Debris found off the coast of reunion island in the indian ocean. The second piece of mh370s wreckage picked up. And setbacks. It was terrible. It felt like we were right back at the beginning again. Questions still unanswered. We need to know what happened. And the only way youre going to do it is to find the aircraft. Theres just too much at stake here to say were going to stop. Now, vanished the mystery of Malaysia Airlines flight 370. March 8th, 2014. Kuala lumpur international airport. Just after midnight, the pilots of Malaysia Airlines flight 370 are preparing for takeoff. Its all about checklists in aviation. Theyre going through checklists. Miles obrien is a pilot and aviation analyst for cnn. It doesnt matter how mundane it is, how many times youve done it. You do it religiously because that is absolute foundation of safety in aviation. In the cockpit, 27yearold first officer fariq hamid. This video shows him training on the 777. Flight 370 was his first time flying the aircraft without an instructor. So while his experience level might have been low on the aircraft, he was totally up to date on how to fly it. A lot of Airline Pilots tell me these are the best people to fly with because theyve just come out of rigorous training. Next to fariq, zaharie shah, a captain with over 18,000 hours in the air and a stellar reputation. Captain zaharie and me, we go back about 30odd years we started flying together. Nick huslan a former chief pilot for Malaysia Airlines. My wife is a chief stewardess. So if my wife is onboard the aircraft, i would like zaharie to fly the plane, then, because ive got great confidence in the guy. And there was real confidence in the aircraft theyre about to fly, the boeing 777. Its a great airplane. Its got a Sterling Record of safety. That aircraft is actually the pinnacle of all the aircraft that i have flown, and the automation is just fantastic. For any critical electric or hydraulic system that would fail, there are two or three backup systems. After making their final preparations, the pilots are ready for pushback. At 12 32 a. M. , the pilots taxi to the runway. Cleared for departure, flight 370 takes off for a 5 1 2hour scheduled flight to beijing. The human control, direct physical control on the controls, will probably cease after the landing gear goes up, the flaps goes up, and it goes on autopilot. By 1 00 a. M. , the crew and 227 passengers onboard are cruising comfortably at 35,000 feet. Even the pilots can relax a little. The plane is basically now flying itself. There was no particular challenge there for a seasoned captain and that first officer to handle that flight without any problem. And at 1 07 a. M. , all seems well according to an automatic message sent from the aircrafts communications system, called acars. Richard quest is an anchor and aviation correspondent for cnn. Think of acars as a giant smartphone that will send out huge amounts of information via satellite or by radio transmission. Then at 1 19 a. M. , a standard handoff with air Traffic Control as the plane leaves Malaysian Airspace and enters vietnamese airspace. The controller here in malaysia tells him to speak to ho chi minh. And he says good night, malaysian 370, something i would do. There was no indication that anything had gone wrong. David soucie is a former safety inspector for the faa. So for the first 40 minutes of this flight, up to that point everything has been routine. Mmhmm. Yes. Everything was routine until now. Two minutes after talking with air Traffic Control, 40 minutes into the flight, the planes transponder goes dark. The planes transponders is effectively the instrument which sends out a signal to air Traffic Control. It tells you what height its at, which direction, and what speed its traveling. Suddenly this giant 777 is blind to the world. And theres no easy explanation for why it happened. Either it was intentional and someone tried to turn all of those systems off at once, or the pilot was unable to communicate, kept from communicating, or there was a mechanical failure of some kind that took all those systems out at one time. Then minutes after the transponder stops, the 777 makes an unexpected turn, heading west and way off course. That the plane turned immediately after the transponder went off is completely inexplicable and very worrisome. Peter goelz is a former managing director of the ntsb. We dont know whether this was done voluntarily, whether it was done under duress. We simply have no idea. No idea what really happened. But goelz sees a red flag. It was completely out of the ordinary that there was no distress call. That the turn takes place and theres absolute silence, it means that somebody on that plane redirected it to a new course heading, and they were not telling anyone. Not telling anyone and never checking in with vietnam air Traffic Control. The fact that the westerly turn happens at the point of handover between malaysia and vietnam, for many, is the strongest evidence that something nefarious was going on. Youve investigated many incidents. Is that coincidence, that everything seems to go wrong at this particular critical moment . It cant be coincidence. I dont believe in coincidence