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Heres the proof. Americans of all races protesting all across the country tonight. Outraged by the death of alton sterling in baton rouge and p l philan Philando Castillo in or lan owe. When incidents like this occurs, theres a big chunk of our fellow citizenry that feels that because of the color their skin, they are not being treated the same. And that hurts. And that should trouble all of us. And as we look at these live pictures of protests in washington, d. C. , i want you to see one of the videos that president barack obama finds so troubling, the Fatal Police Shooting in minnesota of Philando Castillo. His fiancee Diamond Reynolds beside him in the front seat of the car, livestreaming the whole thing as he lay dying, her 4yearold daughter in the back seat. This video is very graphic, it is indeed heart breaking but without it we may never know whats happening to black men in america. Stay with me. We got pulled over for a busted taillight in the back. And the policeman, hes licensed to carry, he was trying to get his i. D. , his wallet out of his pocket and he let the officer know that he was he had a firearm and he was reaching for his wallet and the officer just shot him in his arm. Were waiting for i will, sir, no worries, i will. He just hot his arm off. We got pulled over i told him not to reach for it you told him to get his i. D. , sir, his drivers license. Oh, my god, please dont tell me hes dead. Please dont tell me my boyfriend just went like that. Keep your hands where they are, please. Yes, i will, sir. Ill keep my hands where they are. Please dont tell me this, lord. Please dont tell me that hes gone. Please, officer, dont tell me you just did this to him. You shot four bullets through him, sir. He was just getting his license and registration, sir. Get the female passenger out. Exit the vehicle with your hands up. Exit now dont be scared. My daughter just witnessed this. The police just shot him for no apparent reason. No reason at all. They asked for license and registration. Thats the Police Officer over there that did it. With the black on. I cant really do [ bleep ] because they got me handcuffed. Its okay, mommy. I cant believe they just did that, im [ screaming ] its okay, im right here with you. [ crying ] yall please pray for us, jesus all. I ask everybody on facebook, everybody thats watching, sister, i know i just dropped you off but i need to be picked up. I need alazade to call my phone. In the wake of this, there are protests all across new york city and also in washington, d. C. Thats the one in new york city right there. And one in washington, d. C. As well. And then in st. Paul, minnesota. St. Paul, minnesota is where were going to found cnns ryan young. He has been reporting on all of this. Ryan, youre outside the governors mansion. We have seen a lot of emotion. Whats the scene like tonight . Reporter a lot of emotion, don. Weve been together during South Carolina and ferguson. You see a different crowd here. Its really a multicultural crowd. This is the governors mansion. You can see the gates, you can see people standing on it. In fact, the governor walked out about an hour ago and talked to some of the people. This is the protest thats going on as we speak. If you come back this direction, you can see all the people in the crowd who were having a conversation together. Once again, look i said, you see people from different cultures coming together, talking about having a conversation about how the chang was going on. They want to make sure whatever conferring is being had something happens. They dont want this to happen in the community again. How big is that crowd out there . Reporter so weve seen the crowd be as big as 2,000 people and at times its gone down to about 500. If you look back this way, we have about a thousand people. It goes all the way down the street. Weve had people coming out here with food, feeding people as well. They want to have a conversation. One of the things they were stressing is the idea that they dont want this to end without some changes. They really want to hear from the Police Department about how theyre going to have some systematic change within their organization before they let of this demonstration. Youve been hearing mostly that they want change and justice. So lets talk about the victims fiancee. Her name is Diamond Reynolds, Live Streaming on facebook as he appeared to bleed to death at her side. What more have you learned about her, ryan . Reporter wow, thats really been the conversation here, don. People have been struck by that video. A lot of people have been streaming the protest here because theyve been struck by the idea this woman could be so calm during that first interaction with the officer and then the idea that her 4yearold daughter was in the back seat, people talking about the screams they heard from the background and the fact they heard the man moaning after being shot. This has touched a lot of people. People have come out here as family units about the idea of how much facebook played a part in this. They feel the crowds wouldnt be here without social media, without that outlet. As a matter of fact, she talked to a crowd just moments ago. They took his life for in reason. They did this to my daughter and they did it to me and i want justice and he should not be home with his family. He should be somewhere in jail handcuffed. They took me to jail they didnt feed us. They didnt give us water. They took everything from me they put me in a room and separated me from my child. Reporter people really feel her anger and