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Lets get right to our breaking news. Brianna keilar is here. Also elise labot. Both candidates were talking National Security. What stood out to you . A number of things but one of the things that donald trump said that i think stood out for a lot of people was him having to answer for his comments about how he knows more than the generals. This was the exchange between him and matt lauer. The generals under barack obama and Hillary Clinton have not been successful. Do you know more about isis than they do . I think under the leadership of barack obama and Hillary Clinton, the generals have been reduced to rubble, they have been reduced to a point thats embarrassing for our country. You have a force of 30,000 or so people, nobody really knows, but probably 30,000 people and i can see The Great General George Patent Spinning in his grave as isis we cant beat. Certainly we have discussed this, don, there are some in the military who may want to see more action but donald trump did not really answer the question there which was basically saying that he knows more than the military. He did not address that at all. And then the other thing was pretty surprising, it was a tweet that he doubled down on, an old tweet where he had talked about sexual assaults in the military and he had said what did these geniuses expect when they put Men And Women together . That was the second half of the tweet after a report on sex assaults. He has been struggling mightily with women. So its surprising that he chose to double down on that. To double down. Said that was accurate. May have been a better answer, i dont know what would have been. Hillary clinton was asked right out of gate about the emails and her private server. And a considerable part of this, maybe about a third of the forum that was Hillary Clinton, she was answering questions about her emails, including from a man who had handled as part of his profession, Classified Information and he asked her about potentially endangering National Security through her practices and she chose to parse her words, talking about Classified Material, meaning that she didnt transmit Classified Material, something that would have a header on it that said top secret, for instance, versus Classified Information, which doesnt necessarily have to have a header, like you would see on the classified email system. Here was her answer. First, as i said to matt, you know and i know Classified Material is designated, it is marked. There is a header so that there is no dispute at all that what is being communicated to or from someone who has that access is marked classified. And what we have here is the use of an unclassified system by hundreds of people in our government to send information that was not marked, there were no headers, there was no statement, top secret, secret or confidential. I communicated about Classified Material on a wholly separate system. I took it very seriously. The fbi said Classified Information was transmitted over that server. Thats really the factual problem for Hillary Clinton. It was also interesting that she went almost against her own advice for herself. She had recently said when asked about this she said, you know, i find that when i try to explain myself, which she clearly wants to do, right, i find that when i try to explain myself, it comes across as if im making excuses for myself and she sort of fell into this trap that even she outlined recently that some people said that was her best answer for the emails, which was, you know, my bad, im not going to make excuses, im not going to explain it, i would have done it differently. Lets move on. Big news between an exchange between colin powell and Hillary Clinton about private email use. Talk to us about that, elise. Two days after she was worn in as secretary of state, Hillary Clinton and colin powell exchanged emails about communicating between servers. Those emails were released tonight. Clinton asked powell what the restrictions were. Powell respond here i dont have a blackberry. What i did have was a personal computer that was hooked up to a private line. Sounds ancient, because it is, it was an aol account so i could communicate with a wide range of friends directly without it going through the State Department servers. I even used it to do business with some of the senior folks in the State Department and foreign leaders on their personal email accounts. I did the same thing on the road in hotels. He goes on to warn that theres a danger that if she uses a blackberry, it could become a Public Record and subject to u. S. Laws. Now, democratic congressman Elijah Cummings released that Exchange Tonight saying powell advised secretary clinton with what he called a detailed blueprint on how to skirt Security Rules and Bypass Requirements to preserve federal records and he said clinton didnt rely on powells advice but clinton has cited powells advice to justify her use of a private email server. Powell has been pretty up front about his use of the aol account, he wrote about it in his book, he acknowledged sending clinton the memo about it. Hes been voicing a lot of frustration that the clinton camp was trying to pin her email problems on him. Not