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A recap of the days news. That is a lot to get to in one hour. I want to bring in a man who can make sense all of this. He know pwaoutz white house under siege. Dan rather the host of tvs the big interview. Im grateful to be here. Before we get to the stuff we had ready for you. Is this madness . Well, it is a kind of madness and what goes through my mind with events of the last 24 to 48 hours with cohen and manafort is president Abraham Lincoln had his team of rivals and trump had his flock of fellows. He had what turned out to be felons. Theres never been anything like this in american history. Watergate is the closest thing weve had to this. Evidence abounds. Yesterday he implicated the president in a crime. He became an unindicted Co Conspirator in a criminal case. You have a conspiracy to defraud the American Voters a criminal conspiracy to win the election campaign. This is to say serious understates it. I come back to mueller has been digging away and to kphb who thinks yesterday is the high mark, theyre kidding themselves. And we have to be prepareered as a people stay steady and depend on the checks and balances. Give that jury credit in the manafort case and the federal prosecutors credit. With a hostile judge. The jury did their job. They studied, deliberated and came back with guilty verdicts. Its a reminder. President once said its the lungs and the heart of our system. Do you know indate on this . 1973 or 1972. But this is october of 1973. Because you tweeted about how things would undoubtedly get worse. This is your reporting during watergate Saturday Night Massacre 1973 october. Here it is. In breath taking sucksation tonight, the following Historic Events occurred. The president order he fire it special prosecutor arch bald cox, he resigned. The president then ordered ruckleshouse and he refused. He was fired. Brooks was ord taord fire special prosecutor cox, he did. We discussed your reporting before. You said its surreal. But now were living through this. Its an indication that things can always get worse. Were in a kind of political theater of the absurd now. And we should expect things, at least for a while to get worse, hoping that they get better. By the way im sorry you played that clip. I had more hair i was going to say who was that guy with all that hair. And the better color. The hairs a little grayer, you had bigger sideburns. Thank you. So now, were ready, bring on t. Shipstation. The number one ch of online sellers. Go to shipstation. Com tv and get two months free. Its a revolution in sleep. The new sleep number 360 smart bed is on sale now, from 899, during sleep numbers biggest sale of the year. It senses your movement, and automatically adjusts to keep you both comfortable. It even helps with this. So you wake up ready to put your pedal to the metal. And now, all beds are on sale. Save 50 on the new sleep number 360 limited Edition Smart bed. Plus, 24month financing and free home delivery. Ends saturday. Sleep number. Proven, quality sleep. How worriedside the president be about all of this and what could his former personal attorney and possible fixer go to help him win the election . From the reporting weve seen soy far Michael Cohen could know something. His own work could reveal just how much he knows. During the primaries Michael Cohen was working with with russianborn businessman on the Russia Tower Projects and this isants the first time hes work would trump. Hes arformer Business Associate going back to at least 2005. Tprrgs hes also a moblinked felon and fbi informant. Sader told the tphrbg that he lines up up from bank partially owned by the kremlin and under u. S. Sanctions at the time. Sater bragged. He told cohen that putin would say great things about trump if the deal for trump tower went through. Again all of this happening during the primary. One email between cohen and sater offers one of the earliest publicly known symbols. He said buddy, our boy can become president of the United States and we can engineer it. I will get all of putins team. I will manage this process. Again quote. We can engineer. So felix sater said he andpute pfpbs team could work to make donald trump president of the United States. He denighed any effort and he also said that he didnt have connections to putins government but felt confident he could find others who knew putin who could help. He reached out direct 3 discan custhe project. Hesent a message to it it it president and he says he received a message and didnt respond. They were closely working together for more than a decade. And plea alleges they worked together to pay off two women that had affairs with trump. So i ask what is it that mueller would find interesting . Lets bring in white house correspondent for it urban network. And douglas brinkly. They endsed up not dining it. Obviously Michael Cohen that he knew anything about it. Therefore theres no there there. I just waurpbt to play something Sarah Sanders said. Sarah, does the president feel betrayed by Michael Cohen and