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The latest news from around the world with Victor Blackwell and Christi Paul. To bomb them. So to keep that negotiation lukewarm at best, and to continue chipping away at the International Sanctions regime. This Sanctions Regime as we learned from the u. N. Report is like swiss cheese, there are so many holes in it. North korea is violating the import ban, the export ban, theyre selling conventional arms to bad actors in libya and yemen, and we know that china and russia are very supportive of lifting sanctions on north korea while all of that is happening, so north koreas best bet is lets keep talking to the United States, lets keep producing Ballistic Missiles and nuclear weapons, and keep trying to get china and russia to pressure the United States to lift sanctions in the interim. And speaking of russia, pompeos warning to enforce north korean sanctions, given that russia uses a lot of workers from north korea, will russia listen to that . And whats really going on with the latest poll shows the Candidates Neck in neck. This is a big swing from a little more than a month ago when the republicans led by ten points. Sarah westwood is in new jersey where he is tweeting ahead of the rally. What do we expect from him in ohio . Reporter christi, President Trump is taking a break from his Working Vacation in new jersey to head to that ohio rally later today for balderson who is in a tough race. Trump has been active on twitter, tweeting twice support of the candidates record on Border Security and the Second Amendment and took a swipe at nancy pelosi who republicans have sought to use as a foil, particularly in this race but also in dozens of other republican contests around the country. Sources tell cnn that trump aides hope to use political rallies and events like the one tonight to distract the president from the russia investigation as trump is said to be increasingly frustrated about the russia probe, the fact it is still going on, the fact that it continues to pull focus away from his agenda. President trump will head to this rally as his lawyers are continuing to negotiate the final details of a Sit Down Interview with mueller, and as his Campaign Manager Paul Manafort stands trial for tax fraud and moneylaundering. Sources tell cnn trump is angry about the details flowing out of the manafort trial which began this week. So the ohio rally could be an important distraction for trump as republicans are working hard to prevent democrats from noc notching another victory. Thanks very much. Matt foreman, Communications Director joins us. We saw the numbers, 44 for balderson. He is going to energize, galvanize republicans. It is important. Every vote matters in a tight Special Election like this. We expect him to talk about troys record, fought opioid abuse and Human Trafficking while in the senate. The contrast between troy and Danny Oconnor. He supports the tax cuts that helped the economy, helped with Economic Growth and helped wages rise. Thats the key contrast tonight and also in the Special Election. The president does have good news to talk about gdp growth, 4. 1 . Unemployment rate falling to 3. 9 . As i understand it, oconnor has been Hammering Balderson for backing the tax plan. They say tax cuts are going to threaten social security, going to threaten medicare. Do you think thats part of the reason that theres a Shrinking Gap in numbers and how might the president try to change that tonight with this particular audience because this audience also is full of farmers and people who may be concerned with tariffs as well. It is going to be tight. No doubt about that. Special elections are special for a reason. I think a key point is that a lot of liberal donors and money have been flooding the Greater Columbus district from outside ohio, and that changed a lot. I dont think Danny Oconnor has been honest about his position for last week, for instance, after running adds disavowing nancy pelosi, he admitted he would vote for her for speaker. Danny oconnor is dishonest, lying about his vote for speaker and lying about baldersons record. Mistakes are made that could be detrimental. The president earlier tweeted congressman Steve Stivers of president. We have to see what happens. We tell members you need to do whats right for your district. When it comes down to it, our children has spoken out about some of the effects it would have in his district and folks in minnesota and iowa. You need to do whats right for your district. We dont have a top down approach on how you handle candidates. People in heavily democratic districts held by republicans. I want to ask you one more thing about this remarkable moment this week where President Trump came out and talked about how the russia interference is a hoax, he did so just after all his National Security leaders came out and said we know that they have been interfering. We just talked a couple hours ago to representative Ryan Costello of pennsylvania. He had something to say about that separation between the president and his national leaders. Lets take a look here. The president has missed the mark here in terms of coming down forcefully and clearly against russia and its election interference, but the director of homeland security, the National Director of intelligence, National Security adviser, those are the folks we should be listening to as it relates to russian interference in the election. We just have to set aside what the president may have said at a rally or at a Summit Overseas and place our faith in those Administration Officials who have been tasked with this obligation. I think whats striking about that, matt, is that this is a republican in congress who is telling people to set aside what the president says. How did you tell republicans who are going to vote that their vote will count and that it matters if they may be needing more clarity, they may be needing more confidence. What you saw there is why Congressman Costello is in a tight even district. Obviously that might be an