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Chris Cuomo asks the tough questions to newsmakers in Washington and around the world. Chris Cuomo asks the tough questions to newsmakers in Washington and around the world. People . Im very concerned, chris. I worked hard in a bipartisan way to get 380 million in Election Grants out and distributed to states. Thats something senator klobuchar, senator lankford and others really fought for. And im trying this week in the election excuse me in the upcoming appropriations votes were having in the senate to get another round of 250 million in grants to states so that they can strengthen their Cybersecurity Defenses so they can procure new Voting Systems and equipment. Senator klobuchar was just on in the previous segment with anderson cooper. Yep. She and senator lankford have a great bill, the secure elections act, that i think we should take up and pass that is a corollary or a complementary referring to, chris, who testified today, clearly a career professional, was someone who had given clear warnings to the Trump Administration that this zerotolerance policy would have heartbreaking impacts on children and would not end well. And it is completely reflective of a Definitional Change in who america is supposed to be according to this administration. Its part of our closing argument, but i wanted to thicken it out with your understanding of what happened in this hearing. Senator coons, thank you very much. Thank you, chris. All right. So this idea of what Rudy Giuliani said, what the president tweeted, and what the law might reveal about any collusion those three things, one of them is not like the others. And im going to point it out for you in a whiteboard to undo a whitewash, next. Im Captain Obvious and hotels. Com rewards me basically everywhere. So why am i hosting a dental convention after party in my vegas suite . Or wearing a fullbody wetsuit at this spa retreat . Or sliding into this ski lodge with my mini horse kevin . Because hotels. Com lets me do me, right . Sorry, the cold makes him a little horse. Hotels. Com. You do you and get rewarded. Youre wearing a hat. Thats funny. Before or during treatment, always tell your doctor if you think you have an infection or have flulike symptoms or sores, have had cancer, or develop any new skin growths, or if anyone in your house needs or recently had a vaccine. Alert your doctor of new or worsening problems, including headaches, seizures, confusion and vision problems. These may be signs of a rare, potentially fatal brain condition. Some serious allergic reactions can occur. Do not take stelara® if you are allergic to any of its ingredients. Man are you fed up with crohns symptoms following you . Talk to your doctor today, and learn how janssen can help you explore cost support options. Remission can start with stelara®. Cost support options. I wok Harmonica Interrupts ld. And told people about geico. Harmonica Interrupts how they could save 15 or more by. Harmonica Interrupts . By just calling or going online to geico. Com. Harmonica Interrupts sighs and chuckles sorry, are you gonna. Harmonica Interrupts everytime. Geico. 15 minutes could save you 15 or more on car insurance. Tricky when something can be true and untrue at the same time, and yet both aspects of it matter, right . Were going to explain right now. Heres your premise. Collusion does not equal a crime. Heres what Rudy Giuliani, lawyer to president trump, said to cnn. Which i dont even know if thats a crime, colluding about russians. You start analyzing the crime. The hacking is the crime. The hacking is the crime. That certainly is the original crime. The president didnt hack. Of course not. He didnt pay them for hacking. Collusion is not a crime. Rudys right. Collusion is not a statutory crime under the federal code in this context. There will likely be no charge of simply collusion. Now, one fine point for you legal eagles out there. Yes, collusion is a crime for the sec and the ftc, proscribing certain antitrust behavior. But like i said, thats out of context, okay . What were dealing with here is a distinction, okay, without a difference, okay . What does that mean . Its a big deal. Its that hes saying theyre Different Things but really they are the same. The media is stuck on this word game, a gotcha game. The keys being missed. Its a distinction without a difference. Why . The key is the behavior, not the word. Therefore, while rudy is right, this tweet by the president is wrong. Collusion is not a crime, but that doesnt matter because there was no collusion except by Crooked Hillary and the democrats. How . How can rudy be right and trump be wrong . Heres why. The behavior. The behavior is what matters to the legal analysis, not the word. Why . Because the term itself not being present as a statute is irrelevant. The side note to trumps tweet is does trump get that he just said in a tweet that what hillary did with the dossier is not a crime . To his mind, you think he believes that . Nope. He wont tweet that again if he thinks about it. Be clear. If it were to be proven that trump or any of his people were doing what amounts to collusion with any of those who were intent on interfering in our democracy, theres plenty of potential criminal exposure because the behavior would be criminal. Like what . Conspiracy, okay . Im going to truncate these things but im going to put up the statutes on there for you. Youll see it at the same time. What kind of conspiracy . Well, to defraud the United States government. You can do it on a tax level. Look at manafort. 