Transcripts For CNNW CNN Tonight With Don Lemon 20160115 : c

Transcripts For CNNW CNN Tonight With Don Lemon 20160115

over the shooting of 17-year-old cedric chatman in 2013 when the teenager ditches a stolen car and runs from two officers kevin frye and lou toth. the officers say he turns toward them with an officer in his hand. while a wounded, unarmed chatman lies in the street he is handcuffed and one of the officers puts a boot on top of him. in object in his hand is a black iphone box. the city opposed the release of the video for three years finally dropping their objections just today and the release of the video. lorenzo davis was the lead investigator on the case until he was fired. why was he fired? >> because i refused to change my findings on the chatman case. i found that the shooting was not justified. >> and they believe it was justified and you had a different finding than they did. so they fired you? >> true. yes. >> let's watch the video again. i want you to tell me why you ruled the shooting unjustified. as you look at it now, you can see the officers are running behind him. he is running across the street. why did you think it was unjustified? >> well i pay most attention to officer frye. mr. chatman is simply trying to get away. he is running as fast as he can away from the officers. officer toth is right behind him doing the right thing. he is pursuing him. he's trying to capture him while officer frye on the other hand, has both of his hands on his weapon. he is in a shooter's position. he is looking for a clear shot. after mr. chatman gets past the parked cars and the traffic control box and whatever other obstructions are in the way, officer frye has a clear shot and he begins to shoot mr. chatman. >> there are no pending criminal investigations against these officers. they remain on their beats. yet, you were fired. do you find that a bit interesting? >> of course i do. i was fired not just for that case but for several cases, including officer-involved shooting cases and other excessive force cases. but i refuse to change my findings in a number of cases, that simply was the last one where the then chief administrator scott ando decided it was time to fire me. >> you think this is a systemic problem with the chicago police department? >> this is a systemic with the chicago police department and with the independent police review authority that is charged with investigating acts of -- allegations of excessive force. >> the question is who is policing the police and pretty much it's themselves and not doing a very good job at it. >> true. >> you say there are other videos you wanted to rule unjustified and you mentioned other cases and you wanted to change the system from the inside. even before you were fired. how much resistance did you face? >> like i say i faced resistance. all along the way of both excessive force cases and officer-involved shooting cases. a few of those cases have been changed already and other cases are penting. -- pending being changed simply because it appears that they want all officer-involved shooting cases to be ruled justifiable. >> i'm looking at a whole header and laundry list of things that realm emanu rahm emanuel wants to do with the police department. do you believe it and do you think it will make a difference in the force? >> i think he wants to do something for his political survival. the task force, i don't believe they are the answer. i believe that the justice department coming in, when they conclude their investigation, will have a more important impact on changing the system. >> lorenzo davis, thank you i appreciate you coming on. we'll have you back when we get more information on this. i appreciate it. >> thanks a lot. >> i want to bring in brian kaufman the attorney for cedrick chatman's family. how is the family doing tonight? >> the family is doing well. they heard about the news today and they're very excited that the video is finally come out that cedrick chatman's story is heard what happened on january 7, 2013 but at the same time, you know, it's still a sad day for them having to deal with the loss of their child. >> yeah. it's hard to watch someone lose their life. that's essentially what we're seeing on the video. explain what happened after cedrick was shot. >> so, what you can see in the video is cedrick specifically with officer toth, there is a shot from the chicago camera which shows officer toth putting his foot on top of him after cedrick is on the ground handcuffed, bleeding. and it's irresponsible and unreasonable. it actually sheds light to what occurred in the incident as far as the time that elapsed, seven to eight seconds with this occurring. >> yeah. you know, laquan mcdonald's video was released late last year, we had it on cnn and much discussion all over the country about this incident. did cedrick's family think there was hope that their son's video would be next and get attention because of that? >> you know, i think with the laquan mcdonald video being released there is also the ronald johnson video that was released after that as well. i think it helped at least get cedrick chatman's name back into the limelight of what occurred. but the unfortunate thing is if you look at the timing of when this video was released as of three weeks ago, the city of chicago was fiepgting the release of the video. their own city lawyers filed a response in opposition to our motion and today they walk into court an say, well we're not going to fight this any more. and the question that has to be answered was when was this decision made? why was it made and who made it. >> you find it fishy, why do you find it fishy? >> it's the systemic problem with officer-involved shootings and police officer involved cases not only with the city of chicagos with officers and ipra and how they handle dissemination of videos and how they keep the public at large informed of these cases. and by keeping the citizens of chicago in the dark as they have for so many years that mr. emanuel said, that's just how we have done things. that has to stop. >> what do you think the mayor should do? what do you think should happen next? >> if the mayor wants to be transparent and promote his change, he has got to give some details. so far we've had these big word names and changes a little bit with the ipra investigation and with the chief investigator being hired. the problem is that there has been no details given by the city of chicago, how they're going to handle these cases in the future or even the current ones that are ongoing. >> and considering all of that, when you look at this officer's history on the force, you know, there are even more questions, tell our viewers about his history. >> the history of officer frye which we have been able to determine he has been involved in other officer-involved shootings. there have been over 30 complaints of civil rights offenses that people have made against officer frye even from this case as well from cedrick chatman, officer frye has never been disciplined or placed or suspension or desk job to determine what even happened in the cedrick chatman case. that is the problem. and the bigger problem that we have is accountability for officers' actions and for ipra investigations and making sure all of these are truthful and transparent and people can trust the city of chicago when they do explain what happens in cases. >> brian coffman, thank you for joining us. we'll have you back, sir. >> thank you, sir. >> when we come back, is rahm emanuel the man to change chicago? this year's oscars are blindi blindingly white. why one of the top 20 movies of the year didn't make the cut. our cosmetics line was a hit. the orders were rushing in. i could feel our deadlines racing towards us. we didn't need a loan. we needed short-term funding fast. building 18 homes in 4 ½ months? that was a leap. but i knew i could rely on american express to help me buy those building