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Statement tonight and well bring that to you in just a moment. Doug jones victory began as a young man observing a trial of the ringleader of the Birmingham Church bombers. When the sister of one of the victims campaigned for jones, im going to talk to her tonight. We have contributor frank bernie. Good evening, gentlemen. As i said earlier, roy moore is out with this new video message. He still refuses to concede. I want to thank all of you who have stood with me in this very important Battle For The Future of our country. We are indeed in a struggle to preserve our republic, our civilization and our religion, and it set free a suffering humanity. And the battle rages on. In this race we have not received the final count to include military and provisional ballots. This has been a very close race and we are awaiting weinstein. Teen in 2017 with this polarization, at some level great reporting and facts do matter. Absolutely. You see even as we every single day we wonder who is next when it comes to harvey weinstein, when it comes to that particular issue. But frank, lets talk a little bit more about what nick just said on facts and reporting. Youre out with a new column on the alabama race, and let me read a part of it. You said alabama supplied a partial answer on tuesday showing that there are limits to what voters will tolerate in terms of lies, the vices theyll ignore and the distance theyll stray from civilized norms. Moore, an accused Child Molester Who Sugarcoated Slavery and seemed intent on some sort of extreme christian theocracy was simply too far. I wanted to take a nap on the plane but i wanted to read this. What does it mean when the president continues to tweet out supported have successfully failed. It is gaining traction for moving this beyond him. We cant see bannon because he backed moore, he was down there campaigning for him. What do you have to say about bannon this morning . This guy does not belong on the national stage. He looks like some disheveled drunk that walked on the political stage. I consider myself a conservative republican, i consider myself an irish catholic. He sort of parades himself out there with these weird views that he has, and to me it degrades the whole republican process. Cuomo said it this morning. He said, those are some fighting words. How big of a hit was last night, that loss to bannons nationalism grand, frank . A huge, huge hit. The immediamedia maybe overinfl him, and now hes deflating. I do think while his power to build is limited that he does have some power to destroy and that by supporting some very far right candidates in primaries, he may tug some candidates to the right and make them less competitive in general elections in 2018. Lindsey graham, who has been one of the president s sharpest critics at times, but he also stands by him as well, he tweeted this about last nights race. He said, when it comes to alabama politics, steve bannon should have followed president Donald Trumps lead in supporting luther strange. Trumps instincts prove to be correct. It was last night it was only last night that senator Lindsey Graham and roy moore were on a nofly list for a mall, right . He said that. He goes, i dont think youre the right character or something when youre on the nofly list for a mall. Lindsey graham was quite critical in the past, but in the last few months, i think hes really come around in describing i thought the takeaway this week was saying president trumps instincts were right on. I thought thats what the president might say about frank, about strange when he lost. Or about roy moore, saying, listen, im the one who backed strange and then finally after the election, he said he didnt say it when roy moore was out there campaigning. He said that after the election he tried to distance himself. That came pretty quick, almost immediately. Yeah, but his statements are all over the place. If you remember, after strange lost, he was enraged at the congressional leaders who had said you have to get behind this guy, and he felt betrayed by that, and now hes saying, hey, i said all along we should have done strange. Donald trump says what he needs to in the moment to appear with otezla, 75 clearer skin is achievable after just 4 months,. With reduced redness,. Thickness, and scaliness of plaques. And the otezla Prescribing Information has. No requirement for routine lab monitoring. Dont use if youre allergic to otezla. Otezla may cause severe diarrhea, nausea, or vomiting. Tell your doctor if these occur. Otezla is associated with an increased. Risk of depression. Tell your doctor if you have. A history of depression. Or suicidal thoughts,. Or if these feelings develop. Some people taking otezla. Reported weight loss. Your doctor should monitor your weight and may stop treatment. Other side effects include upper. Respiratory tract infection and headache. Tell your doctor about all the medicines you take. And if youre pregnant or planning to be. Ask your dermatologist about otezla today. Otezla. Show more of you. Yeah