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One way to get pumped up before work. Welcome to the morning rave. Hello and welcome to our viewers in the u. S. And around the world. Im isha sesay. The philippines faces the threat of flash floods and landslides as it deals right now with typhoon hagupit. The dangerous and slowmoving storm is lashing the country. Millions of people in the philippines have scrambling to get out of the typhoons way, or theyve been settling down in hotels, on Higher Ground away from the coast. Hagupit is expected to make landfall just a few hours from now. Our own derek wendam is standing by with the details. Derek, what are you saying . Isha, were expecting landfall within the next six hours to be exact. Specifically along the northeastern sections of samar island. This is the latest satellite loop. Some good news out of this. It has weakened somewhat since the last typhoon warning update. And currently sustained winds at 205 kilometers per hour. It has, however, picked up Forward Momentum. This is moving to the west slightly faster than what it was on the latest update. So that means a slightly earlier landfall. Nonetheless, were already getting lashed with very, very heavy rain and certainly typhoonforce gusts at the moment along the east coast across the central philippines. Heres the latest forecast track models. All of them coming to an agreement with landfall across the northeastern sections of this island. This is what the cnn meteorologists have been expecting for the past 24 hours or so. As it goes forward, were going to pay close attention to this track because there is a major populated city, legazpi, can 200,000 People Living in this location that falls under serious threat of coastal surge because its going to lie just to the south of the eye wall. Thats going to play particular concerns for that area. Future forwarding this idea of the storm as it goes into sunday and monday, were going to look at a weakened storm but still significant and still a typhoon as it makes its way into the Southern Luzon islands including manila. The possibility of urban flooding exists across that region. They have issued and expanded its signal three public storm warnings including samar. You see tacloban currently under a signal two, and it is experiencing strong winds and hefty rain. But the bulk of the major part of the storm just to the north of tacloban. Two to fourmeter storm surge expected especially north of the eye wall where it does make landfall. 200 to 500 millimeters of rainfall. That is not a typo. This is a mountainous location. So the possibility of mudslides exists, and certainly localized flooding and a large swath of typhoonforce winds expected across this area. Let me explain this coastal storm surge a little bit better. This is coinciding with not only high tide but also a full moon. So were going to look for coastal storm surge flooding along the eastfacing islands. That would be legazpi and the surrounding city areas and these locations looking for that two to four, even possibly five meters of coastal storm flooding as the storm moves inland. Also we cant forget about the 12 Million People in the face of typho typhoonface winds. Look at these rain totals. In a twoday period for legazpi. An extremely intense time for millions of people. We appreciate it. Well continue to check in with you. We want to go next to Andrew Stevens in tacloban. Andrew, whats it like where you are . Describe for our viewers the situation. Reporter well, just in the last hour or so, isha, the wind speeds have picked up significantly here. And its still quite heavy rain. The rain seems to come through in bands. But certainly it is not yet sort of the terrifying force winds that were experienced here a little more than a year ago. Now, it is going to get worse here, but as weve just been hearing, the brunt of the storm is not going to hit or come too close to tacloban. No doubt there is going to be severe winds here, and theres going to be heavy rain, but at this stage, it doesnt look like theres going to be a storm surge. And this is incredibly significant because you remember tacloban was in many ways the ground zero for typhoon haiyan, the strongest storm thats ever made landfall. And nearly 6. 5 Million People died mainly because of a storm surge. Perhaps six to eight meters high. So this time around when authorities were not clear, when no one was clear exactly where this storm was going to land, they were busy evacuating people. They gave thursday and friday as a Public Holiday to get people out of town effectively. And thats what theyve done. And all along the waterfront where the shanties are have been mandatorily evacuated. So there is not so many people now in harms way. I should point out, too, that this is still a very traumatized population from what happened a little over a year ago. My colleague, pamela boykov has been down here for the past 24 hours. Ive only just got to tacloban. And she says a lot of the people the reminders are just so fresh of what happened. And as i