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That americas generals have been, reduced to rubble. I think he was talking about the Commander In Chief reducing the influence of generals to rubble. You know who doesnt agree . Hillary clinton. He trash talks about americas generals saying that theyve been, quote, reduced to rubble. He said he would fire them all and hand pick his own generals because he knows so much about what it takes to be a general. Mark, im going to start with you because donald trump and Hillary Clinton arent holding back attacking each other today. Take a look at this. Let me be clear. Last night was yet another test and donald trump failed yet again. We saw more evidence that he is temperamentally unfit and totally unqualified to be Commander In Chief. Hillary clinton is always complaining about whats wrong. I just watched her on the tarmac. She tried to make up for her horrible performance last night. It was a horrible performance. So she went on the tarmac and told more lies. I think what he said was totally inappropriate and undisciplined. I would never comment on any aspect of an Intelligence Briefing that i received. Shell be saying a a wonderful job shes going to do, shell get your vote and say see ya in four years. She might even say see ya in four years suckers. Theyre making their case again today. Did either candidate come out on top after last night . I dont think so. Hillary clinton was very defensive last night and you could blame that on the format and the timing and how the moderator chose to pursue the Forum Last Night where they were discussing Foreign Policy and terrorism and what have you but donald trump offered no Policy Specifics himself, what really was very broad. Two things came out of it, don. One is donald trump talked about the u. S. Generals and he basically said that they were reduced to rubble, that they had really no influence and no power and was very critical of them. He was also in some ways laudatory of Vladimir Putin and President Obama. Very puzzling. The Pew Research Center did a poll of countries about their views on Vladimir Putin. No surprise, 75 of americans did not think Vladimir Putin would do the right thing when it came to global affairs. I dont know why donald trump is embracing Vladimir Putin. Do you think it hurt him, david geerg rgen, to embrace Vladimir Putin . Its bizarre. Hes one of the most hated men Around The World. I think so far he hasnt paid much of a price for it but the Big Enchilada is coming up. What do you think, dana, about Vladimir Putin, the dictator . I think the most fascinating part of this putin Trump Worldwide Romance Is trump says very explicitly why he says nice things about Vladimir Putin and thats because putin says very nice things about him. Period, end of story. He said it to matt lauer against last night. If Vladimir Putin started saying nasty things about donald trump, its a very different approach. If youre Hillary Clinton and her came pain, the question is really, is that how youre going to approach geo political diplomacy if youre in the white house . Yeah, yeah. The interesting thing is there are populous parties that have grown up all across western europe. There are ten countries where there are major populous parties. Most of them are right wing and all of them are having this romance with Vladimir Putin. Its like the populous authoritarian movements in the United States, the Populous Movement thats leading trump is very similar to whats going on in western europe. This sense that putin is somehow heroic or strong man or hes effective i think is bizarre. Where does that come from . I dont know why. Its clearly giving putin, you know, incentives to keep testing us, to keep pushing because he may get away with it. Dana, why are you saying ahha . Because i think david is exactly right, not only on the mirror that were seeing between what is happening here with the movement backing donald trump and many countries in western europe, but more importantly on the kind of backing thats giving Vladimir Putin. He already has the support from within russia. There are lots of reasons for that but we can put that aside. But for him to have praise from other countries Around The World when if you go back, i remember george w. Bush, what we wanted to do more than anything else was get inside Vladimir Putins head to understand him and the thing that he would say is the most important thing to know is that he wants to restore russia to the time of hundreds of years ago, he wants to be the next peter the great. So for him to have this adulation is what he wants. Youre talking about the electorate in europe and not necessarily the politicians. Here in the United States, politicians and dana, you as well, especially the marquis and establishment politician, they are denouncing what donald trump is saying about Vladimir Putin without denouncing the candidate himself. Isnt it amazing, too, dana bash is out at the Reagan Library and were talking about how the republican nominee is embracing Vladimir Putin at this point. Lets just go back. Remove Vladimir Putin from the discussion last night and you saw donald trump really make a play for the real hard line conservative defense republicans. I mean, that has been his play, what should have been his play, quite frankly, for the past three, four months but that has been his play over the last couple of days. He tried to do it last night as well. Whats also strange and bizarre is donald trump appeared on r. T. This evening, which is the government funded Russian Television thats shown here in the United States. So, which again, i dont know why he would choose to do that either but certainly some strange decision making. Lets move on and talk about Hillary Clinton now. Dana, this