pain. You see signs out here, am i next out here . No one wants to let this go just yet. They want to hear more not only from the Police Department but from the department of justice. Theres real anger here, don. But weve done this before, stood in these crowds, ive never seen a crowd quite mixed like this in terms of not only voicing their anger but saying what can we do as a nation to move forward to get away from these ugly scenes. Ryan young joining us from st. Paul, minnesota. Theres a protest in new york city, that is times square and also one in d. C. This is breaking news into cnn, this is dallas, texas. Were getting reports of shots fired at a rally in dallas, texas. Thats the most that we know right now. Were working to get more information but you see the emergency vehicles on the scene and Law Enforcement again, reports of shots fired at a dallas protest, protests again going on all over the country in at least four cities that we know of, that we have images of and well continue to follow that. As we follow these pictures and all breaking information coming in, i want to turn to Philando Castillos family. Beverly, i am so sorry for your loss. How is your family doing tonight . Theyre surviving. And its tough. Go ahead, im sorry. Absolutely. I said we are surviving and trying to hold strong the best that we can. Trying to be as peaceful as we can. Beverly, you were very close to philando. Tell us about your nephew. Um, hes my baby nephew, the youngest, the youngest one that i have. I brought philando with me from st. Louis, missouri. I brought him up here when he was about i think maybe about 3 until his mom came and then she took him back to st. Louis and they came back up again and hes been he ever since. Philando is one of the most humble young man that i know. For the life of me, im puzzled with this whole thing. I dont know what provoked the police to even draw his weapon or how this whole thing came about. Im just stunned. Im still stunned. What do you want us to know about your cousin . My cousin was a wonderful man. I grew up with him his whole entire life. His mom, valerie castile, thats my auntie. I love her so much. She did a wonderful job raising philando, making him be the man that he is. I have a 15yearold son. Who wants to be just like philando. He was there encouraging the kids to go to school, do a good job, encouraging them how to play the video games, things like that. He was a great man and he did not deserve this whatsoever, at all. And we need justice and we need it today. Today. He did not deserve it. Like my mom said, very humble, very humble. You know, its hard to watch this video of diamond, but without this video, we may never know exactly what happened. So pardon me for a moment but i would like to play it of her inside of the car and i want to warn our viewers that its very difficult to watch and then well discuss it. He just shot his arm off. We got pulled over i told him not to reach for it i told him to get his hand off it. You told him to get his i. D. , sir, his drivers license. Oh, my god, please dont tell me hes dead. Please dont tell me my boyfriend just went like that. She is calmer than the Police Officer in that video. Yes, she is. How did she muster the courage, beverly, to have her wits about her to record this video . I think diamond is just a strong woman herself, and just from the whole reaction of being i think she was just trying to hold her composure, being in the state of mind that the police was in, she dont know what he could have did. I mean, the police was to me it looked like he was just shooting, just shooting, just shooting. You know, she didnt want anything to happen to her. One of them bullets could have hit the baby girl. I think its ridiculous. The babys right there in the car. Yes. Leketta, you said youre not surprised by what you see. Why do you say that . Because i used to live in Falcon Heights. I lived there for about four or five years and i lived at 1550 west lappen ter. Its a big multidevelopment that sits on the corner and most africanamerican and somalians live in that building and while i lived at that building, friends and family and folks never wanted to visit me because of the profiling there. They always were in the parking lot, driving around, harassing folks, always harassing affection at 1550 west lappenter. Its a racist thing and they stereotype with the kind of vehicle you drive. If its an older vehicle, they rest assured people dont have insurance. They just pull people over because they dont have nothing to do out there. You guys all say that Falcon Heights is a suburb. That is a little city inside of a another city. The population there is around 6,000 people. Out of those 6,000 people, only about 500 africanamerican folks live around in that community. So all they do is ride up and down the avenue and that little area and just prey on people to pull them over. Ive watched them numerous times. Ive been a victim of being pulled over and geingtting a no proof of insurance without even being pulled over. As were doing this interview, were showing video of protesting all over the country. What do you think of that . I think it is so awesome and i thank the whole world for everything they are doing, taking the time out, having the courage and being bold enough to do that for my family and my cousin and they dont even know him. We never expected even over there where the crime happened at the scene, you have folks all the way over there that are supporting him, coming out and doing things. I think this is awesome, this is the best divine favor all over the country. I want to thank