Transcripts For CNNW CNN Right Now With Brianna Keilar 20190

Transcripts For CNNW CNN Right Now With Brianna Keilar 20190823

crabs while on vacation. as the burning amazon rain forest becomes a burning disaster, brazil's government says mind your own business. itthe president has tossed hand grenade into the stock market. china announced retaliation tariffs on everything from coffee to car parts, wheat and whiskey. the markets took the news pretty well. a short time ago president trump tweeted his anger at china, saying things like we don't need china, and urging american companies to look elsewhere for trade partners. the market reacted dramatically to that. now, remember, this is all coming just as the president prepares to looeeave the countr this evening, heading to france for the g-7 summit where testy relations and fresh disagreements with top u.s. allies will be on full display. the president also tweeting that he will be responding to china's tariffs this afternoon, so we should be expecting that at any moment and will bring that to you. alison kosik is our business correspondent. she's in new york. abby phillip is at the white house. i want to start with you, abby. who is the president meeting with right now? >> reporter: the president is meeting at the white house right now with his trade team as they scramble to figure out how exactly they will respond to this announcement that china will slap new tariffs on american goods. the president has been talking pretty tough on social media all morning basically saying that he wants the united states and their companies to move away from using china. he's saying he's ordered american companies to find other trading partners, but it's not clear that he even has the power to do that. the president also says the united states doesn't need china. but i think markets, based on what they're doing right now, will probably disagree with that. as all of this is happening, brianna, president trump continues to attack the fed chairman, jay powell, implying in a tweet this morning that he's not sure who is our enemy, whether it is jay powell or xi jinping of china. so a lot of tough words from president trump. but as of right now, we still don't have any indication of when president trump might speak and what he might say. will he give an actual statement and will that be a statement that calms markets or continues to roil them. based on his tweets this morning, it seems that president trump is in a fighting mood, brianna. >> abby, thanks so much. alison, the dow is down nearly 500 points. how quickly did the markets start responding to the president's tweets? >> it was almost immediately, brianna. right now actually stocks are at session lows or at least close to them. we did see the markets react in tandem every time president trump, you know, put out yet another tweet and another tweet in his really massive and stunning tweetstorm today. the one that really is rattling the markets is the part about what president trump is going to do in response to the retaliation from the new china tariffs against u.s. imports. that is what the market is waiting on. that is what investors are telling me is the wild card here. it's that uncertainty that's causing the sell-off that you're seeing. you know how much the market hates uncertainty. that's exactly what this trade is breeding, is more and more uncertainty because it's growing more and more intense. and that is why we are seeing the sell-off today. in addition, the tweets against fed chief jay powell certainly not helping. the expectation that the president had that fed chief jay powell was going to make some sort of rate decision or announce some sort of coming rate decision, that rattled the market too because it's unusual for that expectation to even be there because historically the fed doesn't make rate decisions at that wyoming meeting that is going on this afternoon. they wait for their actual meeting, which is happening -- the next one happening september 17th and 18th when there is an expectation that the fed will move on rates in some way. but it's railing the market to see the president get so upset at the fed chief, that he didn't take action today, which would be historically odd, to say the least. >> to say the least, alison. abby, back to you. do we have any indication that he was planning to announce anything about china today? >> reporter: no, brianna. his schedule was virtually clear save for a lunch midday that he had with the secretary of state before he leaves tonight at around 10:00 p.m. for the g-7 where he is going to be in france. so the president had a completely open schedule today and there was no indication even as we speak right now, there is no indication from the white house about what form the president's comments might take. will he actually speak to reporters. will he be in a venue where he might take questions or will they release some kind of paper statement. i think there's a really big distinction between those two things. if president trump is the one using his own platform to say something about this, will he be on script? will he go off script? and can the white house really expect that whatever he says will not make matters worse, as alison has been just been describing. investors clearly have been hanging on every word president trump is saying. will he actually appear before cameras today is very much an open question. >> abby, thank you so much. alison, thank