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Welcome back. Youre on a Senate Judiciary committee. If president obama sends up a n nominee, should they hear it. They should not. Should they get a hearing . I dont think they should because its not about the particular nominee. I think what hearing would end up very politicized. And i dont think it would be fair to the nominee. I think this is a matter of policy, that during a lame duck period we should not be confirming a Supreme Court nomination particularly, luke at Justice Scalias passing. Justice scalia was a lion of the law. He was someone i knew for 20 years. He was brilliant, principled. Like Ronald Reagan was to the presidency, so Justice Scalia was to the Supreme Court. And his passing leaves a huge void on that court. And this nomination has the fop potential to dramatically shift the balance of power. The last Republican Debate came the same day we learned Justice Scalia passed. I think that shifted it really made people focus on the gravity of the stakes here. You mentioned before the new poll today that has us in first place nationwide, its the first time donald trump has not been in first place in many, many months and i think this is an important reason why, that people were look at this stage and say hog do i know about beyond a shadow of a doubt would nominate and fight to nominate principled jurists. We are one liberal justice away from the Supreme Court striking dont every restriction on abortion thats been put in place the last four years. One one liberal justice away from the Supreme Court writing the Second Amendment out of constitution. We are one liberal justice away from the Supreme Court ordering commandment monuments to be torn down. And i think one. Most important questions in this election is who understands and is prepared and committed to fight for principled Supreme Court justices that will follow the constitution. And i got it tell you, anderson, i cannot wait to stand on that debate stage with Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders and take it to the American People, their vision of the Supreme Court of the constitution mandates unlimited abortion on demand, takes away our religious liberty, i dont think thats what the American People believe in, but we ought to take it to the election. If the democrats want to nominate liberal, they have to win the election. One of the reasons i think conservatives are uniting behind my campaign is theyre coming to the realization stla the experience and the commitment to make that commitment beagainst Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders. Donald trump and marco rubio have said youre a liar. Are they lying about that . This is a strange election season in many ways. Both donald trump and marco rubio are following this pattern that whenever anyone points it their actual record, to what theyve said to what theyve voted on to what theyve done, they start screaming liar, liar, liar. It is the oddest thing i cant think any precedent in any previous republican president ial election. Now, from my end, i have not and will not respond in kind. If they want to engage in personal insults, if they want to go to the mud, im not going to say the same thing about them. I think the people of South Carolina deserve more than people just throwing mud at each other. I mentioned on saturday on the debate stage that donald trump for 60 years of his life has described himself as pro abortion, and even now supports taxpayer funding for planned parenthood. His response was to bel bellow liar, liar. You said on National Television you think planned parenthood does wonderful things. And then, anderson, donald proceeded to say on deet bait stage once again he thinks planned parenthood does wonderful things. The very thing he called me a liar for, he said again on the stage. I like marco rubio. Hes a friend of mine. I made three statements about marcos immigration during the debate. I think number one, marco right now supports granting citizenship to the 12 Million People who are here illegally. Now, that is a fact. He said that on deet balt stage two or three debates ago. In fact, on meet the press with chuck todd a few weeks ago, marco said he should grant citizenship to people here illegally even if they have criminal convictions. The second thing i said he said when he was in florida, he supported in had of state tuition for illegal immigrants. Thats a fact. And the third thing i said is he went on univision and in spanish said he would not rescind the illegal executive action on immigration. Marco followed the same strategy, just screamed liar, liar, liar. He didnt dispute the substance. He said how would you know what i said on univision. You dont speak span ir. Well, marco was incorrect on that. But, look, truth matters. Every one of these issues, donald and marco are on video on National Television stating their positions and just yelling liar doesnt make it so. And i would note, by the way, if marco is right that im lying, they be ill tell you else has to be lying, Jeff Sessions has to be buy lolying, rush limbaug james dobson has to be lying because every one of them has said the exact same thing i did, most of those folks havent endorsed me, theyre not supporting me, but theyve spoken the truth. One of the things i love about the people in South Carolina is how seriously they take the responsibility to vet the candidates. Can you go to our web site and watch the video and see marco and donald stating their positions. This is robert tucker, a l lawyer. He said hes Still Deciding between you and marco rubio. Welcome. Welcome