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Whip, jim clyburn has a stern message for president ial contenders on this issue and you need to hear it. How many are going to die trying to climb everest . We have new information on the state of the fatal log jam. So heres the latest, congressman tom massey from kentucky is the second to hold up 19 billion in Disaster Relief monies. His fellow republican lead the way on friday. Now joy says he has good reason to stop the bill. Even if it delays needed funding to people in his home state of texas. Congressman roy, welcome back to primetime. Good to have you here to make the case. Let me ask you, over the memorial day weekend what did you tell your constituents that need this money . Thanks for having me on and thanks for focussing on this important issue. Speaker pelosi adjourned for ten days and everybody was out of town and im heading to the airport to come home to texas and what i hear was that the speaker was inclined to bring forward a bill that would spend 19 billion unpaid for and then she was going to do so by unanimous consent. That means she wasnt going to have a vote and i dont know about you but the American People were working last friday but the house of representatives wasnt in washington. She was going to have a bill go by consent and i believe if youre going to spend 19 billion of taxpayer money, we should vote on it. The peoples house have a responsibility to do our job. I got you. I left the airport and went back and stood there and i showed up on friday and i objected. I have a lot of understanding of how much this means to people in florida and georgia and puerto rico, texas and how important it is, but the speaker had five months to get this right. These are disasters that occurred 18 months ago. We should do our job in the house, vote on it and have an actual debate. People are tired of business as usual in washington. You unpacked three basic reasons. Lets go through them one by one. One you said not a debate. She was doing this by unanimous skoent. The nod is that there isnt going to be consensus on this. Now, looking at the legislative history here, this is not new, this bill. You agreed on a set of monies and a set of principles. It went over to the senate. They were supposedly going to like it. The president didnt like the puerto rico money and then the stuff that you did like, the president got past the puerto rico part and the senate sent it back to you so in essence this is what you already said yes to. Why say no now . Well, first of all, youll know and i think you have looked at the record, 150 odd republicans voiced objection. It was a large number of republicans that voiced objection. The bill went to the senate and came back. None of us had seen it. We didnt know what was in it. It had 2 or 3 billion more than the first version and now we had to accept what Speaker Pelosi was going to do and put it on the floor on a friday after everybody went out of town and pass it by consent. Thats not what the American People want. The white house already signed off. Sure but they wanted the relief they want in place in florida and puerto rico and other parts of the country but you shouldnt pass legislation. You shouldnt pass a bill thats going to spend 19 billion without voting on it. There were many things we wanted to have a discussion about including the fact that we have a border supplemental ignored by the speaker and we didnt have the ability to talk about that in the process. Thats point two. He had said look i like this for a number of reasons. This is how were going to deal with the emergency on the border. We talked about this on the show before. Its a constant concern for us on cuomo primetime and with good reason. Then they took it away. They wanted a clean bill as they call it. You stand up to that as a matter of principle. Im good with that although, chip, if youre going to make the stand, why not create more Energy Around getting help . Its not just that the democrats dont want to do it. Clyburn says you guys cant agree on anything. Compromise is seen as capitulation. You cant even agree on getting done what will help stop these kids from being held in places where theyre going to be sick, held too long, maybe worse. Why not . You should ask that to my democratic colleagues that refuse to even debate it. Speaker pelosi should have called us back in. We should have debated it thursday night. Debated friday. She should have put it forward. They have nothing to do with the debate. Its all worthy. Asylum rules, reunification but you cant handle it at once. You cant even handle one part of it. You cant even get the kids out of harms way. But that 4. 4 billion supplemental sent up as a letter, lets have a debate on that. We didnt have a debate in the house on that. Lets debate it along with this disaster supplemental. Too much time. Deal with the kids. You know theyre dying. Fine, we can have that debate about the beds needed to house the kids. Lets have the debate about the beds for families. The fentanyl coming across the border. Theres an emergency. The crisis is the flow across the border. The crisis is the flow to the border. In order to stop that this isnt about drug mules and gang bangers and ms13. This is about people and the kids coming with them. Thats the crisis they cant handle the flow of. But why are the kids coming across . Theyre being used by the cartels. Some. But the numbers have that as nowhere near the percentage in terms of the economic and other types of emergency desperation thats sending them to run. Its real need thats there. But you know as well as i do that the cartels are making 2 billion moving people across and not even talking about the narcotics. Theyre abusing our asylum laws to do it. We have to not just have a bandaid put on it. We need those beds. We need the beds. We need to deal with the families. If these werent their kids, if they were our kids and im obviously drawing a distinction as a point of emphasis we would have gotten in the beds right away. We would have made sure that they were safe right away. We had an amendment on the floor snchts there was nothing else attached to the 2. 