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This man suspected of killing six people. Later for you, bill cosbys wife comes to his defense, why her statement has some people raising their eyebrows. But first this hour i want to update you on breaking news coming to us moments ago out of pakistan. At least four students are dead and more than a dozen wounded after gunmen stormed a school in pakistan. This is tack took place in the northwestern city of peshmerga. Police sources say at least six terrorists entered the school after scaling its walls. Now, we understand that Paramilitary Forces entered the area and they right now are conducting a security sweep of the most troubling aspect of this, though, more than 700 children are said to be still inside that school which we should note is run by pakistans military. What youre looking at now is some of the first video were receiving into cnn from the region obviously showing a very heavy military presence there. Were going to continue to watch this story and look for any updates. As soon as we get more information well bring it to you but a serious situation there. In fact, so we can get a bit more information lets bring in samina ahmed for the International Crisis group on the phone with me now and joins me from islamabad. Thanks so much for your time. First, what can you tell us about this attack and about how many students are still at risk under threat right now . It appears that now yes, im here. Samina, i can hear you. This is errol. Youre live right now. Please just bring me up to date. I can hear you mine, as well, yes. Bring me up to date of the status of this situation. Okay. According to hospital sources, five students are dead and some 40 injured. At the moment the military is still conducting an operation against the taliban, the Pakistani Taliban responsible for this attack. They say they are possibly around six militants that were responsible for conducting the attack and that they were wearing military uniforms when they entered the school. And, samina, give us some more information about this school specifically. Why it might be a target. We understand that this is a school actually run by the military. Reporter the military runs a number of schools. They call them the Army Public Schools. Clearly this was chosen because of the affiliation with the military and also because it was a soft target. The children are there. You think that the taliban would make a distinction between older students that they think should be killed and the younger children who should be goes a long way to say how they look at legitimate and illegitimate targets so the children ki, as as 14 because they were studying in an army run school a legitimate target for the militant. Were looking at some a brief video clip showing some of the military presence at this location. What is the latest information as far as how much how many military forces are there, how many students are still trapped inside and what the prospects are for getting them out safe. There are still apparently hundreds of students trapped in the school. They are carrying the operation on at the moment. We dont know what exact success in eliminating the terrorists and how much how many of those apparently the military is going from classroom to classroom and entered the school. We dont know what the status is in terms of the children who have managed to escape and how many hundreds of children are still being held hostage. Its an incredibly unsettling situation. I know this is still unfolding at this hour. I want to thank samina ahmed, the project director for the International Criminal group for south asia, thank you for your time. Obviously information is not much information is available right now. Samina there saying as far as she understands it according to local hospitals at least five students are dead. More than 40 injured after militants who are reportedly the Pakistani Taliban scaled the wall of this Army Public School before heading inside. We understand this is a huge operation, still under way. Still early, still developing, as soon as we get more or new information we will bring it to you. Certainly an unsettling situation in pakistan. Now we want to bring you another major story. The people of sydney, australia, coming to terms at this hour with a deadly hostage standoff that ended about 15 hours ago with the police raid. Well, now the hostagetaker is dead and soy are two of his 17 captives. The victims are 34yearold tori johnson, he was the manager of the lindt cafe where the standoff took place and 38yearold Katrina Dawson, a lawyer and mother of three. The entire city is shaken over the staboff and, of course, the deaths. Mourners have been laying flowers near the lindt cafe and a growing memorial and australian Prime Minister tony abbott visited before holing a news conference. This is the only way to describe it, appalling and ugly. Our hearts go out to the families of Katrina Dawson and tori johnson. This was the scene as they used stun grenades to bring an end to it. The hostagetaker Man Haron Monis was killed. He was a selfdescribed muslim cleric with a long criminal background. Such a bizarre day for sydney, australia. Lets cross over to Andrew Stevens who joins us from sydney with the latest. Andrew, it is so strange for Something Like this to happen in sydney but also for an individual like this whos had a number of dustups with the law to still have the freedom to do what he did. But just give us the latest information. What new information are we learning either about the man behind it all or some of the victims or some of those who are fortunate