materials. amex helped me buy the inventory i needed. our amex helped us fill the orders. just like that. another step on the journey. will you be ready when growth presents itself? realize your buying power at itswhen you're engineeredct to literally to drive circles around the competition. i'i like to think of myself as more of a control... enthusiast. mmm, a perfect 177-degrees. and that's why this road warrior rents from national. i can bypass the counter and go straight to my car. and i don't have to talk to any humans, unless i want to. and i don't. and national lets me choose any car in the aisle. control. it's so, what's the word?... sexy. go national. go like a pro. the city of chicago releasing video of the shooting death three years ago of an african-american teen by a police officer. here to discuss this is an al qaedaerman anthony beal. a black teen shot by police and the possibility that the police may have slanted their report. what is going on in chicago? >> for years we have had a systemic problem with the police officers protecting one another. that's why you have the distrust in the community and people don't trust the police. they feel that the police do not have their interests in heart. we are taking steps to change the culture by implementing the sensitivity training and getting the officers trained on how to deal with people with mental disabilities and giving the officers tasers. but we have a lot of work to do and rolling our sleeves up to get it done. we have to put trust back in the community and you can no longer fudge the paperwork or lie on the paperwork. right now, everybody is walking around with cameras on their hip and in their purse and every pole. you cannot get away with fudging the paperwork or get away with doing wrong and think you can sweep it under the rug. the lid has been popped off. we have to work with the community and the mayor if we are going to make change in the city. >> it's interesting. i remember being there when the cameras started to be installed in chicago and they are catching police officers on the job doing things that they shouldn't be doing as well. you are talking about what you are doing in the community with sense tib sensitivity training and all that. you think he can deliver that. >> the question is can we all deliver on that? we all have to roll up over sleeves to get this done. we can't put it on the mayor's lap and expect him to change the world. >> do you think he can be effective helping everyone do it? >> the five years i worked with this mayor, you're not going to find a tougher mayor. and right now, he is facing some challenges this is probably the toughest thing he will is to deal with in his political career and you don't want to go out with to this as a blemish on his record. he's going the do everything he can to turn this around. we have to work together to do that. >> he has the motivation to do it because of his legacy as mayor. he has to live in that city. listen, alderman, you heard there have more videos being kept from the public. should all this evidence come out now, you think? >> well, one of the things we're working with the task force. we have to figure out when the videos can be released. you don't want to release willy-nilly the videos and jeopardize the integrity of the investigations. we have to be strategic. we know the old system is not working and we're trying to be as transparent as we can. >> how would that jeopardize the investigations? wouldn't that be part of the investigation? wouldn't a video show what happened? >> it could be part of the investigation or part of a court proceeding, any number of things. what we have to figure out in this digital age by reforming a system when we can be as transparent as we possibly can by putting out the information without jeopardizing the court proceedings. we have to find out what is in the best interests of the city. >> have you heard about the writing about a slowdown, saying there is a ferguson effect happening in chicago, that the investigative stop is down 80%. and gun arrests down 37% and murders are up 125%. are you concerned about that as a city leader? and do you agree with it? >> what i'm concerned about is now that the spotlight is being put on the police department, they are no longer being aggressive or trying to do the job like they are capable of doing. now the department of justice is afraid is watching and they are trying to figure out what is going to happen to them if they do something wrong. you don't have to worry about the repercussions or worry about going out there and doing the job you're posed to do. when we look at this city, the police department is the first line of defense. if we are going the make the community safe they have to be our partner. everybody is going to try to make sure their interest is protected and we have to do what is best for the city by transforming the system as we it. >> appreciate it you coming on. >> thank you. van jones is with me. are you encouraged that the city decided to ree release this have see. is this progress at this point? >> it's limited progress. listen. rahm emanuel has a big opportunity. it's fine to stop the cover up but you have to start the clean up. ha big problem is right now there is a culture in chicago of purnlry and impunity within that department. all of these police reports are being written, they are fudging the reports. that's perjury and unlawful. the mayor has to change the convection for officers who lie under oath. it takes a while to work through the courts. you may not want to release every tape right away. that's fine. but you have a minuscule number of complaints that ever resulted in discipline. but you are seeing a culture of perjury, police officers doing one thing, writing something else and then the video comes out. he should have a special prosecutor right now. but realm emanuel, at this point, still seems to be leading from behind. this is one of the toughest guys in american politics leading from behind. >> neil let's talk about this. you heard the lead investigator for the case, he talked about he saw one thing and they saw another. it seems like the independent review authority is sympathetic to the police. they investigated 322 officer-involved shootings. and of those only two were rules unjustified. who is policing the police? i'll ask you the same question. >> it's very interesting because we believe that these independent review boards are going to do the right thing. the question is who is on that board and what are their relationships with the police. i find it deplorable. i believe his name was detective davis was fired -- yeah, fired from the police department for doing the right thing for standing up. and we wonder why police officers not just in chicago but around this country in our major cities have a difficult time coming forward when they disagree with such a finding. if we were able to support those police officers that are out there wanting to do the right job, wanting to do the right thing coming forward with information if we could support them we could begin as van said to fix this problem and move in the right direction. and in some places like in maryland right now where i'm in, baltimore, we're trying to put forth whistle blower legislation which i think is important in protecting the police officers that want to do the right thing. >> i put up numbers from an investigative reporter talking about a possible ferguson effect. i want to ask you, you're from baltimore. those are the numbers, investigative stops are down, gun arrests are down and homicides are up. do you think that is happening in chicago right now? >> i really believe that's exactly what is happening in chicago. but that's not the only reason for the increase in homicides. but it is a significant piece. it's multifaceted. i mean, chicago has gangs. they have crews on corners selling drugs involved in the drug-selling business. until