agreement with the president or disagreement. Thats common with candidates like Troy Balderson across the country. People whether in Ohio On Tuesday but also this fall will focus on economic issues. They understand what we have seen with the economy come roaring back and are not following day to day of the Russian Investigation and other things that consume cable news chatter on twitter. Youre right. People dont pay close attention all the time to the Russian Investigation, but they do Pay Attention to the fact they want their vote to matter, they want their vote to count. When youve got National Leaders in the Intelligence Community coming out and saying this is happening rngs there is an happening, there is an interference, there has to be concern about that very thing. Do you have concerns about President Trump alientating people outside his alienating people outside his base which hinders growth of his base . President trumps Approval Ratings are like barbells. Theres a strong contingent that are enthusiastic that oppose the president and theres a strong base of support that approve. Those people who disapprove of the president are going to come out and vote. We need to be sure that President Trump galvanizing his base of supporters in that district and make sure they vote, too. It is important that troy go to the house, is elected to be a voice for ohio, and the agenda he supports. What if he doesnt, what if he loses . Excuse me . What if he loses, what is the consequence of that . I am not getting into hypothetical scenarios, we wake up every morning as if were ten points down. We understand were in a fight and we understand that history is against us. Only once after 9 11 in 2002 has the president s party gained seats in the house in their first midterm election. However, theres a reason for optimism. I talked about it at length. Soaring economy, great candidates like troy, and members across the country like barba barbara comstock, and also nancy pelosi, the most unpopular politician in every district in the country. Thats a fact. Theres a clear choice between the gop majority and our agenda to get the economy going again, going back to the days of Speaker Pelosi and Single Payer Health care. A lot of people are watching ohio tuesday. Thank you so much. Appreciate you being here. Thanks for having me. Stay with us this hour. Were going to speak with the chairman for the Ohio Democratic party coming up in a half hour. Robert muellers team spoke with the Man Hhattan Madam this week. What her connection could be in the Russian Investigation. Ohio head coach urban meyer sounded confident days after being placed on leave. The latest in the Domestic Abuse scandal around a former coach now. But do you take something for your brain. With an ingredient originally discovered in jellyfish, prevagen has been shown in Clinical Trials to improve shortterm memory. Prevagen. Healthier brain. Better life. Take prilosec otc and take control of heartburn. So you dont have to stash antacids here. Here. Or, here. Kick your Antacid Habit with prilosec otc. One pill a day, 24 hours, zero heartburn. We are following the president s visit to ohio to campaign this afternoon. Joining me, cnn political analyst ron bronstein. Good morning. Lets talk about this trip. I guess im not surprised the president is going. I am surprised i believe he won in 2016, the president won this area by 11 points. Now the republican candidate, not trump, but the candidate who is running is neck and neck with his democratic opponent. What happened . Well, yeah, good point. The fact were talking about this district at all is striking. It was drawn in 2010 after the redistricting then to make it more republican. The republican incumbent that stepped down to create the open seat won 67 , 68 , 64 in the last three elections. Comfortably republican in the 2016, 2012, 2008. 86 white. But it is the most educated district in ohio, highest Income District in ohio, and thats exactly where donald trump, the price of the trump presidency, the trade he is imposing on the party is that he is strengthening in small town areas but losing traditionally Republican Voters in white collar suburbs. If you look at the poll, the monmouth poll earlier in the hour, he is looking at a 60 Disapproval Rating among College Educated white women in the district, nearly half of College Educated white men. The democrat hasnt succeeded in harvesting all of those diseffected white collar republican leaning voters for himself, and that is a critical challenge for democrats, but it is the president s erosion in white collar suburbs, particularly around columbus, that created the opening for democrats to compete in the district where historically they havent been competitive before. Democrats are hoping those in the suburbs are going to stay home . In other words not going to cast a vote . I think theyre hoping to switch. This is similar to the district that connor lamb won in pennsylvania a few months ago outside pittsburgh. It is a district that starts in suburban areas and radiates into more rural areas. These happen to be suburban areas more republican than others in the state, further out from columbus, Delaware County which is a rock rib republican county. These are the kind of places. You look in new jersey, suburbs of philadelphia, northern virginia, suburbs of chicago, denver, minneapolis, orange county, california where i am, this is the epicenter of republican vulnerability in 2018. Not the only vulnerability but it is where i think the risk is most highly concentrated. Donald trump is underperforming among those voters who are doing well economically, but who view him as an affront to values in many cases. Before we run out of time, let me bring this up. Youre raising a great point and this goes along with that. While trump is prepared for ohio, new details come out in the Russian Investigation, and the woman known as the manhattan madam, Kristin Davis who went to jail for running a Prostitution Ring and sat down for interview with the Special Counsel Team