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A recap of the days news. A recap of the days news. A recap of the days news. Straight about the steel industry. U. S. Steel Just Announced that theyre building six new steel mills. If you care about the truth, nope, thats not the truth. The only thing u. S. Steel has announced is that it will restart two blast furnaces, restart two blast furnaces, not six new steel mills. And its probably no coincidence the president seems to be especially truth challenged when it comes to russia. And this tweet from july 24th, he famously claims russia will be pushing for democrats in the midterms because, according to him, they dont want trump. But i want you to listen closely. This is Vladimir Putin himself coming from his own mouth, he said at the Press Conference after the disastrous summit in helsinki. President putin, did you want President Trump to win the election and did you direct any of your officials to help him do that . Translator yes, i did, yes, i did because he talked about bringing the u. S. russia relationship back to normal. Said for himself he wanted trump to win, not democrats. It should be no surprise that President Trump has made more than 378 misleading statements about the russia investigation so far. His favorite being, branding it a witch hunt. Its a total witch hunt. Ive been saying it for a long time. They call it the rigged witch hunt. I have this witch hunt. Its a witch hunt, thats all it is. They have phony witch hunts. Its like a witch hunt. Its like a witch hunt. The witch hunt continues. The entire thing has been a witch hunt. This is a pure and simple witch hunt. A lot of witches have been caught. But its not a witch hunt, no matter how many times he says it. The fact is is special Counsel Robert Mueller has brought 191 criminal charges against 35 defendants. A recap of the days news. Part is, this isnt new. Its not by accident. And well no doubt hear and see more next week. Yeah, that i mean, that is not a lie. We can be assured of that, and the sort of continuation or the repetition of the lie becomes Donald Trumps own reality. I think what youre also seeing, though, is that his sense of what reality is bumping up against the reality of facts. And youre seeing it mostly, of course, in the russian investigation. Those facts dont lie, the number of people who have pled guilty, the number of people who are testifying, the number of indictments that are going on, the ties that are getting close, if not within essentially the oval office, and so i think part of the lying is a reaction to the reality that donald trump is facing, at least as it pertains to the russia investigation at this stage. Yeah. And then we have this news that the Manhattan Madam, Kristin Davis met with muellers team, theyre interested in her ties to roger stone. Why does roger stones name continue to pop up in this investigation . Well, what we know so far in the Public Reporting is that roger stone appears to have had contact both with guccifer 2, the gru Russian Military Intelligence Officers who attacked john podesta and other democratic emails, as well as with wikileaks which was the platform where these emails came out. And thats just based on Public Reporting. That stuffs relatively old. Part of whats interesting about muellers ongoing interest in this, i think hes up to seven or nine different roger stone advisers or colleagues that he has been interviewing, is that he has some sort of ongoing interest with roger stone. And obviously we dont know what it is. But we know that mueller doesnt yet know the thing that mueller is looking for. And that, in and of itself, is pretty interesting to us. Yeah. Every every step of the way, carrie, mueller has you know, hes been methodical in who he meets with. Hes laser focused, certainly wouldnt be meeting with this woman unless he had good reason to do so. Well, thats right. I mean, i think garretts on the right track, which is that the investigators and the special counsel team, they are interviewing people around roger stone. And so whatever is the piece of the investigation most likely the piece that goes to the heart of the inquiry into whether there were individuals affiliated with the campaign, roger stone being one of them who actually may have had advanced knowledge or been involved in some way with the russian influence campaign, they are circling around roger stone to determine how much information they can learn based on what witnesses say as well as what their Documentary Evidence or the digital evidence that theyre obtaining says. And then theyll determine whether or not they want to talk to him specifically, whether thats through a voluntary interview or whether thats through grand jury or whether they decide they dont need to talk to him at all. Theyre figuring out the answers to what their questions would be for him in advance through these other witnesses in his circle. And juliet kayyem, i am sure, a lot of people are wondering what does the Manhattan Madam have to do with the russia investigation . I think that 2018 was missing was the Manhattan Madam, remember, she came into sort of prominent in the Elliott Spitzer, the former governor of new york. Sometimes its the 1980s and 1990s all over again. Look, their relationship