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A recap of the days news. Me late one night, to hit the reset button on his life and liz previous loyalty to such a man that he considered especially after helsinki to be a danger to our country. As president of the united states. So do you know what giuliani has been saying . Hes a liar, this is nothing more than a series of lies, hes a liar, liar, liar, liar. What do you say to that . The man who said truth is not truth. The man who takes away any dispute of fact that donald trump committed a crime when he directed my client, Michael Cohen to pay the money to miss daniels. It was Rudy Giuliani who broke the Attorney Client privilege, contradicted president trumps lie on Air Force One who said, mr. Trump reimbursed Michael Cohen for the advance money paid to miss daniels to keep her quiet. That is Rudy Giuliani saying that donald trump knew, directed and paid Michael Cohen. There is no allegation of any wrongdoing against the president in the government charges against mr. Cohen. This is giuliani speaking here. It is clear that as the prosecutor noted, mr. Cohens actions reflect a pattern of lies and dishonesty over a significant period of time. Let me repeat. I am talking about a fact not in dispute. Mr. Trumps attorney submitted a letter published to the Special Council, in which they said mr. Trump directed mr. Cohen to make this payment. Whatever giuliani wants to invent, that truth isnt truth or to say whats on the tape he was trying to cover up and hide his own role in the situation with ms. Daniels by having cohen do the deed rather than himself. There is no dispute, there is no need for proof. His lawyers have admitted that fact. Everyone knew that the president knew. And when he got aboard Air Force One, we know, he knew about this payment. You say Michael Cohen has information that should be of interest to the Special Council, and hes more than happy to tell mueller all that he knows. Does this mean that cohen will say what cnn reported a month ago, that cohen told friend s trump knew of the Trump Tower Meeting ahead of time . Theres certain things that an attorney and client share that i cant divulge, unlike Rudy Giuliani, who waived Attorney Client privilege when he spoke about what donald trump told him. Im not allowed to do that. Russian the conspiracy to included as well as actual knowledge of a crime that most people would call the fbi about, and well see what develops with mr. Muellers investigation, i think he knows a lot more than we think he knows. If michael has all of this stuff as you say, and theres no reason to believe that he doesnt. Why would the president and the president s team, the Administration Work as hard almost every day to throw Michael Cohen under the bus and keep backing up over him . Or as one of our analysts said, you know, on Air Force One, throwing him under Air Force One. Why would he do that . Or they do that . Its impossible to understand Rudy Giulianis conduct. Truth is not truth, throwing a client under the busby admitting essentially we now know a crime by saying he reimbursed a Campaign Contribution that was above the limits and didnt disclose it in his 2019 2018 report, Rudy Giuliani simply doesnt understand the law or doesnt care about the law. And this particular culture of lying we know, that it was Rudy Giuliani who said that when donald trump lied to the press on Air Force One youve done that clip, ive seen. Its not a crime to lie to the American People. Well, giulianis right about that, but it is an impeachable offense. To use the office of the president to abuse the powers of the presidency and lie to the American People. Im not going to hold you too much longer, but again you say, Michael Cohen has information that does what as it relates to conspiracy and collusion . I think it would be of interest to mr. Mueller, and i dont want to go any further than that. Mr. Mueller, in a book thats about to come out in Paperback Version that i wrote, i liken mr. Mueller to a silent deadly submarine under the surface, leak proof with the fuel energized by one thing, facts. Facts. Something that Rudy Giuliani doesnt think exists, and that donald trump literally doesnt care when he ignores. And well see what mr. Mueller comes up with, but i do believe that Michael Cohen will tell the truth to Rudy Giuliani and will tell the truth about donald trump. Appreciate your time. Lanny davis, thank you very much. When we come back, Stormy Daniels Attorney Says the president s fingerprints are all over the crime scene in collection with the violation of Campaign Finance laws. You ready for this, junior . Yeah, i think i can handle it. No pressure. Thats just my favorite boat. Boom. laughs make summer go right with ford, americas bestselling brand. And get our best deal of the summer zero percent financing for sixty months on f150. 