Transcripts For CNNW CNN Tonight With Don Lemon 20180731 06:

Transcripts For CNNW CNN Tonight With Don Lemon 20180731 06:00:00

my mom had to go through at that age. being in the third or fourth grade. for us to be in a position where we can see stories of kids that's going through the same thing that i went through, it makes it even more like yes, we did this. this is why we should have did it. >> how do you conquer those fears? jaden was his name, talked about hearing gunshots and that sort of things, being tempted by drugs and all those things. how do you think -- how do you get them to understand that's not the path they have to take? >> i think being in a support system and that's what this is all about. i think for me, when i did go to school, or when i was playing little league sports, you know, being around kids and being around people that have fun and kind of speak the same language as you, it allows you to kind of escape away from the drugs and the violence and the gunshots and things that go on on an everyday basis, and that's what we're here for. i'm opening the schools to be able to get these kids minds and bodies away from -- we made the
A recap of the day's news.
trying to divide us. but i think -- >> kind of? >> yeah. is. is. not kind of. he's dividing us, and what i noticed over the last few months that he's kind of used sport to kind of divide us, and that's something that i can't relate to. i know that sport was the first time i ever was around someone white. you know? and i got an opportunity to see them and learn about them, and they got an opportunity to learn about me, and we became very good friends, and i was like oh, wow, this is all because of sports. and sports has never been something that divide people. it's always been something that brings people together. >> do you remember your first experience of someone different from you? do you remember what it was and what was your reaction? >> it was different. i mean, first, from -- they ate dinner at a different hour than i've ever ate dinner before. >> like earlier? >> yeah. like supper at 6:30 in the afternoon. i thought it was the afternoon. they called it the evening time. it was the first time i ever seen a pantry. you understand? for me, everything when i grew up, everything was on top of the refrigerator. my white friends had a pantry.
they kind of lived life without no care, no worry. and i wanted to get to a point maybe i could live life without no care and no worry either being around a lot of my white friends flow growing up. it was pretty cool. >> and even bedtime. 7:30, 8:00. >> yeah. none of that for me. >> i'm glad you mentioned that. i've been watching you, especially -- for a long time. this is not the first time i've interviewed you. i interviewed for your website and other things you did. but there's been something has changed in you over the last year or two. is it what's going on in the country racially? is it politically -- political? >> i think it's a little bit of everything. i think it starts with the trayvon martin situation, and the reason it starts with that, i believe, is because having kids of my own, having boys of my own, it hit home for me to see and learn the story and to think if my boy left home and he never returned. you know? that kind of -- that kind of hit a switch. that kind of hit a switch for me. and from that point on, i knew that my voice and my platform had to be used for more than
they always used it to say okay, this is even more motivation. this is even more a way for me to even be more powerful, and they're the reason we're here today. >> your challenges become goals, and your haters become your motivators. >> absolutely. >> so you were talking about the -- using athletics to divide people. >> yeah. >> you heard what the man in charge -- what the president said about marshawn, about steph, about, you know, it seems like it's -- >> kaepernick. >> yeah. men of colors who have means and
that's popular to try to negate people from thinking act the positive things they can be doing and try to get our minds to not be as sharp as possible right then. either from football players kneeling. look at kaepernick who was protesting something he believed in and he did in the most calm way possible. very respectful. he did his due diligence. everyone knew why he did it. look at the nfl players still kneeling. you look at steph and marshawn lynch and all these instances why he's trying to divide our sport, but at the end of the day sport is the reason why we all come together. >> yeah. what do you -- i just wonder where we go from here, because to a lot of people charlottesville was it. i mean, you tweeted, i think you said is this what our country is, make america great again? i think that was for everybody like all right, that's enough. i can't believe this. >> absolutely. i mean, we all felt that. it didn't matter what color you are to feel that tension, to feel like our great country, you know, that we all wake up every day in the land of the free as we believe with great opportunity to be even more than