came in today, i had driven 100 kilometers to get down to tacloban. You still see the scars. The devastation is still very clear even though rebuilding is under way. People not taking any chances. Theyre getting out when they can. Families are opening their homes to strangers. If they havent got anywhere else to go, they are evacuated. The local mayor is telling us about 20,000 or so people have now been evacuated. And were still about two or three hours away from when the brunt of this storm is really going to affect tacloban. There are still patrols around the city, taking out anyone whos been left behind. A lot of people wanted to stay behind, isha, and protect their property. Theyve been allowed to, but theyre going to be collected around about now probably to get out of harms way. So a lot better prepared this time around. People taking no chances at all. And remember that horror of last year so fresh in so many peoples minds here. Absolutely. Its good to hear that authorities are rising to the challenge this time around. We shall see what happens in the aftermath of the storm, of course. One of the criticisms with haiyan was that the response wasnt coordinated. Are you able to get a sense of things this time around on that front . I know we were just talking about evacuations, but whats your sense about coordination . Reporter oh, i think many, many hard lessons were learned from a year ago. The government thought they were in a situation last year to deal with the aftermath of the storm. They patently werent, and it was days before real help started arriving here. We were here, we saw what was happening on the streets. This time around there has been a lot more effort put into making sure that there are the right people in the right places. Just driving into town, i saw two armored personnel carriers, plus other military vehicles doing the rounds here. The government has talked about bringing food in. There are food depots here, bulk food depots various places. Food has been delivered to many other places around talk lin ta. There are also other municipalities looking out for their people as well. Remember, the government was hammered last year for what was seen by many as a lack of a response. So they do not want the same thing to happen again. The focus, obviously, is going to be further to the north where the eye of the storm is going to come ashore, isha. So youre going to see a lot of activity up in those regions as well. This is a country which is obviously very, very used to storms anyway. I mean, you get about 20 major typhoons coming through in a season. Last year, as i said, the most powerful storm ever to make landfall, they know what can happen. They know the fury of mother nature. And they say theyre not going to be caught again. The other side of that, of course, is remember, this is not a wealthy country. They dont have the resources that a european country or the u. S. Could throw at this. But they are definitely talking about doing everything they can this time around. Well, Andrew Stevens there in tacloban which will be spared a direct hit. Still, you are already seeing the rain come down where you are. Andrew, stay safe. We appreciate the reporting. Thank you. Now back to the united states, a Third Straight night of demonstrations in new york brought out smaller crowds, but hundreds of protesters took to the streets in several major u. S. Cities. Now, this was the scene at the flagship Macys Department store in new york where protesters staged just one of many dieins. Theyre demanding that all the Police Officers involved in the chokehold death of a Staten Island man back in july be fired. In washington, demonstrators blocked traffic for hours in chinatown, and crowds shut down a major freeway in miami. Well, new yorks Police Commissioner has announced plans to retrain all of the citys officers on conflict resolution and the use of force. Brian todd has details. Hands up, dont shoot. Reporter thousands protesting in new york, st. Louis, d. C. No more guns reporter socalled dieins in chicago and boston. A National Outcry over Police Tactics and an appeal to prevent this from happening again. I cant breathe reporter now in new york, the nations Largest Police force reeling from the chokehold case is retraining 22,000 officers, supervisors and executives. Each gets a threeday course. Not just a refresher on Tactical Training and the proper use of force but also problem solving, learning how to talk through a tense situation. What we want them to do is talk people down as opposed to taking having to take people down. Reporter the goal, to use less force when possible. How does that translate to scenarios on the street . The one officer who was in trouble slips behind. Thats the position garners in right here. Reporter dan is a former new york city policeman. He shows us how during an eric garnertype engagement, an officer could change tactics. Maybe the better way to train is a little wrist and elbow control. When you have the wrist and the elbow, its not easy, but see how your elbow goes with