thats okay. Alright miles. I love you. phone hangs up yeah i love you too. Ok, so with the awardwinning our customers have 24 7 access, digital id cards, they can even pay their bill beep bill has joined the call. Hey bill, were just phone hi guys, bill here. Do we have julia on the line too . k, well well just phone hey sorry. I had you muted. Well yea lets just phone so what i was thinking ok well well phone Yeah Lets Just Go ahead phone oh alright the awardwinning geico app. Download it today. I want you to sit down and listen to this. Its really important that you pay attention. In last nights Historic Senate election, the black vote cannot be overanticipated. Doug jones was stunning, but if you look into the states history, there is an explanation of how a white man in the segregated south pulled off this upset at 11 00 sunday morning. It was on september 15, 1963. Birminghams historic 15th street baptist church. Worship was just about to start. Five young girls are putting on choir robes in the church basement. Thats when a bomb under the church steps detonates, killing four of those young girls. Denise mcnair, carole robertson, Addie Mae Collins and cynthia wesley. Several members of the K Ku Klux Klan bragged about the bombing but there was no indictments, no arrests, until seven years after those young girls were killed. An Attorney General reopens the case. He begins a dogged investigation. He receives numerous threats, one from a white supremacist calling him, among other things, a traitor to his race. He writes back this. He says, dear dr. Fields my response to your letter of february 19, 1976 is kiss my ass. The investigation pays off. He wins the conviction against the bombings ringleader, robert chandless, but the accomplice remains at large. He skips class to be in the courtroom. What does all of this have to do with doug jones . That young man Playing Hooky from law school is our incoming senator doug jones. He helped write one of historys most egregious wrongs, and after pulling off an upset last night, he said prosecuting the two klansmen bombers is the most important thing he has done, bringing justice to men living freely for all these years. That brings us to another moment where history intersected last night. He will be the next United States senator from alabama. He beats roy moore in this really, really exciting contest. Doug jones comes from behind, takes the lead and he will be the next senator. 25 years since a democrat has won. The little girl murdered for no reason because of the color of her skin is at the headquarters when the race is called. She thinks, thank god. God has not forgotten about us. Its going to be okay. I know she thinks that because she joins us now. Lisa, so good to see you. Thank you so much for joining us. How you doing . Im good. Thank you for having me, don. This is awesome. Why do you think god had forgotten about you . I dont think god ever really forgets about us, but sometimes we do feel that way, when we dont see him or hear him for long periods of time. You know, a lot of people know this story and a lot of people dont know the story about last night, but as i was reading it, you cant help but become emotional and then you realize how that whole thing came full circle. And if you dont believe there is a god, this story will certainly make you know that there is one. You told my producer that you just knew doug jones was going to win, that you felt it in your spirit and your soul. So tell me what you were feeling last night when he indeed did win. Oh, it was just confirmation for what i was feeling and what i have believed for, you know, several weeks now. I was watching the campaign and watching how hard they worked, and how committed they were, and the time and the energy and effort, you know. People from all over were putting in, sacrificing, losing sleep, just putting in the work. Thats really what it takes. When you heard i just felt like im sorry, there is a delay. Go on and finish your statement, please. I just felt like god couldnt let us lose this one. It just was too important. It just would put everybodys mind back where they were back in the 50s and the 60s. And that was so painful. I just felt like weve come so much further. People in birmingham and alabama are so much better than that. And surely we have started to learn from the lessons of that time and dont want to go back to that time. How did it make you feel when you heard someone like roy moore saying that doug jones was soft on crime, considering what he did when it came to the church bombings, and saying that he had no connection to the black community . He obviously didnt know what he was talking about. Thats all i can say. Because those are facts, that doug does have a connection to the black community, and he was a u. S. Attorney, and he prosecuted the bombers, so that was just his he did not have the facts. Your father was a State Legislator in alabama, and he knew doug jones when he was first starting out. Jones has since become close with you and your family. What kind of a senator do you