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A recap of the days news. A recap of the days news. Human b presumably because they donated to democrats or registered as democrats. Well, you know who else was previously registered as a democrat and donated to democrats . You guessed it. President donald trump. So that brings us to his key his reality show tease. Warning. Stay tuned. Stay tuned. Exclamation point. Is the president going to try to shut down the probe by Firing Mueller or rosenstein . Will he sit down for an interview with Robert Muellers team . Hes been all over the board on that one. Are you going to talk to mueller . Im looking forward to it, actually. Mr. President , would you like to testify to Special Counsel Robert Mueller, sir . Thank you. You would like to i would like to. Have you changed your mind at all about being willing to sit with Robert Mueller . Is. I would love to speak. I would love to. Nobody wants to speak more than me, in fact, against my lawyers. Undermining the investigat n investigation, like lay thats part of a master plan, create lots of doubt so no one knows what to believe. Thats probably why the president s lawyer, Rudy Giuliani, said this on fox. No surprise there. I think if it isnt over by september, then we have a very, very serious violation of the Justice Department rules that you shouldnt be conducting one of these investigations in the 60day period. That is absolutely false. Its hard to believe giuliani ever worked for the Justice Department. There is no 60day rule. It doesnt exist on the books. Theres a longstanding custom at the department requiring caution around elections, but thats it. Muellers free to keep his investigation going but the real point is, giulianis already made his bogus claim public, muddying the waters. Hes also trying to tell mueller how to do his job. The reality is, he doesnt need to ask a single question on obstruction. He has always answers. Theyre not going to change. The president s not going to change his testimony, to stop nonsense. You are trying to trap him into perjury because you dont have a case. Team trump trying to limit potential questions from mueller about possible obstruction of justice. But they should rib that the president is not above the law. And that makes comments fromin interesting. Nunes is the chairman of the House Intel Committee who scuttled l the house russia investigation. Hes close to the white house. So thats the reason why. In an audio recording, he tells supporters its imperative that republicans keep control of the house to protect trump from mueller. If sessions wont unrecuse and mueller wont clear the president , were the only ones which is really a danger. Thats why i keep. Thank you for saying it. Have heres a chairman of the House Intelligence Committee whos supposed to be seeing to the oversight of the executive branch, not aligning himself in some sort of conspiracy. The objective of which is to protect the president from the Mueller Investigation. So, you know, this is kind of a microcosm of, you know, what you put together here, don, in your opening statement. I think representative microcosm of this administration from its beginning. Well, let me ask you about this, because this seems to be ramping up and im wondering if you think it is, because its not the first time weve talked about the strategy behind the web of lies and Conspiracy Theories coming from the president and Rudy Giuliani, his attorney, when it comes to the russia investigation. Do you think its ramping up . I do. And i think its this is a manifestation of, frankly, the anxiety about this whole thing coming to a head. And what the what the implications could be for the president. And i think that is i think an explanation for this unbelievable tweet. Director clapper, i want to play some of what we heard from Rudy Giuliani who spoke to hannity, an example of giuliani muddying the waterwaters. Here it is. He knows the answers to every question that he wants to ask. Hes going to ask him, did you tell Comey To Go Easy On Flynn . The president is going to say, no, i didnt. Hey, bob, you know it. Why do you want to get him under oi oath . You think were fools . You want to get him under oit. You want to trap him into perjury. Were not going to let you do that. Does it strike you even the president s lawyers seem to know that he cant keep himself from lying under oath . No, i think, exactly. I and i think thats why i think in the end, by the way, i dont think the president will ever silt down with mueller to talk about anything. For exactly that reason. I just dont see that happening. I think this is a lot of theater and posturing right now so that later on, somebody can point fingers. This is just kind of a theatrical situp for that. Does Stalling Help the president you think . Is this all about the electoral chances in the midterms and minimizing damage . Thats a great question, don, and i honestly dont know. I think whatever comes out of the Mueller Investigation is simply going to harden the positions that people already have. Whatever comes out. Its not going to change anybodys mind in the rabid base, certainly, and those who are not big fans of the president , it will certainly, i would guess, reinforce their reservations about him. So i what impact that would have on the midterms is, for