you . If i pull you and yank you and take your center of gravity with me, then youre going to move. Reporter bringing in a female officer or a suspects mother to defuse a confrontation if possible. Also part of new yorks training, how to keep egos and adrenaline in check to avoid confrontational scenarios like this one in ferguson. Bring it. [ bleep ] bring it. What were teaching them is how to control that anger and how to channel that anger so that they dont act out. Reporter its all part of learning one crucial principle. Your hands are up kind of deescalating, dehe says es kd. Reporter body language. Keep in mind, tactically speaking, it still enables me to respond quickly if i have to. Youre almost in a boxing stance designed to not look like one, but it does matter. Reporte reporter dan says if the police had this kind of retraining before the garner incident, garners death may not have occurred. He says the police have to get away from tactics like going for a suspects head initially and trying to subdue them, but he says you cant unlearn that kind of thing in a threeday course. Brian todd, cnn, washington. Well, one member of the new York City Council says shes especially encouraged by the diversity of the protesters. Debra rose spoke with cnns anderson cooper. This is the catalyst that is propelling us into the new or the next civil rights movement. And so their voices need to be heard, and its just the first step. Because of their voices, because of the numbers, because of the visceral reaction that theyve had, it has stimulated government to change, to look at changes. We saw the Police Commissioner bratton definitely say that Police Officers need to be retrained. That they are going to find the money for body cameras. There are legislators who are talking about the grand jury process and changes to that. So it is the catalyst. Rose says she believes the protests have already had an impact, and she encouraged people to continue demonstrating. Next on cnn, the battle for kobani continues with six armies now fighting for the syrian city. But one attack in particular has soldiers trying to defend kobani on edge. If it doesnt work fast. Youre on to the next thing. Neutrogena® rapid wrinkle repair has the fastest retinol formula to visibly reduce fine lines and wrinkles in just one week. Neutrogena®. Hello, everyone. Six different armies are currently battling for control of the syrian city of kobani. Kurds are particularly troubled by a recent attack from isis they say came from turkey. While the country denies it, the attack is only adding to the distress between the kurds and syria. And cnns Nick Paton Walsh spoke exclusively with peshmerga who feel caught in the middle. Reporter through this wreckage lies a riddle that has the kurds defending kobani terrified. On saturday, isis launched a surprise attack using suicide car bombs and dozens of fighters on this, the official crossing into turkey. They say the fighters shot at them from behind a grain silo that lies just inside turkey which turkey denies. The attack shown here was repelled but only just. Behind me is the grain silo where the kurds say isis were able to take up positions and shoot at them, launching an attack on this Border Crossing here. Interestingly now, there always was a turkish flag flying above that grain silo. Its now conspicuously absent. They are preparing for a repeat. Hardening in their animosity towards turkey, this just reinforcing their belief turkey let isiss jihadis cross into syria in the first place months ago. This is our homeland. What is isis doing here . All of that came from turkey. Turkey is behind all of this. They give them weapons. I saw it with my own eyes. They also claim the huge car bomb behind this crater drove in from turkey which turkey also denies. The caterpillar tracks lying around suggest it was, in fact, a tank car bomb. Unstoppable. Nearby, kurds train new recruits in a wasteland. This fight is spiraling into the long term. Now with six different armies in it. The kurds and isis with the coalition in the air. The Turkish Military trying to seal their border and the Free Syrian Army rebels also helping the kurds. And then there is the peshmerga. Iraqi kurds allowed in by turkey bringing with them heavy weapons that many say stopped kobani being overrun. Turkey did let 150 of them in and is allowing replacements and some weapons, too. But still, they blame turkey for starving kobanis kurds of ammunition resupply. Were being besieged from three sides here and have only one border open, turkey. Were bringing weapons and ammunition from kurdistan, but turkey is putting up obstacles. This is the main problem. This has not dampened isiss hunger to win. A fight with so many sides, such great complexity and sav ragery but no clear end in sight. Nick paton walsh. The rebels in the past and their fight against president bashar al assad, but its been hesitant to help in kobani because it fears the kurds ambitions for an independent state. President obama has nominated ash carter for the next defense secretary. Carter