what people even expect you to become for that to happen, you just felt like that was -- that was kind of the tipping point. >> will you -- i guess maybe you were surprised. maybe you weren't. the whole n-word incident at your house when it was painted? >> i don't know if i was surprised. i don't know if i was hurt. i don't know if i was disappointed. it was so many different emotions. more importantly, it was the conversation that i had to have with my boys that it was -- that hurt me. but at the same time it also enlightened me and also knew that no matter as i stated, you know, when i did an interview after that, that no matter how big you can become, no how successful you are, no matter what you do in your community or profession, being african american in america is always
tough, and they always going to let you know that you are the n-word no matter who you are, and that was just a reset. >> even when you have lebron status, lebron money. >> it doesn't -- >> you think it's harder when you see the incidents about being black, just living, do you think it's harder now or we're just seeing it because of cell phones? >> i think it's always been there. but i think the president in charge now has given people -- they don't care now. they throw it in your face now. >> would you ever run for office? >> run for office? >> would you ever be a politician and run for office? >> i don't think so. i don't think so. i don't know. >> i'm being serious. if someone tried to recruit a lebron to run for president,
they said listen, they've got no one. if you don't run, trump's going to win. would you run? >> well, in that case i may. if they had no one, i mean, i believe there's some people out there, i hope. let's see first. let's see first. >> you would run? last question is what do you hope happens from this school? i got to tell you i walked through. i am impressed. everybody is impressed. this is a great thing you're doing. what do you want to happen? what do you want in to go from here? >> every kid that walk through the doors, every kid from the 240 kids we're starting with now third and fourth grade to the 2022 when we're going to have first through eighth grade, we want every kid that walks through the school to be inspired, to come away with something, something where they can give back. it could be anything, but just
for kids in general all they want to know is that someone care. and when they walk through that door, i hope they know someone care. >> and you're going to l.a. but is your heart here? >> my heart is always here. akron, ohio, that's why i'm doing this school right here today. >> you excited about l.a.? >> absolutely. >> one more question. what would you say to the president if he was sitting right here? >> i would never sit across from him. >> you don't want to talk to him? >> no. i'd sit across from barack, though. >> i loved sitting down with lebron today. what i loved is that he is his -- his authenticity. i was sitting down with a celebrity who didn't care about oh, we're going to offend this demographic or somebody might not buy my record because of this or may not come to a game because of this. lebron is who he is. he says it like he means. i'm so glad he's around to do that and more people should continue to do that in this environment. thank you, lebron james. mr. president, think about that. professional athlete doing a good thing for his community. that would be nice to talk about. we have more to come in the next hour when he gives me an exclusive tour of his school.
plus you'll find out why he's giving every one of his students a new bike. when we come back, you'll hear lebron say pretty blunt things about president trump, but will he keep taking aim at the white house? this is not a bed. it's a high-tech revolution in sleep. the new sleep number 360 smart bed. it intelligently senses your movement and automatically adjusts on each side to keep you both comfortable. and snoring? how smart is that? smarter sleep.
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year early to join the nba. and it's always unwise to seek political advice from one who gets paid $100 million a year to bounce a ball. oh, and lebron and kevin, you're great players but no one voted for you. millions elected trump to be their coach. so keep the political commentary to yourself, or as someone said, shut up and dribble. >> i mean -- >> i mean, it's just. let me start from the beginning. must they run their mouths like that? like, really? i almost said a bad word. who does she think she is to talk to someone about that? 100 million to dribble a basketball?