sure if Elijah Cummings did clinton any favors tonight. Any of this news regarding the Elijah Cummings and also coming out of this forum, does that change the dynamics of this race at all do you think . I dont know. You mean on the emails . I dont know if it does because it seems to me that or anything, what he said about women, what he said about the generals, what she said on emails, any of it . Its hard to know. I would say its very welcome that they were there to talk policy. I think there were a number of people that were probably undecided and were maybe in the middle of the spectrum, dont really like either candidate, trying to figure things out. I think for some people watching both of these candidates answer questions is going to be very important but at the same time, i think if you talk to people in the clinton campaign, ultimately they think its the economy thats going to determine it. They think their Temperament Argument against donald trump is going to determine it and for Hillary Clinton when it comes to Foreign Policy, just making the point that shes more well versed in the issues, that shes more fluent in it even though Trump Supporters have said not necessarily here or as they were setting up in the break it is very difficult because she is so well versed at policy and he is at the heart of business. Whether or not she has one strong Foreign Policy achievement to herald, which we havent really seen one, it seems like every kind of liability might have a little bit of a positive lining and vice versa in Foreign Policy and that she has with president obama. She has a lot of experience compared to donald trump, who has said things over time that are outrageous or ill informed, which Hillary Clintons campaign loves to highlight, she loves to highlight in ad. She has a leg up on him there. Thank you both. Thank you, brianna. Thank you, elise. I appreciate it. Now i want to turn to the issue that donald trump has been trying to put in the Rear View Mirror for months now and thats his tax returns. Phil mattingly has the latest. Reporter donald trump claims he cant release any of his tax returning while under Routine Audit, even as the irs has made clear theres no legal requirement for trump to withhold them. Im under Routine Audit and when the audit is done, ill released my returns. Reporter even his own lawyers note his 20022008 returns are complete. And his own running mate, mike pence, preparing to release his taxes this week. Ill give mine to yall this week and hes going to provide his after a Routine Audit is done. Trumps refusal has drawn sharp attacks from Hillary Clinton. Clearly his tax returns tell a story that the American People deserve and need to know. And despite trumps contention, a series of polls show voters do in fact care about trumps tax returns. So what exactly arent voters seeing . Voters could see the type of Taxable Income that he has, whether its ordinary income or Capital Gains income. Voters could learn how much he has given to charity. Reporter a cnn review show four potential areas that may shed light on trumps reluctance. Number one, trumps charitable giving. Washington post review of trumps personal charitable donations has raised major questions of what trump has actually given. Despite trumps bold claims to the contrary. This is my check for 1 million. Reporter number two, trumps tax rate. Its an issue that dogged the republican partys 2012 nominee for months. Trump has made clear as a businessman hes done everything in his power to pay as little tax as legally possible. I pay as little as possible. I use everything single thing in the book. Reporter but trumps involvement with real estate raises the possibility that he pays nothing at all. An obvious benefit is that a taxpayer who owns property, real estate, a building, can trade that property for another building and as long as that property is going to be used for Investment Purposes or in business, the taxpayer wont pay tax on the gain at all. Reporter in fact, cnn has identified at least three years, 1978, 1979, and 1984 where he definitively paid zero dollars in federal income tax. Documents show another two years, 1991 and 1993 where trump likely paid little to no income tax as well and when asked about it during the campaign, hes been hardly forthcoming. What is your tax rate . Its none of your business. Reporter the third potential area is trumps net worth. Now to be clear, a few years of tax returns wouldnt should light on whether trump is actually worth the 10 billion he claims. But it would show trumps net income and adjusted gross income, providing more detailed insight than the Financial Disclosure form filed by trump in may. And last but perhaps most importantly for trumps opponent, a detailed release of trumps returns would provide a window in his business connections. Maybe he doesnt want people to see hes got some connections. Trumps own lawyers making it clear trump is the principal or sole owner in approximately 500 separate entities that engage in hundreds of deals every year. For the moment, however, there is little indication that trumps returns will be revealed before election day. Though trump himself appears willing to make a deal. In the meantime, she has 33,000 emails