Transcripts For CNNW CNN Tonight With Don Lemon 20180503

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this is "cnn tonight." i'm don lemon. it is 11:00 p.m. here on the east coast. we're live with big breaking news. rudy giuliani dropping an absolute bombshell tonight. saying that president trump paid his fixer michael cohen back for that $130,000 hush money payment back for stormy daniels. >> my question is are you concerned in the process of this we did discover that a foreign national christopher steele was paid through fusion gps, used russian sources that not only weren't verified were debunked, are you concerned that that was paid for to manipulate the american people to the lead up to the election? >> isn't that closer to the mandate on cohen, having something to do with paying some stormy daniels woman $130,000, which is going to turn out to be perfectly legal. that money was not campaign money. sorry, i'm giving you a fact now you don't know. it's not campaign money. no campaign finance violation. >> so they funneled it through a law farm? >> funneled through a law firm and the president repaid it. >> so there's no campaign finance law? >> zero. just like -- >> so this decision was made by -- >> everybody was nervous about this from the very beginning. i wasn't. i knew how much money donald trump put into the that campaign. i said $130,000. you can do a couple of checks for $130,000. when i heard cohen's retainer of $135,000 when he was doing no work for the president. that's how he's repaying, with a little margin and paying taxes for pimichael. >> the president didn't know about this? >> he didn't know about the specifics of it as far as i know, but he did know about the general arrangement michael would take care of things like this. i take care of things like this for my clients. i don't burden them with everything single thing that comes along. >> also with us this evening is michael avenatti stormy daniels' attorney. good evening, everyone. sarah, you have been following the stormy daniels saga from the beginning and tonight a bombshell from rudy giuliani that trump repaid michael cohen $130,000 for that stormy daniels hush money payment. giuliani says this did not violate any campaign finance laws. is he right, sarah snider? >> the answer is no according to common cause. and they have a couple of reasons why. it says it exposes donald trump to possible criminal prosecution because they have filed a complaint with the department of justice, why? because if he paid money back to michael cohen is means the president did know about it and potentially willfully ignored the law. and you know that ignorance of the law does not mean that you get forgiven for breaking the law. so that is one thing that common cause says. the second thing they say is that michael cohen can't be let off the hook just because he was paid back because there is a contribution limit for individuals. michael cohen said i paid this on my own, i got an equity payment for this hush deal. well, he can't do that to influence the election. if that's what he was doing he could have violated not only fec rules but if you think about it the inkind contribution is setup to $120. $130,000 is far beyond that. so in cause says because of what rudy giuliani has said on television and doubled down on, both of them are potentially in hot water here with the fec and also potentially with the department of justice. >> what is michael cohen and president trump said about the payment in the past? >> look, the president we heard he was on air force one and said, look, i didn't know anything about this deal, you'll have to talk to my lawyer michael coman. what has michael cohen said? he sent a statement out when the complaint was put in place and there it is. he says in a private tran action in 2016 i used my own personal fund to facilitate a payment to ms. stephanie clifford, stormy daniels' legal name. neither the trump organization nor the trump campaign was a party to the transaction with ms. clifford. the question is when did that happen, i think that's really important. when did that happen, but ultimately common cause says all of it is a legal problem. >> i want to get to the news. i want everybody to standby because michael is here, and you're about to jump out of your seat. what do you think of this? when you heard this you were listening to rudy giuliani just moments ago when we played that sound bite and what was going through your mind? >> it's an absolute disgrace, don. and i'm disgusted by it. in every american regardless of their political persuasion, i don't care if you're on the left, i don't care if you're on the far right, i don't care where you line up, you should be disgusted in what has happened in connection with the lies you have been told over the last three months about this payment. you should be disgusted by the fact that the president of the united states stood on air force one on video and audio and stated lies to you relating to this $130,000 payment. and there's no way to dress this up. you can try to put lipstick on the pig morning, noon and night and it's still going to be a pig, don. this is disgusting what we're hearing. and i want to make a couple of points. you put the statement up on the screen. weeks ago, months ago when we first started talking about this statement, when we filed our case and i honed in on the word facilitate, and i used to talk about what an interesting word that was as opposed to just having him state that he repaid it, i found that to be a very suspicious word. i also found it suspicious that the statement did not state that mr. trump individually had not reimbursed the $130,000. now we find out that in fact my suspicions about that statement were spot on because they wordsmithed the statement in order to deceive the american people. so that's number one. number two, rudy giuliani from what i've just seen stated there were bogus law firm bills, fraudulent law firm