looks to become the fourth man to take the job under the obama administration. Carter promised that if hes confirmed, he will be straightforward with the president. And in what is expected to be his last trip as the outgoing u. S. Secretary of defense, chuck hagel has arrived in kabul, afghanistan. He spoke to reporters saying his visit will focus on assessing afghanistan as the u. S. Begins drawing down troops in the new year. Mr. Hagel said he will meet with the new afghan president and his chief executive and bring up his concerns about security there in kabul. The capital has seen an uptick in violent taliban attacks in recent weeks, but hagel call it had a predictable attempt to disrupt the new government. A spokesman for the Pakistani Army says a senior al qaeda commander has been killed in a raid carried out by pakistan. Hes one of the fbis mostwanted terrorists. He was indicted in new york in 2010 for his alleged role in a terrorist plot to attack targets in the u. S. And the uk. Still to come on cnn, why Rolling Stone is saying sorry for its bombshell article about a College Campus rape. Plus, Police Departments across the u. S. Are spending millions of dollars for body cameras. Wee see exactly how they work and why some say they will not be effective. Thats next. Ive always loved exploring and looking for something better. Thats the way i look at life. Especially now that i live with a higher risk of stroke due to afib, a type of irregular heartbeat, not caused by a heart valve problem. I was taking warfarin, but wondered if i kept digging, could i come up with something better. My doctor told me about eliquis. For three Important Reasons. One, in a clinical trial, eliquis was proven to reduce the risk of stroke better than warfarin. Two, eliquis had less major bleeding than warfarin. And three, unlike warfarin, theres no routine blood testing. Dont stop taking eliquis unless your doctor tells you to, as stopping increases your risk of having a stroke. Eliquis can cause serious and in rare cases fatal bleeding. Dont take eliquis if you have an artificial heart valve or abnormal bleeding. While taking eliquis, you may bruise more easily and it may take longer than usual for any bleeding to stop. Seek immediate medical care for sudden signs of bleeding, like unusual bruising. Eliquis may increase your bleeding risk if you take certain medicines. Tell your doctor about all planned medical or dental procedures. Those three Important Reasons are why eliquis is a better find for me. Ask your doctor today if eliquis is right for you. Rolling stone is apologizing for an explosive story about the alleged gang rape of a University Student by fraternity members. The magazine says the trust was, quote, misplaced. The fraternity denied key details. Rolling stone says it never contacted the man who allegedly orchestrated the attack or any of the men she claimed were involved. Still some students on campus say the article could spark some positive changes on campus. Heres Jenna Dagenhart with reaction from students. Reporter no matter what is or isnt true about the Rolling Stone article about an alleged rape culture at uva, several students believe that despite dark times, a spirit of change on grounds could mean a brighter, safer future. I think people definitely want to, like, take this article as a negative aspect, like condemning the university, i think would take it in a positive way and, like, move forward in fixing the problem thats clearly prevalent. Reporter they say Sexual Assault isnt just a problem at uva, its a national tragedy. I think the general consensus was that even if its not real, its a problem even if that particular story wasnt real, its probably still a problem. So as much as it matters that the article is telling the truth or not, i think we should still just focus on the problem that it brought up. Reporter many hope the that activism and Sexual Misconduct policy reforms are here to stay. Theres definitely a desire to improve the situation because there have been several, like, protests and talks, and i just hope that even though winter break is about to happen, that it continues throughout the Spring Semester until we can see a positive change. Reporter they say new Bystander Intervention programs and universitywide discussions about stopping rape before it happens are especially important. They hope the universitys reputation can heal as the focus moves toward reform and away from the potentially inaccurate Rolling Stone article. Yeah, i was just talking to my roommate about it on the way over, but yeah. Basically, its obviously big news. And its good that its sad that it painted the university in such a bad light. Well, that was Jenna Dagenhart reporting. The Washington Post reports at couser is it standing by her story. Lashing the philippines by typhoon hagupit. Well have the latest on the monster storm straight ahead. Plus, youre looking at a police body camera. Some see them as a helpful tool that could help keep officers out of trouble, but others arent so sure. Aight. [ female voice ] yes . Lactaid® is 100 real milk . Right. Real milk. But it wont cause me discomfort. Exactly, because its milk without the lactose. And it tastes . Its real milk come on, would i lie about this . [ female announcer ] lactaid. 