8. The 2. 8 billion was the hhh number and not the 4. 4 that was more important to stop the flow. Right. So thats what we need to do, stop the flow. One other thing because now were getting into this policy season which is a good thing. The idea of this snlt paid for this bill. You guys should make sure that everything is paid for. Do you regret that . The president calls it rocket fuel. I think its low octane at best if youre looking at the numbers that just came out from a congressional report from a nonpartisan point. You didnt pay from that one. This 19 billion has to be paid for. All the spending measures should be apart of the budget and have a process thats balanced. If you want to have a debate we have a strong amount of income coming in as a result of the strong economy. You and i can agree or disagree on how much theyre causing Economic Growth. I think regulatory environments are creating strong Economic Growth. Thats imperative. But you know the deficit is huge because they havent offset. This new report says its less than 5 of what was needed to offset the cost. But that hiss what happened. Look at what happened in the 80s and 90s. Lower taxes and lower regulations that lead to unprecedented Economic Growth and then republicans came in with limited spending and the Big Government was over. And sit down at a table and have a conversation about spending restraint. We have a spending problem more than a revenue problem. Ill be happy to sit down and have a conversation about what should be on the table. A lot of that is from the president s last budget too. Youre mabking the right point. You have to sit down and figure things out. Especially where the kids are involved. I cant believe were still watching and waiting and listening for the desperation from the men and women keeping us safe. I appreciate you focussing on this. The main point is the speaker should have called us together and we should have debated it. Instead of having one minute speeches we should be on the floor of the house debating the issues and talking about the kids and the cartels and talking about balancing the budgets and talking about how to get a disaster through. Youll have to take it up with your colleague because he wont put these on the floor. Thank you for making the case. Youre always welcome on the show. Lets go back to the border. Unfortunately well have to and its going to be soon. Joe biden is hitting back to President Trump that tried to weaponize bidens support for the 94 crime bill. Has this president forgotten his ugly role in what lead to that . Jim clyburn was back then the democrat in South Carolina and he has a tough message for those attacking the bill now. We have that next. Feel the clarity of nondrowsy claritin and relief from symptoms caused by over 200 indoor and outdoor allergens. Like those from buddy. Because stuffed animals are clearly no substitute for real ones. Feel the clarity. And live claritin clear. Be right back. With moderate to severe Crohns Disease, i was there, just not always where i needed to be. Is she alright . I hope so. So i talked to my doctor about humira. I learned humira is for people who still have symptoms of Crohns Disease after trying other medications. 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Now thats some great paint find it exclusively at the home depot. Bills back needed a afvacation from his vacation. An amusement park. So he stepped on the dr. Scholls kiosk. It recommends our best custom fit orthotic to relieve foot, knee, or lower back pain. So you can move more. Dr. Scholls. Born to move. Hey, who are you . Oh, hey jeff, im a car thief. What . im here to steal your car because, well, thats my job. What . What . . What . laughing what . . What . what . [crash] what . haha, it happens. And if youve got cutrate car insurance, paying for this could feel like getting robbed twice. So get allstate. And be better protected from mayhem. Like me. Now this president s criticism about the crime bill is easy to dismiss. After all, his ugly and false accusation against the central park five falsely accused of a rape in the late 80s was part of what lead for calls for punishment in the 94 crime bill. And majority whip James Clyburn has a message for them. Mr. Majority whip, thank you for joining us on primetime. Thank you for having me. Lets start with this controversy for the weekend. First, looking at it broad view, do you leave that the president making the comments that he made about the north Korean Leader in relation to the former Vice President joe biden, was it so beyond the pale in your opinion . I think it was. One of the first things that i learned in politics is how to respect this country, its leadership irrespective of what party you may be a member of. Most especially when youre traveling on foreign soil. We have always learned not to criticize our president when he is on foreign soil and certainly the president ought not be tweeting insults back to the United States while he is on foreign soil. The substance of the matter was the 94 crime bill and the idea that joe biden being for it is going to be an albatros. It was a long time ago. There were a lot of Different