bills. >> are you talking about the part he paid him back? he said when i heard cohen's retain tainer for $130, i said that's how he's repaying it with a little profit and a little margin for paying taxes. >> well, guess what? that's fraud. that's illegal. and if you have parties that know about that, namely the party that is sending out the invoice plus the party that's paying it, that's a felony. you can't do that. so basically what rudy giuliani among other things, and this is an important point. he's stating that michael cohen sent out bogus invoices for $35,000 for legal work with no understanding no work would be done and the president paid the $35,000 invoice knowing no work was done, and that's how they basically laundered the reimbursement of this $130,000 plus a little bit of profit, plus additional money for taxes. this is serious, serious matter. and to all the people out there that i've heard from -- and there hasn't been a lot, but there's been a number of them -- that said this was a bogus lawsuit, this was a publicity stunt. why am i on cnn so much, and why are you giving me so much airtime, this is why. we've been talking about the fact this was about when cover up and the lies and the deception. and guess what's? it's all come home to roost tonight. >> listen, and i mean this, any of the president's representatives are welcome to come on now. the president if he wants to collin. michael cohen, if he wants to collin. rudy giuliani, collin to respond to this. i think this is huge story and it certainly changes the trajectory of the story. let's keep with the president now and then i'll go to michael cohen. what do you think this means legally, if anything, for the president? >> well, i think this shows that the president has significant potential criminal liability for felonies associated with campaign finance violations as well as potential money laundering violations as well as potential fraud violations relating to these law firm invoices that we've now heard about. i mean, this opens the pandoras box if you will into serious, serious issues for donald trump. i'm going to say it again, mr. trump will not serve out his term. no way, no how. he will be forced to ultimately resign. this is bombshell. >> okay, let's get to michael cohen. as you know i've interviewed michael cohen and he has said as much in interviews, that he's fiercely loyal to the president, that he's done nothing illegal, that the president should be happy he has someone, anyone would be happy to have someone like him looking out for their business, that he did this out of love or his i don't know loyalty to the president. what do crow say to that? >> well, i think it has been laid bare tonight that a lot of that is complete nonsense, don. he clearly has lied to you and others in the press. he's lied to the american people. he had david schwartz come on cnn repeatedly and lie on his behalf and claim there was no reimbursement. let's not lose track of this. this is very serious matter. and michael cohen i'm sure as he sat at home tonight and learned of rudy giuliani comments, he probably is most shocked because he's the one right now is in the cross hairs. he's the one that had the fbi show up at his office and hotel room in raids. he is in the worst place he has ever been in connection with this criminal investigation and the reason being of the statements of rudy giuliani made to shawn hannity. >> so this shows you -- i asked what are the legal ramifications for michael cohen? does this definitely show he's done something illegal here? >> i think all indications are that that's true, i mean that there's significant campaign finance violations. there's significant potential bank fraud violations relating to his opening of the bank accounts for this payment. we don't know how the money was reimbursed. and by the way now is a really good time for me to bring this up. now is an excellent time. the administration should immediately order the release of that suspicious activity report or sar that was filed by first republic bank in connection with their investigation of this matter, period. now is the time. the american people should demand the release of that sar, that suspicious activity report. and i will submit that the reason why our request was not complied with, and the reason why the american people have been kept in the dark as to that suspicious activity report, don, is because i believe that it contains a narrative of a lot of this conduct. and this in furtherance of the conduct and the lies and deceit. >> so let's tell them what a sar is. >> suspicious activity report. when a bank questions activities they conduct an investigation. if they conclude that illegal activity may have occurred they compile what's called a suspicious activity report. we demanded weeks ago that the sar be released to the american people. it hasn't been. now is the time the american people should see it. >> why do you want it released? what do you think is in there? >> because i think the sar lays out significant evidence in michael cohen's criminal conduct in connection with this $130,000 payment and also could include information on how that $130,000 was reimbursed. that's how the american people should see it, congress should investigate it, immediately demand it be turned over. and if there's nothing to hide in it, turn it over to the american people, period. >> i think you said it first here that you thought the president wouldn't serve out his term. i think it was on this program, but you also said on this program when you raised the, you know, for the suspect, right? $131,000. >> i also said months ago it would ultimately be shown the president reimbursed $130,000. >> that's a big assessment, big claim for you to say that the president of the united states would not serve out his term, that he would resign. how do you say that? >> every statement that i have made, every prediction in this case thus far, don lemon, has come true. i have