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Lurking behind that curtain is his political enemies. Obamagate. Some terrible things happened that should never be allowed to happen in our country again. Joe biden and his son are corrupt. Hillary clinton, hes a world class liar. This is a appellate to steal an election. Voter fraud, voter fraud. Heres the evidence. This whole election is being rigged. Its a lie. And its dangerous. A burn it down strategy. It doesnt defeat an opponent. It actually damages democracy. Covid19 is a hoax. His Conspiracy Theory allies. Obama and hillary both smell like sulfur. It is totally nuts. Even frazier, the conspiracies of trump fans. Qanon conspiracy. Donald trump is the hero by a ring of pedophiles and drug traffickers. This is the first time that a conspiracyist holds the highest office in the land. A democracy that will soon elect a president. This is the first time i can remember having a fear or anxiety that a sitting president , if he loses a free and fair election, wont leave. Good evening. Im fareed zakaria. Let me begin with a confession. This is not the kind of topic i usually tackle, and i am concerned about repeating false information. But this subject is urgent because the conspiracy theories circulating now are dangerous. And the president of the United States is trafficking in them. When Donald Trump Tells us elections are rigged, obamagate is the biggest scandal in history, some know these ideas are wholly false, but others are less certain, especially when they hear a story full of details that seems to explain everything. Both show that up to 50 of americans have believed at least one of these conspiracy theories. This is a story of just how destructive they have become, not just to the people they target, but also to the very foundations of our democracy. Why does he need his birth certificate . Donald trumps rise to power began with a Conspiracy Theory. His relatives dont even know which hospital he was born in. As he tested the waters to run for the white house people have birth certificates. He doesnt have a birth certificate. If he doesnt, it is one of the greatest scams in the history of politics. He was born in hawaii. Why are you going through all this, donald . A lot of people dont think it was an authentic certificate. It was a political win. 55 of the republicans believe in thissish you. He wrote it into the white house. He has brilliant instincts and brilliant intuitions. Donald trump understood exactly how to tap into an ugly racial undercurrent. The idea of whether he was born in the United States, i think thats a metaphor. Is he one of us . Answer no. With the birtherism Conspiracy Theory, donald trump could send a racist message without saying the race part out loud. Your country was stolen from you by Barack Hussain obama. Black african father. Barack hussain. Thats enough. Trump uses conspiracy theories as weapons against his political opponents. Very suspicious situation. Im fighting the deep state. But there has been no bigger trump target than Hillary Clinton. The most corrupt person ever to seek the presidency of the United States. The darkest Conspiracy Theory has a huge following on the internet. Trump and his allies are promoted even as it has grown increasingly toxic. This is Edgar Madison welch. He is driving from his North Carolina home to washington, d. C. , recording a message to his two young daughters. He is preparing to risk his life to save children he doesnt even know. Like i always told you, you have a duty to protect people who cant protect themselves. Do for people who cant do for themselves. You might consider welch a good man. I hope you understand that. But this mission of mercy was actually a dangerous delusion. Watch him fall prey to a dangerous Conspiracy Theory called pizza gate. He believed that Hillary Clinton and other washington elites were running a pedophile ring out the basement of a pizza restaurant in d. C. In addition to the ar15, he was carrying a handgun and a shotgun was found in his car. He burst into a crowded restaurant. Terrified customers ran for their lives, but there were no abused children, not even a basement. No one was hurt. He went to prison. The original source of all this, a leaked email to john podesta, Hillary Clintons campaign chief. It was from his brother, and it said simply, would love to get a pizza. Pizza is a well known pedophile code word that has been use d. Now teenagers have grown obsessed with pizza gate. They believe celebrities have joined Hillary Clinton. Child trafficking. The social media site tiktok popular with teenagers has logged more than 18 million views for posts with the pizza gate hashtag, according to the new york times. We are you. Pizza gate began in 2016. But in the last few years, it has grown into an even bigger Conspiracy Theory called qanon. When nonsense becomes dangerous is when people believe it to be true. A missteer your contacter or characters called q give foe lowers cues about deep state conspirators who are out to destroy donald trump. Donald trump is the hero of the qanon following. He is a christlike figure who will save the country and save the world. Save the world from the deep state, from liberals, from pedophiles. He believes there is a ring of politicians that are sacrificing children. Its coming to light. Trump is part of the routine. Crowds show up at trump