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As supply shortages loom from hospital masks to beds to treat the critically ill. These are the people putting themselves in harms way every single moment to treat patients. More states and cities taking aggressive steps to stop community spread. Nearly 8 Million People in Northern California are on day two of a shelter in place order. New york citys mayor now says that same order could very much be a reality here soon. United states and canada also preparing to potentially issue a statement that could suspend nonessential travel between the two countries, and the white house is pushing a 1 trillion stimulus package to try to cope with and battle the economic fallout of the pandemic. This as the treasury secretary Steven Mnuchin warns lawmakers that we could see unemployment reach 20 if they dont act. If that happened, that would be near Great Depression era levels. Lets begin this hour with Brynn Gingras in new york. Lets start with new york city. So populous, people live so closely together. Are we or are we not going to see a shelter in place order . Reporter not right now and likely not going to happen, poppy. Again, at this point. Listen, the mayor just went on record with a radio station, a local one here, and said the whole shelter in place is to get people here in new york, their mind set changed to the fact that something more could happen. Some more restrictions could take place. But we know the governor has begun on record several times and said, nothing that extreme could happen without his approval. Hes given several reasons of why hes not going to approve that at this juncture. One, it is going to cause mass panic. People are going to go to Grocery Store and buy even more food than theyre doing now and thats going to cause a serious issue, even more so than where were at now. If he said if hes going to take a major step like that, hes doing it in conjunction with the region. New york, new jersey, connecticut banded together, closed businesses at the same time. If you shelter in place one city, people in the city will move to the next area and thats not going to solve our problem. Also, it means it would close day cares and people who need to go to work. The hospital staff. The doctors, the nurses, they wouldnt have child care options. That is the major reasons that the governor said shelter in place is not going to happen. Listen, poppy, we heard shelter in place, we heard selfisolation, we heard lockdown, so many different brands of different policies all across the country, the bottom line is people who dont need to leave their homes should just stay home. If were really going to beat this pandemic. You see behind me in times square, it is empty at this hour. Thats great to see. Brynn, thank you for that reporting. In San Francisco, day two of shelter in place orders there, lets go to dan simon with us again this morning. It is empty behind you. It is early there. People are listening . Reporter they are, poppy. As you drive around some of the high volume shopping areas throughout the city, it appears to be pretty much deserted. I can tell you that fishermans wharf, this say highly trafficked area for tourism, it is really going to be empty with all these nonessential shops. Theyre all just going to be shuttered. You see madam tussauds behind me. Theyre accused and other merchants will suffer. But something that kind of warms the heart, life goes on behind me at this famous landmark, this is the bodan bakery, making the sourdough bread and the workers in there fulfilling the orders. Et cetera. But, poppy, there is a lot of angst about how this is going to impact businesses longterm, how it is going to impact families. That was made more evident yesterday when governor gavin newsom said that schools could be closed for the rest of the year. In other words, schools may not open until the fall. I want you to listen now to some of the things were hearing from folks on the streets. Take a look. It is kind of creepy in a way, usually it would be bustling with activity and it is such a beautiful day. But nobody is out. I think people are going to go stir crazy. Im on day two and im needing to get outside and walk around. Im not going to work, my wife isnt going to work, were thinking about getting out of the city. We have to figure out how our merchants are going to survive this, particularly our retail merchants. Reporter people are still coming to terms with the shelter in place order. I can tell you there are a lot of exemptions, people with go to the Grocery Store, fill up their tanks with gas and also you are allowed to go outside and exercise. We saw people taking full advantage of that yesterday. Well send it back to you. Thats good, right in they need it for their soul and their body to get out and exercise a little bit. Good to know you can go to a Grocery Store, to the gas station, people arent panicking on that front. Thanks for that reporting in San Francisco. Lets go to illinois, the governor there confirms 22 positive coronavirus cases at a longterm care facility. Omar jimenez joins us from chicago. This is sadly so reflective of what you were reporting on over the last few weeks at that nursing home in washington state. Reporter thats right, poppy. You see longterm care facilities like this, part of