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In the impeachment inquiry. That will be one week from today. With the president s lawyers now invited to question witnesses there, too. Lets begin with Congressional Correspondent phil mattingly. Lets start with what we are learning as we fill in the time line on the next stems of this impeachment process. Reporter yes, this is moving forward. Its moving forward at a fast pace. One of the interesting things, weve seen new transcripts and the New York Times reporting last night the House Democrats who are working through this impeachment inquiry made clear the investigation portion, while they are taking in information is mostly over. It is now onto the house Judiciary Committee. Next wednesday they will hold the first hearing. This is largely a nuts and bolts hearing. Theyve will have them come in and talk about history related to impeachment and how it may apply to President Trump in this specific case. But it is a part of the process that makes clear. The Judiciary Committee is moving forward. That is where articles of impeachment will be drafted. That is the next step before things end up on the house floor, to actually hold a full house vote to impeach the president of the united states. One of the interesting wrinkles here, jim, something you noted, the president and the president s lawyer have been invited to participate in that hearing. Based on the resolution the house passed a couple months ago, this was always a part of the plan. Once it gets to the Judiciary Committee. The president can have participation. The president s lawyer can be utilized to ask questions during hearings. They can give a closing statement or a closing presentation during the hearing. But the one question we dont have a answer is the white house going to participate. Nobody expects the president to show up. Will his lawyer come in . The white house made it clear they have not participated up to this point. We have to wait to see on that answer. There is an invite on the table. Phil mattingly, thank you very much. How will the president and his attorneys handle the next round, Kristen Holmes in West Palm Beach where the president is spending the thanksgiving holiday. The president his allies have asserted they didnt have proper rights in this inquiry, they are given the chance here to question witnesses. How will they respond . Will they take advantage of that . Reporter well, jim, that is the big question here, as you say, the democrats really undercutting that argument by giving them this opportunity. What we are learning from sources is that, one, no decision has been made about whether or not theyre going to participate and, two, theyre going use this time to review that and make that decision a bill perhaps i will say theyre not reviewing it since we learned President Trump has arrived at his golf club that is here. So it seems as though that is how hell be spending the day today. As you said, this is important because it undercuts this argument that President Trump and his ally versus said over and over again since the beginning of this process and we looked over this letter, what this invitation includes. There is really only five main things, which is essentially the white House Counsel is invited to attend all of these hearings, they are allowed to ask questions during the presentation of evidence, theyre allowed to question witnesses and raise objections. And they are allowed to submit written summaries of additional testimony or evidence and possibly give closing remarks. But one thing i want to note here, there is a lot of discretion that chairman nadler has. There is a line in this proposal that essentially says if the white house stonewalls, if they do not allow witnesses to come and testify, that he can pull any case any parts of this essentially saying they might not be able to calm their own witnesses, so thats going to play into this. Particularly given the tweet we saw from President Trump that said essentially he wants his aids to testify but he cant let them because of future president s. Well have to see how this plays out, jim. One consistent player throughout the ukraine investigation has been Rudy Guiliani. The president directed his aids to go through him. His aids were directed to go through Rudy Guiliani. Reading the transcript of what President Trump refers to as that perfect july 25th call. Mr. Trump told the leaderf oukraine to speak to his personal attorney Rudy Guiliani, im quoting here, mr. Guiliani is a highly respected man, he was the mayor of new york city, a great mayor, and i would like him to call you. Rudy very much knows whats happening. And he is a very capable guy. If you could speak to him, that would be great. Those are the president s words. He referred to his person attorney time and time again as a great person. Rude city a great person. Rudy was a great mayor and a great crime fighter. Rouge rouge was one of the great crime fighters of all time hes also a friend of mine, hes a great person. Hes like an iconic figure in the country. Last night the president took a very different tube. Heres what President Trump was asked what Rudy Guiliani was doing