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Here to discuss the attorney representing storm my daniels, Michael Avenatti. You say you believe lanny davis dropped a bombshell in that interview. Lanny davis just made an admission that has never been made before. Its the first ive heard of this, he just stated on your show moments ago. Where are the receipts, visavis Donald Trumps involvement. Lanny davis just stated there was a Wire Transfer directly into the account that Michael Cohen had established. This was the Essential Consultants account in order to pay my client the 130,000 payment. That is a huge problem for the president. It would be direct conduct by the Trump Organization to reimburse that payment. That would constitute Campaign Finance violation, and would basically make donald trump a coconspirator. That is directly contrary to what Rudy Giuliani told sean hannity a few months ago. What he told sean hannity was, the payment was reimbursed by way of invoices, i think he said laundered or used a similar word when describing how the 130,0 130,000 was uses. Funneled. That was an interesting word. If there was a 130,000 payment that went out to my client which we know there was. And there was a 130,000 wire that came into that account. The president s in a lot of trouble. How so . Explain. Because i think its an open and shut case. Relating to the fact that this 130,000 payment was paid by Michael Cohen with the understanding that he was going to be reimbursed directly by donald trump or the Trump Organization. That would have had to have been disclosed. Another part of the interview. I said, i followed up, and he it would be good for okay, this is not verbatim, it is notes. Some things i cant divulge, Attorney Client privilege, certain complications, we are unable to correct Michael Cohen. Has information that we would be that would be of interest to mr. Mueller. This is paraphrasing here, i wont call it a smoking gun. Someone will have to characterize it, but he does have information that would be of interest and it pertains to a crime most people would call the fbi about. Don, i think the big Effort Problem right now for donald trump is, that he has lost control. Hes lost control over manafort, hes lost control over cohen. These two individuals now are going to be looking to do whatever they can to cut their own criminal sentences, to protect their families, and theres not a lot that donald trump is going to be able to do about it, and i will just tell you, though, if theres a Wire Transfer receipt for 130,000 payment directly from the Trump Organization. That is nothing short of a bombshell. I want to say one thing, i respect lanny, but i disagree with him about what we just heard, i think its complete nonsense and spin. Michael cohen did not all of a sudden find love of country and did not all of a sudden become a patriot. Did not all of a sudden conclude after having known donald trump for 12 or 15 years that donald trump would not make a good president. Heres what happened, Michael Cohen realized he was dead to rights, he was in the crosshairs, whatever metaphor you want to use, as it relates to prosecutors from the Southern District of new york. He took the steps hes taken for no other reason than to save himself and his family. Lets be clear about that, lets not try to call it anything other than what it is, just so everyone understands what happened. This season the about love of country or patriotism, Michael Cohen waited until the last possible moment, youve witnessed it over the last five months. Hes been practically begging for donald trump to lead him out of the dark force for months now, it became clear it wasnt going to happen. He was waiting on some help in the president. No question. I think he was waiting for loyalty and it never developed. Its a lengthy sound bite, but this is what you were referring to earlier, when it comes to the alleged wire transfer if that is what happened. Watch this. Does he have the proof . Does he have the receipts . First of all, yes, the Wire Transfer from the Trump Corporation to the account that Michael Cohen set up, that then went to Stormy Daniels is recognizable and provable. Let me repeat, the proof is president trumps own lawyers, wrote the Special Council and used the word directed. There doesnt need to be proof when the lawyers have acknowledged that the client directed Michael Cohen to make an illegal payment. Making the client as guilty certainly as the lawyer, and in my judgment more guilty, because he was trying to cover up and hide his own role in the situation with miss daniels by having before cohen do the deed rather than himself. There is no dispute, there is no need for proof, his lawyers have admitted that fact. The first part of that is, you say what . Thats a bombshell. If what lanny davis just stated is true, theres a 130,000 Wire Transfer directly into that bank account that was used to pay my client. And that is a direct reimbursement from donald trump or a Company Controlled by limb, which is what lanny davis just said, it is a stunning piece of evidence and stunning admission. It runs counter to what Rudy Giuliani said and it also runs counter to David Schwartz. He defended cohen. Used to defend Michael Cohen. Youll remember all the things that David Schwartz told the American People that ended up being absolutely false. Youve made a lot of predictions, and a lot of them have come true. Im wondering what this means, ill get to that what does this mean for your case . Does this mean that you will possibly get to depose a sitting president . What are the chances of that . I think the likelihood of us being able to depose first Michael Cohen and second donald trump, i think those odds went through the roof today as a result of the plea, as a result of the language in the plea, and the facts that Michael Cohen pled to. I think theres little question as to whether were going to get a deposition of Michael Cohen, and im going to be permitted to ask him specific questions about what happened and the level of communications, and im going to get to the details relating to that and then i am guessing. Im not guessing, im speculating, im on solid ground im going to get a deposition of the president of the united states. Zero doubt that Michael Cohen is already cooperating and has been cooperating with investigators, do you mean the Special Council or the Southern