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Myself in those families shoes and say an extra prayer for them and just be mindful of the day today and not have it be about negativity but about positivity, concentrating on those folks how to be better as an american, how to do my job better, and how to honor those people and everyone in america who were affected by this. Ill tell you what. One of the things i love about you is that you are one of the people who remembers how lucky you are. Yeah. And remembers that its easy its just as easy to be nice as to not be nice. Mmhmm. That you embrace people for what they are even when they dont embrace you for what you are. And the more we can do that, the more we can remember what makes us special, why some hate us, they want us to be divided. They want us to when you see a split screen like this, that its a hard split. And this country represents the positive opposite of all that animus. And thats what we got to remember on a day like today because obviously we do forget. Yeah. Well, you know, just what you said. Its always easier if someone says because, you know, we get now people say rude things to us, right, or do rude things, and i just smile and say, thank you. It was a pleasure meeting you. Many times it defuses the situation, but other times it makes them angrier because im not buying into it because they want to lash out and see me as something that im not or im making fun of them. Or whatever. Its really i dont have time for that. Youre a person just like i am. Lets just move on, right . But, you know, on a day like today, it just makes you wonder what the heck happened since 9 11. We came together as democrats, republicans, independents, conservatives, liberals, black, white, hispanic, jewish, muslim, we came together, right, just as americans. And i dont know what has happened since then, but especially over just the last couple of years that we have become so divided that we can barely even talk to each other or look each other in the eyes or give each other some leeway or say, you know everyone has a bad day every once in a while. Everyone is not on their best behavior every once in a while. Does that mean that i need to be rude to you . Does that mean that i need to see you as an enemy . Does that mean i need to lash out at you . No. We all have bad days. Were all humans, and we should not be judged on our worst day by our worst action. It should be a culmination of things, of the entirety of our lives. What youre saying is exactly right, but it also benefits from a very benign perspective, and people can lose perspective. I mean thats what were struggling with in this country right now is that were making trouble for ourselves. Yeah. Were teasing the fabric. Were pulling at the fabric, at the threads of what holds us together almost out of sport, for political advantage, opposition being rewarded because negativity is so intoxicating in this culture. But when you get a real shock to your system, you remember what it really is that separates you. You remember how poi disputes are and animus. When you see that somebody really wants to kill you, that theyll take 2,977 people for no reason, it reminds you that what we have is precious. And i just hope that we dont need that kind of tragedy to reinforce what we could recognize every day. Man, you just took the words right out of my mouth. I hope we dont need it. Listen, there have been a number of many terrible things that have happened to me. Not once have i ever wanted you know this to lash out at someone personally or anything. Usually what i do is i pray for people or hope that they can be better, and i reach out to them even if they dislike me, even if they think i wronged them in some way. I will reach out to them to figure how we can make it better. Ive never once wanted retaliation or revenge for someone who i thought wronged me because its more about the other person than it is about me. On this side of whatever interaction, how do i make this situation better, and how do i make both of us better people rather than coming at it from a negative perspective. And i wish that everyone could do that, not that im, you know, a saint or whatever. But i wish that people were instead of being judgmental, that they would be curious about other what someone else is about and about other peoples actions. You know, that day and for the weeks afterwards, this was such a quiet city, and a little bit of it was trauma. But also people understood that certain things are worth bopping your horn and telling somebody to get out of the way, and certain things arent. People were holding the doors open on the subway. You were crossing the street and and i remember the day that i heard the horns again, and we started hearing these ugly stories about people attacking sikh cab drivers like they were muslims, like that would make it okay. We started to see the reaction formation of the anger. What wore off was this idea of lets just hold on to what we have and remember how precious this all is. And then anger took over. Anger is a really, really strong force, and especially in political persuasion. And were seeing it at play right now. But on a day like today, you know, i hope people listened to the president this morning, what he was saying about the fragility of life, what he was saying about the need to remember precious moments between people because that was the right message. Right. He was giving. Yeah, i