that she deleted. When is she going to release her emails . She probably knows how to find it. Let her release her emails and ill release my tax returns immediately. Reporter i asked a clinton adviser what they thought of that deal, if it was a real possibility. The answer was simply a laugh on the phone. Dont expect that to happen any time soon. The reality of Donald Trumps position here is there is also a political calculation at play. He is running for president after all. I spoke to one trump adviser who made clear, they dont see the upside to trump releasing those tax returns. While he can absolutely release them tomorrow or whenever that audit ends, its very unlikely its coming any time soon. Thank you very much for that. When we come back, donald trump says voters dont care about his tax returns, but is he wrong and could it cost him in november . Will donald trump release his tax returns before election today . What do voters think of all this . Here to discuss, author of Secrets And Lies in the terror wars and also betsy mccoy, a former Lieutenant Governor of new york and a donald trump supporter. I want to you listen to what trump said yesterday talking to abc news. As far as my taxes are concerned, the only one that cares is the press, i will tell you. And even the press, its not a big deal. You dont think there are any voters out there i dont think so. I think people dont care. This is a Suffolk University poll, betsy, that says to the contrary what trump has said. 78 say donald trump should release his tax returns and 14 say he shouldnt. It shows that voters do care. Does that change anything for you . Let me express my view, which is that i hope he does not release his tax returns. If he does, the next 62 days will be spent picking apart his tax returns. Im much less interested on what hes earning hold on all right, betsy, of course its going to be spent picking over it. Thats what we should do. Thats what journalists should do. Its not what we should do. Its obscuring the much bigger issue, this economy is limping along at 1. 2 . People are suffering. They need more takehome pay. You dont think we can walk and chew gum at the same time . I dont think we can if theres nothing in the tax returns, why wouldnt he do it . Much adieu about nothing . Ill tell you why they want to do it. Its something called tax shaming that professional politicians love to engage in. Theyre demanding Donald Trumps tax returns because they pay a top tax rate. Business leaders like donald trump or Mike Bloomberg who never released his tax returns when he ran for mayor, the fact is they have income, revenue, they have Investment Tax Credits it sounds as if youre setting it up to say hes at paid zero tax not zero but i suggest its very likely that he has paid a lower rate than the top rate. Whats wrong with that . I got to get kurt in. The New York Times is all set to pounce. Theyve already said they want to see whether donald trump, and this is a quote from the times, has used deductions not available to the ordinary filer. Well, theyre available to any filer who builds a building or puts money at risk. If i could pay less taxes, i certainly would. Let me ask betsy one quick question. Have you seen his taxes . No, i havent. Then why do we care what you speculate is in them . Because the reality here is betsy, i let you talk a long time. You asked me a question. Reality is that donald trump has the absolute power. Lets give him the audit argument. He has the power to release the first two pages of his 1040 and his schedule a. Those are like releasing the list of chapters in a book. You could show that, it would answer 90 of the questions. Ive asked the Trump Campaign for it. They refuse. I asked the Trump Campaign for the irs letter notification of audit. They refused to produce it. Ive already written a long story about the number of times donald trump has lied under oath. I dont believe there is an audit. But, kurt, he did release a Financial Disclosure last may. Why is that not enough for you . Betsy has it right here. I do. And its full of information. Not to get too technical but thats the equivalent of a Balance Sheet versus an income statement. Thats right. What donald trump released in his Financial Disclosure does not get to the issues that are raised by a tax return. And saying that, well, these both have numbers on them, it doesnt get to the very issue. He can release three pages, its all we should be pushing for. Let me point out let me ask him one more question, before you get in, betsy. What do you have to say about this tax shaming and thats all we would do is spend this time up until the Election Picking apart Donald Trumps taxes and shaming him for having a low tax rate . If betsy thinks the American People are so stupid that they cant listen to what somebody pays in taxes and cant understand that somebody with deductions gets deduction, well, then thats the opinion of the Trump Campaign. I never suggested that the American People are stupid. But i do then tax shaming is irrelevant. Whats to be ashamed of if people will understand it . People will understand it, betsy. The Trump Campaign needs to give the American People some more credit and release this information and stop this nonsense about