in ukraine on his behalf. Note the distance he tries to establish here. Well, you have to ask that to rudy, rudy, i know he was going to go to ukraine. I think he cancelled the trip. But you know rudy has other clients other than me. But he is a he is a warrior, rude city a warrior. Rudy went, he possibly owe but you have to understand rudy has other people that he represents. I didnt direct him. You know from the transcript of the call, but the president directed the president of ukraine to speak to his personal tomorrow. Doesnt that distance sound pham anywhere . Here he is speaking of his personal attorney of more than ten years, a socalled fixer Michael Cohen in december of last year. I never directed him to do anything wrong. Whatever he did, he did on his own. Hes a lawyer. Sound familiar, doesnt it . We know all that ended. Joining me independent counsel and a former assistant watergate prosecutor. Lets begin on that of course, we had a lot of sworn testimony, did we not, of how the president people around the president were directed on ukraine policy to go through his personal attorney. Now the president saying i did not direct him. Is that a credible claim . Not at all. This is the all rudy who defense, the same thing with Michael Cohen. He is trying to distance himself. Because all of the testimony that came out during these hearings basically put it on Rudy Guiliani as the spear carrier for donald trump to get the ukrainians to make this announcement about these investigation on biden and this investigation into this crazy debunked Conspiracy Theory that ukraine was responsible for breaking into the Democratic National committee not russia. I dont know about that, i mean directing, an invitation by the president or a direction by the president to speak with the president s lawyers is a different thing than directing Rudy Guilianis activities. All the president was suggesting there is look hes my lawyer, youd have to ask rudy as to what rudy did exactly. If you look at the transcript of the call, he says go to rudy at the same time hes saying i need a favor. Again, the president is saying, i am accountable for the fact that hes my lawyer, but, nick, youll know, its not unusual for the attorney obviously to be doing things are outside of the knowledge of the principle who is the client. Well, it is unusual, because you dont do something. I never do anything without First Clearing it with my client. In this particular case, i mean youve got the testimony of ambassador sondland who made it very clear that he was told that everything he should do at trumps behest should be at the direction of Rudy Guiliani. I dont think there is any doubt here. The testimony is pretty overwhelming. The question is where does that take you really . As i have said i think it was an error in judgment to be trying to run at least this Foreign Policy outside of the usual channels involving the state department and the justice department. But that doesnt mean that what was done here was illegal and really thats the only question that is presented before the now house judiciary in determining whether or not there are articles of impeachment that should be voted on by the house and sent onto the senate. When you hear more and more, its inappropriate but not impeachment. Inappropriate. Illegal. It was an extortionbribery scheme. No question what donald trump was trying to do is use the peoples money 391 million bucks in order to force the Ukrainian Government to come out and make an announcement that they were investigating the bidens, that donald trump would have used throughout the Campaign Just like he did with Hillary Clinton with her emails saying biden is a guilty party he must be because the ukraine government is investigating him. He doesnt really want them to do the investigation, because theres nothing there. Sondland did testify that he wanted the announcement of the investigation didnt necessarily want the investigation to takes place. I want to get to another. We also learned that the president only released the aid to ukraine crucial military assistance after learning that there was a whistle proceeder complaint exposing this pressure campaign. Cause get to the legal question of corrupt intent here . Look, its a time line. I understand the hooray henrys that want to draw inferences from what the time line signifies. Look, the president made a request to ukraine with regard to burisma and the investigation of the bidens. It was not a demand. So nick, your reference to pressure and force is not extortion and its not bribery unless as i have tried to suggest unless there is an explicit quid pro quo that is Something Like not do me a favor but look, heres the deal, youre not going to get foreign assistance. You know ukrainian official was felt enormous pressure because they were at war with russia and dependent on that aid and that aid was taken away while that request is made, is that not illegal . There is nothing about the president making a request to the president of the country. Im not interested to what the rest of ukrainian officials said. The president of ukraine said no pressure. Its a oddic torsion case in the absence of but the