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Chris Cuomo asks the tough questions to newsmakers in Washington and around the world. Rosenstein look, Jeff Sessions he recused himself. Had to have recused himself because theres a regulation in place that says if you work on a campaign and theres a criminal investigation relating to that campaign the president says it was a bum move and he should have told him about it and it was a total hoodwink. Wrong, wrong, wrong. As far as it being a hoodwink, sessions would have had to have had the gift of prophecy along with the president in order to believe at the time he was ainterest poed, there was was going to be to an investigation thats why i was confused by your initial writings on this one because of my respect for your mind and that rosenstein the only thing he could do is get a prophylactic in play, get somebody who had one layer away from the president , which technically a Special Counsel does, because otherwise he could have been fired like that if he were running it. The question is Whether Mueller was whether the mandate that was given to him was an appropriate mandate. The initial mandate was to investigate what jim comey testified to before the House Committee. What jim comey testified to before the House Committee was not a criminal investigation. It was a National Security investigation. You dont need a Special Prosecutor to conduct a National Security investigation. He corrected that, i think, later on although we dont know what the complete order looks like because its all been redacted. A lot of people make the argument that we havent seen anything yet. So, therefore, this wasnt worth it. But just in a Straight Line of duration, this has been we have a graphic of it, which will be completely familiar to you. But for the audiences sake, this has not been going on a long time at all as special probes go, let alone what weve seen recently on a political side with benghazi. Why make that argument . Not you necessarily but i keep hearing it, so i want your take on it of, its been going on so long. We would have known by now. Do you buy that . Depends what the evidence is that they have. Take a look at who they have as defendants. Right. Manafort has a codefendant. Right. Named gates, who is cooperating with the government. Right. The theory was that theyre bringing a case against manafort to put pressure on him to testify against the president. Right. They dont need that. They have gates, who knows everything that manafort knows because he was in there to the full extent that manafort was, and hes already cooperating with the government. My take on that was always different. I hear what youre saying, an. I my theory about why he kept the case is about the theory of the. I know better minds that mine argued look what they did with him when they were dealing with his bail restrictions. If they have proof that he was playing with witnesses, i understand why they got punitive with him and changed his conditions. Wow have done the same thing if you were sitting on the bench. There are ways to do that without putting him in. Right. But if you told him before its done with child pornographers. Right. But if youve warned him before and its happened again, now you got a different picture, right . Yeah. But you can still do it without putting him in. Understood. This is the 21st century. I hear you. But at the end of the day, do you believe that the bar for the necessity for this probe must be charges against somebody from the Trump Campaign and maybe some connection to the president himself . In retrospect, i dont judge the bar as being charges against certainly against the president himself. Cant have that. You believe in that. You dont indict a sitting president . You cant. Thats the doj guidance. And i believe its correct for a variety of reasons, including the fact that the Executive Power thats what the constitution says. The Executive Power is lodged in the president. Everybody who exercises Executive Power exercises it based on its derivation from the president. In essence it would be the president prosecuting himself, number one. Number two, hes got the power to dismiss the case. So the case is a futility at the start. So thats why you cant indict a sitting president. It doesnt have anything to do with being above the law. If hes impeached, he can certainly be indicted. Its about process. Your mind makes things better for us. Thank you very much. Its just the truth. Former Attorney General, appreciate you being here. We saw Something Different from the government on russian interference and something painfully the same. Were going to lay it out for you on the magic wall next. Fruits and veggies are essential to your health, but its tough to get enough of their nutrients. 