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The procedural rules drag on and the shorter it went, the shorter the tempers. With democratic impeachment managers exchanging insults and accusations. At one point jerry nadler accused republican senators of a cover up. President trumps lawyer shot back. Fireworks brought the first public rebuke by chief justice john roberts. I think it is appropriate at this point for me toed a monish both in equal terms to remember that they are addressing the worlds greatest deliberative body. One reason it has earned that title is because its members avoid speaking in a manner and useding language not conducive to civil discourse. In the 1975 swing trial a senator object whd one of the managers used the word petty fogging and they said the word ought not to have been used. I do think those addressing the senate should remember where they are. And throughout the night Senate Minority leader, chuck schumer, introduced amendment after amendment, including demands to subpoena white house documents, as well as for the acting white house chief of staff, Mick Mulvaney and, and former National Security advisor, john bolton, to appear. All voted down, mostly along party lines. Ambassador bolton has made it clear hes ready, willing and able but the president doesnt want you to hear for mr. Bolton. And the reason is nothing to do with National Security. If the president cared about National Security, he would not have blocked military assistance to a vulnerable strategic ally to pursue a personal political favor for themselves. Theyve attacked every institution of our government. They have attacked the president , the executive branch, they have attacked the judicial branch. They say they dont have time for courts. They have attacked the United States senate repeatedly. Its about time we bring this power trip in for a landing. Cnns athena jones with all the back and forth in the senate. Here she is. Reporter today house impeachment managers will begin their opening arguments before the senate. But the first order is a motions. A debate and motion on motions filed. Deadline is 11 00 a. M. For rebuttals for the motions. We dont expect them to have anything to do with witnesses or documents. We dont expect there to be a motion to dismiss, filed by trumps legal team, even though we the president wants this case to be over. Because they dont have enough republican votes, they wont end up passing such a motion. But all of this follow as very long day on tuesday. 12 13 hours of debate over the rules governing the trial. Whats interesting is Mitch Mcconnell made changes after pressure from moderate republicans like Susan Collins. For instance, now each side will have 24 hours to make closing arguments. But theyll be able to do it over the course of three days insteads of two days. And automatically admitted unless trumps lawyers try to throw out some of the evidence. I should tell you during the 12 13 hours of debate t was a question of indurance. You saw a lot of the senators, some seeming to nod off. There was whispering. Light moments on the floor with laughter. Deep into the night we saw senators getting up to stretch and yawn and pace. Senator Bernie Sanders was one of the pacers. We also saw maybe a dozen or more taking copious notes throughout the trial. They were paying close atengds. And some include cory gardner of colorado. Hes one of the gop senators facing a tough reelection fight. And Lisa Murkowski of alaska. Those are some of the people taking serious noetsz. We expect more of the same today. Perhaps not as long of a night but probably more fireworks and a lot of repetition of arguments weve already heard on each side. Democrats calling for a fair trial with witnesses and documents. And republicans saying lets get this over with. Were ready to go and no need to discuss witnesses and documents just kbret. Day one began with a blizzard of misstatements and outright lies by the president s lawyers. Starting with the bhiwhite hous counsel repeating a lie that adam schiff read to congress an incriminating fake transcript. He manufactured a false version of that call, he read it to the American People and he didnt tell them it was a complete fake. The president has been given a minimal due process. Nothing here. Not even mr. Schiffs republican colleagues were allowed into the skit. Information was select chbly leaked out. The president was denied the right to cross examine witnesses. The president was denied the right to access evidence and the president was denied the right to have counsel present here. For the record the transcript was not fake. Schiff made it clear he was paraphrasing for effect. The claims he made about denied access, the secure room in congress where witnesses were deposed. Republican law makers were not only in attendance but active participants. And jay sekulow said they were declined due process. The fact is they declined be nothiing involved. And standing by is the global president at Loyola Marymount university. Michael, well start with you. It was strike stoing to hear th president s lawyers repeating debunked lies with enthusiasm like this. Theyre not hear to steal within election, theyre hear to steal two elections. Its buried in the small print of their ridiculous articles of impeachment. Its long past time we start this so we can end this ridiculous charade and go have an election. And keep in mind these were prepared remarks. Theyre reading from notes. This is perplexing because the presentation by the president s lawyers was so uneven. It was mostly attacked. It was very thin on evidence. Frrms and the question is why . Why, with all the preparation they had, was their case so poorly presented . Because they were making trumps case. They werent masking the case for trump. By that i mean they were parating what the president wanted them to