focus sheer not on the intent of the president of ukraine. The focus is on donald trump and what his intent was. And its clear from that whole conversation, just like all of these mob transcripts i used to read and i used to overhear when i was a prosecutor, they always ask, do me a favor. They dont come out and say this is the quid, this is the pro quo. They dont talk in latin. They talk in street talk like donald trump does, to me that was like all of the conversations i used to overhear in terms of the mob prosecutions that i used to to do. I think its significant the president said when confronted by ambassador sondland, listen, when he was asked, what do you want . The answer was, i want president zelensky and the ukrainians to do what they said during the campaign. There is nothing revealing about New York Times story oh, no, thats a critical fact. We now know the president was briefed beforehand with regard to the whistle proceeder complaint seems to me what the president s spent was relative to the phone call which is the best evidence of what the president s intent was. To a clear point of fact, we know about the whistle blower alleging a quid pro quo before he used that language to left hand no quid pro quo. These issues will come up. We appreciate you coming on. I hope you get a chance for a pleasant thanksgiving. Happy thanksgiving to you and your family. Happy thanksgiving. Thank you. Be well. Still to come this hour more than 2,000 miles of Winter Weather and storms well be right backing havoc on Holiday Travel putting a damper on the macys thanksgiving day parade. Will those balloons fly . So south bend mayor Pete Buttigieg surging, but can anyone touch the front runner joe biden . Hes staying well ahead. Americas kurdish allies feel abandoned and betrayed. How things changed since u. S. Troops left . We will join her live. Its the easiest because its the cheesiest. Kraft. For the win win. And let me tell you something, rodeo. I wouldnt be here if i thought reverse mortgages took advantage of any american senior, or worse, that it was some way to take your home. Its just a loan designed for older homeowners, and, its helped over a million americans. A reverse Mortgage Loan isnt some kind of trick to take your home. Its a loan, like any other. Big difference is how you pay it back. 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So tmobile is giving you an iphone 11 on us for each new line of unlimited. For yourself, or up to a family of four. Keep your family connected, and hurry into tmobile today, to get up to four iphone 11s on us. Only at tmobile. Two very powerful storms are making a mess for many travel plans this thanksgiving. 19 Million People under some sort of Winter Weather warning or advisory. It stretches across 2,000 miles of the country from california to michigan to new york. Blizzard high wind warnings, making for dangerous Road Conditions and also sadly tons of delays at the airports. Cnn chad myers is in the cnn Weather Center watching all of it. Where is it going to be worst . Ah, i guess the northeast and the midwest because of the wind and across the west if you are trying to drive through the snow. Its been two weeks of tranquil weather and then all of a sudden you throw a calendar up, it says thanksgiving, have you two storms that are major events across the east coast and across the west coast. Heres the one for the west. Up and down i5, i80, all of the passes over the sierra are an absolute mess. Many of them saying if you dont have four wheel drive or chains, dont try just yet. Today is not the day to get there. Maybe tomorrow. Then you move to chicago and cleveland and you see winds to 50. Airports are very, very slow. Last i checked only 100 were cancelled. Consider wag we have here, 100 planes is pretty good. We have rain coming into the northeast, rain through atlanta, slowed things down briefly, across parts of the northeast, the rains will continue today. But the snow in the east is ontario and quebec. Its not ohio, new york, new england yet. That will change by sunday. So keep that in mind. As we work our way through airports today, there will be delays. Even if your airport here is green, your plane may be coming from somewhere thats red. You may get some delays anyway. Let me fast forward 15 seconds to sunday. This is the day home for most of you. The rainsnow line will be poconos, andirondack and catskills up here into new england by 6 00 or 8 00 that night sunday night. If you are down in the south, its going to be raining. If you are up here, it will be snow, also snow into chicago as well. Keep that in mind for early departures from your turkey destination. Jim. Listen to chad. Thats my advice to you. Thanks very much. All right. Meanwhile, strong winds in new york could force officials to ground those popular giant balloons in the macys thanksgiving day parade. Cnn reporter joins us from new york. Is this really going to happen . Reporter jim, that is the big question. And officials are going to make that decision on thanksgiving morning. As you can see, they are setting up right behind me and people are hoping that these 16 massive helium character balloons are going to