100 real milk. No discomfort. To our viewers in the u. S. And around the world, im isha sesay. The headlines this hour. A rainy night in new york meant fewer protesters. They staged dieins at the apple store and later at macys in midtown manhattan. Theyre protesting what they call abusive power by police. Chuck hagel says the trip to afghanistan is focused on assessing the country as the u. S. Begins the drawdown of its forces in the new year. He also said hell meet with the new afghan president during the trip. A very dangerous slowmoving typhoon hagiput is lashing the philippines this hour. Its hitting the country with rain and roaring winds and posing a major threat of flash floods and landslides. Hagiput is expected to make landfall on samar islands a few hours from now. Derek van dam joins us. We could already see that rain coming down. Explain for on you viewers what youre seeing from the mold. Andrew should actually be experiencing stronger wind gusts over the next three hours. Hell want to be prepared for that. Nonetheless, you can see tacloban right to the south here. The eye wall of this particular storm just about well, lets say roughly five hours from making laughing on samar island. That is in the eastern philippines. You can see legazpi just to the north. Well talk about all these locations in just one moment. You can see the storm has weakened somewhat, and its also picked up Forward Momentum which means that we have a slightly earlier landfall time, roughly around 9 00 p. M. Local time across the eastern portions of this particular island. It has extended its signal three public warning signal including legazpi and all of samar. You see a signal, too, where our Andrew Stevens is located in taclob tacloban. This is the latest radar coming out of the region. We have one to the north, one to the south. Tacloban is located across this area. You see the rain bands starting to lash that region and stronger winds will pick up. I want you to take note of this city on the eastfacing side of samar island. Weve got some visuals coming out of there shot about four hours ago. What i want to Pay Attention to and take note of is that there are still people on the coast, a very precarious position to be considering that the eye wall is getting closer and closer to this particular island. Not a place you want to be at the moment. So hopefully they have heard the warnings and they are getting to safety and Higher Ground. Lets get back to the graphics and talk about our concerns going forward. This is called the path of uncertainty. Anyone underneath this shading of blue anywhere from legazpi all the way to manila, we want to pay very close attention to the track of the storm. We are expecting it to impact Southern Luzon including manila by late sunday evening into monday, the start of the workweek. It will be a weakened typhoon but still a force to be reckoned with. The rainfall will be a concern, powe leshlly urbanized flooding. An interesting graphic here, you see that some of the outer typhoonforce winds now starting to reach the east coast, but, again, the eye wall still well offshore. Lets talk about the concerns over this region and coastal storm surge is our major concern especially for the eastfacing islands. And that including legazpi. Specifically we have all the little inlets and bays that we want to be paying close attention to as this finally makes landfall. Its going to have a compounding effect. It is coinciding, by the way, isha, with a full moon and high tide, which is not great news. By the way, rainfall totals exceeding 400 millimeters in some locations. Those are incredible numbers we see there on that picture. It really is. We shall follow this closely. Derek, appreciate it. Thank you. Millions have fled their homes in the philippines to get out of the path of typhoon ha hagiput, but many People Living in one threatened area still had not evacuated. We get the view from a few hours ago. Reporter in less than 24 hours, the strongest typhoon this year will hit this region. It will be coming from the pacific ocean, and as you can see, its far from calm. Very frightening, the waves are getting higher and higher. It was last year when a storm surge also hit central philippines, and were now hearing Eastern Samar and as typhoon hagiput is set to batter this part of the philippines any time within the next 24 hours, many have already evacuated their homes in fear of what the government reports of a three to fourmeter storm surge that may come with the typhoon. Now, the problem is there are so many people staying in these villages. On this side, several meters from the ocean, youll see that there are still people still housed. And not many of them have evacua evacuated. What the government wants to make sure is that within the day, nighttime, everyone in harms way, everyone