border. we'll tell you why. plus, we could be seeing the highest gas prices of all time here in the u.s. $5 a gallon, really? we'll explain where your money is going. i hope you're sitting back getting a little r&r this morning. we're going to start with the campaign trail in florida. newt gingrich and mitt romney have events coming up this morning. gingrich has been in stewart, florida, attending a lincoln day breakfast. it serves in about 30 minutes. as for mitt romney, he'll be holding a rally in pensacola in about an hour. florida is the biggest prize so far. it's anyone's ball game at this point. paul steinhauser is going to break it down for us here. >> good morning, christi. just three days away now from florida's crucial primary. it's a winner take all primary. 50 delegates at stake. that is the biggest haul so far in this primary and caucus season. you've got former massachusetts governor mitt romney and former speaker newt gingrich campaigning in the state all weekend. rick santorum is up in pennsylvania right now, today. he's doing his taxes and he's doing a little bit of fund-raising. we'll see him back here in florida tomorrow afternoon. as for congressman ron paul of texas, he's not here in florida at all this weekend. he's up in maine, kind of looking ahead. maine holds its caucus next month and paul is up there doing a little politicking. take a look at this. this is a new number. look at the numbers on the left. that is tuesday, wednesday, thursday, just before our explosive cnn debate in jacksonville. look at that. you can see mitt romney with a nine-point advantage. look at the column on the right. that was back on sunday and monday. you could see at that time gingrich has the advantage. it indicates that newt gingrich had that big momentum coming out of south carolina, his big double digit momentum. >> paul, thank you so much. here is a quick programming note four. tune in for an encore presentation on cnn's florida republican presidential debate just in case you missed it. comes your way today at 5:00 p.m. eastern. a manhunt in underway in california right now. police are searching for as many as three men who may have fired shots around a crowded shopping mall. people scattered. others hit the lids and hid inside the stores. two people suffered gunshot wounds. an 18-year-old student accused of planning to detonate a bomb in his high school is out on bail this morning. dallin morgan and a 16-year-old student were arrested after the plot was uncovered. the 16-year-old is being held in a detention center. morgan is charged with one felony count of use of a weapon of mass destruction. search crews found two more bodies last night in the rubble of bodies in rio de janeiro, brazil. officials still don't know what brought down three buildings wednesday. the biggest was a 20-story office building. it's unknown how many people were inside the building. and a bridge that spans across the kentucky lake is closed today, most likely for a while, too. a cargo ship plowed into it tearing out part of that bridge. lucky no one on the bridge or on the ship was injured. the ship is loaded with rocket parts for nasa and the air force. several agencies, including the army corps of engineers are looking at how to remedy everything and fix that bridge now. you know the weather last weekend was a bit messy. meteorologist reynolds wolf is watching our weekend forecast for us. how is it looking, reynolds? >> we'll be dreiling with strong winds around the countries. southern california, you have the winds combined with dry conditions. there will be a very real threat of wildfires. they could burn pretty quickly. another issue as cross parts of the great lakes into the ohio valley, snow. not heavy, but snow that's throughout the weekend, which means delays will be mounting up as the snow comes down. all the investigation surrounding rupert murdoch's issues are ahead. plus, an online game called attention to the darker side of a custom. it's widespread, but illegal in india. players get to beat up men looking for a bribe. that's coming up in our morning passport for you. stay close. back then he had something more important to do. he wasn't focused on his future. but fortunately, somebody else was. at usaa we provide retirement planning for our military, veterans and their families. now more than ever, it's important to get financial advice from people who share your military values. for our free usaa retirement guide, call 877-242-usaa. 8% every 10 years.age 40, we can start losing muscle -- wow. wow. but you can help fight muscle loss with exercise and ensure muscle health. i've got revigor. what's revigor? it's the amino acid metabolite, hmb to help rebuild muscle and strength naturally lost over time. 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[ major nutrition ] ensure. nutrition in charge! london police made several arrests this morning in an ongoing tabloid scandal. among those arrested is a police officer. joining me now is matthew chan. what do we know about the rest at this hour? >> reporter: quite dramatic developments in this ongoing development by the police into allegations of corruption that police officers colluded with journalists, giving them information in exchange for a cash and bride bribe and all part of this bigger investigation into the conduct of journalists in the country. it's unveiled today that former members of the "the sun" newspaper at news international here in the united kingdom have been arrested on. a police officer who was at work while he was arrested has been taken into custody. and charged with expecting bribes. he's going to get charged with misusing his public office. so these are allegations that have been, you know, extremely damaging is for the for the reputation of the police. the police have this inquiry under way. the police are looking into to what accident british journalists hacked into the e-mails and the phones of people they wanted to get stories on, including celebrities. and even victims of crimes. at the same time, there's a public inquiry under way looking at the general code of ethics and the practices which journalists in this country