concerned about what hell say to Robert Mueller . He knows he did Nothing Wrong and there was no collusion and were going to keep focussing on the things Americans Care about and we can have an impact on. I mean i just lades it out all there he might have a lot more to say. We keep calling him the fixer but for a decade he was dining the dirty work for donald trump and that includes the russia deal, and wraoerb heard one of the tapes and its been very damming President Trump. And of course hes being subpoenaed in new york for the Trump Foundation where its just potentially ripe with illegalities. Trump is going to be the U Ultranemesis at donald trump. I dont know how donald trump sleeps at night. The lawyer fames for the clintons orchestrating all of this. The president must be horrified to find his white house paralyzed like this. Sarah sanders stuck to her guns the president didnt do anything wrong. Weve stated many time he did Nothing Wrong, there are no charges against him and weve commented on this tensively. As the president stated numerous okaoeugzs he did Nothing Wrong. The president in this matter has done Nothing Wrong. The president has stated a number of times he did Nothing Wrong, there are no charges against him. What i can tell you is there are no charges against him. The president s done Nothing Wrong. There are are no charges against him. Seven times. And six times no charges against trump and collusion three time president. My question is what is the white house definition of president did Nothing Wrong . What does the president believe . So heres thrr issue. When you have someone like Michael Cohen in your camp, he has haze hands in a lot of different pots. And we know this for a fact. Michael cohen dealt with the issue from what we heard with the tapes and Michael Cohen paid off this play boy play mate of the year. Also paid off a porpb star. Now he introduced the president to at least 1 pwhrapbg praoefrp. Michael cohen has his hand in a lot of different pots. Its not beyond the realm of possibility he could have stheupblg something to do with conversations and close to the kremlin. It. They want to discredit him as a liar, as a noncredible witness. This is President Trump tonight and he is playing down that relationship. Michael cohen, tell me about your relationship with him. He was lawyer for me one of many. They like to the add the fixer. I dont know where that term came from but hes been a lawyer for me. Did small deals. Not somebody that was with me that much. I understood michael co well. He wasnt a lawyer, frankly. But he was probably with me for about 10 years and i would see staoeubgs. So will that strategy work . Down play thing relationship. And the reason is because donald trump basically was a family endeavor. Tprrbsz when youre paying off a prostitute or play mate, youre not going to have don skwror do it. And he found a lawyer thscrappy and hungry to be successful. Theyre a farner shaeupship. And so this is going to cause Great Tpaupbgser Mission to donald trump. Whaugter documents, Telephone Calls . The is one of the things ting thing is lucky isthy doesnt do anything the fact that this private guy that hes taping donald trump is a disaster for the sitting president. And sraoe the omarosa possible capes toing. Hes hung by his own franken stein that he created that are now turning on him. The question was will this strategy work . No t wont work because i keep saying this sex, lives, videotape and audiotape. The proof is there. The truth is the paof. And the problem is the president likes to spepb it this way and craft this nair tfbl but once you have someone who pwhraoedz guilty and tips. And it this t the president can say we waeupbt. But as long as there is video and his voice speaking these truths that were here hing, hes in trouble. And his is a wounded President Trump. We saw a wounded and a weakened president and he was in that east room today in the metal moany. When i received the diagnoses, i knew at that exact moment. Im beating this. My main focus was to find a team of doctors. Its not just picking a surgeon, its picking the care team and feeling secure in where you are. Visit cancercenter. Com breast so the president claiming today that the payments were not feined, they were. They didnt come out of the campaign and thats fake. Its not even a campaign violation. So i want to bring in three cnn contributors now. Ambassador norm a Finance Law Expert and former General Counsel at the federal Election Commission and the author of the threat matrix. Good evening everyone. Not much to talk about tonight. Nothings going on in the world. You know today the president says since the money came from him, not a campaign finance violation but he put his own money into the campaign and according to the rule, it is a crime. So does trumps argument hold up . First of all it doesnt look like the money came from him in any legal sense. From what weve seen it came from the Trump Organization. What happened was cohen paid Stormy Daniels and was reimbursed by the Trump Organization and if that