rallies. Hi. My name is tomammy and im a family doctor. Truth. Q is about getting to the truth by educating people about the truth about whats really going on. Theyre anonymous but theyre all on the same track, looking for the truth. Qanon. Getting to the truth is a qanon theme. Even though its beliefs are preposterous fiction. The biggest Conspiracy Theory of them all, who really killed jfk, has now become part of qanon. Jfk jr. Is in protective custody because they tried to kill him just like they killed his father. Somehow the late jfk jr. Is alive and helping trump clean up the deep state. Theyre not tethered to the truth, so it is easy to make up more and more elaborate stories. Qanon has morphed from Conspiracy Theory into an actual Political Movement of sorts. We have all been talking together as americans and uniting. Do you think it makes you comfort talking with other frustrated sometimes angry people . Yes, yes. What is Donald Trumps connection to qanon . Meet radio host Michael Lebron. If you have not even ventured initially into the qanon phenomenal, you have no idea of what you are missing. This is qanon pusher Michael Lebron in the oval office with the president. Eric trump, everybody. Eric trump, the president s son, posted this instagram. Hes promoting qanon, even using one of the slogan, where we go one, we go all. What does that mean . It means where we go one, we go all. Where we go one, we go all. General Michael Flynn, the former National Security adviser whom trump has lavishly praised as a fine man wronged by the Justice System took the qanon oath on the 4th of july with family and friends. God bless america. Flynns lawyers tell cnn that the oath he took was not connected to qanon, but in fact that oath is universally recognized inside the q movement. Where we go one, we go all. President donald trump frequently retweets qanon accounts. On the 4th of july, the same day Michael Flynn took his oath while the coronavirus was surging to record levels all over the country the president retweeted qanon accounts 14 times. No one is sure how many people are in the group, but according to the washington post, about 600,000 people have voted for qanonconnected political candidates. Media matters documented 46 of them are in the current election cycle. Im margery green and i approve this ad. Margery green is running for congress from a district in northwest, georgia. Q has put out there that many highlevel officials will soon be arrested. Is it going to be true that the child pedophilia and the elites and washington, d. C. , is that what were going to see come out . Is it going to be satanic worship . Margery greene is favored to win that seat. Perhaps the biggest question surrounding all of this is why. Why would anyone believe any of these conspiracy theories . Its so unsettling and quite authentically terrifying to live in a world that we feel we cant control. It becomes very deductive and attractive because it explains that the world is against you. And this is the important part. Its not your fault. Not my fault. I inherited this mess, but were fixing it. Not my fault. No, i dont take responsibility at all. It externalizes blame. Thats what qanon does for people. And it seems to give its followers a kind of emotional support. It creates an explanation that comforts and consoles and there is always this unnamed, unseen deep state that is actually responsible for everything. Qanon provides people with the psychological comfort they need. What it does for donald trump is that it provides the fear that keeps his base motivated. Several studies done by scientists from the United Kingdom and poland found that conspiracy minded people have a strong need to feel better or smarter than others. They are, in other words, narcissistic. If that sounds familiar i dont think this is the most controversial thing in the world to say that he is, even by the standards of american politicians, unusually narcissistic. I alone can fix it. People would say im like the super genius of all time. The one that matters is me. Is it possible that trump just uses conspiracy theories to gin up his base . Maybe. He gravitates instinctively, naturally, inescapably to conspiratorial understandings of the world. There is something going on we dont know about. A lot of people are saying they had spies in my campaign. It would be a plot. I dont want to think in terms of conspiracy, but it could be a plot. That raises the most troubling aspect of this story. Our immune system has been weakened to conspiracy thinking. This is why its so dangerous. Many americans are vulnerable to conspiracy theories because they dont trust government, officials are institutions. Listen to what this qanon follower says. We can all admit that pretty much Everybody Knows the government is corrupt. Q, to me, is just showing that its a lot more corrupt than we thought. Research showing americas trust has been dropping for decades. Just look at the last 20 years. By the time donald trump was elected president , belief and faith in democracy had reached an alltime low. Trust in the media took a similar plunge and donald trump knows it. Just remember what youre seeing and what youre reading is not whats happening. Whats important is to get them to disbelieve everything. This is the way in which hard demagoguery can destroy democracy. Voter fraud, voter fraud. The most corrupt