tax shaming. The New York Times have already suggested that if donald trump uses deductions not available to the ordinary filer, theres something wrong with that. Stop repeating yourself. Hes a rude man. Here are the excuses youve given. Theres an audit, there are Financial Disclosures, there will be tax shaming, the New York Post is waiting to pounce. Forget it. Do what every other candidate has done since nixon. Only professional politicians. Only people running for president , betsy. The last four decades everyone running for president has released their tax returns. The law doesnt require it. And thats a reason. The Financial Disclosure form really supplies the information that is necessary. This is what he owns whats his charitable contributions according to the Financial Disclosure form, betsy . Why is that so important . The charitable contribution . Because he is the one who claims hes giving so much money. He is the one who is saying he gives millions of dollars to veterans groups. The idea that donald trump, a man who lies under oath for a job practically, the idea that we have to trust him and he doesnt have to prove a damn thing is absurd. I dont think on the trust issue donald trump will ever be the loser compared with Hillary Clinton. Not a chance. Lets mott change the subject. I am not changing the subject. Mrs. Clinton has can you let me finish a sentence . Playing this im rubber and youre glue nonsense. Lets stick on topic. There are three pages he can release. If he doesnt want to release them, he should stop the lie about the audit. You should stop the lie about the tax shaming. I havent lied about a thing. Have some guts. Betsy, please. I have do have to say, betsy hold on, curt. Kurt, let me say this. There have been people who were surrogates who were against donald trump who have said that he should release his tax return and then i disagree. And then days or weeks later they are with the Trump Campaign and saying he shouldnt release his tax return. I think part what kurt is saying the American People want truth and the truth is that every single candidate has released their tax returns and what is wrong with donald trump releasing his tax returns . Betsy, youve talked a lot sir, i was asked hang on, kurt. Quickly, betsy. When Mike Bloomberg was considering running for president , a very wealthy Business Person you said this already, betsy. Youre wasting time, betsy. He would not release his tax returning, as he did not when he was running for mayor. Someone said why wouldnt you . He said i make a lot of Money Investing in businesses. Most politicians dont. Betsy, he was not running for president. He was considering it. He didnt run. It would be different. I just want to point out one fact. The reason why politicians release their taxes is because Richard Nixon was being pushed to release his taxes and when he finally did, he gave the famous statement, the American People donald trump needs to prove that a candidate for president is not a crook. Im sorry. That doesnt happen when you release your tax returns. We have now solved the issue concerning Donald Trumps taxes. That was sarcasm. Thank you, kurt, for coming on. Betsy, always a pleasure. When we come back, Jesse Ventura joins me with thoughts on donald trump and Hillary Clinton. Ow. Are you okay . Yeah, i just got charged for my credit monitoring. Thats how i know its working. Ah. 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Plus, there are no networks, and virtually no referrals needed. See why millions of people have already enrolled in the only Medicare Supplement insurance plans endorsed by aarp. Dont wait. Call now. In this year of the political outsider, you could make the argument that nobody is more of an outsider than my next guest. Fasten your seat belt. Maybe i should fasten my seat belt. Hes none other than Jesse Ventura, author of Jesse Venturas marijuana manifesto. Youre a former navy s. E. A. L. There is a Forum Tonight in front of people who were in the armed services. What did you make of this . Were going to talk about your book but what did you make about this . I didnt make anything of it. I dont watch what hillary and donald do because im voting for gary johnson. Id like to know why gary johnson was not included in this forum. Why isnt he and dr. Stein being included . Why arent they being included in the debates . You have two candidates here whose negatives are over 50 . Theyre disliked heavily. Shouldnt it be a time now for people to be offered an alternative . Look what happened in minnesota. I was polling 10 at labor day. I was allowed in the debates and in 60 days i was the governor. With all due respect, the country is a much bigger place than minnesota. Television isnt. And if youll let me here, there are millions and millions voted for Hillary Clinton and donald trump. A lot of people didnt vote for gary johnson. I like gary johnson. Hes been on the show. Hes a nice guy, hes has some great ideas. In all fairness, not enough people supported them in order for them to be on the debate stage or on the main ticket. Imagine if that held true, i wouldnt have been governor. Ill give you that. Minnesota was at least fair. They allowed me to debate and i defeated them. Youll see the dems and