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Barnett. Hello, and welcome to our viewers in the United States and around the world. This is cnn newsroom. We are watching washington this week to see how thing play out between the israeli Prime Minister and the u. S. President. Benjamin netanyahu landed in the u. S. Sunday evening, and at the top of his agenda a speech to Congress Warning again an agreement on Irans Nuclear program. He says a bad deal could threaten israels future. His visit has ied a number of democrats irked a number of democrat in watch who plan to skip the speech. O rain lieberman joining us from jerusalem. We know that mr. Netanyahu was making final changes to his speech during the flight on is not. What can we on sunday. What can we expect him to say in front of congress . The content of the speech wont be too much of a surprise. We expect him to talk about the threat of a nuclear iran not own only to israel and the security of israel but to peace in the middle east. Generally in term of content and topics hell be talking about, there is agreement. The politicians agree a nuclear iran is a threat to the safe of israel. What people disagree to is whether this speech is a good idea and good way toward america and to negotiation areas in the dole about it. A lot of people are split. Some agree, some say generally on the right say, yes, going to washington is a good idea. Whereas the left generally sees this as a bad idea with two weeks to go until the elections. To that point, you had more than 180 former commanders there in does who held a press conference on sunday essentially urging the Prime Minister to cancel his speech. Their view that by him making comments while the u. S. Is still trying to make a deal iran it could push iran closer toward a nuclear weapon. What more can you tell you about what they had to say and the reaction to that . So thats a nonpartisan group, and they agree, again they agree with netanyahu that a nuclear iran is a threat to the region. They think that this in thes speech not only ruins or harms relationships between israel and washington but also ruins and harms israels relationship with other foreign nations which weakens and harms israels ability to any extent. Thats where they see the difficulties in trying to manipulate and trying to influence these negotiations in any way. They dont think netanyahus speech. And many clap police are urging, even at this late hour are urging netanyahu to step back and perhaps moat in private with some of the democrats and republicans and influence that way instead of something as public as a speech before congress. Well speak with one of those former commanders next hour on cnn to get a clear understanding of what it is exactly they disagree with. Youve been listening to Orrin Lieberman on the phone from jerusalem with details about netanyahus now controversial speech. We should note that so far theres been no details released about any nuclear deal between the u. S. And iran. You but israeli officials claim to have some insight about the ongoing talks. Earlier i speak with Aaron David Miller from the Woodrow Wilson school for scholars. We spoke about whether Benjamin Netanyahu speech will change anything. I asked how mr. Netanyahu can criticize a dies that hasnt been made yet. Its easy to do preventive diplomacy. I think thats one of the Prime Ministers objectives. I think he believes and the israelis are persuaded, i suspect, that they know enough and the arc of the deal from their point of view is running the wrong direction. Too many loopholes for the iranians in terms of enrichment perhaps not a long enough period with respect to the durability of an agreement. So i think the details are less important than the politics right now, and the politics given the Prime Ministers conviction that this is a bad deal put it this way, there are no good deals, and such a deal is imminent. The politics given how strongly he feels about the demand an effort to preempt, prevent marshal congressional support, and to some degree American Public opinion. And it also seems, though, an effort to him any kind of deal. I mean you often hear a lot of people even israel say that some kind of deal is better than no deal at all. Would this suggest that for Prime Minister netanyahu he will prefer no dialogue with iran and no type of compromise whatsoever . Well, i think that is his preference. The issue, though is were only talking about a speech. I mean the Prime Minister doesnt have votes in congress nor is me the architect of the administrations policies. I will go as far to suggest that nothing he can say or do in coming days would fundamentally change the reality of whether or not there is going to be an agreement. That grammy success or failure will depend on the terms that are on the table. And i suspect in many respects whats happening in washington is really transdential to what will be happening in geneva during the negotiations. Thats the irony of this. Yeah but the point then why . Why do such a thing . Its caused controversy. We already there are reports over the past few years that on a personal level Prime Minister netanyahu and president obama dont get along. Knowing that you will why accept this type of invite by the house speaker, john boehner . Because i think his motives are shaped by conviction and political