election in the history of our country. Its a lie. Coming up next, the biggest conspiracy threat of all. The sort of thing i never imagined would be possible in the United States of america. Now, eyeliner goes nycproof. Tattoo studio gel pencil from maybelline new york. Smudge resistant. Sweat resistant. Waterproof. Up to 36hour wear. Tattoo studio gel pencil. And in liquid liner. From maybelline new york. And in liquid liner. burke oh, just puttering, tinkering. Whatcha working on. Commemorating bizarre mishaps that farmers has seen and covered. Had a little extra time on my hands lately. neighbor and that . burke oh, this . Just an app ive been working on. Its called signal from farmers, and it could save you up to fifteen percent on your auto insurance. Simply sign up, drive and save. But im sure whatever youve been working on is equally impressive. We are farmers. Bumpadum, bumbumbumbum yea, that look of pure terror. No, no, the smile. And that second right before the first tear comes. What . pizza on a bagelwe can all agree with that. Do you want a hug . A mastersdgren, youin chemical engineering. , and youre technically a genius. And it appears youre quite the investor. I like to trade. Well, Td Ameritrade has pros ready if you need help, say talking through a new strategy. Just in case things, you know, get a little rocky . Im sorry on the upside i think thats waterproof. Maybe not. Heres a choice you dont have to make. Ses are always making choices. The largest 5g network. Awardwinning customer satisfaction. Or insanely great value. Now, with tmobile for business, theres no compromise. Network. Support. Value. Choose. Any. Three. Tmobile for business ready when you are. And mines unlisted. Try boost® high protein. With 20 grams of protein for Muscle Health versus only 16 grams in ensure® high protein. And now enjoy boost® high protein in new cafe mocha flavor. A few days after the 2016 election. Obscure right wing operative named Greg Phillips tweeted a bombshell, number of noncitizen votes exceeds three million. Can you prove right now, that three Million People yes. But phillips, a voter fraud watchdog was cagey about showing any evidence. Do you have the proof . Yes. Will you provide it . Yes. Can i have it . No. Why . We are going to release everything to the public. When . As soon as we get done with the checks. Hold on, so you are not done checking it yet . Questions about a possible recount in fact, when phillips made his outrageous claim. Recount votes in michigan, and wisconsin, states had not certified the election results. We are not going to make a mistake. You already accused. Im not a politician. Im a guy. Millions of people voting, millions illegals voting. And then alex jones, who said the u. S. Government staged 911 picked up the story. Donald j trump didnt just win the electoral college, he clearly won the popular vote. And after that story ran, president elect trump tweeted for the first time, that he won the popular vote, if you deduct the millions people who voted illegally. Greg phillips, still wont show us any evidence. The Illegal Immigrants were voting. Illegal immigrants are voting. We dont want noncitizen voters. A voter fraud conspiracy was born. Voter fraud, voter fraud, heres the evidence. Its a lie. Trump has made an astounding number of completely unsubstantiated voter fraud claims. He tweeted that president obamas win was a sham. God bless the great state of iowa. In the 2018 primaries, he accused ted cruz of stealing iowa and marco rubio of rigging florida. New hampshire was taken away. People have died ten years ago are still voting. Nearly 2 million dead people voted for Hillary Clinton. 10s of millions mailin ballots. And in 2020 will they be forged. According to our president. Will they be stolen from mailboxes. Mailin ballots will be riddled with fraud. Will they be taken from the mail men and mail women . Its based on a lie, and its a trick and its lethal to american democracy. It has been investigated by. Republicans and democrats. Proven cases are less common than someone being struck by lightning. From 20002014 in one billion votes cast, there were 31 cases of voter fraud. That is not massive or ramp ant. Voter fraud does not make sense to risk it. Its unlikely to swing an election and the penalties are severe. Voter fraud is a felony. So that is a big disincentive. They want to try to rig the election. Thanks to his constant repetition. That election will be rigged. First of all, its rigged. The voter fraud lie has become the truth for Many Americans. [ chanting usa ] in one poll, nearly half said that voter fraud occurred often among Trump Supporters over 2 3 said it happened a lot. The beauty of the lie is if you say it over and over and with conviction, it sounds like the truth. We have to protect the integrity of the vote and our voters. Trump doubled down on his conspiracy theories when he formed a president ial commission to investigate voter fraud. Criticized as misguided effort to prove the unprovable. After a few months of blundering. One senior white house adviser telling cnn quote, it was a poop show, they used a different word. It ended in disgrace. In the commissions report when you get to the section marked voter fraud, the pages are blank. But the voter fraud lie lives on. We are not going to lose. The only way we can lose is if the fraud conspiracy theories have gone on long