is for you. Hillary clinton on that tarmac, that was her First Press Conference in nearly ten months. I was watching it and said, whoa, an impromptu press conference, whats going on . Why now . What is the strategy here . She needs to get her message out. She hasnt needed to do that for various reasons over the past many months. I think one of the main reasons is the clinton campaign, they were very okay with donald trump being the story because he kept stepping in it, frankly. He was perpetuating bad news just because he would talk and that was completely okay with Hillary Clinton campaign and they didnt want to get in the way of that. Now its different. She did spend a lot of august raising money, not on not doing Press Conferences but not really doing a lot of rallies and now it different. Now she has to get out there to be the person to combat donald trump. Its a bar we dont ascribe to other candidates but its true, hes much disciplined now and its making it more competitive and she needs to get out there and they know that. I hate to say many people because it sounds like donald trump but its true, especially people are saying. Yeah, people are saying. Where has this Hillary Clinton been, the one who is transparent now and is Holding Press Conferences . I think shes been too hidden. I think theyve been sitting on their lead. Frankly she seemed rusty last night in that debate. She would have benefitted from taking more questions from supporters. I sort of wonder today, they need to get the rust off, they better do it pretty darn quick. Theyve got to get her in fighting form. Donald trump did pretty well. A lot of people are blaming matt lauer and i think theres a lot of blame that really is the water cooler discussion. Everyone is being much tougher on her and very light on trump but the fact is that trump came out of last night doing pretty well against her and i think thats got to be a wakeup call for the clinton campaign. Do not take this lightly. Do not assume you can walk over this guy in a debate. He did pretty well in the republican debates. You should beat him, the American Public expects youre going to beat him. The cnn poll shows most americans think shell win. I dont think thats good news for her. Youre better off being the underdog. Right. Because that motivates the supporters to go to the polls and say, oh, my god, shes behind. I have so much to get to. I want to ask you, how do you think matt lauer did last night . This was the wrong format for matt lauer. Do you think he was damned if he did and damned if he didnt . Yeah but the good news for hillary coming out of the matt lauer thing is lester holt will be the host for the first debate. He has got to play it very, very fair. Chris wallace from fox said i dont want to call people if they tell a lie. Lester holt will be under heavy pressure, if either candidate lies, you got to call them on it. You have to do it. It very tough when you sit here every night and having interviewed donald trump and many of his surrogates every night, even when you press someone to answer a question specifically, youre seen as biased. I want to talk about this and talk about the polls. At least people know now what Donald Trumps actual stance was on the iraq war because theres been so much news about it because of matt lauer last night. So stand by, everyone, were going to discuss that when we come right back. My eyelove is finding a all yodifferent angle. Plays my eyelove is season 1, episode 1. My eyelove is making a story come alive. Eyelove is all the things we love to do with our eyes. But its also having a chat with your eye doctor about dry eyes that interrupt the things you love. 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Even today afterwards hes saying its true but its not. Theres no proof at all. Sometimes candidates get very stubborn about this, they wont admit the truth, they look like theyre Stone Walling or indifferent. How does this compare to Hillary Clinton and the emails . Is that equal . I must have tell, i dont think shed been as transparent. Shed been a lot better off having dumped all this off. I went through watergate with nixon. You want to survive, be transparent. Get everything out. Dana or mark, do you think hes going to continue to double down on this even though it has been proven false over and over again. Probably. Probably he will. Knowing donald trump and what hes done on other issues where people challenge him to say theres no proof of that, he does double down on it and i think when you talk about the frustration after last night, Hillary Clinton has said it, it was in esquire magazine in 2004, i opposed the iraq war even before it started, except the war started in 2003. And theres an editors note following up on the story and saying it was 2004 and it was after the war began in march of 2003, more than a year before this story ran, thus nullifying trumps timeline and then they wrote about it again. Lets talk about the poll numbers. Its very interesting. A lot of poll numbers to discuss out today from the two Battle Ground states. Bottom line, it is a tight race. Its a tight race. Our cnn orc national poll, a lot of people didnt think it was right. Clearly it was, were starting to see it in the state polls. Weep should be clear, there are a lot more mathematical ways for Hillary Clinton to win this election than drath. He has a very narrow path. Hillary clinton could lose florida and ohio and still win the presidency in november. She is doing better in states such as colorado, nevada, you know, states that republicans they certainly were battleground states. If you look at a state like North Carolina, which has been a reliable republican, has been trending toward becoming a battleground state, that is a problem for