in critical areas would be taken to Higher Ground. But well still have to see if they can manage to do that given such limited time. Reporting there from borongan. Well follow the situation there for you. Well, typhoonhagiput is north of tacloban which was devastated last year. Tacloban is being pelted with rain and conditions are still expected to be dangerous. Pamela boykov has more. Reporter clutching her 1monthold son, Christina Hilaria remembers the moment one year ago that typhoon haiyan trapped her in her home. We were trapped. We ran to hide somewhere. So we would be safe. We were very afraid at the time because we dont know that there is still there is storm surge. Reporter christine and her sister wont make the same mistake this time. With typhoon hagiput bearing down, they are headed to a local hotel better built than their home. They know they may lose the house that took six months to rebuild, but better to lose their home and to keep their lives. More than 6,000 perished when typhoon haiyan made its deadly sweep across this part of the philippines last year. The memory of that storm drove tens of thousands from their homes. More than 20,000 poured into Evacuation Centers across the city. Schools, gymnasiums and churches turned into noisy safe havens. They didnt take chances. Many of them decided to evacuate even before we asked them to evacuate. Reporter all around, signs of a city preparing for the worst. A hospital boards up its windows. Drivers stock up on fuel. The army accused of having a late response to the last storm stands at the ready. In san jose, the neighbor hardest hit by haiyan, a lone surfer takes advantage of the growing waves, but no one else is taking pleasure in the approaching storm. Nearly everyone we spoke to said they plan to evacuate but not this man. Hes staying behind to protect his house from looters. If the water starts to rise like last time, hell run, but hes very scared. I prayer the storm will just disappear. Not to hit another place, but just disappear. Its a prayer likely shared across this community where they know all too well how much grief a storm can bring. Pamela boykov, cnn, tacloban, the philippines. Stay with cnn for continuing coverage of typhoon hagiput. Protesters fill the streets of major u. S. Cities for a third night, demanding Police Reform and accountability. Some of the biggest protests were in chicago where people marched through the upscale shopping district along lake shore drive. Demonstrators also stopped traffic in washington, cleveland and miami. Many people Say Police Body cameras would be an effective way to keep Police Abuses in check. Government regulation correspondent renee marsh reports. Reporter this video from police in laurel, maryland, captures a traffic stop turned foot chase. In florida, an officers body camera captures the moment he opens fire. Former nfl player jermaine green shot at least four times. Police were initially criticized. Thats until this video was released showing Green Holding his girlfriend hostage at knifepoint and ignoring police commands. Hes got a knife the video really does provide justice for victims of abuse, and some studies have shown that it actually reduces complaints against police. Reporter public outcry followed the shooting death of Michael Brown by a Ferguson Police officer. With no video evidence, the facts of the case were disputed. But in new york city, there was video, captured on a cell phone, unarmed, eric garner died after a confrontation with police. My dad died on national tv on a camera. He still didnt get justice. So whats justice going to do with these body cameras . Reporter new york along with other major cities like los angeles, chicago and philadelphia have all signed on to having their officers equipped with body cameras. On monday, president obama called for increased funding for an additional 50,000 body cameras for Law Enforcement agencies. Some Police Departments have the numbers to back up that it works. In rrialto, california, complaints against police fell 88 once cameras were put into use in a yearlong pilot program. In mesa, arizona, there were 75 fewer use of force complaints. But even those who support the use of body cameras say the jury is still out on how effective they will be. Body cameras are not a silver bullet. Theyre not going to make every problem in our criminal Justice System go away, but sometimes they can make it clear how bad those problems are. There is no official count for how Many Police Department as cross the country are using these cameras, but the two primary vendors for the Technology Say theyve sold devices to more than 5,000 Police Departments. But what will also play into how effective these cameras are is the policies departments put in place. One of the aclus concerns, if officers are free to turn cameras on and off, it could enable someone to edit the situation, recording only part of the encounter. Well, cnn continues to follow the path of typhoon hagupit as it barrels toward the philippines. After the break, well bring you a live report