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Now, listen to what director of National Intelligence dan coats and Homeland Security secretary kirstjen nielsen said today. In regards to russian involvement in the midterm elections, we continue to see a pervasive messaging campaign by russia to try to weaken and divide the United States. Its not just risk to our prosperity, privacy, and infrastructure we have to worry about, and thats why were here today. Our democracy itself is in the crosshairs. Our democracy itself is in the crosshairs. Do you know how long many of us have been waiting to hear this acknowledgement of recognized fact . Russia trying to weaken and divide the United States. Very tough stuff and very real. But then came the president. The situation was perfectly teed up for him. He could have said, stop saying i dont care about russian interference. Look at what my people just said. But instead he said this. In helsinki, i had a great meeting with putin. We discussed everything. I had a great meeting. I had a great meeting. [ cheers and applause ] we got along really well. By the way, thats a good thing, not a bad thing. Thats a really good thing. Now were being hindered by the russian hoax. Its a hoax. On the same day that all of his chiefs are out there laying the case to fight back against russia, he says this. Not a word about the attack on our election by russia. He plays the tired hoax card. Instead of attacking the attackers, he attacks the defenders, the media. Still worse, who did he do it for . The base at a rally. The people who need to hear what the Intelligence Community believes the most. And then there was this baffling nugget. You just heard him talk about the meeting with putin, how it was really good and they talked about everything, and that thats a good thing. Did you know that he still hasnt informed his intelligence chief about what happened between the two men . Dont take it from me. Listen to the man himself. Youre saying today that the president has directed you to make the issue of election meddling a priority. How do you explain the disconnect between what you are saying, his advisers, and what the president has said about this issue . Im not in a position to either understand fully or talk about what happened at helsinki. Helsinki was the last word. How can he not be in a position to understand and discuss with full cogenesee what happened in helsinki . Hes the director of National Intelligence. Helsinki, still stinky when it comes to what happened between these two men. And at least dan coats needs to know. Now, if this is all an accurate reflection of what they want us to believe, yet the president keeps telling us something very different, we get the play. Whats happening . Trump is putting the me before the we, and that works for an adoring crowd. But he was elected for the we. In this case that would mean owning the facts of what happened with russia and doing what he must to keep the country safe. Bottom line, he needs to be on the same page with his people. Thats what being president demands. So lets take a quick break. When we come back, we have governor john kasich. Hes following what russian attacks on the democracy meant. He has ideas for what needs to happen. He has ideas for what he has to see his party and the country writ large do on major issues. So were going to talk to him next. Behr presents ordinary versus overachiever. Behr premium plus, behr through it all with a toprated paint at a great price. Find it exclusively at the home depot. Our new, hot, fresh breakfast will get you the readiest. buzzer sound holiday inn express. Be the readiest. Now im gonna tell my momma that im a traveller transitions™ light under control™ does your Business Internet provider promise a lot . Lets see who delivers more. 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Youve got a good show going. Thank you. I know you were waiting out to see how it would go before you would accept the invite, so i take your presence as approval. All right. Lets get to what matters. So it was all teed up for trump today, for the president. Big issue, Russian Election attacks and continuing interference. His chiefs all said we have to stop it. He could have come out and said, to kasich, to cuomo, and everybody else, stop saying, i dont care. I just showed everybody here were going to have the biggest plan ever. Were going to make it safer than ever. But he didnt. He didnt even mentioned it. He doubled down on the dumb arguments that the media is the problem, not russia, that its all a hoax. Where do we find Common Ground and progress . Well, you know, i didnt agree with the earlier the former Attorney General saying, well, theyre just going to go and do their thing, and they dont really need approval from the president. Of course they do. I mean hes the leader. He needs to publicly talk about this. I guess he has charged his people to go up and draft plans. We do know that theres some money being sent across this country for local Election Officials to be able to and secretaries of state to make sure the election is going to be sacrosanct. We do know that the russians are engaging in trying to divide us. You know, they put these things up online, picking on our divisions. They try to accentuate them to drive us farther apart. Theres also the real possibility and concern about Voter Registration. Thats where they can really get at things. So if all of a sudden they disrupt and remove names from the Voter Registration lists, which most of them or many of them are online. They can create tremendous confusion. And, look, chris, theres a lot of things that are