me, very difficult to say. I go the to ask you something, director. You can answer it if you want. Its a bit personal so i understand if you wont. You and i are both in the same club. The president attacked both of us on twitter and said things publicly about me, at least, that are not so nice. Im not sure about you. When we take a step back from this, is it unbelievable a person in the most powerful office in the world spends his time making personal attacks . Well, it is. It is it is amazing that he would single out private citizens, you or me or anyone else, that are critical of him. And to me, this is unprecedented and i just although ive begun to get a little jaded about it, at least, you know, when he says something negative about me. I thought his comments about you were absolutely and lebron james were absolutely reprehensible. That was a very classy interview, and i thought reflected what very classy people both you and lebron james are, whos a great citizen of this country. And for him to say what he what the president said, i thought was despicable. And by the way, its an honor to be interviewed by one of the smartest people i know on television. Thank you for that, director. I appreciate it. And i love interviewing very smart people like you. One of the smartest people i know. I have to say, those you said youre getting jaded about it. Those insults or jabs, whatever, it doesnt make me feel bad. It just makes me feel sad for the country when i say this is well, exactly. This is where weve come, to this . Its embarrassing. It is. Not for me, but for him. Its embarrassing. Its embarrassing Around The World. You know, i watched jim acosta on Stephen Colbert last night and i thought jim in his exchange in the white house pressroom there, showed the passion that i hope actually the passion that reflects how all of us care and when i say jaded about the remarks, they dont bother me, but i think it we have to keep speaking up about them. Yeah. Thank you, director. You know, money doesnt buy class. Thank you, sir. I appreciate it. Thanks, don. Up next, is donald trump the president the Founding Fathers feared . One prominent writer says, yes. Is he right . Well talk about that, next. With i get rewarded explowherever i go. Going out for a bite. 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I want to bring in now cnn contributor frank bruni and senior Political Mcommentator david axelrod. Good evening to both of you. The nunes thing is just unbelievable. We will talk about that. I just want to talk about this Washington Post article by richard cohen. And its an Opinion Piece and the headline is, trump is the president the Founding Fathers feared. Okay . And it talks about his ignorance, his dishonesty, his contempt for Civil Liberties and on and on and on. Is there some truth to that . I think theres a lot of truth to that. I thought it was it was a fascinating opped because it pulled back in a way that we sometimes dont and sort of listed the whole laundry list of what donald trump has done as president , how hes debased the presidency. And when you pull back and you look at it, you realize were not, you know, talking in too frightened a fashion when were here at this table tonight. If anything, were not alarmed enough because he really has been a sustained and profound insult to the presidency. As far as the Founding Fathers, i think what richard was getting at there was they set up a government with checks and balances. They set up institutions meant to retrain any sort of kingly impulses in a president. And i think hes saying that donald trump is just knocking up against all those restraints. I think one of the big narratives of this presidency is the test it is giving to our institutions. To the way the governments setup, to checks and balances and how will were doing on that test. You know, are we now, and as we go through the trump presidency, however long it lasts, are we going to be able to contain, you know, his autocratic impulses in the way the Founding Fathers wanted us to be able to when someone like him was in the job . David, you worked in you helped elect a lot of people. You know a lot of mayors, governors, president s. And you know how they normally behave. We have a Chief Executive now who lies, bullies, stokes racial tension. How much does trumps Divide And Conquer strategy, how much is it testing the limits of our democratic institution, as frank says . Well, this has been my concern from the beginning. We should say parenthetically, everything youre describing was on display in the campaign, don. So he got elected that way and he, i think, felt affirmed by that. That he succeeded that way. And thats the way hes continued to govern. But he has no regard for democratic institutions. He considers them a nuisance. I think its one of the reasons why hes so fond of autocrats Around The World and so disdainful of our allies. You know, he, i think, has some envy for people who can cast aside all of the encumbrances of democracy and rule as they and rule as they please. But i want to make one point here because i agree with everything that frank said, including the last point, our Founding Fathers set up a system because they had thrown off a monarchy and they didnt want another one. So they set up a system of checks and balances understanding that Human Frailty