everybody for the support they are giving my family, especially my auntie and my sister. Speaking of your auntie, philandos mother is your auntie, right . Yes. She spoke this morning earlier today on cnn. The key thing about the police, whatever they ask you to do, do it, just do whatever they want you to do. Whats the difference in complying and you get killed anyway . I think he was just black in the wrong place. She said she taught him to do everything right and comply. Even the governor of minunesota said he didnt think this would happen if he was white. Do you agree with that . I absolutely agree. Beverly . I agree also because you have to really know philando and the type of young man he is. Valerie did, she raised him very well and to respect the law. Now, if that police told philando to put his hand on the dash, he would have did it. If he said let me see your i. D. And registration, he would have did that also. He dont want no trouble with the police so he tried to do what he thought was best. Leketta, beverly, thank you. Our condolences. Thank you. I thank you also, sir. Breaking news tonight, protests spreading all over for the shootings of two black men in the past two days. Is this finally a turning point in america as we look at these live pictures of protests in new york city. Radio anncr scorching heat today, stay cool out there walter stop suffering with hot ac cool it yourself with a c pro. In just 3 easy steps, enjoy the comfort of 2 times the cooling boosters from the 1 selling coldest air. Nothing cools like a c pro. Im in charge of it all. Business expenses, so ive been snapping photos of my receipts and keeping track of them in quickbooks. Now im on top of my expenses, and my bees. Best 68,000 employees ever. Thats how we own it. From dallas where there is a shooting, our affiliate reporting theyre doing a shooting. Theyre doing a live report. If a reporter walks in, youll know. There are protesting happening all over the country, one in d. C. , one in new york, one in st. Paul and one in dallas. People are outraged about the shooting deaths in one week of two public men caught on camera. As people across the country see in their own eyes whats happening to black men in america, are we finally at a turning point here . I want to discuss this with corrector van jones, and our panel. Ill turn to you first, charles. You said you were numb and seething, you watched Alton Sterlings 15yearold son breaking down yesterday with your daughter. Yes. I was with my daughter, she was on a break from school now. She said i cant watch this, look at him crying. And i said he just lost his father, can you imagine if you lost me. Its tragic that we have to have these conversations and we constantly have to have these conversations with our children in particular. I think of what kind of psychic damage are we doing . Its a real balancing exact. Youre being forced by society to clip your own childrens wings, being forced by society to diminish their dreams to some degree, forced by society to impose on them constrictions that will keep them alive. And the fact that we have to do that is an american cruelty that very few people can say that they share in america other than black and brown people. I always say that for some of us, and lets just be honest, for black folks that you steal their youth, their innocence in a way. You want children to be as innocent as they can be for as long as possible and that doesnt happen for many black kids. Absolutely. You have to tell a young boy, which i have had to tell my kids, if all your friends start running, you know you cant run if the cops are present. Thats a hard thing to say. You hear the words coming out of your mouth and its hurting you as much as it is hurting them to hear it. And at the same time youre balancing constantly and saying i just want you to come home. If you die in the street, im going to die here in this house. There is no way for me to survive you not surviving. And that is a horrible, horrible, horrible thing. Its a horrible injustice that we dont even see because those children all the children who dont die who have to have that conversation with their parents, they are being hurt, too. Those parents are being hurt by having to say that to those children. It is a horrible injustice, areva, as well, because as the president said, this is an american problem, its not just an africanamerican problem. But many parents, white parents dont have to worry at least about that. Parents have to worry about a lot of things for their kids but this is something that is foreign to white parents in this country. Yeah, done. And i think what was so moving about the president s speech is he was almost admonishing the country to have empathy and unfortunately when i look at my social media feed, ive been talking about this now for 24, going on 48 hours and there are people on my feed who still were saying things like, but you just need to comply with the police, but if you you just did this, if the victim just did that. People still want to point to the victims rather than look at the responsibility and place it where it should be, which is on these Police Officers who see africanamerican men as suspects and not citizens, who see these men as villains rather than super hero, they see them for people to be feared rather than men to be respected. And i think the president was trying to talk to people on my social media feed and probably on yours who dont understand this isnt just a black problem, its an american problem. As a mother, i have been grieving like i know these two families and ive never met either of them. I