at stake. The press is a critical institution in our country. The Justice Department is a Critical Institution in our country. The election if we cant have a situation where people are wondering if the elections were fair. Now, im glad to see that whole cadre of people up talking about the fact theyre going to take more action. But we have a bigger issue than what weve even discussed so far, and that is the possibility of cyberattacks on our country from the big four, from russia, from china, from north korea, and you noticed that iran was just threatening us on cyberattacks. We do not have a Central Place to coordinate all the different pieces of our government and to make sure that we have a policy that even regards our private Sector Companies that can be hacked, that can be cyberattacked. I dont know what theyre waiting for on this because you have too much division. And when you have too much division, you dont have the kind of common goal, the offense and the defense. And frankly, offense and defense are so related in cyber. So weve got the russian interference in terms of using places like facebook. Weve got their ability to begin to see if they can hack and disrupt our Voter Registration. And then we dont have a cyber policy. And it just didnt start here. It didnt go on in the last administration. This is a desperate need. They could target our infrastructure, and you saw how iran was threatening us by using this asymmetrical threat in warfare. So weve got to deal with so many issues here, and we need the president. And hes got a block on this one because he thinks its bad for him on some level. So even when all of his chiefs are out there, he takes it in a different direction. But this isnt the only issue where were dealing with this contagion. We see it in the crisis on the border also. Everybody knows its wrong. Everybody knows the system doesnt work. Everybody knows that we need rules and recommendations and policies, but its not happening. Why and whats the remedy . Politics. People are worried about primaries, about offending, quote, the base. And if you spend your time, you know, in these elected jobs trying to satisfy your base, chris, let me tell you. You know, you know a lot about politics. You had a father, you got a brother. I mean these are people that have given their lives to politics. If you put your finger up in the wind, today the public loves you, and tomorrow they dislike you intensely, and then the next day they like you. If youre a leader, you have to be willing to have good people around you and to walk a lonely road. You cant just you just cant ignore things. So the congress i cant understand what they are doing. Of course we want to make sure that our border is secure, but i think we need a bigger policy, chris. I think that we need to have a policy that looks at the region, to stop the drugs from coming in, to get rid of the drug cartels, the gangs. You know, thats what we tried to do in colombia. We should do it in the whole region, and were not taking care of business in our neighborhood. And thats why were experiencing so many problems at the border. But, look, chris, ive got to say to you that ive watched this stuff for so long. I just had dinner the other night with a former governor here in the state. We just shake our heads. I become convinced that the solutions to so many of the problems that we have in this country have to be solved where we live. Stop waiting for somebody to come in on a Big White Horse and solve the problems. Take control of them where you live. Try to address whatever it is, poverty, whether its the issue of human trafficking, whether its the issue of drug abuse. It doesnt matter. We have to drive america with a value system where we come together regardless of party, regardless of philosophy, to have a common purpose and a common goal and then send that up the stream. Dont wait for the people at the top to fix our problems. And just to tell you one perfect example of it is the civil rights movement. Martin luther king came out of the church. Thats true. He came out of the civil rights movement. He didnt make it. Most of these thats what weve got to do m this country, take our country back. Most major social movements percolate. They are grassroots movements. The problem were dealing with here, though, just to put a finer point on it, is inertia, right, governor . You have people who have become so disaffected, so nonbelieving in the institutions stoked largely by the successful candidate in the last president ial election, who played on that disaffection and said, i will be effectively the virus to the body, the corpus that you hate of government. Ill go in there. Ill make them all sick for what theyve done to you people. And thats largely what hes been doing. Hes been largely disruptive and thats why many are happy with him and how he behaves. But once you lose your faith in the institutions thats exactly why its hard to get things done is what im saying. Look, thats exactly why i didnt support him because negative populism doesnt work. Positive populism can. If you sit with a hundred people who have difficulty and you blame somebody else, youll get nothing done. But if you look at them and say, why