last week. On the surface does it appear shes somehow connected to the russia investigation, ron, or why is Robert Mueller interested in this former madam and how does it play into his total investigation . You know, sara murray that reported this story for cnn said we dont know exactly. We have seen the pattern with Paul Manafort that the Special Counsel is looking broadly at these targets in the investigation to try to find, to understand their dealings more broadly and where it may be relevant. She may either know something from her period working directly for roger stone or she may be of interest as a way of creating pressure on roger stone. Either way i think what we have learned is that the Special Counsel is developing a 360 view of targets in this investigation. I dont mean targets in the legal sense, i mean targets of the investigation, and he is basically learning everything that there is to be learned about them either as a way of finding vulnerabilities that might be irrelevant to the Russian Investigation or creating pressure on them. All of this will play on the Mienl Minds Of Voters Tuesday in ohio. Amazing were talking about this district. Really is. Thanks very much. Appreciate the insight. Thank you, martin. The tsa is looking to save money, are going to do so by cutting crucial security measures. Which measures . Well tell you. Can be relentless. Tremfya® is for adults with moderate to severe plaque psoriasis. Im ready. With tremfya®, you can get clearer. And stay clearer. In fact, most patients who saw 90 clearer skin at 28 weeks stayed clearer through 48 weeks. Tremfya® works better than humira® at providing clearer skin, and more patients were symptom free with tremfya®. 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He recognizes how he has been portrayed in the media since the story broke as a man whos indifferent to Domestic Violence and who Didnt Take Action when needed. He issued a strongly worded statement on twitter yesterday saying, quote, heres the truth. While at the University Of Florida and now at the ohio state university, i have always followed proper reporting protocols and procedures when i learned of an student athlete, coach or member of our staff by elevating the issues to the proper channels. Now it broadens to what did urban meyer know, what did the university and Athletic Director know. When this story broke open and up ended the College Football world, there was little room for debate whether Courtney Smith was a victim of Domestic Violence. There were Text Messages and photos to support her claims. Now zach smith is speaking out for the first time with a very different version of events. Anything that happened to her body was all just defensive movements to remove myself to the situation and thats it. Im not going to get charged because i didnt do anything wrong. His denial goes against the mountain of evidence against him but it also brings to light the fact that the police made the university, made the ohio state university aware of the allegations against him. What you can imagine, christi and martin, is that there is a paper trail that builds a time line to help us understand who knew what and when. Yeah. Theres still a lot more we need to know in this story. No doubt, an incredible, incredible fall from grace for this coach for the time being. Well see how it plays out. Kaylee hartung, thank you. Thank you. So the tsa is considering eliminating Security Screenings among other things at more than 150 small and medium sized airports across the country. The new internal document obtained by cnn shows the tsa could save more than 300 million under the new measures. Cnn aviation and government regulation correspondent rene marsh has more for us. Reporter a new internal tsa document cnn exclusively obtained shows the proposal to eliminate screening at more than 150 small to medium size airports is just one of several cost saving measures the agency is discussing. A senior tsa employee tells cnn the agency is looking at cuts that could save more than 300 million in 2020. One cut, reducing the number of air marshals, eliminating screening at small airports, Staffing Cuts at tsa headquarters, and changes to benefits being discussed. Tsa did not comment. Juliet Juliette Kayyem is concerned. Ending security at certain airports, ending or flat lining the air Marshall Service are inconsistent. If youre going to decrease security at certain airports, what you would want to do is increase the presence of air marshals and other security features just in case. Reporter cnn revealed the most controversial cut, eliminating screening at small airports like this one in redding, california where Bryant Garrett is the manager. Since i as the airport dont want to take on that liability nor the cost and im quite certain the airlines dont want to take that on, so if tsa backs out, theres a void and i dont know who would fill it. Reporter air marshals are the last line of defense, armed agents aboard planes to prevent hijackings. The tsa defended the program as a deterrent. Agencies discuss where to trim all the time, but the Big Question Congress and likely the American Public is asking and would like explained is whether the cuts are being considered because the threat and risk to aviation has changed or is this just an indication that the agency is under extreme pressure to cut costs. Rene marsh, cnn, washington. Still ahead, President Trump says the democratic candidate is a puppet for nancy pelosi. Next we speak with the chairman of the Ohio Democratic party. This is not a bed. Its a hightech revolution in sleep. The new sleep number 360 smart bed. It intelligently senses your movement and automatically adjusts on each side to keep you both comfortable. And snoring . How smart is that . Smarter sleep. To help you lose your dad bod, train for that marathon, and wake up with the patience of a saint. The new sleep number 360 smart bed, from 999. Smarter sleep will change your life. I couldnt catch my breath. It was the last song of the night. It felt like my heart was skipping beats. They said i had afib. Whats afib . I knew that meant i was at a greater risk of stroke. I needed answers. My doctor and i chose xarelto® to help keep me protected from a stroke. Oncedaily xarelto®, a latestgeneration Blood Thinner significantly lowers the risk of stroke in people with afib not caused by a heart valve problem. 