back to greenville. Thank you. Go weve seen articles that you dont get along with some of your republican senators, your colleagues in washington. If youre going to have a problem with them, what are you going to say to them as president to get them on board so we can get legislation passed . Its a great question, robert, thank you for asking it. The reason why that is is simple. Its not that i speak with ak lack of civility or respect. Youve seen in this president ial campaign as other os insult me or impugn my integrity, i dont respond in kind. I have not attacked or inassaulted my colleagues in the senate, democratic or republican. Ill tell you why they say ted is unlikable in washington. Because im actually honoring the commitments that i made to the men and women who elected me. For example, on planned parenthood, i led the fight for to us use the budgetary power of congress to stop giving 500 million to planned parenthood. The Republican Leadership wanted to have a show vote, lose the show vote and then fund all of obamas agenda including planned parenthood. Whats unlikable is when you stand up and say how about we do what we said we would do. When i stood up and led the fight against the Rubio Schumer amnesty bill, they said that was unlikable. You know why . Because all the money in washington and all the lobbyists in washington wanted amnesty. If you look at the special interest, amnesty, they its its great, its cheap labor. And, by the way, the way we won these fights is that i stood up and tried to shine a light on them, shine attention on them and empower the American People. Rubio schumer amnesty passed. It was headed to the house it pass. John boehner intended to take it up, pass it with all the democrats and a handful of republicans, roll over about 200 house republicans. And i stood with Jeff Sessions and steve king and we took the case to the American People and what happened is millions of American People rose up, lit up the phones to congress and said dont do this and we dedee feated the Rubio Schumer amnesty bill in the house. In the world of washington, thats considered unlikable. When Republican Leadership i wrote a book last year called a time for truth oup. The opening chapter desights the inside story whachd on the debt ceiling, where Republican Leadership wanted to make it easier for harry reid to add trillions in debt to our country and i objected to that, the act of honoring the promise i made to the men and women who elected me engender more animosity than anything ive done in my time in the senate. Just this morning senator jim deminutd demint was in a radio question and addressed this yes. He said ted is a friend, anyone who says hes unlikable is being ridiculous, he said they said the thing about me because jim demint honored the commitments he made to South Carolina. Republican leadership hated jim demint. Not because he speak mean about them but because hes actually said lets do what he said we would do. So lots take the second half of your question. How do we fix the problems . A president has three levers of president ial authority to change the direction of this country. Number one is executive pow person thats been the one obama has abused so much. The Silver Lining is everything done with executive power can be undone with executive pow person thats why i pledge pledged to resint every single illegal executive action under president obama. Its why i pledged to end the persecution individual liberty and why i pledge to instruct that common core ends today. Using legitimate executive pow exyou can end many of the abuses of obama if you have a president willing to use the power. The Second Avenue of executive power to change the direction of this country is foreign policy. Thats why i pledged on day one to rip this shreds the Iran Nuclear Deal and its worth remembering this same nation, iran, released our hostages the day that Ronald Reagan was sworn in. The third avenue to change the direction of the country is legislation. Legislation is not easy with this broken congress. Im running on two big legislative initiatives. Number one, repealing every word of obamacare and, number it would be, adopting a simple flat tax and abolishing the irs. Now, neither one of those are easy. Im not remotely naive or polly anish. Could i get those done in this congress . No. But think about the last time we beat the washington cartel. It was 1980. Reagan in 76, primary gerald ford. You want to make Republican Leadership loath you, come within an inch of beating the incumbent republican president in a primary. You think they dislike me . They hated reagan with the heat of a thousand white hot suns. He was unlikable. Yet what did reagan do in 77, 78, 79, he didnt fly to washington and sit down with the old bulls and say lets do something. He knew that wouldnt happen. When you go to the people, it transformed the incentives. Can you not find a republican who will not swear that Ronald Reagan is tattooed somewhere on their body. But the reason is he took the case to the people and he changed the incentives. How do we abolish y repeal obamacare and make a flat tax, we make it a referendum so we come out in 2016 with a mandate from the people. Thats exactly what i intend do. Thank you. Thank you for your question. This is susan harvey. Shes a local travel agent. Shes still undecided. Good evening, susan. Hi. If youre elected, what position this your cabinet would the most important to fill first and why . That is a very good question. I would say it would be a threeway tie between secretary of state, secretary of defense and attorney general. All three are