is described as that theyve had ties. We dont know what these ties are. We dont know what the nature of the relationship is. He represent or she ran for office once. He was her campaign manager. She worked for him once. And so the fact that she voluntarily came forward, maybe either because she has exonerating evidence or because she sees as carrie was describing the sort of you know, the wagons circling around one person and she may have information. So, you know, mueller is a busy guy. Hes not interviewing people that may not have something relevant. And the fact that this cast of characters that surrounds the Trump Campaign from 2016, you know everyone from, you know, stone to the, you know, Stormy Daniels to now the Manhattan Madam, you know, thats the nature of the people he hung out with. And thats a Character Quality that is represented in the president of the United States. Theres no thats not a judgment. Its just these are the people he surrounded himself with. Yeah. I was in my neighborhood the other day and i saw them from afar, and i was like, oh my gosh, theres a Manhattan Madam and roger stone in the same neighborhood, it was so odd. I know. The fact were reading about Elliott Spitzer again is its sort of you have to be of a certain age to remember this. Garrett, i want to read this statement. Roger stone says Kristin Davis is a longtime associate of mine. I am the god father to her 2yearold son. She knows nothing about russian collusion, wikileaks. I am highly confident she will testify truthfully if called upon to do so. What do you think, garrett . Juliet had a point there i wanted to emphasize and expand upon. Mueller is not on a wild goose case to turn up criminal investigations, criminal charges against anyone for anything. In fact, it was cnns reporting originally on monday this week that showed that he has turned over the tony podesta and Vin Weber Ends of his investigation to the Southern District of new york, the manhattan federal prosecutors. What that means is that what hes actually doing, and we see this with the Michael Cohen case and we see this in a number of other instances, hes handing off things that dont seem related to his core russia probe. So the fact that he is staying focused on roger stone means that he thinks roger stone is the center or part of the center of this russia question. This isnt sort of some unrelated tax charges or, you know, some prostitution or escort charges dating back to the 1990s, totally unrelated. This is something that is central to bob muellers investigation that roger stone is the key to unlocking. Okay. I need you guys to stick around. Well continue on for one more round after this. When we come back, a former Trump Campaign aide socialized with alleged russian agent maria butna, weeks before the election, inviting her to his birthday party. According to the washington post. Wonder what they talked about. Getting more for getting away. Traveling lighter. Getting settled. Rewarded learn more at theexplorercard. Com raindrops on roses and whiskers on kittens bright copper kettles and warm woolen mittens brown paper packages tied up with strings these are a few of My Favorite Things these are a few of My Favorite Things tired of constantly battling lingering smells in your home, like pet, shoe, and body odors . For longlasting, continuous freshness, try febreze plug. Febreze plug provides 45 days of freshness, with a unique dual Chamber Design that alternates between harmonized scents for a continuous renewal of fragrance. Plus, febreze plug is formulated with odorclear technology, which cleans away odors instead of just masking them. For freshness youll notice week after week, try febreze plug. [sfx mouse click] and theyre reporting that she sought out interactions with j. D. Gordon who served as Trumps Campaign director on National Security for six months before he moved over to the transition team. Thats according to testimony and documents provided to the Senate Intelligence committee. Significant . Oh, absolutely. What we have to remember is the case thats trying to be made, right now shes in jail. What shes saying or not saying is going to be relevant for any investigation. Whats more important is the extent to which we are now seeing how early on in this campaign the National Security team, this is not like some finance person, this is the one of the leads of trumps very small National Security team were receptive to someone like maria. Right . In other words, no other campaign in the history of the presidency has had so Many Russians hanging out around the various teams. So what this reporting shows is that those overtures were very, very close to the election day itself, and they were social enough that people that she was invited to Birthday Parties and concerts and whatever else. These arent random. I saw her at a conference kind of relationships. These are actually she gets invited by leaders of the National Security team and not some other part of the Trump Campaign. So i think this is very significant, both in terms of how close it was to the campaign, and how close her ties were to the National Security apparatus of the trump transition. This is some of the details, get them right here, garrett, they exchanged emails in september and october of 2016, j. D. Gordon