agree. I dont know who wrote it, and i dont care. He delivered it, and he delivered it well. And i hope it was the right sentiment. Yeah, and i hope people who believe in him remember what he said today and see if its consistent in what happens in the days ahead. Yep. Always remember. Always remember. Im going to pay you back for that whole instagram bit. You know i love you, d. Lemon. You know i love you. I was just jealous because it wasnt my boat you were jumping off of. You think i could even come close to a it was a very generous friend. Someday, brother. Someday. One day. Thank you, sir. I appreciate it. See you soon. Always remember. This is cnn tonight. Im don lemon. And i got to tell you that cnn has learned that the president is considering this is important news. Hes considering naming mike pompeo to replace his ousted National Security adviser, former National Security adviser john bolton. So pompeo, who is boltons chief rival, by the way, or was would simultaneously hold two fulltime jobs, the secretary of state and the National Security adviser at the same time, simultaneously. Thats what that means obviously. That as tensions with north korea and iran are heating up. The trade war with china is still going on, and the president is discussing a drawdown of forces in afghanistan. And, oh, yeah, russia. The president could really use a fulltime National Security adviser right now. Think about everything that is going on in the country and in the world. But i have to call your attention to something else. I want to call your attention to this. There was also some actual governing going on today, really. The administration moving to ban flavored ecigarettes after reports of some 450 cases of dangerous lung illness. At least six people have died. We have a problem in our country. Its a new problem. Its a problem nobody really thought about too much a few years ago, and its called vaping, especially vaping as it pertains to innocent children. People are dying with vaping. Well, the president is right to take action on ecigarettes. Did you hear what i said . I said the president is right to take action on ecigarettes. Six people have died, and that is a tragedy. We need to know more about all of this, but we cannot ignore what we know about other threats to the public as well. 38 people died in Mass Shootings in this country just last month. What about them . What are you prepared to do on guns, on background checks . What are you prepared to announce . So i just spoke with senator toomey and senator murphy and joe manchin, senator joe manchin. Just had a long talk with them just before this meeting. Just hung up, and we are working very, very hard together, all of us, and were seeing if we can come up with something thats acceptable to everybody. Something thats acceptable . Okay. How about this . How about something that actually does something to protect americans from the next enraged person with a gun . The House Judiciary Committee voting today to approve a redflag bill and a ban on high capacity magazines, but those still have to be voted on by the full house. And the chances that the senate will take up any Gun Legislation are pretty slim given that mitch and then there is the unending effort by the white house, by this white house, to do whatever it takes to cover up the president s repeated false claims that alabama was in the path of hurricane dorian. A white house official is telling cnn the acting chief of staff, mick mulvaney, spoke with commerce secretary wilbur ross about that tweet from the birmingham, alabama, office of the National Weather service contradicting the president. Mulvaney urging ross to, quote, fix the problem. The New York Times reports that ross called noaas acting administrator and told him to fix the agencys contradiction of the president , threatening to fire top noaa employees if they didnt. An unsigned press release from noaa did disavow that tweet last week. The agencys chief scientist fighting back with a Statement Last night, including this, and this is a quote. The content of this press release is very concerning as it compromises the ability of noaa to convey lifesaving information necessary to avoid substantial and specific danger to Public Health and safety. If the public cannot trust our information or we debase our forecasters warnings and products, that specific danger arises. Think about this whole thing for a minute. The acting chief of staff telling a member of the cabinet that it was a problem that anybody would contradict this president when he made false claims. False claims about a hurricane. The problem that had to be fixed, even if it meant top employees losing their jobs losing their jobs if they refused to cover up for the president , who, not at all surprisingly, denies knowing anything about any of this, all of it. Did you tell your chief of staff to have noaa disavow those forecasters who said that alabama was not in the path of the storm . No, i never did that. Lets remember, he even whipped out a map with a now famous sharpie scrawl over alabama, a scrawl he reportedly put there himself. And ive said this before, but it bears repeating. Americans rely on information from noaa and from the president to make what could be life or death decisions when a hurricane is threatening. So the facts are more important than this president s apparent inability to admit that he made a mistake. But theres one more thing that i want to