enough to escape . Reporter well, weve been learning little bits about the hostagetaker and also the two who tragically died, errol. Where were standing it moment, 150 meters down the road on the corner is the lindt cafe. Thats been taken away and the body of the hostagetaker has been in the cafe while Forensic Team has been in there for most of the day. Thats the case we understand. But details coming up. There hasnt been a lot of information yet from the hostages themselves. Now, what i can tell you is that Katrina Lawson was a mother of three young children, three children under the age of 10 years old. She was a rising young star in the legal world. Her brother was very well known in sydney legal circles as well comes from a family of lawyers here in australia and tori johnson, the manager of the lindt cafe, his parents put out a notice, just to thank the people for their prayers and their thoughts and they called their son she roaric and there have been reports unconfirmed that in the last minute or so of that hostage siege before all went tragically wrong for those two victims that he tried to wrest the shotgun away from the hostagetaker and he lost his life in the process. So details still coming out. The city is getting back to normal here, errol. I have to say that memorial, that flower memorial grows by the minute. So many people where were standing come past carrying bouquets of flowers to lay at the memorial in remembrance of what happened here a little over 19 hours ago, errol. The other aspect of this, andrew, theres been a real resistance it seeps to stereotyping. I know theres concern that the sav fay siege may raise antimuslim sentiment in australia. For our viewers play a clip of former australian Prime Minister kevin rudd and hear what he had to say about taking steps to prevent that from happening. We have half a million muslimaustralians who are fine, upstanding members of the Australian Community. During the course of today the grand mufti stood up and condemned this action by the hostagetaker and by the gunman. We had combined prayers of sydneys largest mosque involving our jewish leaders, muslim and catholic and christian leaders, as well so the australian society, we come from everywhere and people are bound together at this important moment, as well. So hearing that from the top. What about there on the ground with the people milling about . Are you getting the same kind of sentiment from the people youre talking to . Yes, a very good point actually, errol. Yes, i am. The people ive been speaking to and speaking to thousands of people today and not one person has laid the blame at the door of islam on this. Most people say if they dont have a view on who exactly this person was theyll say we think he was a lone wolf very much repeating what the authorities in sydney and around australia have been saying this was the act of a lone wolf. But i want to now bring in kaiser trap, the leader of the Islamic Friendship Association of australia and he joins us here. There has been a lot of questions about whether this sort of attack where the attacker links himself to islam would create rifts within the islamic and the nonIslamic Community in australia. How do you think or what do you think has happened here so far . Well, before i go into that id like to express our heartfelt condolences and prayers to sympathy to everyone who suffered a loss yesterday. We need to show support to the families. In the case of this particular person, when his name was released we knew who he was. Hes a person that i myself had met about four years ago when i heard about his letters to the families, to the grieving families of slain australian soldiers and were concerned about his offensive messages and we condemned his messages at that time and then after that we had a meeting with him and he became very apologetic and remorseful and tried to express to us that was not his intention. We met with him once or twice, myself and other Community Leaders after that and then we lost contact with him. Did you have worries when you lost contact with him that he was a man who could be capable of carrying out this sort of act . Look, the remorse that he showed and apologies that he made, we thought that this was a timid person, perhaps an insular person who was acting on the basis of what his mind came up with without consultation, without discussing with anybody but he did not come across as a person who was violent. At that time he was telling us he was opposed to all forms of violence. Right. Let me ask you the reaction so far from your position towards the Muslim Community in australia. Has there been any reprisals. Do you fear they could be because he has linked himself certainly not by the Islamic Community here but hes linked himself to being a muslim. We have seen some threats from extremist groups within the Broader Community but weve also seen overwhelming messages of support and overwhelming messages of support do drown out the threats. I laid a wreath of flowers on the bouquet of flowers laying that bouquet of flowers who came up to me and shook my hands and expressed their support and expressed they understand this has nothing to do with the Muslim Community. It does have nothing to do with the Muslim Community. That message is geting across. To a lot of people but there are some people who unfortunately will try to take advantage of this for their own motives and their own ends but im hoping that the saner voices, the calmer voices that are coming out speaking out, the social networking efforts. From leaders of all members of the community too. Right across the board in australia. Now, the