Things going on. You wound up being in favor of this bill because of the sum of its part. Joe biden makes the same argument. Is it bad for him . I dont think so. Have to look beyond 1994. And in 1986 and 88. And had a 100 to 1 crack cocaine versus powder coe tan and what we were trying to do is trying to reach some compromise on the piece of legislation that would be fall those punitive things and mix some kind of effort for prevention. However we lost the election that followed in november and when we lost republican fans refunded so much. And got out of whack. And thats where we are today. Nobody gives us credit. We revisited that in 2010. And republican side and we finally got that reduced to 181. So we are making progress and made more progress with the recent bill passed earlier than this year. Using the 94 bill as dividing line and how they need to be now. Do you have a word of caution for them . In terms of how they understand how it is done in 94. People do more research and see exactly how we got to where we are. The fact of the matter is we on the democratic side did a job in putting in the kind of p prevention programs and preventive funding in the bill. We have to understand. They were able to prevail. I would cautio my friends getting ready for the next election to be very careful. Lets not be too unkind to people that find Common Ground on things and remember, no matter who is in the majority, they may not be there tomorrow. So how does that apply to what were dealing with right now with the relief bill . Look we didnt get a chance to debate this. Theres a lot of stuff in it that we dont like because it came through the senate doesnt mean its totally responsible. We want proper process. We have been discussing this disaster bill for a long, long time. We passed Disaster Relief in the house. We passed a very comprehensive bill. All of a sudden he got upset and didnt want to approve funding for puerto rico and therefore we lost that battle. I think that my republican colleague has been a bit disingenuous when you say we have not debated this issue. Obviously you recognize that whats going on on the border is terrible and its being made worse by the inaction from congress and from the white house. I understand the argument that let the disaster bill stand on its own. Fine. Why isnt there emergencytype action on something that is certainly an emergency . You have the majority of democrats in the house and the majority of republicans in the senate and you have a president that seemed to not to want to find Common Ground. I dont know why compromise has got to be such a bad word. Compromise is nothing but a process by which you seek Common Ground. Seeking Common Ground to me is an honorable thing to do in the legislative process. For some reason this president seemed to think its got to be my way or the highway. And some of his friends in the congress seem to be adhering to that. But thats not the way you legislate in a democracy. Thank you very much. Appreciate the perspective. Thank you for having me. God bless and be well. Van jones has been looking for this. A great debate with steve cortes, next. Calling all sunscreen haters. Youre gonna love this. New coppertone sport clear. Not thick, not hot, not messy, just clear, cool, protected. Coppertone sport clear. Proven to protect. Whos already won three cars, two motorcycles, a boat, and an r. V. I would not want to pay that insurance bill. [ ding ] oh, i have progressive, so i just bundled everything with my home insurance. Saved me a ton of money. Love you, gary you dont have to buzz in. Its not a question, gary. On march 1, 1810 [ ding ] frederic chopin. Collapsing in 226 [ ding ] the colossus of rhodes. [ sighs ] Louise Dustmann [ ding ] brahms lullaby, or wiegenlied. When will it end . [ ding ] not today, ron. When will it end . [ ding ] bleech aww awww its the easiest because its the cheesiest. Kraft for the win win. What shes zip lining with little jon . Its lil jon. Even he knows that. Thanks, captain obvious. Dont hatelike their trip, book yours with hotels. Com and get rewarded basically everywhere. Hotels. Com. Be there. Do that. Get rewarded. With advil liquigels, what stiff joints . What bad back . Advil is. Relief thats fast. Strength that lasts. Youll ask. What pain . With advil liquigels. Anyone associated will not have a chance to be elected. Sounds like the makings of a great debate. Good to have you gentlemen. I hope you had a good weekend. I hope you remembered the fallen. Van, so i dont want to go too deep down the road of what has already been done in this administration. What else might be done . The context is whether or not the president is right about the 94 crime bill, especially with respect to joe biden. Your take . Let me just say before we get into that that you now have im happy. Regardless im happy because for the first time in my adult life and maybe in living memory, the president of the United States and the Democratic Front runner are arguing who is the best on criminal Justice Reform. Not who is going to build more prisons or pass dumber laws but who is going to be the best at fixing mass incarceration. Now President Trump is wrong that bidens record is going to make him unelectable on the point. Trump has done better than anybody expected on the legislation but on the administration his department is still doing bad and dumb stuff. I want to say that everybody, sometimes you have to take a step back and take yes for an answer from both parties saying we have gone too far with incarceration and both parties want to do better. Thats a good thing. Lets see what happens when the economy changes. We had good ideas and