donald trump. Virginia pretty much off the board. Tim kahne is on the ticket, another battleground state. When you see states like North Carolina go, you start to look at georgia. When youre playing defense, youre not playing offense in states such as virginia, wisconsin and michigan. It was a fascinating interview i got to watch with governor pence. You asked him about the debate prep, how it went. What did he say to you . I should say i did have a pretty lengthy interview with him talking about the hop topics we discussed in the lost segment. He defended what donald trump has said about Vladimir Putin saying that President Obama that putin is a better leader than obama. He tried to explain what trump said last night about the generals, but at the end when we were Walking Around this library here, pence really wanted to do a tour, we were talking about the fact that Ronald Reagan was a very, very good debater so i asked about his own debate prep and heres what happened. Reporter are you thinking about Ronald Reagan as you get ready for your debates . How are you preparing . Were preparing in a very traditional way. My running mate is a masterful debater. He did a tremendous job in that forum. Im confident hes going to acquit himself well and articulate that bold agenda reporter what about you . How are you preparing . Ive been governor of indiana for the last four years reporter are you doing mock debates . Do you have Somebody Playing tim kaine . We actually do. Ill leak it to you later. Okay. You could be sure i asked for that name many times and i still am, havent gotten it yet. I thought it was interesting that this is yet another example of how mike pence is a traditional candidate. Hes doing this debate prep in a traditional way with somebody as a standin for tim kaine, whereas donald trump so far at least is saying hes not doing that, hes just sitting around the table having discussions with his advisers. Thank you all. I appreciate it. When we come back, were going to talk about this. What is aleppo . Unbelievable, right . And well talk about donald trump, what he says about generals and theyve been reduced to rubble. What will he say when he goes head to head with Hillary Clinton on the debate stage . Well be right back. f ot steps Crickets Chirping jet engine heart beat Water Splashing rain drops Engine Revving tires on wet road the first paint that kills bacteria. Sherwinwilliams paint shield continuously kills 99. 9 of bacteria. Totally breakthrough. Surprisingly the same. And its only avaiblble at sherwinwilliams. 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But i spoke to folks in the military and they say this has all the hallmarks of a nuclear test. One of size of it but also the location of this earthquake, presumably artificial taking place exactly or very close to exactly where north koreas last nuclear test took place. And not to put too fine a point on it but north korea is now a nuclear power. Its the Nightmare Scenario that folks have been talking about for years and that the administrations have tried to prevent. This will be their fifth successful nuclear test. Keep in mind its the view of the u. S. Intelligence that they believe they have to assume that north korea has the ability to put a Nuclear Device on the tip of a missile. Weve seen this missile tests all the time every couple of weeks. It a really alarming reality were facing here. Jim sciutto with our breaking news. We appreciate that. Were going to continue on now and discuss politics, donald trump and Hillary Clinton doing battle on National Security night here in new york. Tonights news in north korea will definitely be an issue. Here to discuss nicholas kristof. Nick, to you first. Within thing you can say about last nights forum in an election which has largely been devoid of policy, at least we are talking about the issues somewhat. What was your take on the Forum Last Night . We didnt really talk enough about the issues. I thought it was a little bit of an embarrassment to journalism frankly. First ten minutes of Hillary Clintons section was diverted by the emails, which were not a new issue or National Security issue and there want real followup or fact checking. So i hope that was not a preview of what were going to see in the debates. Pretty rough reviews in every newspaper of matt lauer. Its a tough job. It is a tough job but you had the as soon as he was very focused on his questions and wasnt fully listening to the other person and ready to jump in. We in the Media Business have to think more broadly about the fact that were devolving more toward entertainment and i think that matt is very good at entertainment. I think hes less good at interNational Security issues. And i think thats a weakness were going to have to think about as we approach the debates. But part of it also as well speaking to david gergen, he said night after night people like me and others sit here night after night so immediately you recognize when something is not accurate, the iraq war this evening and on and on. So you can catch it right away. But if you dont do it every single day yeah, although i must say that there are a f few facts that have been checked as thoroughly as trump saying he was against the iraq war. There are numerous facts out there. Later well speak to the esquire writer trump was implying he was against the libyan intervention. In fact, he was in favor of it. There seemed throughout to be a sense of, you know, tell us how youre going to make us safe from terrorism in 15 seconds. And international Foreign Policy does not work that way. There was one point where Hillary Clinton said this is very important, i know were on television and i think, you know, the people who are sitting at home and wanted more on policy were