critically important. State and defense, we need o start rebuilding our military immediately when. It comes it state, we have abandoned our friend and allies nationally. Its part of the reason i mentioned before ripping to shreds the Iranian Nuclear deal and moving the American Embassy to jerusalem, both of those are within the power of the president but theyre also powerfully symbolic. Moving the embassy to israel tells israel, our allies and our enemies america is back. Obama in his opening weeks, he sent back the bust of Winston Churchill to the united kingdom. If im elected president , Winston Churchill is coming back to the oval office. As secretary of state week need someone strong, someone who defends this country, someone who represents this country. Im not in the position right now to be naming cabinet appointments, but a secretary of state in the cruz trags would be someone like john bolton, someone who is strong, who defends had country, who sfwands our allies and stand up to our enemies. Looking at attorney general, attorney general, the lawlessness of the obama administration, has been one of the saddest legacies. And you know one of the most revealing aspects anderson, if you ask reporters in washington, off the record, you get them at the bar having a couple drinks and you say is hillary going to be indicted . Inselfably the answer they giver you theyre going to say, well, it depends on if the Obama White House decides they want to throw her overboard. It they decide they want to keep her, no, she wont be indicted and if they decide theyre done with her, she will. How howe sad is it that the media accepts as a given that whether someone is prosecuted under the political will you depends on what some political hack in the west wing thinks. I used to be an associate Deputy Attorney general andism spent five and a half years as solicitor general in the state of texas. Law enforcement in the administration of law is critically important. And i give you my word that the attorney general in my administration will be blind to party or ideology. It will not be a partisan position. The only fidelity of the department of justice will be to the laws and the constitution of the united states. Thats the way its meant to work. We have a few minutes left. Do you want to tell me what reporters youre having drinks with in d. C. . I guess not. Whats your favorite cocktail . Im a scotch man. I understand youre also a night owl. Do you have a guilty pleasure, do you watch television . I used to watch tv. Im a huge movie buff. I love movies. I like video games. One of the things if you asked my wife, if you asked heidi what drives her craze owe about me the most, it is my iphone. If she could fling my iphone out the window and into the trash, she will be thrilled, im on my iphone playing plants versus zombies, candy crush. My girls love it. I know youve done a lot of impersonations on the campaign trail. Whats your favorite one and do you want to grace us with it . Part it have is you want to have fun. A lot of timesism get the questions in town halls. How do republicans reach young people . Part it have is substantial beep have to make the case that the obama agenda is hammering young people. For seven years people come out of school with economic stagnation, they cant get a job, they dont have a future. Part of getting young people is getting people to loosen up. Would it kill the republicans to crack a joke . Im reminded of a few years back i was out in l. A. Traveling throughout. The week before i arrived these posters began appearing all over town. And theyre posters of my head on a shirtless torso that is ripped. And its covered with tattoo, a giant eagle on my chest, two six shooters on my abs you ever sound less than con vinced. A cigarette dangling out of my to mouth and above it the legend black listed and loving it. We had nothing it did with these posters. It was a local straight artist in l. A. And we decided to have some fun with them. We posted on facebook and said for whatever reason these posters started appearing all around who will wood. I said i have to say i noticed a glaring error, i dont smoke cigarettes. A special thanks to all the voters being here and asking the questio questions and for the viewers at home, i hope youll join us. Our coverage continues with don lemon right after this. [ salesman ] congrats on the new car. [ woman ] thanks. The dealership reviews on cars. Com made it easy, but. [ man ] we thought it might be a little more tense. You miss the drama . Yeah. [ technician ] ask him whatever you want. Okay. Do you think my sisters prettier than me . [ laughs ] [ male announcer ] research, price, find. Only cars. Com helps you get the right car without all the drama. People love me for saving them over half a grand when they switch to progressive. So im dabbling in new ventures. It was boardgame night with the dalai lama. Great guy. Terrible player. Go paperless dont stress, girl i got the discounts that you need its a balancing act, but i got to give the people what they want more box. Any words for the critics . What can i say . Critties gonna neg. [ applause ] the what . [ laughs ] the breaking news as we look at those live pictures from colombia, South Carolina. Greenville South Carolina, colombia tomorrow. This is cnn tonight, im don clem lemon. Who is up, who is down and what happens when john kasich, donald trump and jeb bush take the stage . I want to say local to my dream team. None other than our own Gloria Borger joins us. Hi, gloria. What did you think . First of all, i love the town hall formats. It gives the candidates a way