invited butina to a concert and a birthday party. What were seeing is an alleged russian agent getting close to someone in trumps orbit. Right . Yeah. And, remember, there are some unanswered, loose threads involving j. D. Gordon already in this investigation. He was involved in the attempt to change the platform language of the republican at the Republican Convention to make it more prorussia, more antiukraine. That was the same convention, of course, that had Paul Manafort, had rick gates, where Jeff Sessions was meeting with Sergei Kislyak on the side of the convention. It spools some interesting and intriguing avenues that could help us answer some of the fundamental Unanswered Questions we still have about what transpired in the middle of the Trump Campaign in 2016. So Paul Manaforts accountant testified today, carrie, and one of them is Cindy Laporter who got immunity. She said she falsified a 900,000 loan amount so manafort could pay less taxes. Is that damning . Its very its dramatic. She has been granted immunity so that she would testify and not incriminate herself. She has admitted she knew some of what they were doing was illegal. So i think that testimony probably was very powerful. And the cooperation of the accountants and the bookkeeper, what that does is that provides Additional Details and context to what i think is really a very documentheavy trial, and a documentheavy case. In other words, most of the serious evidence that will support the elements of the crime, if the jury does find him guilty, will come from the actual documents themselves and the falsified records. Someone like this, though, she provides a face and personal knowledge of what was going on behind the scenes. So, carrie, this is really a preview of what were going to hear from the prosecution star witness, rick gates . Well, in some ways, rick gates will, i think, provide even more details if, in fact, he does testify. He will have additional questions from the defense about, you know, his Cooperation Agreement as well. And he was part of this scheme. So that adds a different dimension to his testimony where she was someone, as i understand from the proceedings today, who expressed remorse at having known that some of this was wrong activity, but has a little bit of distance in that she was the accountant, she wasnt the person sort of pursuing the scheme. With so much juliette, with so much evidence against manafort, what is his strategy . Is he banking on a pardon from the president or a mistrial . Oh, his strategy may be just to delay this as long as possible and hopefully win in court. I think at this stage we dont know his strategy because as carrie was pointing out, the evidence does seem pretty damning so far. Its document heavy, but also you have these five witnesses who worked with him day in and day out who are testifying against him. So its you know, we always are looking for is there sort of some Grand Strategy to all this different behavior, stone or manafort or the former National Security adviser. Maybe the strategy is every man to himself now. These are how conspiracies unravel, right, is that no one knows what the other person is doing. So flynn doesnt know what his deputy is saying. Stone doesnt know what flynn is saying. And this is basically how conspiracies fall apart. There may not be a Grand Strategy for any of them except for selfpreservation at this stage, and some of them looking at the writing on the wall, why we have so many guilty pleas at this stage, theyre saying the only saving grace at this stage is if i plead. You know, this is you know, youre seeing people basically not know whether theyll survive the unraveling of the grand conspiracy. So its every man and woman in some cases to themselves. Garrett, just to wrap it up here. I know you dont have a crystal ball. Take us forward to next week. What do you expect . Well, what i think were going to see is, you know, Paul Manafort try to push this forward as best he can. He is probably holding out hope that there might be one juror in the midst of this who has listened to the president say this is a hoax, that this is a witch hunt, that Paul Manafort, you know, is being caught up and railroaded by the special counsel. You know, its a pretty damning case based on evidence and testimony. But all you need is one juror sitting there saying, you know, i dont know that i buy this. All right. Thank you all. Have a good weekend. When we come back, the human Rights Office condemning President Trumps attacks on the media saying he is violating not only freedom of the press, but human rights. Is this president damaging this country beyond repair . Sfx [cell phone dialing] no. No, no, no, no, no. Cancel. Cancel. Please. Aaagh being in the know is a good thing. Thats why discover will alert you if your Social Security number is found on any one of thousands of risky sites. Foundation. Also with us, douglas brinkley, cnn president ial historian. Good to have both of you on. Good evening. Thank you. Doug, you and experts say that President Trumps Attacks On The Press are strategic, designed to undermine confidence in reporting and raise doubts about verifiable facts. So what does it say, what does it say to you that the u. N. Human Rights Office is calling out the president