we're glad you are right here. let's start at the top of the hour with republican presidential candidate mitt romney. he's facing criticism and questions for being a mormon. this time it's coming from the pastor of a mega church in dallas. his name is reverend robert jeffress. you may recognize that name and face. jeffress introduced governor rick perry at the conservative values voter summit in washington, d.c. he was critical of the church of jesus christ of latter day saints and told our jim acosta and others that morm ononism is cult. >> you created a stir because in talking to reporters, you said in pretty strong plain language what you think of mormonism. you describe it as a cult. and you say that if a republican votes for mitt romney, they're giving credibility to a cult. to you stand fwby that comment? >> absolutely. that is the historic position of evangelical christianity. we have officially labelled mormonism as a couple. i think those born again followers of christ should prefer a competent christian to a competent nonchristian like mitt romney. that's why i'm enthusiastic about rick perry. >> what do you say to voters who say religion, his mormonism shouldn't be an issue? he's just as american as anybody else? >> i agree he's just american as anyone else. >> reporter: and mormons do say they are christians. >> a lot of people say they are christians and they are not. they do not embrace historical christiani christianity. i believe as christians we have the duty to prefer and select christians as our leeraders. i think when we got a choice as he evangelicals, i believe we need to go with rick perry. >> this is not the first time that rodney has come under attack for his beliefs, though the first time that mormonism has been part of a presidential campaign. he faced this same type of criticism when he ran for the presidential nomination four years ago. a lot of people had questions. a lot of voters don't know a lot about mormonism and it even caused one voter, you may remember this, to react to mitt romney this way. >> hello, sir, how are you? >> i'm one person who will not vote for a mormon. >> is that right? can i shake your hand anyway? >> no. >> well, you see it there. but a little about mormonism. it's a religion that people may not know about. it was founded by a former named joseph smith in the early 1800s. he said an angel guided him to a hill in new york state and there on that hill church doctrine says he found golden tablets detailing how cyst visited an ancient civilization in the americas. the tablets are the basis for the book of mormon. smith claimed he saw god and christ in the flesh on a hill in pal mi are a, new york. in his followers fled persecution in new york and moved out west settling what became utah. now heads of the church, presidents of the church are considered prophets and apostles of god. mormons believe in christ and god and they consider themselves christians. now the pastor backing perry says basically americans should not vote for romney because of his mormon faith. we'll turn to another presidential candidate who got into trouble talking about faith, that is herman cain. he was making headlines for his stance against muslims. he said he wouldn't put muslims in his administrations. if he did, he would give them extra scrutiny. that was then, this is now. he is among a top of polls. friday at the same value voters summit, he was feeling pretty good about his new found popularity. >> thank you very much. three months ago the political pundits said herman cain can't get the nomination. herman cain cannot win the presidency because he doesn't have high name id. he doesn't have a billion dollars and he never held public office. let me tell what you the american people are saying. they don't care about a billion dollars, america wants to raise some cain, not more money. >> he got a number of standing ovations, a lot of applause that value voters summit. he continues to slam the occupy wall street movement, calling the protesters anti-capitalists. we'll have more on that summit throughout the morning, expecting mitt romney and ron paul to address the voters later this morning. right now, six minutes past the hour. details to give you about the white house involvement in that solindra loan deal. they're coming from e-mails the administration has just sent to congress. two house panels are looking into why the white house pushed for $535 million in federal loan guarantees for a california solar energy company that eventually went bankrupt. the loan was approved in may of 2010. solyndra filed for bankruptcy this year. e-mails give us insights into the white house and the push to give this loan to this company. one e-mail from an energy department adviser talking about getting the loan approved said, the "white house is breathing down my neck on this." the white house defended its handling of that loan. also, a quiet family gathering to say good-bye to steve jobs. "the wall street journal" reporting the funeral for the apple co-founder was held yesterday. the paper quotes an unnamed source who says the service was small, private affair. no details about where it happened, though. jobs, as you know, died wednesday after a long battle with pancreatic cancer. the number of deaths linked to those tainted cantaloupes continue to rise. the death toll now up to 21. centers for disease control and prevention says 109 cases of list teara h lystiria continue to rise. they were recalled last month. it is believed they are all out of the stores. because of the long incubation period of listirea, it could be a couple months before you actually feel sick. let's turn to new york where the district attorney there in queens says a two-year investigation broken up a $13 dll million global crime ring. they're looking for 25 more suspects. the da says they used forged credit cards and identity theft. someone's got to stop her from going through with this. >> the fight appears to be over. the fight between 20th century fox and the producers of "the simpsons," both sides appear to have come to an agreement for a 24 24th and 25th season. negotiations stalled over pay for the actors that do the voices for the characters. details were not announced. eight minutes past the hour. let's say good morning to reynolds wolf who i know is relieved to say "the simpsons" will continue. >> i didn't know how we could possibly go on. now things are looking good. thumbs are up, man. weather is looking interesting in parts of the country. you think that on the surface things would be better with possibility of rain in the southern plains. but then when you think about what a dry summer it's been, we have heavy rain in store for that part of the world. good reason for cheering there. it is too late for a lot of the farmers and ranchers? we'll have a little more on that. >> a simple question for you. you and i are in business together. and we say hey, we're going to split the profits 50/au50, that sound like a good deal? >> absolutely. >> to most people it might be. but for the nba players and the owners, that ain't good enough. 