and failings and weaknesses were such that you could have a situation like this and one of those checks was the congress. The congress was supposed to keep to provide oversight over the executive and now we have, you know, an admission of something that we already knew which is that Congressman Nunes is in a very sensitive position, believes that the its his responsibility to protect the president , not the country. To block oversight rather than provide oversight. Hes making a mockery of what our Founding Fathers had in mind. And the constitution to which hes sworn an oath. Im glad you mentioned that because i just want to play a part. This is what w devin nunes, a leaked video. He is speaking at a fundraiser. List listen. If sessions wont unrecuse and mueller wont clear the president , were the only ones, which is really the danger. Thats why i keep, thank you for saying it, by the way. If we dont keep the majority, all of this goes away. All of this goes away. Its remarkable to hear a congressman, the chairman of the House Intel Committee, frank, saying that its their job to shield the president. Right. Like this. Is that their job . I mean, what the hell is going on here . No, what david said is absolutely correct, the job of congress is to provide oversight. Theres a separation pof powers. Checks and balances. Congress supposed to be a balance on the executive branch. What devon noon yiz is saying in the tape, we defend the president at all costs regardless of anything. Whats so scary about what she say hesays, if mueller wont clear the president. Theres no concern in his statement about what mueller finds. Regardless of what mueller finds, regardless of what donald trump did or didnt do, they are going to protect the president because they see their function, he sees his function as purely tribal. As a party, do you think the party is buying this hook, line, and sinker, david . Because i remember when conservatives were strict constitutionalists. Lets go by the constitution. The Constitution Doesnt Say protect the president. It says you protect the constitution. You know, youre absolutely right. But, you know, lets lets be honest, i mean, the partisanship has been a strong, now its been a growing element of governance in recent years. I mean, weve had episodes in our history of that. But i will recall watergate when there were people like devin nunes who were defending Richard Nixon to the last to the last degree. But ultimately, it was leaders of his own party who went down to the white house and told them that he had to resign. Ill tell you what the difference is between now and then, and its really concerning. There was no fox news then rallying the base. There was no social media spreading spreading lies and misinformation and propagada. I often wonder whether Richard Nixon would have been forced from office if he if he had if he hadnt if he had those kind of tools. So, i think what you see is a Republican Party thats deeply in the thrall of this president. You can see in the elections tuesday and as weve seen throughout this campaign. What he says goes in the Republican Party right now. While i think there are many who may be privately troubled by whats doing, i think theyre also concerned about keeping their jobs and keeping their jobs at this point within the Republican Party means not stepping out of lean relative to donald trump. Thank you, frank. Thank you, david. I appreciate it. And davids last comments bre b us to our next thing were going to talk about. When we come back, the racist stereotypes being propagated by fox news that are so absurd that theyre even reportedly being endorsed by former kkk grand wizard. Were breaking down whats becoming a troubling pattern, next. This is not a bed. Its a revolution in sleep. The new sleep number 360 smart bed, from 999. Intelligently senses your movement and automatically adjusts on each side to keep you both comfortable. And snoring . How smart is that . Smarter sleep. To help you lose your dad bod, train for that marathon, and wake up with the patience of a saint. And now, save up to 500 on select sleep number 360 smart beds. Plus, no interest until january 2021. Ends wednesday. If you want to have a good time. Just give me a call. Dont. Stop. Me. Now. because im having a good time. dont. Stop. Me. Now. yes im having a good time. i dont want to stop at all. See stark examples of how radically in some ways the countrys changed. Now, much of this is related to both illegal and in some cases Legal Immigration that, of course, progressives love. Well, brian, you broke it down for us. So lets take a look then were going to discuss her response which is just in. Here it is. The america that we know and love 4 doesnt exist anymore. No nation, no society, has ever changed this much this fast. What is fox news peddling here . Demographic replacement. Massive demographic changes. Fox is peddling fear. White christian americas fear of change, of losing power. Its one of the same veins that President Trump tacks. Remember the attack on Merry Christmas . Theyre not attacking it anymore. Everyones happy to say Merry Christmas. Right . Experts sometimes call it white anxiety as america becomes more multicultural. The america that we know and love doesnt exist anymore. Laura ingraham is now twenditwend i trending on twitter. On