Muslim Community has come out in force in condemnation of what this man has did. Im yet to see one person expressing any form of support to the perpetrator. All ive seen from my community is prayers for the victims, prayers for fair families, sympathy and support and condolences including it myself. Several prayer vigils were held around the country and heart felt efforts from the community to provide support and sympathy as much as possible. Im afraid we have to leave it this, keysar. Theres been a reaching out from both sides of the community. That shows the resilience of Australian Community and never allow the actions of one crazed person to divide us. Keysar, thank you very much. Keysar trad from the Islamic Friendship Association of australia. I have speaking to many. There has not been one suggestion that this was religiously motivated and that there was a it would cause a rift in this Australian Community. Weve heard that certainly from the political leaders right across the spectrum, as well. By all accounts it seems as though the perpetrator was just a very disturbed individual, Andrew Stevens live for us where its just approaching 7 15 in the evening in sydney, australia. Andrew, thanks. We will have more of the worlds biggest stories for you after this short break. Stay with us here on cnn. woont more than three dozen wounded after a gunman or multiple gunman i should say stormed a school in pakistan taking place in peshmerga. Police sources say at least six terrorists entered the school after scaling its walls. Paramilitary forces entered the area and are apparently conducting a security sweep at this moment. More than 700 children, though, could still be inside the school which is run by pakistans military. Certainly a reason why this is such an important thing for us to keep our eyes on. Well connect with cnn producer soph sophia. What about the status of the students and how many victims there are at this early stage. At this moment weve just received information that the death toll has risen to around 20 people which includes 17 children and teachers. At the moment the operation is still under way. This attack started at around quarter to 12 00 at this morning in peshmerga which is as you said in pakistan. None so large a scale. Around children from primary age students to up to 18. You know, this age, we have been told by sources in the taliban they were instructed the attackers were instructed to leave children who were underage but to attack and look out for kids who had reached puberty. So most of the children who have come out of the school who are injured are boys and this operation is still under way with par are military troops cordoning off the area. Errol. Sophia, tell me what else i. D. I understand its the pakistans taliban behind this providing or suggesting why theyre deciding to hit a target like this at a time like this. Whats the motivation here . Well, their reasoning is that this is a reaction to the operation, the military operation that is currently ongoing in north what sir tan in the north of pakistan which has been ongoing since july of this year, so that is what is specifically said in the statement. There hasnt been a militant attack in a couple of weeks in pakistan so this is quite large and they feel in the major cities in a major operation which has occurred in the city of peshmerga. So we could characterize this as a retaliatory attack against the military for what theyre doing in the waziristan region. What about as far as how many Pakistani Taliban might be as part of this operation and if the military feels as if they have the resources they need. You assume they would. To protect the children who were left. Well, at the moment were not we have been told by a statement that was released by the Pakistani Taliban that six militants went into the school and they were all suicide bombers. We have heard explosions coming from the school. The military has released a statement that an evacuation is under way. The school itself is within a military compound so the children are mostly children of military officials, the school itself is called Army Public School. They are all children who have connections to the military of some sort so like you said it is definitely a retaliatory attack but for the time being because the area is being cordoned off were not getting much information as to what is going on but all we know the operation within the Army Public School is still under way. 500 to 600 children trapped inside. I want to let you go so you can gather more information. The fact that the Pakistani Taliban were able to head to an army school essentially. Scale a fence and head inside and kill students, i mean, this is a pretty brazen and stunning move by the Pakistani Taliban. Yes, definitely. I mean its a militant attack. Its a terrorist attack. They had there had been a lot of other staff that had been happening in the country such as protest, politically motivated protests which had moved the attention of the public away from what the militants were up to so in fact, these attack s usually are brazen, usually are notorious in being very out hello. I can still hear you but thanks so much for getting us up to speed on the breaking story. Sophia saifi in slbtd updating us on the death toll creeping upward of 20 including 17 teachers and students at this Army Public School in peshmerga. We will continue to follow developments. Its still an unfolding situation. Hundreds of students at this hour being held captive. Its presumed by the Pakistani Taliban at an Army Public School. At a location that is technically within the bounds of