to present themselves other than two dimensional. Ive been out on the campaign trail today. I was at ted cruzs now infamous presser in which he talked about the lawsuit that donald trump has filed against him for defamation because of his ad. And tonight i think while there was clearly politics and cruz was complaining about donald trump calling him ridiculous, i do think you got to see another dimension of the candidates, ben carson saying i have the experience to be president and heres why im qualified. Which is a question a lot of people ask about him. You saw marco rubio try to define himself at unifier in the party. And you saw ted cruz positioning himself very much as the prolife, antitrump constitutional scholar who is the best equipped to pick the next Supreme Court justice. And you didnt see it in sound bites, don, you saw it in really lengthy segments that voters can watch and kind of chew on. Really lengthy answers for so so some. We were standing here, some of the panel saying it was like a filibuster. Were there any surprising to you . There really werent any surprises to me, other that be i think marco rubio was the candidate out there who really decided not to kind of get deep in the muck again. I mean, he said he would defend his record and he accused, you know, he spoke about why he thinks ted cruz isnt telling the truth about him when anderson asked about that. You might call it a filibuster but were not used to hearing candidates in more than 30second sound bites. I tliefl find it kind of refreshing to hear them explain how they feel about the issues and how they came to their positions. I mean, i think, look, theres a big fight going on here now in South Carolina. Marco rubio and ted cruz are engamged in a war for the second spot and truz is engaged in a war against donald trump, no doubt about it. But i think we got it understand where these candidates come from and also, by the way, as im sure you noticed, we learned a little more about rubio and electronic dance music and carson playing pool at home when he likes to relax and and cruz singing. And cruz likes a good scotch once in a while, singing to his wife. Dont we all. Especially on late nights like tonight. Thank you, gloria. Great job as usual. Thank you. Have fun. Lets get started with our dream team. What did you think, donna . Since im the resident democrat here. Gloria is right. We got a chance to learn their musical taste. We learned maybe theyre not redity make ready to make a joyful noise. Ted cruz, he talked a little longer than orlt two in terms of his answers, but, again, tonight was about trying to appeal to a christian conservatives. I was in South Carolina four years ago with the republicans. Thank god i know a little bit about scripture so i wasnt off note. But tonight they were ptrying t appeal to that vote. As someone watching just as a viewer, i appreciated marco rubios shorter, more succinct answers rather than the longer answers. Am i the only one who felt that way . I think thats right. I was struck by the two different approaches that cruz and rubio took. Clearly because of the platform, rubio tried to offer a bit more of a relatable candidate to people. He tried to talk directly to these voters with a much more common touch whereas i think because ted cruz was taking more of a prosecutorial approach against donald trump, he was taking longer answers. He had a very long case and evidence to offer. I kept going, okay, okay. I wanted him to address the viewer. I love my colleague Anderson Cooper but he kept say being anderson, anderson, anderson. If im speaking to kevin, if you ask me a question, i want to say kevin. It was less conversation, much more of a complicated prosecution of dpt. This was a chance for ted cruz to say this is who i am to viewers and he did not did that. He said ironically truth matters and then he went on to list Donald Trumps policies all incorrectly. The up side is he had 30, pa minutes of uninterrupted opportunities offer negative attacks on donald trump. The down side of that is the more negative candidate always end up losing. Whereas rubio looked a lot more positive, he did come off as somewhat style clis the other big difference between ted cruz and marco rubio who are basically vying for the secondary spot, marco rubios answers were all slated for a general electorate. But they were also palatable to the general electorate. Ted cruz is going for the values voter in South Carolina. He brought up social issue after social issue, which is very hard to translate. This makes mub yess case for him that hes the guy who could win in a general. Tonight seemed to be all about liar, liar, liar, liar pants on fire. Everybody kept saying that. Lets listen to some and then well discuss. If you Say Something that isnt true and you say it over and over againnd you know its not true, theres no other word for it. When its about your record, you have to clear it up, because if you dont, people say it must be true, he didnt dispute it beep saw what he did to dr. Carson. Which is wrong. Someone wait a minute up with a fake Facebook Post saying trey gowdy office in longer supporting me. But i spend 99 of my time talking about americas future. It someone says something thats not true and i dont clear it up, thats not fair. People may think then its true. Donald trump, marco rubio both have said that youve lied, youre a liar. Were they lying about that . I got to say, anderson, this is a strange election season, in many ways. Both donald trump and marco rubio are following this pattern, that whatever anyone points to their actual record, to what theyve said, to what