that's not what it is, and look at what he's doing now. i'm sorry. go on. >> i just. you know -- this one dimensional view of anyone is a problem. right? i want to be able to talk about sports, so i'm not going to be a guy who says that athletes can't talk about politics. i would also say that there's a lesson in trump's victory that laura ingram doesn't touch which is that i'm not sure that the average person is looking for a political pundit's view on things as much as they're looking for views of other people in the culture they respect. again, just because they're good at a sport doesn't mean you can't have opinions about other things. lebron james, kevin durant, stuff curry, draymond green, whoever you want to name -- >> i'm not a politician. i do real estate. but you're the president -- so the president of the united states should never talk politics? >> that's my point. >> donald trump should never talk politics? right. >> there's nothing i hate more in my own life on twitter than if i tweet something about
sports or music and people say stay in your lane. talk about politics. no one is one dimensional. >> that goes beyond that. her tone, the language she used. >> there's no question when you say things like shut up and dribble, and when you're dealing with a league, particularly the nba that's overwhelmingly african american, race goes with it and donald trump and the way in which he treats athletes and the way in which he's reacted to athletes, there's no question that -- >> who is the country rocker? what's his name that's always saying the nasty things that's always invited -- what's his name? ted nugent? >> it's how he feeling at the time. i think he should sit across from president trump and school him a little bit. let me in on laura ingram. >> go on. >> just an insult. i just remind me of how african americans were treated in the 20 th century, 19th century, 18th
century. just shut up and do what we tell you to do. she really showed her bigot ri and her racism to think that the only thing that lebron james or any other athlete can do is to shut up and dribble a ball. just absolutely insulting. call it what it is. flat out. >> so, scott, you heard what nina said. she said maybe he should sit across from him and try to school him a little bit. speaking of schools, i promise is a school. you say lebron should work with president trump. why is that? >> well, i think this president has shown that when celebrities of his status speak to him, he listens. even on the issue of using presidential pardons he's taken the advice of celebrities.
if i were lebron james who i have a lot of respect for, i would take a step back and say if i ever got the chance to meet the president, i would see how other people of similar celebrity status have used that opportunity to effect positive change. the president used pardon power to right old wrongs on alice and jack johnson. i think if lebron james talked to trump about the great story he's promoting at this school which is a wonderful story, and i'm glad you're doing the story tonight, i think the president would listen to that. i think there's something going on in our world. we want to hear from nontraditional people about what's happening in our world and the public affairs. a voice lebron's could be more valuable than he knows. >> i think lebron knows that the president would be using him as a prop and he doesn't listen when it comes to race. he doesn't speak, by the way, there's a caveat i didn't say. he doesn't speak about kim kardashian or people who look like her the way he speaks about
people who look lebron james. >> that's right, or me. but don, this is the thing. the president may take that advice on that. he has an attorney general that has increased the war on drugs, that has increased -- talking about penalizing people with the mandatory minimums. he has a division in sync with the purges going on from the voter rolls. he says one thing when it benefits him, but talking about doing global change and dealing with systemic racism and discrimination, he has no parts of really trying to correct that. >> when we come back, we'll talk more. i was talking to lebron about the school but clearly he wanted to discuss these issues. these are issues that are really important to him, and he's not exempt from racism because he's lebron james and a multimillionaire. the n-word was spray painted across his house not long ago. we'll talk about that. when did you see the sign? when i needed to create a better visitor experience. improve our workflow.
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here's what he had to say about his los angeles home being vandalized with the n-word. >> i don't know if i was hurt. i don't know if i was disappointed. there was so many different emotions. more importantly, it was the conversation that i had to have with my boys that it was -- that hurt me. but at the same time it also enlightened me no matter how big you can become, no matter how successful, no matter what you do in your community or profession, being african american in america is always tough, and they always going to let you know what you are the n-word, no matter who you are, and that was a reset. >> so back with me now, our panel. i know people watch and they say why are you guys talking about race? you're race baiting. it's not that bad. it is that bad. and stop saying that. start examining yourself.