kept those for 30 years man. This is a good thing. Snchts true bit i know 94 very well. It was a formative experience in my life. Why . Thats when my father lost. Three term governor, very popular guy, why . Economy went south. He had been there a long time and the economy was on the rise. At the time it was the death penalty. The country was for it. He was against it and i know the period well. One of the things that lead to it was an irrational fear of black and brown criminals. We had these things in new york city wilding where people were running around. Donald trump was right in the center of it with false accusations against the central park five. He has never apologized. He has never owned that he was wrong. That he was part of that. He is connected to the bill and hes part of the anamous that lead to it. He wins because when it comes to criminal Justice Reform in recent years, im not talking 1994, in recent years the conservatives occupy the high ground right now which would surprise a lot of voters if they take a serious look and not just President Trump. Thats very important what he did with the first step back but when you look at the governors. People like rick perry that was the governor of texas. A place not known as being soft on crime that closed prisons and who said for nonviolent drug offenders instead of incarcerating them lets give them treatment and not only because its better for them and society but also for the taxpayer because it costs an enormous amount to engage in mass incarceration so the conservatives are the ones saying. They are not lead the way on decriminalizing drug use. It was a good thing. Cant have that. Okay. Look who is closing prisons in america. They are conservative republican governors and thats a fact. Thats not debatable. I got one in my family doing the same thing and the last time i checked hes not a conservative republican. Heres what i will say on both sides. I think that the democrats will be surprised to see that you have mississippi governor bryant has moved in a positive directional reform. A lot of republican governors have been doing well on this. Democrats havent given them credit. Dont even know that its happening. But what ill also say is trump though he did great on the legislation, obama did better on the administration. The department of justice implemented a lot of very smart pollties that the Trump Administration rolled back. So you have to have both parties i would not get sucked into this. He is trying to relitigate 1994 rjs hes getting hit from the left. He should just say listen we did the best we could at that time. When i was in the Obama Administration, the Obama Administration had good ideas on legislation. And the administration and our department, heres what i would do going forward. The more that trump can trick biden into talking about 94, the more he can win. This is good for the country. Both parties being proud of backing us out of this ditch is a good thing. If thats what it is. I get what the first step is. You ignored the premise of my initial question which is, donald trump i always ask him mr. President but im talking about him as a citizen. Hei he thinks they still did it. I would love to get into all the facts of what happened with the central park 5. All they had was a bunch of kids where they put them in separate rooms. They wrote books on it. I know the facts very well. No, no, no. No, no. Hold on a second. No. You cant just say no a thousand times and not let me talk. Another guys dna was on the victim. At best. Im not going to let you lie. Correct and that was never in dispute. That was never in dispute at trial. The prosecutor in closing arguments said yes, the actual rapist, the person that did the physical insertion is not here on trial. That was established from the very beginning. You can be convicted of rape even if youre not the one that did the actual raping. This is disgusting on your part. At best what those five the best Case Scenario. He says the woman is going to have to live with this and its terrible. Hes using the victims tragedy. Can i talk . You cant pervert the facts. You can talk but you cant pervert the facts. Dont say whats not true. Go ahead. A fact, a fact is that it was never it was never a predicate at all. The prosecutor at the time did not say that the dna and the semen was from one of those five. They didnt introduce dna at the trial. The best Case Scenario not dna, semen. Thats why i said something different. It was in the early stages. The best Case Scenario, it was not acceptable at that point in new york court. It with was not acceptable yet. The best Case Scenario can i talk . No, not on this. Im not allowed to say the facts of the case because the facts of the case are that in the best case, if you put them in their best light they created heinous acts of violence that night. Lets end it that right there. We can talk about the 94 bill but until you guys decide to have donald trump own what he said. No assaults that night. Listen. You should be ashamed of yourself, steve. They were railroaded. You know it. Youre protecting the president on the back of kids. This ishy. You can never take the stain off of them. The facts of that case. I know it. You dont know them. This is disgusting tonight, steve. Youre disgusting tonight, steve. Disgusting. 