Transcripts For CNNW CNN Tonight With Don Lemon 20160414 : c

CNNW CNN Tonight With Don Lemon April 14, 2016

About 60 of respondents say they have an unfavorable view of your husband. As his wife and someone who knows him better than anyone else, can you give us insight of why your husband may be likable that the general public doesnt know . Think about the context of this. People arent talking about knowing ted and knowing what its like to hang out and be with him. Theyre talking about the projection of the news media and those in washington who have not been working for the american people. One thing i said in the other day when asked does ted have a lot of friends, i said one of the greatest things about marrying ted cruz of the opportunity to hang out with all of his friends, theyre incredible people. Ted is a great game player, hell stay up all night, hes a lot fun, hes a movie buff, hes quick to laugh and doesnt take himself too seriously. Hes been in the environment of an congress that has an 11 Approval Rating from the american people. And there are a lot of people who havent been saving the issue you the day. Teds been trying real hard to advance the ball. Hes not afraid to call things as he sees them and to move things forward. So i feel very, very confident that when things are aligned properly in washington, when we have a president that has been elected on a mandate from the people, from all of you to get things done, there are a lot of great people in congress who are going to want to act, who are going to be willing to act and ted is going to get along just great with them because were all going to be aligned again. Weve had the problem of a liberal president executing things in executive order thats against the world of people and teds been standing up for you in an environment thats been really tough. Thank you for your question. This is kaitlin grainer, shes undecided. She has a question for mrs. Cruz. Thank you for being here. I was wondering if there were any obstacles that might have seen like a downfall but have contributed to your success . Were all human and all came in and had dreams and hopes and aspirations. For me certainly and maybe for many of us our path to getting there has been a little bit different than weve second and maybe where we ended up is a little different than we expected. I certainly did not expect to be married of someone who was running for president. I dreamed of being in the business world, which i was and have been. There have been transition points in my life. The thing that has helped me grow the most are those transition points. I just want to convey to people when you hit the roughest patches, be so grateful for them because though are the times that you grow. I listen to christian music frequently, it inspires me. One song that inspired me so much is that when we come to our source of source of hope or aspiration or god in brokenness or tough times its an opportunity to show this higher power that this earth and destiny is his story. When we are broken, its an opportunity for him to put his fingerprints all over our story. I would encourage you, young women, young men, all of us to remember to humbly start over again when you hit a rough patch because its got to be the beginning of something great. Bill burgess, president of an International Search firm in new york, said he undecided and has a question for you, senator cruz. Im concerned about i often ask my candidates what is your Favorite Movie . I heard that you said your Favorite Movie is the princess bride. Heidi, id like to know what you and your girls, what are your Favorite Movies . What you ask that question, it kind of gives you insight of their values and where thats coming from. Thats a tough question for me because i dont want a lot of movies. I wish i did. I think its a matter of time or desire. Im just going to answer you truthfully. My movie watching time tends to be some real down time where im kind of just having fun and i always enjoyed that silly movie from a long time ago called legally blond. Im sorry i cant give you a great inspirational answer. My last answer was more inspirational. I want you to meet michelle, she lives in nassau, shes leaning towards voting for you and has a question for you, mrs. Cruz. My question is what will you miss most about living in texas . Should the Voters Decide that ted should be their next president and we should be their next family, the thing i would miss the most is perhaps the beautiful sunsets and the people that are unendingly accepting, unendingly focused on capabilities of what you can do, what youre going to do next, not where you came from, not what address you have and what your position is but what you can do for your community. And i applaud the people of texas for a cando attitude, a nonjudgmental attitude. I know thats representative of america. So will continue to find that in this country. But i love that about texas and i love our sun sets. Senator cruz, same question to you. Let me comment on the last two questions. Heidi grew up on the rural farm, they didnt have a television set. Her parents are amazing people, they were missionaries and theyre amazing athletes. Her dad climbed mount everest. So for family events they would go out and hike and exercise and exercise like crazy. So when it comes to movies, she didnt grow up watching movies. When we got married i am a movie buff. On date night i always want to go see movie and heidi . The demonstration of true love goes to the movies with me and then promptly falls asleep in the movies. Heidi cant sit still for two minutes so two hours is agony so she takes a nap. She is a california girl. The day we won the senate race, caroline looked up and said, mommy, you cant tell people youre from california anymore. Aside from princess bride, is there a second . Aside from princess bride, the godfather, all three of the godfather movies. And another wonderful movie is Amazing Grace. Its the story of a man who led the opposition to slavery in england. Its amazing it starts you know the gospel hymn Amazing Grace, it was