of the United States . Im glad theyre calling him out. Were in a crisis where we have the president here whos attacking the first amendment, you know, saying horrific things about journalists, creating a feeling of violence against even the people like jim acosta at cnn wherever he goes. You know, when we deal with the nixon years, don, and look back, you know, nixon was trying to his enemies list was looking at the you know, who how we can sic the irs on people. Now im worried about violence towards journalists because of the way donald trump talks about the fake news media, being disgusting, the enemy of the people. Hes embarrassing us internationally. But worse, i think journalists are starting to feel threatened by his presidency. As a historian, to hear the president of the United States refer to the press as an enemy of the people, has that ever happened before . Its horrific. I mean, you know, nixon, i mentioned, kept an enemies list, and was starting to go after people, but he is really trying to incite violence against reporters. How else can you interpret it . If theyre the enemy, youre supposed to stamp out the enemy. And he doubles down on it, plays games with it, thinks its funny. And so i think we have a big problem with Donald Trumps its because hes not a reader in the end, but his misunderstanding of even what the role of journalism is in our constitution, the first amendment. So, morton, you were actually on president nixons enemies list. Yes, i was. Give me your reaction of what we have seen from the trump white house. Is history repeating itself . No, its far worse than anything that occurred during the nixon administration. Nixon did not attack the press as a group. He did not do anything which intended to incite violence against the press. He did many things which were inappropriate, and i think he would have been and should have been impeached if he had not resigned. But donald trump is a far more evil and dangerous man, and he is, i think, trying to intimidate the press. He is en couraging his followers to conduct violence against the press. The great shame is that the rest of the republican party, which spoke out against nixon, is, with a few exceptions, not doing what they should be doing, which is defending the constitution and siding with the rest of us and saying this man has to go. So, you know, i guess part of the media, you know, and you are now sort of de facto, right, by extension, so youre enemies of the people. Im wondering what it was like living as someone he pointed out specifically, one person as an enemy of the president of the United States. Youre asking me how i felt to be on the enemies list . Yeah. Next to my name it said a scandal would be helpful here. But it clearly was more of an aspiration on their part than anything that they tried to do. By the time we learned of it, the existence of the list from john dean, nixon was in big trouble. And i dont think people who were on the list felt in any physical danger, certainly. And not much political danger. We felt the country was coming around to understand that nixon could not be allowed to continue to be president and that he had to be removed from office by a constitutional process. People, looking back, thought they may have been investigated by the irs inappropriately. I never felt that, and have never been audited, in fact, by the irs. But this is a wholly different situation. This is a situation in which the press, the American Public is being told not to trust journalists, not to believe in facts. And supporters of the president they feel threatened. You said you didnt then, people didnt feel threatened, but journalists feel threatened now, when theyre being in pens, roped off and pointed out in the back of the auditorium, and people screaming at them. People feel threatened now and theyre getting specific threats against them. Its the rest of us that have to defend the press because, as we all know, a free press is a vital element of our constitutional system. Absolutely. Doug, you say that nixon seems like a statesman compared to trump. Talk to me about that. Yeah, i mean, you know, nixon went in 1972 to china and the famous break through with china, he had reporters with him, a selection who were friendly, but he had unfriendly reporters with him. He was trying to win them in public opinion. Donald trump wants to destroy them and tamp them out. The good news is, don, youre part of history now, theres a group of journalists who have stood up to donald trump, are doing deep investigation at washington post, New York Times, people like michael schmidt, phil rucker, many others are going to go down in history maggie, of course. These are brave figures. In the nixon enemies list, besides morton, paul newman made the list and the great journalist daniel shore, and both of them newman said its the great moment of my life, i made the list. I think 50 years from now people are going to look at this as great journalism going on here and who stood up to a president acting like a despot, and who held the president accountable. Youre going to have a whos who of great journalists, working at the new yorker, a lot of them. In the history books, thats what really writes the story, the history book. And, i mean, write it in terms of writing it