take flight. There is very strict criteria whether or not these balloons can actually fly. Heres what it comes down to the, jim, winds are not supposed to exceed over 23 miles per hour, tomorrow new york could see winds at a high of over 26. The wind gusts are not supposed to be over 34. We could see wind gusts as high as 40. But i have spoken to people from all over the world. As far as south africa who have come here to new york city to see the parade in person for the very first time, to see snoopy take his 40th flight, the longest running balloon, hes an astronaut this year. So people are Still Holding out ohio again, it will be a game day decision something i saw interesting, that 2 mile parade route, each balloon has an actual supervisor, jim, where they are wearing an earpiece, they are constantly being fed information about the weather, whether to lower the balloons, remufr them, its incredibly strict. People are Still Holding out hope, including myself. I hope so, too. Thanks a lot, chloe. Thanks. Coming up, biden flexes, buttigieg surges, brandnew cnn polling is out. Just four democrats signature at double digits now with just over two months to iowa. We will break all the numbers down next. Im finding it hard to stay on top of things a faster laptop could help. Plus, tech support to stay worry free. Worry free. Boom boom get free next business day shipping or. 1 hour instore pick up shopping season solved at Office Depot Officemax or officedepot. Com. Hey. Hey. You must be stevens phone. Now you can take control of your home wifi and get a notification the instant someone new joins your network. Only with xfinity xfi. Download the xfi app today. Skr nn polling shows foreman Vice President joe biden still leads the pack of 2020 democrats. That been one consistent thing tlourkts his connection with minority voters is looming at large. Joining me an assistant editor for the washington post. David, lots to break down here. One is buttigiegs rise in the polls. Thats significant, while still showing weakness among africanamericans. Reporter yeah, good morning, jim. And i think thats attributable to his rise anyway the fact that he was the one candidate in this field that was staying nimble on his feet and realizing that the shift from the Progressive Side to the moderate side was the way he could sort of jump ahead. Everybody was either fixed on the left or the right side of the democratic party. Buttigieg made that jump sort of successfully. Now he there with biden trying to get those voters in the middle. He does have that problem with africanamerican voters still. But everybody else has that problem as well except for former Vice President biden who has a commanding lead among black voters. The question will be what happens in the first two states, iowa and new hampshire, those two states have small africanamerican populations. I feel like the periodic story regarding bind has been biden fading, someone else surging. A couple weeks ago, that was elizabeth warren. You look at these numbers, her surge has disappeared. Biden consistently stays at the top of the pack. How confident is that making the Biden Campaign that they can maintain this lead as we start going to those first primary states . Reporter well, jim, as a pure matter of tech, i dont think any campaign should be too confident or cocky because theyre still going to have to campaign against President Trump if they win the nomination and President Trump, whatever people think of him is a formidable campaigner, but biden, again, sort of under girded by that heavy africanamerican support and africanamericans are one of the core demographics within the democratic electorate. He unlike some of the other candidates has weathered some of the knocks hes taken in the debates. President biden took those noxious and didnt lose too much of his momentum versus someone say like senator warren who really over the summer really was gaining on biden but the last two debates, she hasnt performed that well and it has hurt her and its reflected in our poll. Buttigieg with africanamericans, he surged in the overall number. It hasnt moved as we look at these numbers in the cnn polling at all among nonwhite voters. How concerning for him . Reporter well, i think hes still got an opportunity to gain black voters. The questions are going to be, how can he answer questions about the way he handled police and community issues, particularly with the Africanamerican Community in south bend where he is mayor. Hes gotten a lot of criticism for that. Number two, hes going to have to continue to let black voters particularly in South Carolina an early state get to know him. Part of the thing hes a mayor of a medium size city who was unknown before this race. Hes a young guy, a millennial. He still has to let people get to know him. Finally there has been this discussion about whether more conservatives, southern voters, black voters, particularly in South Carolina will vote for an openly gay candidate. I do think he is making progress in that area. The question is, how can he close that gap between now and the South Carolina primary . We had the democratic whip clyburn refer to those questions as