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A recap of the days news. You have gone to a District Trump won by 11 points. That romney won by 10 points. And now, it is a squeaker. Mo, what for frz. John. You lost, we won. You have to thing about it this way. If they needed the president to get him over the hump in supremely red district that should tell you that the district was in jeopardy. The best read you could give. What that means is there is a surge of momentum at least in this area. We cant necessarily transpose that sort of rest of the nation. But it does suggest that, that the president is not as popular, because that was a plus 11 district. You are right. Except, i wantup to have more momentum. Because you are going to keep losing. Peck pick up the senate and keep the house. The plan for the republicans. More momentum. Campaign on the strength of the economy. As well as trump tax cuts. For, for the, the november mid terms. That its the hope they believe. Actually, you know, maybe holding on to the house. Through tax cuts. Regulation, powerful trade policies, thats what they are. Powerful trade policies. Many of you love them. A come of you dont. Because you are on the wrong side of the border, if you are from this country, you are loving what is happening. Making America Great again. Policies are awesome. The strong economy. He did invite Business Leaders to the dinner that he publicly disagreed with. Progress on personal side. If the economy is great. Tax cuts are wonderful. Why did republicans throw that strategy out the window within a month of this campaign. It gets the base going. Red meat for the base. Economy is good. A lot of voters when the economy is good. They credit the president. People believe in this country the president is commanderinchief of the economy. He is not. If things are going well. Why should we vote for change the why should we want something different. What happened is interesting. The best educated affluent suburbs bled voters to the democrats what we are finding around the country today. The wealthier you are. The more likely you are to be a republican. Better educated. More likely to be a democrat. Of students then say, well what happens if you are wealthy and well educated. A lot of people are. In that case you are cross pressure. Pulled in different directions. If you vote, your economic interest, you will vote republican. If you vote your cultural values, liberal, you are going to vote democratic. Yeah. Okay. The president he was very much invested in this election. A lot more than we have seen. He tweeted. Listen to this. If you want to stop closy, waters, maxine watt ears jen dachlt there is only one choice in this election. Vote for. Dishonest Danny Oconnor will vote for nancy pelosi for speaker. Given how close the result looks to be. Has moment now passed. I didnt know. One thing i want to pick up on. We keep saying the economy is strong. If you look at macro numbers some are doing great. Look at inequality. How the division between the top and bt tom ottom is increasing. It tells a different story. So the recovery from the Great Recession is in the vast majority of cases felt by the Upper Echelon of voters. I think, bill is exactly right. There is a tension between people voting with their pocket books, people who are voting with their cultural val use. Now with respect to nancy pelosi, i know that she is, you know, far from popular in this particular race. But i think we also have to look, and, nancy pelosi is a Powerhouse Fund raiser. And i think that will be really the Name Of The Game for her, keeping her power. We have had this sort of, this message from the republicans, you know this personal attacks, cultural issues. Which, resulted, resorted to a couple times on the elections. On the other side. Democrats having a consistent message. Health care, economic fairness. Running mod ralt candidates who have tried to i guess in some ways to distance from pelosi. Who have, sort of presented themselves, second amendment. They have chosen candidates which may bea better fit for the specific elections as posed to running a national campaign. And, if i could for a second. Kind of funny how republicans keep talking nancy pelosi as if republicans, will be more in kleined to vote for a democratic candidate if someone else is Speaker Of The House. Lets be clear on, on who is really running and who is, sitting, sending out the message which is actually speaking to the constituents. Thats why i think the democrats in the special elections have done better. Theyre actually speaking to, the issues of the community. As opposed to some national message, of, who might be the Speaker Of The House. Theyve dont mention paul ryan. Theyve dont mention kevin mccar theechlt dont mention any one who might be the next Speaker Of The House or boogie man or woman as it were. Itching to Say Something short of that. Lets lack at macro. Bill will correct me on this. Depend on the professor. Six Congressional Elections since trump has been president. How Many Democrats have won. 20 million in atlanta. By now, 50 million. 