out, and also correcting it as well. Facts. So morton, nixon secretly taped you and others within his white house. Do you think that the Trump Administration is using similar tactics . I dont think so because as a result of learning about the taping, not only by nixon, but by roosevelt, by kennedy, by every postwar president , the congress put in a system, the fis cord, its well designed and makes it very difficult for the president to try to conduct surveillance without going through the process of the courts. I dont think the rest of the government would participate in it. In nixons time the fbi was told to wiretap and wiretap, and they had been told that by every president , congress had never told them it was illegal. And so they did it. I do not believe they would do it now. I think the bureaucracy knows what the war is, the war is absolutely clear, and i think they would resist. Douglas, it looks like you want to say something. Ive got to run, but go on, please. Wikileaks and russia doing the intimidation, journalists may be being targeted by nefarious forces internationally now are having their personal emails and the like stolen, which is another form of surveillance. Yeah. Thank you, gentlemen, i appreciate it, have a good weekend. When we come back, more backlash for the New York Times after their latest hire was revealed to have tweeted some really offensive things a few years ago. Were her tweets racist . Who decides . Thats next. Im April Kennedy and im an arborist with pg e in the sierras. Since the onset of the drought, more than 129 Million Trees have died in california. Pg e prunes and removes over a Million Trees every year to ensure that Hazardous Trees cant impact power lines. And since the onset of the drought weve doubled our efforts. I grew up in the forests out in this area and honestly its heartbreaking to see all these trees dying. What guides me is ensuring that the public is going to be safer and that these forests can be sustained and enjoyed by the community in the future. The New York Times is trying to diffuse the uproar created with the hiring of their new writer sarah chung. She calls it countertrolling, they call it racism. What is it . Im bringing in matt lewis and simone sanders. And a former Director Of Communications for super track. Glad to have you all this evening. Simone, this is some of sarahs tweets critics say are offensive, many dating back five years, one tweet she wrote that couldnt enjoy the show breaking bad because the premise is just and heres what she says, the premise is just white people being miserable. And that it must be so boring to be white. She also tweeted, cant cancel white people and oh man its kind of sick how much joy i get out of being cruel to old white men. White people have stopped breeding, youll all go extinct soon. My plan all along. Dumb fing white people with their opinions like dogs on fire hydrants. You say theyre not racist . No, i dont think sarahs tweets are racist. First of all, i think its important to note that these tweets were dug up by a right wing its not even conservative. It was a right wingers, people that identify with the white supremacist ideology and they were taken out on context. That being said i subscribe to the notion that i tweet, write or email anything that i dont want splashed across the New York Times. Does it matter who dug them up . Its selective. Some are taken out of context. Some of it was countertrolling. Would i have written anything like that . Absolutely not. Not racist for this reason, one, don, racism, being racist is not just prejudice, its prejudice plus power. So one could argue that some of her tweets, even within context, note that she has a prejudice, perhaps, against white men. But that, in fact, does not make her racist. I dont think shes a racist. I absolutely think were conflating two conversations. Does it make her a bigot . No, i dont think it makes her a bigot either. Again, you have to look at the tweets within the context. Could we could she be prejudiced, could chef some not just implicit, but negative bias towards white men in america due to perhaps what shes experienced throughout her life . Probably, absolutely. Does that mean, though, that she is, in fact, racist . No because race is prejudice plus power. Could she be prejudiced . Absolutely. Were conflating many different conversations and we have to be clear about what were talking about. Ying, what do you think, are these tweets racist . I think the tweets are racist, whether sarah herself is a racist, thats a different question. If you look at her tweets, i actually spent quite a bit time can you separate those two for me . So if i could continue, i actually looked at a whole bunch of her tweets, a lot more than what you just read out loud. And thats quite a bit of time i cant get back. But its clear that shes a young lady whos very confused, very indiscreet, whos trying to be very funny, but who is failing spectacularry. And you sort of have to feel sorry for her that she somehow went through one of the best universities in the country, harvard law, and what she does is spends her entire time obsessing about white people and saying nasty things about white men and white women. But its so also clear from her remarks she doesnt think all white people