use to gather stories. it's all been, you know, very damaging, indeed, for the profession of journalist, body for the police, as well. >> this was so expansive, too. where else are police looking this morning? >> they're also searching the wrks of news international which is the company that hoists news of the world, one of britain's biggest selling sunday newspapers which was closed down in the summer in july after it emerged that members of its staff had hacked into the mobile telephone of a 13-year-old girl who later turned out to be murdered. lots of other revelations about how they hacked into the telephones of others in this country. financial payments have been paid out by news international to help with that. offices are being searched. the houses of the policemen that's been arrested and the houses of the four other current and former employees of the sun newspaper, they're being searched, as well, by the police at this time. >> thank you so much for keeping us up to date on that. we appreciate it. a red flag warning in effect in southern california. officials are concerned the strong santa ana winds combined with dry conditions could escalate fire danger in some areas. the national weather service saying winds could reach 50 miles per hour. cal state san bernardino closed its campus yesterday because of high winds. >> and not only are they going to be very strong winds and at the same time they're going to be very dry, dry winds. you have to look at the point of origin. all this coming in from the desert southwest. as it roars its way across southern california, it causes all the air molecules to compress today. when that happens, things tend to warm up and it drys out a lot of the foliage. so if anyone were to say, for example, if the fire were to be sitting some place or you have accidental sparks that come out, you could have things burn up quickly in the san gabriels. today, if it happened, if you had a fire set, it could spread rather quickly. gusts up to 60, 70 miles per hour. 60-mile-per-hour gufrts yesterday at camp nine. and whitacre peak, 43 miles per hour. i would expect this to continue through a good part of today and for tomorrow we could still see those windy conditions persist. with those windy conditions, we're going to see something else, delays in los angeles, delays under an hour. expect delays in detroit, cincinnati and cleveland. but the reason why we're going to see these delays is going to be very different. in fact, take a look at the difference. it's not the wind of the story, rather, it's going to be snowfall all because of an area of low pressure that's going to make its way from west to east. we're talking about michigan over to lake erie. when you have that combination and you have that area of low pressure and that frontal boundary, you're going to see snowfall. that's going to move right on through. you'll get a brief break in chicago. as we fast forward into sunday morning, here comes the second installment as it makes its way through. chicago is going to see more of the snow. i would imagine by later until the morning, places up to commerce township, you're going to see the snow there, too. rain expected for you for a good part of the day. windy condition in southern california. but what we haven't mentioned yet is the wind we could anticipate for the northern rockies. central plains is not an issue with the wind, but the cold air is going to continue to funnel its way into the plains. for kansas city, 48. 28 in minneapolis your high. 40 in billings. 50 in portland back to the east coast we go. mid 40s in boston, new york, let's see, washington with 56 degrees. 58 new orleans and 81 in miami. you are up to speed with your forecast. christi, back to you. >> that's a forecast. we can't forget what happened this week. reynolds, i know you were in alabama after the tornados ripped through there. two people were killed, one of whom was 16-year-old christina eikelbeck. that tornado just obliterated their home. what a story for them. we're thinking about them today, reynolds. what can you tell us? >> what i can tell you is it is, as you can imagine, heartbreaking. the nightmare of a parent to lose a child is devastating. we have a chance to not only speak with parents. we spoke with schoolmates. schoolmates have been wearing the color blue, which happened to be her favorite color. everyone is devastated by this. they're coming together, trying to do their very best to help this family cope, but it's one of those devastating things that never really make sense. the bottom line is, you have to remember that if we have these storms, you have to be in the lowest floor your house, away from the outside windows, away from the windows, the cellar is a good place, too. it's a numbing experience to see what this family is going through. so many alabamans have been dealing with this. it's hard to believe. two deadly tornadic situations in alabama in less than a year's time. >> reynolds, thanks so much. southern haas thepy tallty is no myth. we know those folks in alabama are really coming together for this family as we honor 16-year-old christina heikelbeck as we go to break. paying dowry. this is a widespread custom in india, but it's illegal. now there's a backlash against it in the form of an online game. nadya is here to explain what a company is doing to end this. how did this turn into an online game? >> it's interesting. first of all, in 1961, the indian government banned the idea of brides having to pay a dowry to their future husbands, to their groom. solo banned in 1961, it's still a widespread custom, especially in the rural areas of india. so a company known as chide, which means wedding in hendy, has come up with a game to highlight what is still a major problem, which is a huge pressure of brides having to give their grooms dowry. now, this game is based on angry birds. >> no, it's not. >> have you ever played it? >> no. my kids play it. >> instead of angry birds, this is called angry brides. and the idea is they set up three male figures, three potential grooms. the one is an engineer. the one is a doctor and the one is a pilot. and the idea is that