been right. and i don't say that to the be egotistical. i have been right all along. and i don't see how the president is going to serve out his term with all the information going to come to light in connection with the fbi raids, michael cohen flipping on the president, and in connection with this tonight. i don't see it. >> stand by, michael. i have more questions for you. sarah, we've been listening. you're there in washington. where do you think this story goes now. you've heard from rudy giuliani and now you're hearing from michael avenatti. >> look, i think there's going to be a lot to grapple with, and it's not just what rudy giuliani said in context in dealing with this payment and michael cohen. if you're watching the rest of this interview he did he is essentially trying to make the case that the president deserves to be believed. he's setting up these standards that he thinks needs to exist when he thinks president trump is going to sit for an interview with special counsel mueller and essentially saying we're only going to go in there if they promise us they're not just going to believe what the former fbi director has to say. that they're going to listen to the president and treat him just as credibly as they would a former fbi director. and rudy giuliani went out to make the president essentially look like a liar. after we saw president trump publicly say he knew nothing about it. so there are ripple effects here to the president's credibility beyond just the question of what exactly happened with this $130,000 payment. and it's a critical moment. when they're in these discussions when mr. trump is going to sit down for an interview with the special counsel. >> mark, you know, we've been covering this -- we covered the campaign from the very first day when he went down the escalators at trump tower, when the news broke of the "access hollywood" tape and the news came out earlier this year about the pay off to stormy daniels. and here we are now. you think this will make a difference as a turning point? >> well, a couple of things that i think we have to put things in perspective here, don. first of all, no disrespect to michael avenatti there. but the idea of him talking about him not being able to fulfill his four-year term and the efforts we're seeing in congress right now to quote-unquote impeach donald trump, it's probably working against the party efforts to try to take back the united states senate. people don't want to hear that talk, and also at this point don't think he's risen to the level of being impeached. but to your point, is it going to matter? right now it matters because it's now in the sphere. it's all out there right now. rudy giuliani was amazingly interesting tonight on fox news. it wasn't just this that he talked about, don, there were a lot of other things, too, that are certainly going to raise some red flags. you know, the first thing that comes to light is when rudy giuliani says, listen, i should have taken the job. had i taken the job basically we would not be in this position. jeff sessions would have not reaccused himself, and jeff session would not have had rod rosenstein taking over -- >> he said that sessions and rosenstein should shut this down right away. hold on. let's play it. here it is. >> i think comey is a bigger liar than mccabe. i think mccabe is a situational liar. he's a much bigger liar. so if this were an equal system of justice they'd all be prosecuted. >> let me ask crow -- >> it's my biggest regret, i'm sorry, jeff, to say this -- it's my biggest regret in not having taken that job. >> my biggest regret, and i like jeff sessions, but he never should have recused himself. >> well, he never should have appointed rosenstein. >> mark, quick response to that. >> well, you know, a couple of things. it looked like there were two great supporters thereof president trump lamenting the fact they were in this position. of course shawn hannity was supposed to be the journalist actually interviewing him. what it does say to me if you heard rudy's tone throughout the interview we are going through a whole other sphere right now. this is going to get very combative. they're changing their legal team up right now. and we're going to see them pushing this whole narrative. >> and the justice department. mark, thank you. michael, you want to respond? i'll give you the last word here. >> lying on videotape to the american people on air force one should never be acceptable in our america, period. >> thank you all. i appreciate it. when we come back much more on our breaking news tonight. rudy giuliani's stunning statement that president trump repaid michael cohen $130,000 to that hush money payment to stormy daniels. ea sir. get domo. it'll connect us to everything that's going on in the company. get it for jean who's always cold. for the sales team, it and the warehouse crew. give us the data we need. in one place, anywhere we need it. help us do our jobs better. with domo we can run this place together. well that's that's your job i guess. ♪ hi, kids! i'm carl and i'm a broker. do you offer $4.95 online equity trades? great question. see, for a full service brokerage like ours, that's tough to do. schwab does it. next question. do you offer a satisfaction guarantee? a what now? a satisfaction guarantee. like schwab does. what are you teaching these kids? 