repubs singing kumbaya when its time to keep out the third parties, theyll get along wonderful keeping people out of the twoparty dictatorship . Did you get that . Youre a maverick. Youre an outsider. Donald trump has said hes an outsider. No, hes not. You think hes a republican . Sure. Hes running as a republican, just as Bernie Sanders isnt an independent. He ran. Hes a democrat. I approached bernie over a year ago thinking i might support him. I got one minute with him, he shunned me off. I asked him one important question, i said, bernie, if you lose will you continue the movement as an independent or support an independent . He said, no, ill support Hillary Clinton. So right there i knew hes not an independent. Hes a democrat. Trump is now a republican. Theyre running under those banners. I have never been a democrat or a republican. And i will not vote for a democrat and i urge other people not to. Theyve been in charge 150 years and look at the mess we have. And so we should keep them in . And ill guarantee you this, elect a democrat or republican, the wars will continue. They will be endless. Even though tonight Hillary Clinton said we wont have boots on the ground that wont matter. She voted for the iraq war and now claims its her worst vote. Imagine that, the most important vote you take as a senator, to send our Men And Women to war, you blew it and now you want to have the finger on the button when you already blew it with the iraq war and voted for it . See, i wont support anyone who supported the iraq war. All right. Lets get to my book. I dont like having you on because you never say how you feel. Thats why i thats why you do have me on. That was my next thing. And its called ratings points. My next thing was id like to spend some time talking about your book. You took the words out of my mouth. Its called Jesse Venturas marijuana manifesto. Youve always been in favor of legalizing marijuana. How would that benefit the country . Were talking jobs, an entire new industry. Weve seen whats happening in colorado, were seeing whats happening in washington. Washington, the first windfall from it, their Judiciary Budget fell 15 statewide. Thats mammoth. Okay. Colorado. They have, what, 300 million new dollars to spend on schools and roads because its legal. Youre not spending billions of dollars to stop something that the majority of American People today want legalized. Its legal in a number of states. Why do you think there are so many its not really legal. Ill give you an example. Medicinally its legal. No, its not really legal. I could go to colorado tomorrow with a semi and buy as many cigarettes as i could fill it up with. I could go to colorado and buy booze and fill the semi up. But i could only go to colorado and buy one half ounce of marijuana. So it is not fully legal. Its being regulated, youre being denied your freedom. Thats the big issue here, the people rising up and demanding from the federal government to legalize it and especially there are people out there that need this for medicine. I have a personal investment here. My life would not be the same now if it werent for marijuana because someone very close to me had an Epileptic Seizure condition, seizing four times a week, i had to deal with it. The only thing they put this person on four different pharmaceutical medicines, none of them worked, all had horrible side effects, went to colorado illegally at the time, got medicinal marijuana, this person has not had a seizure now in over two and a half years. Im glad your friend is doing well and youve made your case. The book is called Jesse Venturas marijuana manifesto, its available now. Always a pleasure. Thank you. Its your last time. Im with r. T. America now. Youve signed an exclusive contract. Goodbye, don. Youll come back. When the contracts over. The russians are calling. Oh, my. Its jesse. Well be right back. Comfort food. Youve had a good long run. But your time is over. Its time for something new. Something simple. Grown right here in california with absolutely no antibiotics ever. Food were comfortable eating. Making. Serving. This is the new comfort food. And it starts with foster farms simply raised chicken. California grown with no antibiotics ever. Lets get comfortable with our food again. Donald trump and Hillary Clinton doing battle tonight on National Security at an nbc Commander In Chief forum. Back with me now, betsy mccoy and political commentator bob beckel, andy dean and cnn contributor van jones. Lets see if you can outdo that last segment with the former governor Jesse Ventura. In this Forum Tonight, a lot of Donald Trumps comments are making news tonight. I want to play his remarks about Vladamir Putin and his try of praise for the russian leader. If he says great things about me, ill save great things about him. He is very much a leader. You can say isnt that a terrible thing. He has very strong control over his country. Its a very different system and i dont happen to like the system but in the system hes been a leader far more than our president has been a leader. Bob, what about that . I guess it is a different system. I guess he can control things a little better and can get 90 in the polls. I think this is hooked up with his tax returns. They