are what she describes. And so there is a certain element of attempting to be humorous, but not actually succeeding. However, if you look at her tweets, and if you actually do look at the context, the context is that she is purposely saying racist things against white people for what she believes is great effect. Okay. Im not again, im not sure. So how do you separate what i would say about what symone just said, i think there is a great deal that is sad here. What it reflects is what is really said about Identity Politics in America In General is that race is your defining characteristic. And if you are somebody who is not white you get to say all kinds of vile things about white people. And theres no consequence. And i think what is sad here is that here is a young woman who is obviously very smart, smart enough to get into harvard, and yet she spends all her time saying all these nasty things about white people, as she knows theyre at least racially tinged, if not racist, but she goes on doing that, thats how shes been taught. Ive got to get matt in. Matt, listen, she issued an apology, her own apology, a screen shot of the two examples of the types of messages she receives. One reads, if i saw you, i would sock you in your lesbian face, and shut the f up, you dogeating bleep. She says she was countertrolling. So whats wrong with punching back . Well, i guess we all get a get out of jail card now because anything anybody has ever been fired for saying or tweeting could be countertrolling if thats an acceptable excuse. Look, im not a big fan of this Mob Mentality where we go off things people tweeted five years ago and take them down. Having said that, you and i both know that if matt lewis had written or said anything remotely like this about another race, or sexual orientation, i certainly wouldnt have a job on monday. I actually think theres this is a political story as well as a media story. You know, there are look, i think white people have historically been privileged, but there are a lot of Working Class White Americans out there, maybe youre a vietnam vet, maybe youre struggling with cancer, maybe youre unemployed, your factory went bankrupt, and you are living in ohio, and youre watching somebody working at the New York Times who went to a Great College shame you for being white, we wonder why donald trump is able to turn all these folks against us in the media. Well, guess what . If youre a white republican living in ohio or michigan, and you have the idea that the media doesnt like you, isnt this proof that, in fact, that is the case, that the New York Times is Hiring Somebody who has tweeted hundreds of tweets, like not just a handful like this, would get hired at the New York Times of all places . I think it kind of reenforces, sadly, Donald Trumps message. Ive got to take a break. But i want to continue this. Were going to go on. But this is the thing. You dont have to respond by twitter. It always gets you in trouble because theres no context. If youre going to do Something Like that, then you write an article where theres context, where you can respond to people and its just not sitting out there like that. And i do have to say, matt, i think its a very good point, if i saw Something Like that from you i would say, you know what, im not sure matt should be working here anymore and you probably would not be working here anymore. Who gets to decide whats racist or not . Well talk about that after the break. And whiskers on kittens bright copper kettles and warm woolen mittens brown paper packages tied up with strings these are a few of My Favorite Things i receive travel rewards. Going new places. oh going out for a bite. Going anytime. Rewarded learn more at theexplorercard. Com all right. So the firestorm is heating up over in the wake of the New York Times hiring of sarah jong, a tech report were a history of antiwhite tweets. Back with me now, matt lewis, Simone Saunders and ming ya. Simone, you want to respond . Matt brings up an important point about the media and why it is so important about the way folks talk about this quote unquote issue of sarah and her tweets in the New York Times is extremely important in the media, because, again, without any context, if you are not providing the full picture, just reading some of the articles that have been written over the last 24 hours or even some of the segments on cable news, you would think that sarah is just a flaming antiwhite, you know, person. And thats just not true. We have to there is just a fuller and deeper conversation. But she did something really sillily. Lets be honest. I said that up top, don. Someone shouldnt be writing things because this is her journalism and the fact that she is a young asian woman have made her the subject of frequent Online Harassment for a period of time. She responded to the harassment by imitating the rhetoric of her harassers. Sees now that this approach only served the vitriol that we too often see on social media. She regrets and the times does not condone it. I want to be clear, im not defending okay. You dont have to. Just because someone just because someone said something terrible about you on social media does not mean you to respond. Go through my social media feed, and i never respond. People say i cant believe