we do something about the drug war, you know, the prohibition of drugs until we do something about that and move it from criminal justice into a place of health and education we're going to continue to have these murders around the country. >> van you touched on this a moment ago. rahm emanuel is taking a lot of heat. can he turn this department around? is he the man to do it or the mayor to do it? >> listen, if there's anybody tough enough to do it's rahm emanuel. he was my chief of staff when i worked with president obama. he served president obama extraordinarily well. if anyone is tough enough to do it, it would be him. but the fact it's not happening is what is so shocking to people. this is rahm emanuel. he gets stuff done. he cracks heads. he makes stuff happen. and yet we you don't see things happening. we have these blue ribbon commissions. put some of these lying police officers in jail. it does not matter if you are justified in shooting someone if you wrote a report that was science fiction. you is to tell from the very beginning from the top if you lie under oath as a police officer you go to jail and police officers are going to say i'm not going to cover up for you on this report and let the chips fall where they may. they went after de blasio because he stood up against bad conduct. the police said they are not going to do their jobs. crime has gone down in new york city. police officers want to know what the standard is. they want to know they are going to be treated fairly. they want to know if they are going to do the right thing they're not going to be fired. they're going to be rewarded. if you lie you are going to be punished. >> thank you, gentlemen. appreciate it. the oscar nominations are out and they are white as ever. why are so many actors and movies being shut out? 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[how about a thousand dollars money witmore?r refund? ♪ a thousand people win a thousand dollars on top of their refund. every single day. i will not lose. it's refund season. a lot of fans are asking where is the diversity in hollywood. not a single actor of color is named in any of the four acting categories for the second year in a row. i want to talk about this with nischelle turner, host of "entertainment tonight." thank you for joining me tonight. we are diverse here, unlike the oscars. so i'm so glad you guys are on. >> some people may say we're not diverse at all. >> trust me, we are. take a look at these photos of this year's oscar nominations for best supporting actor and actresses. you notice anything? >> you are trying to pull me right in. first of all, will it me say this, my favorite performance of the year was by ronan in brooklyn. but is it jarring? is it glaringly jarring when you don't see anyone that mirrors what you like in nominations especially in a year when there were so many performances worthy? yes. it is a problem that the adadmy president recognizes and i think that she is trying to push to correct things. however, this is the second year in a row we are talking about this, hence april's hashtag. >> michael b. jordan, tess thompson in "creed." will smith in "concussion." i mean, mya taylor in "tangerine" why are these actors being shut out? >> a lot of people speculate it has to do with the voting pool from the academy, it's 96% whites over a certain age. they feel like those people don't identify as well with these performances. i don't give a pass to that at all. i think that good performances are good performances. art is art and great movies deserve the recognition. and you named a lot of people that were worthy this year. definitely. and the list goes on and on. the cast of "dope" abraham atta, that boy was amazing and got no love throughout this award season. there were many people that you can name this year. i think there is a very good argument to take a look at it. but i just talked about this, the academy president is a woman of color. one of the two executive producers of the oscars this year. and the host this year is chris rock. and by the way you know he's going to have something to say about that. >> i can't wait for that. >> you created the #oscarsowhite. it is trending again. what is your mission? >> the mission is to call attention to the fact that there is a lack of inclusion and diversity not just with respect to the nominees but overall how movies are green lit. >> you mean movies in general? >> in fact, that's exactly right. we're talking about the major studios. when movies are green lit. when we have producers around the table what decisions are being made and what questions are being asked. last year, "birdman" was a fantastic film starring michael keaton. but the question is did ken watanabe read for that role. it needs to be a change from the top down to make sure that movies include marginalized communities are being recognized. "straight out of compton" received the nomination for best original screenplay but the writers named are white, not people of color. and the best documentary feature has a white director. it's not to say there needs to be a token orperson of color in every category, but the question is how do we ensure that the movies that reflect the knew yons, the context, the beauty of this country are -- >> included in this process. and i think she brings up a good point. this is not affirmative action for the movie industry but there should be more representative in that it needs to change not just at the academy award level. and i want to say this, this is not just coming out of nowhere. when you look at -- who was nominated in "beasts of no nation" he is an excellent actor. there are good actors who don't get nominated. sometimes people are passed over. can we say for sure this is about race? >> no, we can't say for sure it's about race. but it's all about all marginalized communities. a movie like "tangerine" which is a movie about transwomen is not nominated but eddie redmayne is nominated for playing a transwoman. >> i have to go to break quickly. what did you want to say? >> i was go going to agree with april. i don't think it's an academy problem but a hollywood problem. and until there is inclusion all around there will be this divide. >> we're going to continue to talk about this and show more of the people who were nominated who deserve to be nominated and why so many people of color were shut out. we'll be right back. how does rock and roll work? ♪ you need a team... ♪ working together... ♪ doing all kinds of jobs. ♪ and the best place to find the job that's right for you is on the world's number-one job site. indeed. how the world works. real milk vs. almond milk ingredient spelling bee lecithin lecithin. l-e-s (buzzer sound) your word is milk. m-i-l-k milk wins. ingredients you can spell. ♪ light piano today i saw a giant. it had no arms, but it welcomed me. 