think hes going to be . Hes going to be amazing. Its going to be awesome because doug is very tenacious, and hes very smart, and hes very fair. You know, i often think of and hes compassionate. I often think of the day when the last bomber was convicted and the verdict came in, and i remember the feelings i felt and how i was just crying and so consumed with tears and gratefulness that, you know, the bomber the killer was going to be go to jail. And then suddenly i decided i needed to look up at the lawyers that were at the table, doug and the other team, and they were also weeping. It wasnt just a little tear, they were weeping. For me that let me know that it meant as much to them to convict them as it did to the families. And i will never forget that. So hes a man of compassion. According to the exit polls, 98 of black women who cast ballots voted for jones, 93 of black men the black women of alabama are really a force to be reckoned with right now. Im wondering if you think that africanamerican women have been underestimated. Because if you watch the news reports, if you watch all the news reports, they interviewed a lot of roy moore even here on cnn, we interviewed a lot of roy moore supporters who were talking about why they liked him, why they werent going to change their votes. But you didnt see a lot of africanamericans, and especially women, who really made a difference in this election. Well, i think sometimes were often underestimated, but were always we have always been a force in this world and in this country. The black woman is amazing. She has to take care of her family, she has to take care of herself. I have to take care of my aging parents. And you have to do it with a smile on your face and keep on pushing. For decades and centuries. And we have always been that way, and were going to continue to be that way. Were a force. And you carried a black man on your back for a long time as well, and dont think that goes unrecognized. Thank you, lisa. Thank you. Best of luck to you. Thank you very much. When we come back ill be joined by a democrat representative from texas who is challenging doug jones for his seat in the senate. Can a dem win in texas, when we come back. We know life can be hectic. Weve been working hard to simplify your experiences with us. Now with instant text and email updates youll always be up to date. You can easily add premium channels so you dont miss your favorite show. And with just a single word, find all the answers youre looking for. Because getting what you need should be simple, fast, and easy. Download the xfinity my account app or go online today. Doug jones stunning victory over roy moore in alabama, one of the reddest states in the country, giving new fire today. The democrats are hoping to take the senate back from republicans. Doug jones is challenging senator ted cruz in texas and he joins me now. Good evening. Youre trying to recover from the epic loss. You sent out a tweet saying, next, texas 2018. And you write, if you werent sure our campaign to take on ted cruz is possible, you have to know it is now. Why do you think texas is next . You know, im a lifelong texan fourth generation. Ive been traveling this state for the last year listening to people all over. Austin, houston, dallas, san antonio, el pass o, the places u would expect to see a democrat. But apparently in nachadoches, they want Something Different for our state. They helped to raise ted cruz, the sitting u. S. Senator. We raised half a million for ted cruz and not a dime came from special interests, just from the lions share of the people in texas. He has long been popular. Why do you think the time is right to defeat him now . By contrast with alabama, roy moore, a known child predator, had a 41 Favorability Rating in alabama. Ted cruz in texas has a 38 Favorability Rating. Hillary clinton lost texas by 9 . She lost alabama by 28 . All 36 congressional districts in texas today have a democratic challenger. Its the first time in 25 years. Our state is waking up. Folks know that everything they care about and what they want in their lives for their kids is on the line right now. Theyre getting off the sidelines and in the game and making Something Wonderful happen for texas and some critically important for the United States. Its a really exciting time to be a texan. Ive got to push back a little bit because there are critics who say you shouldnt read too much into the doug jones winning, that this race was an anomaly because of the kind of candidate roy moore was. Whats your response to them . I point them to these Favorability Ratings. Roy moore giving everything that everyone in alabama knew about him still had a 41 Favorability Rating. Ted cruz in texas has a 38 Favorability Rating. This is a state, texas, that is turning democratic faster than any state in the union. I think only california is going democratic more quickly than texas is. I know it from being on the ground, holding these town halls all across the state of texas. Its like the schoolteacher in henrietta, texas, a republican. She said, if