pragmatism. I think he truly believes and hes been beating the drum on iran now for at least 20 years, that a deal that will be cut will leave the iranians once it expires in a position to create industrialgrade infrastructure. They dont trust iran. Irans behavior in the region i think as far as the israelis are concerned, in syria, if iraq with respect to hamas and hezbollah are sthauch in the end the iranians cant be trusted, cant be relied. If you add to that conviction the reality that in the weeks leading up to the march 17 election this issue allows him to dominate the preliminary stage political stage, and to highlight the experience his experience in National Security matters against the inexperience of his key rival, then it seems to me quite comprehensible. Whether its the rye thing to do whether it the right thing to do whether it will succeed, those are different questions. I think if you asked why now, i think thats the answer. Just in the last few seconds here could this backfire . Could this hurt mr. Netanyahu back home in some way . Lets be clear, if by march 17th Benjamin Netanyahu is in a position to put together the next Israeli Government hell be hailed as a political genius. If he isnt and in fact the exit polls suggest that israelis were offended or disturbed by what they believe to be a clear political act and he loses, and then hell be the goat. It really wiebe it really will depend on the results. We will fine out soon. Aaron david miller scholar with the Woodrow Wilson Center Giving us insight from d. C. Much appreciated. More than 30 democrats plan to boycott Benjamin Netanyahus speech on tuesday. One prominent u. S. Senator who is jewish says she will attend despite strongly disagreeing with the israeli Prime Minister who calls himself a messenger of all israelis and the entire jewish people. Listen to this does it bother you when he says he speak for all yeah. I think its an arrogant statement. I think the Jewish Community is like any other community. There are different points of view. So i think that arrogance does not befit israel. Now as weve mentioned, more than 180 former Israel Security commanders are calling for Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to cancel his speech to the u. S. Congress. That group asking the Prime Minister to work with, not against the u. S. President. Lets get you to moscow now. Investigators are pursuing multiple leads into who may have gunned down prominent opposition activist boris nemtsov. Were hearing from a snowplow driver who witnessed the moments after fridays killing. A russian tv station released this Surveillance Video saying it shows the shooting as it happens. Now in this video weve got it circled for you, that snowplow is seen slowly approaching two people who appear to be them son and his companion. Moments later what you see there, the truck stops, and someones seen running to a car been the snowplow behind the snowplow. The driver of the snowplow told a russian tv station he didnt actually see the shooting. Translator i got on the bridge looked into the Rearview Mirror and saw a man on the ground. I realized he didnt feel well. I drove a little bit further and pulled over. I stopped the engine got out, and started to walk around from the left. A girl was running to me. She was wearing a white coat. I asked her what happened. Does the man feel bad . No he was shot. Thats it. I realized we needed to call the ambulance and police. She asked whether i knew the phone number. I call the emergency. Meanwhile, thousands of russians gathered for a march through moscow to mourn and protest nemtsovs killing. Take a look at some of the scenes. This was originally to be an opposition rally led by nemtsov himself. Many at is nots march blame his death on what they describe as an atmosphere of hate. Senior National Correspondent Matthew Chance was there. [ chanting] reporter thousands of people have turned out to pay their respects to boris them sofr. The chant here is that russia will be free. Thats what theyre chanting as they march across this bridge. The bridge just in the shadow of the kremlin where boris them son was gunned down friday night. What message do you think this killing has sent to russia . To russians . Wake up. Wake up. Reporter some the messages and signs have been moving indeed. One saying propaganda kills. A reference to this idea that whoever ordered the killing of boris nemtsov, whoever pulled the trigger its the atmosphere in russia that if youre opposed to the kremlin means youre an enemy of the state. It is the context in which he was killed. Thats what people are most concerned about here. Do you believe that mr. Putin, president putin is responsible for this killing . We do believe in this and we believe that all current troubles country going across is because of his presidency. Reporter despite the enormous turnout, the popularity of Vladimir Putin is still extremely high. Polls saying in the region of 8 . The big question is 86 . The big question is will this change politics or send a message that if youre opposed to the kremlin, this could happen to you . Magu chance cnn, moscow. Before he was the man in the black mask in the isis beheading videos muhammad elwazi pleaded to an Advocacy Group. King abdullah says the gloves have come off. His first interview since a jordanian pilot of burned to death by isis. Mouths are watering, lemons are squeezing and stomachs are growling. Or is it just me . Every minute between you and red lobsters lobsterfest feels like an eternity. And who could blame you for craving our largest variety of succulent lobster dishes all year . Dishes like dueling lobster tails. With one tail topped with creamy shrimp and a second tail stuffed with tender crab. 