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Well, thank you. And thank you for mentioning the first responders. The community has been fantastic. First responders are real heroes and heroines. Thank you, anderson. We wish you the best. The news continues right now. I want to hand it over to chris. Cuomo prime time starts now. Thank you, anderson. I am chris cuomo, and welcome to prime time. The gop primary for governor in kansas should have been a hohum race, that is until President Trump got involved and went against the gop incumbent in favor of kris kobach. Yes, that State Official who helped trump with that fugazi voter fraud panel. Well, the race is now a hotbed of controversy. It is too close to call. Then kobach declared victory. Then his lead was cut, and an official is blaming the Secretary Of State for getting it wrong in favor of kobach. The Secretary Of State is kris kobach, and his office would oversee what seems like a certain recount. So everyone is talking about what he will do. We are talking to kris kobach. Hell be live in a moment. Also the death toll from Hurricane Maria in puerto rico just soared. It is now more than 20 times what the government told us it was in december. Why is the truth only coming out now, almost a year after the storm . And why Isnt The President saying anything about it . Those are americans down there. Also a State Of Emergency declared In Charlottesville ahead of the First Anniversary of that deadly Unite The Right rally. How are we doing 12 months later . D. L. Hugly joins us with a message he says you wont like, but you need to hear. Its my birthday. Not bad for 61. Lets get after it. All right. So were talking about an election that pits a trump loyalist against the sitting governor, the same party, and the margin is razorthin. 91 votes currently separate the two. So either way youre looking at a recount under the law there very likely. But theres one thing. One of the candidates will be in charge of that recount. That candidate is kansass current Secretary Of State kris kobach as i told you in the open. His opponent is the sitting governor. He is asking kobach to recuse himself. Will secretary kobach accede to the governors wish . We have him right now. Welcome to prime time. Great to be with you. So the obvious question is are you going to recuse yourself . Yeah, i actually i think i gave him the idea. I said to the press a day or two ago, i said theres really no point in doing it because the Secretary Of State doesnt actually have any role in the counting of provisional ballots or in any recount. Its purely sort of a titular not about whether theres a law that says you have to step away or whether or not you have direct control over it. Its the semblance of impropriety. You know, its what seems fishy, and thats really the standard that Public Officials should adhere to. Weve made crimes like the new bar for Public Officials. It should be a little better than that. But the reason i ask you about whether or not your offices role is the same in the main count versus the recount is because shelly harms, the Thomas County clerk, she says that they counted 522 votes for your opponent and that she showed a scan the kansas city start the form that showed 522 votes. Yet somehow when it got to your office, it became communicated as 422 votes. That smells bad, does it not, mr. Secretary of state . Well, if you put it in context, it smells normal. Every year there are at least a dozen clerical errors that happen in the transcribing. So we do this the oldschool way, and most states do it the your favor versus your opponent, it smells bad. Thats why you shouldnt be in the position for the recount. It just seems like a nobrainer to me. I dont know why you had to wait for colyer to ask you to recuse yourself. It just seems like a nobrainer. Well, you should think through this, chris, because the majority of states have elected secretaries of state, and they oversee the elections in which they are running. So by your logic, you should never have elected secretaries of state because they are overseeing their own elections. And i understand that you have to add a fact, though. The fact is this race is razorthin in its margin and its going to go to a recount. You know, it doesnt matter if you wind up winning by eight, nine points. You got to factor that into the context also. Ity dont think that its an endemic problem where all secretaries of Sate Microsoftta sanctioned when Chris Cuomo asks the tough questions to newsmakers in Washington and around the world. Them since the year 2000. These are convictions, which are the tip of the tip of the iceberg. Most dont result in convictions. On top of that, looking at 21 states saw 8,100 cases of Double Voting. If you extrapolate to all 50 states, it increases exponentially. You cant. You can do the same analysis. No, because its not math. Every states different. You say okay. Lets [ Overlapping Voices ] i just want to make one point for clarity for the audience. You were presented with evidence. You didnt find evidence. You didnt do investigating. And we looked into your numbers obviously in preparing for the interview when it came in. The 1,000 convictions, first of all, you want to talk about context. You had a billion votes since 2000. So youre talking about 1,000 convictions. When you look inside that ub in, i believe you got it from the Heritage Foundation. That report includes misconduct by Election Officials and other insiders. Its not about voters who are not legal or Double Voting. Thats about this whole thing, every type of basket of conviction you could