actually written by someone i didnt know until i saw the movie and read the book, the person who wrote Amazing Grace had been the captain of a slave ship. He recanted and became a friar. You think of the words, the horrors that the captain of a slave ship has murdered and tortured human beings, as wretched a human being you can imagine someone captaining a slave ship and he says i once was lost and now im found, was blind but now i see. The movie focuses a little bit on that individual but then William Wilburforce was a young member of parliament and at the time britain was the greatest slave trading empire in the world. It was like it was like someone in new york city going and campaigning and saying were going to eliminate wall street. Its like someone in texas saying were going to shut down the oil industry. It was a crazy thing for wilburforce to stand up. He was a lonely voice in Parliament Saying the slave trade is gross, it is immoral, it is wrong and over the course of 50 years fighting and highlighting what happens, the movie ends with an historic vote to end and ban the slave trade. And it is as inspirational a movie as youve ever seen about the power of justice and truth and people to come together and stand up against evil. I want to thank senator cruz, heidi cruz, as well as caroline and katherine. Thank you so much. Its great to meet you. A special thanks as always to the voters here for their questions. Tomorrow night a cnn democratic debate. Wolf blitzer will moderate and well have complete coverage before and after. We go now to cnn tonight with don lemon. Thank you, anderson. Breaking news, ted cruz and his wife heidi cruz take questions at our town hall with their two daughters with them. And as ted cruz tries to win over voters in our town hall tonight, an overflow crowd of 27,000 people cheered on Bernie Sanders in new yorks Washington Square park tonight. Well tell but that as well. Lets discuss all of this with my politically dream team, kellyanne conway, mr. David gregory, chief analyst gloria borger, dana bash joins our crew tonight, matt lewis and Kayleigh Mcenany a cnn commentator and a trump supporter. Gloria, i have to ask you, watching those cute little girls tonight build a bear. I learned a lot tonight. Any time you see a candidate with his intelligent, smart wife and children, you get to see another side of them. The vote you cast for president of the United States is a very personal vote. I dont think it erases political differences or anything else, you cant overstate it, but i do think it lifts the veil a little bit and its important for voters. Did you coordinate with the cruz family . I did. We called each other up and said were going to have a build a bear party and what are you wearing . And i said yellow and and what do you think, david . The Looking Glass of a campaign shine as really hard spotlight of who these people are, the rough and tumble of candidates. When you see people with their spouse, with his kids, its humbling. You get a sense of the every day, what their life is like, what they care about. It gives us a more complete sense of who they are. You said overplay the politics. I was just holding back, pacing myself. One of the questions out of the gate was the intense battle over delegates and trump calling the whole process rigged. Watch this. Last night donald trump was sitting here and he told me that the rules are stacked against him. You heard this before, hes been saying it a lot, that the rules are stacked against him, that there are shenanigans going on. Do you agree . The way you get elected is you win a majority of delegates. There have been 11 elections in four states and weve beaten donald in all 11 elections. Hes unhappy about that because hes losing in the polls. I guess he thinks he should attack the voters. Does he just not have the ground game . He said even if he had more people in colorado hes right. He would have lost. For the last three weeks hes lost over and over again. Donald has a hard ceiling in most states of about 30, 35 . He did well early in the race when there were 16 candidates because the votes were dispersed. Now that the field has narrowed, were seeing republicans are banding together and were beating him over and over again. I remember when the establishment wasnt with ted cruz. Holding their nose, kicking and screaming and the antiTrump Movement is sort of the great equalizer in getting everybody behind ted cruz. I do think there was a very clever moment that anderson had where he said, wait a minute, talking about maybe not dirty tricks but, you know, rigged moments, the fact that he sent out he, ted cruz sent out a fundraising notice saying if you give x number of dollars, you can be a deputy cruz delegate, which doesnt exist. He said its a fundraising tool and its not real but, you know what, not everybody gets that. Its like getting the wings when you get off the airplanes. That doesnt make you a pilot. Speaking of anderson. Hello anderson, great debate again. We were talking about what a service this does for the candidates and for the voters because you get to know a different side of them. The audience has remained and theyre singing happy birthday to caroline cruz. Engaging with the candidate oneonone, trying to ask tough question, news of the day type questions and bring in the families and its up to the viewers and audience. And a lot of the questions from the audience members was really about the family dynamics, things like that you dont normally hear in a debate or town hall. For those wanting nothing but tough questions, theyre not going to get that. As many of your panelists were saying, its interesting to see them with their families and interacting. The cruzes wanted their kids to come up on the stage. Its noting is we suggested. It came from ted and heidi cruz, they wanted the kids to come up on stage so thats what they did. Any time can you see the family dynamics, its another side of the family and another factor they take into the voter booth. And they learned a lot about build a bear and the American Girl doll store. I went in