dont we together build a bridge to a better tomorrow, you can have optimism. And the fact is rather than people venting so much anger at those up top, why dont we make a commitment to the problems that exist where we live . People think they dont matter enough. Guess what . They do matter. Everybody watching matters. Get a hold of something. My wife the other night just had a Little Charity dinner to deal with the problem of opiates in this one community. It was so well attended. People were so happy. We dont care what their party is or their philosophy. This is a common issue and a common purpose and a matter of the heart. No question, especially when youre talking about opioids and even larger, all politics winds up being local. However, there is an ingredient that we need. The positivity youre talking about has an uphill fight. Negativity has always been a quick fix in politics. Theres nothing new. But, boy, is it on fire right now. And i know that youre making a different fight, but youre going to need a lot more to join with you because the politics of negativity have taken hold right now, and theyre doing very well for the president in this regard. His numbers are coming up. The economy is strong. You know, hes doing it that way wait a minute, chris. Let me tell you. Give me a last point. In the Republican Party, the Republican Party has shrunk from 31 or 33 down to about 28 . You see, there are so many republicans now, suburban women, thats why these races are so close all over because whats happening, the politics of negativity is turning people off. Theyre having they dont want any more of it. So while the numbers are good within the party, the party has shrunk. Were now seeing a drift in both parties, the democrats being far left. Youre seeing more and more independents. Independents represent disaffected democrats and disaffected republicans. Thats what we need to understand. There is a great middle. True. There certainly is a great need, and people are looking and well see what they find. Governor kasich, thank you for being part of the conversation. Thanks for the chat. Thanks for letting me talk, chris. Good luck. God bless you. Keep it going. Thank you, sir. Ivanka trump in the news. Why . Splitting with her dad on tearing families apart at the border. She calls it a low point. But does she have more of a responsibility . Im slow to go after the family of candidates for obvious reasons. I grew up as one. But shes a sitting official. Shes high up in the administration. She has her fathers ear. You know what this is. The making of a great debate with these two. Got the game face on. I respect that. 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Well, esurance makes finding the right coverage easy. In fact, drivers who switched from geico to esurance saved an average of 412. Thats auto and Home Insurance for the modern world. Esurance. An allstate company. Click or call. It absolutely is not enough, chris. To your point before we went to break, ivanka has a formal, official role in the president s white house. She has an obligation to not only tell her father the truth but also her boss, the man whos serving as commander in chief. Because you had a few sleepless nights, because it troubled your spirit and your heart and you did not take the necessary actions to stop him in his tracks, to reverse course on policy, to tell him how damaging this is going to be not only for, you know, americans everywhere all over the world who are looked upon crazy at this point, but also for the kids frankly, who have been traumatized by this. I would tell ivanka you talked about she has her fathers ear. She now has an obligation to solve for whats happened. She can do that very simply. There are two entities that are raising funds and i would tell this to the viewers as well. Flights to reunite. And kids in need of defense. They can go and donate money to ensure that no other Family Member is deported without their children. At this point, up to 463 adults have been deported without their children, and thats a shame. All right. Jason, the other side. Yeah. Chris, i got to give ivanka credit this morning. I was at the event with her. I was sitting about 20 feet away and it was a Workforce Event where she was talking about all the great things the administration is doing for the economy and for Training Workers for the future. In fact, mike allen with axios says she was the biggest draw theyve had, bigger than bill gates, bigger than michelle obama, for about 29 minutes of the event they were talking about the economy. Then the final question came around to the high point and low point, and mike offered up the low point. Ivanka weighed in on the immigration front. After she talked about families being separated at the border, which i believe the number is 88 of people in the United States, she said she wants to see families kept together, which i believe they should be kept together if theyre trying to come into the country illegally until theyre processed if they dont try to come in through the proper channels. Then she gave what i thought was a very strong answer for ivanka, a much stronger answer than i would have thought, saying its wrong so many of these