you. austan goolsbee was chairman of president obama's council of economic atd vierdvisers and isg us along with maya mcginnis. okay, so, austan, gentlemjerome not mentioning anything about rate cuts. considering this environment, what do you make of this? >> i mean the president of the united states tweeted out that the head of the fed, a man he appointed, is an enemy of the state. let's just take a step back. nothing like this has ever happened in u.s. economic history. it's crazy. and it's not even the lead story. so i think everybody should just take a pause here and recognize this is uncharted territory and this is not a comfortable place for us to be. >> he put out a tweet basically saying who is more a foe of the u.s., is it xi jinping or is it the fed chairman. keeping that in mind and knowing that the fed chairman, maya, is in a weird place because he's got this incoming from the president that a fed chairman normally doesn't have, what are his options? >> yeah, this is uncharted both politically having your own president being very aggressive in the face of the fed chair and also what's going on in the economy structurally. so we are going through major shifts in the economy after a very long expansion. it is not unlikely we'll head into a recession. but at the same time we are seeing different things going on in terms of inflation and interest rates than we normally would have expected so the fed is balancing a lot of different things to work out. and to have the president both being aggressive but creating uncertainty because of the interactions with china, so we never know what's going to happen from day to day. but we do know this trade war and these tariffs are going to decrease economic growth. we've already seen they're probably going to bring growth down by a couple tenths of a percentage point. so the fed is having to balance what it wants to do if we go into a recession, preemptively from a recession and changes in the political and policy environment day to day. i don't think anybody has been juggling this many balls when the economy wasn't in recession before. >> the president's opinion isn't supposed to sway the fed chairman, austan, but is it possible for him to keep that out of his mind as he goes about his work? >> i don't know. i think the irony here is the more the president publicly says do as i say, the more the federal open market committee and jay powell in particular kind of have to resist a little, otherwise the world looks and says, wait a minute, is the president dictating what's happening? if we get -- i mean it seems like we're going into full-blown escalating trade war with china. it kind of feels like, you remember the scene in "star wars" where they're thrown down the trash compactor and he says, well, it could be worse and then you hear some awful sound and hans solo says this is worse. we had uncertainty but now we have outright damage. the chinese have been trying to de-escalate the situation. now it seems like they're angry an they're going to escalate and then president trump is going to escalate back and you can only think they're going to escalate again and that's why the market is doing what it's doing. it's in the context that we're already teetering on the edge of recession. so i've got to say i'm pretty nervous for this moment for us. >> and thank you for the "star wars" analogy because that always makes things more clear for sure. i wonder when you look at this tweet of the president's, he said the hereby order tweet, he's saying that actually american businesses should find other places besides china to buy products. >> yeah. >> my question is, i think we've seen this when it comes to agriculture too, even as he's buoying the farmers who should be selling products to china, there's a destruction of their market share. this is something that they build over decades. this is something you don't just replace once things cool down a little bit between the u.s. and china, and we're seeing businesses respond kind of saying what? this isn't how we do things. what do you think about the president saying that? >> again, it's back to certainty. certainty is the cheapest stimulus that there is to strengthen an economy and we have the opposite of that right now. listen, i think and many people think that it was right to take on china for a number of issues, from unfair trade practices to security threats to theft of intellectual property, so this is not something we should be ignoring, but you need a strategy, objectives and transparency on what you're trying to accomplish. yet we have a president whose negotiating strategy is chaos and don't let anybody understand what's happening so that in no way enables u.s. industry and business to make the longer term decisions which they need. they need to have an environment where they can make investment decisions, production decisions that are based on some sense of where the economy is heading. they have the opposite. that's going to freeze a lot of the opponents of the economy that we need to keep growth growing right now. >> there's a "washington post" that the president is ignoring forecasts and warnings from his own people serinternally, not j external indicators. these warnings of an economic slowdown, he's pushing ahead with the message that the economy is phenomenal. is there a sense from you that he is in denial, and what does that mean for the economy? >> it certainly seems that way. the gun