military space so well continue to follow this breaking story and bring you updates as they become available here on cnn. Now, Falling Oil Prices hitting the ruble hard sending russias economy into a tailspin. Well get you a live report from moscow after this short break. Shopping online is as easy as it gets. Wouldnt it be great if hiring plumbers, carpenters and even piano tuners were just as simple . Thanks to angies list, now it is. Weve made hiring anyone from a handyman to a dog walker as simple as a few clicks. Buy their services directly at angieslist. Com no more calling around. No more hassles. Start shopping from a list of toprated providers today. Angies list is revolutionizing local service again. Visit angieslist. Com today. Once we kept the lights on. But then we started using ky yours mine. Yeah, we were nervous to try it. Theres an amazing sensation for her. Amazing. This one feels fantastic for me. And combined. Ohh, its a completely new sensation for us both. Its opened a whole new door for us. Ive come to clean your pool. But we dont have a pool. Ill come in anyway. Next week im going to be a maid. [ female announcer ] ky yours mine. His excites. Hers delights. Together feel them ignite. Keep life sexy. Russias excuse me, russias ruble is plunging and the economy is in freefall. The ruble dropped another 12 on monday and has lost nearly 50 against the dollar just in this year. Conditions are so bad Russias Central Bank is warning of a deep recession come next year. Lets bring in Matthew Chance live from moscow with more on this. Matthew, president putin delivered a defiant message during his annual address not too long ago saying the country will continue on its current course despite sanctions and other things from the west. But im wondering how the currency reality is impacting the mood on the streets there. Reporter well, the mood on the streets is still not one of panic. People are taking this very much in their stride although we are seeing the sort of green chutes if i can characterize it that way of concern about the direction in which the currency is moving. I was at a protest overed weekend had fact and i heard a very rare protest by doctors and teachers against budget cuts and i was very surprised to hear some criticism of Vladimir Putin, the russian president there. One protester said to me, look, hes got the money for war in ukraine but he hasnt got the upon to properly Fund Education and our Health Care Services so thats a fringe opinion at the moment but, you know, were at the start of what could be a damaging economic crisis and Great Potential for that kind of opinion to spread. I mean overnight the big news, errol, has been that the central bank in an attempt to limit the plunge of the russian ruble has taken the dramatic measure of raising Interest Rates in the country by 6 1 2 in one sort of fell swoop to 17 now. Theyve been raising Interest Rates on numerous occasions. The hope is that will further stem any panic and encourage russians and others to keep their money in rubles and to not exchange them for dollars and pounds and euros and any other hard currency they can get their hands on. What that move does not do is address the underlying reasons for the currency crisis, the oil price has plunged. Russia is an oilbased economy and many are dependent on oil prices. Thats gone through the floor and the impact of International Sanctions over russias actions in ukraine is also taking a toll and, of course, the high Interest Rates respect going to change any of that. I think the other sobering aspect is the timing. I mean the raising of the Interest Rate is a shortterm fix but if you look at the things youve just noted many of the other underlying longterm issues will continue all through next year whether its the lowering oil price expected to stay around 60 to 70 a barrels. Western sanctions arent going anywhere. If putin continues his political track keeping russia independent how will that affect his popularity as the months and weeks wear on . Reporter well, i mean its a very dangerous position that hes found himself in. I mean at the moment his popularity is still sky high. I think its important to remember that. I think the latest opinion polls put him somewhere in the region of 84, 85 Approval Rating which is, of course, incredibly popular still. The impact of the annexation of crimea and the patriotic feelings that annexation engendered. Hes still benefiting from. But, again, were at the start of a really damaging economic crisis. Its easy for that patriotism to turn to discontent so Vladimir Putin today i expect will be seriously looking over his shoulder at the possibility of his popularity di men ironing over the coming weeks. Matthew, thanks. We are still following breaking news out of pakistan, at least 20 people dead. More than three dozen wounded after gunmen stormed a school there. Six taliban terrorists entered the school after scaling its walls. Well take you live to pakistan for an update after this short break. Stay with us. Thanks for staying with us on cnn. Im errol barnett. Here are the top stories were following for you. First breaking news out of pakistan. At least 20 people are dead and more than 3 dozen wounded in peshmerga when gunmen stormed the school run by pakistans military. This was a brazen attack. Witnesses say six militants scaled the walls there. A security sweep is now under way. The Pakistani Taliban are claiming responsibility. Australians in sydney are leaving flowers at the site of a deadly hostage standoff. The Prime Minister visited the area and praised the police who ended the siege. The police and two the suspect i should say and two hostages died in the standoff. Police are searching for a man suspected of killing his exwife and five of his relatives in pennsylvania. A source close to the investigation says authorities have locked down an area about 40 kilometers from where the suspect lives after a possible sighting of him there. 