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I am totally blind. And sometimes i struggle to sleep at night, and stay awake during the day. This is called non24. Learn more by calling 8448242424. Or visit your24info. Com. Welcome back. Now we may never know what drove Muhammad Emwazi otherwise known as jihadi john, to join isis. New emails just released by the Advocacy Group cage could give us some clues. For example, the group says emwazi wrote the messages between 2010 and 2012. In them attempting to seek legal help. He said he was being harassed by police and Airport Security officials. Analysts argue this these emails are just part of the story. Investigators were likely targeting him because of alleged links to terrorist groups. Surveillance video has surfaced of three british schoolgirls who are believed to have gone to syria to join isis. They were seen in this closed circuit footage boarding a bus in istanbul. A british counterterrorism officer says police have tried to reach out to the girls using the turkish media and social media to persuade them to go home. The girls parents have also publicly pleaded for them to return home. Isis has reportedly released 19 Assyrian Christian hostages. The syrian observatory for human rights says all but one of the hostages are part of a group kidnapped during isis attacks on villages in Northern Syria just last week. The fate of the remaining hostages more than 200, is not clear. The Human Rights Group says almost 2,000 people have been executed by isis since last june. Jordans King Abdullah has called for a strong response against isis since the horrific murder of a jordanian pilot. His country of shot boy the kill shocked by the killing of the king by the group. This is the first time youre speaking to the world since the death of the jordanian pilot in that brutal video. Tell us what was your reaction when you first saw the video. Well in actual fact i didnt see the video. And i many of us refused to what i think is propaganda. Obviously i had a detail brief of what happened. We couldnt escape seeing obviously pictures in the newspapers. Disgust, sadness to discussed sadness to the family. My heart went out to the father the mother the brothers the sisters, his wife. They amy only been married theyd only been married for five months. Anger as a son of the arab army the Jordanian Armed forces god bless his soul, hes a brother in arms. I think all jordanian soldiers past and present were angered and disgusted by the brutality of what he was put through. And i think if isis or dash as we call them tried to intimidate jordanians, i think it had the reverse effect. If you look at our country, our country is used to being outgunned and outnumbered. Weve always punched above our weight. If anything dash has a tiger by the tail. And it just motivated jordanians to rally around the flag, and the gloves have come off. King abdullah speaking with Fareed Zakaria there. The u. S. And south korea begin annual military exercises, and north has a defiant response. Well bring you a live report on that after this. Stay with us. North korea has reportedly testfired two shortrange Ballistic Missiles from the west coast. A military official flea officials theyre scud cs. Its fallen to the sea of japan, the east sea. They were launched from 60 kilometers southwest of pyongyang. The missiles were launched as the United States and south korea began their annual military exercises. Paula hancocks now from seoul, south korea, with the latest on that. We see Missile Launch from north korea all the time. The challenge is discerning whether or not it is a prelude to something more serious. What is being made of the launches this time around . Reporter well i dont think anyones too surprised the fact that this is day one of the twomonthlong annual war games. It angers pyongyang every year. Every year we see these launches. The fact that theyre shortrange missiles wont tornado too many although we have heard from the south Korean Defense ministry that they do see this as a provocative act. Translator our military and the u. S. Forces have enhanced surveillance posture, and were maintaining a posture to immediately respond. If north korea takes provocative actions, our military will reaction firmly and strongly so north korea will regret it bitterly. The South Koreans were concerned that as far the spokesperson was concerned, there was no sales launched ahead of this launch who he says means that there were shipping vessels in the area, planes in the area that could have been jeopardized. Japan was also angry about this. The chief cabinet secretary saying theyve launched an official complaint through diplomatic channels because they said it was simply dangerous. So this is why this particular one is seen as a provocative act. But to put it into context, this time last year when we had these annual drills between the u. S. And south korea, there were some 90 Ballistic Missiles and rockets launched