why there is so much concern is, yes, you there is the potential for these numbers to explode, like in this case, 22 new cases revealed from monday going into tuesday. But also part of the concern is the type of population you typically see inside the facilities. Elderly and usually in that facility to begin with because of an Underlying Health condition. It was just a few days ago on saturday that illinois governor jd pritzker announced that one of the new cases in illinois was stemming from this longterm care facility in the chicagoland county. So they sent out the Illinois Department of health and they tested everyone inside, both employees and residents and when those test results came back, they got 22 positive confirmed cases of the coronavirus at this one facility, four of them employees, 18 of them residents. As you understand from the governors office, everyone who did test positive is in isolation. And visitations have been restricted. We talked about the concern outside of just those numbers as well. Now, when you talk about why we saw some of these new cases, part of it is because simply there is an effort to test everyone inside of that facility. And state wide even outside of that, we have seen new cases pop up every single day including a jump of more than 50 going from monday into tuesday. Including within that the first coronavirus related death in illinois, a woman in her 60s, the exact type of population we see in these facilities. Omar, thank you for that reporting in chicago. Lets talk about all the developments overnight. Dr. Celine gounder is back with us, dr. Alice chen joins me, former executive director of doctors for america, thank you, both, so much for being here. I would like to just have you listen to this plea, really, not just a warning, but a plea from doctor fauci last night. The attitude, well, im young, im invulnerable. You dont want to put your loved ones at risk, the ones that are elderly and the ones who have compromised conditions. We cant do this without the young people cooperating. Please cooperate with us. Dr. Chen, let me begin with you, what is your message to anyone who thinks im not that worried about it, im fine, im young, im healthy. I think dr. Fauci is exactly right. If you are thinking, i myself, i might not get sick, who are the people in your life who could be most affected by this . And think about all of the doctors and nurses who are literally putting their lives on the line to fight this pandemic. I have a friend who is an er physician, she has five children under the age of 6, she is worried, shes scared to go to work. For first time in my career im scared to go to work because i dent want dont want to bring it home to my family but shes going. And so many doctors and nurses and other Healthcare Professionals are going because the country needs them, the Community Needs them and for every young person or anybody who is thinking this doesnt affect me, i can go out, i can be with my friends, dont do it, help us. Right. It is not about you. It is about everyone around you and everyone you love and everyone that they are in contact with. Dr. Gounder, the reporting this morning out of the New York Times that highlights what is now public in hhs report from just march 13th, just a few days ago, is a sobering assessment of where we could be. Let me read it, because the times report talks about the shift in the president s tone to take this much more seriously and activate many more federal resources, quote, that shift in tone came four days after an internal report from the department of health and human services, not yet shared with the public, that concluded that the pandemic will last 18 months or longer and could include multiple waves of illnesses. We pulled up the exact report. It doesnt say the pandemic may, it will last 18 months or longer and multiple waves. What does that actually mean for all of us, different mutations of this . No, i think what is going to happen is we will institute very rigorous measures for a period of time. The folks out at Imperial College in great britain, their report is publicly available. Their modeling would suggest you have to institute the kind of measures for five months, very rigorously. And then you may be able to relax for a period and then reinstitute as the cases go up again. Were looking at doing this over and over and over again even after a fivemonth period of strict social distancing in order to curb cases until we have a vaccine. What the irony of this, dr. Chen, pointed out by dr. Zeek emanuel who runs the department of medical ethics and policy at upenn is that with so distancing, your ability to create an immunity quickly slows down. Thats one of the side effects. And then you have version 2. 0, 3. 0 and 4. 