before donald trump. Vote fraud threatens the integrity of our process. In the 2000s, republicans spun tails of widespread voter fraud. Theres many ways to jimmy the system. Those concerning the nations demographics. That more people of color who traditionally voted democrat were going to the polls. Certain republicans cannot believe that the Republican Party had an interest in depressing voter turn out and thats when they invented the fiction of voter fraud. Requiring people to show photo i. D. In order to vote. Some in the party used the myth of ramp ant voter fraud. Pushing more voters out of the ballot box. To justify new voting restrictions. Its terrible. Its so many people that dont have i. D. , and they are not going to be able to vote. That made it harder for black americans to vote. We are ready to march on ballot boxes. A shameful echo. You are ordered to disperse. Of the jim crow south. We are taking a close look at wisconsin. In 2016, these measures had a real impact. Donald trump continues to maintain his lead of about 90,000 votes. 10s of thousands of people were deterred from voting in wisconsin. Because of that states i. D. Law. The question is, are the democratic votes out there somewhere. Its just not enough. Black voter turn out plummeted. Donald trump will carry the state of wisconsin. Trump won the state by less than 23,000 ballots. Great voter fraud does not change an election result. Voter suppression does. Millions and millions of ballots. Trump doubling down on the ballot box Conspiracy Theory. Will they be counterfeited by groups inside our nation . From rigged mailin ballots. Will they be counterfeited by the millions by foreign powers . To votes being air mailed from china. Theres growing fear that trumps Disinformation Campaign will cast doubt on the outcome of the election. Democrats and republicans gaming out worse case scenarios. This president is going to try to steal the election. This will be in my opinion, the most corrupt election in the history of our country. Donald trump may be saving his most dangerous Conspiracy Theory for last. 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On the live global sunday transmission. While this may look like your average cable news. It is anything but. Leading the eyes of the new world order. I dont like them putting chemicals in the water, turned the frogs gay. I believe they are possessed by entities, space aliens. Info wars. A leading conspiracy talk show. Hillary and obama want to make you poor. He screams and rants on air. They hate you, they hate god, they hate children. And god damn them to hell. He has also been a principal news source for the president. It is surreal to talk about issues here on air and then word for word here trump say it two days later. His real name is barry satara. He was born barry satara, somewhere along the line, he changed his name. He is going to show up and on drugs though. He is going to be blacked out. I think we will take a drug test prior to the debate. To have conspiracy move in to the white house and have the president amplify it, and recognize it, utterly unprecedented. Thank you for joining us. Thank you, alex. Donald trump first aligned himself with jones in 2015. Your reputation is amazing. I will not let you down. Donald trump basically said to alex jones, i love your work. It totally nuts. The democrats are the kkk. So nuts that it begs the question how did we get here . We love you, alex jones. For what some are calling the info wars presidency. Alex jones, he is a nice guy actually. They are even getting our gods you may remember alex jones for spreading the most gross lie. Sandyhook is the most synthetic lie, manufactured. Since saying that the murder of the first graders and faculty was a hoax. He has been ordered to pay at least 100,000 in relate fees. I thought everything was staged. In a deposition he said that a form of psychosis had made him believe this. Theres no true and false, anything can be believed except the official account of anything. Buying product all the lies have proven to be a lucrative business for journalism. Introducing this stuff is incredible. Available at info wars store. Com. I just cant express how serious the situation is. And part of the way he has been able to do that is by continuely scaring his audience in to telling them that disaster is approaching and then selling them products to mitigate the disaster. If you dont buy the products we will not be able to fund this operation. His online store Sells Everything from freeze dryers to survival gear. We have the full supply this stuff kills the whole sars coronavirus family at point blank range. Most recently, the fda ordered jones to stop selling fake cures for covid19. It kills every virus. Theres money to be made in this. I only promote what i believe in. It is this conspiracy riddled path that connect donald trump to alex jones. My audience, i would say 90 supports you. Trump knows where his bread is buttered and he makes his piece with someone like alex jones to keep power and to win in the next election. Come here President Trump speak both know how to reach an audience and propel themselves in to the mainstream. I doubt i would be here if it were not for social media. I am able to go bing, bing, bing and i take care of it. The other side cannot get the word out. Its information wars. Like trump, jones used all kinds of