fighter's say don't pick seven fights while carrying a six-shooter. the president is flying to a g-7 meeting. if you were going to confront china, the first thing you'd think is let's get some allies and get the whole developed economies of the world to join us. but we've threatened trade wars and sanctions on pretty much all the other members of the g-7 that are our allies, so there's very little sentiment of any of the countries of europe on canada or japan or anywhere else to go along with the u.s. confrontational strategy. so i think that's why the president's economic team is advising him, hey, let's set some priorities. let's pick one -- if you want it to be about china, let's make it about china and try to get other people onboard. i don't think the president is in a mentality -- if the president comes out in his press conference today, it may be the first throwing of a fit by a president in the rose garden live on television. i mean you see what he's saying on twitter is just a stream of angry injectives. we don't need you. i hereby order every company to stop talking to anyone in china for the next ten years. it doesn't seem well. this is a weird moment. >> those companies aren't listening, which is key. what does that mean about where the president is on this. is he in a strong position? austan, thank you so much. maya, really appreciate your perspective as well. if china's retaliation wasn't enough, vladimir putin also vowing revenge, ordering his military to respond to a u.s. missile test. plus, in one of the worst nuclear accidents since chernobyl, russian officials reportedly concoct a nutty story to explain how a doctor who treated explosion victims ended up with radiation poisoning. he ate bad seafood, they say. and celebrities and world leaders are speaking out as the amazon rain forest burns and the brazilian president says stay out of it. msung galaxy10? you get unlimited data while on a network that goes further than ever before. use as much as you want. when you want. a netflix subscription on us. stream all your favorite movies and shows. and for a limited time. buy any samsung galaxy note 10 and get one samsung galaxy note 10 for free. that's right. get one samsung galaxy note 10 for free. at vand look great. guarantee you'll see great "guarantee". we uh... we say that too. you gotta use "these" because we don't mean it. buy any pair at regular price, get one free. really. visionworks. see the difference. russian president vladimir putin tearing into the u.s. during an unusual and unscheduled appearance on russian state tv. his anger aimed at the pentagon's testing of a conventional ground launched cruise missile. this was a test that would have been banned under the now-abandoned inf treaty with moscow. putin called on his military to work on an equal response to it. >> translator: given the newly emerging circumstances, i instruct the ministries of relevant departments to analyze the level of threat posed by the actions of the united states to our country and take comprehensive measures to prepare a symmetrical response. >> this is especially concerning following the new language the pentagon is using to describe russia's missiles. in the past the u.s. has only said that russia has nuclear-capable missiles. now officials are saying the russians have nuclear-tipped missiles and they're pointing at europe. we have senior international correspondent fred pleitgen who is in mouscow. as you watched this news conference, what stood out to you? >> reporter: two things stood out for me. on the one hand the fact that vladimir putin seemed genuinely extremely angry and called this press conference last minute. we were on a conference call with his spokesman where the spokesman said vladimir putin had a meeting with senior security officials here in russia and he's going to make an important announcement. it was just a couple of minutes later that vladimir putin came on and then said that he was obviously extremely angry about this u.s. missile test. he essentially said that the fact that the u.s. tested this missile only 16 days after the inf treaty was essentially killed showed that the u.s. was the one that was driving the killing of that treaty and was trying to blame it on russia. then he said there would be this symmetrical and comprehensive response toj that. now, without saying what that is, it certainly does seem as though from the words and also the body languae that we saw from vladimir putin that the u.s. and russia at this point in time seem to be a lot closer to a new nuclear arms race than they were before this statement was made. so the russians haven't announced exactly what they're going to do, but it certainly seems like they're going to continue to ramp up some of the new weapons programs that the russians have been working on quite a while. >> i want to ask you about this bizarre story about this mystery explosion at a russian military test range. this happened about two weeks ago and caused the deaths of five nuclear experts. there's a latvian news outlet who quotes a hospital employee is saying that a doctor who treated them or some of them was told that the reason he tested positive for radioactivity, which would be normal if a doctor was treating someone who had radiation exposure, that the reason he tested positive for radioactivity is because he ate seafood contaminated by the fukushima nuclear disaster. tell us more about this. >> reporter: yeah, it