0, right . Is that part of the negative side effects of the necessity of social distancing . That may be true in terms of your own personal immunity, but what were talking about here is slowing the virus down as much as possible so that we can get to a day when we have treatments, we have vaccines, we can take care of people who get ill. If everyone got ill right now, we would not have hospitals to go to. We would just be completely overwhelming the system, just like it is looking like in italy. Dr. Gounder, there is a debate over shelter in place in a city like new york city. The mayor of new york is leaving that open as a possibility, the governor of new york andrew cuomo saying late yesterday, he doesnt think it will necessarily work. What does the science tell us . I think youre balancing what would be ideal. If everybody did shelter in place from a Public Health perspective, that would be ideal. You also have legal, constitutional angles to way here and peoples psychology. When youre overly draconian with your measures, people can really be scared, it can back fire, we saw this actually in wuhan, they quarantined the city, and people Something Like half the population left before they really locked down. So you have to be a little bit careful to weigh all of these factors and see what makes the most sense big picture. What about the dearth of necessary supplies for where it looks like this is going to go, dr. Chen, during the peak . If the peak is 45 days out or so as dr. Fauci noted, we just saw the modeling that Governor Cuomo did yesterday in his press conference during this show and new york alone saying the peak could be 53,000 hospitalizati hospitalizations, excuse me, 110,000 hospitalizations where as we in new york have 53,000 hospital beds. Thats half as many as we need, is that what were looking at on a nationwide scale . That is what were looking at. When we look at the numbers, people dont realize that hospitals are full already. It is flu season. It is the winter. People get sick for all kinds of different reasons. And so adding on top of an already full health system, all these new cases of very sick people is going to be a very significant challenge. And what can we all do to mobilize, the president talking about what the military can do to step up here, medical tents to treat those. Thank you for your work and for being here today on this. Tonight, a lot of your questions, once again, answered. We have our third global town howl on coronavirus. Anderson cooper, dr. Sanjay gupta will host it for you tomorrow night, thursday night, 10 00 eastern. A trillion dollars, thats what the Trump Administration is asking for in a pretty unprecedented stimulus package that in addition to the request for 45 billion in emergency funding. To the white house, john harwood joins us there. The president is expected to speak later today. Do we know what hell say and where things stand on both of these funding fronts . Reporter he said in a tweet this morning he was going to be having a News Conference and address some news about the fda. Mark short who is the Vice President s chief of staff was just talking to some reporters a short while ago, said he doesnt know what the president was going to announce. The president has continued to talk publicly about prospects for a vaccine. Anthony fauci, the leading Infectious Disease expert in the u. S. Government said thats a 12 to 18 months away. Dont know if the president is going to repeat the similar things that he said before or not. In terms of the stimulus, the notable thing here, poppy, is that, you know, there has been a longstanding debate over whether or not deficits matter in the United States. In this moment, that debate is over. Youve got the president of the United States, the leadership in both chambers of congress saying we are going to a very large stimulus, a trillion dollars. Well have to see whether rank and file republicans in the senate are willing to go along with that. It looks like they will. Senate will prepare to pass the house Emergency Response bill later today and then overnight the trump Budget Department came up with a new request for about 50 billion of additional help. So all spigots are open now for this coronavirus response. The big difference this time around is there are so many fewer places to spend that money to prop up the broader economy, right . Thats what makes this time so different. Reporter thats right. One of the reasons that people are trying to put money in peoples pockets is to help them simply sustain their basic needs and we are they are making sure that pharmacies and Grocery Stores are open, so the people can feed their families. 100 , john harwood at the white house, thanks very much. Still to come, thousands of workers being furloughed across the Hospitality Industry and Small Businesses struggling day by day to stay afloat. Well talk to one owner how this is impacting her and all of her employees. Also the government may be pushing a huge stimulus plan, but it is not calming wall street. Look at that. Futures down significantly again ahead of the open this morning. And if youre a parent, like so many of us, the thing you may worry about a lot after the health of your children, of course, is how do you talk to them about this . How do you help them understand this . Well get into that ahead as well. Mucinex cold flu allinone. Fights. Oh no. Nonono. Did you really need the caps lock . Mucinex cold and flu allinone. With moderate to severe treplaque psoriasists uncover clearer skin that can last. In fact, tremfya® was proven superior to humira® in providing significantly clearer skin. 