35yearold Bradley William stone is armed and dangerous, police say. Now, we are learning more about the criminal record of the gunman in the sydney attack and his long history of political activism. He was known to Australian Police for his many public demonstrations but as Alexander Field reports it appears he was not connected to any extreme live group. Reporter Man Haron Monis dubbed the fake sheikh by australian media had the attention of the press, authorities and social Media Audience even before he took 17 people hostage at gunpoint inside a sydney chocolate shop. He has been clearly identifiable through these last few hours as he paces his way back and forth in front of the four plate glass windows. Reporter before a deadly standoff that lasted more than 16 hours the iranian refugee living in australia publicly protested the death of afghan civilians. He had a long history of violent crime. Infatuation with extremism and mental stability. Reporter his personal website shows a picture of dead children. Under it a claim that, quote, this is an evidence for the terrorism of america and its allies including australia. The result of their air strikes. Monis pleaded guilty to writing offensive letters to the families of Australian Service members calling them hitlers soldiers accord fog australian media. This pen is my gun and these words are my bullets. Reporter dressed in chains, he later demonstrated on a Street Corner claiming he was tortured in prison for his political letters. Claims New South Wales police have not commented on. Monis has been out on bail charged with accessory to the murder of his exwife. Last april he was arrested for sex crimes against seven women reaching as far back as 2002. Police said he had claimed to be a sexual healer. His website describes monis as the victim of a political vendetta and likens him to Julian Assange who has claimed sex crimes hes been accused of were politically driven. The Iranian National says hes not part of any organization or party but appears to embrace a radical sunni extremist theology in his postings. In one post he claims allegiance to isis with whom iran has waged war. Authorizes call him a lone wolf with no direct connection to any group. Now, monis former lawyer says he was an isolated figure who probably acted alone. Now, earlier i spoke with that attorney, Manny Conditsis and what he did at the lindt cafe. What he did was heinous. And it is indefensible. If were trying to understand why these events may have come abo about, the history is quite long. And ill try to make it as brief as possible. But this was a man that was, in fact, a cleric in iran. He was critical of the Iranian Regime in the late 1990s, fled to australia because he was going to be killed. Obtained political asylum in australia in 2001, left behind his then wife and two children in iran whom hes never seen since as i understand it. They werent allowed to leave iran. Lets understand that background context with one could imagine all the Different Things he would have seen and heard about in iran under that regime. Throughout the 2000s, he became sympathetic to what he perceived whether its reality or not of his perception, what he perceived of the victimization of muslims around the world and advocated a bigger cause, that cause was trying to lobby governments all around the world but particularly australia where he was living at the time against sending australian solders to fight wars on foreign soil when this country was not under attack from those Foreign Countries such as afghanistan, particularly because in his mind according to the things that he has said that innocent women and children were being killed in those wars. He was blinded by that objective that it would seem he lost sight of objectivity, rationality and acted in extreme ways from time to time including writing letters that were offensive to families of deceased australian soldiers. He maintained forever that he wrote those letters in the belief that those families would come on board to lobby against the Australian Government sending australian soldiers to fight unjust wars as he called them on foreign soil. So give us some insight into whatever your most recent dealings with him were. You represented him during the recent runin with the law that he had. He had many but i know you described him as isolated, slightly disconnected from reality. What was it like speaking with him . Im not sure you know, how did you try to explain the Legal Process or at least what did he think he was going to gain by all this . Well, those descriptives werent my words but i would describe him as someone intensely conflicted and contradicted and inconsistent. One moment he can be incredibly sympathetic and empathetic to a particular situation such as women and children being killed overseas in unjust ways and the next moment he could be sending letters that were regarded as offensive to families of deceased australian soldiers. Deeply inconsistent. And that was man monis. In terms of his Mental Health issues any comment i had made and i think ive made a comment to the effect he may have been damaged, that was in the context of these actions in the last 24 hours in sydney, not in the context of his mental state as i see it to be over a year ago. I acted for him in relation to