from tacloban. Do stay with us. Hello, everyone. More now on our top story, the powerful typhoon thats lashing the philippines. Joining us right now from tacloban is the Emergency Response director for world vision. Thanks so much for joining us. Bring us up to speed on the situation where you are in tacloban. Thank you very much. Right now the sun just went down. Powered out in tacloban, i think the city overall, and the winds are definitely picking up. The rain is coming in. Its been raining relatively steadily for the past six hours. But the strength of the wind is certainly on the increase. You mentioned the power being out. When did that happen . The power went out about two hours ago. All right. So the power is out. The winds are picking up. Ive got to ask you, youre with world versiision. Whats been the focus of your efforts in the runup to the storm . Weve prepositioned about 1,000 Emergency Response kits. So that when the shortly after the storm resides, well be able to respond to the most affected families and communities. Right now were predicting that to be in the samar area to the north of us here. Weve also been able to procure a substantial amount of about 2,000 additional kits that will be arriving by boat early this week. I think most agencies like world vision are in the preparedness mode. One of the well, obviously the advantage to this typhoon is that its affecting the same many of the same communities that were affected by haiyan just a little over a year ago. The advantage there is many agencies like world vision are in place and already prepared to respond to what hagupit might bring. As you talk about the many communities affected, this is a huge setback on the slow progress that many of your organizations had made. Well, i would say that the problem has not been that slow. It hit our targets in terms of shelter recovery. I think can think, for instance, in world vision, we are able to assist in the reconstruction of 14,000 houses that are stronger and better than they were before haiyan. So in many ways, better prepared to withstand the onslaught of hagupit. Just following on all this, tens of thousands of people that are still without shelter there in areas that were hit by haiyan, but moving on from that, every disaster throws up unique challenges. What are the challenges that could potentially arise from this storm . The area of samar is the inf infrastructure is already relatively weak. The onslaught, the brunt of the force of hagupit, it will be a challenge logistically getting into some of those areas because theyre relatively remote, much more so than, lets say, the urban center that was hit last year with tacloban. The upside to that, of course, is the population density is a little less. So were not looking at quite the high numbers that we were last year. Yeah. We keep hearing that the level of preparedness is much higher this time around with hagupit. Let me ask you this. How confident are you that the response will be much smoother this time around . Well, case in point, one of the Evacuation Centers last year received 2,500 people after haiyan arrived. This time around, 300 families as early as yesterday were already in place in the evacuation center. A lot of the people that were in the vulnerable areas have voluntarily evacuated to the tacloban area, about 47 different evacuation locations. So were definitely better prepared this time around. And as mentioned, agencies like world vision are already in place on the ground as opposed to last year where people had to arrive, you know, shortly before or right after the storm. So were fairly confident that we are in a much better position than we were last year. We certainly hope so. Andrew, wishing you the very best in your efforts as the storm, you know, is out away from landfall. Be well. Take care and be safe. Thank you. Well, still to come on cnn, the spacecraft orion is back on land after it whizzed around the earth in a successful test flight. Plus forget coffee. The newest way you can get a jump start on your morning. [ rob ] we werent always the most adventurous couple. Once we kept the lights on. But then we started using ky yours mine. Yeah, we were nervous to try it. Theres an amazing sensation for her. Amazing. This one feels fantastic for me. And combined. Ohh, its a completely new sensation for us both. Its opened a whole new door for us. Ive come to clean your pool. But we dont have a pool. Ill come in anyway. Next week im going to be a maid. [ female announcer ] ky yours mine. His excites. Hers delights. Together feel them ignite. Keep life sexy. Nasas new orion spacecraft has passed its first test in outer space. It took it 15 times higher than the International Space station. The space station has tremendous hopes for orion that it will even take astronauts one day to mars. Alina machado reports from cape canaveral, florida. Reporter i was here for the liftoff, and its like nothing ive ever seen before. We were a few miles from the launchpad, and yet we could feel the sheer force and the power of the rockets