is a little bit bizarre but it sort of also fits in the pattern with the aftermath of this explosion. it took place about two weeks ago. at the beginning the russians said there was no spike in radiation after this took place. then the local authorities said actually there was a spike in radiation. then that statement was then later removed from their site. now, there's a russian opposition paper that's reporting that two of those five victims that you were talking about who were all people who worked for russia's atomic nuclear energy agency that, they actually died of radiation poisoning. now, that's something that has not been officially confirmed. but what the russians did confirm today is that yes, indeed, one of the doctors who was treating them, that they found a radioisotope inside this man's body. and then it is true that they did say, yes, they believe this does not come from the fact that he treated people who were spoed to radioactivity but it came from eating seafood because he was on a holiday at thailand and they believe that it may have been a crab from the fukushima region that may be responsible for this. there is an official statement by the authorities which is the region where this happened where they say that it is something that can happen in seafood and other foods as well and they believe that is the reason why this person was contaminated. but of course from the backdrop of the information that we've been seeing or the lack of information that we've been seeing after this disaster, it is something that certainly does seem strange, to say the least, brianna. >> yes, considering who he was treating. fred pleitgen, thank you so much. for more on this i am joined by gloria borger and retired rear admiral john kirby who has served as pentagon and state department spokesman under president obama. how much does vladimir putin hang over the trump presidency? >> well, in every which way. in every way. vladimir putin has hung over donald trump ever since he ran for president, when everyone was sort of scratching their heads about why donald trump said i want a great relationship with vladimir putin. why can't i have a great relationship with vladimir putin. and we have the mueller investigation and the question of trump tower moscow and the question of the big so-called witch hunt, as the president called it and the president's campaign aides who spoke time and time again to russians. although as we know, there was no collusion that bob mueller decided to pursue. and now in terms of foreign policy and you can certainly speak to this better than i can, you have putin rearing his head again. and the question is how will the president react to this nuclear -- to this testing? this is a president who has been at odds with his own national security staff, who want to get tougher with russia. this is a president who pulled out of the inf. is this a new arms race we have here? as the president just recently said, i want to put russia back in the g-7, make it the g-8. so how is he going to react to this? and that's the question in this presidency we always seem to be asking about donald trump and the russians. >> i want to talk about the capabilities of the russians, admiral. you have these missiles and the defense secretary, mark esper says they have nuclear-tipped missiles and these are facing europe. how serious is this? >> if it's true, and i have no reason to doubt the secretary of defense, he already had a robust capability in these missiles conventionally tipped. that's one of the reasons why i think we've now been testing our own version of this. what worries me, brianna, is that this -- aside from just being an arms race, it's an accelerant and i worry however trump reacts, it's going to just encourage putin to advance his program that much more quickly. he's already got a headstart on us. number two, it's a potential ak sell ranting of our allies and partners of the european nations to acquiesce even more stride engt l-- stridently to putin's demands of what he's trying to do in europe. they'll be less inclined because they don't think they can trust the united states to come to their assistance. >> it strikes me with the president heading to the g-7 this weekend, in other presidencies you'd think what a great time for the president to be heading to the g-7, this issue of missiles will be on the table. he needs to talk with allies and what a great opportunity to do that. but -- >> but nobody knows how he's going to react and what he's going to say. he has imposed sanctions on russia but only because congress pushed him to it. but when kim jong-un testified some missiles, the president was like, oh, those are nothing. it doesn't really matter. will he have the same reaction here or not? i don't have any idea. >> we used to have convening power. that's why meetings like the g-7 were important because you could talk about global issues that all of us could agree on, the major industrialized economies. now we, the united states, seem to be the source of the frustration on all these global issues that macron says he wants to talk about, climate change, iran, trade. the united states is the provocateur on all these things. so trump will have a chilly reception. but what i really worry about he's simply going to blow up any possibility for consensus and moving ahead. all of that is a gift to vladimir putin. all this disunity just makes it that much easier for him to pursue