30plus charges related thereto. How out of this one type of behavior . Because thats what can happen when they think youre colluding with somebody. Russia, what they were trying to do, was defraud the election. If you were in agreement with them or trying to help them, then youre going to get stuck for that collusion. An agreement to break any law, hacking, theft, distribution of stolen goods, information, would all be criminal and would be an extension of acts of collusion. Aiding and abetting, okay . Now, Aiding And Abetting has its own section under the criminal code, okay . Why . Because it goes to all types of being too helpful to the wrong people in the wrong types of situations. All of that is in the family of collusion. All right. Now, what about money . Money takes us into a whole other universe of when collusion becomes criminal. How was any money used in an exchange . How was it sent . How was it accounted for . Bank fraud, wire fraud, laundering of money. Many of muellers team are experts in these areas. Why did he pick them . So these laws, the statutes you saw, all stem from behavior that is collusion. So collusion is not a crime, sure, by name. But the behavior of collusion can get you in a lot of deep water. Whats the conclusion . Keep your eye on the ball. Collusion isnt a specific crime, per se, but its not okay, and it leads to all of this mess and more depending on the facts and the proof. And thats where we must always stay focused. Thats why i was talking to coons about what the bar for the Mueller Probe is. What can they show that is the only thing that we will know . Thats the bar. Nothing else matters. So there you have it. So what rudy said, what the government admitted about tearing families apart today, controversies or nontroversies . It is a great debate, and it is upon us next. Half off family lines to all military. Its so hard to believe but its all coming back me. Baby, baby, baby. All you can eat is back, baby. Applebees. Im a small business, but i have. Big dreams. And big plans. So how do i make the efforts of 8 employees. Feel like 50 . How can i share new plans virtually . How can i download an efile . Virtual tours . Zipfile . Really big files . In seconds, not minutes. Just like that. Like everything. The answer is simple. Ill do what ive always done. Dream more, dream faster, and above all. Now, ill dream gig. Now more businesses, in more places, can afford to dream gig. Comcast, building americas largest gigspeed network. Today was jampacked with news, but what does any of it mean . The president tweeted that collusion is not a crime for the first time, and a health and Human Services official testified that he warned the Trump Administration that family separation at the border would happen and would be dangerous. Lets get to the great debate. Weve got Jennifer Granholm and david urban here. Dave, lets see if i can shortcut this. You saw the whiteboard. Admit that i am right about all of it, that this is just wordplay, and that the behavior of collusion at the end of the day can get you in plenty of poopoo. Chris, youre right. The behavior of collusion and the right set of circumstances obviously can, right . But as you pointed out correctly, its all about the facts. Its all about the facts, brother. Brother cuomo, right . We could hypothesize about a lot of things but lets wait and see what Director Mueller uncovers. Conspiracy is a pretty broad word, and as you point out correctly in this case thats being tried in alexandria against Paul Manafort and conspiracy there to defraud the government, theres an overt act. Its pretty easy to prove. It has nothing to do with the russians. So well wait and see. Well just have to wait and see. Its all about the facts. Well, we dont know that it has nothing to do with russians. Its just which group of russians and what they were doing and whether it really has anything to do with the probe is what we dont think well see. No. Chris, in this case we do know because on july 10th, in response to a motion filed by Paul Manafort right. The government here, you know, Director Muellers probe, they replied in a response in their brief saying this has nothing to do with russians or collusion or russian interference. Right, in the election. Right. But that doesnt mean that no russians were involved with what happened with him no, no. Absolutely. Thats the distinction i was drawing. All right. Let me get you in here, Jennifer Granholm. The idea of what the president is tweeting about and whether or not it matters, matters to you why . Well, because we have a president who is constantly gaslighting the american public. He says that something is when it is absolutely not. I just its so its beyond words how horrible this president has been to the truth. We all know that. So when he says, oh, theres no collusion, and he tries to get his followers to believe that the word collusion is not going to appear in an indictment when manafort issues one against somebody, well mueller. Excuse me. When mueller. Youre right. When mueller does. So maybe the word doesnt admit, but you had as professor cuomo up at the whiteboard a list of actual laws that could be broken if theres a conspiracy. Right. This is just engaged in semantic play. And when the president tries to pull the wool over americas eyes in so many ways, it just proves again and again that honestly, i can hardly wait till november comes so that we can give him at least the first taste of the back of our hand. In 2020, the rest. Dave urban, you see the back of the hand coming . Listen, unfortunately i do in these midterms, right . Midterms arent necessarily these are a snapshot as the governor knows and you know, chris. Look, congressional districts are very small, very insular Little Islands of the population. So, you know, the president s going to do poorly in places like new jersey, the new york suburbs, the