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"the butler" was snubbed in 2014. >> but here's the thing, the work has to be good. i take it back to the work. it's easy to call the race card for me and everybody else. i don't call a race card. it is what it is. i didn't -- we didn't get anything for "the butler." >> what do you think about that, april? >> well, i think that he's right, that part. but there are quality films being made. there's no reason why, for example, ava did not get a best director nomination for "selma" last year. how can you nominate so many facets of a movie like "selma" but not nominate the director? and the same goes true for this year, in fact. so i'm not playing the race card either. what i'm saying is that more films, more diverse and inclusive films need to be made overall and let the chips fall where they may and then you decide which of the films are the best. >> i think nischelle summed it up at the beginning of this. no one is saying there should be quotas or affirmative action. but when you look at every film that was nominated and not one included a person of color. it is glaring. so listen real quickly, neil patrick harris joked about it. chris rock, do you think he will take aim at the academy? >> it's chris rock. absolutely, i think he will take aim at the academy. i did ask today the producers of the show, i said do you think chris will let loose on them? and they said we have no clue what chris is going to say. but you know it's going to be smart. >> who are the favorites, quickly? >> leo dicaprio will win for best actor. and brie larson for best actress. the best picture, i don't know. "the revenant" won the golden globe. >> you know what -- good-bye. april -- >> thank you, april and nischelle. whatever. i'll see you out for the oscars, nischelle. >> i'll see you. >> coming up, black lives matter and black votes matter. i'll talk to the man who says that people should protest by leaving their presidential votes blank. we are sharing the special series, the person who changed my life, here is a quick preview for you. >> my son helped make me change. >> ♪ i have been hopeless and i've had my fate all of these moments showed me the way that i've gone ♪ >> these people changed lives. join the familiar faces of cnn as they share their special someone with you. >> the voyage that your suggestion sent me on. >> i learned this from you, you have to ask the important questions on the most important issues of the day. >> without my mom, i am certain i would not be where i am. >> if they asked how important is a mentor and they said not important, they never had a good mentor. >> is this the letter? >> this is the letter. >> you found it? >> very people tell you the truth, you do that. >> the person who changed my life, a week long cnn event starts sunday on cnn. a thousand people win a thousand dollars every single day for a month. get in on this! ♪ i will not lose. it's refund season. i thione second it's then, woosh, it's gone. i swear i saw it swallow seven people. seven. i just wish one of those people could have been mrs. johnson. 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joining me is the author of "democracy and black" that is a title of a book. i like this book. thank you. i haven't had a chance to read it but i have read the press and seen your interviews. you watched on tuesday his final state of the union. when he was elected in 2008 many thought it would be a turning point in race relations in this country. was it? >> in some ways, certain sectors of white america lost their minds in terms of the backlash. we do know over the last eight years, afternoon -- african-americans lost ground. >> black unemployment is down from when he took office. how can this be an indictment of president obama? >> i argued he needed to be bolder. we know that the great black depression, over 240,000 homes lost. african-american children are in poverty of 38%. that number is rising. that number is scary. for the first time since we have been collecting that data there are more poor african-american children than poor excite children. so when we think about the numbers now, you think about -- i mean especially the holiday employment numbers, 8.something. we know that is something that the result holiday hiring. >> i used to do that in christmas. >> so when we think about the numbers it's about 9.5%. at the height of the great recession, the number was about 9.6%. even though we are not at 16% we are at "n" crisis mode. >> how do you think that he has done as president? >> he is a centrist liberal. >> what does that mean? >> i see him in the vein of bill clinton. he has done a great job for wall street and for certain interests. he has tried in a certain way to change the tenor and tone of politics in washington, d.c. but for the most part, the most vulnerable, those on the margins have still suffered. and some of the challenge has been we wanted him to be our -- >> you took the words out of my mouth. do you think the expectations were too high for him. some people said he was the second coming, right? >> i think we green screened it. we made him what we needed him to be. it was in a moment of intense crisis. you had all of that energy around the iraq war. obama was the object of all of that grass roots energy. he became the progressive savior. he was the guy who was going to right the ship. when we read the audacity of hope he is who he is. >> is it damned if you do and damned if you don't? the people who want him to be the superblack man but he is the president of all america not just black america. if he is too timid he is not helping black people. >> all those arguments are off center. it's not about whether he is black enough or whether he's the president of all americans it's whether he cares about justice or cares about right. if you have folk languishing in the shadows and struggling to keep the roof over their heads it's not about whether they are black or white -- >> you don't think he cares? >> i think policy wise he didn't change the frame. and for over -- >> what should he have done many. >> i think he should have been bolder. for the first two years we saw health care, we saw an attempt to put the jobs act out. once the congress shifted, the berlin wall came up. at that point when you know the republicans aren't going to go to work with you, go big and try to shift the conversation, shift the frame. but the book is not just simply about barack obama. part of the limitations around the president -- >> that's how people are going to read it especially in the era of obama and the president is coming to an end. >> one of the elements on his presidency is on the value gap. we talk about the achievement gap and the wealth gap and the empathy gap. at the heart of the nation is the belief -- this is the value gap, the believe that white people are valued more than other. no matter what the inputs are because that belief obtains in our economic realities, no matter what happens we're going to end up with racial inequality even with a black man in the white house. a value gap in the context of slavery and jim crow and in the context of a black presidency you will have people languishing in the shadows. we need a revolution of value in this country. >> i think larry willmore said last night we think that slavery was a long time ago but it was 140 years. it's two 70-year-old grandmothers lifetimes ago. we'll be right back. othis highly sought-after device "nafrom progressiveool. can be yours for... twenty grand? 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[ laughing nervously ] ♪ [ pickles whines ] i know, it's like they're always on television. what? choose, choose, choose. but at bedtime? ...why settle for this? enter sleep number, and the lowest prices of the season. sleepiq technology tells you how well you slept and what adjustments you can make. you like the bed soft. he's more hardcore. so your sleep goes from good to great to wow! save $1100 on the i8 mattress with purchase of sleepiq technology and flexfit3 adjustable base. ends monday. know better sleep with sleep number. that's it for us tonight. thank you for joining us. i'll be back here tomorrow night. "ac360" the post debate special "ac360" the post debate special starts right now. -- captions by vitac -- republican debate in south carolip carolina carolina e republican debate in south carolip carolina carolina . the voting starts in a few short weeks in iowa, new hampshire and south carolina. the chances for any candidate to make a big move are dwindling which made tonight a prime opportunity. we'll look at which republican took advantage of it and how it played with undecided republicans and how it might play in the general election. we're going to talk to the candidates and check the facts. but first a look at the key moments from a very key evening. >> you were born in canada to an american mother so you are and are