boy north korea. Some obviously just test firing. Its that time of year. Some showing displeasure. I think we can expect to see pretty much a similar situation over the next couple of months. You could say things will be predictably unpredictable when it comes to whats said from pyongyang. These u. S. And south korea exercises named full eagle and key reserve, theyll laugh for about two months. We should note that north korea conducts its own drills each winter which makes their reaction this time around that much more strange. But is north korea under kim jongun becoming more predictable at all . Is that part of the concern here . All right. Unfortunately, a technical issue there with our Paula Hancocks in seoul. Well move on. Boris nemtsov predicted if he were killed it would be an international incident. Im a wellknown guy. This is a safety because if something happened with me it will be a scandal not only in moscow city but around the world. Still to come on cnn, youll hear more from the russian opposition figure who was gunned down in front of the kremlin. Stay with us. When heartburn comes creeping up on you. Fight back with relief so smooth. Its fast. Tums smoothies starts dissolving the instant it touches your tongue. And neutralizes stomach acid at the source. Tum, tum tum tum. Smoothies only from tums. Pretty much a good day for me would be people leaving their hands off of me. Im always called names. Um, everywhere that i go theres always someone calling me names, calling me gay. Ive been choked. Thrown up against a wall. Punched. Nobodys ever tried to help me. A big welcome back to our viewers in the us and around the world. Im errol barnett. Lets update you on our top stories. The israeli Prime Minister is in the u. S. Where hes expected to denounce a possible nuclear deal with iran. Benjamin netanyahu says a bad deal would make things worse for israel. Several congressional democrat call the speech inappropriate and plan to boycott it. It is considered the biggest test yet for the iraqi army. Iraqs Prime Minister ordered the start of a major offensive to take back the city of tikrit from isis. Thousands of iraqi and militia forces are gathering 70 kilometer from the city which has been under isis control for eight months. In moscow thousands marched in mourning of the killing of boris nemtsov. The outspoken critic was gunned down on a bridge near the kremlin. More than 48 hours later, his killer or killers remain at large. Investigators are pursuing multiple leads in nemtsovs case including the possible that the opposition may have been behind his death. Police have released a vague image of what his killer might look like. Our senior interNational Correspondent, Fred Pleitgen reports. Reporter the police appear to have gone away from the theory that them son of walking on the bridge when a car stopped next to him, and the walk he was walking with that someone shot out of the car and drove away. The new theory based on Surveillance Video from the scene of the crime, that someone might have been stalking him on the bridge shot him, and jump into a getaway car. This comes from cameras that are around the area which is one of the most secure locations here in moscow because its by the kremlin and by red square. Now one of the other things that police have said is that they no longer believe that a white vehicle that they believe to have identified is related to this case. They say that theyve spoken to the owner of the vehicle and that that owner has nothing to do with what happened to boris nemtsov. The main witness in all that continue to be the 23yearold model who was walking with nemtsov along the bridge when he was shot. Shes skill in moscow in an apartment in a secure location and that she is cooperating with authorities. Police say they have every reason to keep her here and to continue questioning her pause she is such an important witness. Russian media says theres a computer image of what the assailant might look like based on eyewitness testimony. They say that they believe that the assailant was a male who was between one meter 70 and one meter 75 tall. Thats between about 56 or 57 that he was wearing dark blue jeans and had very short brown hair. Police say theyre looking for additional eyewitnesses. They put out a reward of throw million rubles about 50,000, for any clues that would lead to the avenue are of the assailant, cnn, moscow. Nemtsov was outspoken against russian president putin. Last year nemtsov talked with cnns an Anthony Bourdain about russian corruption and what you says happens when you oppose president putin. Reporter we were supposed to be dining in another restaurant. When they heard you would be joining me, they changed their mind, we were uninvited. Is should i be concerned about having dinner with you . First of all, tony were you surprised about such a response from of a surpriseded . Yeah. Reporter they were concerned that complications might arise. Problems. Reporter there is precedent that critics of the government critics of putin, bad things seem to happen to them. I tried to talk yes, im a liberal democratic Opposition Leader in this country. And i believe that russia has a chance to be free. Unfortunately, existing power represent russia in 19th century, not of 21st but 19th century. The power of one guy, a been of the power without real freedom