philly suburbs. I dont think the president s going to do poorly in kind of the, you know, down in florida, in pennsylvania, in iowa, michigan. The president s not going to do poorly there. So the midterms are going to have an effect i dont know. Well, thats your. Well see. Look, all of this is speculative. Its all about turnout. Thats whats going to determine the midterms. It always does. Well, but its manifest intention of the reaction formation. I know those are all big words, but what we saw in 94 and 2010 is i know youre upset about whats in there right now. Heres what i want to offer you thats better. Now get out there and vote for me. Thats the equation, and we wont know until the polls open and close wait, chris. Its very true. But lets be clear that when you see russian interference like we saw today through facebook, russian interference against Claire Mccaskill and russian interference writ large in 2016, getting out the vote is going to be super important, yes. But there was a poll out today that showed that there are some republicans who think that interference by the russians to help the republicans is not such a bad thing. Oh, come on, governor. Come on. Come on, governor. If youre going to blame the democrats for poor performance. You cant blame you have to accept some responsibility for not having a coherent message across your party. Theres a whole array of things. We dont have to relitigate this. You cant blame the russians for the democrats failing. Yes, i can blame the russians for interfering in this election. You can blame them for trying to interfere. They did interfere, and they sent thousands and thousands of ads to social media in places like detroit, where they held up pictures of aziz ansari with a text saying, hey, avoid the lines. Text your support here. If thats not a Voter Suppression ad, i dont know what is. Oprah winfrey, photoshopped, holds up a sign let me just finish. When Oprah Winfrey holds up a sign that says, firsttime voter, you vote on wednesday. Those are Voter Suppression ads. Those were issued hugely in 2016 in michigan. Hillary clinton lost by 11,000 votes. The purpose of the russian intervention is to cause people to be not just divided but to cause them to stay home. Right. And you know what . Thats what happened. In the Obama Administration, the Democratic Barack Obama Administration should have shut those down. It would have been easier if mcconnell would have worked with them. So should the Trump Administration. [ Overlapping Voices ] obama should have done more, but Mcconnell Shouldnt Have blocked his efforts. And now trump, its on him now to see what he does. Hes the president. Youre right. And today secretary of dhs, Kirstjen Nielsen said we need to prepare for a category 5 event. What is he doing . So, governor hes been saying he doesnt believe there was a storm coming. Hes been doing that for a long time, dave, and now theyre starting to change their tune in the administration. Well see what they do. Can i just say i got to go. This is another case of classic incompetence. He had incompetence in puerto rico. He has incompetence incompetence in the Obama Administration and youre going to see another i hear you. Dave has a point to. Governor, incompetence of the Obama Administration . Dave has a point. My head explodes when i see James Clapper and all these former intelligence officials on this network complaining about russian interference when they were at the wheel when it all happened. Were talking about 2018, dave. You cannot continue to look in the rearview mirror. If youre talking about the past election heres the thing. We got to end it here. But, chris, you can say dave urban has a point. I just did. I said it two points. You dont hear me because youre yapping. What im saying is this. It all is true. It started in 2016. The Obama Administration didnt do enough. Why . They didnt know as much as they eventually would know. They were worried about outcomes, and Mitch Mcconnell was pushing back on them. They werent going to get cooperation. It was going to be a partisan move. Then the Trump Administration had this ball in their hands a long time. Trump wanted to pretend it doesnt exist because he thinks its bad for him. And now the election is upon us, and well see how safe they can make us. We need to protect americans democracy. Well see. They got to do a lot more than theyve done. We can agree on that. Lets end on that. Thank you very much. Thanks, chris. Last minute, federal judge puts a block on printable blueprints to make untraceable 3d firearms. The founder of the group that wants you to be able to make your own weapons with a click of the mouse wants you to hear his case. Case. Is, every Insurance Company hopes you drive safely. But allstate actually helps you drive safely. With drivewise. It lets you know when you go too fast. And brake too hard. With feedback to help you drive safer. Giving you the power to actually lower your cost. Unfortunately, it cant do anything about that. Now that you know the truth. Are you in good hands . Now im gonna tell my momma that im a traveller im Gonna Follow The Sun now im gonna tell my momma that im a traveller im Gonna Follow The Sun transitions™ light under control™ transitions™ all around louisiana. Youre a nincompoop phone ping gentlemen, i have just received word the louisiana purchase, is complete instant Purchase Notifications from capital one. So you wont miss a purchase large, small, or very large. Technology this helpful. Could make history. Whats in your wallet . The 3d gun dispute. Heres what happened today. A federal judge stepped in with a temporary injunction, okay . Thats what it sounds like. This is not over. But for now, there will be no more blueprints to