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Compton , California , United States , New York , New Hampshire , Brooklyn , Colombia , Russia , Washington , District Of Columbia , Brookdale , Iraq , South Carolina , Poughkeepsie , Hollywood , Maryland , Chicago , Illinois , Berlin , Germany , Baltimore , Americans , America , Russian , American , Lorenzo Davis , Brian Kaufman , Ken Watanabe , Leo Dicaprio , Brian Coffman , Anthony Beal , Eddie Redmayne , Tess Thompson , Neil Patrick Harris , Gillette Mach , Barack Obama , Rahm Emanuel , Kevin Frye , Cedric Chatman , Abraham Atta , Ronald Johnson , Lou Toth , Mya Taylor , Lee Daniels , Emanuel Rahm , Michael Keaton ,

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Transcripts For CNNW CNN Tonight With Don Lemon 20160115 :

Transcripts For CNNW CNN Tonight With Don Lemon 20160115

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over the shooting of 17-year-old cedric chatman in 2013 when the teenager ditches a stolen car and runs from two officers kevin frye and lou toth. the officers say he turns toward them with an officer in his hand. while a wounded, unarmed chatman lies in the street he is handcuffed and one of the officers puts a boot on top of him. in object in his hand is a black iphone box. the city opposed the release of the video for three years finally dropping their objections just today and the release of the video. lorenzo davis was the lead investigator on the case until he was fired. why was he fired? >> because i refused to change my findings on the chatman case. i found that the shooting was not justified. >> and they believe it was justified and you had a different finding than they did. so they fired you? >> true. yes. >> let's watch the video again. i want you to tell me why you ruled the shooting unjustified. as you look at it now, you can see the officers are running behind him. he is running across the street. why did you think it was unjustified? >> well i pay most attention to officer frye. mr. chatman is simply trying to get away. he is running as fast as he can away from the officers. officer toth is right behind him doing the right thing. he is pursuing him. he's trying to capture him while officer frye on the other hand, has both of his hands on his weapon. he is in a shooter's position. he is looking for a clear shot. after mr. chatman gets past the parked cars and the traffic control box and whatever other obstructions are in the way, officer frye has a clear shot and he begins to shoot mr. chatman. >> there are no pending criminal investigations against these officers. they remain on their beats. yet, you were fired. do you find that a bit interesting? >> of course i do. i was fired not just for that case but for several cases, including officer-involved shooting cases and other excessive force cases. but i refuse to change my findings in a number of cases, that simply was the last one where the then chief administrator scott ando decided it was time to fire me. >> you think this is a systemic problem with the chicago police department? >> this is a systemic with the chicago police department and with the independent police review authority that is charged with investigating acts of -- allegations of excessive force. >> the question is who is policing the police and pretty much it's themselves and not doing a very good job at it. >> true. >> you say there are other videos you wanted to rule unjustified and you mentioned other cases and you wanted to change the system from the inside. even before you were fired. how much resistance did you face? >> like i say i faced resistance. all along the way of both excessive force cases and officer-involved shooting cases. a few of those cases have been changed already and other cases are penting. -- pending being changed simply because it appears that they want all officer-involved shooting cases to be ruled justifiable. >> i'm looking at a whole header and laundry list of things that realm emanu rahm emanuel wants to do with the police department. do you believe it and do you think it will make a difference in the force? >> i think he wants to do something for his political survival. the task force, i don't believe they are the answer. i believe that the justice department coming in, when they conclude their investigation, will have a more important impact on changing the system. >> lorenzo davis, thank you i appreciate you coming on. we'll have you back when we get more information on this. i appreciate it. >> thanks a lot. >> i want to bring in brian kaufman the attorney for cedrick chatman's family. how is the family doing tonight? >> the family is doing well. they heard about the news today and they're very excited that the video is finally come out that cedrick chatman's story is heard what happened on january 7, 2013 but at the same time, you know, it's still a sad day for them having to deal with the loss of their child. >> yeah. it's hard to watch someone lose their life. that's essentially what we're seeing on the video. explain what happened after cedrick was shot. >> so, what you can see in the video is cedrick specifically with officer toth, there is a shot from the chicago camera which shows officer toth putting his foot on top of him after cedrick is on the ground handcuffed, bleeding. and it's irresponsible and unreasonable. it actually sheds light to what occurred in the incident as far as the time that elapsed, seven to eight seconds with this occurring. >> yeah. you know, laquan mcdonald's video was released late last year, we had it on cnn and much discussion all over the country about this incident. did cedrick's family think there was hope that their son's video would be next and get attention because of that? >> you know, i think with the laquan mcdonald video being released there is also the ronald johnson video that was released after that as well. i think it helped at least get cedrick chatman's name back into the limelight of what occurred. but the unfortunate thing is if you look at the timing of when this video was released as of three weeks ago, the city of chicago was fiepgting the release of the video. their own city lawyers filed a response in opposition to our motion and today they walk into court an say, well we're not going to fight this any more. and the question that has to be answered was when was this decision made? why was it made and who made it. >> you find it fishy, why do you find it fishy? >> it's the systemic problem with officer-involved shootings and police officer involved cases not only with the city of chicagos with officers and ipra and how they handle dissemination of videos and how they keep the public at large informed of these cases. and by keeping the citizens of chicago in the dark as they have for so many years that mr. emanuel said, that's just how we have done things. that has to stop. >> what do you think the mayor should do? what do you think should happen next? >> if the mayor wants to be transparent and promote his change, he has got to give some details. so far we've had these big word names and changes a little bit with the ipra investigation and with the chief investigator being hired. the problem is that there has been no details given by the city of chicago, how they're going to handle these cases in the future or even the current ones that are ongoing. >> and considering all of that, when you look at this officer's history on the force, you know, there are even more questions, tell our viewers about his history. >> the history of officer frye which we have been able to determine he has been involved in other officer-involved shootings. there have been over 30 complaints of civil rights offenses that people have made against officer frye even from this case as well from cedrick chatman, officer frye has never been disciplined or placed or suspension or desk job to determine what even happened in the cedrick chatman case. that is the problem. and the bigger problem that we have is accountability for officers' actions and for ipra investigations and making sure