happened then you have a corporate contribution from the Trump Organization. He may think of the Trump Organization his family and white house as all one thing but its not. We have not yet seen where any evidence that he actually paid the money. If he did, well, then it should have showed up in his ethics report, which it didnt. What about these reimbursement of payments to cohen. Theyre saying its an administration mistake and down play thing error saying it was not really a big mistake. What do you think of that . It was a big mistake. I dont think it was a mistake cohen makes the payments. Then he needs to get reimbursed and have it as basically legal fees to cohen and paying him back and things. And they did whats called ghosting up the payments to cover for his taxes. This looks like information for u. S. Attorney put forward is true and what Michael Cohen has said is true, it looks like a real scheme to pay for Stormy Daniels too, pay her off and to do it in a way that hides and keeps it away from a campaign but it is in fact a campaign contribution. So looks like they have trouble. Talk to me about that. In the court of public opinion, does it matter if it was Campaign Money or not . Well, don, the president is trying to fudge that. But Michael Cohen standing up in court yesterday and not only the Court Of Justice but the word of opinion that he committed Campaign Finance crimes at the direction and control of a candidate. We all know who that is, the president of the United States. And i think youve seen this reverberation across the country. There are some things that get confined to the cognizant. The connoisseurs of law. Not this one. The smell, you can only ignore the smell for so long and the smell is bad and going to get worse. Today the president went on fox news and as larry said he simed to concede that he was aware of payments and was involved in them. Did he implicate himself even further . He did. He proved a case that my Watch Dog Case profiled several months ago we said wait a minute. If its the way he said, he should have put these on his financial disclosures. That is not a small offense. In addition to the campaign violation, he signed those forms under false statement penalty. It says on the form, felony. So did he lie. Thats are thrr biggest one today. The biggest one se kpheupbg when bob mueller releases his Obstruction Report theres overwhelming evidence there. This is a death spiral day by day, i think tprrbgsden don. Stkpwhrrs so garret, youve been waiting patiently. One of the jurors spoke to fox moments ago and heres what they said about the star trial, gates. Some of us have a problem accepting his testimony because he accepted the plea. We decided to throw out his testimony and look at the paperwork, which his name was all over. Did you find him to be credible . No, i think he would have done anything he could to thats just obvious in the fact that he flipped on manafort. She admitteds they threw out gates testimony because they didnt trust him. What do you make of that . They threw it out if shes to be believed. They still convicted him of eight charges in all three buckets, your bank fraud, tax fraud and failing to report foreign bank accounts. So they found the totalality of the prosecutors case very believable and plausible. And one of the other things she said was that there was a single hold out for all 10 of the other charges. That basically Paul Manafort came within one vote of being conviced on all 18 charges. Even on the eight that hes been convicted on, he faces probably the equivalent of a Life Sentence for a 69 year old. Were going to talk more about this. Females who did change her vote to guilty would come in one day and say guilty and say i pressured. I want to change my vote back. But finally we brought out all the documents and put them in front of her but the one hold out would not. She said 11 of the 12 agreed on all 18 counts but there was one juror who still had reasonable doubt on 10 of those counts. Manafort was convicted of eight of the 18 charges. What does this show you . Well t does show how complicated the trial was. But also it explains what seemed to be inconsistencies in the verdict where hes guilty of the crime but not the conspiracy. Yeah t shows how complicated these tapes are are. These are complicated trials and jurys are tricky things. But whats important is even with that one person wanting to hold out, they wanted to convict him of a felony. As youre listening to the juror, what are you thinking . Of course ive tried case taosz jurys all over the country and ive sat on juries, i was even the foreman of a jury. Its like sausage making. You wouldnt want that On Television was what goes thoeupb jury room. I think theres often with that jury i sat on as a foreman, there was one person that seemed disassociated from the evidence. You had a judge who was unfairly criticizing the prosecution. That sends a signal to a jury. So that may have made it tougher sledding and you have the president tweeting the case. They were not sequestered. They were told not