why don't you want to talk about it? maybe i should be more open to talk about it. maybe i should learn more about my neighbors of color or people who are not like me. what is it that i don't know? what is it that i'm not exposed to? what am i not learning rather than every single time saying there is no racism. it's all behind us. slavery was a long time ago. that's all really bullshit if you're watching at home and saying that. not even lebron james is exempt from the racism and bigotry. >> that could be one of the most powerful pieces of the interview, that and when he was talking about when he decided to start to say more. even being lebron james, and his kids, he was worried about them going out and maybe never coming home. to your point, i think it's really important, and we get away from this in politics all the time. i think it's really important to remember the things that unite us sometimes as opposed to the
things that divide us. a father worried about his son encourages him to speak out more than he had previously. a president who whatever you think of him, uses weaponizes race to score political points and has since prior to being a political candidate brings out a basketball superstar to talk more openly about sort of being a citizen of the world. those are, i think, good things in that we need more people to hear lebron james speak and not be able to just stereo type well, he's good at basketball, but i'm not interested in his views. he is a citizen. you do not sacrifice being a citizen because you're excellent at something. he has a huge profile. people, i think, will at least hear him. i don't know if they'll listen and change, but they'll at least hear him. >> but he's at least able to
articulate a message, answer my questions, follow a train of thought much better than someone who shall remain nameless a number of types i interviewed him. for people saying well, why do we care about lebron james and what he has to say? he's articulate and intelligence and knew his subject matter in that interview. i can't say that about a lot of people i interviewed lately in that day and age. scott, listen, racism was a president in the u.s. long before donald trump ran for president. i wonder if he's making it worse. i think that's the sentiment from lebron. by not calling out white supremacists like in charlottesville is the president emboldening racists? >> i think he's allowing some of the racists to try to appropriate his presidency when
i don't believe the president intends for them to do that but by not speaking out more forcefully, they try to campaign on his name, and that's a bad thing. any way you cut it, that's a bad thing. some things are going right for the minority country under president trump. unemployment rate for african americans hit an all time low. there's criminal justice reforms the white house is pushing that's bringing people from both parties together. the attempt to appropriate -- it breaks my heart as someone who considers himself to be in the party of lincoln. i would also say the president leads us all, and has a story to tell here that when you let these people like we saw in charlottesville dominate the headlines, it makes it virtually impossible for the good stories that i just mentioned to come out. so i want the president to speak out against these racists, because they do exist. and they will try to use his name and campaign on his name. it's wrong. >> nina, i'll give you the last word. >> i hate to break it to my brother, but today's gop is nothing like the radical republicans of the party of lincoln. what lebron james is doing, don,
is nothing short of spectacular. i'm from ohio. his heart as he said is with akron, ohio. i promise what he is doing is reminiscent about 43 years ago a chicago schoolteacher saw black kids were not being treated properly and knew they had more goals and aspirations and gifts that were not being recognized and she said that she opened up that school with her own money and she said i am touching the future. that is exactly what lebron james, king james for our way is doing by opening up that school and using his power and his presence to touch the future generations and pour into them life and hope. he said i am one of them. so as a black man in america he made it clear that it doesn't matter how much money that he has, that in the words of ice cube, his skin is still his sin. he is letting us know he can relate to every day african americans in this country about how race is still predominates.
unless we have some real truth and reconciliation and stop covering it up and have deep-rooted conversations and push policies that actually change the needle, you know, 228 years one study showed that it would take an african american to catch up with the average wealth of white americans in this country. we're talking about systems, not just individuals. so i salute king james for the work that he is doing to change the lives and the dynamics of young people in this country. go akron, go northeast ohio. >> and go lebron. thank you. i appreciate your words. i'm glad you mentioned when you talked about the wealth gap. generational wealth is something that people of color don't have the luxury of. i think that's a huge, huge gap in this country that keeps us divided. thank you, scott, and thank you, chris as well. i appreciate all of you. we'll have much more on the next hour and much more of this program right after this.