kids are being brought in through coyotes and traffickers. Lets play t. Heres what ivanka said that jason said was a full answer. We are a country of laws. We have to be very careful about incentivizing behavior that puts children at risk of being trafficked, at risk of entering this country with coyotes or making an incredibly dangerous journey alone. Heres my problem with this sound bite. It makes no sense to me. None. You separate the kids is the problem for the kids. Thats the trauma to the kids. The coyotes and all these other things, youre not incentivizing them to do that by splitting up kids on the border. Theyre doing it out of desperation, not because they think its easy. See, incentivizing in a corporate context suggests youre making it sound like its easy and good. It is hard and dangerous and deadly for them to do what they do. Ive seen the bodies in the desert and in the river. They die doing this, and theyre well aware of it. What is she talking about . Who is incentivizing what . Chris, i think its very clear what shes talking about. Shes saying that were a country of laws, that we have to have a border that we enforce, and that if were sending a message so then its not hold on. Saying if folks are trying to come through trying to cross into the United States and theyre not going through an official Port Of Entry and theyre trying to enter illegally, and we dont deport them back to the country that theyre coming from, then were sending the signal we do. Thats the thing, jason. [ Overlapping Voices ] hold on. I got to answer the point here. Shes making the point that we have to go and finish that process. Look, jason, i dont lets bounce it to angela because i dont see the logic. Angela, we do deport people who there is no logic in it. Let me just say this. If this is going to be called a great debate, chris, my expectation would be that the other debater does not continue to repeat oneself in expectation for us to finally agree. The bottom line is this. This is not right. It is inhumane. And for ivanka to say at first this was a low point and then to defend the policy means it, in fact, was not a low enough point. And all im saying to you is simply this. You cant say that im against separating families and then on the other breath say, but they shouldnt be coming here to begin with, and theyre going to be separated until they are deported and then their parents are deported without them. What do you say to the 463 adult whos have been deported without their children . How do you explain that . How do you justify that . How do you at all say that that is humane behavior . What is the explanation for that . Jason . Chris, id just respond to what angela said a moment ago. If we are going to call this the great debate, then dont put me on with someone thats part of the open border crew. Who first of all, lets be very clear. I cant wait to search your genealogy and see if you have any illegal immigration in your family. I dont know what youre talking about. Youve never once asked me if im for open borders. Youve never once asked me that. Clearly you dont want to at least i have the decency not to continue to repeat myself in this debate. Kblaerly you dont want to enforce the border laws because thats what ive said. No, what i dont want to enforce is your president s nonsense. Thats what i dont want come on, man. You guys know that this policy is ass backwards. Plain and simple. You know this policy is inhumane, plain and simple. Like if you just take yourselves out of it for just a moment, take off the lenses of bigotry for just a moment and imagine now were getting into the namecalling. Um, yes, we are. Im calling this process, this procedure, is absolutely based on bigotry and fearmongering. If you dont understand that your president announced his campaign by talking about my president . About building a wall. Hes the president of the United States. Not mine. I will never claim a bigot, ever. Are you now let me just are you a canadian. I know youre off on a red herring because youre losing the debate. So let me finish this point for you. Angela, you scream at people. Youre rude. Come on, dude. You call names at people. Im not screaming. The only person thats rude is you because youre so afraid for me to get to the comma because the debate ends at the comma, dog. This is over. You have nothing to add except for asking me if im canadian. And, no, im not. I wish i could tell you where from africa my ancestors came from, at least part of that, but i wouldnt know because the same bigots who are sending people back away from their children are the ones who brought my ancestors here. Congratulations. If hes not your president , then i mean who is your president . You want to stay on that point because it has nothing to do with child separation. We both know what angelas point is. She asays she doesnt accept trumps politics. But hes obviously the president of the United States. We just heard from a senior hhs official that they told the Trump Administration if you do this, youre going to separate families, and its going to be bad for kids, and they did it anyway. Thats one of the facts that sheds light on what this has been about from the beginning. Jason, angela, thank you very much. Try to have a smile sometimes. The president bragged against about his summit with Vladimir Putin tonight, but more than two weeks later, even the nations senior most intelligence official still doesnt know what happened in the meeting between the two men. That is highly unusual and a serious problem. More next. Get your groove on with one a day 50 . Get ready for the wild life complete multivitamins with key nutrients that address 6 concerns of aging, including heart health, supported by bvitamins. Your one a day is showing. To speak with dozens of actually customers of the aarp Auto Insurance program from the hartford. 