media to push his word. He migrated from Public Access tv to radio, to the internet. I have listened to you for 30 years. That freedom, combined with the algorithms that is amplifying what is most shocking, meant he is perfectly adapted to the internet. But that all came to a crashing halt in 2018. Apple facebook, youtube, spotify, pintrest and linked in have removed jones material. Especially by youtube. Its admission. They lie about me in court. His viewership fell by half. The president himself has also been policed for promoting violence and spreading false claims. Twitter has flagged several of his tweets over accuracy and copyright issues. While we may never know whether jones or trump truly believe in the crazy conspiracies they spread. This is the first time in our history that a conspirasist holds the highest office in the understand la. What happens next is up to us. Will the American Public embrace it a second time . The test is in november. Three derm ingredients in one cream. Dont settle for less. Revitalift triple power with proretinol plus hyaluronic acid and vitamin c. It visibly reduces wrinkles. Firms. And brightens. Now thats triple power. Revitalift triple power moisturizer from loreal. No uh uh, no way come on, no no nnnnono only discover has no annual fee on any card. Thats why ive got the power of 1,2,3 medicines with trelegy. The only fdaapproved, oncedaily 3 in 1 copd treatment. With trelegy and the power of 1, 2, 3, im breathing better. Trelegy works 3 ways to open airways, keep them open, and reduce inflammation for 24 hours of better breathing. 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What he did was to drum up this incredible fear. Yes, they are traitors to america. They are communists. But they could not find as he said, a conspiracy so immense. They could not find it because it was not there. At the height of the cold war, Many Americans have legitimate fears about communism. In 1949, you had the soviet union explode a nuclear device. Then, communists overthrew the chinese government. Overnight, now you have 500 million new communists in the world. It felt like america was losing. How could america be losing . Enter joseph mccarthy. Who claimed he had the answer. A list of 205 employees in the state department who he said, were known communists. That simple is answer just was like, boom he didnt have the goods to prove this monster conspiracy. Mccarthy presided overhearings that were little more than trial by accusation. Senator would like to hear this, its about you. He would just badger witnesses. Where they would not have a chance to answer. He was not about nuance, he was about gotcha, answer that, yes or no. Do you know this man . Mccarthy made baseless charges against the truman administration, including a man who served as the secretary of state and defense. George c marshal. A man who helped defeat the nazis. A venerated fivestar general who helped orchestrate the the victory in world war ii, they did not speak up because they were afraid of losing their base. Sound familiar. By 1952, republicans had been out of power for two decades. The American People have spoken with a resounding voice at the polls. Victory is here. Mccarthy helped win back the white house and both houses of congress. With the bigger platform, he became even more reckless. He went after the army. Claiming it had been infiltrated by communists. You are not suing anyone at all, are you sure of that . The chair believes the American People had to look at you for six weeks. You are not fooling anybody either. The senate was called out as a bully in front of 20 million viewers. You have done enough. Have you no sense of decency, sir, at long last . Have you left no sense of decency. Finally congress said, enough. The republican senate, censured one of their own. The word view and tactics however, would live on. That fight to expose those who would destroy this nation will go on and on. Nearly one decade later. From dallas, texas, president kennedy died at 1 00 p. M. Central standard time. A tragic event became the catalyst for a new wave of conspiracies. To this day. People think how does a lone gunman, successfully assassinate the most protected person on the face of the earth. There was plenty of evidence linking Lee Harvey Oswald to the shooting. But america did not buy the story. The idea that one person, alone, without a government or a conspiracy behind, in the course of history, seemed impossible. I deny this charges. Im just a patsy. And only two days later, he was shot on Live Television by a nightclub owner, jack ruby. Many americans when jack ruby killed oswald, began to believe something was amiss. The week that president kennedy was killed, the majority of americans believed that it was a conspiracy. The kennedy assassination, immediately became a national obsession. By the mid 70s, the percentage of americans who believed it was a conspiracy, skyrocketed over 80 . Americans had seen the release of the pentagon papers and watergate. A series of misfortunes for this country, and you begin to wonder, did it all start with the jfk assassination. Enabled the cia to use the poison. Senate investigations into secret Government Programs opened the door to even more conspiracy theories. The more americans mistrusted government, the more they believed that john f. Kennedy had been assassinated by a secret group of