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with pg&e in the sierras. and i'm an arborist save $200 on this dell laptop since the onset of the drought, more than 129 million trees have died in california. pg&e prunes and removes over a million trees every year to ensure that hazardous trees can't impact power lines. and since the onset of the drought we've doubled our efforts. i grew up in the forests out in this area and honestly it's heartbreaking to see all these trees dying. what guides me is ensuring that the public is going to be safer and that these forests can be sustained and enjoyed by the community in the future. the white house distancing itself from rudy giuliani tonight. one official tells cnn that the president's press team is not coordinating on rudy giuliani with the mixed messages he's been delivering to date. it's not a surprise given how off the rails the president's attorney has been today. i'm going to bring in john dean,
a nixon white house counsel also we have chris. chris, what's going on here? what's wrong with rudy giuliani? >> by all accounts, my former colleagues that know him well say he's off the rails and has been for a while. i mean, he's with -- counsel acting like that, you don't need opposing counsel. >> yeah. is he helping the president or hurting the president, john? have we figured it out yet? >> i think he's hurting the president. he's clearly unhinged, and he's really appropriately representing trump in his unhingedness, if you will. he's throwing smoke. he's trying to cause confusion. it's kind of a relief to hear the white house isn't coordinate bug they're not reigning him in. >> i watch, and sometimes i would love to do that interview, and then i watch and i'm not so sure. i'm not so sure everything is right.
first rudy giuliani went on new day exposing a planning session several days before the infamous june 2016 trump tower meeting with the russians. the new meeting possibly including rick gates. he then tried to walk it back on fox news. it was equally confusing. watch this. >> it wasn't another meeting -- it has been leaked but hasn't been public yet. >> okay. >> that was a meeting, alleged meeting three days before. we checked with their lawyers, the ones we could check with which were four of the six. that meeting never, ever took place. >> i mean, chris, he described this supposed meeting and then said it never happened. once again he reiterated president trump knew nothing about the russian meeting in advance. is he trying to clarify or confuse it? it's a version of my first question, but what's happening here? >> well, he's not acting as an attorney. he's acting as a pr person.
he's trying to muddy the water and create opinion around the special counsel. let me just say this. i think the meeting at the trump towers is a special focus of the special counsel, and if you -- if there's a premeeting, that's going to be relevant to his investigation. i think cohen is auditioning to the special counsel, trying to get his attention. really, mueller has no interest in cohen. pitched him up to the southern district of new york because that case he's involved in or cases were not within his mandate. >> get his attention for what, chris? >> he wants a deal. that's his only card he has to play. he wants a get out of jail free card. >> is this why going goes after cohen so hard? here's what got me. he called cohen a liar. but he's been lying for who if he's lying? he'd be lying for donald trump, wouldn't he?
>> he's back and forth on it as we've seen. but i think they have some fear with the manafort trial coming up, it's -- there are going to be some revelations that relate to the main investigation of the special counsel, and cohen is trying to get -- insert himself into that and create some relevance so he can get a deal. he has no card to play up there in the southern district of new york. so rudy giuliani on behalf of the president is trying to discredit him as best they can right now. what they don't know is i don't think the special counsel has a lot of interest in him yet. >> why not? >> it's a bank fraud case. it's a tax medallion corruption case. it may be related to election campaign corruption. i don't think mueller feels like that's part of his case in chief unless he has something very relevant. and that trump tower meeting is an important meeting?. >> especially if he has more
evidence on it. i've got a move on and ask you about this. president trump is alleging a vague conflict of interest. he says mueller has -- he's tweeting this. is robert mueller ever going to release his conflicts of interest with respect to president trump including the fact that we had a very nasty and contentious business relationship? i turned him down to head the fbi one day before appointment as sc and comey is his close friend. in an interview on cnn rudy giuliani refused to specify what that alleged conflict is. is there any legal basis for this claim or is it -- is it just like president obama was wiretapping trump tower? >> it's in that lane. what's going on here is this is rudy throwing up some smoke or
excuse me, the president also. it started with the president. and this is an old claim he's made. he made -- he said that mueller had a conflict of interest when -- because of his relationship to one of his virginia golf course and country clubs where mueller once was a member, and they had some dispute that got sorted out, minor incident. but he thought this was justification alone to have a conflict of interest to pursue a prosecution as a special counsel. well, that's silliness. and all this was disclosed to the department of justice and mueller has no obligation to turn this information over to anybody other than the department of justice. >> it's sad a lot of people are buying this stuff that they're putting out there. that's all i'll say. i'll end it there. thank you, gentleman. i appreciate it. when we come back, i'll ask a former chairman of the house intelligence committee what he thinks about rudy giuliani's defense of the president. plus there are signs that say north korea is working on new missiles. mike rogers weighs in on all that next.