have an africanamerican son, i have two daughters. So i know i guess i know and i say this with all due respect, the pain that those families are feeling and i feel like its my pain, my familys pain. And i think so many of us are experiencing that in this way. The president speaking tonight in poland. Listen. I genuinely truly believe that the vast majority of the American People see this as a problem that we should all care about. And i would just ask those who question the sincerity or legitimacy of protests and vigils and expressions of outrage, who somehow label those expressions of outrage as, quote unquote, political correctness, id just ask folks to step back and think what if this happened to somebody in your family . How would you feel . To be concerned about these issues is not political correctness. Its just being american. So, van, when we have these conversations, its often very uncomfortable and people many people look at it or some people may look at it as some sort of contest or that youre admonishing someone when you say, well, white parents dont necessarily have to deal with this. This is not a contest. This is a quest and a call for empathy in this country, not just to guilt anyone but were all americans and as the president said, we need to work on this problem together. Well, and i think that were going to have to. Listen, i dont know whats going on. They said shots fired, theyre putting that up there. Were either going to come together as a country or were going to come apart. This whole backdrop of this spring and this summer i think is being incredibly unsettling for me. The political system seems to be spiraling into something ive never seen before. You can go back and talk about 800 years ago or 200 years ago but in my adult life, i havent seen this level of vitriol and dysfunction. There is now a growing empathy gap where my great fear is that people who are on the blue side of this cant understand the black pain, the people on the black side of this cant understand the blue fear and were just going to be talking past each other for what could be a long, hot summer. Those who are looking at this panel and all these brown faces and whats their agenda . The agenda is we want to be able to raise our children. We just want our little guys and little girls to grow up and have graduations and not funerals. We dont imagine that any of us are innocent. Many of us have walked away from neighborhoods where the street violence and Police Violence together are creating a whole wave of funerals. We all have to do better. Whatever happened in dallas tonight, if theres any bloodshed or loss of life, our hearts go out to whoever has been impacted, but this cannot continue. I have to honor charles blow tonight. Charles blow deserves the Nobel Peace Prize and every other prize, hes speaking to the nation. Theres no hatred in his heart. Hes trying to get us together. I appreciate you, don, letting us have this conversation and sit around this camp fire. We just want to be able to raise our children. I need everybody to stand by. I have breaking news to report. Ktvr affiliate are reporting that two protesters were shot at this dallas protest. Ktvt reporting two officers shot. Were going to continue going again. Youre looking at live pictures on the scene. Can you see Police Officers are running in to figure out exactly whats going on. There is an active shooter situation in dallas, texas. Again, the information is coming in and im getting it just as you are. These are pictures, again, from dallas, texas. You see the Police Officers, the flashing lights on the scene. Our affiliate there is ktvt. You see the reporter there on the scene getting ready for a report. Why dont we listen in. We just noticed officers getting shields and starting to move towards this building. It seems like some officers are inside. We saw some of the officers pointing up at the building, as if somebody were possibly up there trying to gain some sort of vantage point. The mood definitely changed here in the last five minutes. It got a little bit more serious. The officers started to focus a little more on their personal safety than they were more concerned about keeping this perimeter contained. We saw some shields pulled out and it looked like they just entered that building. It seems like there might be somebody in there or something in there they need to find or figure out or retrieve, and the officers now are getting a little built even lowit even lo. It seems like they might be getting close to something but no other shots have happened out here since. We dont know if someone is injured or who theyre trying to find. Okay, thats the reporter on the see, the ktvt reporter in dallas, texas. It came on just before were going on air tonight, just before 10 p. M. Eastern itime. Lets listen to our affiliate of ktvt dallas. I saw four or five officers walk in with the shields that you see like in a riot. They had one officer in front and three or four tailing. Off to my right you can see people in more officers are sort of gearing up. You can see a few officers out here with helmets on now. Theres one right in between here, looks like getting ready to go in there. Its hard to see now but he has a helmet on. Theyre putting more gear on. It doesnt seem like you said, doug, it doesnt seem like a parking garage out here. Live pictures from our affiliate in dallas, texas. The eindication, the reports coming in now are that two officers have been shot. You heard that officers were getting in tactical position, it appears to enter a building. This is pictures from affiliate kadf in dallas, and