50/50 won't get it done. the owners give that offer and issue an ultimatum to the players. the players say, no. you know what it means now? it's all but certain the first two weeks of the nba season will be canceled. the very latest next. stay with me. it's nine past the hour on this cnn saturday morning. you made i. it's got tender white meat chicken. the way i always made it for you. one more thing.... those pj's you like, i bought you five new pairs. love you. did you see the hockey game last night? [ male announcer ] progresso. you gotta taste this soup. your nutritional needs can go up when you're on the road to recovery. proper nutrition can help you get back on your feet. three out of four doctors recommend the ensure brand for extra nutrition. ensure clinical strength has revigor and thirteen grams of protein to protect, preserve, and promote muscle health. and immune balance to help support your immune system. ensure clinical strength... helping you to bounce back. ensure! nutrition in charge! it's real milk full of calcium and vitamin d. and tastes simply delicious. for those of us with lactose intolerance... lactaid® milk. the original 100% lactose-free milk. good morning to atlanta, georgia. downtown. sun not coming up just yet. reynolds, the atlanta hawks, may be a while before they play again. >> deeply unfortunate. >> it is unfortunate. people see this has a matter of millionaires and billionaires fighting. for them, this is their livelihood and living down the road and for future generations. they're trying to get the best deal they can. it appears all but certain that the nba is going to have to cancel the first two weeks. a meeting between the nba and players union. they were going to try to get together this weekend to talk about a labor deal. according to the owners, the players union said we don't want to meet this weekend after the owners issued a bit of an ultimatum saying we're going to split the money 50/50. we're not going to talk about anything else. the players wanted more of a cut of the revenue than 50/50. it had been 53/47 and they were going back and forth. 50/50 not good enough. so here's a statement from tim frank with the nba. he said, "we told the union today we were willing to meet as early as sunday. we were unwilling to move above the 50 is already 50 split of revenues between the parties that we discussed on tuesday but we wanted to meet to discuss the many remaining open issues. the union declined." that's it, folks. we have to canceled the first two weeks. who knows what after that. >> do you find it weird that we had a lot going on with the nfl and now this. a lot of things are coming to an head. you think of all sides kind of whining a bit. who suffers the most? fans. the fans always suffer the most. >> we have college football. we have the nfl will carry us through. and then you have college basketball will come along as well. it's unfortunate after the great season they had last year to just -- a lot of people think they won't start playing basketball until the beginningst year. we shall see. did you stay up for the baseball last night? >> i did not. some people sleep. you're like a vampire. you're always up. >> a couple of good ones. a lot of people consider this a major upset. don't tell that to st. louis. they beat out the much favored philadelphia phillies in the deciding game five of the national league series. they were heavily favored, the phillies were. the cardinals just barely got into the playoffs. so now milwaukee will be in. they'll play milwaukee, the national league championship series. that does start up tomorrow. the brewers game last night was really the most exciting of the evening. they went into extras. by the way. also this is pretty cool. look at what happened at the white house yesterday. you know they always have champions there, super bowl champions and college champions? that's the '85 bears you're looking at there. finally made a trip to the white house. know you this missed the trip in 1985 after they won the super bowl because of the challenger disaster that took place just days after the super bowl. they'd won. it had to be canceled. it never got back on the schedule. now after all these years, they have a guy from chicago in the white house this worked out perfectly. >> unbelievable. too bad that walter payton didn't live to enjoy this. this is cool. this is a great thing to see the bears finally get their do. what am i saying, to get their due. come on, they're the bears. they have plenty of thumbs up all around. certainly a good moment, especially if you're a chicago guy. >> and reynolds, we'll be back with weather in a little while. >> the biggest thing is heavy rainfall in the u.s. that's despite where we'll see the best chance of delays from dallas to oklahoma city. if you're traveling anywhere on the east or west coast, conditions will be phenomenal. not just today but through the weekend. you're going to be feeling in texas and atlanta, higher humidity. it's been nice, crisp fall weather. it's going to be a little bit more springlike, to so to speak. if you're a football fan for auburn or arkansas, boy, this should be pretty good in fayetteville today. >> thank you. >> he's razor back fan. >> thank you, reynolds. quarter past the hour right now. it's only a couple weeks old. already showing some age. the occupy wall street movement, getting bigger and we're seeing demonstrators with a bit more maturity, shall we say? stay with me on "cnn saturday morning." they've been committed to putting clients first. helping generations through tough times. good times. never taking a bailout. there when you need them. helping millions of americans over the centuries. the strength of a global financial leader. the heart of a one-to-one relationship. together for your future. ♪ together for your future. [ boy ] hey, i thought these were electric? uh, it is, yeah, it's a chevy volt. so what are you doing at a gas station? well it still takes gas to go farther. but you're not getting gas. true. not this time. uh, don't have to gas up very often. so you have to go