officials. Who did not like his policies. Soon an entire Cottage Industry was created around the jfk assassination. Books, board games and video games and of course, a hollywood block buster. One of the grossest lies ever forced on the American People we have come to know it as the magic bullet theory. Great cinemtography and terrible history. But it was the internet age of the 90s and 2000s that helped to rocket a conspiracy theorists right to the presidency. Revitalift triple power with proretinol plus hyaluronic acid and vitamin c. It visibly reduces wrinkles. Firms. And brightens. Now thats triple power. Revitalift triple power moisturizer from loreal. Your taste buds will thank you. Bud light seltzer, yayyyyy more more more more in their own special taste bud way. More more more more moreeeee heres a choice you dont have to make. Ses are always making choices. The largest 5g network. Awardwinning customer satisfaction. Or insanely great value. Now, with tmobile for business, theres no compromise. Network. Support. Value. Choose. Any. Three. Tmobile for business ready when you are. If youre gonna be an entrepreneur, itll be the hardest thing youve ever done in your life. We are six locations, about to be seven locations and 250 team members. Covid changed a lot of things. God willing, were gonna come out on the other side stronger as a company. But, it is not for the faint of heart. Its been a hell of a year. Its been a hell of a year. Why are we doing this . Why are we doing what . Using my old spice moisturize with shea butter body wash. All i wanted was to use your body wash and all i wanted was to have a body wash. It is un undeniable fact the president is an ardent fan of conspiracy theories. He is bringing together three different strands of history. Why . Well, human beings cant stand the uncertainty. We want to know why things happen. We used to rely on religion and magic to explain things. After the enlightenment, for many that faith was transferred to science, but still theres so much we dont understand. The world is, in William James phrase, a brilliant, buzzen confusing. So we want to find ways to make sense of it, ascribe meaning and assign blame. In particular, when we confront huge events with great consequences like john f. Kennedys assassination, we cant accept that happened because of a single gunman, a chance of confusion or accident. There must have been a cause commensurate with the outcome, so we search for that larger, grander conspiracy. The second strand is particular to america. America has always had a rich history of conspiracy theories. What one historian called the paranoid style in american politics. Its easy to understand how this developed in a vast country with new immigrants coming from everywhere, often living on sparsely populated land, far from centers of power with a strong antistatist tradition. Duck and cover. And when people felt threatened or endangered, say at the height of the cold war, the theories get more alarmist. Thats why the pandemic has given rise to a new wave of conspiracy theories that explain how something so devastating must have had behind it an evil genius. The third strand is even more specific to donald trump. For people who believe that they are at the center of the world, narcissists, conspiracy theories are especially compelling. You are so important. The world is already against you. If something goes wrong, of course, it was not your fault, but, rather, dark and deep forces that plot against you. And trump has decided that there are vast and powerful forces that plot against him daily. They include his own bureaucrats. Reporters. Urban elites. Minority activists. If he were to lose this election, he has already set in motion conspiracy theories that will claim it was because of voter fraud or mailin ballot irregularities or the work of the Chinese Communist party. But in doing so, trump is taking an ax to american democracy and a wrecking ball to the workings of the american constitution. Americas election of 1800 was an historic moment for the world because for the first time after a contest at the ballot box political power changed hands from one party to another, peacefully. That is americas legacy to the world, and it has endured for 220 years. But now by creating doubts about the 2020 election, by setting up possible obstacles to that peaceful transfer of power, donald trump is doing something more insidious, more dangerous than anything he has done as president so far. Im fareed zakaria. Thank you for watching. We kand however we connect,ng. Whether its over the phone, online, or in your office, were here to listen and provide solutions that help you run your business better. Because the decisions you make have far reaching implications. And a relationship with a Corporate Bank like pnc can provide just what you need. 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And coming up here on cnn newsroom, Donald Trumps emergency announcement on a coronavirus treatment. Hear why some experts are saying its too much too fast. We are just hours away from the kickoff of the Republican National convention. Who to watch for. What to expect. We will discuss. And two dangerous storms threatening the u. S. Gulf coast at the same time. Meteorologists say theyve never seen anything like it. Well have the latest on their track

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