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It is happening in real time to workers, not just here in new york city, but across the country, workers who are waking up this morning without jobs and wondering what theyre going to do next. Across new york city, empty tables, closed doors, and worries about the Economic Impact of coronavirus as thousands of workers are laid off. Definitely felt like a weight had dropped. Felt very heavy. But, yeah, it was it is scary. Reporter tonya is a bartender who lost her job monday after the state ordered bars and restaurants to limit their services to takeout and delivery. What is next for you . I dont i dont really know. I guess a lot of waiting around. Reporter a lot of waiting for mark to say as well, hes a hotel waiter, now out of work. He said he spent hours online trying to file for unemployment, the system crashed due to sudden high demand not seen since 9 11. Uncertainty for everyone right now. It is completely unfathomable. Reporter hotel of courtel o rates, economically the worst may be yet to come. If the citys residents are ordered to shelter in place. Im hearing constantly from people who are tremendously worried about how theyre going to make ends meet and that scenario, a shelter in place begs a lot of questions. Reporter across the country, hospitality workers from San Francisco to boston to grand rapids, michigan, wondering how to make ends meet and if they will have jobs to go back to. How are they going to pay their bills . How am i going to pay my bills . Reporter in new york city, with an estimated 25,000 restaurants and bars, Business Leaders say a comprehensive restaurant rescue plan will be needed. Restaurants are cash businesses, they operate week to week, month to month, we need direct cash infusion into Business Owners pockets, into the workers pockets and then need a longterm plan to figure out how we can pull people out of debt. Reporter in the meantime, restaurants like cafe fiorello which had to lay off its staff is selling its pasta and produce, supermarket style. You just keep going. You just keep going. You recreate yourself if you have to, which is what we are doing here. You wake up every day and make a new plan and try to keep moving on. Reporter and, you know, poppy, there is so much talk about the stimulus package, but the reality here on the ground is that a lot of the workers that we spoke to are really worried that that is not going to meet their longterm needs, and for these people, time is already running out. Poppy . Wow, i used to go to that restaurant all the time that you just showed, jason. And to think that so many of their employees are laid off, almost everyone except for management, thank you for that report. Small Business Owners facing this in a dire way, with me now is deborah, one of the owners here in new york city. You and your husband have been running this for 37 years. Tell everyone what youre going through. It is an unbelievable situation. Every day we wake up and we have to devise a new plan. We just dont really know what were going to do. We have 18 employees that depend on us. The neighborhood depends on us. Our clients depend on us. And, you know, right now, because so many of our clients are white collar workers, they, you know, are working remotely. And unfortunately when you work remotely, youre not cleaning your clothes. You know, youre at a home, you know, maybe in your pa jjamas o sweats and our industry is such that were a seasonal industry. We, you know, change of seasons, it is really big for us. When we go from winter to spring. We go from summer to fall. And it is not anything you can make up. People are not going to clean more when it comes, you know, when they can. It is just, you know, business lost is business lost. It is not coming, you know, you dont get it again. I know. I know. Debra, you said im torn between my heart and my head. What do you mean . What are those decisions youre having to make every day . My employees are hourly employees. And you know, we have cut their hours, you know, we have cut their days that they work, we have, you know, we feel like we have cut to the bone. But in the interim, you know, our landlord still wants the rent paid, our taxes paid, con ed son wants the utilities paid, the Insurance Companies want their premiums paid. We still have to pay all these fees, you know, business expenses, plus whatever we can pay to our employees. And we, you know, my employees, many of them have been with me over 20 years. And so it pulls s at my heart t have to cut them. I know they depend on their salary. How long can you sustain this without having to god forbid file for bankruptcy . You know, it is hard to say. Maybe we could, you know, go on for 60 or 90 days, but much past that, i dont know how we could really afford to continue, you know, paying all these bills. Im really we have Business Interruption insurance that we carry, but unfortunately, you know, a virus is not considered covered. It is i think that, you know, the state and the city and the federal government, they need to get on to these Insurance Companies and let us start, you know, being able to use Business Interruption insurance for this, you know . The government can bail out the Insurance Companies like they want to help the airlines. I just dont know where where this is going to go. All i know from my business is that, you know, nothing in if nothing is coming in, where am i going to get the money from to pay employees and how can i ask them to come to work . Yeah. Of course. It is an it is impossible decisions youre