say. The president s insistence they attack, attack, attack. Because the president believed what he did was perfect and therefore theres no need for a defense. They spent a lot of time attacking, no time defending. And thats because i think they were speaking to the audience of one, as you do with donald trump. They were doing what subserveiant followers of the president would do, which is saying what the president wanted to be said. We can assume the president is very happy with his legal team as he watches from davos. How will itby received by the American People. The American People are tuning in and out at different levels. Were junkees. We watch all the time. But a lot of americans are only being reintroduced or introduced now. A lot of the democrats base is based on the assumption that there are a lot of new viewers. And its much less likely because people have been digging their heels in. Its not a place where evidence is going to be sorted out and youre deciding based on evidence. When you look at the reality, its not. Democrats lost a series of amendments including calling witnesses. Theyre saying the democrats should have done their work and saying its too early because we should wait to see what witnesses might be needed. There was a perfect call and it wasnt the one trump made to get a favor. It was the call Speaker Pelosi made when she made adam schiff the lead impeachment manager because he took the initiative today. He showed the facts and the law and that there really are strong grounds to not only impeach, but to convict and remove the president. And of course if hes removed, that goes with the disqualification to hold an office. But the reason schiff and the democrats could not wait around so they can go through the courts, as has been pointed out, they filed a subpoena nine or ten months ago for chief white house counsel, mcgahn. They would have waited forever, past the election. And the urgency was if the president is trying to cheat and steal this election by soliciting foreign interference from ukraine and china in this upcoming election, what is congress supposed to do . Wait around so he can succeed and get Court Rulings in their favor . I think it was a tremendous ruling for the rule of law and for the facts come ourt. Its like itch peach trials until you drop. And thats because they cant find middle ground. And theyre fighting tooth and nail. So, david, adam schiff at one point seemed to have a warning the white house would pay a high price for preventing testimony from key witnesses. The facts will come out in the end. The documents, which the president is hiding will be released through the freedom of information act or other means over time. Witnesses will tell their stories in books and film. The truth will come out. Of course it doesnt do a whole lot right now. Will the white house pay ore reap the rewards here . Certainly trump thinks he is going to reap the shortterm rewards and somehow win the Electoral College and shift this to ad his advantage. And the point i think adam schiff is trying to make you know weve had pretty centerist president s. We had demagogues on the democratic side like hewy long. What would it be like to have one of those demagoguic, trumpinspired democrats in power run rough shock over the congress and trump wants to build a wall with money allocated for Something Else. What happens if we have a democratic demagogue who wants to fight for green energy . And takes all the money allocated for the military or Something Else and starts to apply it for that purpose . What if they dis regard the courts and say take everything to the Supreme Court because im not abiding by my legal duties. Is that the world anyone in america really wants to live in Going Forward . And this is just the first day of the trial. What do you expect him to see . I think theyre going to see who wears down first. Republicans are becoming known as the i dont want to know party and if that is registered among voters, that will be damaging. They need to make a case on evidence. They cant just keep attacking. The oath they took demands you have an open and fair trial and that probably almost certainly involves calling witnesses. The republicans have been saying if you want to call yours, were going to call ours, biden. I think youre going to see a lot less petiness and less focus on the issues and who can wear down who ninetyfirst. There was one republican witness called last month, Jonathan Turley who has taken a very dim view of this White House Defense of the president that too, be impeached, ta it has to be on a criminal code. The developing defense is also a mistake. It will expand the space by increasing the definition to the criminal code. Its as plitdically unwise as it is constitutionally short sighted. So that leaves precisely zero lawyers who believe its a good Legal Defense . No, because first all of high crimes and misdemeanors have a specific constitutional meaning. And the founders knew what it meant. It meant an abecause of power, especially one perpetrated in the interest or at the direction of a foreign power, which is suspected to be england and france and now russia, china, turkey, you name it. The idea is our elections need to not be tampered with and a president trying to extort a favor and dam agpolitical rival, tha thoot is the trifecta of what the framers had in mind. Thank you for being with us. Thank you so much. 17 minutes past 3 00 here on the east coast. Time to take a break. Officials are struggling to contain the new wuhan corona outbreak. And now it has reached the United States. This commutes been pretty rough, huh . Its great actually, ive been listening to audible. Its audiobooks, news, meditations. Gotta go hey you know, i do think its weird youve started commuting when you work from home. Ill be in my office. Download audible and start every day