to look at stuff but they could be exposed to things. There was uphill sledding. Proof was overwhelming and eight counts to me is as good as 18. This is a defacto Life Sentence for mr. Manafort. I wonder if this is if this changes the way they prosecute the next trial. Looking ahead to next month he goes on trial again for beening an unregistered foreign agent, these charges coming much closer to Paul Manaforts ties to russianbeds leaders, ukrainian politicians and so forth. Presumably also going to be in d. C. So it will be with a more friendly jury pool than the virginia case featured. And in some ways considdard much stronger case for the prosecution than this bank fraud and Tax Fraud Case was which larry had already said was a pretty overwhelming case. I think theres every reason to imagine the legal jeopardy is ongoing and that the worst may be ahead of him. He faces another possible century in prison stemming from the september trial. Before we go, each of you, yes, was this a win for there the prosecution . Home run. Absolutely. Garret . No way that anyone on muellers team sees it as anything bought full victory. Hes take aim at his own Attorney General. Were going to speak to a. My name is jeff sheldon, and im the founder of ugmonk. 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Congressman ted lieuess. Thank you for joining us this evening. Thank you, don. Attacking his own Justice Departments treatment of his convicted campaign manager. I feel very badly for Paul Manafort and his wonderful family. Justice which is in quotation marks, by the way and unlike Michael Cohen, he refused to break. Such respect for a brave man. and an Exclamation Point on top of that. He was convicted by a jury of eight counts of bank and tax fraud charges. Quotes around justice but why is he defending Paul Manafort . Hes a convicted felon . Thank you for your question, don. As a former prosecutor, its very hard for me to watch these direct attacks on the rule of law by donald trump. And also very telling because an innocent person would not view these facts the same way a criminal mind would. He clearly thinks cooperating with the government is somehow bad and being convicted of tax fraud and bank fraud is somehow bad. No, these are actual crimes and in america we uphold the rule of law and no one who commits bank and tax fraud should be able to get away with it and i think the president really needs to apologize and stop attacking law enforcement. He keeps lashing out at Michael Cohen who pled guilty to and is cooperating with authorities while he continues to praise Paul Manafort. What does that say to you . Let me say Michael Cohens guilty plea is a game changer. We have a sworn Court Document under oath which basically the president of of the United States is alleged to have committed two felonies. Theres a difference between a civil Campaign Finance violation verse as criminal Campaign Finance violation. In this case Donald Trumps alleged to have engaged in Finance Violations where the punishment is prison time. Donald trump is in serious legal jeopardy. And you really believe that. But as a law maker, what action can the democrats take without the republicans . Because theres a Deaf Engsilence on the hill . Those are civil fines. Thats what happened with obama campaign. But when we look at this fact pattern, rice and i, we wrote letters to fbi. We thought this looks like a felony and we asked the fbi to investigate. They did. Life comes at people fast and now you have Michael Cohen essentially pleading guilty to Campaign Finance violations. In a democracy Campaign Finance laws are a bed rock to make sure elections are run fairly and for people to say this is not a big deal is highly disturbing. The Justice Department is led by Attorney General Jeff Sessions who the president continues to undermine. What would you like to see jeff session tkaoz differently . Well, i think its actually honorable for Jeff Sessions to continue to not intervene in the russian probe and investigation. He did what was ethically right by recusing himself. I would like to see him step up more to donald trump when he gets attacked by the president and i have to give a great shout out to Deputy Attorney general Rod Rosenstein making sure the rule of law is being followed. And you getvictions in light of they want to suspend Conference Hearings for Supreme Court nominee brett cavanaugh. Do you think his nomination should go forward . No, i do not. But it is also a problem when you have a republican congress. They have been complicit in the Culture Of Corruption that has occurred in the last year and a half. Wouldnt be surprising if they went forward. And in the houses of representives, i think our committee now absolutely needs to hold hearings on the Campaign Finance allegations. And of justice have said theyre not going to indict a sitting president. Its incumbent on congress to did donald trump commit to fillanies. You for your time. Thank you, don. Thanks for watching. Our coverage continues

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