having to make every day. We wish you luck and i dont think any of us have many answers on that front. Deborah, thank you for sharing this with us, because i know so many people are going through it. Yes, we are. Thank you so much for having me on. Good luck. Youre welcome back anytime to update us and we want to hear from so many of you across the country who are small Business Owners, if youre watching today, if youre listening to us on the radio, tweet your story, your contact information, you can dm me or tweet it to me at poppy harlow cnn. We want to hear your story. Letslike at wall street, were moments away from the opening bell. It is shaping up to be another rough morning. Stocks overnight hit their limit down, down 5 . So we dont know just how bad this is going to be at the open. Depending on how low it goes, we could see the market halted here at the open. Lets w lets wait and see and we could be near the levels where the stock market was when the president took office, if you can believe it. Well be right back. At leaf blowers. 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Youll save up to 400 a year on your wireless bill. Plus, get 300 off when you buy a new Samsung Galaxy s20 ultra. Xfinity mobile. Call, click or visit a store today. The markets opened, take a look, were off almost a thousand points and the dow just a hair away from off 5 , the s p 500 is off just over 4 . Fears are growing, but a global recession. In fact, listen to this, from deutsche bank, they say that the collapse of the Global Economy could be the biggest since world war ii, thats in the note this morning, thats stunning. Christine romans is with me now. Unbelievable predictions and so fast. Were pressing the pause button on the Global Economy. Were managing the Global Economy into a recession to prevent a bigger Public Health crisis. There is no playbook for it. Thats why youre seeing virus fears men o s menace the market. The economists admit were guessing at some of this, it is so bad and happened so quickly, we dont know how it will bounce back. Deutsche bank says it will bounce back later this year. And other economists this morning are telling me they have faith that the economy will bounce back in part because of what washington is finally getting around to doing, which is stimulus. We have a 20 trillion economy, biggest economy of the world, and the market knows that washington is likely going to pass this trillion dollar stimulus package, maybe people will get the checks of a thousand dollars each and the market is down more than 1100 points. They think it is not enough in. The math is important here. 20 trillion economy, if you completely sideline it for lets say three months, is 1 trillion enough . Thats the conversation that is happening it this morning. Im sure thats what people are telling treasury secretary Steven Mnuchin. He has to get both houses hes got to get both parties behind him to spend money and sorry to interrupt, i keep coming back to the question of yes, you want to give people enough to feed their families and get gas in their car, what is enough when something this time is so different than before, meaning you cant go spend it like 2001, 2008 at the movie theater, you cant go spend it in the shops. Thats why it is so difficult to forecast how bad the hit will be on the economy and how hard it will be to restart the economy and bring it back. You bring up exactly the question that is menacing investors now because they cant answer that question. Jeff lou Just Announced that that airline will cut 40 service and call this stunning. After united said this is a worst Financial Impact than 9 11 on the industry. This is an industry that is going to need help and quickly. Thats why theyre talking about up to 50 billion for the airlines. There is a little bit of pushback because the airlines have had some of their best years in profit, they paid their ceos very well, and they have brought back shares when times were good to give back to shareholders. So should taxpayers be on the hook . You have to have a healthy air travel system in america and that means airports too. I think youll be seeing more details on a kind of bailout for the airlines. One very, very well regarded think tank said that the airlines will be bankrupt by may. By may. By may, without help. Without help. The planes are empty. People arent going unbelievable. Christine romans, thank you. We appreciate the updates. Well keep a close eye on the market. For close to a billion students around the world, the Kitchen Table is the new classroom. And this is probably what youre going through for many of you at home. Not just online homework, it is face to face instruction. Robinhood believes now is the time to do money. Without the commission fees. 