all of these are truthful and transparent and people can trust the city of chicago when they do explain what happens in cases. >> brian coffman, thank you for joining us. we'll have you back, sir. >> thank you, sir. >> when we come back, is rahm emanuel the man to change chicago? this year's oscars are blindi blindingly white. why one of the top 20 movies of the year didn't make the cut. our cosmetics line was a hit. the orders were rushing in. i could feel our deadlines racing towards us. we didn't need a loan. we needed short-term funding fast. building 18 homes in 4 ½ months? that was a leap. but i knew i could rely on american express to help me buy those building materials. amex helped me buy the inventory i needed. our amex helped us fill the orders. just like that. another step on the journey. will you be ready when growth presents itself? realize your buying power at itswhen you're engineeredct to literally to drive circles around the competition. i'i like to think of myself as more of a control... enthusiast. mmm, a perfect 177-degrees. and that's why this road warrior rents from national. i can bypass the counter and go straight to my car. and i don't have to talk to any humans, unless i want to. and i don't. and national lets me choose any car in the aisle. control. it's so, what's the word?... sexy. go national. go like a pro. the city of chicago releasing video of the shooting death three years ago of an african-american teen by a police officer. here to discuss this is an al qaedaerman anthony beal. a black teen shot by police and the possibility that the police may have slanted their report. what is going on in chicago? >> for years we have had a systemic problem with the police officers protecting one another. that's why you have the distrust in the community and people don't trust the police. they feel that the police do not have their interests in heart. we are taking steps to change the culture by implementing the sensitivity training and getting the officers trained on how to deal with people with mental disabilities and giving the officers tasers. but we have a lot of work to do and rolling our sleeves up to get it done. we have to put trust back in the community and you can no longer fudge the paperwork or lie on the paperwork. right now, everybody is walking around with cameras on their hip and in their purse and every pole. you cannot get away with fudging the paperwork or get away with doing wrong and think you can sweep it under the rug. the lid has been popped off. we have to work with the community and the mayor if we are going to make change in the city. >> it's interesting. i remember being there when the cameras started to be installed in chicago and they are catching police officers on the job doing things that they shouldn't be doing as well. you are talking about what you are doing in the community with sense tib sensitivity training and all that. you think he can deliver that. >> the question is can we all deliver on that? we all have to roll up over sleeves to get this done. we can't put it on the mayor's lap and expect him to change the world. >> do you think he can be effective helping everyone do it? >> the five years i worked with this mayor, you're not going to find a tougher mayor. and right now, he is facing some challenges this is probably the toughest thing he will is to deal with in his political career and you don't want to go out with to this as a blemish on his record. he's going the do everything he can to turn this around. we have to work together to do that. >> he has the motivation to do it because of his legacy as mayor. he has to live in that city. listen, alderman, you heard there have more videos being kept from the public. should all this evidence come out now, you think? >> well, one of the things we're working with the task force. we have to figure out when the videos can be released. you don't want to release willy-nilly the videos and jeopardize the integrity of the investigations. we have to be strategic. we know the old system is not working and we're trying to be as transparent as we can. >> how would that jeopardize the investigations? wouldn't that be part of the investigation? wouldn't a video show what happened? >> it could be part of the investigation or part of a court proceeding, any number of things. what we have to figure out in this digital age by reforming a system when we can be as transparent as we possibly can by putting out the information without jeopardizing the court proceedings. we have to find out what is in the best interests of the city. >> have you heard about the writing about a slowdown, saying there is a ferguson effect happening in chicago, that the investigative stop is down 80%. and gun arrests down 37% and murders are up 125%. are you concerned about that as a city leader? and do you agree with it? >> what i'm concerned about is now that the spotlight is being put on the police department, they are no longer being aggressive or trying to do the job like they are capable of doing. now the department of justice is afraid is watching and they are trying to figure out what is going to happen to them if they do something wrong. you don't have to worry about the repercussions or worry about going out there and doing the job you're posed to do. when we look at this city, the police department is the first line of defense. if we are going the make the community safe they have to be our partner. everybody is going to try to make sure their interest is protected and we have to do what is best for the city by transforming the system as we it. >> appreciate it you coming on. >> thank you. van jones is with me. are you encouraged that the city decided to ree release this have see. is this progress at this point? >> it's limited progress. listen. rahm emanuel has a big opportunity. it's fine to stop the cover up but you have to start the clean up. ha big problem is right now there is a culture in chicago of purnlry and impunity within that department. all of these police reports are being written, they are fudging the reports. that's perjury and unlawful. the mayor has to change the convection for officers who lie under oath. it takes a while to work through the courts. you may not want to release every tape right away. that's fine. but you have a minuscule number of complaints that ever resulted in discipline. but you are seeing a culture of perjury, police officers doing one thing, writing something else and then the video comes out. he should have a special prosecutor right now. but realm emanuel, at this point, still seems to be leading from behind. this is one of the toughest guys in american politics leading from behind. >> neil let's talk about this. you heard the lead investigator for the case, he talked about he saw one thing and they saw another. it seems like the independent review authority is sympathetic to the police. they investigated 322 officer-involved shootings. and of those only two were rules unjustified. who is policing the police? i'll ask you the same question. >> it's very interesting because we believe that these independent review boards are going to do the right thing. the question is who is on that board and what are their relationships with the police. i find it deplorable. i believe his name was detective davis was fired -- yeah, fired from the police department for doing the right thing for standing up. and we wonder why police officers not just in chicago but around this country in our major cities have a difficult time coming forward when they disagree with such a finding. if we were able to support those police officers that are out there wanting to do the right job, wanting to do the right thing coming forward with information if we could support them we could begin as van said to fix this problem and move in the right direction. and in some places like in maryland right now where i'm in, baltimore, we're trying to put forth whistle blower