that were boosting orion into space. The spacecraft made two orbits around the earth, and it soared some 3,600 miles and then it splashed down in the pacific ocean, just as appeared, at around 11 30 eastern time. The launch came a day after weather and a technical issue kept orion sitting on the launchpad. Listen to what an astronaut had to say about the delay. Theres so many moving parts that we get spoiled sometimes in space launch where you saw all these successful shuttle launches that you forget how complex these machines are and how hard it is. It really is hard. Weve had weve had some accidents recently in our growing space industry, and it reminds us it should recage us that this is not easy, but its worth it. Reporter now, scientists will be taking a look at all the data from this flight and seeing where they need to tweak so that they can make sure that this spacecraft is safe one day for humans. By the way, the next test flight is scheduled for 2018. That flight will not have any humans on board. Alina machado there. Well, there are many ways for early risers to prepare for the day. You can go out for a run or catch up with the news, but how about heading to a rave . We uncover a new way to party before work. [ alarm buzzing ] reporter this isnt a Leftover Party from the night before. No, its a new day in london, and this is the new way to kick start your morning. Part exercise class, part fancy dress, this is a hybrid that is attracting huge crowds. In there youll find your bankers, your lawyers, those professional types, nurses, but youll also find some students, youll also find some kids. Its really safe to say you get every demographic in morning glory. We have got 1,000 people in there. Reporter inside, there are no treadmills or dumbbells. You wear what you fancy, and you dance how you want. The majority of people here are in their late 30s, early 40s. They are part of the rave generation of the 1990s, but this time around, theyre keeping it very clean. Its what many here call conscious clubbing. Theres no alcohol or drugs. Instead, you can have a massage, a smoothie, and even practice your tree pose. Clubbers tell me it helps them feel reenergized and ready to take on a busy working day. Their vibe is wonderful. Everyones so lovely, and its just a great energizer. Its better than the gym. It gives me energy for the day. Amazing. Yes. Positive. Crazy. Look at me. Yes. Reporter and now youre going off to work. Yes. Consulting. Management consulting. I just feel very wired and im ready to take on the day. And i just wish it was more often. Reporter its this energy that has other cities hooked on this raveolution. Montreal will soon join, bringing the total to 16 and now even finance and Tech Companies are cueing up. Theres a very clear aim. Increase happiness. Increase productivity and bring, you know, team building. Mainly that happiness factor because some people are starting to realize actually above everything else, happiness is the number one thing your staff, your team needs in order to be productive. Reporter so it doesnt matter if youre a fat cat or an angel investor. For these ravers here, theres really no excuse for not letting your hair down. Cnn, london. Some very, very peculiar costumes there, shall we say. All right. On the greek island of crete, a billy goat lived up to its reputation of being stubborn. Here you see him sauntering onto the pitch right in front of the goalkeep goalkeeper. Only to have him scamper back to guard the goal. Finally a spectator took charge of the situation. He grabbed the goat by the horns and led him from the pitch. He really didnt want to go, you can tell. And the goat wasnt the only animal who apparently wants to play. English golfer luke dodnald was about to take a shot when a large baboon comes out of nowhere and you guessed it, starts monkeying around on the course. But it didnt seem to faze the golfer very long. Hes the leader in the tournament after two rounds. Thats what you call concentration. The news continues in just a moment picking up our coverage from london. Well have the latest on typhoon haguhit as the monster storm heads for the philippines and a look at the protests against alleged plus brutality that are shutting down parts of cities in the u. S. Im isha sesay. You are watching cnn. [ female announcer ] hands were made for talking. Feet. Tiptoeing. Better things than the pain, stiffness, and joint damage of moderate to severe rheumatoid arthritis. Before you and your rheumatologist decide on a biologic, ask if xeljanz is right for you. Xeljanz tofacitinib is a small pill, not an injection or infusion, for adults with moderate to severe ra for whom methotrexate did not work well. Xeljanz can relieve ra symptoms, and help stop further joint damage. Xeljanz can lower your ability to fight infections, including tuberculosis. Serious, sometimes fatal infections and cancers have happened in patients taking xeljanz. Dont start xeljanz if you have any infection, unless ok with your doctor. 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