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So weve seen a big swing in polls recently. What do you think is going on . You know, it is a bunch of things. As you said this is a district that was designed, gerrymandered to not have close competition. It is amazing it is within single digits, let alone in the margin of error. You have a lot of things, you have energized democrats on the ground. This district has a lot of moderate suburban voters that say voted for mitt romney, who are not excited about the way the president is behaving, so theres a lot of republicans that are open to a good candidate. The third piece is our candidate is a strong candidate, unlike that donald trump tweet, he is independent minded and the candidate on the republican side, like a lot of the ones we have seen lately is a weak candidate. He is not talking to the press, hasnt had much grass roots effort. You have a mismatch in terms of talent and quality of candidates. Former voters are open minded about looking for new candidates, and a candidate on the republican side, he said he couldnt name one thing he disagreed with trump with. People across this country that district, you talk about suburban columbus, i want to show you something else, the number of times the president came in to support a candidate, he has been highly successful. 19 wins to 4 losses. He is coming in today into ohio and he is going to back the republican, and im wondering, do you think it could make all the difference in favor of the republican candidate . Again, if you look at this district, the president is slightly underwater in this district, moderates are not impressed, particularly suburban women. He may energize voters. My guess is a lot of people wont be from the district, but he will repeat the reasons people are energized against him. People want checks and balances in this country now, even republicans, independents certainly do. When you have a candidate on one side, the republican here who cant name one thing he disagrees with trump on, thats not a check and balance. Our candidate has said he thinks we need new leadership in washington, he is willing to work with republicans on issues where we can make progress, he is also willing to stand up. Thats the kinds of leadership people are looking for now. Real quick. Hold on. This is going to hinge on turnout. Who shows up at the polls. Thats got to be as much a concern for you as republicans. It is a Special Election. It is the middle of summer, a time when many people arent thinking politics. Right. Absolutely. Right now we have hundreds of volunteers out all over the district knocking on doors. They have been doing it for months. This is a district people should know that for a year and a half there are activists that energize the district, long before they know there will be an election. This is one of the many districts where the sitting congressman, the one that resigned, retired, wouldnt even do a town hall meeting. This is a district where activists have been protesting his office every week for a year. Then he steps aside. Now all of the activists are doing Get Out The Vote work. On our side, we love the energy were seeing. These folks are wonderful people that want a better america, better washington. They have been knocking on doors for months and are doing it right now. I think it is fair, republicans i think would agree, our ground game is far stronger than theirs. Thats why they need trump coming in. This is basically, the guys name is balderson. I call this the weekend of baldersons campaign. Donald trump came in, paul ryan, mike pence. This is going to come down to what the people decide in central ohio. Well all be watching it carefully tuesday. We thank you, david pepper, for joining us, giving us your insights. Appreciate it. Thanks, martin. 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Lebron james is not just a Basketball Player and he will not just stick to sports. He is a leader, creating positive change in the world, uniting, empowering our youth. Lebron spoke to don lemon about what drives him to do more. Starts with the Trayvon Martin situation, and the reason it starts with that i believe is because having kids of my own, having boys of my own, it hit home for me to see it is a Learning Story and to think if my boy left home and never returned, it kind of hit a switch. From that point on i knew my voice and my platform had to be used for more than just sports. Me being able to put Something Like this together, i want people to know these kids should still have the same opportunity as everyone else. I know exactly what theyre going through so theyre the reason why this school is here today. Being in a support system, and thats what this is all about, it allows you to kind of escape away from the drugs and violence and gunshots and things that go on on everyday basis. Thats what were here for now. Thats why im opening this school to get these kids minds, body away from that. Let them know not only do we want you here, we really do care about what happens with you. It is so surreal. I dont know. I never envisioned having a school. I envisioned being in a community, giving back to my community in some way, but i never thought it would turn into a school. This is above and beyond. Lebron says the school will be all encompassing, nurturing students and parents with on site food bank, job placement events, and christi, martin, Free College Tuition to University Of Akron for all graduates starting in 2021. So fabulous. Coy, thank you so much. Listen, imagine youre kayaking down swift moving rapids when an accident causes you to fall 20 feet onto a rock. 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