to the bathroom? no. yes you do. thought these were electric? yes, it's a uh, a chevy volt. so what are you doing at a gas station? some positive jobs numbers to tell you about. employers added 103,000 new jobs in september. that did not, however, make a dent in the unemployment rate which is at 9.1%. the people hurting most are african-americans and hispanics. tom foreman with the breakdown. >> reporter: when president obama took office, the unemployment trend line was already headed up and it has continued going up quite some time and leveling out up here. only it's really not doing much of dropping. still at 9.1%. context really matters here. let's look at the months that we've had since the obama administration began. a lot of months of job losses here. then the stimulus came along. some job growth. after that, more job lossesment and now job growth over here. but why do i say context? i say context because at the same time more americans are entering the workforce, looking for jobs. so the simple fact that we're creating jobs in times like this is not necessarily enough. if you want to keep up with all those people entering the job market, you have to get above this red line right here. you can see that sometimes we do, a lot of times we don't. even when we're in this area, it's just the status quo. we're simply not getting worse, not getting better. we've got to get all the way up here in terms of monthly job creation. the truth is we have to be up there for many months to make up for all the losses we've seen. so who's being hurt the most? we continue looking at the context of all this. well, taffe c well, african-americans are getting pounding. hispanics behind them by bait. and wages, that's another way of looking at it here. before the recession from 2001 to 2008, who is getting more jobs? 35,000 to 70,000 mid wage earners, they were not getting much. but when the recession came, they got pounded. massive job loss there. it really hasn't come back much. look at all those things. consider all that context. that's the key to solving our job problems and we haven't sorted it out yet. people hurting for jobs is a big part of the occupy wall street movement. the movement getting bigger. more protests in more cities. it's no the just young people showing up. cnn's mary snow with the story. >> reporter: t.j., the majority of people camped out here are young people. but we found some grandparents showing up for the first time. it is their concern about jobs. as protesters started week three of their occupy wall street movement, 73-year-old ala decided it was time she joined them. the retired grandmother from new jersey says she's frustrated with seeing jobs shipped overseas. >> i'm worried about my son, about my grandchildren, about my neighbors. i just worry about decent people who want to work and can get a job. >> reporter: that worry also brought jim moore to the park for the first time. he has four grandchildren. >> i'm retired. i get social security. i get a pension. and, you know, maybe when they get to be my age they'll have the same thing. but the way it looks now, they may not even have a job. >> reporter: there's no singular message among this group, 43-year-old buddy bolton says the lack of jobs prompted him to come here thursday and spend the night. he says he lost his creative design job a year ago and spent his savings on surgery. >> my personal situation is so bad that i felt like i wanted to be amongst other people going through the same thing. and so that's why i came. i came to support and to, you know, help get the message out that this is a shame on america. >> reporter: 86-year-old harvey hafner is also a newcomer. he is a long time union member and lobbyist. >> i get kind of emotional because i spent my whole life fighting these forces. and it's like a ten headed snake. you cut one head off and another one grows back. they're insidious, totally. >> reporter: you say they. >> the wall street crowd, the bankers. >> reporter: by midday, some still remained in their sleeping bags. the curious looked in from the outside. more unions are showing support. but some union workers are skeptical like rob chester. >> they're unorganized and they just trying -- i don't though what point they're trying to make. i think where they need to march is washington. i don't know what they're doing here. >> reporter: some of the other people we spoke with say they plan on coming back and they say they hope to contribute in some way. t.j.? >> thanks to our mary snow. 22 minutes past the hour now. we're going to turn to a crash at a car race. you know, you heard of them before. you've seen video before. but it's not just the crash, it's the story we want to tell you about. it's actually the actions of a fellow racer that make this story. that's next. you can make it in just 14 minutes. mmmh, orange chicken. great. i didn't feel like going out anyway. [ male announcer ] wanchai ferry. restaurant quality chinese in your grocer's freezer. [ female announcer ] something unexpected to the world of multigrain... taste. ♪ delicious pringles multigrain. with a variety of flavors, multigrain pops with pringles. [ male announcer ] we're not employers or employees. not white collar or blue collar or no collars. we are business in america. and every day we awake to the same challenges. but at prudential we're helping companies everywhere find new solutions to manage risk, capital and employee benefits, so american business can get on with business. ♪ kip hughes, you know him? probably not. but he's someone we think you should know. and let me show you why. >> seven years of announcing that is the worst one i have ever seen! >> yeah, you hear the announcer. this is what happened just before the announcer made that announcement. a crash at this stock car race in oklahoma. you see one of the cars flips over and catches fire. then watch what happens. several people try to pull the driver out. they're not able to do so. but then here come the guy in the helmet. he doesn't seem to mind the flames too much. and that is kip hughes. he was another driver in the race, stopped his car and pulls the other driver out. he ripped off the window netting. he is pulling hard until he's able to get that driver out. flames were literally whipping around his helmet. he says he had just one thought in mind and that thought was about something that happened 20 years ago. >> i always said that if something like that happens, i'm not going to be the guy standing back. i was, you know, 7 in the stands with my mom and brother and watching this stuff unfold with my da