off right. Smart bed. Can it help keep me asleep . Absolutely, it senses your movements and automatically adjusts to keep you both comfortable. Its the final days to save 1,000 on the sleep number 360 special Edition Smart bed. Plus, 0 interest for 36months. Ends saturday. Never before seen corona virus. The total number of cases has risen to 440 with nine people confirmed dead. The World Health Organization will meet to decide if the virus represents a Public Health emergency and what should be done to contain the outbreak. Theyre stepping up Health Screenings from wuhan in china. The first case in the u. S. Was found in washington state. A man in his 30s is under observation. Washington observe jay inslee playing down the risk. There isnt a risk level suggesting anyone should do anything different than they norm eel would. We should all do exactly what we always do, which is this is flu season. So we wash our hands, cover our mouths when we sneeze and when were ill, we stay home from work so we dont expose other people to infection. Meanwhile, the city of wuhan has step said up stricter measures. You travelled to wuhan from beijing. What are people telling you . And of course what are the stricter measures being put in place to contain the virus . Coming to you what is the epicenter of the virus. Its now causing the growing concern. Were wearing a mask and thats something that when we boarded the train, Health Authorities have been saying theyve been encouraged to do that amidst a massive Holiday Travel season. And we saw, leaving beijing, half the number of folks wearing the mask. When we got on the train, that number seemed to go up. 5. 5 hours later, it seemed like 95 of the people were wearing these face masks and today i would say thats pretty consistent for the most part. Unless theyre eating, walking around. Most everybody having the face masks on. Coming off the train t was worth noting that one by one, each of us passengers have a thermometer put to our head and theyre checking our temperature and let you continue on through. Today we made a visit to the wildlife and sea food market. Thats where they said they do believe is the source of the coronavirus. Its shut down, no one in, no oneute. And as we got out, security came up to us and asked too leave rather quickly. We went to another market nearby to see how folks are dealing with this, given theyre living amidest a lot of unknowns and uncertainty. Theyre seeing Health Inspectors coming. This is a food market. It was empty. She is somebody who travels from another city. She came in to sell her sugar deign. Her daughter and loved ones have been saying come home, its not worth it. She said i cant. Financially i cant risk the loss. This is pretty empty, to be honest. Youve got to think about fifth avenue leading up to christmas. Thats the celebratory mood youre seeing. Streets are mostly empty in some parts. Folks are boeing mindful of what theyre wearing more than anything else a lot of people across the globe very worried about this. Talking there with our david cullver at the epicenter of the wuhan coronavirus. Coming up our continuing breaking News Coverage of the president s impeachment trial and while republicans turn a nod to give an inch, they made small concessions. Very small. 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Were doing all we can to make moving simple, easy, awesome. Go to xfinity. Com moving to get started. Welcome back to our viewers in the United States and around the world. Your ror watching cnn newsroom. A marathon session has been wrapped to the surprise of no one. The first dayf the impeachment trial was marked by acrimony, anger and parted zn votes. For over an hur democrats argued for witnesses and documents, which they say will show the president should be rimove said from offices and republicans voted no. 5347, they finally adopted the republicans rules. Theyre due [ in the coming hours to hear opening arguments. So, for now, the question of whether the senate should subpoena witnesses and documents will have to wait for the trial. Right now, it seems, republicans are dug in. The senate will convene as a court of impeachment. Reporter on the first day of President Trumps impeachment trial, democrats tried and failed to get the senate to hear new evidence at the outset. Documents matter, evidence matters. The truth matters. Reporter one by one. The amendment reporter republican senators blocked efforts by the democrats to obtain witness testimony and documents from the white house, state department and the office of management and budget. A surprise concession from Mitch Mcconnell after concerns from republicans including Susan Collins of maine that the opening arguments schedule would forces proceed toogz stretch overnight, each side now gets three dayinize stead of two to present 24 hours of argument. This is a fair road map for our trial. Reporter the move reveals the close tabs mcconnell is keeping on his maut moderate, knowing he cant lose more than four senators and keep control of the trial. When you hear them attack the house managers, what youre really hearing is we dont want to talk about the president s guilt. We dont want to talk about how the pardon the expression, sbackwards it is to have a trial and then ask for witnesses. Prompted articles of impeachment for abuse of power and obstruction of congress. That will pea the president s defense, perfectly fine to coerse an ally by withholding military aid to get help cheating in the next election. Theyre asking the senate to attack one of the most sacred rights we have as americans. The right to choose our president. Reporter house impeachment managers, law makers serving as the prosecutors, spent mucher of the day trying unsuccessfully to convince senators to hear new evidence. Thohouse calls john bolton, the houses calls Mick Mulvaney. I ask