you can see they have ascended on this building that says centro college. We dont have control of these pictures. And now a different angle that we have been watching for the better part of a little over five minutes now. You saw officers crouched behind their cars and officers behind a building that said centro college. There are a number of officers on the scene. Earlier this was the site of a protest in dallas, not exactly sure how many people were out there. We dont see any signs of any protesters now. I do have to be fair and say we dont know the circumstances surrounding this, if this is something that this has to do with the protest or this is something that happened near the protest and it just happened to be nearby. Were working to get more information. This is kdaf again. This is the s. W. A. T. Team. Witnesses say it was a peaceful protest and the shots came out of nowhere. Thats the information that were getting. They also here report witnesses saying they heard 20 gunshot in rapid succession during the protest and obviously people scattered and here we are. A peaceful protest now has turned into it appears to be a standoff situation with the dallas Police Department and the s. W. A. T. Team as we saw the s. W. A. T. Vehicle on the scene here. Now you see Police Officers crouched behind their vehicles, behind the brick walls there at a building that says centro college in dallas, texas. Some of the protesters still on the scene. Lets listen in for a moment. So earlier this evening when they heard the 20 shots in succession, people were running from the scene. So those are the scenes from earlier this evening when apparently the shots rang out during this protest in dallas, texas. Again, witnesses report hearing a succession of 20 shots. Can you see there are people there trying to get a baby out of the way in a baby carriage. There are Dallas Police rushing in. This all unfolded just moments ago. We got word of it just shortly before we went on the air at 10 p. M. Eastern this evening. The first reports we got were there were reports of shots fired at a protest in dallas, texas. Now were getting word that two Police Officers have been shot in this situation thats happened now. And were looking, as we saw just moments ago, we saw the s. W. A. T. Team on the scene. But again, this is all those are live pictures right there. Those were just moments ago. We apologize if theres any language that might offend you because this is live pictures and, again, this is all unfolding now. Ktvt interviewing witnesses now, our affiliate on the scene. Lets watch. You know, and then they told us that there was it still was an active shooter. We felt like we any moment could see bullets come off of the parking garage. So everybody just kept running. Reverend, thank you very much for that. You just heard it once again. That seems to be the word out here. Were working to confirm that with police. According to witnesses, witnesses saw what they believe to have been two Police Officers that went down as a result of the shooting. Let me step out of the way and give you a way of what it looks like. This is off of lamar and jackson street, just off the side of the Greyhound Bus station, a block south of where we were previously. This is an area where a lot of officers have congregated. We have s. W. A. T. Officers arriving on the scene. You can see them getting their shields outs of the back of their cars. They are in full armor, grabbing these shields out of the back of their car. Were seeing Police Officers continuing to show up here on the scene. There were plenty of officers when the march was taking place. Now responding officers are showing up by the handfuls. Still a lot of witnesses, a lot of people out here on the streets. Here we go, ed. Three more s. W. A. T. Officers looks like in Tactical Gear sort of running up towards the scene at this hour. We dont know exactly what theyre running to. We know the direction in which theyre running but, again. You were talk about this earlier today, about how many Police Officers there were here. Maybe you have a better view from the helicopter. I can tell you from the Ground Police are everywhere, probably why some of the reasons people are still out here. So that is a reporter from our affiliate ktvt. All they know is two officers were shot as well. They said that they heard 20 shots in rapid succession. One of the witnesses on the scene are saying all the protests have gone peaceful, as this is another affiliate kdaf. All the protests had gone peaceful. Here with black, whites, latino, everybody, this mixed community here protesting. It just came out of nowhere. It was end of the protest when shots started firing. It was like shots were coming at us. It was complete pandemonium. I knew a couple guys with rif s rifles, i told them to put those guns up and give them to police. One of witnesses told that to our affiliate ktvt. Youre looking at what appears to be a standoff there in dallas, texas. Again, im getting information just as it is coming in so im reading the information from my notes or from my iphone. 