say tonight. I want you to look at this. Please take a look at this. The tribute in light here in new york city. The memorial to those who died when two hijacked planes crashed into the north and south towers of the world trade center, september 11th, 2001. Solemn ceremonies also taking place today at the pentagon and in shanksville, pennsylvania. So much has changed in the 18 years that have passed since that awful day. Then we came together as e of a unspeakable evil, and the world now we are more divided than we have been in decades. Were at odds with our allies. Our enemies are our friends. We have a president of the United States who tweeted today complaining about polls and News Coverage just before he spoke at a 9 11 commemoration. I have taken issue with his lack of solemnity on this day before. But thats not what i want to talk about tonight. All of it is out there for the world to see, and if thats what you want, you can easily find it for yourself. If we want never forget to be more than a hashtag, we should be able to agree not to politicize 9 11, not on the day we remember 2,977 people who were murdered by terrorists here in new york, in washington, and in that field outside shanksville. They deserve so much more from us. And in the face of all this, ten of the democrats vying for the chance to run against the president will take the debate stage tomorrow night. Weve got a new cnn poll on the tightening race. Were going to discuss it with frank bruni, abby phillip, ryan lizza next. I mean, if you havent thought about switching to geico, frankly, youre missing out. Uh. The mobile app makes it easy to manage your policy, even way out here. Your marshmallows. Get digital id cards, emergency roadside service, even file a. Whoa. Whoa. Whoa. Whoa. Whoa. Whoa oops, that cheeky little thing got away from me. My bad. Geico. Its easy to manage your policy whenever, wherever. Can i trouble you for another marshmallow . Whats going on . 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When we create opportunities for girls to stretch their minds, we give them the confidence to change the world. She can stem. So can you. Learn more shecanstem it is a big night tomorrow night for ten of the democratic candidates. Theyre going to face off in the latest debate, that as a new cnn poll released just hours ago shows joe biden holding on to his lead. Lets discuss now. Frank bruni is here, abby phillip, ryan lizza as well. Look at those attractive faces right there. And you should see their brains, really smart people. So lets see if theyre as smart as we think they are, as i just said they are. Good evening to all of you. Frank, im going to start with you. The 2020 dems on the debate stage tomorrow night. Tell me whats at stake. Well, i mean a lots at stake for all of them because for starters, joe bidens lead, you mentioned, endures. I mean hes ahead in your poll. But its not the lead he once had, and i think its a soft lead. I think a lot of eyes will be on Elizabeth Warren because she has had a great last couple of months. She seems to have a lot of velocity, and the question is whether she can convert that into actually catching joe biden and what their exchanges will be like. This is the first time that warren and biden have been on the stage together. As weve gone through this, theres been a split group. Now we have the ten leaders all on the stage together, and its the first time that warren and biden have met each other, and nobody knows how thats going to go. Its also really democrats chance, abby, to grab some of the headlines back from the guy in the white house, right . Yeah, and its their chance to really try to capture the attention of voters who frankly seem to be a little bit underwhelmed by this field. I do think its quite early, and a lot of people are not paying attention. But, you know, when you think back to the 2016 election at this point in 2015, it was really donald trump and all the rest of the republicans. It was something people could not turn away from. I think the democratic primary really has not been that. But at the same time theres been a pretty substantive debate about ideas and about ideology within the democratic party. For a lot of the candidates tomorrow, i think its going to be about seeing what these dynamics shape up to be. I think a lot of eyes are going to be and targets are going to be on Elizabeth Warren. A lot of the campaigns, not just joe biden, see her rise as something of a threat because its been so persistent and so steady, and shes been moving up so much. I think a lot of people are looking to see how much incoming she can take tomorrow night. Youre right. Around this time, we had already had the heroes who are like heroes who were not captured. I think we had blood coming out of her eyes, blood coming out of wherever. We had all these things happened around this time. Abby, youre right. This is it doesnt feel the same. The intensity doesnt feel the same and the interest. I want to talk about that similarly, because, ryan, i am fascinated by your piece in politico. Bidens team doesnt think their campaign is treated fairly, right, because trump always says that. Right . You said, what is clear is that the critics who are louder and more visible online and on cable tv have had absolutely no impact on changing bidens status as a steady frontrunner in the race. What is the source of bidens support . What does the biden team think the media and the loud