the letter writing to these families. I acted for him subsequent at the end of 2013 when he was charged with aiding sorry, with being an accessory before and after the fact of the murder of his former spouse and i must add and its important for people listening to know and understand that he vehemently protested his innocence in relation to that matter. So extreme allegations but theyre untested allegations because the man has never been to court and never been to trial. Same with the Sexual Assault allegations that followed six months later, the time by which i no longer represented him and he maintained his innocence there as well and they remain untested allegations in court. The person that i knew over a period of time never ever spoke about physical violence of any kind. Everything was antiviolence so its difficult for me to reconcile the man, man monis, i knew with the person that did what he unequivocally and clearly did and indefensibly did in holding these people hostages and then whatever happened thereafter. We are getting new information in to cnn as we discussed in that conversation, Man Haron Monis had a prior arrest alleging he was accessory to the murder of his exwife. She was stabbed repeatedly then set on fire last year. Monis was released on bail. Well now were hearing from the godfather to that murder victim. Heres what he had to say monday night to our affiliate kgo in californias bay area. So shes murdered and he gets out on bail. Bail. Your opinion of that . No, i mean, you know, i mean when we were there, you know, Nothing Happened to him but when we came back four months later they finally arrested him and we were so happy that finally justice has been done then two weeks later found out they put him out on bail and if he was still in jail, those innocent victims, you know, wouldnt have died. You know, they should have just locked him up and threw the key away. Now, the victims godfather added that monis used to beat his exwife, force her to wear the hijab all the time and forebode her from talking to, quote, outsiders. So very disturbed individual, indeed. Well be back with more of the worlds biggest stories after this. The. More breaking news out of pakistan. 0 people are dead and more than three dozen wounded after taliban gunmen stormed a school in peshmerga which was considered an army school. Police sources say at least six terrorists entered that school after scaling its walls. Paramilitary forces entered the area and are apparently conducting a security sweep. A very serious situation because more than 700 children were inside the school which is run by pakistans military. Its un cleclear what the statu those students are. Most have been apparently evacuated but still waiting to get the all clear from the military on this stunning situation. Were going to connect with our producer in islamabad, sophia saifi. Sophia, possible indication these hundreds of students left inside the school perhaps have been evacuated. Can you shed any light on that . Well, a few of the children have been evacuated. There was a Statement Released by the military saying evacuation is under way. But unfortunately since sharing more information would compromise the security and the operation itself were not getting much information from regarding the operation currently. We do know it is under way. We know that the militants at around quarter to 12 00 in the city of peshmerga, that children are still stranded inside. We do know that the death toll is continuing to rise. For the time being i mean up till about 15, 20 minutes ago parents were able to contact their kids through mobile phones, they were getting information but now its been switched off and no contact with any of the children inside and Security Forces are not sharing any information for security reasons, errol. Do we get any sense or are there any reports from the students inside who got a chance to speak to their parents . Do we know whats happening in there right now . Reporter we do not at the time being. We havent been able to contact those parents directly. We do know that the children were in touch with them but because of security reasons the military has informed everyone not to share that information because it would compromise the operation that is currently under way. There are paramilitary troops inside. The area has been cordoned off. The school is run by the military. A lot of the children inside are children of military officials, there is only one part of the school which is connected to the civilians of that city and that is the graveyard so theres theres a sort of guesswork that it could the militants could have accessed that school by the graveyard but for the time being its mostly conjecture since we dont have much information regarding what exactly is happening. The Pakistani Taliban says they directed six militants with suicide vests to go into that school. There have been explosions heard from the school, but right now there is no exact information as to what exactly is going on inside peshmergas Army Public School. As youre speaking to us, sophia, were seeing some of the first images, first pictures showing injured people, people being taken to what looked to be a clinic and medical centers, remind us just as we continue to watch this still developing story of the potential motive behind this for the Pakistani Taliban, why they would target an Army Public School at a time like this earlier you were telling me theres good situation this is a retaliatory attack. Yes, the Pakistani Taliban have actually released a statement and spoken to the media while this attack is under way explaining very