the case be muted and now they ask you to issue a subpoena for john bolton. Its not right. The president s legal team argue even if the senate calls for witnesses, theyll bow largely muted due to executive privilege. Communications made by president ialed a vdsers in the course of advice. Under the privilege. Senators will have another chance to vote later in the trial and democrats are sure to keep up the pressure. It cannot threat president play a game of keep away and dig tatd what evidence the senators can and cannot see buried on his guilt or innocence. He is trying to cheat to win. Reporter sarah murray, cnn, washington. Ryan lizzo joins me now from washington. Hes a senior correspondent. Thanks for having me. So, if its by Senate Majority leader to rush the impeachment trial with an extraspds day added for opening arguments. But the democrats push so far has had very little sick ses with voting strictly along party lines. Where is this all going . Well, i think there was a lot of theres a magnifying glass on a few republican senators either considered moderate or people who had difficult senate races this year. To see iftheywould break with their republican colleagues and join the democrats on some of these process issues. And none of that has come to pass on the first day of the first real day of this trial. So, far its headed in the direction that a lot of people have predicted since the ginning which is a strictly partisan trial. Now, there will be other iegsus that come up, likely other votes. So, its still possible for some of the process issues the democrats are raising in terms of testimony and witnesses. Its still possible for some republicans to join them. But so far we saw a lot of very familiar arguments. If you paid attention to the house investigation and the hearings in the house, then youd be very familiar with what was presented today in the senate. So, not a lot of surprises and things breaking along partisan lines. And presumably that is to keep the American Public up to date. So, how can republicans get away with holding the trial first and perhaps bringing witnesses. And why is it critical to hear testimony from acting white house chief of staff, Mick Mulvaney and former National Security advisor, john bolton. And even since the impeachment was voted out of the investigative committees of the house there, has been quite a lot of information thats come out through various ways through Investigative Journalism and public releases of documents because of some lawsuits. So, theres a lot that has been added to the Public Record that we all have access to. That the senate trial just went have access to. And thats part of what todays voting was about is democrats saying hey, we know this witness can probably shed light on this big question. We know these documents can help us fill the hole in this part of the story and republicans saying no, no, no. We dont want any of that. The democrats lead impeachment manager adam schiff explained tuesday why john bolton was not issued a subpoena by the house and thats because he apparently threatened to sue if they did. Yet, bolton recently said he would testify if subpoenaed by the senate. If that is his intent, why not go public with his story . Thats a great question and i dont think anyone has brin able to figure out whats going on in john boltons head. Some have argued hes got book and he wants to maximize the promotion and sales of that book and thats how hes playing this. The argument you heard a lot is were not going to do the houses job for them. In other words the house was supposed to investigate this thing and well take the and this wasnt a sure thing until this morning. But they agreed to take what the house documents. But nothing beyond that, despite the fact that there are some holes in the story here and there are identifiable witnesses and documents that could fill in the holes. So far republicans are saying no, we dont want to see that stuff. And it was difficult because there wasnt a response to the subpoenas. Exactly. So, what will be achieve said in the end, considering senators will Vote Along Party Lines on the president s guilt or innocence . Are there any signs that four republicans would eventually vote with the democrats . There really arent. Not many sign as 2 3 majority of the senate would vote to convict. So, whats been achieved in the end, really . I do think one argument. And this was always the debate among democrats. Should they pursue impeachment or not . Given the makeup of the senate, no matter what trump did, was it just a fool toogs pursue impeachment because no matter what the senate would acquit . The other side of the argument is if you believe he committed impeachable ofenszs, then you need it on record. History has to record the democrats believe this behavior is beyond the pale. So future president s know that some a majority in the house, at least, believed that and a whole lot of senators. And republicans would be forced to defend this in the senate. Will the president get a fair trial in the end . The way this is looked at in washington right now is almost exclusively through a partisan lens republicans have been insistent it was unfair from the beginning. And its been the subject of completely unprecedented stone walling by the white house and republican allies that have gone along with this. Theyre going to have theres going to be a precedent now for that. Always great to hear your analysis and perspective. Thank you. Traveling to davos to threaten with tariffs and attack greta thunberg. These folks, they dont have time to go to the post office they have businesses to grow customers to care for lives to get home to they use stamps. Com print discounted postage for any letter any package any time right from your computer all the Amazing Services of the post office only cheaper get our special tv offer