folks on twitter are missing . Well, they think that theres a mismatch between the elite political conversation on social media and twitter. Remember, only a tiny, tiny percentage of democratic voters are even on twitter. So the conversation there tends to be much, much further to the left democrats, much younger, and bidens voters are older. Theyre more working class, and he has more people of color in his coalition right now. And if you were you know, if you follow the conversation online, you know, biden is sometimes treated by democrats only a little bit better than donald trump whereas, you know, theres lots of enthusiasm for progressives like Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren. So thats just a mismatch in our, you know, in the media environment. You know, the biden campaign, as this piece makes clear, theres a lot of frustration over there about this but also a sense of it doesnt matter. They ignore, you know, the twitter warfare, and they, you know, went through the series of negative stories about biden and invading womens personal space. They went through the series of stories about biden and his long and complicated history on race. And nothing really changed the polls, so i think, you know, theres a little bit of gloating in that camp perhaps that they understand the democratic electorate and that bidens voters are more solid than a lot of his opponents and frankly us in the media believed when he got in this race. And thats you know, thats largely what the piece explores is the source of his resilience. What is that look, frank . Is that pensive . Are you disagreeing . I think bidens advisers are right and wrong. They are right that weve been a little bit single narrative in the media. Its all been about his gaffes. I think voters are looking at more than that. I think what were noticing is going to become more noticeable to voters. A lot of those voters who are with biden are with him because they think he has the best chance of beating trump. If they continue to see him stumble, make mistakes, make up things, seem unsteady on the stump, theyre going to question their own judgment about him being the fiercest adversary for trump. And then it all crumbles. Let me tell you why youre so smart. Abby, i promise ill let you get in after this. We can put it up because a new poll shows that the race is tightening. So, you know, 18 to 24. He was way ahead before. Thats right. His lead is smaller than it was. Thats important. I like to use my own mother as the to do my polling. Shes your focus group. She said the exact same thing to me last night or the night before the night before that you said on my ride home. She said, i was watching all of them, blah, blah, blah. She thinks we pay too much attention to the critics on twitter because theyre a small group and theyre young people, and they just dont understand the moment that were in right now. But she said, he better stop making these gaffes. I wish he would stop making these gaffes. Democrats want to put forward the candidate who is going to end donald trump and limit him to one term. And if joe biden continues to seem unsteady, their affection for him, the fact that hes the comfort, the familiar, the fact that hes tradition and weve tried this untraditional thing, a lot of those things are no longer going to help him as much as theyre helping him now. Go ahead, abby. Sorry. No, i think those things are all true and valid. But i also think that there is reason to believe that the support for biden is a little bit more durable than a lot of the campaigns wish that it were. And some of that has to do with i mean if you look a little deeper into, for example, the abc News Washington post poll, there was a question about who do you think would be the best president of the United States . Thats a separate question from who do you think will beat donald trump or win this next election. And most voters say joe biden. They just do. And i think so even though he outstrips his opponents on the electability question about how well he will match up against trump by quite a bit more, he still wins the question of who do they think is going to be the best president. So a lot of bidens support is actually people who think that hes actually the guy that they want running the country, donald trump or no donald trump. And i think democrats are going to have to undermine that if they want to beat him. And then ryan also pointed out something that i think is important about biden support that a lot of the other candidates have yet to figure out, which is what biden is the argument hes making is i can win over workingclass, white voters and a coalition of people of color that comprise the democratic party. So any person who is going to be the nominee is going to have to do some measure of both of those things, and, you know, until and unless that happens, i think its going to be much more difficult for democrats to just say to their own party, you know, dont even worry about electability. Dont worry about whether or not joe biden you think joe biden can beat trump. We can all beat trump. Theyre going to have to actually meet a lot of other criteria too, which is why this has been a lot more difficult than many of them have expected. Ryan, dont get mad at me. You know how it works. If you can respond quickly, but i just want can we just put up the quote . Lets put up the quote and then i want you to respond to this because you talk about