rudy guiliani moving the goalpost in this investigation and went from there wasn't a meeting to collusion -- he knew nothing about a meeting. what's the strategy here? >> i know rudy guiliani and he's a fine man. a good lawyer. i knew him when he was doing mob cases in new york when i was an fbi agent in chicago. i think he's having a bad week here. it appears to me there is no coordination between what the white house communication shop is doing or at least his lawyer shop is doing, i should say, the president and what this guiliani shop is doing, they have this go out and fix this thing. guiliani isn't really doing the legal work it appears to me, doing the pr work. i thought in the last couple of days he wasn't at his best. >> he said, just since he's been representing the president, he said some things not necessarily
consistent as well. the last couple of days, you're right, not at his best. >> there's a japanese proverb that says only lawyers and painters can make white into black. think about it. history he's been on both sides of this issue. michael cohen a terrible -- great guy, and now an awful and terrible guy. i think you will see more of that as the pressure of this case mounts. the one that got me, i will say this, don, if col collusion isn't a crime -- even if were a crime, my client didn't have anything to do with it or wouldn't have done it. boy, that's just close to being irresponsible with your language when this matter is that serious. i hope they go back and rehuddle up and come out of the gate a little stronger for his client. >> can you put the genie back in the bottle. i have to ask you about some news here, a new report in the "washington post."
u.s. spy agencies are seeing signs north korea is constructing new missiles at a factory that produced the country'ses first international missiles capable of reaching the united states. does this fly in the face of north korea is no longer a nuclear threat. >> this thing hasn't worked out well at all. just by having the meeting, they agreed to denuclearize, right away, the north korean government was saying, we didn't say that. i hate to say, this is the pattern we've seen over and over again, which is why other presidents have run into this same problem. they're very good about giving concessions, north korea wants concessions, pressure, act badly, misbehave, the world comes around, says, maybe this is the time and maybe this is the time. we see exactly the same behavior we're watching unfold now. i have no doubt they're actively
engaged trying to secure their nuclear program. ren, kim jong-un believes this is what will allow him to stay in power forever. he also believes it's what will allow him to negotiate u.s. forces off the peninsula. >> i hate to interrupt you but i have to get it in before i go to the top of the hour. the president dropped a stunner saying he is willing to meet with iranian president rouhani with no preconditions. what do you think of it? former president obama said he would meet with people, my gosh, heads were popping off all over the country including conservatives including this president who said something about it. >> including me. i was pretty upset when president obama came out and said no conditions, i'm going to meet with the iranians, there were the secret meetings and i was intel chairman then and i was not happy about that. i'm not happy about this either.
any time you cede it as president of the united states on something as serious as nuclear weapons you're making a mistake. >> why is it okay now for north korea? why is it okay now for lots of folks? >> they shouldn't. if you're consistent with your national security views. i was upset with president obama for reaching out with no concessions. actually, president obama gave them cash to come to the table. i was apoplectic back then, even on cnn, i think president trump is doing exactly what i and many people were frustrated about president obama doing because you end up not getting anything for it, what you end up doing is giving away pieces of leverage at a really bad time. i'm not sure the president understands that. he had a meeting with kim jong-un, thought it was great, guess what, a report comes out they're building missiles. you have a meeting with no
consequences with rouhani, you will end up on the short end of that stick. >> thank you. more lebron coming up. no. no, no, no, no, no. cancel. cancel. please. aaagh! being in the know is a good thing. that's why discover will alert you if your social security number is found on any one of thousands of risky sites. ♪ ♪ ♪ raindrops on roses and whiskers on kittens ♪ ♪ bright copper kettles and warm woolen mittens ♪ ♪ brown paper packages tied up with strings ♪ ♪ these are a few of my favorite things ♪
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and you put your lives on the line, you do have to surround yourself with experts. and for us the expert in gas and electric is pg&e. we run about 2,500/2,800 fire calls a year and on almost every one of those calls pg&e is responding to that call as well. and so when we show up to a fire and pg&e shows up with us it makes a tremendous team during a moment of crisis. i rely on them, the firefighters in this department rely on them, and so we have to practice safety everyday. utilizing pg&e's talent and expertise in that area trains our firefighters on the gas or electric aspect of a fire and when we have an emergency situation we are going to be much more skilled and prepared to mitigate that emergency for all concerned. the things we do every single day that puts ourselves in harm's way, and to have a partner that is so skilled at what they do is indispensable, and i couldn't ask for a better partner.