20 shots in rapid succession is what we know. Another witness told our affiliate i was walking next to the officer who was hoping with the protest, all of a sudden saw six to eight shots. Looks like two officers went down. I didnt have time to take a look. Told it was an active shooter, we could see bullets coming off the parking garage. And heres our affiliate again, ktvt. Thats the information were getting from them and there are officers there crouched behind their vehicles and were trying to get more information, again, all unfolding right now and theyre telling us still an active shooting here. What appears to be if you look at the name of the building, the building is marked centro college where we see officers standing at the door, some in full Tactical Gear and with their weapons drawn. Theyre telling our affiliate they need to move back into the alley. Im not sure when the chaos started but we got word of it just around 10 p. M. Lets take a look at what happened when it started. Youre looking at the video of what happened moments ago in dallas, texas. Neal, whats happening now as you look at this video . Whats going on . One of the first things they have to do with an active shooter situation is set up perimeters. And at a perimeter, in a perimeter to where they believe the person or persons may be. And this is probably going to be an allnight operation. It looks like a large area that they have to search and they have to do is systematically, cautiously and its going to take a long time to do it in an attempt to find the shooter or shooters. Thats another problem. They dont know if its one shooter or two at this point. And i think its important that although it occurred in the immediate area of the protests, very close, i think its important that at this time we not directly link it to the protest, until we find out more from the Police Exactly whats occurring. But its going to be an allnight operation. I want to get back to the live pictures. Do we have the reporter from ktvt . Jeff paul is reporting. Lets listen in to jeff pauls report. Reporter its not something were accustomed to seeing in the country, let alone in dallas. One thing i want to stress to you, if you are in this area, stay away from this area. If you come up with your cell phone, i know you want to do that but it is just making the job for officers out here very difficult. We are at a safe distance now. We are doing our job to try to share this with the public. Please do not come out here with cameras and get in the way of whats going on. Its a very dangerous situation and we do not know whats going to happen next. As we send it back to you in the studio, doug, with any new updates, you can still see the officers out here in a very defensive position. That is reporting jeff paul from ktvt and kdaf as well. You can see the officers there trying to secure the situation. Were told its still an active shooter situation. Retired Police Detective tom bernie joins us now. Youve been in these situations. Describe to us whats going on. It seems as though theyre trying to verify whether the shooter is still active in that location and secure it. I was just reading a report that said two officers were shot. Its unknown as to the stats of either officer. If you remember at the end of 2014 when a loot of the protests started taking place in new york, there was all this chanting of what do we want, dead cops, when do we want them . Now, right . And we had two officers assassinated in new york. Pro te protests are fine and when it escalates to the point this is getting nowhere. We dont know. We want to be very careful. Neal franklin said this happened during the protest but we dont know if it had anything to do with the people there. We have limited information and we want to tell you what we do know right now. We do know, what our affiliate is reporting, there was peaceful protests going on and then there were 20 shots in succession and another person saying that two officers went down. These are live pictures. We s we see two officers in Tactical Gear. This is no small matter. If youre just tuning in, weve been following this for most of the hour. There is an active shooting situation going on in dallas, texas at the scene of a protest. We are being told that two officers are shot. Our affiliates are trying to get information as well. Theres not much information to be given. They are struggling to try to get the news as well. Some of our affiliates are being pushed back away from the perimeter and this is an aerial shot from our affiliate ktvt. You can see how many emergency vehicles and Police Officers and emergency workers are on the scene. Im being told amanda clean is a witness and shes on the often n phone now. Amanda can you hear me . Yes, hi. Where are you . Youre live on cnn, by the way. Hi, hi. I am home safe. What happened . Im a little ill have to excuse my nerves because my heart is still beating very fast. But i live on main street, i live about four blocks from the garden and the rally was supposed to be done around 9 and i usually take the puppies out at 8. And it was about 8 45 and they were just ready to go out so i took them down and luckily they had to go to the bathroom a couple of times because i started walking towards the garden where we take them on a walk every once in a while and we got to about wing stock and theres still a little bit of people out there and where i live, i live on the top floor and i was watching the rally and there had been thousands of people and it probably had died down to about a couple hundred maybe. And then all of a sudden we started hearing pop, pop, pop, pop, pop. I wasnt really i didnt do all my research, i didnt understand everything about the rally, i knew it was probably in conjunction with what has been going on in the news recently with the police but i didnt think gunshot. That was not at first what i thought. And then all of a sudden people just started screaming and running and, oh, my gosh, i dont think ive ever ran so fast in my life and i had these two little miniature snauzers with me so it was a long way for them to sprint. We just sprinted straight from the