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Add fullness to lips with juvederm® ultra xc. And smooth moderate to severe lines around the nose and mouth with juvederm® xc. Tell your doctor if you have a history of scarring or are taking medicines that decrease the bodys immune response, or that can prolong bleeding. Common side effects include injectionsite redness, swelling, pain, tenderness, firmness, lumps bumps, bruising, discoloration, or itching. As with all fillers, there is a rare risk of unintentional injection into a blood vessel, which may cause vision abnormalities, blindness, stroke, temporary scabs or scarring. Juvederm® it practically overnight, the coronavirus has forced millions of homes to turn into essentially Virtual Learning centers. How effective is it . Evan Mcmorris Santoro has more. Virtual learning doesnt really work for my kids, but for so many kids it does when theyre older. The problem with the crisis is no one knows how long it will last. What they have what schools are trying to do is maintain some kind of education even while their buildings are shut down. It is a novelty right now. It is first couple of weeks of it. I spent the first day of School Online school at Westminster School in atlanta. Who is going to be in class today . I dont know. Reporter the running list of School Closings nationwide changes by the minute due to coronavirus. For the time being, the face to face school day has been replaced by elearning. Many College Students may be used to logging in to school, but now Online Learning has become the norm for students of every age. We have four classes a day with 15 minutes in between each class and a 30 minute lunch break. Reporter sam is 13, this is his first day attending seventh grade from his bed rm. I think going online is a smart idea. We dont know when well get back to school. Reporter Westminster School, private k through 12 in atlanta, is trying to make Online School as close to regular school as possible. So the day starts with home room, from home. Just follow what im doing. Everyones doing it. Reporter carolina mars has been teaching french and spanish classes for eight years. For the past few days, she has been translating her classroom lesson plans into elearning. We have been working on how to order food, and being open minded about trying new foods. Field trips are completely out of the picture now. So we are trying to change the focus of the unit to be instead of ordering food, to cooking at home. Reporter this is the first day shes wrangling her students from her dining room table. We have everyone in class. Applause, everyone made it. Control over the class is one thing that i just have to let go of. Im not there. So im not going to have the same amount of control. Reporter the obvious question, is this going to work . Online education has been around for a long time. But never has been tested quite like this. There is that rule or that guideline that your Attention Span is only as long as your age in minutes. So for middle schoolers, were talking Attention Span is usually 11 to 14 minutes max. Reporter do you think that you can leave your students with the same kind of education they would have if they were with you in the classroom . Yes, i can probably cover everything that i need to cover, but education is so much more than what we cover in class. Extracurricular activities, robotics, all of that is part of a students education. Reporter it is not just the idea of being out of school that is the problem. There are several challenges with this. Number one is just access to the internet, right . Westminster school is a school where kids have access to the internet. It is a private school. Then there is also the issue of just maintaining peoples attention through this. I talked to a bunch of experts about this. Online education is a very specific form of education, everyone is being thrown into it now and it is not clear as the days go on how youre focused and how it maintains itself as an extra educational future. And nothing compares to the social Emotional Learning of being next to someone, right . And so you cant do that now, you miss out on that, bless those teachers for what theyre doing. Theyre doing their best. And the parents at home trying to help too. Evan, thank you very much. Really interesting. Aside from helping your kids as much as you can learn at home, how do you talk to them about coronavirus . Especially the younger ones, im so glad we have nancy kissling here, thank you for being here. I guess i have all these questions too as a mother. What is your recommendation for how we start to explain what coronavirus is to our children, especially the younger ones . Thank you. I think the first thing you need to do is take a deep breath and check in with yourself. And i say be the parent to yourself. Take a few minutes to how are you doing, how anxious are you, and if you need to build a support system, family, friends, online, do that before you go and start to have that conversation with your child, with your child. And then it is like the same when were on an airplane, we say, put that oxygen mask on first. I want parents to do that too. I want them to take care of themselves so they can be the best version of themselves. So now hopefully they shelf that anxiety for a little bit, so they can meet their child where theyre at. Less is more. Depending on the age of the child, get curious and assess how are they doing . Look for signs, are they asking questions, take take the lead. Let them take your lead. You know, i i did one of my colleagues here shared this, i think we can pull up the video on the screen so people can see it, it is going around on instagram, this experiment where you can teach your kids about germs by putting your finger in soap and then in water with pepper and the pepper moves away to show how effective soap is at fighting