welt. Final question, very quickly. Of course, we should have the normal caveat here. The statebystate polling really drives things in the early weeks in the campaign as compared with the National Polling. Reporter thats right. Yeah, National Polling is a measure of how well these candidates are doing among their party overall. But when we get to the general, particularly the states that i think will matter are those upper midwest states, wisconsin, michigan, ohio, pennsylvania, obviously a midatlantic state. Thats where this election is going to ultimately be fought. These candidates have to show that they can play in those states. Can i just go back to buttigieg for one second, jim. I have to clarify what i said, which is we dont have time for it now. I do think there is room for buttigieg as an openly gay candidate to woo and persuade voters. I just dont know that he has done it yet. Understood, thanks very much, as always. Thanks, jim. The anonymous Senior Trump Administration official behind the infamous tellall book is now pledging to unmask eventually the new warning he or she just gave the white house next. In one week. A lot will happen in your life. Wrinkles just wont. Neutrogena® rapid wrinkle repairs dermproven retinol works so fast, it takes only one week to reveal younger looking skin. Making wrinkles look so last week. Rapid wrinkle repair® pair with retinol oil for 2x the wrinkle fighting power. Neutrogena® if youre on medicare, remember, the annual Enrollment Period is here. The time to choose your medicare coverage. Begins october 15th and ends december 7th. So call unitedhealthcare and take advantage of a wide range of plans with a variety of benefits. Including an aarp Medicare Advantage plan from unitedhealthcare. It can combine medicare parts a and b, which is your hospital and doctor coverage. With part d Prescription Drug coverage, and more, all in one simple plan. 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Power quality awards across cars, trucks and suvs than any other brand over the last four years. So on behalf of chevrolet, i want to say thank you, real people. Youre welcome. Were gonna need a bigger room. This just into cnn, were getting an update on former president jimmy carter. He has been recovering after a fall in his home, that i are relieving pressure on his brain. Cnn nick valencia is live in the president s hometown of plains, georgia, certainly a relief. Can you tell us about his condition and when hell be home . Reporter yes, some good news here for the carters. Just before thanksgiving holiday. He will be able to spend that thanksgiving holiday at home being released from atlanta after being there for more than two weeks. As you mentioned, jim, for a procedure on his brain to relieve pressure on his brain. That pressure caused by a series of recent falls that the former president has suffered. I want to release a part of the Statement Released moments ago by the carter center, saying they look forward to enjoying thanksgiving at home. They add they are thankful for the prayers, notes and cards, he is suffering a series of medical setbacks in recent years, including a bout with cancer, which he zrievd. If you remember, he had to have hip replacement surgery. He had 14 stitches above his eye after another fall, that didnt stop him from participating in a homes for humanity. He is 95, turned 95 earlier this year. A lot of people here in his hometown very thankful he is finally out of the hospital and will be able to spend thanksgiving at home. Jim. 95, the oldest living former u. S. President once held by george w. Bush in 94. Nick valencia, plains, georgia, thanks very much. Well, the anonymous senior trump official who first wrote an open ed and a book about the efforts to check the president is now pledging to come forward and tell more. The anonymous author telling reddit use, i will not keep my identity shrouded in secrecy forever. Donald trump has not heard the last of me. There is more to come. Other people who are currently serving, and who have left, are also considering adding their voices before voters in 2020. With me now political reporter for bloomberg, francesca chambers, White House Correspondent for mcclatchey, d. C. Thank you guys for coming on here, tell me about the level of concern the white house should have about not just one official standing in the way of the president , criticizing the president s internal Decision Making but the possibility of others coming forward. Well, in a sense, jim, what this anonymous official is doing is playing into the white houses narrative there is some deep state quote unquote resistance to the president. They have called his book a work of fiction. They called this fern a coward for not standing up. The real question is who speaks out and do they do so publicly . Do they unveal information that can be corroborated independently in think of the contrast between what anonymous is doing, which is stitching things together known about the president. The advisers are alarmed by his tweets and he is impetuous and impulsive, which is unveal a tangible specific case of wrongdoing. So it really depends on who comes and and what they