make 3d printable weapons online but only for now. Now, whats the White House Position on this . They say the guns are already illegal, which is true. However, it is also true that the federal government settled a lawsuit that allowed these instructions to be posted online. Alan gottliebs Second Amendment foundation was part of that lawsuit. He joins us now. Alan, welcome to prime time, and thank you. The Government Role in this is very confusing. I say we focus on what is more simple for people to absorb. You tell me why is it good for people to be able to download blueprints to make 3d printable weapons . Why is this a good thing . Well, first of all, chris, this is a First Amendment issue that just happens to deal with firearms that are protected by the Second Amendment. Putting Computer Code on the internet is a language. A language is speech, and speech is protected by the First Amendment. You know, the reason why were so concerned about being able to do it weve got places like San Francisco now where there are no gun stores now for people to be able to buy a gun or places like Alameda County in california where Zoning Ordinances put gun stores out of the county, or places like seattle that put taxes on guns and ammunition. What this does for the future is allow people to ensure a way to be able to have a firearm. You know, if youre allowed to own a firearm in your own home, you should be able to make the firearm in your own home if you cant buy one locally because of crazy restrictions. Okay. So two arguments. One is if anybody right now and they should not while were speaking of course but in the commercial, google availability of firearms in california, they will find nothing that is speaking to a shortage of weapons in california, okay . Plenty of guns. Plenty of guns per capita. Plenty of gun crime in that state as a result. And youre leaving something out in your First Amendment analysis, which is the right to have what youre dismissing as speech. Not everybody has a right to a gun, right . Certain people fall into categories where they cant get them. Certainly people fall into categories where they should not get them. And what youre trying to do apparently is give everybody a chance, even if theyre in those categories. Is that good . No, chris, thats not what were trying to do. In fact, all the laws that prohibit that stay on the books. Were not removing any of those whatsoever. Youre not removing the law hold on. Youre removing the mechanism for enforcement because youre giving people an ability to cut out all the necessary middlemen so they cant be vetted. They just have to take the blueprints. They make their own weapon. Thats the point. Chris, a criminal who is going to break a law or commit mayhem is going to get a gun now anyway like they always do or there would be no gun crime right now. But theyre probably not going to make a very expensive 3d printable gun. Theyll just get one off the street. A few years ago when cody wilson put these plans on the internet, there were 100,000 to 200,000 downloads of the plans to do it. Lots of people have already made these guns. Not one has been used in a crime. Not one. So a lot of this is hysteria out there do we know that or we dont know that any have been caught committing a crime with a gun . Well, we know it because theyd have the gun and be able to show it, and heres a 3d printed gun. Thats if they were caught. Theres no crime report anywhere in the United States where anybody has misused one of these guns to begin with. But how would you know unless somebody were apprehended and was proven to have used one of them, right . Well, you would know it by the ballistics or the bullet and everything else. It tells if its a ghost gun . You mentioned, chris, in california, there are guns all over right now and this gun crime. Theres also a lot of selfdefense with firearms in california as well, which you dont want to talk about. But the truth of the matter is we both know in california every year the restrictions get tighter and tighter and tighter. Theres less places to buy guns and less guns for availability in california because gun were looking to protect Second Amendment rights in the future by using First Amendment rights to do so. Its a need that outweighs the National Security interest, which is what weve seen different courts say now. You have to balance it. How it will come out, we will see on the merits. Ill tell you what bothered me about this, and it wasnt you. But when one of the designers of the code, there was a restriction. Why is it illegal . Well, youve got to be able to detect these weapons when they go through a metal detector, and these have no metal. So they made a part that was metal in the weapon so it could be detected. However, that part is removable, and the weapon sometimes still functions. What the hell is that about . Why would anybody want to make it so that you can remove what makes it detected and the weapon still works . Why would you do that . Well, first of all, if the weapon had a bullet in it, it would still be detected because the bullet would be detected. So again this is a little bit of hysteria. Its not hysteria. Its a question. What if you transport it without the bullets and you get the bullets somewhere else . Well, if youre in a secure area where youre not supposed to be with a gun but why would you do that, alan . Why would you stand behind somebody doing something as pernicious as that. I dont. I hear you on the First Amendment. I get that. But that just seems so afoul of what we want to protect against, which is a deceptive practice. Why stand behind well, this is not a deceptive practice. If somebody breaks the law, they should be prosecuted for it. By the way you gave them