there once but there were too many dolls there. I started talking to caroline and she told me it was her birthday and she wanted to go to the American Girl doll store. And thats foremost in her mind because shes mentioned it several times in the time ive talked to her. You got to see the different sides of these candidates. Do you think they moved the needle at all, though . I dont know. It was interesting in the donald trump town hall last night we had i think three people in the audience who came in saying they werent sure but they were thinking of voting for donald trump who said last night convinced them to vote for donald trump. Clearly in most of the polls, quinnipiac poll, new york one poll, donald trump is way out in front. I dont know how much any of this moved the needle but i do think for many people around the country, its a chance to see these candidates in a different light. Weve had plenty of tough, contentious interviews over the last months and plenty of debates, though senator cruz would like more debates, which i understand but it does allow us to see them in a different light. And the democratic debate tomorrow night. Kellyanne, ted cruz was asked about the gestapo tactics. Oh, you were over there last night. Watch this. His new Convention Manager said his folks are using gestapo tactics. I have to say, anderson, it is bizarre. Donald and his team, its almost look theyre subjects in a clinical course in psychology. There are all sorts of different behaviors they display but one of them is projection. The conduct they do regularly they accuse everyone else of doing. So literally in the last few weeks donalds team, roger stowe, his chief political adviser, was threatening to out the hotel room of delegates who dared to cross trump so they could be intimidated. Theyre acting like union boss thugs. In colorado, i spoke to the chairman of the Republican Party in colorado, Trump Supporters put out his home address, his phone numbers, he got thousands of phone calls and death threats. Trump supporters were telling people to go to his house and bring guns. Violence doesnt belong in the campaign. Police are reporting threats of violence against delegates from the trump cam pan. Roger stowe has left the Trump Campaign. He said he has. You think hes still in the campaign . I think hes their henchman. Hes doing the dirty work. Donald doesnt like hes losing the election. Is the Trump Campaign intimidating people, kellyanne . It seems like it. We hear from the Trump Campaign the rules are not fair, the system is corrupt, its rigged and yet very clearly it was laid out there that stephen house, the party chair of colorado, has received over 3,000 calls since the convention, all of them nasty and he posted on facebook when i hear about burials and my family mentioned in the same sentence, this isnt politics, this isnt democracy, its crazy. You can whine and complain all you want, you changed the rules i would say theres analysis that donald trump won 35 of the popular vote and 42 of the delegates. Apparently they like those rules. Theres no place in politics and i hope kayleigh will back me up on this, theres no place in politics for the nazi, gestapo politics. Dont you think cruz is just doing a better job with delegates . No, i dont think so. Because donald trump is ahead in the delegates. Hes won more than double states of ted cruz. But working the rules, though can i quickly just address some of the things that kellyanne says . Yes. Youre saying Trump Supporters are indicative of what trump stands for. Roger stone does not work with the campaign. Theres a controversy he kellyanne, i got to finish. Theres controversy over whether he was fired on the campaign or quit. He left on not good terms. Hes involved, i promise. The only personal who has been accused of dirty tactics was governor kasich accusing cruz in engaging in double so its okay that people are being threatened. There are accusations by both candidates that ted cruz im sorry, youre a very nice be person, but are you going to look the viewers in the eyes and tell them its a false report that they say they will publish where the hotel is. We saw it on video so we cant say its false but id like to see donald trump stand up and say cut the crap. I would like to see ted cruz stand up against the people in michigan theres a couple of things hurting donald trump. The first thing was the calendar. There were two weeks before wisconsin, he looked like he was going to lose all the way and he loses and then two weeks after. Hes been in this vacuum where i think hes had politically a desire to distract that he had lost and the idea that the stop Trump Movement was gaining some traction. Hes on course to do very well in new york and throughout the northeast and that will quiet some of that down. It is also true has he misplayed some of it and he can catch up. Heres the other big problem. The reason hes in this situation is because hes not a majority candidate. Hes not getting above 50 . Because a he faces is usual, which is a dedicated movement to oppose him within his party. Usually you have consolidation around the frontrunner so its keeping him below 50 . These combination of factors have created this difficulty. Winning in new york will do a lot to correct that. At this point in a campaign when you have a candidates that been consistently ahead, consistently the frontrunner, i think this pushback that theyre getting is something perhaps they didnt anticipate, which is why theyve been so far behind on the ground game in terms of delegate selection because maybe there is a sense they didnt need to do that. Right . Im going to get you in, matt. You sat there quietly but youre going to have to wait. Youre awfully quiet tonight. 27,000 people flooding new yorks Washington Square park tonight for Bernie Sanderss rally there. Stay with us for our brooklyn democratic race tomorrow night beginning at 9 00. We have much more reaction to tonights town hall with ted cruz, his wife heidi and his two lovely daughters. Every day you read h

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