District . Im referring to the Southern District. It does not sound to me that he has cooperated with the Special Council. I dont think theyve offered him the queen for a day thing. According to our source that i know that has not been put on the table. The queen for a day, to talk to the Special Council. You also have said that you think this president will resign before his term is what is your proof, whats the indication of that, and how do you feel about that now . I said that a number of months ago, and i feel even more strongly about that Statement Today in light of what lapped with Paul Manafort and with Michael Cohen. I think the walls are closing in on the president , i dont think hes going to serve out his term. I want to be clear about something, theres a lot of things that have to happen. Theres a dynamic situation. We dont know what the Southern District of new york is going to do that is provided by Michael Cohen. I stand on that prediction. Rudy giuliani tweeted, buckle up, buttercup, you and your client completely misplayed this. I tweeted that out, because i meant it. You tweeted that to Rudy Giuliani . Hes an absolute Walking Disaster of an attorney. Hes destroyed liz legacy, hes done a disservice to himself and his client. And hes committed legal malpractice in the way theyve handled this. Donald trump should have brought Michael Cohen into the tent a long time ago. I asked lanny that question, why did he keep him and giuliani they dont understand the sense of loyalty unless youre last name is putin. Then they understand loyalty. Your client tweeted this, how you like me now . Teamstormy. How big of a day is this for your case . Its a huge day. Shes ecstatic, she feels vindicated. There are a lots of legal pundits that took a fair amount of shots at her and me, and our legal strategy, how we use the media. As of today, it looks okay. Yeah, all of that reporting we were doing was fake news, remember . All fake news. All facts are fake news. Thank you, sir, i appreciate it. Well be right back. Hs ] [ screams ] [ laughs ] whoa, whoa, whoa. Your one item would be the name your price tool . It helps people save on car insurance. Why wouldnt it save me . Why . What would you bring . A boat. Huh. Paul manafort spending the rest of his life in prison. The judge declaring a mistrial on 10 other counts, also Michael Cohen pleading guilty to eight other counts today as well. I want to bring in Renata Mariati and arriva martin. You have heard lanny davis. Lanlny davis said he believes that Michael Cohen has information that the Special Council would be interested in. Michael avant atty believes that lani dave dropped a bombshell when he talked about the possibility of a record of a Wire Transfer from the Trump Organization. What do you make of this . Theres a popular saying, that justice rides a slow horse, she eventually gets there. I would say today she got there. You know, just overwhelming news on the legal front for the trump team. What happened with Paul Manafort in terms of eight counts where hes found guilty of bank fraud and tax evasion. And now, you know, Michael Cohen, the long time fixer and personal lawyer for the president pleading guilty to eight counts, two of which directly involve the president of the united states. Clearly an unpress dented day for the government, for the president. Shocking revelation by lanny davis that this isnt over, when i looked at that interview, what it said to me is, we have a long way to go, and more shoes are going to drop, whether mueller decides that he can indict a sitting president. Clearly enough information has come out today just from what we saw Michael Cohen plead to in Federal Court to suggest that there is a case that can be made against donald trump for criminal activity, and its so ironic that donald trump said during the campaign, that Hillary Clinton would be the most scandal ridden president in the history of this country. And now we have donald trump, his campaign adviser, his long term personal adviser, his personal lawyer, his fixer, both pled guilty and one convicted of felonies. Unprecedented. And then this mueller case. Lets see, one sentence five guilty pleas. One person found guilty, 35 defendants, 191 criminal charges, there it is up on the screen. What do you think . I will tell you, don, my mouth dropped when i saw that Michael Cohen went into Federal Court and under oath said that he was directed by donald trump to commit a crime. I mean, that is serious, the folks at home dont need any of us to tell them that that is a very very big deal. When you direct someone to commit a crime, you are guilty of that crime, whether you are a mob boss or a drug dealer or something else. Does that make him an unindicted coconspirator . Yeah, it makes him theres something called agency liability. When you are telling somebody to do something at your direction, you are responsible for that crime. Whether he agreed to do it with cohen, its certainly one way of looking at it. He actually is responsible for the crime, as cohen was his agent. Either way, if cohen is telling the truth, donald trump has committed a felony. Full stop. That is serious business. Theres no way to explain that away as a witch hunt. This Isnt The Mueller Team doing this, this is a bunch of prosecutors doing their job in new york. This isnt about collusion. Theres no discussion one way or another about collusion or the dossier or any of that other nonsense weve been hearing about on fox news or the president s team talk about. This is a federal crime, and the president s own former lawyer is the one who says he did it under oath. Wouldnt it be