theyve voted on to what theyve done, they start screaming liar, liar, liar. Its the oddest thing. I cant think of any precedent in any previous president ial election. Ly not and have not responded in kind. I think the people of South Carolina deserve more than people just throwing mud at each other. Im not going to call anybody. You didnt hear that from me but this guys a liar. Listen, tonight certainly didnt have the fire of debates and sometimes dragged a bit. But you had a chance to see them in a more dethreedimensional way, as gloria said. Its really important, when you make a judgment about these things, you think do i want that person in my living room for the next fours years . Its a major part how you respond to them, how people talk. In this sense i think ben carson was. Most comfortable person youd want in your lisk roving room. Marco rubio, the way he talks, ratatattat. If hugh he could talk like ted cruz hed do better. And ted cruz, this is giving him an opening that i think hes used well tonight. Do you want troouz in your living room the next four years . Thats a harder question. We talked about voices and longwinded answers and thats what the audience will take away with that. The thing, too. He has to answer these questions in full. When he has two other candidates, the glop frop frontr and another figure thats beloved in the republican party, he has to take time to answer that question. People are using that charge all over the plarks Republican Voters who doesnt follow the tick tack of every campaign have to did a press conference. I felt like i was watching the old court tv. Court tv between ted cruz and donald trump, i would watch that. He has to take the time to do that. It may be the deciding factor in the gop primary. I want toll you, you can see part two of our cnn gop town hall tomorrow night at 8 00. Its going to be very similar to this except it will be john kasich, jeb bush and donald trump. Dont miss part two moderated by anderson tomorrow night at 8 00 p. M. So he sent a cease and desist to ted cruz. Ted cruz responded to it tonight on stage. Now you just book a seat, right . Not quite. Sometimes those seats are out of reach, costing an outrageous number of miles. Its time to switch. To the capital one venture card. With venture, youll earn unlimited double miles on every purchase, every day. And when youre ready to travel, just book the flight you want, on any airline and use your miles to cover the cost. Now thats more like it. Whats in your wallet . I use whats already inside me to reach my goals. So i liked when my doctor told me i may reach my blood sugar and a1c goals by activating whats within me. With onceweekly trulicity. Trulicity is not insulin. 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If you want help improving your a1c and blood sugar numbers with a noninsulin option, ask your doctor about onceweekly trulicity. And click to activate your within. My School Reunions comi fast. Could be bad. Could be a blast. Cant find a single thing to wear. Will they be looking at my hair . Wont be the same without you bro. When its go, go to choicehotels. Com. The site with the right room, rewards and savings up to 20 when you book direct. Book now at choicehotels. Com thats down in greenville, South Carolina. Tomorrow night is trumps turn, bushs turn, kasichs turn. Its going to be very interesting to watch that. Back with me now, my dream team. A lot of people here. You think ted cruz had the most command of the issues. Not only command of the issues but i think in terms of South Carolina, who votes in a republican primary. His arguments i think would resonate more than anybody elses and resonate better. You were talking about evangelicals, 65 are jel evangelicals. Many of them are white, blue collar, nonCollege Educated and there are also College Educated evangelicals. The noncollege evangelicals often volt on economic issues, sort of Kitchen Table issues. So its not while cruz does speak about values voters and speak to those themes, it doesnt resonate with all evangelical voters. And ted cruz is doing pretty well, too. And marco is doing well. Theres a reason that cruz in the First National poll weve seen is a tiny bit ahead. This is part of the key. We saw this play out in iowa. Ted cruz had a very effective strategy to get the people who cared about those core issues and turn out. Thats by appealing to people who really believe in these issues. Donald trump attraction a new kind of vote are who may not care about the constitution as much, really just cares that america isnt great again. If a cruise can get to those people who will walk through glass to save their liberties because they feel like the country is in crisis, they will turn out in the vote and deliver a good showing. But theres reason that donald trump in the cnn poll is outpolling cruz with evangelicals in South Carolina by 20 . Evangelicals really want a fighter. Im an evangelical. I look at donald trump and say this is someone who is going to fight for what i believe, not stand down. I think ted cruz would, too, but theres something that really appears to people about this rogue outsider. So youre evangelical . Yes. I was trying to understand this. If you look at someone like a donald trump, who has evolved on people, you look at the two c e core corinthians. Trump came out and he moved the entire field to the right beep are talking about potential live temporarily banning muslims from entring this country. He set that as the stake and were debating on that margin instead of bedee baiting somewhere along the middle. And thats because trump came in and shook