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I look up and im not tv. I thought you were going to introduce me, but im on tv. I was trying but you were talking. I saw it. There were two moments i want your take on. She says your president to jason miller and he goes what, youre not an american . She says no, ill never claim a bigot as my president. What do you make of that . Oh, thats tough. Well, he is our president. He was elected. He is our president , but i understand that some people have really strong feelings about this president. Many people said the same thing about the last president , hes your president , hes not my president. I think hes the president of the United States. And angela is an american citizen. Shes free to feel how she wants. I know people who will only say 45 and not his name. Thats up to them, but hes the president. Whether you want to call him your president or not, thats your business. Context of a larger truth that she was arguing which is what she sees happening on the border to her is about intolerance and bigotry, and she reflected it back on her own personal experiences. Your president. Not mine. I will never claim a bigot, ever. That was the first one. She said i am an american and i wish i could tell you where my family is from exactly in africa, but i cant, because they were brought here as slaves by the same bigots who are doing this on the border now. Well, i think well, i know people find what this administration is doing so egregious that they can there are many people who can understand why she says not my president. But there is a larger truth to what she says and each of us as anchors here on cnn, we traced our roots. I dont know where my family is from. I have a general idea, but there arent specific records. I think what her larger point is that we havent in this country dealt with racism in a substantial way. We refuse to talk about it when people bring it up, were acc e accused of being race baiters. I think hes saying this administration treating people who cross the border as other. And that that is a that is a line that runs through the American Fabric that we need to talk about. Strong point. Well watch your show at the top of the hour. We know one thing for sure about the people you come from. It was a land of good looking people. And they love you. I dont know why, but they do. Don was just making a point thats going to play into our closing argument. Us versus them. What does it mean to be prolife . The pope just made a major shift in catholic teaching. Im going to argue it matters for a reason that many are not discussing. Overall 1 rated, weathers it all. Find our most advanced formula exclusively at the home depot. Our new, hot, fresh breakfast will get you the readiest. buzzer sound holiday inn express. Be the readiest. Logic of being pro life. If you believe you dont mess with life in one area, you dont mess with it period, and it plays with an inconsistency in america. Many that call themselves pro life are also pro Death Penalty. Thats always struck me as odd regardless of innocence of the actor and Biblical Assertions Of Eye For eye. Either the big man calls the shots or we do. Which is it . Then i read a little bit more into words and thoughts, and i thought about it a little bit more, and i see something thats not just smart but stunning. In argentina, the pope then, he was only a huge opponent of the Death Penalty but of inequities of how we treat the living. His argument has always been if youre prolife, then youre proall life equally. The question for you is are you pro life . And if you say yes, do you mean just when it comes to a fetus . How about when it comes to a felon or color . You may answer quickly and say yes, but do you see that in the choices of your choices, in our collective choices about your economy, institutions, Justice System . Do we see it on the border with all this us versus them . Christians and muslims . For many now with how men treat women . Look at the gap of rich and poor. How laws like stand your ground make killing so easy. That let white men go free and black men die without an arrest. It happens in a system where fairness under law is too often not the reality. You look at the border. People are not valued the same. We know what their homelands have been called, how their illegal entry has become a judgment on their soul. The pope is just respective of those lives as he is an unborn baby. Are you . Because if you are not, then you may have to reconsider your

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