you hit them with shoes and pots and pans and each time you hit one of these male figures, the dowry goes down. and the idea is, basically, the thing is that a woman will give you care and all the love you need. you shouldn't have to have a dowry. and there you can pick one of your icons. there he is the engineer of a doctor and the pilot, and each time you barb them, the dow lessens. there it is, angry brides which is available for free on facebook. >> oh, heavens. now, the people who actually practice this can't be thrilled because you're making a mockery of their tradition, yes? >> well, there's two ways of looking at it. what it's doing in essence is drawing attention to a problem. since 2010, either 85,000 women were committed or murdered or created suicide or were abused in some way because their parents couldn't pay a dowry. so should this terrible problem by highlighted with a game? at least we're talking about it. and, remember, the more rural areas of india -- apparently it's not -- >> the practice -- >> having dowry. it exacerbates the problem of girl children. because you know when you are a mother of three children, from a young age you're going, how aim ever going to afford the dowry? tremendous pressure. sometimes the young brides will commit suicide or be murdered if the dowry payment is not met. so angry brides, a game with a message. >> and hopefully a message that will bring some sort of resolution for women and their families. thank you very much, nadya. always good to see you. a new network ad taking hits at paula deenn. this ad reads, paula, you made a fortune off of fat. call us if you want to be around to enjoy it. deen's revelation that she has been living with diabetes, it has sparked debates on both obesity and her cooking practices. we want to know what you think, the though, about this ad. is it funny or did it just go too far? teat me or get me on facebook. it's getting more and more painful to fill up, isn't it? gas prices shooting way up. and they could hit record highs. we're talking as high as $5 a gallon. we'll try to break it down and figure out why that is happening. big gains at google. the search engine giant is revamping its privacy policy. we're going to dig into how it could affect you. [ male announcer ] your favorite foods fighting you? fight back fast with tums. calcium rich tums goes to work in seconds. nothing works faster. ♪ tum ta tum tum tums good morning. i want to say good morning specifically to new york. welcome back to cnn saturday morning. it is 23 minutes past the hour here in atlanta. look at that beautiful shot there of central park, i believe that is. there it is. we just can't seem to catch a break. look at that. they've got clouds and whether you're in the sky or on the ground, we're talking about breaks at the gas pump and it ain't happening. gas prices higher and higher, it seems. look at the national average. a month ago, a gallon of regular unleaded was $3725. now we're paying an average of 15 cents more per gallon. the average price of regular unled today is $3.40. we could see gas prices continuing to skyrocket. josh levs is back to tell us why some parts of the country pay so much more for gas than others. josh, do tell. >> earlier, we were talking about skyrocketing gas prices. 2011 was the highest national average ever. now we're going to talk about why it's different in some states. this is from gas usually i avoid complicated maps. but i love this is like a traffic light. red means the gas is so expensive you probably want to stop. green means it's cheap enough that you can keep going. if you look at california, new york, ukes the red. there are scattered places around the country where you get dots of red, as well. chicago could see $4.95 per gallon later this year. why is it that some states have substantially more gas than others? well, a few reasons. one of those, one is taxes. you have state taxes and state excise taxes in addition to federal taxes. when you put all that together, that can affect them widely. you also have this. environmental rules change among different states. different states use different kinds of gasoline base on their environmental rules. those can add to costs. you have distance from a supply. if you live farther from the ports and the refineries, there's extra cost to get the gasoline out to where you are, that can mean more for you. there's another element to this which is plain old basic competition. places with fewer stations, you'll generally have higher prices. even if you live in a city that has several gas station webs location, location, location. sometimes off the beaten path you'll find cheaper gas. i have a whole bunch of places you can see linked for you. it's up on my facebook and twitter and the blog. you can help find cheaper gas. come back to my screen. i want to show you this here. this is gas buddy. but basically, you can click on any county in america. here is one example. we open up los angeles right here on gas buddy. it is listing for you all these different prices, $3785 over here, $3.89, $7.79. you'll have to see how often they update. but this is a good example. across the boards over here, the federal government has something set up right now that they're trying to help you with. this is and click on your state to find cheaper gas. the goal, obviously, is to help as many people find the cheapest gas that they can. keep our fingers crossed, maybe the analysts are wrong and maybe that price will go down. >> thank you for keeping us informed, nonetheless. thank you. >> you got it. shipments of canadian orange juice aren't being allowed in the country after they tested positive for a banned fungicide. it's legal in canada, but not in the u.s. some brazilian orange juice tested positive this month. the government says low levels aren't dangerous and the tests of that canadian juice did come back below the danger level. be careful out there. not all the candidates are kind of going at it here with florida voters. ron paul is braving the cold in maine instead. we're going to tell you why he's skipping the sunshine state. 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