with my accidents. It just seems to me that there was something. Now, it doesnt mean that it was nefarious. It doesnt mean anything else. But, remember, theres a lot of systems doing a lot of things at that time as well. So the critical moment is immediately after this handover when youre essentially in this kind of no mans land in the sky. Yeah. Nobodys watching right then. No one was watching, and flight 370 would vanish. Coming up, a critical mistake by air Traffic Control with time running out. The aircraft was still flying, as we know now. That just is so painful to think about, that four hours later, no ones looking yet. To be nobody but yourself in a world which is doing its best to make you everybody else. Means to fight the hardest battle, which any human being can fight and never stop. Does this sound dismal . It isnt. Its the most wonderful life on earth. Its the most wonderful life on earth. It turns out, they want me to start next month. She can stay with you to finish her senior year. Things will be tight but, we can make this work. Now. Grandpa, what about your dream car . This is my dream now. Principal we can help you plan for that. That rocking chair would look grahh, new house, eh . E. Well, you should definitely see how geico could help you save on Homeowners Insurance. Nice tip. Ill give you two bucks for the chair. Two . thats a victorian antique all right, how much for the recliner, then . Wait wait. How did that get out here . That is definitely not for sale is this a yard sale . 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To get three times the cleaning power, try new clean freak from mr. Clean. Sure its like a morn ining spring more than half of our community have discovered their irish roots. Order ancestrydna, and find the surprises in you. Just 59 through march 18th. Get your kit today. In the middle of the night on march 8th, 2014, at 1 21 a. M. , Malaysia Airlines flight 370 vanishes into thin air. Theres been silence from the cockpit. And by 1 37 a. M. , a second Flight Communications system, acars, isnt working either. Acars was either switched off, or it failed. We dont know which because whatever did happen, this is the crucial moment. We pretty much know that all the comms are disabled, switched off, broken, blown up. As an investigator looking at this, what would the determination be, at least at this point, as to what is happening . At this point, ive got two different paths. One is that that aircraft was taken over and that the systems were intentionally shut down. The other side would be that there was a singular failure at a common location, and that singular mechanical failure would have done exactly the same thing. At this point in the investigation, theres no evidence one way or the other. But there would be piles of evidence if acars hadnt stopped transmitting. Youd know the air condition of the engines, the route it was taking, the altitudes it was taking. We would know exactly the state of that aircraft. Just the kind of information someone taking over a plane wouldnt want anyone to know. If you were doing something nefarious, then switching off acars would be a crucial part of making the plane go dark. The plane was dark and silent. There was still no checkin with vietnam air Traffic Control, a call former chief pilot nick huslan has made thousands of times. You have to be like a drunk for you to forget to check in after somebody tells you immediately to check in. Every pilot would want to do that as soon as possible. Anything more than two to three minutes, already abnormal. Around 1 27 a. M. , ho chi minhs control center tries to reach the aircraft. They tried to call and see if mh370 was out there. No response. You attempt to communicate directly with the aircraft first . Right. Thats the first thing you do. If thats not successful, then you try to contact other aircraft around, and they did do that. And those planes tried to raise mh370 as well. No success. With no response, an air Traffic Controller in kuala lumpur calls Malaysia Airlines for help. I think fundamentally you have to assume nobody expects one of these planes to fall out of the sky. Nobody expects a 777 to vanish. And Malaysia Airlines tells air Traffic Control a completely different story. They say mh370 hasnt vanished at all. According to their own internal flight tracking system. Malaysia airlines says, oh, the aircrafts fine. We know exactly where it is. Yet theyve had no communication. Theyve had none. Theyve had none. So their system was showing that the aircraft had continued to go on that heading. Over the next hour and a half, Malaysia Airlines gives air Traffic Control more promising messages. They had exchanged signals with the flight. The plane was in normal condition, and the plane was flying off the coast of vietnam along its scheduled flight path. And at that point the guard is let down. You start going in a different direction. Youre not search and rescue anymore. Youre just trying to communicate. But an hour and a half after that first reassuring message, a tragic realization. Malaysia airlines now tells air Traffic Control the information was wrong. We dont know where the aircraft is. Our system told