thup primary. Did it make anyone uncomfortable, the whole lying part . They were calling each other liars. Did it make anyone uncomfortable . This is South Carolina. Listen to ted cruz talk about this letter that donald trump sent to him and well discuss. You got a cease and desist letter from donald trump. I dont think ive ever heard of that happening in a race, one of the many first, that weve seen. What did you actually think when you got the letter . Ill confess, i laughed out loud. This has not been a typical race by any sense and i dont think anyone is surprised that donald is threatening to sue people, hes done that most of his whole life. Ive practiced law 20 years and this pressed the bounds of the most ridiculous and frivolous letters ive ever seen. David geergen, i dont think this has ever snapped. I it k tell you, it has not happened if our lifetime. But people do informally december and dicyst. But send a legal document is very unusual. Doesnt make any difference. I dont think it makes a lot of difference. What i do think we miss tonight is after one of these town hall, we need tom foreman, we need somebody to come out and call these guys on what theyre saying. Well, hes going to appear later in the show. Donald trump has an enemies list. He has issued these kind of letters to people like the club for growth. Hes threatened to sue reporters for writing stories he does not like. This guy is not representing any kind of conservative values. He is an enemy of political free speech. He doesnt like the ad being run against him because it hurt his political as respirations. It is not okay. Hes doing this because he wants to distract ted cruz from his core message and thats exactly what he did. Ted cruz keeps walking right into this trap. He was acting a little bit it seemed like he was acting moe like a staffer and less like a president ial candidate. So donald trump got into his head or something . A friend of mine said its like watching that misherman and cruz went right for the bait. Right for the bait. But if i may and describing the letter, he wasted almost an hour going line by lynn when he said have said, laughed, brought the letter out and did this and said a lot of progressives are going to be in control of the senate, as who is going to sit in the oval office . This is a very important election. Did they get that message across, especially when it comes it who will possibly be the next Supreme Court justice. One day a rider made a decision. The decision to ride on and save money. He decided to save money by switching his motorcycle insurance to geico. Theres no shame in saving money. Ride on, ride proud. Geico motorcycle, great rates for great rides. And i didnt get here alone. 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For a moment it looked like he was arguing before the Supreme Court and not speaking to the American People, which is what he should have done. But how brilliant of donald trump to send this letter. Hes been trying to make the point for days my record is being falsified by ted cruz. Put up or shut up. I think he did fall into a trap. He did you can see him arguing in front of justices. These are one of his credentials, right, he knows the constitution, hes argued in front of the texas Supreme Court, the u. S. Supreme court, he has this sort of legal expert, great. But the genius of andersons questions, especially at the end where you really get to know the person, you get a sense. Hi no idea marco rubio was color blind. What did i learn about ted cruz . I learned he cant tell a joke. It wasnt personal at all. The real ted cruz is a little gator, who is this hard core, furrow browed youre supposed to be the president ial candidate. This is analysis. Were giving him free advice. Theres one thing i just find very funny. Half the time ted cruz is criticized because he didnt on donald trump enough. Now tonight he spends a good amount of time answering the charges and taking to donald trump and it like why on earth would do you that . Ted cruz is not going to win with some. People on this panel. But do i agree with you, don, this is a sign of strength. They are going man to man against each other, ted cruz cannot take these attacks lying down. He has to show again and again he has the guts to take down donald trump oneonone. But it is called a town hall, not a debate, a town, like youre speak together town folk. If its over, then dont play to that. If he wants to Ronald Reagan, he was the closest one walking in his foot steps. He did it with humor, stilettos, a there you go again kind of line. It was more more effective than a legal brief. So i mentioned the Supreme Court. So here is ted cruz talking about the polls, about the Supreme Court and donald trump. Listen. Theres new poll out saying on the National Race you are actually now in the lead moup does it feel out there for you . Look, it feels fantastic what were really seeing, were seeing that old Reagan Coalition come together. It was interesting, anderson, in iowa, all the pundits in iowa say we didnt have a prayer. And then we saw record shattering turnout show up. You know what was so encouraging is the folks that came together, it was a old Reagan Coalition. So we won among conservative, we also won among eevangelicals and monday young people. And we ended up, our campaign earned more votes than any campaign in the history of the aye with wa republican caucuses. It really was a testament to the grass roots. This has the poe tns to dramatically shift the ball of power of the court. We have an election coming up in november. I think to 16 should be a concerned on the Supreme