you let betsy devos take my hardearned public tax dollars out of my public classroom and send it to a private Reform School in the form of a voucher, im coming for you. I have to remind you ted cruz was the 51st vote to confirm betsy devos. When you have someone who supports betsy devos or jeff matier who called transgender children part of satans plan, who believes in conversion therapy, who even Senator Grassley disavowed. I understand that. Thats something texas will have to deal with. Lets stick to the comparisons here, and especially for our nationwide audience. You have to look at the demographics of alabama. Im not sure if texas has the same demographics, but africanamerican voters made up 29 of the vote in alabama yesterday with 98 of black women, 93 of black men casting their ballots for doug jones. So what lessons do you think should democrats take from this when it comes to minority voters not only in texas but around the country . It means that everyone is important, and we cant write anybody off, or importantly, take anyone for granted. Texas is a state that is 41 hispanic. We have to be within every community and within the communities of our communities. It means that when im in houston im also in the fifth ward. Im in cashmere garden. Im in greenspoint. Im in the places that typically people who are in position as a Public Trust Dont Go to be held accountable and to listen to those that they want to represent and to serve. When we show up and listen and we reflect what we learn on the campaign trail, then we ever the chance to earn the votes of those we want to represent. People have a reason to turn out. So whether you are black, mexicanamerican, anglo in texas, i want to represent you, and im coming to your community to listen to you and hear what you think is most important for texas and this country in your own voice. And then to turn around and make sure im campaigning on that. And once in the senate, serving you and being accountable to you. Thats the difference between how i campaign and how i serve and how ted cruz campaigns and how he has failed to serve the state of texas. Thanks for coming on. Lets go to nathan gonzalez. Nathan, after last night there will be a lot of candidates with dreams of doing the impossible now. Randy brice is a retired steelworker in california. Hes running against paul ryan. He tweeted this out. In close to 24 hours since doug jones victory, our campaign has raised nearly 50,000. This is what a wave looks like. Help us reach our 50,000 goal to serve around the country. You said to serve someone who is already a u. S. Senator is an uphill battle. Talk to us about that. Everyone is going to say, im the next doug jones. The challenge is no one is going to get to run against roy moore. The congressman, he makes a compelling case, right, that texas was closer than alabama at the president ial level in 2016, so look whats possible. But i think there is some key differences. The first one is that roy moore factor. Ted cruz is polarizing. Even within his own party you can find plenty of republicans in washington and texas that dont like him. At the end of the day, this is going to be a binary choice, and those republicans who dont like ted cruzs strategy, they dont want Chuck Schumer to be majority leader. This is tough for texas as well. For the rest of texas he has to introduce himself before republicans introduce him in their own way and thats going to take money. In the alabama race, doug jones outspent roy moore on television. Thats not going to happen in other senate races. Democrats are not going to have that advantage. Then from a macro level, i think the congressman would need outside help from democratic groups, but those democratic groups are going to be focused on the large number, maybe 10, maybe 12 Democratic Senators up for reelection. They want to defend those incumbents first, then they move to challenge races, and it remains to be seen whether there will be enough money left to do that. Democrats are riding this wave of excitement. What can they do to keep this momentum . Can they . The next election is three months from tonight in pennsylvanias 18th district. Thats a Western Pennsylvania District that donald trump carried. Democrats in washington are trying to downplay it and say, its not going to be a big deal. What we know about these special elections so far is that republicans manage to make them more difficult than theyre supposed to be. They end up closer and getting more attention even if they end up winning them. Democrats, i think they have to keep getting strong candidates in places where they dont have them yet, and they have to keep raising money in order to use that money later on next year when theyre actually trying to deliver specific messages to voters. Nathan, thank you. I appreciate your time. No problem. When we come back, the president parading middle class families about his tax plan today. What you need to know about how the tax plan will hit your wallet, next. It can detect a threat using ai, and respond 60 times faster. It lets you know where