get within the voting system. Thats not what you were supposed to be looking for. The total of the thousand or so convictions, yes, it includes some misconduct, but that is a tiny, tiny slice of it. But its just from the heritage founddatiation. The panel Didnt Investigate and find. You were given this by the Heritage Foundation. These are facts the commission was assembling. Its fact as far as the Heritage Foundation is included. And the 8,400 instances come from the lets talk about that. Go ahead. What the commission would have done if we had continued and not been hobbled by the lawsuits is you would take the same type of analysis that the Government Accountability institute did and you would apply that to all 50 states. Youd do the same analysis for 50 states that they had done for 21 and then you get a picture of the total number of Double Voting, which by the way is a huge crime. 8,400 cases in those alone. My office has the authority to prosecute voter fraud. Weve prosecuted about 13 cases of voter fraud in the last 2 1 2 years or so, three years now. And in that time, we have 11 cases of Double Voting and two cases of aliens registering and or voting. Kris, the president put you up to this commission to prove his theory that millions of people voted illegally in his election. Actually, that was not the there was never any proof of that, and you know of it. You might be governor of a state soon. Shouldnt you own Something Like that so it doesnt just stay as a cloud over your head forever . Okay. First of all, the commission was never charged with investigating how many votes were Cast Illegitimately in the president ial election. It was looking more broadly at the issue of voter fraud. And secondly, the total number of votes cast illegally in the 2016 election is certainly a very large number. One of the things the commission might have we dont know what it is. Can i continue . Please. Go ahead. One of the things we might have looked at is the number of noncitizens who vote in the elections. That is a very substantial number. Now, in states like kansas, the number may be in the hundreds or thousands voting in any given election. But in a state like california, the number is going to be much, of larger. In a state like texas, much, much larger. Thats a guess. So those are some of the things well, the commission would have actually done the research and used Government Resources to actually look and get some actual data on the table. I mean it surprises me that people on the left are always simply saying nothing to see here, nothing to see here, dont look at voter fraud you keep bashing it as the left was coming after you. Meanwhile an email comes out that one of the people on your staff was looking for someone to help out who was conservative and christian. It says right in the email. So dont make it like it was some fools errand on the political side, like the left was coming after you. Your own commission was looking for someone pretty confident that hes conservative and christian too because thats what you want in a bean counter, right . That wasnt a conservative and a christian. That Wasnt Commission that email wasnt a staff of the commission. Who was she . But the point is we were talking about the larger context. Who was she . The larger context is people on the left i cant even remember the persons name who said that. I do. The larger context is that the people on the left people who dont think voter fraud is a problem. Lets use those terms. People who dont think 2 Million People voted in california and there was no need for tax dollars to go out there and try to prove we have a problem with voter fraud and we dont. That was the supposition. Listen, Secretary Of State, i dont want to go down a rabbit hole. A thousand is not a lot . I dont know what the number is. I could pull out a number. 15,000, 18,000. [ Overlapping Voices ] you dont have any proof of it. You got presented with studies by these are convictions. Im talking about a thousand convictions. Im asking you, is a thousand a big number . Obviously its going to be about the context. Id want to know the cases. These are documented cases, documented in the court records. Right, and they also include all types of election workers, not the kind of stuff that you said you were going to find, listen, Secretary Of State, youre always welcome on this show to talk about what you find, and i want to talk to you when we find out what happens with your election as well. Youre always welcome to make the case. All right. Thank you. Good luck to you. All right. Devin nunes in the news. Its no question that hes been a loyalist for the president , but the chairman devin nunes is the chairman of the powerful House Intelligence Committee. He was just caught on tape actually trying to undermine the mueller investigation. Remember what his job is, his oversight job. Youre going to hear the recording ahead. Here comes the rain. Chris Cuomo asks the tough questions to newsmakers in Washington and around the world. If you look at a real catastrophe like katrina and you look at the tremendous hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of people that died and you look at what happened here with really a storm that was just totally overpowering, nobody has ever seen anything like this, what is your what is your death count as of this moment, 17 in. 16 people certified. 16 people certified. 16 people versus in the thousands. So in the thousands would be a disaster. Different order of magnitude. So what is he going to say now . Well get to that in a second. 