the plans to do it is what im saying. Go ahead. Whats your last point . The tro is not against defense distributed, cody wilson. It was against the federal government. Right. Actually these plans can still be put on the internet because there is no tro against us doing it. Well, what the judge said was for now he wants this held in abeyance so it should stay according to the reckoning of the Washington State attorney, where it was before all of this. Thats what theyre hoping for right now, but in any case, its certainly temporary. The plans have already been up and downloaded several thousands of times. That is true. Like 2,500 times theyve already been downloaded, and the question is how does this make us better and safer . Well see how it plays out in the courts, and then you, sir, are welcome to come back and tell me why its a good thing. Thank you. Be well. Ill do that. Thank you, chris. Appreciate it. All right. So what happens now to anyone who has already downloaded these plans for guns . You get the flaw in the argument. Well, we havent seen any used in crimes. Thats assumed that they were caught and apprehended as such. What are the legalities . What are the ramifications . Cuomos court in session, next. Man are unpredictable crohns symptoms following you everywhere . Its time to take back control with stelara®. For adults with moderately to severely active crohns disease, stelara® works differently. 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So as you noted, chris, in your earlier discussion, by definition, anyone who is downloading these instructions and actually makes these guns is going to be an illegal gun owner of said gun. The First Amendment argument, i dont think really goes anywhere. There are Public Safety exceptions. In 1997 after the Timothy Mcveigh bombing, senator feinstein passed an amendment making it illegal to post bombmaking instructions. So there are Public Safety exceptions to this. But i think really the practical effect is every day when you get on an airplane, you now have to worry about someone who may be sneaking in a plastic gun, and this is really just asking for potentially another 9 11. And i think that should be concerning to all of us. Alan, the man who was just on argues, no, its about speech. You should have the right to these ideas. These words are speech. These prints are speech. These designs are speech, and they should be protected. Well, this is a terrible form of speech. These blueprints are awful, and i want to totally dissociate myself from what your previous guest earlier said about this is good speech. Its terrible speech. But the question is, is it terrible speech thats protected by the First Amendment . And the answer is clear. We dont know. We dont know. Weve never had a case like this go to the supreme court. The earlier case called the progressive case, where they wanted to print instructions for how to make a hydrogen bomb, ended up being moot, and being moot for the reason that will probably make this case moot. By the time the case came to the court, the instructions were all over the place. Anybody could easily find how to make a hydrogen bomb. How about the argument that they havent seen it used in a crime . Well, you know, thats not a good enough argument. Look, the answer is that the court may very well say the instructions, the blueprints, are protected by the First Amendment. But you should disable any machine from making this kind of weapon, not only prohibit the weapon, which weve already done, but also prohibit any 3d machine from being capable of making the weapon. That would raise a Second Amendment question. Yeah. But Second Amendment issues are easier than First Amendment issues. So in the end, i think the blueprints will be allowed to be shown, and thats a moot issue because theyve already been shown. And anybody who wants to have access to this is going to be able to get it one way or another. And you have all the Terrorist Handbook Stuff thats out there that falls into the same kind of categories. Theyre already out there. I dont want to compromise the First Amendment. Chris, can i add one thing here . Yeah. You know, right now federal law protects Gun Manufacturers from tort liability, from being sued by people who get shot by the weapons they make. Thats right. Terrible law. These people are putting these instructions on, there are now reasonably foreseeable consequences to what theyre doing. I think if any of these guns end up being used in a crime, they can expect to have their hands sued off of them and they should. Thats an actually interesting point. We got to leave it there. I was doing some research on this, and there was some jurisprudence early on in discussion of the First Amendment that the First Amendments purpose isnt just to justify the most ugly and vile things that can be said. That thats not the standard always for enforcing the First Amendment. It will be interesting to see if a judge takes that on at all. I think it is. But well see. Thank you very much. Don lemon is standing by with a preview of cnn tonight just minutes away. You know, this case really does strike at what could be so frustrating about the First Amendment. We often err on the side, at least legally, on allowing things into the public discourse. Even if we hate them and what theyre about. But this is an interesting twist, because this isnt about just what youre going to say to me. Its going to be about what you allow me to do. Uhhuh, and we do that because honestly, it protects what you and i do. Im sure youve been watching with jim acosta what hes dealing with and what we deal with all the time. This is quite different. I dont know how to categorize this one. Im just going to sit back and watch. Its