Court. It was striking, the last can Republican Debate came the same day we learned that Justice Scalia passed. Up mentioned before the new hole today that has us in first place nationwide, the first time donald trump has not been in first place in many, many months. I think this is an important reason why, that people were looking at that stage and saying who do i know beyond a shadow of a doubt would nominate and fight could ton that was a very strong moment. Does nip disagree with that . No, would i agree. Hes at his strongest when he is appealing to his core supporters that they are part of something bigger, that its not just him, that hes a speak for this advance to really change the status quo and that the stakes in the election are so great. I think that is when hes at his strongest in. I probably would take the opportunity to nominate someone. It doesnt necessarily mean that that person is going to be acted on or confirm ld but why not do it. But heres the real problem. You know, the Supreme Court, a very important part of our governing system, was originally intended to consist of jurists who were people who loved america, people who fully understood our constitution and were there to make sure that america preserved its constitutional traditions. It was not supposed to be a partisan group. It has become very partisan. So as a result, everything that is done surrounding it, the picks, the confirmation hearings, deciding on whether to actual actually. Theres nothing in the constitution that says he cant nominate someone thats what i want it to be. But i think its going to be an issue in this campaign and the vote lrs be ail to wayin. He would not new ben carson and marco rubio should have been there. All they came about is whether they think the gop senate should block that nominee. They both you dont agree with that . Weve all been waiting for the polls could out out. About whether the proceed osht or whether the congress should do anything. His answer was the most pragmatic and nonpoliticized. Hes never run an selection lf or woman pete the in the flfrmt theres wisdom in it, if you dont like it, fine go, along with it, vote no. Did he move the needle tonight, ben carson is this. I think he did slightly. I dont think hes going to come out and which but tonight we heard a man speak, who is not a politician and voters will be receptive. I agree that theyre going to like him but theyre going to vote for somebody else. Ben carson for surgeon general. I thought that was a great idea. Ben carson said hes not looking for a job and not hold hearings, we will litigate that in the fall. But i think the president has every right to fulfill his puente al fmt. And rubio as saying he wouldnt nominate. Rudeio said there was an 80year precedent, in which course they were wrong. This is a perfect factory because you and jobfrrmt thank you for calling. Well be with you shortly. Yeah right. 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By the time we got to the 60, lbj is saying we, the government, is going to eliminate poverty. How did that work out . Lyndon johnson, the poverty rate was 19 , his first full year in office. The recession in 2008 pushed it back um over 15 by 2010 and our latestful year that we have numbers from the census bureau, its still about that high but all of this is below 19 . Did he eliminate poverty . No, he did not, but it did not become more poverty, as mr. Carson said. So well have to say his claim here is false. Marco rubio went after the issue of the National Debt saying this is a real threat to this country. Listen. In less than five years being 83 of the federal budget will be consumed by medicare, medicaid, Social Security and interest on the debt. That means only 17 of our budget left for everything else, including the military. 83 of the budget, thats a whopping number. Lets look at the numbers. Thats his projection. However, other projections here that are pretty reliable are saying its more likely 60 by 2021 in those five years. This is a whopping number. It is a jien concern to many people, but he jefr reached by going up to 83 . Were going to say his claim is also false. And ted cruz said donald trump is all about planned parenthood. Donald trump explained how many wonderful things planned parenthood was was. Sing the praises. Theres no doubt his position on abortion rights has changed overtime. But now he says hes firm by prolife. He has positive things about planned parenthood, offering cancer screenings to women and other medical services. The other day he went out of his way to say i do not support them on abortion rights. While he said something that was essentially true, it was misleading. Thank you for having me in. I was at home in my pajamas eating gleechs. I had to jump up [ laughter ] he didnt create more poverty. Your point was . As a percentage of popt lags, poverty has gone down since lbj. Not very much but its gone down. But the number of people on poverty has actually gone up because we have a much bigger population. I think in defense on that point of dr. Carson, i think there was a point about poverty continuing to go up. And theres a larger philosophical arguments hes trying to make and that is federal programs in and of themselves cant end poverty, you have to have institutions in our culture that can help. You have to have institutional changes and institutions like marriage, like work must improve. There isnt work available for many men and women out there. Government may be work in tandem with the other elements of our culture. I think has what ben was trying to make the point of. You also have the great