16 never made sense. Neither did 64, not if you were on the ground like we were and so many at cnn and other outlets. So much of puerto rico was shut down. Medical care was compromised. Medications were in short supply. Basic water was spotty. There was power almost nowhere. So we were skeptical, and we pressed and tested power. And trump and his folk fought back calling it well, you know what they called it. Fake news. Despite the Fake News Media in conjunction with the democrats, an amazing job is being done in puerto rico, trump tweeted. The Fake News Networks are working overtime in puerto rico doing their best to take the spirit away from our soldiers and first rs, responders. Shame. Shame is right. Shame on him, especially as reporting and studies started to show what we all suspected. The death toll was way, way wrong and underreported. In november, cnn surveyed 112 Funeral Homes finding that Funeral Home Directors and staff had identified at least 499 deaths. Then what happens . In may, you get a team from Harvard University and researchers. They published a study, and they said in the New England Journal Of Medicine that their as a matter of fact was about 4,645 deaths. Now we know the current estimate from the government, and it is over 1,400. And as for the journalists who weathered the storm there and spent weeks covering what was obviously an inadequate government response, called out by trump as liars, then what do we learn . Well, fema puts out a statement just now in july. It says it was understaffed and underprepared for last years hurricane season. The agency said, quote, Fema Leadership acknowledged that the agency could have better anticipated the severity of hurricanes irma and maria, and that they would cause longterm, significant damage to the territorys infrastructure. So now we know. Its not 16. It was never 16 or 64. Its 20 times that. So what does the president say now . Nothing. He doubled down when he thought he was right. But now he wont man up now that we know he was wrong. He wont even show respect to americans who lost loved ones. Instead, he had a White House Deputy put out this statement. Theres only one official count, and the actual counting of disasterrelated fatalities is the local responsibility of puerto rico. The whole of government remains focused on ongoing recovery and preparedness for the current hurricane season. You know what that sounds like . Fake news. Information thats not complete, and its done to distort and to deceive. And theyre not going to come on here and defend their position. Why . Because im too tough . Shame on them. Its not about tough. Its about truth. Trump owes the truth. The truth he denied to the people who paid with their lives and those who were left in horrible conditions in puerto rico until today. We will not let it go. We will not forget. All right. Our next story. You hear what trump pal devin nunes admitted to on tape, right . He is the chairman of the house intel committee, who seems to think oversight means something very unusual and potentially dangerous. We have the secret recording that exposes trumps bodyguard on the hill, and were going to take it up in the great debate for you right after this. Well, esurance makes finding the right coverage easy. In fact, drivers who switched from geico to esurance saved an average of 412. Thats auto and Home Insurance for the modern world. Esurance. An allstate company. Click or call. You might or joints. Hingmpany. For your heart. But do you take something for your brain. With an ingredient originally discovered in jellyfish, prevagen has been shown in Clinical Trials to improve shortterm memory. Prevagen. Healthier brain. Better life. Come hok. , babe. Nasty Nighttime Heartburn . Try new alkaseltzer pm gummies. The only fast, Powerful Heartburn Relief Plus Melatonin so you can fall asleep quickly. Oh, what a relief it is so the chairman of the House Intelligence Committee, devin nunes, confirmed what many have suspected to be true that his real mission is to protect the president from the mueller investigation. Dont listen to me. Listen to him. If sessions wont unrecuse and Mueller Wont Clear the president , were the only ones, which is really the danger. Thats why i keep thank you for saying it by the way. I mean we have to keep all these seats. We have to keep the majority. If we do not keep the majority, all of this goes away. You hear the forks and knives. I wonder why the people werent saying to imhad, what did you just say . Anyway, is that what hes supposed to be doing as an Oversight Position . Oversight over the executive branch . This is the making of a great debate. We have nina turner and mike shie shields. Nina turner, do you believe that what devin nunes was saying there is worthy of censure . Well, chris, its certainly no surprise what he was saying. Nunes has had the propensity for telling the truth about how he really feels about this president from, you know, giving him information when they were doing the russia probe right in his own committee. You know, he served on the transition team, and he also advised the trump campaign. So im not surprised at all that we caught the congressman telling the truth about how he feels it is his duty and the duty of all members of the gop to protect the president versus keeping his Oath Of Office and standing up for the American People and, as Congressman Lieu said, looking to see where the information takes us. Right. Im surprised. Mike, im surprised, not about the we need to keep the majority so we can protect the president. Thats politics. I totally get it. He was at a gop fundraiser. But its the first