bidens campaign. They think that this smacks of elitism, right . You said that warren and most of her local supporters believe that bidens voters youre saying that the people who are bidens voters, they dont think that they know what is right for them, and they dont understand their support for them when theyre fully aware of why theyre supporting him. Yeah. I think this is a really interesting debate because if you talk to the other campaigns, the thing you hear about over and over again is, oh, those biden voters, they are just supporting him because hes the most famous guy in the race. Its all about name i. D. When they actually Pay Attention, theyll realize they dont support him, and then theyll come running over to Elizabeth Warren and Bernie Sanders or whoever. And, first of all, a lot of the polling does not show that. The people who are most politically aware are biden has a majority working class and people of color. Yeah. And, look, he has the broadest Multiracial Coalition right now. Number two, from the biden campaigns perspective, there is this sense of, you know, elitism as you say, don, that, oh, these voters dont know why they like biden. Theyre too stupid to know that. I think thats a fascinating debate. That debate is going to be more engaged as the next few weeks go on. Then one final point. Quickly. I do think you have to look at Elizabeth Warrens numbers on electability have been going up, and the more donald trump looks vulnerable, the more the nonbiden candidates will do better on electability because i think democrats will become less riskaverse. Fascinating conversation. Thank you all. Easy to beat. Yep. I really appreciate it. Thank you. Well be right back. At tmobile, we cant give you unlimited summer, but we can give you unlimited talk, text and data for just 30 a line for 4 lines. And that comes on our newest signal. No signal reaches farther or is more reliable. So you can. Share more sunsets. Stream more videos. 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Compare that to sanders at 12 , warren, 10 , harris 8 , yang at 5 . Why is bidens support so strong here . Well, i mean its clear its because he was the goodwill that he has generated with the black community as president obamas Vice President for eight years is the reason why people feel comfortable with him. Plus, hes spent decades in the senate. Hes built up this goodwill with black leaders nationally across the country. That translates to his support on the ground. The support from the older generation of black americans is also crucial too because they vote in larger numbers. Youre seeing whats interesting about this number is you are seeing a generational divide. Younger black voters are not necessarily as enthusiastic about biden as the older, you know, 55, 60plus voters who feel comfortable with him. Its uncle joe. They know him. They have that familiarity. So that is enduring, and thats why you see biden doing so well, especially in places like South Carolina. But, jamal, you say biden support is wide but not deep. Explain that. Yeah, i think it is pretty wide. The question is how deep is it . We may find its deeper than we think. We may find voters arent really concerned about some of the things that a lot of us in the political pundit class are paying attention to. But its possible as voters get to see joe biden more often and more up close and they see him on television at these events, they start to ask some real questions. Heres one thing we have to Pay Attention to. Right now according to the cbs Battleground Tracker that came out on sunday, joe biden is three points ahead of Bernie Sanders in iowa. Bernie sanders is closing. He is one point behind Elizabeth Warren in New Hampshire according to that poll. What happens in Bernie Sanders wins in iowa, Elizabeth Warren wins in New Hampshire, and then were not sure what happens in nevada. So he goes to South Carolina. Maybe hes two, maybe hes three contests down. He wasnt won a single race. You think voters then rally to a candidate who hasnt won any campaign of the first two or three states . I think that that support whats when well find out how deep that support really is. Didnt they do that with obama, though. Thats true. They didnt. Obama won iowa. He had a win under his belt. And then he lost two states and then he won South Carolina. Its very possible that joe biden may not have won any of them. True. But the dynamics here are so much different. I also think voters, especially black voters, are looking at who is in the white house now. The bottom line is donald trump has got to go. Thats where im going with this question. Let me ask this question because i want to put up this poll number. Those numbers to biden when you compare trump support among black voters. 