happy about that, whether you were a detractor or supporter of Hillary Clinton. I think in iran, my sense frankly was that politically trump probably did better with undecided voters. He is very good at sound bites. Hillary clinton is not good at sound bites. My question to you, bob cusack, do you think this forum was a trial run of sorts for debates as well as example to debate moderators on how to handle them . Oh, yeah. It was like the preseason in the nfl. Matt lauer certainly was interrupting Hillary Clinton more. But when youre in the situation i mean, you know the situation, don. Sometimes you do have to interrupt. But did he interrupt her more than trump . Absolutely. Did trump do pretty well . Has he momentum continued . Yes. Does he have problems in the battleground states . Absolutely. Hes got a Long Way To Go in some of these states. I dont think its about who interrupted who the most. Because if you are not telling the truth or not answering a question directly, then you deserve to be interrupted at that point to either stay on track or be reminded that youre not telling the truth. Thats absolutely right. And i do think its going to be very challenging for the moderators and these but that goes with the territory. As you said, when theyre saying something wrong and i think if trump just said listen, okay, i said that thing on Howard Stearn but then soon thereafter i was against the iraq war, okay, thats fine, but hes not saying that. You just broke in the war about north korea, the fifth nuclear test. They have a missile that perhaps will be able to reach the u. S. Mainland. Addressing that is going to be the kind of challenge that we didnt really get insights last night in terms of which candidate is going to be more able to address it. Thats not something you can deal with sound bites. Its about working closely with china, japan, south korea, trying to find leverage and financial sanctions, intelligence. Its kind of emblematic of the complex Foreign Policy challenges that we did not really get a lot of insight into last night. 25 minutes sounds like a last night but its really not when youre talking about such important issues. I wonder if the candidates hurt themselves by agreeing to do just an hour. Maybe they should have done longer. If i would have been trumps adviser, i would have said do short. He does 20second sound bites pretty well. I dont think he does twominute policy well. Hillary clinton is the opposite. Bob, what stood out most to you last night . There was some concern about what he said about the generals being reduced to rubble and what geniuses thought about women and men being placed in the military together and Hillary Clintons Wonkish Policy remarks about the emails. What stood out the most to you . See said they were never going to have Ground Troops in iraq or syria. That in politics you never say never. That can change. As situations change, as terrorism changes, as the mideast changes, that struck out to me. Shes been viewed as more hawkish than President Obama. The fact that she said never did surprise me, especially because were seeing some changes in the polls along with isis. This country is very war weary, but at the same time, you know, if people are fearing isis, then theyre going to support Ground Troops, especially if there are more Terror Attacks on u. S. Soil. I have to just quickly get this in. You wrote something in the New York Times today called the black eyes in Donald Trumps life and it is a scathing, scathing take on donald trump since he was a child. Why did you go so hard on him . I think there is a danger, frankly, of us in journalism normalizing donald trump or engaging in a false equivalency of this candidate has these flaws and this candidate has these flaws. And these candidates are not similar in that respect. Ive been covering politics for a long time and i have never met a National Candidate who is so ill informed, so evasive or so deceptive as donald trump. And thats why i came down pretty harshly. People have been talking a lot about gary johnson today and what is aleppo . Has donald trump had more of those moments than gary johnson . He has had aleppo moment after aleppo moment. He mixed up the kuds force with the kurds, for example, in The Middle East. He didnt understand what the nucle Nuclear Triad was. Every time he ventures in Foreign Policy, you flinch. When we come back, High Expectations for Hillary Clinton as we count down to the first president ial debate but will that help or hurt her . Protecting biodiversity. Everywhere we work. Defeating malaria. Improving energy efficiency. Developing more clean burning natural gas. My job . My job at exxonmobil . Turning algae into biofuels. Reducing Energy Poverty in the developing world. Making cars go further with less. Fueling the global economy. And you thought we just made the gas. Energy lives here. Audi pilotless vehicles have conquered highways, mountains, and racetracks. And now much of that same advanced technology is found in the audi a4. With one notable difference. The highly advanced audi a4, with available traffic jam assist. Voters have High Expectations for Hillary Clinton in the first president ial debate with donald trump. Here to discuss john phillips, Talk Radio Host with kabc in los angeles, hes a trump supporter. Also andy dean, the former president of trump productions, former political commentator bakari sellers, maria cardona, also a clinton supporter. Good evening, as they say. Hello, don. Maria, theres an cnn orc poll, americans expect Hillary Clinton to outperform trump in the first president ial debate in less than they weeks. 53 of likely voters say shell do a better job in the debates. 