his own interests in europe. >> and what he does want to talk about is the global economy because he's worried about the domestic economy, and what he's likely to do, although far be it from me to predict donald trump, but what he is most likely to do, i think, is to say to our allies why aren't you doing more? you're ruining us. you're hurting us. this is your problem. you're making a problem for me. an i think they're worried about that as well, because he is the bull in the china shop. and they're afraid of it. and they're not going to come out with any kind of communique. they're not even going to think about any kind of communique. they just want to keep peace in the family to a degree and get through it. >> thank you so much to both of you. as the president's two former press secretaries get tv jobs, his current press secretary and her unorthodox rise to the position. plus the amazon burns at a record rate. great presentation, tim. could you email me the part about geico making it easy to switch and save hundreds? oh yeah, sure. um. you don't know my name, do you? 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ask your doctor if it's time for xarelto®. to learn more about cost and how janssen can help, visit it's been 165 days since we've had a white house press briefing, but who's counting, and 40 days since president trump's newest press secretary, stephanie grisham got the job. she replaced sarah sanders and although she's been working behind the scenes, sources say she's still trying to figure out how to play catch-up to all of trump's spontaneous tweets. kate bennett is here with me now. okay, going into this job has to be an adjustment for anyone, even if they have worked in the white house and have seen day in and day out how this goes. how is she handling it? >> i think she's doing okay. she's going from -- mind you, she still has the job of communications director for the fist lady and for the white house in addition to being press secretary so it's a lot of managing a staff of about 6 to about 40 people. you have a president who's all but blown up the role of press secretary as we have known it before by making statements, doing q & as when they're unexpected, tweeting, so it's a lot of reaction and not preparing ahead of time. i think that alone has got to be quite a challenge. >> she doesn't brief the press, which is carrying on with the tradition from sarah sanders at the end of her tenure. will she ever, do you think? >> there was word that she was preparing to do briefings and studying up and practicing and the president was working towards her doing that, but now it seems like that idea has been pulled back a bit. she said -- she told cnn that she feels like with most things with this presidency it's nontraditional. there's other ways that people are getting their information from the president. but you know, this is a chance, an opportunity at white house press briefings for the media to really ask those important, specific questions and do so in an orderly way, not with the chopper whirring in the background and the president getting to pick out who he's talking to. so, you know, it's a bit of give and take there. >> "the new york times" has reported that grisham has a bit of a checkered past, i guess you could say. this includes a plagiarism accusation, two duis, including one in 2016. that really hasn't stopped her from ascending to this role. what can you tell us about that? >> i think with most things trump, it's about loyalty. it's about how you interact with him, how he interacts with you. and i think, you know, she's one of the people who's been with trump since the campaign. he trusts her, an i think things like this background stuff as we've seen with bigger roles, cabinet secretary wannabes and such, vetting, taking those things into account isn't necessarily paramount. i think grisham has managed to first ingratiate herself to the first lady and now to the president. >> kate bennett, thank you so much. just in, as the president gets ready to depart for the g-7 summit tonight, cnn reports that he's been questioning aides why he must go at all, saying it's not a productive use of his time. plus the dow is continuing to drop. you see it there down almost 500 points as we wait for the president's response to china's recent round of tariffs. ♪ spending time together, sometimes means doing nothing at all. holiday inn. we're there. so you can be too. hdo you like stranger things? 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>> cnn can now confirm that charles cooper, long-time conservative lawyer here in washington, has been dismissed by the national rifle association as one of its outside legal counsel. another outside legal counsel and an in-house counsel have also resigned. this was first reported by "the new york times." again, it follows a long several months and weeks of shake-ups within this organization. they have lost their relationship with this long-time ad firm, ackerman mcqueen. the former president of the nra, oliver north, is out. christopher cox is also gone. so there's a lot of turmoil going on within this organization as we're watching the executive vice president, wayne lapierre sort of consolidate power in that group. >> opponents of the nra look at that and say, oh, they're weak. maybe this means they won't be as triumphant politically as they normally are. what would you explain to someone who thinks that? >> what we know, that's