that stuff is on there. I dont care. Im not racist, so im not going to be drawn into it by responding to a stupid bigot on social media. And if i did, guess what . Cnn would fire me. Perhaps. Look, don, i agree with you. I dont respond to the trolls either. But all im saying is the for instance, the assertion that because sarah referred to white people in her tweets she is now somehow against all white people when we all know that sim hone, i dont think thats the point. Thats not the point that she is against all people. It sounds like youre making an excuse. Im not making an excuse. Who are someone who did something that is bigoted. Don, im trying to figure out why you feel that way. I literally said its not oklahoma okay, that no one should want things they dont want ending up on the front page of the New York Times or anywhere else. I said that. But the point she is not bigoted against all white people. Thats not the point, though. I think its important because thats what everybody says. Conservative not even conservatives. I dont want the say that because i have really great conservative friends. Right wing websites, right wing publications and folks that identify with the white supremacist ideology are currently online spreading this. Okay. I got this. There are two other people on the panel. Well fight on text message after the show. Youre wrong, don. No, youre wrong, symone. You want to respond to that, ying . Do you want to respond to that . I think all this Hemming And Hawing about whether this is racist or not, and oh, my gosh, can this woman say this and not hate all white people, i looked at a lot of her tweets and i said earlier that i dont think she feels that wayer all white people. I do think that one of the reasons that donald trump won was because he rejected all of this Hemming And Hawing. He rejected all of this Identity Politics. He rejected that it was okay for a young woman educated at harvard, one of our elite institutions to run around talking nasty things about an entire group of people of a particular race. Im sorry, but donald trump was hateful. Donald trump donald trump is an equal opportunity offender. Donald trump said that symone, symone, donald trump is an equal opportunity offender and he would offend people of all colors, but not because of your race. Hold on a second. Hold on a second. Actually, what i was saying earlier was that the sad state of Identity Politics makes it not okay for us to talk about race. So when we talk about border security. Thats wrong. Apparently if we want tougher border security, your antihispanic. Hold on. What do you mean Identity Politics that its not okay to talk about race . Well, the reason why this young woman has spent a couple of years actually, i think it was three years on twitter practically all the time saying nasty things against white people you think because of Identity Politics when i bring up subjects like to and i talk about race on the show that people call me a race baiter. Thats because of Identity Politics . I dont think there is anything wrong with talking about race, don. What i do believe is that Identity Politics has suffocated our Public Discourse and that it has made it impossible for people to see beyond race. Okay. Matt, ive got to get you in and were over. I think for a lot of americans who have had a very liberal idea that we should have a colorblind society. And for a long time a lot of White Americans didnt even think of themselves as white, actually. And whats happened is there has been a rise of race consciousness. And i think the altright has actually been behind that. They want white people to feel like a tribe. And for a long time white people didnt really feel that way. Most white people. And i think what happened here what this journalist did at the New York Times has actually helped the altright, to help white people start to feel like theyre a tribin attack and that they need to stick together. I think thats very unproductive. You know thats false. I think its happening. I dont like the idea. Its really silly, the word colorbli colorblind. You want people to be able to see your color. But don, i want you to judge me as a person, as an individual, as and as a person, im a black woman. I want people to see im a black woman. And that its okay to be different. I dont want people to look at me and think im just some blank person on the screen or some blank person in person. You president them back up on the screen . Im not done with them yet. Thank you. Thats generalizing. Okay. We got to go. Thank you. Thank you. Well be right back. No. No, no, no, no, no. Cancel. Cancel. Please. Aaagh being in the know is a good thing. Thats why discover will alert you if your Social Security number is found on any one of thousands of risky sites. Now im gonna tell my momma that im a traveller im Gonna Follow The Sun now im gonna tell my momma that im a traveller transitionsâ„¢ light under controlâ„¢ owners always seem so happy . Because theyve chosen the industry leader. Subaru forester holds its value better than any other vehicle in its class according to alg. Better than crv. Better than rav4. Better than rogue. An adventure that starts with a Subaru Forester will always leave you smiling. 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