60 million. They lost them all. No, no, no. Congressional. You are right about alabama. And the republican race. Deser off to lo deserve to do that. You make it sound like. Theyre lose everything. And, except one congressional seat. To the point. And, still doesnt give you a seat in congress. No. Close doesnt matter in politics. Winning is winning. Winston churchill. How big a majority do you need to govern. He said one will be enough. Exactly. Quickly though, because we know that trump won this, this district, what by 11 points. Slightly better than mitt romney. By 10. Wa with that in mind. With the results now. Is there any way to, to, know if this, really bad come week that donald trump has had with the and really extraordinary degree. Thats the point. Its all about the margin, not necessarily, who won. It is the margin. But you cant necessarily, overvalue that margin. Because i dont believe all of the, the races are transferable. Why people were coming out for, democrats in this poll, election in ohio was very different from what happened in new york. Not the same. At the same time, it is significant, as we look at the overall movement of the party. Okay. Like you to stay with us. Lot more to got to this hour. Another nail biter in kansas in a moment. Its coming done to the wire for another republican candidate who was endorsed by the president. What does help for heart the beat goes on. It looks like emily cooking dinner for ten. The beat goes on. It looks like jonathan on a date with his wife. Ladiladi. Entresto is a Heart Failure medicine that helps your heart. So you can keep on doing what you love. 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Saving on this saving on this saving in here. Rewarded learn more at theexplorercard. Com Electronic Dance Music attorney general, josh folio will win the Senate Primary and face vulnerable two term in cki in come benk incumbent. Back to our panel now, on all of this. Just, quickly, look at how the democrats night turned out. A lot of women taking away, you know, winning these races. Which seems to be, you know part of a trend which we have seen, for the last year or so. There have been a Record Number of Wichl Whine Have decided to, either run for office or go into Training Programs to run for office. So there are groups like emilys list. There are lesser known groups that do, all most exactly the same thing. And, if you look at study after study. What it has shown is that the Trump Presidency has energized not just millenials and not just members of minority communities, but disproportionately in terms of whove is going to actually run from the city Council Level to state assembly and senate, to congress. To senate. It has been women who have said, over and over again, i am going to take part in this aspect of civil, civic life. I am going to declare candidacy. With that in mind, the president may have a 38 job approval nationwide, bill. But still popular in places like kansas and the man who received the president ial endorsement via tweet. Before the polls opened. Believes it came just in time. Basically, was a much needed boost. So, you know, the president still has, you know, a lot of power. Lot of popularity. To get his canned date in the conservative states over the line. Did it in georgia. He is the king of the base. He has a, real base, in the Republican Party. Your base, are the people who are with you when you are wrong. Ronald reagan had a base during irancontra. Clinton during the lewinsky scandal. Trump had a base during access hollywood tapes. They stayed with him. Because he is a fighter. He fights for what they believe in. Each evangelicals stay with imhim. Though he doesnt exemplify what they believe. Because he delivered for them. And what they wanted was the Supreme Court. And he is giving them nominations of, two Supreme Court justices who, they believe will be just, what they want. But, mo, we had the Republican Party officials in kansas who reportedly asked the president not to get involved in this fight. Because theyre more concerned about what happens come november if kobak is government nor nominee for the republicans. And essentially the division that will create, possibly opening way for a good result from the democrats. Traditionally the president is the head of the pare, he or she would represent. This president is the president of his base. That is all who he cares about. He has no interest in trying to grow it. Not trying to reach out. He is not trying to reach across the aisle. He is only, with the people who are with him unconditionally. Lets take a looking at the president s scorecard when it comes to backing winners, first in the primaries. Then in the general elections. In the primaries, it is overwhelming. In the general, not the same. One win, three losses. Sean, you know, that does seem to be the story of donald trump. In many ways, in that, he, animates the base. That gets him out. But then, that also, in the primary elections, but then, you know what he does to get the base out. Also energizes the democrats. You know, come the general election. Its polarizing. Never seen anything like it. I understand it. I think obama, dragged the country so far to the left. Just tremendous alienation. By half the country. Some of the folks dont know what i am talking about. Miserable for eight years under obama. So there is a reaction, and, and it gets. And, well, actually the Great Recession, the depression, obama, didnt go very well for a whole long eight years. Lets move on. Republicans won five of the six. Trump endorsed republicans. Have to talk to the scoreboard person. Because he got the numbers mixed up. Trump is winning most of the elections. In california, during the election, about half the republicans didnt like trump very much. I get to talk to the folks all the time. 90 now. Its not just the base. Small group of people. Trump kept more than promises. Been more effective. And more popular. And i got to tell you. Trump is more popular today than