a 4week trial plus postage and a digital scale go to stamps. Com tv and never go to the post office again and just moments ago President Trump began at the world ecnummic forum in davos. There will be a working breakfast. Apple boss, tim cook, expected to meet with the president as well. One of the few bosses on good terms with President Trump. Trump is expected to meet with the president of iraq and the Kurdistan Regional government. Mr. Trump sounded off base about trade talks with europe. But didnt abandoned his threat of tariffs on european car and car parts. And joins uz now from davos with the very latest. There was much anticipation on how President Trump will be received at the World Economic forum. Talk to us about that and the overall assessment and his team and environmentalist, greta thunberg. Reporter sitting u. S. President s are a rare sight here in davos. So the 3 4s of an hourlang speech was a big draw for many of these eletes. And yesterday afternoon, particularly Business Leaders and so on and so forth from outside the United States. Some confessed to being slightly underwhemed by President Trumps speech. They say he folked a lot on statistics to support his claims hawaii made life better for average americans and bettered the economy for the worlds biggest economy and some said they would have liked to have heard more about the Economic Vision for 2020 and beyond. Remember, this is an election year. So they did concede this was always a speech heavily skewed towards campaigning mode. One thing they didnt apprec yatd, many said, what appeared to be a sideways swipe at the Climate Change movement so big in davos. Spearheaded with another one President Trump has clashed with. Greta thunberg, the swedish Climate Change activist. She accused many of the companies and leaders of countries of basically making promises but not doing anything of any significant substance to tackle the Climate Change emergency. President trump is trying to keep the message focussed on a safe ground and as you pointed out earlier, he is having a business breakfast with a number of toplevel ceos of european and u. S. Tech companies. Thats taking place imminently as we speak. It appear there had was only one female ceo who had been invited, a ceo of a spanish bank. His pitch is come and invest in america, hire our workers. He also pitched that to his many millions of followers on twitter saying earlier on twitter, quote, making great progress at davos. Tremendous numbers will be coming to the u. S. A. Hottest economy and in capitol letters, he wrote three times jobs. So, jobs, jobs, jobs. Hes also with the likes of larry kudlow and his daughter. She spent much of the evening tweeting that she got a Japanese Company to push investments to get u. S. Workers to retrain them to cope with the work force and to get people to hire more american workers. Bilaterals through the rest of the morning and u. S. President is expected to leave around lunchtime. And bringing this live report from davos. Many thanks. Back in a moment. I think well go skiing after this. Soon, i hope. Only tylenol® rapid release gels have laser drilled holes. They release medicine fast, for fast pain relief. Tylenol®. Fo 9. 95 . No way. . Ef. 9. 95 . Thats impossible. Hi, im jonathan, a manager here at Colonial Penn Life Insurance company, to tell you it is possible. If youre age 50 to 85, you can get Life Insurance with options starting at just 9. 95 a month. Okay, jonathan, im listening. Tell me more. Just 9. 95 a month for Colonial Penns number one most popular whole Life Insurance plan. There are no Health Questions to answer and there are no medical exams to take. Your acceptance is guaranteed. Guaranteed acceptance . I like guarantees. Keep going. And with this plan, your rate is locked in for your lifetime, so it will never go up. 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Whether youre travelling around the country or around the house, keep what you watch with you. Download the Xfinity Stream app and watch all the shows you love. Now the third impeachment trial in u. S. History is over, the vurblgt is in on social media. So slow t seems that many went for the slightest distraction, like what is senate leader, Mitch Mcconnell drinking . Some are asking got milk . Reporter when Mitch Mcconnell found himself coughing in midspeech, he reached for, what else . Water. But it floored folks to learn that on the senate floor he could have had this. Milk for senators parched during impeachment . You can have milk. The unexpected dairy trivia inspired an out pouring of milky giflts, even dairy herd management milked the story. There was speculation who on the senate floor do you think is drinking the milk . Judging from this photo, sanders and lehigh might hanker for a sip. We know some definitely act like babies. Senator derksen was the one who asked in 1966, is it in violation of the senate rules if the senator from illinois asked one of the page boys to go to the restaurant and bring him a glass of milk . He got the okay. Though he we only have footage of him sipping water, water becomes pretty thin after a period of time. My lunch today will pea a tall glass of milk. No coffee allowed, no food. But on the senate floor the answer to this. Got milk . Got milk . Is apparently yes, even if senators wont look as macho as the rock. No punching each other, senators. And doesnt the capitol look a little like an upside down utter . How about that snl theres a candy as well. How do you know that . I read. Early start is next. Whoa, this is awful, try it. Oh no, that looks gross what is that . You gotta try it, its terrible. I dont wanna tray it if its terrible. Its like mango chutney and burnt hair. No thank you, i have a very sensitive palate. Just try it hey guys, i think we should hurry up. 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