interesting. And you can say whatever you want after this. If whatever comes out of the Mueller Investigation, lets put that aside. But if what comes out of something that mueller actually referred to the Southern District is the thing that trips this president up the most . That would be incredibly interesting, don, i dont want to put the Mueller Investigation aside. I think we should settle just for i think that would be amazing, its important for us to note, this is a president that has ridiculed, has taken pod shots at the Mueller Investigation, has called it a witch hunt a hoax, has tried to demean it in the most aggressive way possible. And to date, out of that Mueller Investigation, came the referral to the Southern District of new york, which led to Michael Cohen pleading guilty to those eight counts, trump can no longer try to delegitimize the Mueller Investigation because its clear today that mueller and his team know what theyre doing, theyre experts and theyre getting at the bottom of what happened, not just with donald trump and other people in his orbit, it says to me today too, jared kushner, other individuals that are in that personal circle of donald trump, we may be hearing something from the Special Council and his team of investigators as it relates to those individuals as well. I dont think theyre out of the clear by a longshot. Thank you, i appreciate your time. When we come back, both the president s former Campaign Chairman and his personal attorney headed to prison. That makes five members of trumps circle who have been convicted of or pleaded guilty to crimes. 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The president s former fixer Michael Cohen pleads guilty to eight criminal counts on the same day Paul Manafort is convicted of eight financial crimes. Remember when donald trump said he was the Law And Order candidate . Joining me now to discuss is mike shields, the former chief of staff at the rnc and rick wilson, the author of the book, Everything Trump Touches dies. Gentlemen, good evening. My sources are telling cnn white house staffers were stunned and rattled by these legal bombshells and the president has been stewing. Whats your reaction to what we saw today . Well, its obviously not good. You dont want your lawyer to be pleading guilty and also to try to implicate you as hes trying to plead himself out of the sentence that he has or his wife might get into trouble. I thought it was interesting watching Michael Avenatti disagree with lanny davis on his motives, he was ascribing Michael Cohens motives as patriotism. No, its not patriotism, hes trying to save himself. I think thats a real interesting take, it puts into perspective when someone is already admitted to being a criminal, a lot of the things they say really are at that point selfserving. This is something that has to be proven before anyone can reach conclusions, and so the tease was a Law And Order president. The president ran on that because of things like what happened today in iowa, where we saw an illegal immigrant committed murder, those are the kind of Law And Order things. He heent been convicted of anything or found guilty of anything, theres someone whos going to jail accusing him of something many. What do you think, rick . Look, i think that the joke that was making the rounds tonight is right on point. Maga now stands for my attorney got arrested. His Campaign Manager is now a convicted felon. His personal attorney today is pleading out in Federal Court and implicating the president directly while he was a candidate in law breaking. Weve got a whole constellation of other trump people who have plead guilty or cooperating with prosecutors because this is a guy who was standing atop a gigantic mountain of corruption. Hes standing atop a gigantic mountain of obstruction as well. All these things that have been slowly building up for donald trump, that this is an unfair witch hunt by hillarys angry minions is falling apart. People are seeing this now, you cant spin away the fact that Paul Manafort, who was Donald Trumps Campaign Manager is going to spends the rest of his life in jail. Michael cohen is going to jail. And for things they did. Both before and during his administration, and his campaign. So listen go ahead. Im old enough to remember being on here with rick, where rick specifically made the point to me, that the Cohen Investigation had nothing to do with the Mueller Investigation, and so i think thats an interesting point. Because in the manafort case, theyre not looking at Russia Collusion of the Trump Campaign, theyre looking at tax fraud and payments that he had, and he hid, and in the cohen case, that was not a part according to everyone of the mueller case. Can i jump in here real quick. And ask you were nowhere near the end of the road. Can i ask you, though. Does that change since Michael Cohen directly implicated donald trump today . He may have said that yesterday or five minutes before Michael Cohen did that. Doesnt that make a difference . Not in when you what rick was saying is that the president calls this whole thing a witch hunt, what hes referring to is the Mueller Investigation trying to create a conspiracy case around the president s campaign, and hes repeatedly said there was no such thing, and now were saying, oh, my gosh, two people around him have gotten into trouble. Neither one of them has anything to do with what that was originally about. And what democrats talk about every time they can, about mueller, which is Russian Collusion, neither one of these two things has anything to do with that. Go ahead, rick, what were you saying . This