15 among black men. 3 among black women. Go ahead, tara. Yeah, and thats an interesting number as well. Any other republican president would be really happy with numbers like that because, you know, its been such a challenge for republicans to get any black support, never mind doubledigit black support among black men. Thats interesting. That was also the case during the election in 2016. More black men supported trump than black women, and thats a whole other dynamic thats a whole other show. It was true in 2004 also with george w. Bush. George w. Bush got about 12 of black votes. Right, well, about that, but just given Donald Trumps behavior, persona, its a fascinating dynamic in my opinion. But, listen, joe biden is experienced. Hes ready to be president on day one. And i think that voters recognize that, especially black voters. They look at him and say, he was a heartbeat away from the presidency for eight years. And barack obama is beloved. He trusted joe biden and put him in that position, so why shouldnt we . Hes the man of the moment now. He can bring normalcy, bring governing back, bring some type of respectability back to the white house that just doesnt exist with the current president. And the other democratic candidates, theyre unknowns. People are not really looking to go toward something they dont know. We tried that already. So i think that Comfort Level and experience is really important and an thats got to be the last word. Thank you both. Ill see you soon. Were out of time. Our new cnn poll shows 77 of republicans want to renominate the president in 2020, but thats not stopping some republicans from challenging him. Im going to speak to one of those challengers next. You dont live in one corner. Fragrance shouldnt either. Air wicks new Technology Releases fragrance upwards and outwards, unlike glade. So now you can fill every corner with fragrance. Upgrade to air wick. Award winning interface. Award winning design. Award winning engine. The volvo xc90. Our most awarded luxury suv. Morning. 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Com. Former South Carolina governor and congressman mark sanford is challenging President Trump for the republican nomination, but the president enjoys an 88 Approval Rating among republicans. How do you run against that . Well, lets ask him. Mark sanford is here. One day at a time. Yeah, how do you run against that . Welcome, by the way. How do you run against that . Well, like i say, one day at a time. Well, let me put this poll up as you answer. Yeah. But i would say this. I think you do it by talking about issues. The president is the master of the insult. Hes the master of the putdown. But at the end of the day, insults and putdowns do not solve problems for people in this country. And i think there is a thirst whether on the republican or democratic side for resolve to issues that matter to their lives. So the way im going to attempt to do it is talk about issues i think have a bearing and impact in peoples lives on the republican side, and then if we make it through the primary process, in the general election side as well. I had the poll up as you were talking. 77 of republicans want to renominate the president compared to 20 who want a different candidate. I wonder maybe theres a glimmer of hope in those numbers for you. You said focus on the issues. Dont be an insult person. But what do you hope to accomplish with your primary challenge . Well, again, as you well know, a poll is a snapshot in time. I think if you polled most republicans out there and said would you rather have donald trump or Elizabeth Warren, theyll pick donald trump every time. So i think, you know, absent a choice, people would say, yeah, we kind of stick with the horse we got. I think whats important about this primary process and the beginning of a debate is to offer people a choice. And i think its particularly constructive given the number of times the president s gone back on things that he said he would do, for instance, a linchpin of what the Republican Party supposedly was once about was the notion of financial sanity. He was the one who said, if you elect me, i will eliminate the debt over the eight years i would be in office. In fact, its gone the reverse. And, in fact, the numbers are at unprecedented levels in peace time. I think thats a conversation worth having within republican circles though it impacts all of us as americans. Let me ask you a couple things. You said trump versus warren in your answer there. What about trump versus biden . Well, i just listened to the last segment. What everybody seemed to be saying was shes on the move. Hes still ahead, though. He is, but im just listening to what i was hearing the last segment. Let me ask you because you mentioned choice, right . You know, you think voters, especially republican voters, need a choice. At least four states including your home state of South Carolina have canceled their republican primaries and will give their delegates to President Trump. Trump says he had nothing to do with that, with them making that decision. But is it a sign that theyre worried about challengers . What do you think of that . Absolutely. Think about this for one second. If i was in his shoes and you had the first in the south republican primary in South Carolina that has real implications in the subsequent primaries that will follow, tell me youre not going to take an 88 or 90 win. Youll do it all day long given its signal to the rest of the states that follow. Instead they cancel it. Now, thats pretty interesting. Why in the world would you do that . It says that somebody in that organization is looking at numbers that tell him his support is indeed wide, but perhaps an inch deep. And i think its particularly telling in South Carolina. Weve taken great pride over the years in being first in the south in the republican primary. You know, all kinds of influence and voices come to this state over the years. Its just not believable to think, well, you know, we did it because it would save some money. No. We did it to protect the president , and i think at the end of the day, it gives less voice to south carolinians and its a harbinger just as that race up in charlotte was of some cracks in the armor. The president had a few choice words to say about you. Im going to let everybody hear it including you and get your response right after this break. Okay. This simple banana peel represents a bold idea a way to create energy from household trash. It not only saves about 80 in carbon emissions. It helps reduce landfill waste. Thats why bp is partnering with a California Company fulcrum bioenergy. To turn garbage into jet fuel. 