people attacking him. The governor in kansas. Raised more money. Endorsed by the nra. Backing of the bob dole. You know he was, you know, his credentials out there. Antiabortion. But, he had the president ial tweet. Does it mean the values in a conservative republican state, the president endorsing now, more influential, powerful than what used to be kidded, conservative values. What we are seeing in kansas is what we are seeing in washington, d. C. We are seeing in many states throughout the nation. Which is there is tension between the republican establishment, and Donald Trumps Republican Party. And i think what we are seeing frankly is, that Donald Trumps Republican Party is really coalescing. And that, the old establishment is essentially falling in line. And for a lot of people, this is become one of the biggest surprises of the Trump Presidency. Which is, that this wasnt just well, you know, republicans have one world view. And democrats have another. Their surprise was that the republican establishment fell in line behind President Trump. Even after he is he has really done nothing but propagate lies, harm the country, divide us, along really a fractured fault line. And so i think yes, what we are seeing in kansas, is what we will see even more so in the mid terms. Where we will see President Trump saying, this is my person. And then, i think the republican establishment is going to fall in line as they have. Just to finish up with you. What does the Republican Party look like after President Trumps candidates are the ones who essentially, you know win these primary results, and, stand for the midterm elections. Ive dont know what they will look like. They will sound look donald trump. We will see a lot of republicans to, to jessicas point. Who will run to the president. Clear now from the republican base. Theyre going to want the republican support. So if they can get that, from, or through, donald trump. Then yes theyre going to run to him. Now, whether this will help the Republican Party long term. Ask me, november 8th. In orange county. Three women running against three white democrats. In the inland empire. Two muslim republicans running. There are more women engaged that include the Republican Party. Fair point to finish on. Thank you. We have a lot more to go this hour. When we come back, we will talk about credibility. Ahead the key witness, faces a very tough crossexamination in the Paul Manafort trial. You might take something for your heart. Or joints. But do you take something for your brain. With an ingredient originally discovered in jellyfish, prevagen has been shown in Clinical Trials to improve shortterm memory. Prevagen. Healthier brain. Better life. And im the founder of ugmonk. Before shipstation it was crazy. Its great when you see a hundred orders come in, a hundred orders come in, but then you realize ive got a hundred orders i have to ship out. Shipstation streamlined that wh the order data, the weights of , everything is seamlessly put into shipstation, so when we print the shipping ll everythings pretty much done. Its so much easier so now, were ready, bring on t. Shipstation. 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You are watching cnn newsroom. Im john vause with the latest from ohio and the 12th congressional district. Could in fact be headed for a recount. Donald trumps candidate, republican hold a slim lead over the democrat. Danny oconnor. More than 8,000 provisional ballots to be counted. Donald trump won the district by 11 points in 2016 president ial election. Well, the credibility of the prosecutions key witness in Paul Manaforts bank and Tax Fraud Trial came under attack tuesday. And Paul Manaforts deputy for 10 years. And now testifying against the former Trump Campaign chairman. A blistering crossexamination by Paul Manaforts lawyers. We get details. Reporter Star Witness Rick Gates back on the stand, admitting during a harsh crossexamination, to having an extramarital affair a decade ago. But denying accusations by Paul Manaforts lawyer, that he was embezzling money from Paul Manafort to fund his affair. What the Defense Attorney referred to as a secret life in london, and elsewhere. Gates testified two weeks after Donald Trumps election Paul Manafort recommended that his bank, steve koch become secretary of the army. Koch allegedly loaned money under false pretenses. Gate detailed how broke Paul Manafort was when he joined the Trump Campaign in march 2016 working at the time for no salary. Gates said Paul Manaforts Consulting Firm had no clients then. And that they were at the time trying to secure another Political Consulting contract in ukraine. But had not yet been able to. In a 2015 e mail exchange. Paul manafort was frustrated. Wtf, manafort wrote to gates. How could i be blind saided like this, this after learning that taxes he was due to pay were much higher than he had anticipated. Gates admitted he also supplied false information to banks in order to help Paul Manafort secure bank loans. Gates testified that manafort made more than 5 million between 2011 and 2012. Doing Consulting Work for ukrainian billionaire. Gates went into detail. About how Shell Companies were used to move Mun Vee Into Hidden Accounts in cypress. In one instance according to gates, a payment supported lobbying in the united states. Gates stated that manafort reported some of the payments to u. S. Tax officials as loans. Though they were in fact, income. Adding that manafort was trying to decrease his taxable income. Prosecutors demonstrated that Paul Manafort