wednesday, she channeled her audiences concern in the widely criticized clip. Massive changes have been foisted upon the American People and theyre changes that none of us voted for and most of us dont like. She explicitly cites illegal and Legal Immigration. There is something slipping away in this country, and its not about race, or ethnicity. Not about race . Critics scoffed at that claim. Democratic senator Tammy Duckworth said the racist comments shouldnt have been aired by fox news. What they are doing really consistently is promoting ideas that derive from White Nationalist places. Angelo carusone runs media matters, a liberal group that campaigns against fox. He points to the clip as a reason why. Now i think its well beyond a wink and a nod. Now i think its fullthroated promotion. Reporter He Claims Fox stars echo the rhetoric of racists like david duke who gave Kudos To Ingraham for her dialogue and complimented Tucker Carlson in the past. Hazletons population was 2 hispanic. 15 years later, hazleton is majority hispanic. This is more change than human beings are designed to digest. This pace of change makes societies volatile, really volatile, just as ours has become volatile. Reporter segments on his show are frequently about the feeling of whiteness being under threat. Ingraham covers this, too. Foxs fan base, almost 100 right is incredibly loyal. The winners are Ruppeert Murdoc and his sons who run the parent company, profiting from the rightwing rhetoric. And the profits are huge, but whats going on here is pretty clear. As traditional oldfashioned White Christian america is in decli decline, as the country becomes more and more diverse, don, as multiculturalism becomes more and more pronounced, fox is appealing to people who are deeply concerned about that. And theyre doing so in, unfortunately, really effective ways. Its interesting to watch, even watch the transformation, especially over the especially over the last couple of years. Yes. Right, theyre gone from conservative to being the trump channel and to really saying more outlandish things than they usually say and standing by Conspiracy Theories on some occasions or at least promoting them, i should say. Not standing by them, but promoting some Conspiracy Theories. Lets play her response. Kbraeryeah think about the w ingraham, said we, our america. She came out tonight, trying to walk it back a little bit. Heres what she said. I want to start tonight by addressing my commentary at the top of last nights show. A message to those who are distorting my views including all White Nationalists and specially one racist freak whose name i will not even mention. You do not have my support. You dont represent my views. And you are about nntithetical bri beliefs i hold dear. The purpose of Last Nights Angle was to point out the rule of law, meaning secure borders, is something that used to bind our country together. And despite what some may be conte contending, i made explicitly clear that my commentary had nothing to do with race or ethnicity. But rather, a shared goal of keeping america safe, and her citizens safe and prosperous. Furthermore, as i have said repeatedly on the show, meritbased immigration does wonders for our countrys economy, our way of life, and how we define our country. Always interesting to think about how President Trump loves these shows on fox news. How he learns ideas from fox. Fox learns ideas in him. This idea of concern about about the changing status of whites in america. This idea of white anxiety. Its something he tapped into and its something these hosts on fox tap into. No matter what ingraham says now, shes talking about changing demographics in the country being disturbing to her and to her audience. She cant take that back. Its out there. Its clear as day. Its on tape. Yeah. And its, people can replay it and replay it and listen to it. But the interesting thing, to me, is that theres also a very big issue, if not a bigger issue, with immigration, with people who come over from countries, many of them european countries, who overstay their visas. That is a huge immigration problem. I dont hear it discussed that much. No, the focus is in that circle. The southern border, focus on what they call an invasion from the south. Like you said, it is white scare tactics. Thank you, brian. Thanks. Well be right back. When we come back, were going to dig into this further. The president mimicking a lot of this language, so where did this sort of talk originate . Him or fox . And the bandits, well, they got rocks. We protected your money then and were dedicated to helping protect it today. Like alerting you to certain Card Activity we find suspicious. If its not your purchase, well help you resolve it. Its a new day at wells fargo. But its a lot like our first day. Well, esurance makes it simple and affordable. 