41 million paid those kids. Donald trump slandered them then and he knows it and lives to this day. He gets no high ground when he was part of what lead up to it. Thank you for making your cases as always. Be well. Youve seen whats happening. Not on this show. You have to get the facts right. Go back and take a look. Things that didnt need to happen. These people were killed by congestion. Climbers cant get around one another because theres too many of them trying to scale it at the same time in a small window. This is not what the metaphor of climbing the mountain was supposed to be about. This is not what the adventure was supposed to be about. Im going to take you through the situation. Next. Ob well done. Painting be done. And stay done. Behr premium plus, a toprated interior paint at a great price. Find it exclusively at the home depot. With licensed agents available 24 7. Its not just easy. Its havingawalrusingoal easy roooaaaar its a walrus ridiculous yes nice save, big guy good job duncan way to go [chanting] its not just easy. Its geico easy. Oh, duncan. Stay up. No sleepies. And is the Fastest Growing place to buy a car in the nation. Carvana is six years old this year its geico easy. Its because we have thousands of people working hard to make our customers experiences the best. Its because we have tens of thousands of cars ready to be delivered to your doorstep. 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Its almost over after one of the deadliest seasons ever. 11 people killed. That wasnt because of a single event as were used to hearing. This was different. Scores of climbers look at this. Now look this is not an easy thing to asend obviously. But come on. 240. Lets just take a look at it. It doesnt look to scale like a big deal. Youre starting off as something thats going to be higher than anything anybody else is going to be on. You dont want to be in a log jam up in the death zone. It starts here at base camp, all right . Now this is what it looks like to you. You have all of these people. 18,000 feet. 50 of oxygen at sea level. Its all about thin air and getting the body used to it. What you cant control are the conditions. So now youre not at your best. You have freezing temperatures, blizzards, avalanches, thats why you usually end up having a death event. Since 1922, the year that climbers have started recording the deaths, you had more than 200, okay . And why . Well, most of them die up on the peak, that makes sense. Their bodies are frozen. You cant recover them because its too dangerous and too expensive a task to retrieve them, frankly. Now most die and as i said earlier in what is called the death zone. Above 26,000 feet. Why is that . Well, obviously its the highest and the most dangerous. Were not supposed to be there. The bodys cells literally start to die. Your judgment is impaired. The risk of heart attack, stroke, increases dramatically. All right . So what we have seen in the past is thats what is going to take you out. 11 people are dead. But this didnt need to happen. This is about overcrowding in that zone. A 64yearold austrian man died hours after summiting. This is not that unusual to die on the way back down. Made it to 29,000 feet. Thats like 20 empire state buildings. Youre going up a big flight of stairs and youre getting one out of every three breaths. Just think about the deprivation. Why on the way down. You have altitude sickness. The cells start to change. Youre not supposed to be there. Sickness from prolonged exposure. So you make this risk. All of these things in life. Sometimes youre stuck. Inexperienced climbers holding up the lines. The permitting process is coming under scrutiny. The government is specifically getting scrutiny because they failed to provide proof of climbing experience for those that they issue permits to. Now one more title this all raises for us. What fuels our needs to test the limits. What is the real test . Lets get into that with d. Lemon next. Now that we got the facts and situation under control. E . I assembled it myself last night. I think i did an ok job. Just ok . What if something bad happens . We just move to the next town. Just ok is not ok. Especially when it comes to your network. At t is americas best Wireless Network according to americas biggest test. Now with 5g evolution. The first step to 5g. More for your thing. Thats our thing. 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It recommends our best custom fit orthotic to relieve foot, knee, or lower back pain. So you can move more. Dr. Scholls. Born to move. Im craving something were missing. The ceramides in cerave. They help restore my natural barrier, so i can lock in moisture. Weve got to have each others backs. Cerave. Now the 1 dermatologist recommended skincare brand. After all thats what my motto lets get after it is all about. Facing the challenge. But isnt there a balance being missed here of what we see in evidence ve everest . Theres no small difference between testing limits and setting yourself up for trouble. Whats happening on everest brings up straight talk. All respect and love for people that make the trek and remember those that are gone and my condolences to their families but when you look at that picture and understand whats going on you do have to speak truth about what is it worth to get this achievement . What will you go through to get what this is . Whats your take . Im going to speak to Woody Hartman on my show that took one of these pictures and just summited the mountain and is down now and he has a really personal story about what its like to come across dead bodies and people that lost consciousness. He said the exact quote that you said because the mountain is there and represents the highest of what man can achieve and maybe the toughest. Quite frankly his best answer came when i said you know what, most regular folks will just ask you why you do it and so ill save that coming up. I think its tough. Before you can get the question out for me, if you said to me, don, would you