part. Its that its just about us. No, no, no, my friend. You are in an Oversight Position. As the chairman of a committee, youre supposed to be overseeing, not protecting. What do you make of that . Well, first of all, these are things that devin has said publicly, and, in fact, some of the things he said, paul ryan has said and no one even paid attention to it. But now we have a secret recording so it looks sinister to put a secret recording on television who said the job of the committee is to protect the president from any Bad Information or any bad action . Well, the job of the committee is to stop people like adam schiff, Whose Mission is to get the president. So when you have someone as partisan as adam schiff, who literally walks out of hearings to go talk to reporters and tell them Whats Going On, who does fundraisers all over the country saying the opposite thing. Weve got to get the president. I have evidence of collusion. He wont tell us what it is, but hes basically saying i have evidence of collusion of the president in a very partisan way, ridiculing the entire committee, turning it into a partisan circus. So devin nunes [ Overlapping Voices ] nunes wants to fight back but isnt he the one who went to the white house and gave them house . Absolutely. You stole my thunder. The chairman of the intelligence committee, him, had a press conference. Then he snuck over and went to the white house to tell all the information that he had in violation of the duties that he holds as the chairman of the intelligence committee. Come on. Who does that . Devin nunes does that. And it is wrong. Who walks out of a hearing, an Intelligence Hearing if you want the American People to believe credibly that theres actual, real oversight in congress, who walks out of an Intelligence Hearing to report Whats Going On in the hearing, portions of it, that will be damaging rhetoric for the democrats and goes back into the hearing as the ranking member, who would by the chairman if [ Overlapping Voices ] the onus is on the chairman of that committee not to go over to the white house, not to go over to the white house to tell the white house all the information that they had just gotten from that investigation. Why cant both of you have a point by the way . Hold on a second. Why cant both of you have a point that you dont like that schiff goes out and talk to the media. Nobody should be talking. You should keep it quiet to yourselves although he would argue i have to because these guys are lying to you, and that nina has a point, mike, that the chairman Shouldnt Be Playing Favorites with the white house when theyre trying to oversee the white house, which he did overtly and now made clear that thats been his mission. And what i would say is youre right. The House Intelligence Committee has turned into a partisan circus. I dont deny that. I believe democrats play two games here. On one hand they say the president colluded with russia. We have to take this investigation seriously. There was clearly russian interference in the election. Then they turn it into such a partisan fundraising apparatus, doing media hits, hitting the president so have you guys. [ Overlapping Voices ] but dh this is this partisanship has gone too far, so much so that theres no more loyalty to get rid of adam schiff. Well end the partisanship. And thats the problem. Nina, mike, you laid out the arguments. You obviously we have a partisan rift. There is problems on both sides. Only one of them is the chairman, though. I leave it to you at home. Get on twitter. Lets continue the conversation. You can find both of these good people, and you can find me. Ill moderate. Thank you to both of you for making the cases. All right. As you may know, we are coming up on the oneyear anniversary of a really, really ugly day in our history. White nationalists are now planning new protests to mark this anniversary, the one since the charlottesville horror show. The city is bracing for unrest once again. Comedian and political commentator d. L. Hughley says you need to hear the truth from him, next. Crisp leaves of lettuce. Freshly made dressing. Clean food that looks this good. Delivered to your desk. Now delivering to home or office. Panera. Food as it should be. Im at a time in my life where i wanna do business with companies who do right by me. 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No matter where or when you served, tmobile stands ready to serve you. Thats why were providing half off family lines to all military. You wouldnt accept an incomplete job from any one else. Why accept it from your Allergy Pills . Most pills dont finish the job because they dont relieve nasal congestion. Flonase sensimist is different. It relieves all your worst symptoms, including nasal congestion, which most pills dont. Its more complete allergy relief. And all from a gentle mist you can barely feel. Flonase sensimist helps block six key inflammatory substances. Most pills only block one. And six is greater than one. Flonase sensimist. The city of charlottesville, virginia, is on high alert for what may come this weekend. God forbid it does. But it is the First Anniversary of the deadly Unite The Right rally. On wednesday, states of emergency were declared for the commonwealth of virginia and charlottesville in the event that unrest breaks out at events in and around charlottesville and Outside Washington where this Unite The Right 2 rally is set to occur. Lets bring in d. L. Hughley, host of The Hughley Truth podcast. Welcome to prime time. Youre a comedian, but were not here to joke. This is serious stuff. I wish