directly stating that this attack is in retaliation to the military operation that is currently under way in North Waziristan in the tribal areas. Its a very brazen attack. Its obvious grabbed everyones attention. It was very dormant for the past couple of weeks and hasnt been an attack of this scale but when the operation started in the summer there was fear that there would be, you know, retall jar tr retaliatory attacks within the city. Sophia saifi from islamabad, pakistan, trying to piece together some of the latest information we have on this Pakistani Taliban attack on an Army Public School in peshmerga, possibly in retaliation for Government Military actions in the waziristan region. Youre seeing some of the first pictures coming into cnn from the scene showing first very robust military presence. This took place essentially on military property and youre also seeing some of the first pictures of victims presumed victims there heading to some of the Health Clinics and hospitals nearby. The latest figures being at least 20 people killed. Most of them students and teachers and its unclear how many of the hundreds of students who were inside the school at this time remain there at this hour and how many were able to escape. Well continue to get new information on this still breaking story. Stay with us here on cnn. Well be back after this short break. [ rob ] we werent always the most adventurous couple. Once we kept the lights on. But then we started using ky yours mine. Yeah, we were nervous to try it. Theres an amazing sensation for her. Amazing. This one feels fantastic for me. And combined. Ohh, its a completely new sensation for us both. Its opened a whole new door for us. Ive come to clean your pool. But we dont have a pool. Ill come in anyway. Next week im going to be a maid. [ female announcer ] ky yours mine. His excites. Hers delights. Together feel them ignite. Keep life sexy. Protesters in washington demanding just physical for the Police Killings of unarmed minorities. Organizers say next january 15th they want to shut down the u. S. Capitol in a full day of civil disobedience. Police in oakland, california, arrested 25 protesters who chained themselves to the doors of the citys police headquarters. Theyre among the hundred or so who gathered at the building. One demonstrator climbed a flagpole and unfurled a banner to honor those killed by police. Officers eventually cut the chains and led them away. Another round of much needed wet weather for california. Pedram javaheri joins us with details. What will the day bring . As far south as san diego, well see pretty heavy rainfall stretching across portions of portland, oregon so a thousandmile stretch around the i5 corridor. Wet weather prevalent, 5,000, 6,000 feet and decent snow accumulations as well. This has been the trend for the past seven to ten days where weve had multiple storms come through the region after not having any storms really since march and before that about eight months prior to that as well so take a look at the scenes out of northern california. Highway 126, rocks coming down and significant moisture. Good news for some but taking its toll on other areas could see an inch, two inches north of San Francisco over the next couple of days work your way towards los angeles. The city could see an inch. If these storms come in on the colder side good news as far as getting a good reserve in the Higher Elevations for the snowpack. So here you go, Los Angeles December 2013 just a very poor setup. A little over a quarter inch of rainfall came down, 8 millimeters. Look what happened so far in the first 16 days of december 2014. More than ten times what we saw last december, so certainly good news as far as the rains across california. Take you quickly out towards northwest europe. Here comes the steering currents in the atmosphere starting with a storm system northwest of europe. The heaviest rainfall comes in sometime around midnight tuesday night around until wednesday morning so good news if youre planning to be about on tuesday, it doesnt look like wet weather will impact you much but later into the overnight hours the storm moves on in here across the region so call for generally light to moderate showers. The winds going to be the prevalent issue when it comes to 60 to 70 kilometer per hour winds so some delays could be expected with all of this. Generally call for moderate delays, gatwick and heathrow going from fog to wind as the main culprit there about 30 to 45 minute delays and quickly leave you back on the west coast with the wet weather cooling of into the 60s. Some of the higher passes and you could be seeing sleet as well with these temperatures. A wet tuesday in l. A. Absolutely. Pedram, thanks very much. Thats our program for now. Im errol barnett. Early start is next for you. For everyone else stay tuned for cnn newsroom. We will have updates on this breaking news out of pakistan. At least 20 people are dead at this hour. Dozens wounded and the Pakistani Taliban have taken responsibility. Well have new information on this and the days other big stories next here on cnn. Breaking news this morning. A school under attack. At least 20 people dead, including students. Well have the latest in moments. Sydney on alert a day after a madman held 17 people hostage in a cafe. Two of the hostages and gunman now dead. Is australia and possibly the u. S. At risk for more attacks like this . Welcome to early start. Im christine romans. Im john berman. It is tuesday, december 16th. First, breaking news happening just a short time ago. A deadly attack

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