directed these activities through emails. There were hundreds of these. Gates said in court. Adding, typical practice was, Paul Manafort would send me a list of wiry quests. Gates admitted that he used information provided by Paul Manafort to create invoices for fake amounts of money for wire transfers. But the money never ak sthael went to the vendors. Instead it went to the banks. The purpose of this according to gates so that the wire transfers would not be recorded on u. S. Business records. Nonetheless, monday. Prosecutors, ee his nated testimony from mr. Gates and one of Paul Manaforts accountants that tied him to russia. The Kaccount Antd testified in 2006, Paul Manafort received a 10 million loan from a Russian Oligarch close to president vladamir putin. She said she saw no evidence the loan was ever repaid. Throughout, Paul Manaforts Attorneys Focus has been on, undermining the credibility of rick gates. Saying, why should the jury believe him now, considering the fact that he has lied before. Admitted to lying before to federal prosecutors. Rick gates answer is that he is taking responsibility now, for those mistakes and there was a powerful moment in the trial today when he said, that is a choice that Paul Manafort has not taken as well. Cnn legal analyst joins us now. Back with us, mo kelly and sean seal. Okay. Start with you. A lot in the trial. A lot happened tuesday. Sum it up. Some of it anyway. Heard from robert gates about a seven year long conspiracy with Paul Manafort, include lying to the irsa. Void taxes. And millions in loans. Gates helped to open overseas bank accounts. Bank fraud scheme. Income as loans to. Reduce Paul Manaforts tax bill. The account anlts reclassified loans as income. Off to get a better lending rate. Lawyers alleged possible embezzlement, millions of dollars. Overall, not a great day for gates. He has immunity. The issue is credibility of gates. We knew that the Defense Attorneys were going to go after him hard. This is a guy, that embezzled money from Paul Manafort, the guy that thee was also involved in other Criminal Activity with. This is a guy that also lied to the fbi, federal prosecutors. So there is huge credibility, use. But this is the kind of witness, that prosecutors typically use in these cases. They didnt pick gates or Paul Manafort. They are relying on gates alone. For evidence. The case would not be great. The case wouldnt have been brought. Because his credibility is so shot. The jurors are not likely to believe much of what he has to say. But there is this, this, you know this trove of evidence, documents. Emails. Bank records. Cant forget the witnesses that came before gates. These are people that dont have any interest. They werent benefiting from, this, this fraudulent scheme. The criminal scheme. People got immunity. Came forward. Gave testimony. We should, expect to see other witnesses like that. Those are the witnesses that i think, the jurors are going to really focus in on. Theyre going to say, rick gates is a liar. Paul manafort is a lierp. But lets look at the other independent witnesses. And, then, all of this documentary evidence. Thats what is going to decide the trial. Mo, for the first time, the Trump Campaign was mentioned by name in the past always a president ial campaign. You know, at best the president didnt know what Paul Manafort and gates were up to. Of a scheme from manafort. Hasnt been proven guilty. Alleged at this point. Innocent until proven guilty. An allegation. Trying to monetize his position with the Trump Campaign. Wasnt getting paid for it by the Trump Campaign. But to tripe to make money from, who ever was willing to pay him. Paul manafort was going to monetize, use your point. Any opportunity which would prevent itself. A broke man would start working for the Trump Campaign and not have some sort of financial angle to come out of it. Would be ignorant for us to assume. What is going to happen at this point. We are going to see, the ten drills of this, financially, extend far beyond rick gates. Far beyond, just a donald trump. Hypothetically, presumably. We are going to find, how deep, and how close, beyond, Paul Manafort, is this Trump Campaign to russia on a financial level. And, sean, when we look at soufrlt t sort of the evidence being presented. Again the president didnt know anything about it. What was going on. How much longer can the president use that excuse. I guess legally it is fine. Politically, how much, how much, longer can that last before it becomes a question of his credibility. His competence if you like. You know, he hired only the best team. Paul manafort its a bad character. And has hardly anything to dupe with trump. He took the russian side. Putin side against the ukrainian people. He made a lot of money. Apparently didnt pay a lot of taxes on that. He bought some really weird clothes. And kind of a boring case. And, here is the funny thing. Using a lot of perjured people providing testimony. He may get off this thing. I dont really think it has anything to dupe with anything except Paul Manafort maybe spending a lot of time of in jail. I big to differ with that to. Day say that, the Campaign Chairman for the president of the united states. Four months. Four months. On trial for the charges he is on trial for. Yes, isnt a trial of donald trump. This is a trial of his judgment. A trial of his ability to vet people who, he brought into his orbit. This was in the closest refined. Relationship with the president of the united states. Paul manafort was named, david axelrod, sean