43 expect him to do a better job. Does he have the advantage of lower expectations . Absolutely he does. The poll doesnt surprise me because what weve also seen in the majority of polls is most americans believe shes the one who has the knowledge, the experience and the temperament to be president of the United States. So they would then assume that in a debate oneonone that she would certainly win. If that debate was going if we could guarantee that that debate was going to be full on on ideas, on your what do you want to do for the country, a real debate on the issues and on each ones proposals, Absolute Liabsolutely she would blow him out of the water. You think that will happen . Absolutely no, thats my point. It will not happen. Hes going to turn the debate stage into his own reality show stage. Thats the danger. But, andy, thats not a bad strategy considering shes so versed in policy. If you compare the two resumes, if Hillary Clinton was trying to become a real estate mogul, you would say donald trump beats her. Hes trying to become a politician, hes applying for elected offices are her resume beats his. Hes going to try to get her in the way he can do it. Is that a bad strategy . She is well versed when it comes to bureaucracy and being in government for 30 years but donald trump is well versed when it comes to business and the American Public care about the economy and they care about jobs. He can talk authentically from the heart about creating jobs. And debate arent just about what you say. Its also about nonverbal communication. Trump is a master with his reactions and how he handles himself and carries himself on stage. Its also how you deal with the moderator. Newt gingrich was made famous by attacking the moderator. Trump is a master at pulling out all the stops. When you consider last night, right, what he said about the generals last night, what he said about women in the military last night and of course his praise of putin, if he can do that within a 25minute interview, a half hour interview in that forum, what about a 90minute debate . Thats a question. He got a lot of flak today for those three comment and others just within 25 minutes. Trump has had more experience debating over the past year than Hillary Clinton because all of the republican debates were at primetime hours on week nights. The democrats buried their debates on weekends and Bernie Sanders, look, 74yearold socialist is not a tough opponent. Donald trump was going after 15 tough killers and he emerged as the winner. I think trump has better experience. Im going to agree with andy on all of that. Come on, what does 74 have to do with it . Im just saying. I dont know. Im just saying that Bernie Sanders isnt the toughest pugilist fighter. Your words. John, do you want to respond to that . I know some pretty smart, spry 74yearold. And how old is donald trump . I dont think any of them are Spring Chickens but go on, john. I think there are consequences for spending every day of the last year calling him a reality show bulgarian who only opens up the newspaper to read the astrology section. The bar has been set so low that hes going to go out there and i think hes going to shock people and show them theres a lot more to him than that description. Hillary is billed as the wonk, who spent all of her life in politics, people expect her to do well in these debates. America likes an underdog. Go back to the 2000 election when al gore was running against bill bradley. Al gore had every possible advantage you could possibly have in that race and he went out and said i consider myself to be the underdog in this democratic primary. He did that for a reason because he was trying to lower expectations. The expectations for hillary are going to be very high and for donald trump not as much. The Point Spread Favors donald trump. Voters see clinton as better able to handle the public scrutiny that comes with being president. What do you think that means for donald trump, even through the debates here . I think what weve been seeing throughout the entire process, we have extremely low expectations for donald trump. Whether or not we look at social media where the Associated Press just today took back a tweet which was false about the clinton foundation. We saw it last night with matt lauer and i dont want to i dont know if it was ineptitude or just an inability to be prepared for the moderation that he had to do last night, but weve seen it throughout this entire electoral process where donald trump is just held to a different standard. I think when you get to these debates you realize that you dont get participation trophies. What we have to look forward to is people actually having real facts and real solutions. Youre not going to get up there and just lie about the iraq withdrawal or get up there and lie about your support for the war in iraq, youre to the going to get up there and lie about libyan intervention well, you can. So thats the problem. And hold on one second. What i also have to say is you can talk about donald trump debating 17 other individuals or 16 other individuals, but donald trump has never been on stage oneonone with all the marbles on the table and donald trump has never ever, ever had to stand up to a woman standing beside him on equal platforms able to tell him no, sir, you are not telling the truth and im more prepared to lead than you are. Im not sure that donald trump can handle Hillary Clinton giving him that verbal lashing that we all know he needs. Everyone gets to respond right after this. He can handle it. And can you explain to me why you recommend synthetic over cedar . Super food . Is that a real thing . Its a great school, but is it the right the one for her . Is this really any better than the one you got last year . If we consolidate suppliers whats the savings there . So should we go with the 467 horsepower . Or is a 423 enough . Good question. You ask a lot of good questions. 