not true in the very real sense that wayne lapierre is still calling up president trump and has talked with him several times since the shootings in dayton and el paso. and a lot of members of congress, the nra often say and it really is true that the members of the national rifle association, which could be anywhere from 2.5 to 5 million people, really hold the power and really still hold that power, no matter who's in charge. and i think that's something that's important to remember as we follow these debates over guns and what happens after some of these mass shootings. >> michael warren, thank you so much. informational but not substantive, that is how congressional democratic senator chris murphy seemed to echo that sentiment in a tweet, saying although the white house hasn't fully walked away from background checks. he's skeptical they'll be able to reach a consensus. joining me now is cnn host s.e. cupp. if something gets done, it seems unlikely that it's going to come from the white house, right? >> well, there just doesn't seem to be any clarity, it's been three weeks since those double mass shootings and in those three weeks, trump has kind of changed his position as many times. whether he's unaware of just how cemented the opposition within the nra is to expanding background checks or he truly believes there's some moveability now is anybody's guess. congress will return in september and they're not sure to what, a president who is going to do what he says, or a president who's going to listen to the last guy he talks to whether that's wayne lapierre or joe manchin. >> what if anything could get done? >> i have chris murphy's bill in my hand here, i read it word for word. it expands background checks to cover private sales. online home sales, gun show sales, if you want a gun, you have to pass a background check. what it exempts is really interesting, it exempts the sale of transfers between law enforcement, temporarily loning firearms for hunting and sporting events. gifting guns to family members. this seems to me a gun owner to be very reasonable so if there's interest among republicans, and the president this i think is something that could pass, it just depends on whether the president wants to listen to the majority of nra members who support expanding background checks or wayne lapierre. >> you are a gun owner as you said, anyone who follows you on social media will be able to follow along with your ventures, you are a sports woman, you hunt, you fish, you're making this a family tradition too. you recently announced you are no longer an nra member. why? >> it just doesn't feel like the voices of that group really represent me any more. the conversations about possible new legislation just strikes me as really political and unproductive. if we can't agree to have conversations, then i'm not sure -- i'm not sure what we're all doing here. it would be really silly, and i think it looks timid and afraid to say, we're not going to come to the table. we should all have a vested interest in solving this problem, and i'm not suggesting republicans and nra members aren't interested in solving the problem. but the group, the organization doesn't represent where i am as a mom, as a law abiding gun owner. as a gun owner it's in my interest to make sure that guns don't get into the hands of bad people, and it's just frankly become too easy for bad, sick people to get guns. i'm not the 3r0b, right? nra members who are law abiding gun owners nor the problem. it's too easy, and it's time for us to talk about things like expanding background checks, banning 100 round drums. maybe temporary gun violence restraining orders. and investing seriously in mental health in our schools. i want to be able to have those conversations, if the nra is telling me i can't, then i'm out. >> all right, se cupp thanks so much. be sure to catch s.e. cupp unfiltered saturday at 6:00 p.m. eastern here on cnn. and on sunday night, cnn will have back to back live presidential town halls. steve bullock takes the stage first at 6:00. and bill de blasio will be on at 7:00 p.m. eastern. we have breaking news, a person in illinois who vapped and later developed a lung illness has died. is there a link? more on our breaking news on two fronts. the dow falling after the president's wild tweets on china down almost 450 points now. and we're now learning he's been questioning aides. why he even has to go to the g-7 summit. and last longer with fewer pills. so why am i still thinking about this? i'll take aleve. aleve. proven better on pain. so chantix can help you quit slow turkey.rkey. along with support, chantix is proven to help you quit. with chantix you can keep smoking at first and ease into quitting so when the day arrives, you'll be more ready to kiss cigarettes goodbye. when you try to quit smoking, with or without chantix, you may have nicotine withdrawal symptoms. stop chantix and get help right away if you have changes in behavior or thinking, aggression, hostility, depressed mood, suicidal thoughts or actions, seizures, new or worse heart or blood vessel problems, sleepwalking, or life-threatening allergic and skin reactions. decrease alcohol use. use caution driving or operating machinery. tell your doctor if you've had mental health problems. the most common side effect is nausea. talk to your doctor about chantix. billions of problems. dry mouth? 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