steels argument would have changed considerably. What about the others charged. Papadopoulos, michael flynn. Done deals, admit to lying, guilty. Other charges close to the president. There is a whole another, story here that the other half of america is listening to. Need to have both sides appreciated. The fbi has known about Paul Manafort for years. And they have never taken any action. Hold that thought. Did, was the fbi obliged to inform donald trump about the investigation into Paul Manafort ongoing. They did, dianne feinstein. We know the fbi provide the lots of information to donald trump. He was given, a ton of information. Off awe about Paul Manafort. About the investigations going on. He rareliless tuned or received the information that was being provided to him. So, whether you know one thing that is really, concerning me about seans statement. First of all, half the country. Half of the country. Is not sitting here rooting for donald trump. As sean would like for us to believe. Thats just a false statement. And, donald trump had an on li gas to know who he was, bringing into his campaign, that they were criminals. He didnt do that. And now this is, a huge a stain on his presidency. Last remark. Think of is this way. He was, as in Donald Trumps choice as the a Paul Manafort. Former kachl pain manager. His choice, michael flynn. It was his choice in terms of rick gates. It was his choice as far as, attorney jen ram, jeff sessions. All of them have connections to russia. Lets do the simple math. Okay. On that. Sean, thank you. Thank you. As always, thank you too. Short break. When we come back here will the u. S. President and north Korean Leader meet. For a second summit. The National Security adviser now says that, well its a possibility. Bathroom. Ment guest your privacy makes you my number 1 place to go number 2. I love you, but sometimes you stink. Febreze air effects doesnt just mask, it cleans away odors. Because the things you love the most can stink. And try Febreze Small Spaces to clean away odors for up to 30 days. Breathe happy with febreze. Bundle and save big, but now its time to find my dream abode. Right away, i could tell his priorities were a little unorthodox. Keep going. Stop. A little bit down. Stop. Back up again. Is this adequate sunlight for a Komodo Dragon . Yeah. Sure, i want that discount on Car Insurance just for owning a home, but im not compromising. Youre taking a shower . Water pressures crucial, scott its like they say location, location, koi pond. They dont say that. Watching two races that have come to the wine, special elections in the u. S. In ohio, trump backed republican troy balderson, a lead over Danny Oconnor in special election for the 12th house district. In the republican governors primary in kansas trump choice, chris kobach, with jeff colyer, donald trump is moving on to, prepared to meet with kim jongun, again. At any point. That is according to u. S. National security adviser, he told fox news, mike pompeo is ready for any meeting. The president and north Korean Leader first met in singapore in june. Behind the scenes, u. S. And north korean officials talking sanctions and issues that might just derail nuclear talks. Will ripley live for us in hong kong. Do the north koreans want to negotiate with pompeo or meeting with donald trump directly . The sense getting from speaking with sources and from even just listening to the messaging in north korean state media, holding up President Trump as best hope for a deal favorable to north korea. Even in statements at the summit over the weekend by north koreas foreign minister, which were very critical of the u. S. Calling u. S. Action as larm ila saying the u. S. Is not living up to the bargain. Spirit of the june 12 agreement signed in singapore the they were focusing criticism on the state department. Not mentioning secretary of state, mike pompeo, blaming u. S. Internal strive and mind set within the administration, conflicting they said, with the grander view of the u. S. President. It does seem, john, they want to meet with trump. They would like to do so according to my source before the midterm elections because they think they can put pressure on the trump administration, to come out of a second meeting with something more substantive, which President Trump can use to gain political points had of the midterm. Politics north korea all tied together some how. We have also heard, you know the administration, the u. S. Administration, Making Sort Of Hints Thamt Tht This Meeting Wa the cards or considered at least. If there is a second summit. Saying the north koreans would look it before the mid terms. Thats 90 days away. Is that possible according to the americans. And i guess where, that is the other big question, where would they hold the summit . It is possible. If for exam pull, kim jongun were to come to new york for the United Nations General Assembly which kicks off on september 18th. A lot of World Leaders flying in for that. Room messieurs that that, the americans and north koreans were working out a deal to send kim jongun or somebody of a very high level, like, the chief nuclear negotiator, but if kim jongun did come to new york, could you imagine, a meeting at trump tower with the north Korean Leader and a sitting u. S. President. Remember President Trump hinted about a possible meeting last week on twitter. When he was thanking, chairman kim for, for returning the purported remains of u. S. Korean Service Members also thanked him for his letter and said, ill see you soon. We just have to watch and see what unfolds in the cupping weeks. You know, thats, something i could not imagine a year or so ago. Now i can. Will, thank you. Live for us in hong kong. Take a short break. Next here on newsroom l. A. , Californias Fire Season has just begun. But of the state is already facing historic wildfires. And there is no end in sight. When i received the diagnoses, i knew at that exact moment. Im beating this. My main focus was to find a team of doctors. Its not just picking a surgeon, its picking the care team and feeling secure in where you are. Visit cancercenter. Com breast the new united Explorer Card makes things easy. Traveling lighter. Taking a shortcut. woooo taking a breather. Rewarded learn more at theexplorercard. 