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, 18 , Bigot Ri , Flat Out , Issue , Celebrities , Status , Pardons , Respect , Step , Celebrity Status , Chance , Change , Pardon Power , Wrongs , Jack Johnson , Alice , World , Voice Lebron , Public Affairs , Kim Kardashian , Prop , Caveati Didnt Say , Attorney General , Division , Minimums , Purges , Sync , Voter Rolls , War On Drugs , Dealing , Global Change , Issues , Parts , Discrimination , Visitor Experience , Workflow , Sign , Multimillionaire , Spray , Team , Focus , Doctors , Business , Fastsigns , Customers , Fastsigns Com , Fleet Graphics , Care Team , Surgeon , Sfx , Cell Phone Dialing , Aaagh , Visit Cancercenter Com Breast , Know , Social Security Number , Thousands , Discover , Sites , N Word , Panel , Race Baiting , It , Don T , Neighbors , Pieces , Bigotry , Slavery , Bullshit , Coming Home , Father , Son , Points , Sort , Candidate , Basketball Superstar , Citizen Of The World , Weaponizes , Citizen , Stereo Type Well , Profile , Number , Questions , Thought , Message , Types , Intelligence , Subject Matter , Listen , Sentiment , Ran , Racists , Presidency , President Emboldening Racists , Some , In Charlottesville , Supremacists , Attempt , Minority , Parties , Criminal Justice , Unemployment Rate , All Time Low , All , Party , Headlines , Charlottesville , Lincoln , Don Lemon , Doing , Campaign , Nina , Republicans , Brother , Gop , Chicago , Schoolteacher , Black Kids , Saw , Spectacular , 43 , Saving Folks Money , Gifts , Aspirations , Power , Presence , Generations , Black Man , Hope , Words , Sin , Skin , Ice Cube , Wealth , Push Policies , Conversations , White Americans , Reconciliation , Needle , Truth , 228 , Apr Work , Go Lebron , Systems , Individuals , Lives , Dynamics , Go Northeast Ohio , Color Don T , Wealth Gap , Gap , More , Program , All Of You , Support , Office Depot Officemax , Summer , Prices , Dell Laptop , Thanks Guys , Yep , 200 , Pg E , Trees , Drought , Onset , Hazardous Trees , Power Lines , Efforts , Sierras , 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, Business Relationship , Has , Appointment , Fbi , Comey , Sc , Claim , Conflict , Friend , Wiretapping , Minor Incident , Golf Course , Relationship , He , Va , Country Clubs , Member , Gentleman , Stuff , Justification , Prosecution , Obligation , Anybody , Department Of Justice , S Silliness , Information , Missiles , Chairman , Signs , North Korea , House Intelligence Committee , Defense , Mike Rogers , Man , Lawyer , Goalpost , There Wasn Ta Meeting To Collusion , Strategy , Doing Mob Cases , Agent , New York , Shop , Coordination , Go Out , Best , Black , Proverb , Well , Painters , Japanese , Pressure , Sides , History , Terrible , Case Mounts , Col Collusion Isn Ta Crime , Crime , , Client , News , Genie Back , Gate , Report , Bottle , Washington Post , Country Ses , Fly , Factory , Spy Agencies , Threat , Government , Saying , Denuclearize , Concessions , Pattern , Presidents , Behavior , Badly , Doubt , Karen , Forces , Kim Jong Un , Peninsula , Top , Preconditions , Stunner 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