germs. My 3 1 2yearold girl loved this. This was effective for me. Things like this to show them what were going for, but not scare them. Exactly. I love that experiment. And i love the fact that it sounds like youre very present with your children. And thats what i ask of parents now, as hard as it is, you need to show up, you need to be present, put your phone down, lower the tv when the kids are around, and be present. So whatever it takes to whatever activity youre doing, youre reading, youre taking a walk, hopefully whether the kids are with you, other than your own, be present and then you are more available for them to answer those questions. And just remembering the most important thing, children need and we need is to feel safe. And, you can say that youre scared, you can be show your vulnerability, but then show them these are the things we are doing to keep our family safe. And just like the water in the with the pepper, do other activities, we wash our hands, we take our shoes off when we come in the house, we eat healthy foods, we engage in exercise. Nancy, thank you so much. I wish we had a little more time with you, but we have some breaking news to get to. Well have you back. Thanks for the advice. Thank you. Stay safe. You too. Here is the breaking news, the president just confirming that the u. S. canada border will be closed to all nonessential traffic. Again, this countrys northern border is now closed. Anything nonessential. The president noting this will not impact trade, so the movement of goods, thats very important, especially for farmers and the ag business. More details on this as we learn it. Stay right there. rocket man instrumental if you looked at america like a bird and that was all you knew, would you really understand it with just that point of view . Weve got a different way to look at it, from right here on the ground. We dont just see United States we see united towns. From where we sit, just down the street, near the post office, by the park, when we stop and look around, what we see are sparks. Sparks of hope, of compassion, of communities who stand firm. When neighbors lift each other up, expecting nothing in return. Were grateful for what you bring, and all the sparks youve shown, in the thousands of towns that we get to call home. [ siren ] doug give me your hand i can save you. Lots of money with Liberty Mutual we customize your Car Insurance so you only pay for what you need only pay for what you need. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty. And you get a room full of picassos. D if theyre an artist but then childhood gives way to adulthood. And creativity becomes conformity. But imagination should not wither with maturity. Thats why timbertech is taking the decking industry somewhere new. Gone are pine boxes and status quo replaced with endless color and pattern choices. Because when you use technically superior, durable products, all you have to focus on is coloring outside the lines. Timbertech. Go against the grain. Well, former Vice President joe biden three for three in tuesdays primary battles. Now Bernie Sanders Campaign Says this morning hes assessing all of it. Our mj lee is with me. First, lets talk about what we saw play out yesterday. Turning point for joe biden and his campaign. He had significant victories in three major contests. Arizona, florida, and illinois. Lets just do a quick breakdown of each of those three states. In florida, biden had a sweeping win. Take a look here. 61. 9 to 22. 8 for Bernie Sanders. And in illinois, also biden projected to win with huge margins. 59. 4 to 35. 7 for sanders. And then in arizona as well, a decisive victory for joe biden, 42. 4 to 29. 9 for sanders. And of course, what matters most right now is the delegate count. And joe biden right now has a total of 1,086 delegates to Bernie Sanders 772. What this means is that joe biden now has an almost insurmountable lead in terms of the delegate count. And it is very hard to imagine how Bernie Sanders might be able to turn things around, and we know that this is obviously going to be a moment of soul searching for the Bernie Sanders campaign and his campaign actually just put out a statement, his campaign manager. Let me read that out loud. He said the next primary contest is at least three weeks away. Senator sanders is going to be having conversations with supporters to assess his campaign in the immediate term, however, hes focused on the government response to the coronavirus outbreak and insuring that we take care of working people and the most vulnerable. Again, poppy, a huge night for joe biden, and the coming days will be incredibly critical for the Bernie Sanders campaign as well. Mj lee, thank you for that reporting. Sorry we cant see you, but this is sort of life as we know it, technical difficulties there. Thank you for that. Ahead for us, the coronavirus is now infecting patients in all 50 states. Health Officials Say americans must take this much more seriously. Were on top of all of it after this. Just over a year ago, i was drowning in credit card debt. Sofi helped me pay off twentythree thousand dollars of credit card debt. They helped me consolidate all of that into one low monthly payment. They make you feel like its an honor for them to help you out. 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