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>> i think that's probably not the case here. i think this guy was just freelancing. remember the first thing he said when he was brought onto the team is i'm going to put this mueller investigation together in a few weeks time and it would be done. >> so hares giving it more fuel now. >> that's right. now he comes on and he says one of two things. either michael cohen made a contribution that was excessive and vieolated the law or the president made a loan -- received a loan that should have been reported and wasn't reported and that the repayment of that loan was funneled in $35,000 increments in the way i think calculated to avoid reporting the loan on the campaign finance forms. and so potentially rudy giuliani walked his client and potentially michael cohen in a difficult legal position. what you don't want to do if you're rudy giuliani is back michael cohen into a corner where he thinks that the president really isn't on his side, and if michael cohen has something bad to say about the president he will now think long and hard about making a deal with the prosecutors. so all in all i think it was not a good night for trump, cohen and especially rudy giuliani. >> go ahead, john. i want to get your reaction. >> i think rudy tonight should be arrested for impersonating a criminal defense lawyer. it's the most amazing performance. i can't imagine what cohen's lawyer was doing, but i think he probably brought that client closer to cooperating if there haven't already been discussions. and he's restructured the entire case now into there was a pay off, there was a statement made to a bank. we don't know what the false statement was. and it question is what did mr. trump know and when about that application for the loan, and then restructuring something in which rudy said that there was a little extra paid for income, so did they make representations to irs that these payments were income to the firm, and they gave additional money to cover the taxes for it? and rudy sounded at one point like he knew about it as it was happening. and i'd have to hear what he said again several times, but it sounded like this. >> let me ask you this. so the president has said he did very -- that it was his attorney, his only client. and then he said according to rudy giuliani that it was a retainer. you saw the $35,000. do you think the president is giving this narrative rudy giuliani to stem some sort of legal tide is coming? >> i think most lawyers would stem what the government knew before going around leaving themselves open to several others. i can't even imagine why'd you do it. but i think i said before as a prosecutor i always think in white collar cases you don't always catch the geniuses. but to have a lawyer in prior experience come on the air and say anything like he did and open himself up to among other things an apparent waiver of privilege which is being contested in that case pending in the southern district of new york. it's a debacle of enormous proportions. and if trump comes out and says i never authorized him to say that, where are they then? >> michael, you said you thought he was freelancing and talking to shawn hannity. and you made that point. here's what i want to ask you, caroline. it seems like -- and this is according to a lawyer i know. it says he said it seems like rudy giuliani is trying to somehow shift or relocate or reallocate cohen's retainer in hindsight, and that is very convenient. but retainers don't suggest any service has to be completed by cohen. it may simply suggest availability. but this attorney thinks that he's conveniently trying to reallocate that the retainer, you know, this was a retainer and not hush money he was paying. >> right, but this goes to michael avenatti's point this could be a structuring deal, and structuring itself is a federal crime. and rudy giuliani saying the money was funneled through a law firm. well, funneled sounds a lot like money laundering. there are a lot of moving parts here that are sort of rife for prosecution. >> you got to go quick, michael. i've got a break to get in here. if you were john dowd and ty cobb what would you be thinking right now? >> oh, my god, would be the first thought that comes to my mind. i think of the ones now on the scene and have to try to now control these cats. i think ema flood is a terrific lawyer and will be helpful here. i think they've got their work cut out for them in not only in controlling the messaging out of the president's mouth but rudy giuliani, one of the team member's mouths. i don't know what they can possibly do to control both of those people at this point in time. thank you all. i appreciate it. when we come back much on our breaking news tonight. plus we have three americans who have been detained in north korea for many months could be released at any moment. we're going to go live to the region. that's next. ll be in the know. ewww! being in the know is very good. don't shake! ahhh! sign up online for free. discover social security alerts. i thought i was managing my moderate to severe crohn's disease. then i realized something was missing... me. my symptoms were keeping me from being there. so, i talked to my doctor and learned humira is for people who still have symptoms of crohn's disease after trying other medications. and the majority of people on humira saw significant symptom relief and many achieved remission in as little as 4 weeks. humira can lower your ability to fight infections, including tuberculosis. serious, sometimes fatal infections and cancers, including lymphoma, have happened; as have blood, liver, and nervous system problems, serious allergic reactions, and new or worsening heart failure. before treatment, get tested for tb. tell your doctor if you've been to areas where certain fungal infections are common, and if you've had tb, hepatitis b, are prone to infections, or have flu-like symptoms or sores. don't start humira if you have an infection. be there for you, and them. ask your gastroenterologist about humira. with humira, remission is possible. here's our breaking news tonight. rudy giuliani admitting that the president reimbursed his personal attorney michael cohen for that hush money payment $130,000 to stormy daniels. we're going to have more on that in just a moment. in the meantime we have some other breaking news tonight we need to tell you about. three americans who have been detained in north korea for months could be released at know moment. that is according to an official with knowledge of the