wonder whether he gave money to charity or paid taxes at all. I think his son gave us the answer when he said most of the business deals theyve been involved with recently have been with russia. My guess is hes probably in bed with a lot of russian business guys, including friends of putin. Andy dean, i saw your reaction. So, andy, its probably not true but how do you debunk it if you dont release it. I worked for donald trump personally for seven years. Ive seen parts of his tax returns. I ran trump productions, which had hundreds of millions flowing through it and we didnt do deals with the russians. His son said it. Andy, his son was the one who said it, i didnt say it. Bob, okay, donald trump is not doing business with Vladimir Putin. So thats like crazy. As far as Vladimir Putin, i think what donald trump was alluding to is there are some strengths when it comes to Foreign Policy, for example, when it comes to the chechens and the radical jihadists that hang out in chechnya, Vladimir Putin has no tolerance for radical muslim terrorism, he destroys them and kills them. Thats a Lesson Learned when it comes to isis. Can anyone hear me . We can hear you. Unfortunately, andy, we can hear you. Unfortunately . Yeah. That was good, van. I say unfortunately because its shocking to hear one of the leading spokespersons for a president ial contender have such kind words to say about a brutal dictator who hates america, who spends his entire time undermining america i said hes killing radical muslims. Thats all i said. And, by the way, you have a president who is killing frankly a lot of people in the Democratic Party are frustrated by it but who is using drones and every other means. Hes liquidated the top one third of isis and you never praised your own president who is doing this but you somehow praise putin. Let betsy get in. One of the most disturbing developments in Foreign Policy under the Obama Clinton watch has been the growing partnership between iran and russia, particularly since the conclusion of the socalled nontreaty Nuclear Treaty with iran. And so i think it very clever of donald trump, who may be the next president , to say nice things about Vladimir Putin because he is going to be negotiating with this leader. It is far better to set a stage of comity rather than a stage of hostility for these future negotiations. Betsy, the russians and iranians have been working together for 30 years. Not the way are now. Yes, they have. More, more have you ever been to iran . Have you been to iran, betsy . Have you been to iran, betsy . This is the first time betsy, with all due respect, stick to new york politics, because, god, you dont know much about foreign politics. I was going to give credit to van. Could i . Go ahead. As far as barack obama you say we never say anything nice about him. You brought up the Drone Program which has had some success in pakistan. The problem with barack obama if you want to get very specific is hes been unwilling to kill the economic foot soldiers of isis and getting even more specific and anybody can google this, the route from raqqa to mosul is about 460 kilometers on the m4 highway. Its where the oil economic foot soldiers hang out and move money and oil and barack obama has refused to kill these people. He dropped leaflets because he thinks theyre civilians and theyre not. Anyone giving economic comfort to isis needs to be killed. Van, you want to respond . A couple things that i would say. First of all, the territory that isis used to control has been reduced by almost half. And a big part what is important is were going to have a real conversation. Part of the propaganda for isis is they are different than al qaeda in that they control territory. They are actually building the caliphate. So the psychological and propaganda advantage saying we have the caliphate, we are governing territory, come here and join us, the president has focused on that primarily. Some people think the economic side is more important but what i will say to you, andy, is that i never hear you guys giving a balanced assessment of the actual victories on the battlefield by our military against isis and the reduction of the caliphate, which is so important. Hold that thought, betsy, andy. Well be right back. Okay. Were back now with my panel and here is what donald trump said about the Intelligence Briefings he has been receiving. Listen. Did you learn anything in that briefing, again, not going into specifics, that makes you reconsider some of the things you say you can accomplish like defeating isis quickly . No. I didnt learn anything from that standpoint. What i did learn is that our leadership, barack obama did not follow what our experts and truly, when they call It Intelligence it is there for a reason, what our experts said to do and i was very, very surprised. Im pretty good with the body language. I could tell, they were not happy. Our leaders did not follow what they were recommending. Was that well handled, bob . No. Listen, but look, in all fairness, i think the chances of a comet knocking the earth off the axis has a better chance happening than donald trump being elected president. So, anything the guy says, what is he talking about . I had Intelligence Briefings before