we could have a sense of humor about it, but i get nervous with occasions like this coming. Sure. Because i dont have a sense that this will be better this time. So i worry. It was weird to me to see White Supremacists walk ago round with tiki torches because those are the very torches that black people use to keep bugs out of our backyard. I didnt know they work on us too. But i think now we have a situation where we dont have even truth is suffering. There cant be a moral equivalence. Either its wrong to be hateful and to promote violence and apathy and to be angry and to believe in the supremacy of one race over another, or its not. And i think now we have people quibbling about it. Well, theyre just as bad as those guys, and these are just as bad. So if somebody oppresses me and i fight back, then im just as bad as the guy who was determined to take all my rights away . Thats where we are in america right now. You see that In Charlottesville how, by when the president said two things . When he said not all of them are bad people, and when he said you have problems on the left and you have problems on the right. Not just charlottesville, but the entire tone of the country. I just watched kobach, who was on, who is running for governor. And he talked about how, you know, he did the commission on voter fraud. Isnt it funny how he said there were thousands of people maybe a thousand people who fraudulently voted. Well investigate a problem like voter fraud, but not how many people get killed by handguns in this country. We know its 30,000 people. So a thousand people who fraudulently vote is a problem. But 30,000 people who get killed by guns is not. So even now we contort to make what we want truthful. We contort around all either theres a truth or there isnt. The bottom line in this country, it is wrong to be hateful and to lead people in hate and try to subvert other peoples rights and voices and to be brutal to them, or it isnt. Do you believe the president doesnt believe that . I believe the president is a wanton racist, and i believe that america is not uncomfortable with it. When you tell me 89 of republicans support him no matter what he does, ill say this. I cant say all his supporters are racist, but i can say them. For them, being a racist is not a disqualifier. But i think thats a high bar. Look, i said to you on your podcast today, do i see that white extremists and white power people and the requeqanon and t conspiracy crazies, that they have cottoned to trump . Yes. Is that a problem . Yes. White men dont get to decide what racism is. They were so bad at judging it every time it happened. They were bad at judging it during slavery. They were bad at judging it during jim crow. White people dont get to play this game. You dont get to decide what the rules are here. The bottom line is this. We have watched children being put in cages. And the very scriptures that they quoted to put black men in chains, they used to put immigrants in cages. Either its wrong or it isnt. You have Laura Ingraham on talking about even Legal Immigration. So lets not listen, i dont have a dog in this race except to say this. Now weve seen what side people have chosen. I can say this unequivocally. If barack obama were doing what donald trump is doing, then two things would happen. The nation would call for him to be impeached, and i would be his loudest opponent. You cant do to people what trump and the republicans are doing to this country. You would have called out barack obama if absolutely. Was saying what donald trump is . Not only would i call him out, i would do it loudly and every day. Why . Because right is right and wrong is wrong. Right is wrong, aright and wron wrong. Our country is being torn apart. There is a spirit in this country that is so foul, i dont even know if america i dont think we can come back from this. I know we disagree on this, not because im some pollyanna. I believe what do you see at the same time that you see a kris kobach saying whats not true . You see the media stepping up, checking him saying, this is whats true. Youre wrong. The president , we do it all the time. He does all this fake news b. S. , but we do it because there is right. There is wrong. The truth is a side too. Youve got the left, youve got the right, and youve got reasonable. We get to make our own truths up in this country. We get to hear what we want to hear. That doesnt mean there isnt truth. No, no. But it also means that we get to decide what we want to hear. Ill say this. I can tell you this, and ive gone all around this country. Ive played places every where. Now we get to make our own truth up. We get to decide like i watch People Contort and say, well, even if he did meet with people, there was nothing wrong with it because people do it every day. Thats a lie. When you say that the media is the enemy of the American People, thats a lie. I watched somebody on cnn last night say, i would believe trump over jesus. If truth dies, how can democracy live . Well, listen, im going to end it on that because i cant if you heard somebody say i believe trump or apologize us, then im going to concede the point for this night only. Wait a minute. My book. How not to get shot and other advice from white people. Now its a New York Times bestseller. Will you sign one for me . Its my birthday. Not only that, well do some other stuff. 