of press, without real competition, without elections, without independent system, without rule of law. This is russia of 1th century. Russia needs something new to be successful. Reporter certainly there is a hesitancy, the notion of doing business here i will say any number of potential entrepreneurs or investors have reason to be hesitant given the climate. Russia does not have a particularly good reputation for a transparent business environment. Would that be fair to say . You are in the typical country of cronyism. Like philippine like pakistan like middle asian countries, like some others right . Absolutely typical. You either have Good Relationship with putin and his people around right . Good relationship doesnt matter or you have a chance to raise money, to be successful you know to buy real estate in the south of france or in switzerland, to open accounts in swiss banks, et cetera. But if something happened between you and putin, you would be in jail. Reporter the companies dismantle the company will disappear. Police barsradars will watch the Business Reporter this is not a subtle warning, its pretty blunt, often, you know in cities in america generally, when you had the big man like a mayor daley or boss if you crossed the wrong people this would happen. You never could directly say that one thing caused the other. Here theres really no theres no question no ones being particularly shy about it. There is delve a message if you miss with us that this is bad things will happen to you. Everybody understands that. Everybody understands everything in this country. There is a choice for rich people and for businesspeople including owners of this restaurant right . The choice is to be wealthy, you must be loyal. This point of view or if you want to be independent, forget about business forget about raising money. Just to fight. What we see throughout the world, if you are rich this is an opportunity for you to do something, right . Reporter right. This is your independence. Strongly feels if you are rich, are you slave. If you are rich are you very much dependent. You met alexander ledvedov he was rich now he is not. He has his own position. He has his own view for example on corruption. He lost everything. He became bankrupt not because hes stupid and not because he is but businessman, you know. But because this putin work against him and destroyed his business including business everywhere. Putin must remain on if you are business forget politics. I am in government not you. I am rich and i control kremlin, and are you lax. Thats all. Boris nemtsov there gunned down on friday. Speaking to our Anthony Bourdain last year. Still to come here on cnn, if Malaysia Airlines flight 370 is ever found, how will it be recovered . Well take a look at Cutting Edge Technology that could raise the missing jetliners wreckage. Plus why a dallas nurse who survived ebola is suing the hospital where she worked. Sara lee owns Vice President has put himself into quarantine tine after one of his bodyguards died from ebola last week. Samuel sam sumana tells reuters he will lead by example and avoid contact with anyone for 21 days. Sierra leone along with guinea were hardest hit. The total number of new cases has sharply declined though a wave of marine infections is raising new concerns. Do you remember the u. S. Nurse nina pham . She survived ebola. Now shes suing the hospital where she contracted the disease. The 26yearold tells the Dallas Morning News that the hospital and its Parent Company failed her and her colleagues because they didnt provide proper training and gear. Pham says she has nightmares body aches, and insomnia as a result of getting the disease. She was caring for a patient when this happened last fall. The Hospital Company says it continues to support pham and hopes the matter can be resolved with dialogue. Now the u. S. City of cleveland is blaming a 12yearold boy for his own death. Officer Timothy Lohman shot and killed tamir rice within two seconds of arriving at a Recreation Center in november. This of the security footage. The boy was playing with a pellet gun. The family filed a wrongful death lawsuit accusing the officer of acting unreasonably and recklessly in its response to the lawsuit, the city said rices injuries were directly caused by his own actions. Australia malaysia and indonesia are testing a new method for tracking planes over remote areas. Aircraft will now be tracked every 15 minutes as opposed to the Current System of 30 to 40 minutes. This announcement comes a week before the First Anniversary of Malaysia Airlines flight 370s disappearance. We report one company is planning on how to recover the plane if its ever found. Reporter the search continues for mh370 in the deaths of the southern indian ocean, a team of mechanical engineers is already planning for the next crucial step. This is an rv a remotely operated underwater vehicle. Cutting Edge Technology normally used in the oil and gas industry. It flies like an underwater helicopter and takes the capability of a diver and puts it into a machine. Reporter if and when mh370 is finally located, this could be the device that will be used to retrieve the wreckage and vital black boxes hopefully with the answers to what went terribly wrong. Mh370 is a challenge like no other. Its a unique challenge in the world at the moment. There is very little Reference Material that we can use to know what you would find and what the technology is going to need to do it. Reporter the only test case that comes close is air france 447 back in 2009. The crash in the Atlantic Ocean it crashed in the atlantic woegz 228 people on board. Authorities knew where it hit the water, it took nearly two years to recover the black boxes. At around 4,000 meters below the surface. The depth of the search area of mh370 is deeper still at 4. 