is the first couple steps in a long waltz. And this is never going to get better. And Robert Mueller is circling around closer and closer, the cohen thing was ancillary. Because it was ancillary, the individual charges and case issues were ancillary to the overall investigation. Muellers charter was to explore russian interference and the role the Trump Campaign may have played with it, any other crimes that may emerge from that, they have a duty to go ahead and push through on these things. This is the first couple steps in this dance. This isnt the end for donald trump, it doesnt get easier after this, it gets harder, it gets worse, theyre going to close in soon. Roger stones going to be staring up at a gray ceiling and a jail cell pretty soon. There are a lot of these guys that are going to be facing continued pressure on this. And the fact of the matter is, i think it speaks to the president s character, the man who promised he was a Law And Order candidate, it seems like for a guy whos going to hire the best people, he seems to be hiring the best felons, and theres a long trail of these other people that are already caught up in this, and its its disproportionate to any other president in modern history, including Richard Nixon at this point, its kind of remarkable how many people around donald trump seem to be in legal trouble many. Okay. Dont go anywhere, we have much more to discuss. Well be right back. Nt have to. Just go to priceline. Its the best place to book a flight a few days before my trip and still save up to 40 . Just tap and go. For the best savings on flights, go to priceline. Now tmobile has unlimited for the rest of us. Unlimited ways to be you. Unlimited ways share with others. 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So, rick, with manafort convicted, Michael Cohen pleading guilty, Lindsey Graham said the american legal system is working in the Paul Manafort and Michael Cohen cases. Thus far there have yet to be any charges or convictions for colluding with the russian government by any member of the Trump Campaign in the 2016 election. Its important to let the process continue without interference. I hope mr. Mueller can conclude his investigation sooner rather than later for the benefit of the nation. What happened today caused Congressional Republicans to rethink their support for the president. Well, it should. But i think weve seen a lot of behavior already where theyre going to do everything they can to avoid the mean tweet from donald trump and, look, senator graham, as i tweeted back to lindsey today, i said you dont want to grab the fecal end of this stick. This is a president who will leave you hanging. Hell absolutely abandon anyone and anyone that supports him. You will they will be stuck with all of the radiation and the fallout and the stink off anything that happens to donald trump legally because he requires they defend him so passionately. And thats a bad bet. Donald trump refuses to tell the truth to anyone about anything ever and they believe that donald trump says there is no collusion, nothing there, no conspiracy. And there is no contact with russia. We know there was contact. This is a guy who this is a guy who lies to his friends, allies. Hes lying to members of congress right now and theyre buying it like a bunch of mooks. Listen, a bad bet is what democrats and people who just hate the president like rick have done which is spent a year and a half now telling the American People Russian Collusion, Russian Collusion, Russian Collusion. Thats what this is all about. Putin, they colluded with the russians to win. That has been the Democratic Party message heading into the midterm. Its what wall to wall Media Coverage is. So then when Something Like this happens, a lot of the public goes well this isnt Russian Collusion. It is also about corruption going on. You spent so long going down a conspiracy path. Look, i work for Newt Gingrich in the 09s when president clinton got impeached. There was a white water investigation and then it ended up being about something completely separate. He committed purjury under oath. The American People didnt want to have him impeached on that. Thats what happens when you set something up as a Russian Collusion case and then watch things like this happen. You watch if, democrats win congress, they go to impeach the president. Thats what theyre going to run on. Im running out of time. I just want to i dont have a lot of time. Do you want to respond to that . Look, the situation right now with donald trump is the only easy day was yesterday. More evidence will come out. More things will be revealed. Youre going to look at donald trump ps money, longer relationship with this the denials will ring hollow. Everyone else will get the stink on them that has been a trump defender because they believe a math that is a pathological liar about everything. Why is he telling you the truth about this one thing will thing in the universe. The one thing i know for sure is tomorrow is a new day and there will be new developments. You bet. Thank you both v a good night. Thank you for watching. Our coverage continues. Yep, thanks guys. I think he might need some support. Yes. Start them off right, with the School Supplies they need at low prices all summer long. Like these for only 2 or less at office depot officemax. Like these for only 2 or less lets fly, lets fly away just say the words and well beat the birds down to acapulco bay its perfect for a flying honeymoon they say Come Fly With Me Lets fly, lets fly away Come Fly With Me Lets fly, lets fly away

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