frightening. It needs to be protected. To the original First Amendment about what we say and what we to the original First Amendment about what we say and what we do. Can we talk about the president a little bit and lebron james. Missed you yesterday, wanted to talk. Yeah, i loved watching it. I loved what he is doing. I loved the interview. A great interview. And, you know, i expected a lot of people attacked him. But the question is why is the president attacking him . Because thats part of the strategy we have been told by the folks at, Trump Administration. And sources that he is going to continue to use this athlete, kneeling as a wedge issue up until the midterms which is, we have been talking about this. The right to freedom of expression. Does it go against these athletes. I dont know. But i think lebron james is doing a great thing. He speaks his mind. He knows what the First Amendment is about. What it means to him. Missed talking to him yesterday. What i loved. What a demonstration of putting your money where your mouth is. That is such a common criticism of athletes and entertainers. And boy, is he showing people that, ill put my money there. Great to see people follow suit. Good job, don. Nice addition to the real quick before i go. I like he is not concerned that he is going to tick some people off. He just, he feels that this is the right thing for him to say and do. See you in a little bit. All right, bud. Immigration officials were grilled on the hill over family se separations. We learned something that i knew was going to come out. Its been denied. And now its known as a fact. Im going to give it to you in the closing argument. Raises such a fundamental question afwut wbout who we are. Sometimes fans cheer for those who wear a different uniform. No matter where or when you served, tmobile stands ready to serve you. Thats why were providing half off family lines to all military. Now im gonna tell my momma that im a traveller im Gonna Follow The Sun now im gonna tell my momma that im a traveller im Gonna Follow The Sun transitions™ light under control™ but its tough to gete enough of their nutrients. Transitions™ new one a day with natures medley is the only complete multivitamin with antioxidants from one total serving of fruits and veggies try new one a day with natures medley. Keep it comin love. If you keep on eating, well keep it comin. 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Just like that. Like everything. The answer is simple. Ill do what ive always done. Dream more, dream faster, and above all. Now, ill dream gig. Now more businesses, in more places, can afford to dream gig. Comcast, building americas largest gigspeed network. 559. Thats how many kids are waiting for their mommys and daddies. But at least it wasnt intentional. Right . Wrong. Today we learned the government apparently knew it was coming. Knew full well it was heading down a reckless path of inhumanity. How do we know . A top hhs official. He has served three president s. He told the Senate Judiciary committee about red flags raised. During the deliberative process over the Previous Year we raised a number of concerns in your program about any policy which would result in Family Separation due to concerns we had about the best interest of the child. There was plenty more he said that made it clear that they knew what would happen. He was told simply Family Separation wasnt an official policy. Nope . True. The official policy was to deter. Thats what ag sessions said as much on tv. And deter how . Fear, trauma, taking kids from parents. The message in never come back and let others know they will get the same. Think about it. Deported and your kids kept by the usa. We dont care if you are desperate for a better life or desperately fleeing a dangerous home or fleeing a community or government. You came illegally. Thats all you are to us. Thats the response from the administration. Deny the act, deny the severity. The intention and the outcome. We just saw it today. From the head of enforcement and removal operations for i. C. E. Listen to what they told the committee. The best way to describe them is to be more like a summer camp. These individuals have access to 24 7 food and water. They have educational opportunities. They have recreational opportunities both structured as well as unstructured. Theres Basketball Courts and Exercise Classes and soccer fields we put in there. They got all those things in prison too, like a summer camp. Giant windowless former Big Box Store in texas. Doesnt look like a summer camp id send my kid to, and i get these are different situations. Think about it, diminishing those conditions, how do you justify it . Easily if you dont care about the people who are in there. The u. S. Attorneys are told to use the back handed Legalese Slur of alien as in illegal alien. I know its in the law but it speaks to something else. Why dont they want to say undocumented . Not harsh enough. That wording was important enough for the Justice Department to send out an agency wide email. So heres our argument. If the Trump Administration wants to make america the home of the highly educated and the land of the economic engines, is that the only people youre going to welcome . Then just say it. Now, mr. President , dont try to sell that where we both come from in queens, new york, because its filled with the people that you dont seem to want anymore. So take down the words on lady liberty. Your adviser Steven Miller said the poem was added on later, that it isnt a statement of policy, and you know what . Miller is right. Those words are more than policy. They are the core of who we are, our essence. We are the unclean, the

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