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Ceo jack dorsey tweeting, we believe political message reach should be earned, not bought. The question is good step . The Trump Campaign calls it an attempt to silence conservatives. How when its all ads that theyre doing this to . But anyway, be on the lookout because while this may have been nothing for twitter other than a jab at zuckerberg and company, it could set off First Amendment litigation and make twitter itself a target of its biggest troll, this president. All right. Thank you for watching. Cnn tonight with the man, d. Lemon, starts right now. I admire what theyre doing. I think its a good thing. I think its a good thing. You take the ads out of it, and then you dont have to deal with the fakeness of anything. Well, you have to deal with the trolls and all of that. Thats the next thing i think they should deal with and the bots. They should check to make sure that everybody every person who pretends to be a person or whatever, every account is actually owned by a legitimate person. And i wish that everyone who is on there had to give their real identity. That would be great. So answer this, mr. I trample all over the law. Thats not thats not the law. My ads are all fair. Thats not the law. Its a private company. My ads are all fair. You are excluding my ads. You are chilling my First Amendment rights. No. Start your own platform. Put your ads on it. You can put your ads on your own website. But you are clearly in the public domain. No. And you are putting on other ads and solicitations, and you should no. We dont put on ads even on this network if we dont think they live up to the youre a public company. You have rights and responsibilities. No. If they dont live up to the standard, then guess what . Youre not discriminating against anyone because youre not putting any ads on. But i want my ads on. Well, then go somewhere else. Its not your right but youre a public company. No, its not your right. Its not your right. If you want to put an ad on, then go get your own website. You can start one. Its free. The internet is free. You can open your own website, and you put your own ad on. Youre chilling my speech. Youre a public company. Cnn, we cant do that. We cant just say were playing some ads or no ads. You got to be fair. If the ad does not live up to the standards of this network, we do not air them. True. But theyre saying that theyre not doing any testing. Theyre just going to not let any. Then you wont discriminate against anyone because youre treating everyone equally. That is their best case to make going forward. Who is the attorney here . Me, clearly. But ill tell you what, im suspicious. Mmhmm. Im going to start calling it instead of closing argument, losing argument, take the c off. But go ahead. That was the bolo, by the way. Thanks for watching the show. And just like that an empty chair. But what im saying is this. I just dropped my pen. Did you hear it . Can somebody grab my pen . I didnt hear it. I was too busy laughing at what you had said before that. What i think is going to happen here is social Media Companies have to take responsibility for whats there. They just do. Zuckerbergs making a mistake here, and i bet you in time they change. You think theyll change . I dont know. I just like it because id like to take as much of the craziness out of twitter and the hate and the fakeness, and i wish facebook would do the same. I wish facebook would have some sort of standard. Where is it worse in your opinion . Well, i think twitter is more toxic when it comes to immediate feedback and their policies. Like they never when you report someone, they always say this didnt rise to the level of so then what does . But i think as far as news value, i think facebook is probably worse because people actually believe that facebook is a real news site, and they believe the fake ads that are on facebook and i have people passing them on to me all the time. I even have people on twitter saying, oh, did you see i cant believe you, don lemon, youre not even running the video of joe biden bragging about getting rid of the person at burisma. And its like, well, of course he did. The entire western world wanted this person to but he never mentioned his son. But he never mentioned his son. They dont say, Why Arent You Running that . Because its a bunch of b. S. Thats why. I think youre spot on about it, that facebook is taken much more seriously as a news source by people. I will say this. I cannot remember the last time ive been on facebook because the toxicity. I rarely if ever go on twitter because of the toxicity. Usually if i update, i update through instagram because instagram is it started becoming that way, but instagram is its a it has better mechanisms for weeding out the trolls and the people that you dont want on your pages. But i dont go on twitter. I dont go on facebook because there are just no standards there, and honestly theyre cesspools right now. You still have me blocked by the way . No. I never followed you. You shouldnt. The discourse is way too highbrow. I got big news to get to. You had a great show, though. Thank you, chris. Ill see you later. This is cnn tonight. Im don lemon. This could be really the biggest name to testify, okay . House democrats asking john bolton to testify next week in the impeachment inquiry. The president s former National Security adviser, who was in the oval office pretty much every day, who is mentioned multiple times in the testimony that we heard, who either quit or was fired depending on who you believe, clearly knows a lot more than he is saying so far. Of course all of this hinges on whether or not bolton actually testifies. His lawyer says that he wont appear without a subpoena, and his former righthand man, charles kupperman, who shares the same attorney, is refusing to comply with the subpoena, asking a judge to rule whether he has to. And then theres more tonight from the explosive testimony, that testimony of Lieutenant Colonel alexander vindman. Two sources in the room telling cnns jake tapper that vindman told congress that he is convinced, convinced that President Trump personally blocked some 400 million, were talking here, in military aid to ukraine. Personally blocked it in order to force ukraine to publicly announce an investigation into the bidens. And that testimony shows you just how all of this fits together, okay . How it all goes together. How each deposition builds on what came before. Today katherine croft, a special adviser on ukraine, testifying about a Video Conference. This Video Conference was on july 18th where she was told Mick Mulvaney had placed a hold on aid to ukraine and saying, quote, the only reason given was that the order came at the direction of the president. That backs up bill taylor. Remember bill taylor . He referenced the same Video Conference in his own Opening Statement last week, saying, quote, all that the omb staff person said was that the directive had come from the president to the Chief Of Staff to omb. Now, ive said it before. Youve got to wonder whether the president s defenders really want testimony like this in open hearings, on live tv. After all, the Televised Senate Watergate Committee hearing had so much impact politically and culturally that we still remember moments like these 46 years later. I began by telling the president that there was a cancer growing on the presidency, and if the cancer was not removed, the president himself would be killed by it. I also told him that it was important that this cancer be removed immediately. They actually want open hearings or not, a source tells cnn that bill taylor is willing to testify in public. His Written Statement was a blockbuster so he could be a star witness here. Weve also learned that tim morrison, the top National Security council official, he is set to testify tomorrow, though that will be behind closed doors. And in an interesting coincidence, okay, or maybe not, morrison is leaving his job soon. A Senior Administration official says hes, quote, decided to

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