at the white house. He doesnt know what he is talking about. Just to get off topic a little bit. You still feel that way even with the polls tightening . More so. More so. Why is that . If Hillary Clinton is ahead in texas by one point in the best sample that was done which was not ours but with the washington post, 70,000 people interviewed, and donald trump is losing with white women by 15 and we had romney win by 15 and donald trump is losing in texas, and in mississippi it is tied. What does that tell you . What does it tell you . Bob, look, i dont know what polls youre looking at. Cnn just came out with a poll a couple of days ago. Bob okay. 45 to 43 that trump is winning and we all know that gary johnson is over polling. He ran before and got less than 1 of the vote. So we know those two fringe candidates are not going to do well. But to the first point about he didnt know what trump was talking about in regards to the intelligence report. Why cant we be honest. Were talking about downtown raqqah. To van jones point, isis hanging out. The administrative buildings, the open air Sex Slave Markets are all happening in downtown raqqah. Barack obama has not destroyed downtown raqqah. I would like to know why. That is exactly the issue i was raising during the break. One of the reasons the military, many people in the military are so displeased with the current commanderinchief, is that he imposed on them Rules Of Engagement that prevent them from winning. Correct. How is that, they are winning . For example in these targeted bombings, they are prohibited from causing civilian deaths. So they see an oil Truck Driving along and it happens to be driven by a civilian, they cant bomb it. That is ridiculous. You cannot wage a war with no civilian casualties. Wage the war . Theyre losing the war. Yeah, van. Listen, first of all, every military in the world that is not a Military Dictatorship that has civilian rule which is what we have and we fight for has a civilian government that puts restraints on the military. That is normal. That is what you want. You dont want the Military Setting its own rules. Of course. Let me just finish. The war is always partly political and partly military. Number one. Number two, the idea that we are contraining ourselves and not killing civilians willynilly is a good thing. It is what makes america, america. My point is simply this. Youre zeroing in on one section that is a densely populated area that has civilians. The open air sex slaves. Those sex slaves are innocent civilians. If you bomb that willynilly, you hurt civilians. What the president is do ing is rolling them back in the areas where he can without inflicting mass casualties on millions of people. There is a reason let him finish. Bob, im sorry. Van, van, van, make your point. Hold on, van, finish making your point. Here is my point. This is actually a very productive and helpful conversation. I wish in other conversations we had we would knowledge that the president is waging war on isis. You dont like the way he is waging. Donald trump acts like he is not waging it at all and that is not fair. I will grant you that point but the idea that anyone likes killing civilians, unless youre a sick psychopath, nobody likes killing civilians but sadly if you want to destroy command and control of isis, a couple of civilians here and there, they wont be targeted but they may have to die. What barack obama is doing is saying no civilians so we cant take out command and control of isis actually means that civilians on our side are the ones dying in this war. Go ahead, bob. That is just absurd, command and control has been taken out day in and day out. 50 miles on mosul has been bombed repeatedly in the last ten days. Will you at least give this credit to barack obama. Were winning the war against isis. Were winning it. And you all are losers. What youre doing is youre basically cheering for the other side. No. Be patriotic. Understand there is a real Opportunity Cost to letting this war drag on year after year rather than winning it decisively. There is a reason that the polls show that military people and their families overwhelmingly support donald trump for president as opposed to Hillary Clinton. You know me the poll that is and ill eat it for you. That is ridiculous. 55 to 39 . That is correct. Trump is leading. Very much. It came out today, bob, ill email it to you, bob. Those numbers are not van, last word. Im running out of time. Those numbers are actually consistent with the normal split between republicans and democrats. What i will say is that top hold on a second. Top Military Officials who are republicans have defected from donald trump to Hillary Clinton because theyre terrified of what he will do. That is the last word thank you very much, everyone, ill see you tomorrow night. Good night. Revealing responses from donald trump and Hillary Clinton on the same stage for the first time. Not exactly at the same time, though. Trump with harsh words for u. S. Generals. Kind words for Vladimir Putin and standing by a controversial tweet about women. And Hillary Clinton standing up for her emails and now how to handle them with the State Department. We will

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