5 4,500 meters. It drops away to rugged terrain. Its easy to imagine an airplane on a seabed in deep water. The reality could be different. Its that dynamic range of what does the debris field look like what does the seabed look like, that is an unknown. Reporter the Australian Government has already invited an expression of interest to the recovery of mh370, preparing for the day when the wreckage is found. Among the requirements retrieving the debris. The allimportant cockpit voice and data recorders, as well as human remains from the ocean floor. The company tmt based in perth is one of many vying for the multimilliondollar contract. But the significance of the job goes far beyond its monetary value. Nobody expects to step into the airplane and not step out safely on the other side. We can learn from whats discovered, it will make the world a safer place and allow people to properly grieve and move forward with their lives. Reporter an overwhelming need for families who want to put their loved ones to rest. Cnn, perth. Were following all sores of stories. The twitter verse is buzzing over William Shatner missing Leonard Nimoys funeral. Hear why he stayed in florida. You pay for your data every month. So why does your carrier take back what you dont use . Its your data all your unused data and if you switch now, well even give you 10 gigabytes of free 4g lte data on the spot. 10 gigabytes of free 4g lte data. Only from tmobile. ;n;n;n thanks for staying with us everyone. British royalty and chinese leaders are meeting in beijing. Weve got some new video to show you of Prince William Meeting Chinese president xi jinping. The duke of cambridge traveled to japan and is now visiting key cities in china. He is the high ever profile royal to visit Mainland China in almost 30 years. Also want to show you this video from one of our affiliates in missouri. The news truck caught on camera the moment when a car in front spins out and off the snow in early sunday morning, you see the snowy highway there. Heavy snow has been blame for several crashes in the area. Some of them fatal. You see it there just spinning out. February was one of the coldest months in decades for large pars of north america. Our meteorologist Pedram Javaheri joins us to talk about that the dangers that still exist and i guess whats outside the window now. Gosh yeah. Well start with a live perspective across atlanta. Who let the fog out . This is the outside perspective. Through the southern United States, this is what its going to look like across the southern United States over the next couple of days when it comes to a foggy, dreary misty setup. For atlanta i dont see much in the way of sunshine until potentially thursday afternoon. You look at the perspective, this is what errol is talking about being a cold setup. 63 of the United States with at least one inch on the ground. Sun helps moderate temperature, keep it on the cold side. February coldest month on record for a lot of cities. Buffalo coldest month ever. New york city 24 fahrenheit the coldest month in 80 years. Chicago, montreal toronto, toronto failed to get to the freezing mark the entire month. That hasnt happened since the 1970s. Very cold take you to the intermountain west. We have snow showers going to move in across some of the Higher Elevations of arizona. The ski report, a foot the came down saturday into sunday flagstaff among the snowiest places in the u. S. I grew up in the region. About eight inch in the forecast. Wet weather pushing into arizona the next 24 or so hours. Getting up above 5,500 feet you could pick up eight to ten inches of snowfall across the high country of arizona. Something well be following the next couple of days. Top show you whats happening down under. Strong thunderstorms, one role across a ban in melbourne the past 24 hours, another over sydney. Look at the footage out of australia. Officials there are saying some 250 emergency calls were responded to tremendous rainfall power lightning strikes. In fact one of the beaches on the Eastern Suburbs of sydney they evacuated the beach because of dangers of the weather. Kind of a time lapse perspective of these storms as they cruised across this region. Of course some Train Service also disrupted, but the wind speeds look at the maps 122 kph, about 75 Miles Per Hour in melbourne. Hurricaneforce gusts if sydney. Temperature reached nearly 100 fahrenheit, 38 celsius. The single warmest temperature sydney has seen in 11 years and on the 1st of march in australia it is the start of autumn. Every spot on the globe experiencing mosts coldest, warmest, this fluctuation. Anomalies keep me in business. Yes, not good for the long term. Youll be in business for a long time. We appreciate the update. An arizona shout out. See you soon. Thank you. It is the event boxing fans have been waiting more than five years today. Manny