legislation which i think is important in protecting the police officers that want to do the right thing. >> i put up numbers from an investigative reporter talking about a possible ferguson effect. i want to ask you, you're from baltimore. those are the numbers, investigative stops are down, gun arrests are down and homicides are up. do you think that is happening in chicago right now? >> i really believe that's exactly what is happening in chicago. but that's not the only reason for the increase in homicides. but it is a significant piece. it's multifaceted. i mean, chicago has gangs. they have crews on corners selling drugs involved in the drug-selling business. until we do something about the drug war, you know, the prohibition of drugs until we do something about that and move it from criminal justice into a place of health and education we're going to continue to have these murders around the country. >> van you touched on this a moment ago. rahm emanuel is taking a lot of heat. can he turn this department around? is he the man to do it or the mayor to do it? >> listen, if there's anybody tough enough to do it's rahm emanuel. he was my chief of staff when i worked with president obama. he served president obama extraordinarily well. if anyone is tough enough to do it, it would be him. but the fact it's not happening is what is so shocking to people. this is rahm emanuel. he gets stuff done. he cracks heads. he makes stuff happen. and yet we you don't see things happening. we have these blue ribbon commissions. put some of these lying police officers in jail. it does not matter if you are justified in shooting someone if you wrote a report that was science fiction. you is to tell from the very beginning from the top if you lie under oath as a police officer you go to jail and police officers are going to say i'm not going to cover up for you on this report and let the chips fall where they may. they went after de blasio because he stood up against bad conduct. the police said they are not going to do their jobs. crime has gone down in new york city. police officers want to know what the standard is. they want to know they are going to be treated fairly. they want to know if they are going to do the right thing they're not going to be fired. they're going to be rewarded. if you lie you are going to be punished. >> thank you, gentlemen. appreciate it. the oscar nominations are out and they are white as ever. why are so many actors and movies being shut out? 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[how about a thousand dollars money witmore?r refund? ♪ a thousand people win a thousand dollars on top of their refund. every single day. i will not lose. it's refund season. a lot of fans are asking where is the diversity in hollywood. not a single actor of color is named in any of the four acting categories for the second year in a row. i want to talk about this with nischelle turner, host of "entertainment tonight." thank you for joining me tonight. we are diverse here, unlike the oscars. so i'm so glad you guys are on. >> some people may say we're not diverse at all. >> trust me, we are. take a look at these photos of this year's oscar nominations for best supporting actor and actresses. you notice anything? >> you are trying to pull me right in. first of all, will it me say this, my favorite performance of the year was by ronan in brooklyn. but is it jarring? is it glaringly jarring when you don't see anyone that mirrors what you like in nominations especially in a year when there were so many performances worthy? yes. it is a problem that the adadmy president recognizes and i think that she is trying to push to correct things. however, this is the second year in a row we are talking about this, hence april's hashtag. >> michael b. jordan, tess thompson in "creed." will smith in "concussion." i mean, mya taylor in "tangerine" why are these actors being shut out? >> a lot of people speculate it has to do with the voting pool from the academy, it's 96% whites over a certain age. they feel like those people don't identify as well with these performances. i don't give a pass to that at all. i think that good performances are good performances. art is art and great movies deserve the recognition. and you named a lot of people that were worthy this year. definitely. and the list goes on and on. the cast of "dope" abraham atta, that boy was amazing and got no love throughout this award season. there were many people that you can name this year. i think there is a very good argument to take a look at it. but i just talked about this, the academy president is a woman of color. one of the two executive producers of the oscars this year. and the host this year is chris rock. and by the way you know he's going to have something to say about that. >> i can't wait for that. >> you created the #oscarsowhite. it is trending again. what is your mission? >> the mission is to call attention to the fact that there is a lack of inclusion and diversity not just with respect to the nominees but overall how movies are green lit. >> you mean movies in general? >> in fact, that's exactly right. we're talking about the major studios. when movies are green lit. when we have producers around the table what decisions are being made and what questions are being asked. last year, "birdman" was a fantastic film starring michael keaton. but the question is did ken watanabe read for that role. it needs to be a change from the top down to make sure that movies include marginalized communities are being recognized. "straight out of compton" received the nomination for best original screenplay but the writers named are white, not people of color. and the best documentary feature has a white director. it's not to say there needs to be a token orperson of color in every category, but the question is how do we ensure that the movies that reflect the knew yons, the context, the beauty of this country are -- >> included in this process. and i think she brings up a good point. this is not affirmative action for the movie industry but there should be more representative in that it needs to change not just at the academy award level. and i want to say this, this is not just coming out of nowhere. when you look at -- who was nominated in "beasts of no nation" he is an excellent actor. there are good actors who don't get nominated. sometimes people are passed over. can we say for sure this is about race? >> no, we can't say for sure it's about race. but it's all about all marginalized communities. a movie like "tangerine" which is a movie about transwomen is not nominated but eddie redmayne is nominated for playing a transwoman. >> i have to go to break quickly. what did you want to say? >> i was go going to agree with april. i don't think it's an academy problem but a hollywood problem. and until there is inclusion all around there will be this divide. >> we're going to continue to talk about this and show more of the people who were nominated who deserve to be nominated and why so many people of color were shut out. we'll be right back. how does rock and roll work? ♪ you need a team... ♪ working together... ♪ doing all kinds of jobs. ♪ and the best place to find the job that's right for you is on the world's number-one job site. indeed. how the world works. real milk vs. almond milk ingredient spelling bee lecithin lecithin. l-e-s (buzzer sound) your word is milk. m-i-l-k milk wins. ingredients you can spell. ♪ light piano today i saw a giant. it had no arms, but it welcomed me. 