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I live right here in auburn, i absolutely love this community. Once i moved here i didnt want to live anywhere else. I love that people in this community are willing to come together to make a difference for other peoples lives. Together, were building a better california. So, critics accusing fox news host Laura Ingraham of peddling White Nationalism on tv, ingraham telling her viewers the america we know and love doesnt exist anymore. He blames demographic changes and illegal and Legal Immigration. Lets discuss. Cnn political commentators van jones, Scott Jennings and amanda carpenter. Amanda is the author of gas lighting why we love it when trump lies to us. Good evening. So, van, you first. When she speaks about, when she says america we know and love, lets be clear, that america has not existed h historically or even today for a lot of people. Well, i mean, not for a lot of people. Listen, i was appalled by her kpents and im more appalled by her attempt to try to walk them back today as if we didnt hear what she said. If she wanted to do what they usually do, what they usually do is they say we dont like undocumented immigrants or Illegal Immigrants because its not safe for the country, its about the rule of law. She did not say that. I was shocked because she dropped all the pretense last night. And she said this is about demographic changes. Im sorry, that means race and ethnicity. Look it up. So for the first time in a while, she came with no kind of pretense and she said her problem with the changes is race. Then it blew up in her face and now she goes, oh, never mind, im actually talking about the normal stuff. No, you dropped the dog whistle, you went with the megaphone. Youre trying to pick up the dog whistle again. Its not going to look. Listen, scott, shes saying this has nothing to do with race or ethnicity as van said. Do you believe that . No, i mean, her comments initially were clearly about the demographic changes in communities and unfortunately, i think shes misinformed. I thought a lot about this today about what communities have seen demographic changes. A lot of them are in trump country. A lot of them are right out here in the middle of the country where i am and theyre in very important sectors. You look at who is taking care of us in if health care, in the highest Poverty Areas in america, a lot of which heavily voted for trump. Its high nminority, foreignbo doctors taking care of us at huge percentages. Who is taking care of our Agriculture Labor . Its Immigrant Labor. We have more jobs in this economy right now than workers to fill them. Who will fill them . In many cases, it will be Immigrant Labor and a lot of those jobs are in trump country. I agree with her, that we have to fix the border. I agree with her that people who come here to commit crimes are a problem, but to ignore the impact that immigration, the positive impact its having on people in trump country, and important sectors that supported this president , is just wrong. Amanda, as a republican woman, you say Laura Ingraham used to be a role model. What do you think now . Yeah, this is something with during the era of trump i thought about a lot. I came to washington 2005, and, you know, when you get here as a young republican woman, these sort of women are paraded, they come to conferences. Laura ingraham, ann coulter, kellyanne conway. These are the ideal. These are women who are bold and courageous, great in the media, wick quick on your feet. You know, you should be like them. And just the meanspirited obviously that was racist and terrible to say, but just the everyday arrogance and meanspiritedness, i just i know im not the only youngish republican woman who feels disillusioned and heres what really grates me about lauras comments last night. Her favorite thing to do is go on the air and lecture people about how liberals hate america. I have a lot of policy difference with liberals like van. I know he loves america. I know we can agree that americas ideals are based on anybody can come here if you share our values, work hard, and get ahead. She said the opposite last night. Its based on demographics. And so laura, i want to know whos the one who really hates america. You know, as Brian Stelter pointed out, other fox news hosts like Tucker Carlson have made similar comments and van, i want you to respond to this. The fox news audience, 94 white, 3 hispanic, 2 asian, and barely registering 1 black. Right . And now look at that compared to cnn and msnbc. Is there any doubt in your mind that fox news is actively pushing some sort of agenda, maybe White Nationalism . Well, i mean, here you have to begin to assume that Something Like thats happening because, look, people never want to talk about is you got a lot of black people who are conservative. You go to black churches, you go to Black Barbershops conservative socially conservative. Even economically conservative. And yet traditionally they have. Traditionally. But even conservative africanamericans are no longer comfortable with whats happening on fox news. Why . Because theres this constant dr drumbeat that, you know, whats wrong with america is people of color. And thats unfortunate because, frankly, i think i like ideological competition. I like the fact that we have black conservatives, but you cant have a network where every single time you talk about people of color, its usually something insulting and negative. More on the lie of the immigrant criminal. Thats next. 