garden where the gunshots were and sprinted the four blocks home and it seemed like a mile. It was like one of those moments that youre watching ladies with their strollers and pure chaos. And that is Something Like ive never seen. Amanda, let me jump in and ask you a couple questions. You said you were out walking the dogs and there were a couple thousand people out earlier and it had died down to a couple hundred. As youre walking, you could hear the shots. How close were you . I was on the corner of on the Northeast Corner of belo guard i dont know. Just in proximity. We dont know the streets. Youre talking to a national audience. Were you feet away . How far away were you . I would say about a hundred maybe 50 yards away. Yeah. And what happened . Did you hear the shots . Did you see anything . I did not see the shots, i heard the shots. And they were really loud. What did people start to do . People started running. People were like were these really shots . Is this happening in dallas . There was a little hesitation and then everybody started running, jumping over planets and running like the shots werent going to staop. And the gun shots were still going . They were still going for four blocks. How long did it take you to get four blocks . I would say a good five minutes but thats in panic mode so maybe three or four, just a couple minutes. And did you see Police Officers doing anything . What were the police doing . There were Police Officers stationed everywhere along main street. I this they were ready just in case anything were to happen with a crowd this size. But then as soon as i started hearing shots, i was really concerned that there were shots and i started seeing cops hopping in their cop cars, turning on their sirens and going around the block. Amanda, thank you. Were glad youre safe. Amanda kleen was down at the scene. Are you still there . Is this centro college . Tell busus about this area. This is the Central Business district, this is the hottest part of downtown dallas. This is where all the restaurants and the chic hotels and neiman marcus, thats where i work and all these store front are on main street. Belo garden is right next to the weston and right next to a luxury condominium high rise. And then its right next to bank of america tower. So its kind of a popular place in downtown. So we saw the writing on a building that they were saying that said centro college. Yeah. Its like a Community College but okay. All right, amanda, i want you to stand by real quickly. Charles blow has some information. Charles, tell us what your daughter is no, this is a friends daughter . Yes, this is a friend that i grew up with from louisiana. And i have no way to confirm this. She just sent me a message saying my daughter is in the omni hotel, there is a shooter in there, cops moving them around spot to spot to hide them. And i said right now . She said, yes, six officers down. I dont know what that means. She is texting me. Her battery is low. Theyre in omni hotel. I dont have any way to confirm that or not. We dont have confirmation on six officers. Im getting a text from ben ferguson who lives in dallas and hes also saying six officers as well. If we can get ben ferguson on the phone and see if we can get information from ben who is a frequent visitor to cnn. And one of charles blows friend is saying that six Police Officers have been shot. We have confirmed two Police Officers officers, unconfirmed as many of six. Well go back to ktvt reporting. Pete, i thought you were on the phone. So you appear on the show with us with a legal perspective. First as a resident of the city of dallas and realizing why these people were protesting tonight, your thoughts on what has now unfolded. Ill tell you what, im hearing now that the officer who has been shot in the arm is hopefully going to be okay. Hes a friend mine, which kind of hits home for me. People have a right to protest but if they do it in a peaceful manner. The fact that several officers have been shot tonight, at least one that we know of that is actually a friend of mine. Im very concerned. Im about to go into parkland as soon as we get done here. I do not want you to give us his or her name. I would ask you to refrain from that. Clearly we want family to be notified of any situation like that first. My second question is how do you know this person is okay . Have you spoken to them or somebody inside the hospital. I have spoken to somebody who is on scene who says this individual was shot in the arm, its not life threatening at this time. Im hoping to go into the hospital here to make sure that is actually correct. We dont want any officers to lose their lives in a peaceful protest, what it was supposed to be tonight. Pete, kind of a global thought. Around the country we saw the protests here new york, minnesota, philadelphia. Honestly i think a lot of people would maybe say this is one of the last places i would expect violence like this to break out. I would agree with you, doug. This is slas. We havent had any incidents here. I think our Law Enforcement is professional. This is cnn breaking news money. We have been looking at reports from our affiliate ktvt. This is cnn tonight. Im don lemon. Police saying this is an active shooter situation and warning protesters to flee the area. Were also being told they are being told to clear downtown. Eyewitnesses describe a scene of complete pandemonium and say they heard 20 gunshot in rapid succession. Again, that is our breaking news tonight from dallas, texas, as we look at these live pictures, s. A

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