your data lives, down to the very server. It keeps your insights from prying eyes, so theyre used by no one else but you. It. Is. The cloud. The ibm cloud. The cloud thats designed for your data. Ai ready. Secure to the core. The ibm cloud is the cloud for business. Yours. Visit kp. Org to learn more. Kaiser permanente. Thrive. House and Senate Negotiators striking a tentative deal on a tax cut bill. President trump anxious to have the legislation on his desk, saying its now just days away. As a candidate, i promised we would pass a massive tax cut for the everyday working American Families who are the backbone and the heartbeat of our country. We want to give you, the american people, a giant tax cut for christmas, and when i say giant, i mean giant. [ applause ] when he does that thing, its always i want to bring in house Global Economics analyst and steven moore, analyst to the trump campaign. Now, now, don. Im going to rama first. The president says this deal is a giant tax cut for christmas to the american people. What do you say to that . I think that was an incredibly cynical statement. I mean, this tax bill is about a big Corporate Tax cut, taking the corporate rate down from 35 to 21 which, by the way, it has to be said is basically what large corporations are paying right now, okay . So this is not some kind of a big, amazing deal thats going to create jobs. And by the way, and steve and i have this conversation regularly, tax cuts havent created job growth in this country in 20 years under either administration. In 2001, in 2003 under bush and later under president obama, they did not. There are things going on in the economy right now that cant be fixed just by cutting taxes. Its hard work, and i think what the president is doing is very cynical, really. So magically maybe it will do it this time, steven. Is that whats happening . Well, look, i think the history of tax cuts, ive written books about this. Remember, don, we had this conversation last week with that historian who said tax cuts have never worked. Look at the 1920s, the roaring 20s and the 60s. John f. Kennedy talked about how cutting taxes will help the middle class. We saw in my lifetime what happened in the 1980s with ronald reagan. Even in the 80s, it was a different economy. No question about it, the Economy Balances and changes. Were in a Global Economy now. We used to be able to get away with charging 35 for our corporations because we werent competing in the Global Economy we are today. Now were competing with china, japan, germany, mexico and canada. The goal of this, and as you know, don, i was involved with this in the beginning with donald trump, is to make American Companies as competitive as possible so we can beeat the pants off the chinese and other countries that have been stealing our jobs. I think this will be good for the economy. By the way, you have to admit, don, the economy over the last 12 months have been amazing and the stock market is booming. This current president should be saying, thank you, president obama. Thank you, president obama, for not being president anymore. For getting us out of a recession and handing a really good job market and economy to this current president. 1. 5 in Barack Obamas time in office and now its growing really fast. I think if we get this tax cut well see a 4 gain in 2018. Were nearly in the tenth year of a recovery cycle. Typically recoveries last somewhere between 8 and 11 is yea years. Were actually due for a recession. What the republicans are doing is Throwing Kerosene on an already unstable market. Its going to not create jobs on main street, its not going to create jobs in the communities the president has been talking up. Also, i want to go to steves point about the Global Economy, and its true. Were living in a Global Economy, American Companies have to compete. But we had a little exercise in the idea of what happens when you cut tax rates and try to get money from abroad and tax havens to come back and be reinvested. It doesnt go onto main street, it goes into the stock market and does not help average people. Were going to end up with wall street and main street being more divided than they are now. This conversation will continue. Thank you both. When we come back, the rush to pass this tax bill. Polls show the bill is relatively unpopular. 