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And it goes on. That was miami, but there are other games. The dolphins, the eagles, the jacksonville jaguars. Some people didnt come out. Some people raised their fists. Some took knees. How you thido you think the pre is going to respond to that, scott . Well, i mean, i think hes going to respond the way hes responded all along, and i think he you know, hes obviously helped provoke this. I mean, he had some comments after the nfl set its rules. I think clearly his comments about lebron james probably provoked some of this tonight. I mean, were living in groundhog day. Were all waking up, new season, same stuff. And its going to go on all season, and the president s going to react the way he has reacted from the beginning. He has a right to react that way. These players have a right to kneel. And, you know, were going to have this conversation i guess for six more months. Amanda . Zbraer yeah, im just thinking why does this sound familiar . Yeah, scotts right, we have been through it and been with it through confederate memorials in the aftermath of charlottesville. Were facing the oneyear anniversary of that. As hard as this is, the president relishes these sort of cultural fights that stoke a divide. And so i fully expect the president to weigh in, but i wish he wouldnt. This is for the nfl to decide. I think a lot of this, the nfl didnt have good leadership on this issue in terms of having productive discussion and encouraging their players to express their beliefs in a positive way. And let the president take control of it. And so honestly, i wish the nfl had some better leadership that could channel this in a productive manner, rather than just letting it spew out into a political fight. Van, you know the nfl said it was going to fine teams with protesting players directly who in turn would have it in their discretion to enforce Pregame Anthem Observation observations. So there was a penalty. The nfl came up with a penalty for that. What do you think . Well, i mean, theyre trying to split the baby, punch the team, not the players. A whole bunch of nonsense. Heres what i would say. Im actually proud of these players because its you see them doing their, i think, very respectful protests, but Something Else is happening within the league. A lot of these young guys are trying to figure out ways to be better involved in their communities, theyre giving more money than ever. Theyre becoming more politically involved. Theyre actually taking on the work, not just on the field, but off the field, of sticking up for good values, and i think the president and the country should be proud of these young guys for caring enough to try to speak up. Van, ive spoken to a number of them on this show, and i spoke to lebron james who was doing the same thing and, of course, the president then tweets out something disparaging about him doing a great thing. Which, by the way, i havent seen you since then. I got to say i didnt bring i got to say this, you attack these athletes when they are on the field and trying to speak out, and you say, you guys are just a bunch of rich brats. Then lebron james comes up and he actually spends his own money to help kids. President trump is putting kids in prison, putting babies in cells. Lebron james is putting young people in classrooms and you still attack him and attack don lemon. At a certain point, i think its very hard for ordinary people to look at this and say, this is anything other than some sort of vendetta against africanamerican public figures. And its always attacking the i. Q. This persons dumb, this persons stupid, this person is low i. Q. I got to say theres a reason these Young Athletes are even more bold and part of it had to do with how you were treated and how lebron james was treated. I talked with some of these people. They said theyre tired of it and going to continue moving forward because they respect you, they respect lebron and respect the tradition of people speaking up in this country. I was going to stay i just want to say hold on, ill let you talk. I am proud of them as well because people used to be worried about their endorseme endorsements. Thats right. Or not selling tickets. Sometimes you to stand up for the right thing. Ooim im not in their shoes, not paying their bills. I dont fknow what they have. What obligations. At a certain point you have tosy enough is enough, im not disrespecting the flag, im not disrespecting soldiers, im drawing attention in the most peaceful way to something that needs to be addressed. Off the field. Go ahead, amanda. To a point, my frustration with the league isnt that i think they should be coming down with heavy penalties and fines. I see a lot of these men, leaders in their community, they are heroes in their community. I went to school in indiana when lebron james was coming up as a High School Player and, you know, busfuls of kids went to go to his last game just to be in the area with him because they knew he was going to be great. So i dont want to see the president smear these people when they have voices that can be channeled off the field in such productive ways. So thats where Ply Frustration comes from. We didnt finish our conversation about immigration. Sorry about that. Wi we will get to it. I promise, it is ongoing. Thank you, all. I appreciate it. Well be right back. Sh glam jus. The Falsies Mascara from maybelline new york. Cornertocorner volume. No gaps. For false lash glam that challenges fake. Never fake, always falsies. The Falsies Mascara. Only from maybelline new york

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