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"the butler" was snubbed in 2014. >> but here's the thing, the work has to be good. i take it back to the work. it's easy to call the race card for me and everybody else. i don't call a race card. it is what it is. i didn't -- we didn't get anything for "the butler." >> what do you think about that, april? >> well, i think that he's right, that part. but there are quality films being made. there's no reason why, for example, ava did not get a best director nomination for "selma" last year. how can you nominate so many facets of a movie like "selma" but not nominate the director? and the same goes true for this year, in fact. so i'm not playing the race card either. what i'm saying is that more films, more diverse and inclusive films need to be made overall and let the chips fall where they may and then you decide which of the films are the best. >> i think nischelle summed it up at the beginning of this. no one is saying there should be quotas or affirmative action. but when you look at every film that was nominated and not one included a person of color. it is glaring. so listen real quickly, neil patrick harris joked about it. chris rock, do you think he will take aim at the academy? >> it's chris rock. absolutely, i think he will take aim at the academy. i did ask today the producers of the show, i said do you think chris will let loose on them? and they said we have no clue what chris is going to say. but you know it's going to be smart. >> who are the favorites, quickly? >> leo dicaprio will win for best actor. and brie larson for best actress. the best picture, i don't know. "the revenant" won the golden globe. >> you know what -- good-bye. april -- >> thank you, april and nischelle. whatever. i'll see you out for the oscars, nischelle. >> i'll see you. >> coming up, black lives matter and black votes matter. i'll talk to the man who says that people should protest by leaving their presidential votes blank. we are sharing the special series, the person who changed my life, here is a quick preview for you. >> my son helped make me change. >> ♪ i have been hopeless and i've had my fate all of these moments showed me the way that i've gone ♪ >> these people changed lives. join the familiar faces of cnn as they share their special someone with you. >> the voyage that your suggestion sent me on. >> i learned this from you, you have to ask the important questions on the most important issues of the day. >> without my mom, i am certain i would not be where i am. >> if they asked how important is a mentor and they said not important, they never had a good mentor. >> is this the letter? >> this is the letter. >> you found it? >> very people tell you the truth, you do that. >> the person who changed my life, a week long cnn event starts sunday on cnn. a thousand people win a thousand dollars every single day for a month. get in on this! ♪ i will not lose. it's refund season. i thione second it's then, woosh, it's gone. i swear i saw it swallow seven people. seven. i just wish one of those people could have been mrs. johnson. 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joining me is the author of "democracy and black" that is a title of a book. i like this book. thank you. i haven't had a chance to read it but i have read the press and seen your interviews. you watched on tuesday his final state of the union. when he was elected in 2008 many thought it would be a turning point in race relations in this country. was it? >> in some ways, certain sectors of white america lost their minds in terms of the backlash. we do know over the last eight years, afternoon -- african-americans lost ground. >> black unemployment is down from when he took office. how can this be an indictment of president obama? >> i argued he needed to be bolder. we know that the great black depression, over 240,000 homes lost. african-american children are in poverty of 38%. that number is rising. that number is scary. for the first time since we have been collecting that data there are more poor african-american children than poor excite children. so when we think about the numbers now, you think about -- i mean especially the holiday employment numbers, 8.something. we know that is something that the result holiday hiring. >> i used to do that in christmas. >> so when we think about the numbers it's about 9.5%. at the height of the great recession, the number was about 9.6%. even though we are not at 16% we are at "n" crisis mode. >> how do you think that he has done as president? >> he is a centrist liberal. >> what does that mean? >> i see him in the vein of bill clinton. he has done a great job for wall street and for certain interests. he has tried in a certain way to change the tenor and tone of politics in washington, d.c. but for the most part, the most vulnerable, those on the margins have still suffered. and some of the challenge has been we wanted him to be our -- >> you took the words out of my mouth. do you think the expectations were too high for him. some people said he was the second coming, right? >> i think we green screened it. we made him what we needed him to be. it was in a moment of intense crisis. you had all of that energy around the iraq war. obama was the object of all of that grass roots energy. he became the progressive savior. he was the guy who was going to right the ship. when we read the audacity of hope he is who he is. >> is it damned if you do and damned if you don't? the people who want him to be the superblack man but he is the president of all america not just black america. if he is too timid he is not helping black people. >> all those arguments are off center. it's not about whether he is black enough or whether he's the president of all americans it's whether he cares about justice or cares about right. if you have folk languishing in the shadows and struggling to keep the roof over their heads it's not about whether they are black or white -- >> you don't think he cares? >> i think policy wise he didn't change the frame. and for over -- >> what should he have done many. >> i think he should have been bolder. for the first two years we saw health care, we saw an attempt to put the jobs act out. once the congress shifted, the berlin wall came up. at that point when you know the republicans aren't going to go to work with you, go big and try to shift the conversation, shift the frame. but the book is not just simply about barack obama. part of the limitations around the president -- >> that's how people are going to read it especially in the era of obama and the president is coming to an end. >> one of the elements on his presidency is on the value gap. we talk about the achievement gap and the wealth gap and the empathy gap. at the heart of the nation is the belief -- this is the value gap, the believe that white people are valued more than other. no matter what the inputs are because that belief obtains in our economic realities, no matter what happens we're going to end up with racial inequality even with a black man in the white house. a value gap in the context of slavery and jim crow and in the context of a black presidency you will have people languishing in the shadows. we need a revolution of value in this country. >> i think larry willmore said last night we think that slavery was a long time ago but it was 140 years. it's two 70-year-old grandmothers lifetimes ago. we'll be right back. othis highly sought-after device "nafrom progressiveool. can be yours for... twenty grand? 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"ac360" the post debate special "ac360" the post debate special starts right now. -- captions by vitac -- republican debate in south carolip carolina carolina e republican debate in south carolip carolina carolina . the voting starts in a few short weeks in iowa, new hampshire and south carolina. the chances for any candidate to make a big move are dwindling which made tonight a prime opportunity. we'll look at which republican took advantage of it and how it played with undecided republicans and how it might play in the general election. we're going to talk to the candidates and check the facts. but first a look at the key moments from a very key evening. >> you were born in canada to an american mother so you are and are

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