us it was there, but it wasnt. The airline tells air Traffic Control their flighttracking program was based on flight projection and not reliable for aircraft positioning. Everything went wrong there. Everything. It borders on scandal. The airline in the middle there just offering up complete red herrings and dead ends. Its inexcusable. At best, the Malaysia Airlines information to air Traffic Control was unhelpful. At worst, it was downright damaging to getting an investigation and a search under way quickly. Not only did Malaysia Airlines have bad information, air Traffic Control waited to sound the alarm. I think air Traffic Control waits so long because its just a normal confusion of the moment. But at some point in all of this, an air Traffic Controller can push the Big Red Button that says help, panic, missing plane. And thats what they didnt do until much later. Not until four hours after its clear the plane is lost did air Traffic Control notify emergency responders. That just is so painful to think about, that four hours later, no ones looking yet. As precious hours pass, time is running out. While flight 370 flies further and further over one of the Worlds Largest oceans. Coming up, what happened onboard flight 370 . We do not know who the perpetrator are. We will never know the reasons why. If you have recurring constipation and belly pain, talk to your doctor and say yesss to linzess. Yesss linzess treats adults with ibs with constipation or chronic constipation. Linzess can help relieve your belly pain, and lets you have more frequent and complete bowel movements. See if youre eligible to get 90 days for as little as 30 dollars. Do not give linzess to children less than 6, and it should not be given to children 6 to less than 18, it may harm them. Do not take linzess if you have a bowel blockage. Get immediate help if you develop unusual or severe stomach pain, especially with bloody or black stools. The most common side effect is diarrhea, sometimes severe. If its severe, stop taking linzess and call your doctor right away. Other side effects include gas, stomacharea pain, and swelling. So say yesss to help for recurring constipation. 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In the pitchblack darkness, minutes after its last radio contact, the malaysian military spots a blip on its radar. Its speed and flight path erratic. They dont yet know it is mh370. If you see a primary, unidentified return flying towards your country at 500plus knots, that should raise concerns very quickly. But it didnt seem to. By now the 777 is believed to be hundreds of miles off its original course. We dont know whats normal for their military, and i think that a big part of the problem with this investigation is that the malaysians were very tightlipped about what they had, what they knew, and when they knew it. The Malaysian Air force continued to track the plane for an hour until it disappeared from radar. They never tell anyone with civilian authority. Governments dont want to talk about this. They dont want to talk about holes in their radar system, a posture which is not as ready as they want the world to believe it to be. Not only is no one told, nothing is done. No jets are scrambled. The military would say later they chose not to intercept the plane because it was friendly and did not pose a threat to national security. Why would you have an air force if its not capable of doing Something Like this . Thats a big error. Thats a big mistake. And, frankly, the malaysian government has not really accounted for it in a proper way to these families and to the rest of the world. For david soucie, however, theres a gray area. Here in the united states, we would know that in a heartbeat. Over there, it wasnt set up that way. It was a clear delineation, a firewall between military and civil operations, and the two just didnt meet each other. A missed opportunity. Exactly. On the ground in beijing, of course, the families waiting patiently for the arrival of flight 370 knew none of this. Finally, an hour after the plane was expected to land, Malaysia Airlines makes its first public announcement on facebook. This flight, mh370, lost contact with subang air Traffic Control at 2 40 a. M. This morning. It quickly becomes the biggest story in the world. Where is Malaysia Airlines flight 370 . More questions than there are answers. The hunt for flight 370 now covers millions of square miles. The worlds attention turns to the malaysian government and airline officials. To many critics, they dont seem to know what theyre talking about. There was a deer in the headlights component to those early news conferences. You could almost see them struggling through it, not knowing what they were doing. We cannot indulge in speculation. Not understanding how to begin the investigation. There are currently 43 ships and 40 aircraft searching for it. An unprecedented investigation that would baffle the greatest minds in the aviation world and the accident investigation world. They put out information without really corroborating it, and much of it turned out to be false. I would like to refer to news reports suggesting that the aircraft may have continued flying for