negotiations. let's bring in cnn's alexandria field. what more can you tell us? >> reporter: certainly, don, there's been a lot of discussion whether or not these three americans who have been detained in north korea would be released before this big summit that's set to take place between president trump and kim jong-un. the president tweeted it this morning stay tuned. and, don, certainly their family members have been very much in tune to this. the president spoke earlier this month saying the u.s. and his administration were fighting for the release of these men and that things with north korea have come a long way. certainly that's evident by the fact this historical sit down is set to take place in three to four weeks. and now a source saying the release could be imminent as the president seemed to tease. he sites a meeting that happened with the foreign minister who traveled to sweden months ago but that also u.s. officials were insistitant any release could not be tied in any way to the main goal, the main topic here which is denuclearization certainly. you've got high level officials in the u.s. who have also suggested quite publicly that these hostages should be released in advance of that summit. john bolton has said that it's something north korea should look at very strongly. and we know that this issue of detainment was addressed directly by the secretary of state when he traveled to pyeongyang for that secretive meeting with kim jong-un back over the easter weekend. certainly this seems to be an optimal moment for these families that the apparently warming relations here could lead to the right outcome for their loved ones. one's been detained since 2015. when we come back we're going to have much or on all our breaking news tonight. including rudy giuliani's b bombshell statement. nice to ree artificial ingredients. kind never had to. we choose real ingredients like almonds, peanuts and a drizzle of dark chocolate. find your favorite and give kind® a try. i'm all-business when i, travel... even when i travel... for leisure. so i go national, where i can choose any available upgrade in the aisle - without starting any conversations- -or paying any upcharges. what can i say? 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>> all i can say as you know this is ongoing litigation. i have to refer you for anything on this mat door the president's outside legal counsel. >> has the press team ever talked about the fact anything you may have been told about this publicly? >> we have addressed this many times. i've done it on many shows. raj has done it as well. it is ongoing legislation. we have nothing to say about it. the president has outside counsel, and that's what i'd have to refer you to. >> a couple of things there. michael costa is saying -- robert costa is saying rudy says the president is happy. it sounds like rudy giuliani was off message in some of these answers. >> look, clearly there were no official talks point that were zrib distributed all the way down the food chain. hogan is a good guy, but often the president's spokespeople who have learned are the last to get the message when it comes to what he's thinking. because really the primary spokesperson is the president himself. he decides what he's going to tweet, what the messaging is going to be. and in this case rudy got ahead of the president. >> i would say so. >> rudy giuliani sort of made the news and made the news cycle, and, you know, the president may think that he's not going to fire rudy now. and maybe he's not going to fire rudy. >> i've got to get everyone. >> robert costa is a great reporter. he's reporting what he hears, but the idea the president signed off on this, this is all part of a plan is ridiculous, don. the president is in the white house right now saying where is my roy cohn? i need a fixer. i need someone to fix this. he called the president a liar. he basically called michael cohen a liar. so the notion this is basically some strategy to get out ahead of the investigation that is not the truth. the idea the president signed off on this, that is not the truth. >> larry, i want to ask you this. one of the big talks points he wasn't under investigation. watch this. >> he fired comey because comey would not among other things say that he wasn't a target of the investigation. he's entitled to that. hillary clinton got that. and he couldn't get that. so he fired him and then he said i'm free of this guy. >> so doesn't that seem to contradict what he told lester holt? watch this. >> regardless of recommendation i was going to fire comey knowing there was no good time to do it. and, in fact, when i decided to just do it, i said to myself. i said, you know, this russia thing with trump and russia is a made up story. it's an excuse by the democrats for having lost an election that they should have won. >> is that a problem, these two statements? and could it be an issue for trump as part of the mueller investigation? >> i think it is a problem. i think what giuliani managed to do in this statement and a number of statements is just contradict the president and basically complicate things for everybody. look, if he fires -- if the president fired comey because comey would not say he wasn't under investigation, you know, you then have another obstruction of justice issue here. but that's not what the president says. the president does not say that's why he fired comey. so who do we believe at this point? giuliani seemed to be throwing things out there. the story is not coherent. and i don't see how he at all helped trump in the mueller investigation. >> rudy giuliani also said his biggest regret was turning down the attorney general job. what about jeff sessions and the doj? how does that interview impact them? >> news to me. i think rod rosenstein said they're not going to be intimidated. but i personally and every investigative reporter in the country will probably want to personally thank rudy giuliani in