pacquiao and Floyd Mayweather in a ring in a bout for the welterweight title. The highly anticipated matchup in las vegas is nine weeks away. It is expected to bring in, get this 250 million at least. Pacquiao took a moment away from training to speak with ivan watson and revealed who really wanted him to fight mayweather. The answer may surprise you. Reporter did one of your sons ask you about organizing the fight with Floyd Mayweather . My son and my daughter they really want this fight happen. Reporter they wanted it . They wanted it. Last last three years ago, daddy, i want you to fight mayweather. I want you to fight mayweather. I said why why, you know its not my fault he dont want to fight. Finally now it happened. And they really want to watch the fight. Some bloodthirsty kids there. Stay tuned for more coming up tomorrow here on cnn. We want to talk about some of the big headlines in hollywood. For that we call. Kim serafin, the Senior Editor for in touch weekly. Joins us from los angelesment one big thing people are talking about is the skit on saturday night live over the weekend. It seemed to pair day the young people being radicalized on line and trying to join isis. Before you respond, lets show everyone what were talking about. Thanks. You got it, kiddo. Looks like your rides here. You be careful, okay . Dad, its just isis. There you have. Actress Dakota Johnson saying to her dad, its just isis. What did you make of this . What are making making of it . Reporter exactly. This was Dakota Johnson, she was hosting saturday night live. And look saturday night live certainly dips into the waters of the topics that are in the news all the time. Theyve gotten in trouble in the past. There have been people who think that theyre controversial. This of definitely a skit that a lot of people thought was a tlietd controversial. Kind a little too controversial. Kind of pokes fun, a satire of a toyota ad. A dad dropping a girl off to college. Instead this takes from the headlines, a girl going off to join isis. A lot of people on social media, twitter, were upset. They thought that saturday night live went too far. There are some comedians defending it saying it is just satire. There is biigdebate whether this was too controversial. I think its interesting. I think people thought Dakota Johnson would be controversial with the fifty shade of grey and thought there would be too much sex in the skits. Instead, its this thats causing controversy. One other headline that got a lot of clicks. Leonard nimoy who played spock on star trek passed away friday. Way shatner he played captain kirk said he wouldnt be able to attend the funeral because of a scheduling conflict. Did the two get along, and what happened in the end . Reporter yeah heres another issue that caused a bit of controversy. People on twitter upset that he was William Shatner was not able to make it to Leonard Nimoys funeral. William shatner said he was in florida for a red cross benefit. Hey is he wanted to spend the time there raising money, but instead of making it he did an online service, Memorial Service to nimoy, answering questions from fans about the relationship about Leonard Nimoy as a person, as a father just who he was. And it was actually nice. It was touching. He gave kind of insight into their friendship and to their relationship. It was actually a nice thing. I think there were people that were upset that he didnt make it to the funeral, but he was raising money for a good cause. Like i said he did pay tribute on line. Interesting. Speaking of raising money, vince vaughn lady gaga raising a record amount of money for the special olympics. How did they do it . Reporter they took the polar plunge in chicago, taking a dunk is in icy cold waters. They had fun, they had a blast. Vince vaughn, everyone knew he was showing up. Then lady gaga surprised everyone showed up dunked in the water with her fiance Taylor Kinney also in chicago. This was a nice thing to do. As you mentioned, they raised a record moon of money for the special olympics. Incredible. Celebrities can write a check, its easy. This is a way to get out and draw attention to the cause. Not something so comfortable but they had fun doing it. Talk about doing the one thing nobody wants to do now which is jump into lake michigan. Yeah a good cause. Kim serafin, always good to catch up with you, Senior Editor of in touch weekly. Thanks. More of the biggest stories to come. Next hour here on cnn, zain asher joins me. Stay with us. I am totally blind. And sometimes i struggle to sleep at night, and stay awake during the day. This is called non24. Learn more by calling 8448242424. Or visit your24info. Com. [ male announcer ] whether it takes 200,000 parts 800,000 hours of supercomputing time 3 million lines of code, 40,000 sets of eyes, or a million sleepless nights. Whether its building the worlds most advanced satellite, the space station, or the next leap in unmanned systems. At boeing, one thing never changes. Our passion to make it real. Sir, were going to need you on the runway later. Dont let a severe cold hold you back. Get theraflu. With the power of three medicines to take on your worst pain and fever, cough and nasal congestion. It breaks you free from your toughest cold and flu symptoms. Theraflu. Serious power. 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