58 years old. Like good, dont i . You got to have some black in you, im telling you. Thank you to d. L. Hughley. It is one of the four pillars of his immigration plan. Do you remember this chant from trump . We have to end chain migration. We have to end chain migration. Is the president really about to add his inlaws to the list of undesirable immigrants, and maybe his wife too . He may have to if he wants to own his own words. Facts, next. How can we say when you book direct at choicehotels. Com you always get the lowest price on our rooms, guaranteed . Lets say it in a really low voice. Carl . Lowest price, guaranteed. Just stick with badda book. Badda boom. Book now at choicehotels. Com oh oh ozempic® vo people with Type 2 Diabetes are excited about the potential of onceweekly ozempic®. 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But everyone knows you have a complete man crush on me. We have a bromance going on. And i have evidencevidence. Can we put up the evidence of that . So thats chris and i hanging out. Thats chris and i hanging out in the summer. I think thats kate behind us. Thats kate. Yeah, shes appalled by ma youre saying. I was like, chris, hang on, stop, boom, you planted one on me. You had a little bit of chocolate on the side of your face. You have always been good to me. You have a good man and you have a friend. And this is very nice. One of the beautiful things about being here at night is to have anderson then you to be working with friends like this, what could be better . Its a sandwich. Listen, this is about you. This isnt about me. You have one of the kindest people i know. And you love to hear yourself talk. And nobody loves chris more than chris, and if you dont believe me, ask chris. With friends like this no, but seriously, you and you have an amazing family. Youre a great dad. He takes me out on his boat. He teaches me how to fish like ive never fished. I grew up in louisiana. I know. I know. But youre a really good guy. Theres not a bad bone in your body. And, you know, you were just on with d. L. Talking about race. This man right here, everybodys got a lot to learn from him when it comes to race and diversity and having friends of all different backgrounds. And that says a lot about you. I got spike lee coming up. And the mayor of charlottesville. Very important conversations. Happy birthday, brother. I love you. What are you, 62 . Yes, 62. I havent had the work done like you. Your forehead all natural. Hes got a girdle on and all this stuff. When cowe come back, somethg happened on fox last night. I responded to it before it even happened. Theres a point it be made. Closing, next. For senior care. With daily laundry service. A place with a day spa. A place where seniors get the care they need in the comfort of home. Home instead senior care. 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Comcast, building americas largest gigspeed network. So, Laura Ingraham said something that you need to hear. Then some parts of the country, it does seem like the america that we know and love doesnt exist anymore. Massive demographic changes have been foisted upon the American People, and there are changes that none of us ever voted for and most of us dont like, from virginia to california, we see stark examples of how radically in some ways the countrys changed. Now, much of this is related to both illegal and in some cases Legal Immigration that, of course, progressives love. Legal immigration, too . Did you catch the video in the box next to her . Farmworkers. Subtle. About as subtle as her shut up and dribble comment about nba players. Listen, i didnt plan, but i responded to this last night. I told you the story of my family. I would not be here if trump had his way. And there are millions like me. My story is common. Not uncommon. We stand on the shoulders of giants. Ingraham talks of changes that none of us ever voted for and most of us dont like. Wrong. 84 of those surveyed in june called Legal Immigration a good thing. And you know what, that number should be higher. And you know who agrees with me . Trumps inlaws. Viktor and amalija knavs. Better snoknown as the parents Melania Trump from slovenia. They stood alongside their attorney today who announced their days of live in this country on green cards are over. Theyre now u. S. Citizens. Bravo for them. What the white house wont officially explain is how did those people get their green cards . We found out what the white house doesnt want you to know. Thats our job. A source with direct knowledge told cnn The First Lady sponsored her parents. Good for her. Thats a practice that critics, including her husband, call chain migration. Something that he tweeted list than a year ago must end now. Suggesting that some who come in can be truly evil. So now his inlaws are outlaws . His mother . His people where he grew up . His kids mothers . All immigrants. All got in here in ways or with potential that he now calls undeserving. I argue this is beyond partisan. This is beyond politics. This is objectively ugly and i will be damned if im going to just listen to the idea that people like my grandparents and waves of people like them, millions in this country, are going to be discounted as some abhorrent aspect of a pure place. Be clear. Illegal entry is a problem. I know it, you know it. It has to be mitigated. We need secure borders. Of course. Of course. But theyre saying something different. Theyre saying something more. Theyre saying the people are a problem, not just the entry. Distinguish, its the who for them, not just the how. This is a land founded, funded, fabricated, and fought for by others. And thats america at her best. Diversity is our strength. You cannot argue otherwise if you enlist the truth. Immigrants of all colors and

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