making our lives that much easier in trying to do our job. and the white house press staff has always said they can't get in front of the president. and we finally met somebody who did. i started out this morning watching ty cobb vault over the north fence. and i this evening watching rudy giuliani set himself on fire. >> do we have time for the sound bite? okay, we've got to get scott in. scott, what's your reaction? >> you know, i'm watching all of this play out against the backdrop of something remarkable, which is the president's approval rating right now is higher than it's been since last february. so for some reason the american people is setting this aside about the job he's doing in office. i suspect it has something to do with north korea. and now with these new revelations and the posture with mueller i'd be interested to track his job progress over the next couple of weeks to see if people pull back. because really in the last few days, don, his numbers are on the rise. >> stick around. we'll be right back. ♪ this is a story about mail and packages. and it's also a story about people. people who rely on us every day to deliver their dreams they're handing us more than mail they're handing us their business and while we make more e-commerce deliveries to homes than anyone else in the country, we never forget... that your business is our business the united states postal service. priority: you ♪ ( ♪ ) ( ♪ ) . back with now me, a lot of discuss now, our panel. joan, let's play what they said about ivanka trump. >> if they do do ivanka, when i doubt they will, the whole country will turn on him. going after his daughter? >> what about his son-in-law? >> i guess jared is a fine man, you know that, but men are, you know, disposable, but a fine woman like ivanka, come on. >> a fine woman like ivanka, come on. >> this is crazy. she has a job. she and her husband have essentially the same job. i'm not saying either of them did anything wrong but if she did anything wrong, she should be prosecuted and investigated. in the same interview, he's saying that hillary clinton should go to jail. there is a fine woman who it's okay if they go after. it's sexist and insane. >> he is saying the president's new lawyer is saying basically his son-in-law can be sacrificed but not his daughter. >> they will throw him under the bus. >> what's important if you look at the entirety of the interview from start to finish. you don't have to watch it but you can also read the transcript. there are a lot of erroneous or very strange things rudy said. rudy had a riff comparing donald trump to ronald reagan and saying trump is better than his hero ronald reagan and there is a whole part saying the worst crimes commit red crimes committed by the government and somebody who knows the justice department very well, it really -- >> outrageous. >> tends to not there be to undermine. the entire interview is free wheeling and the opposite of scripted and preapproved and -- >> we hope. >> in a form l wal way, it refl the president's thinking. >> okay. okay. you guys mentioned, joan, you said hillary clinton, it's so hillary clinton's fault. let's watch. >> yes. >> i'm sorry, hillary. i know you're very disappointed you didn't win but you're a criminal. equal justice would mean you should go to jail. i do not know why the justice department is not investigating you. >> comey, you said hillary deeply respects the rule of law. comey said that. >> wow. well, this is a very perverted man. >> okay, so, larry, the equal justice here is that hillary clinton can go to jail but ivanka and jared should, you know, can't. >> yeah, he doesn't make much sense. you know, i think if you read other parts of it, what he may have been referring to is the argument that the clinton campaign paid for the steele dossier through a law firm and made reference to and the russians were involved but he doesn't understand the campaign finance laws. law firms can my buy informatio and buy opposition research. what they can't do is accept it for free. he didn't know what he was talking about there and it's not for me to say but incredibly sexist over tone or under tone about you can't prosecute a woman except for hillary clinton. >> brian, i want to -- let me read this. this is from the "wall street journal" and this say quote from there. he said mr. trump was probably not aware, this is rudy giuliani, not aware of the payment at the time it was made. remember october 2016 you'll hardly recall that in detail. i don't remember it clearly. he didn't directly respond to a question on whether the president engaged in a sexual encounter with ms. clifford. lawyers settle to save rep case of the -- reputation of their clients and happens with non-disclosure agreements he said. brian?reputation of their clien happens with non-disclosure agreements he said. brian? >> grandpa is off his meds? the shocking part of all this, don -- >> almost out of time. >> it's already for us to do what we want to do, say anything we want to say and evening else is held accountable to a different standard than us. we're above it all. whatever we do is fine. any lie we tell, any truth we want to stretch, accept it and everyone else suffers. >> scott, i want to get you in. you only have 30 seconds but do you think the president is in good legal hands with the attorneys he has now? >> yeah, i know emit floyd. he was white house counsel when we were going through investigations in the bush administration. we worked together. i think he got the very best person he could get. i've never worked directly with mr. giuliani but emit flood, that person being added to the team is a good sign they got a serious lawyer in the house now. >> got a lot to do. >> thank you. yeah, they got their work cut out for them. thank you-all. it's been a very interesting night, very interesting show. yeah. >> many. >> what's going to happen tomorrow? lord only knows. 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