. The whole notion of judging a person on the colleague talks about ellipses as republicans often do, dr. Kings quote, that you ought to be judged not by the color of your skin, but the content of your character went when it came down to it donald trump handpick a Football Player who clearly was not qualified to be the senator from georgia, i think based on the color of his skin, it was a kind of cynical, racialized move. At the end of the day black voters, the voters of georgia saw straight through it and im the sitting junior senator representing the state of georgia and weve seen this movie before. Donald trump might try it again. He ought to remember what happened the last time. One interesting note, to do, Atlanta Journal constitution. Senator, also shows only 12 of young voters aged 18 to 29 support President Biden in your home state of georgia, is that a major alarm bell for President Biden . And what does he need to say tonight to try to turn that around . Im just double this well, listen that at the end of the day we need a president whos centers people rather than themselves and i think voters, regardless of their age, ought to ask themselves, well what vision is donald trump laying out when we were focused on trying to cancel student debt he chaired the fact that the Supreme Court, with many of his nominees i canceled canceled the president s original plan

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