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Not cool at t provides edge to edge intelligence. It can do so much for your business, the list goes on and on. Thats the power of. This shipment will be delivered. Welcome back, everybody. Just 11 52 here on the west coast, and at this hour its still a little too close to call for the race of the ohio congressional 12th district. Thousands of ballots are yet to be counted. The district has been republicans for more than three decades and donald trump won it by 11 points back in 2016. California is struggling to contain some of the worst wildfires it has ever seen. The u. S. President has cited a whole bunch of other reasons but it seems the white house is just not entirely sure what hes talking about. Reporter tonight the Mendocino Fire Charring almost 300,000 acres, making it the largest wildfire in state history. So far it has scorched an area larger than all of new york citys five burrows put together. Across the golden state 17 large fires are raging as more than 14,000 firefighters battle the fast moving flames. Spurred on by dry and windy conditions. President trump monday blamed the state, inaccurately linking californias long Running Water shortage to the intensity and spread of fires in the state. Tweeting California Wildfires are being magnified and made so much worse by the bad environmental laws which arent allowing massive amounts of readily available water to be properly utilized. Trump also incorrectly suggesting that california diverts water into the pacific ocean. Tweeting, governor jerry brown must allow the free flow of the vast amounts of water coming from the north and foolishly being diverted into the pacific ocean. But cal fire, the agency in charge of fighting these fires is rebuking those claims in a statement saying, there is nothing to release. There are no specifics to the tweet. We have plenty of water to fight these fires. The current weather is causing mow severe and destructive fires. White house officials have declined to clarify the president s statements. Before the people devastated and threatened by these wildfires the concern is less political and far more personal. Were working the best we can with the resources we have to manage this but Mother Nature has taken its course and weve needed to adapt to it. Reporter and john, just to give you an idea of how bad this fire season has been over the last three weeks some 550,000 acres have been burned like what youre seeing here in this mendocino complex fire, which is now the largest fire in state history. Just take a look at that and think about what this means for the state and to know on top of it, john, that fire season is nowhere near the end. Stephanie there in clear lake, california. Thank you and thank you for watching. Im john vause in los angeles. Please stay with us. The news continues with rosemary church. Shes in atlanta and shell be with you after a very short break. Crabfest is back at red lobster, with our largest variety of crab all year like new crabfest combo. Your one chance to have new Jumbo Snow Crab with tender dungeness crab. Or try crab lovers dream. But hurry in. Cause Crabfest will be gone in a snap. Sometimes a day at the ballpark is more than just a day at the ballpark. Stadium pa all military members stand and be recognized. Sometimes fans cheer for those who wear a different uniform. No matter where or when you served, tmobile stands ready to serve you. Thats why were providing half off family lines to all military. Wake up early, o. Slap on some cologne im 85 and i wanna go home just got a job as a lifeguard in savannah im 85 and i wanna go home dropping sick beats, they call me dj nana 85 and i wanna go dont get mad. Get e trade, kiddo. What does help for heart the beat goes on. It looks like emily cooking dinner for ten. The beat goes on. 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We have a Working Knowledge and we can reduce the impacts of a small disaster, but we need the help of experts. Pg e is an integral part of our Emergency Response team. They are the Industry Expert with utilities. Whether it is a gas leak or a wire down, just having someone there that deals with this every day is pretty comforting. We each bring something to the table that is unique and that is a specialty. With all of us working together we can keep all these emergencies small. And the fact that we can bring it together and effectively Work Together is pretty special. They bring their knowledge, their tools and equipment and the proficiency to get the job done. And the whole time i have been in the fire service, pg es been there, too. Whatever we need whenever we need it. I do count on pg e to keep our firefighters safe. Thats why we ask for their help

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