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Ask your doctor if nonprescription ibgard is right for you. Ibgard calms the angry gut. Available at cvs, walgreens and rite aid. Were going to continue our discussion, talk about what were talking about before, being up there on the stage and reaching out to the black vote as well. My panel joins me now. Andy dean, you seem to think he can handle being up on stage with a woman who is immersed in policy . Absolutely. I mean, trump has more experience on television than anybody else. Hes also used to dealing with high powered women. I worked with trump for seven years. I saw it day in and day out. I think trumps going to go into this with a lot of confidence. This isnt the same thing, andy. Wait, guys, guys, what debates are about and what donald trump is an expert is thinking on your feet. What could prepare him better than that than hundreds of episodes when he was in the board room. I was on the other side of that board room. I got fired by him. I absolutely completely agree with you which is why i was saying earlier, that in this format, this is Donald Trumps domain. So going into this, i do think we need to have Higher Expectations nice try at highering the expectations. I disagree with maria. Heres why i believe that. Again, she not going up against an equal on knowledge, Policy Expertise and understanding how actually to govern a country as great as the United States. Lets just dismiss that because thats not what shes doing. What shes doing is shes going up against a candidate who has normalized lying, normalized deceit and complete idiocies and people are looking at this as an equivalency where it is absolutely not. I want bakari to comment but, andy, my mother used to tell me if you keep rolling your eyeballs like that, theyre going to get stuck in the back of your head. He runs over 500 corporations under the Trump Organization umbrella. Ive seen him dealing with the most complex financial real estate deal. Thats fine. Andy you should also read Nicholas Kristofs piece today. We know he has A Billion Dollar in debt. If he wants to refute anything el else, he should release his tax returns. You cant take somebody who negotiated peace along the gaza strip, who put together International Accord on climate chang. You cant take someone who is actually in the Situation Room and was with the president of the United States and the Vice President of the United States when we brought Osama Bin Laden to justice and saying its the same thing are firing little bucey gary busey its really not the same thing. For you to articulate that it is, it shows that the double standard is very real. Absolutely. Bakari Hillary Clinton has to do something amazing here. Donald trump said that Hillary Clinton doesnt look like a president. And she doesnt because the other 44 president s of the United States are all men. So she has to go Above And Beyond and we know thats the case in all three debates. But women are used to that. I think bakari is right that Hillary Clinton is certainly a tough customer. It takes big muscles to destroy all of those cell phones with the hammers that she spent so much time doing. But donald trump also went up against megyn kelly. In that first debate she came after him with a vengeance right away and what happened . The crowd erupted, the crowd sided with donald trump and his campaign took off after that first debate. I think donald trump will be able to handle himself. Thats why hes doing so well among women, right, john . If you look at the latest cnn poll, hes leading among married women. Republicans have always won among married women. Hes losing College Educated women, mitt romney won College Educated women by 6 point and he lost the election. Hes up by 2 points. To bakaris point on Foreign Policy, if Hillary Clinton is going to get on stage and talk about how she was successful as Secretary Of State when The Middle East is currently on fire, syria is in a civil war, barack obama and hillary picked the wrong side in egypt, they messed up libya, that is not a winning strategy. Andy, you bring up this Foreign Policy point. Its the same thing that donald trump went down the path of last night. You want to talk about the vote in iraq, which i disagreed with, President Obama didnt vote for it and Hillary Clinton didnt and she apologized and owned it but donald trump also sporuppor that. The Libya Intervention and donald trump supported that. The only credential is the Miss Universe pageant hes had overseas. Thats the only thing you can tangentially say had anything to do with The Middle East. Its much worse now, don. The last time were actually close to that was the last time we were under a president named clinton. The last time we were very, very close to having peace between the palestinians and israelis and stabilizing The Middle East was under president clinton. The last time we had a true peace or accord amongst some middle easterners she had the intelligence and she voted for it. I believe in the pottery barn school of politics, you broke it, you bought it. Donald trump saying he was against the war in iraq from the beginning and says his interview with esquire magazine proves it but is that true . Im going to talk to the writer who did that interview. This week 50 off all backpacks. Office depot officemax. Gear up for school. Gear up for great. Is depression more than sadness . Its a tangle of multiple symptoms. Trintellix vortioxetine is a Prescription Medicine for depression. Trintellix may start to untangle or help improve the multiple symptoms of depression. For me, trintellix made a difference. 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