like to climb mount i think there are some things that humans should not do, and, you know, but people do it and more power to them. Very often its life changing for people, and it gives them a sense of themselves they didnt have. It could be empowering and motivating for the rest of their lives. I totally get it, i have friends who do it. It is a total risk, sometimes it works, sometimes it doesnt, but i think you have to think about what happens if it goes wrong . Thats what i say to my son mario. Hes a huge daredevil. I shame doing double jumps in the pool. Ill show you pictures. I was washing the boat and i turned around. He was stand ing on a piling ths wide and hes doing the karate kid thing and then hes closing his eyes and doing the yoga thing. Do you remember the time he jumped off the boat . Oh, yeah. You were going, what, 30 miles an hour . 30 miles an hour, he wanted to see if he could skip. Hes an adrenaline guy, but it does make you think, who is waiting for you at home . What is home about . What will be lost . What are you risking . Its not just about climbing the mountain. I do risky things like pushing you and guests on television and getting in trouble. Thats risky enough these days. But im not going to do that. Bill weld, who is former massachusetts governor, says trump deserves an aryan nation. I was at the Pulitzer Prizes today at columbia university. There was a surprise guest to honor aretha franklin. You want to hear her singing amazing grace. Why is this man smiling . Not yet. Wait for it. Wait for it. Wait for it. Thats as close as you get. Why . Because he knows what hes going to do there is another scotus vacancy in the election year. Merrick garland who . So many are outraged at what he said. I want you to hear it and then tackle it. Behr presents a job well done. Painting be done. And stay done. Behr premium plus, a toprated interior paint at a great price. Find it exclusively at the home depot. Burger i want a sugar cookie i want a bucket of chicken i want. Its the easiest, because its the cheesiest kraft. For the win win. But allstate actually helps you drive safely. With drivewise. It lets you know when you go too fast. And brake too hard. With feedback to help you drive safer. Giving you the power to actually lower your cost. Unfortunately, it cant do anything about that. Now that you know the truth. Are you in good hands . What shes zip lining with little jon . Its lil jon. Even he knows that. Thanks, captain obvious. Dont hatelike their trip, book yours with hotels. Com and get rewarded basically everywhere. Hotels. Com. Be there. Do that. Get rewarded. First fact in the argument. Senator Majority Leader Mitch Mcconnell refusing to put up Merrick Garland for a scotus vacancy. All were doing, chris, is following a longstanding tradition on not filling vacancies on the Supreme Court in the middle of a president ial election year. Would he do the same thing if the president were in his party . He said this today. If i Supreme Court justice was to die next year, what would you do . I would fill it. Oh, the hypocrishypocrisy. Shame on mcconnell. All things wrong with politics. Except he isnt the problem, is he . Hes a symptom, like a fever rash or clammy hands or gas. I now argue the reality, the root cause. Elections have consequences. Dont hear it in a judgey take your punishment kind of way. You control all of it. With mcconnell, what deals are made, they vote in and out these people and they act in no fear of consciousness. You just saw it. Witness mcconnell for what he is. Witness senator graham for what he is. Too many put emphasis on the players and not the reality of who controls the game. We all hear it and most say it. Votes, theyre marginalized, they dont really count, its all about the money, the elites, the insiders, the media, whatever. Then you get trump. While one could reasonably argue that this president is for what many say hes against, its not enough to prevail in the polls and the people and the places that mattered. Thats why its a dangerous mistake to see this president as the root of your troubles. He is a reflection of what we have let our system become. And in an odd twist, people saw things they wanted to change, things they hate. And they saw this president not as a cure but almost like a virus inserted into the corpus of politics to set about making it sick, as a way, i guess, of hopefully sweating itself out of the fever of favoritism they reject. Yes, compromise is seen as as capitulation. If you were to look and say, i dont want to see another one of these guys do this again. There will be another Mitch Mcconnell moment like this if he gets voted out. These people are only as bad as you allow them to be. Elections do have consequences. Remember your power, people. Remember it. Remember to use it. This will be my clarion call to you during this election. Its all about you. You get what you want in a democracy. Thats why Mitch Mcconnell is able to play the game, because he is kept a player in it. Thank you for watching. Cnn tonight with the one and only d. Lemon starts now. Only what youre allowing them to be. Youre so right, but you know what, the folks who are sitting at home and allowing it to happen, who say its okay and people have trump derangement syndrome if they actually call out things that the president does or things in the congress, people in the congress do or in the senate, youre going to get your comeuppance when there is a democratic nation, a Democratic Senate and a democratic congress. It will happen. It will happen in probably most of our lifetime. And you will complain about the

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