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Energy lives here. Congress vowing to get the tax bill to the president s desk for his signature by christmas. Joining me now to discuss, contributor maria donor. Maria, im going to start with you. Republicans in the house and senate, theyve reached a deal on their tax bill. Is there even more pressure to pass this bill now, do you think . Oh, absolutely. After the huge loss that they suffered last night, i think that theyre in a position where they desperately need to show that they can do anything. They havent had any legislative wins other than the Supreme Court justice, and they are desperate to show their base that congress can do something and that trump, as president of the United States, who made so many promises on the campaign trail, can actually deliver something since he has seen more than three losses legislatively this year, which have been politically damaging to him and his brand. The problem, though, moving forward is that this is an incredibly unpopular bill pushed by an incredibly unpopular president , and after last night, and after the elections in november, americans are rethinking republicans, period, so republicans should be rethinking this bill. I havent seen i wonder what happened yesterday. Gee, i dont know. Theyre hoping to pass after the newry elected senator is seated. It would be wrong for Senate Republicans to jam through this tax bill without giving the newly elected senator from alabama the opportunity to cast his vote. So if they did that with jones in the senate they have a 51member majority only. Is waiting the right thing to do . I mean i dont know. When Chuck Schumers calling for civility, it makes me smile. Maria and i actually agree on this. They want to jam it through no, i said is waiting the right thing to do . I dont know if its the right thing to do. They didnt wait on obamacare. When donald trump sells this bill as a tax cut like he did today i think people in country, especially conservatives will agree get competitive with china but you look at the details and it looks like a swampyk its go for republicans to defend and part of me thinks its dumb because its not what we need right now. Id raise taxes on imports, things like that. What about infrastructure over building a wall . Do the wall first and then do the roads. Theres a fight in the  republican party that looks like the establishment is winning because they want things like tax reform and trump didnt run on tax reform. He ran on Something Different. So some of us are nervous the president is being coopted to some of the swampy ideas. But he sells it better than most, honestly. Build a wall before tackling the nations infrastructure . This underscores how ridiculous and upside down the gops and trumps priorities are. And you can see that in this tax bill where in the tax bill and im glad ed and i agree on this. Its a huge wet kiss to millionaires and billionaires and wealthy corporations. Its interesting they say the economy is going gang busters. Yes, it is. Thank you, president obama. So why are we so desperate to give millionaires and billionaires a tax cut . I dont understand maybe i do. Why the folks wont admit the economy was doing well under president obama. That he had hthe worst recessio and was coming out of that. When this president said he was handed a mes, if he had been handed the economy that barack obama this is facts. I wonder if he would be crying can you imagine . I want to get back to Chuck Schumer. This is a valid point. Schumer did site the election and republican scott brown won. Because republicans agreed back then to post pone their vote until brown could be seated. Do you think republicans will do the same here, maria . Absolutely not. Is that why Ed Wouldnt Answer . Yes, i do think thats why Ed Wouldnt Answer. Theyve already said theyre not going to do it because theyre scared to have the american people have more time to look at exactly whats in this tax bill and it will become even more unpopular than it is now. It will be the deeply unpopular piece of legislation that has passed in three decades. I think ed agrees with you on that. Do you think theyre rethinking this . Quickly. On this specific point. Yes, i sure do. I think they need to think about it lot, about what happened yesterday and wonder if its going to be the right thing. But i think theres a lot of people wanting it and are going to push it through. Thank you. Watch me. Ive tried lots of things for my joint pain. Now . Watch me. Think id give up showing these guys how its done . Please. Real people with active psoriatic arthritis are changing the way they fight it. Theyre moving forward with cosentyx®. Its a different kind of targeted biologic. 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But here we are nine years later and this president and the Republican Congress are making a bad situation even worse. They wont tell you that their so called tax reform plan is really for the wealthy and big corporations, while hurting the middle class. It blows up the deficit and that means fewer investments in education, health care and job creation. Its up to all of us to stand up to this president. Not just for impeachable offenses, but also to demand a country where everyone has a real chance to succeed. Join us. Your voice matters. As co hosted by our very own Anderson Cooper and kelly ripa. These are every day heroes. They if spire and change lives every day. We want to make sure that they make better choices when it kps to violence. When had you lose your child, the love doesnt go away. It has to find a place. Im lucky i found a place to put that love. They are truly what it means to be a hero. It is people helping people the best way they know how. They feel heavy. 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