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Were back now with South Carolina governor former South Carolina governor and congressman mark sanford. President trump spoke about you and the other two republican challengers the other day. Watch this. Im not looking to give them any credibility. They have no credibility. One was a person that voted for obama, ran as a Vice President. Defeated. Another one got thrown out after one term in congress and he lost in a landslide. And the third one, mr. Tallahassee trail or appalachian trail. Hes the appalachian trail, right . Tallahassee trail is nice, too. I think he was the appalachian trail but he wasnt on the appalachian trail. He was in argentina. So hes dismissive of you and others. If hes not worried then why attack . I would agree with that. I think whats interesting is, again, everybody in the world seems to be a loser except for donald trump. And so rex tillerson, whether you like the guy or not, he was head of exxon, a big company, and he was secretary of state, but he is a loser, dumb as a rock in the words of donald trump. You think about paul ryan, who shepherded the tax bill. Whether you like him or not, speaker of the house, but a loser in trump world. Everybodys a loser compared the donald trump and that i think is what at the end of the day undermining to his agenda, to the Politics Around him, and to the ideas allegedly that he stood for on the republican side. The website i would just say this. Can i just say this . You know, what hes trying to point to is, do i have baggage . Yes. I have baggage. We all have baggage. Well, he doesnt have any. That was sarcasm. He needs a private jet to move his stuff around and i think this is i mean, theres a reason that the trump tower is a glass tower. This guy lives in a glass house but he doesnt seem to act that way. I think thats whats so perplexing for many of us about the things he says and does. The website Business Insider announced theyll be hosting a debate later this month. The former congressman joe walsh, bill weld, they said that theyre going to be there. What are you . Are you going to be there . Yeah. Im unaware of this but yeah. If i can be there ill be there. Glad to do it. You said theres an economic storm coming. Im wondering why youre saying an economic storm, particularly as it relates to our National Debt and budget deficit. Starting 2020, the federal deficit will be at least a trillion dollars a year for the neck decade. What has happened to republicans as fiscal conservatives . Whats going on here . Well, thats the central thesis if you want to call it that of my campaign. And if im right on it the campaign will have legs and will go somewhere. If im wrong it will be shorted lived and the question is this. All of those thousands of conversations i had with people over my time in the governorship and in congress, when i talked to a Small Business person, they talked about how they struggled to make it, or talking the a family, they talked about how they struggled to balance the family checkbook. Either those conversations were real and Money Matters to folks, or they were not real. Theres a real disconnect between what you hear at the political level where nobody talks about debt, deficit and the voter level wherein people have sort of left that issue alone because nobody is talking about it. But i think it is central. I think indeed the storm is coming and if you look at the numbers were at unprecedented points in American History given where we are on debt and peacetime, deficits and peacetimes. And what it means is theres always a straw that breaks the camels back and i think that we are at that point and if now we begin to go into a downturn and were at an economic expansion thats about double the length of a normal upturn basically of the last 70 years, if we go down, there are few tools in the tool kit to turn things around from the standpoint of fed activity, from the standpoint of fiscal policy given the trillion dollar deficits were now running. Mark sanford, thank you so much. My pleasure. Thanks for letting me join now. Absolutely. Well tell you who the president is considering for the fourth National Security adviser and why it could be yet another blow for john bolton. Thats next. Really . [horn honks] man this is what i feel like when i wear regular shoes, cramped and uncomfortable. We can arrange a little upgrade. Which is why i wear skechers. Wide fit shoes. They have extra room throughout. Theyre like a luxury ride for my feet. Try skechers wide fit shoes. 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Plus, what kind of reception is President Trump likely to receive tomorrow in baltimore, a city he called a rat and rodent infested mess . Those people are living in hell in baltimore. Theyre largely africanamerican. You have a large africanamerican population

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