investigation of 20072008 of millions of americans lost their jobs, 800,000 jobs being lost every month during that period. Now we had 71 months of consecutive job growth but we still have persistent structural problems that keep people to follow l dreams. We have Say Something. Rubio on entitlements, mr. Tom foreman found his assertion false. There were a few things that rubio said that were false. First of all, he referred to obamas too two unconstitutional executive orders and if ted cruz were there, he would have chimed in and said those executive orders, on univision be you said you wouldnt appeal that on day one. On libya,ed he acted as if he e aposed to toppling gadhafi. I worked for president ford in a campaign and i can tell you, reagan shocked us but it wasnt that we disliked him. We were just in usa beep had no idea he would do so well. He almost took the nomination away from a sitting president. Everybody liked him. What does mean to you . You think it means to the voter, that his assertion cruzs assertion on trump and abortion, it was true but mislead persian gulf. It was so mislead ing. Tom says true but mislead persian gulf. Donald trump said planned parenthood is an abortion factory that trades baby parts like automobile parts. Who do you declare hes okay with that and twoopts keep it funded. I dont think its totally opposite. Its a legitimate charge that he makes and what charge . That cruz makes about donald trump supporting planned parenthood. Many conservatives will look at that question as you either stand with or against. They judge donald trump very harshly when they see him making positive statements. It is a totally legitimate issue about whether the government ought to fund planned parenthood. What is incorrect is that planned parenthood is totally an abortion factory. Planned parent himself done a lot of great things that have nothing to do with abortion, so to take that broad brush and paint them is wrong. You cant separate the issues. Can you separate the facts. Planned parenthood is the biggest provider of abortion. It is government funded at the same time. Im not arguing with you do you accept if its a lie, you should be able to call it out. Thats Donald Trumps argue i bet. What about the most of what they do . Its a fundamental part of what they do. They save lives. Were not going to litigate this issue but they save many lives. This is where we get had trouble. We have a primary argument that is totally unsenable whup get to a general electorate. Ted cruz may have won tonight but that answer is not going to win in november. This is what people are discussing as they are watching the television and figure out who theyre going to vote for. Well continue talking about this and republican candidates talking about the issue of race in this country. Well be right back. When your type 2 diabetes numbers arent moving in the right direction, it can be a burden. But what if you could wake up to lower blood sugar . Imagine loving your numbers. Discover oncedaily invokana®. 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Ive written about it, a lot of us have written about this. Whenever you have a group of americans who feel justice isnt being served to them, you have a rocky foundation for rule law. Thats essentially the argument that marco rubio made. If people feel disenfranchised, the system isnt serving them. Had he had his own articulation for why this is problematic. He balanced the be cops and the goold job theyre doing with the very real discrimination that still exists. It was so powerful when he analogized that experience to his experiences as a child. It was such an innocent moment that not understanding that racism was at play and comparing it to racism that still exists in society today. Would it behoof the other candidates to say, you know, and showing that they have an ability to demonstrate he can cook for people. Thats why this format worked particularly well for him because he that relatability. Ten seconds, david . The townshouse looks human. I really enjoyed this. Please come back. Well see part two of the town hall tomorrow night at 8 00. Who will come out on top . Dont miss the cnn gop president ial town hall, tomorrow night at 8 00 a. M. Well have analysis with some of these great folks as well. If you missed part one of our town hall, can you catch the whole thing in just a moment. Thanks. Can a business have a mind . A subconscious. A knack for predicting the future. Reflexes faster than the speed of thought. Can a business have a spirit . Can a business have a soul . Can a business be. Alive . If time is infinite, why is ta john deere 1 family tractor can give you more time for what you love. Because with our quickattach features, it takes less work to do more work. Nothing runs like a deere. People love me for saving them over half a grand when they switch to progressive. So im dabbling in new ventures. It was boardgame night with the dalai lama. Great guy. Terrible player. 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And a good evening from the historic old Cigar Warehouse in greenville, South Carolina. Im Anderson Cooper. About 15 minutes from now, the first two of cnn republican town hall events. Tonight, dr. Ben carson, marco rubio and ted cruz. Theyll answer your questions, addressing concerns they have as they get ready to make their choice here saturday. To say its been a busy and bruising day does not begin to describe it. Tonights three candidates have been crisscrossing the state making nearly a dozen stops between them. Senator rubio picked up a key

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