say. We do know, do they not . There are other indications of senior officials in this administration who attempted to stand in the way of the president s decision. Gary cohen saying they took documents off the president s desk. Jim mattis before he stepped down in protest resisted as best he could some of the president s decisions regarding military policy here. Is there concern about there being substance to this genuine disagreement and alarm at the president s Decision Making inside the administration . Reporter and jim, more recently, we heard nikki haley was approached by Rex Tillerson to help stand against the president from doing things they felt would be detrimental. So this repeats a pattern that we have heard from former Administration Officials about what was going on in the white house. And the white house has said about the anonymous book not only was it a work of fiction, but full of lies. The reason for that is its the person would come forward and said these things, they could rebut it. It shows that its lies. Well, if this person comes forward as they say and put their name on it, if this person ends up being a lie level senior official it will be much harder for the white house to make that argument. Nfl we know who that person is, its a tougher case to make. Other issue, house dew judiciary has its hearing one week from today. They will begin possibly drawing up articles of impeachment. You know the politics of this, republicans heard all that public testimony. It doesnt appear a single republican vote was moved. Will you go to the Judiciary Committee. Will that change the political dynamic . Well, jim, as you know, the polls are pretty constant on this. Cnn polls before and after the hearings show no real change, but they do show dangers for the president if that 50 believes he should be impeached and removed. Thats much more than the low 40s support or opposition to impeachment and removal. House democrats believe they have an air tight case here. They believe the evidence of wrongdoing is clear and compelling. The time line, it puts them on course to wrap up impeachment by christmas. They believe that if this evidence does not convince republicans then there is no amount of evidence that could come out that would. They believe this is a matter of the president abusing his power, withholding aid passed by congress to distort an ally into helping him politically on a domestic matter. So theyll look at the evidence. Theyll look at what articles to pursue and i think a decision having been made as to whether it will be simply about ukraine or bring in other issues like obstruction of justice. You know, francesca, what you hear when i speak to democratic lawmakers, as i hear as well, there is a resignation theyre not going to move republican votes. Their argument essentially is we have to hold the president to account regardless of the political outcome. But there are genuine political dangers, are there not, particularly for swing state democrats running in 2020 . Whats what the white house is counting on, democrats will lose support 5 to 10 of the democratic lay maw makers. Theyre not entirely convinced this will go to the senate. Theyre hopeful as democrats are in their districts in swing states and those moderate districts that theyll hear from constituents who do not want this impeachment to go forward. Sho well have to wait until a potential vote is held to see if the white house is right about that. Currently, theyre making contingency plans for if that happens and it moves to the senate, then thats when the president says, okay. You should hall in hunter biden, hall in joe biden. Lets bring in all the people we never got a chance to bring in before when this was in the house. We hope you both get a holiday. Dont let your editors call you the next couple days. Thank you. Happy thanksgiving, jim. Its a struggle for survival. In syria, cnns Clarissa Ward went there to learn what life is like for the kurds who said they have been betrayed and abandoned by President Trump. Less than two months ago, a phone call between President Trump and the turkish president erdogan resulted in u. S. Troops summarily withdrawn from the Turkish Border that paved the way against kurdish forces, cnn chief International Correspondent Clarissa Ward spoke to civilians reeling from the deaths that followed that withdraw and many kurds blamed the u. S. President for betraying them. Clarissa ward joins us live. This created this decision, an enormous amount of outrage here in the u. S. From democrats and republicans, but on the ground is where they felt it most. I imagine you have been hearing that there. Reporter exactly, jim, we were actually there when that Turkish Military incursion began as bombs started fueling down on the town and basically we wanted to go back to get a sense nearly two months later of how people are fairing, how they are faeling, what we found is a sense of betrayal, a sense of bitterness, that certainly hasnt gone away and what continues to deteriorate is the humanitarian situation. Take a look. Class should be in session now. The school has become a temporary shelter for displaced people. In one classroom, we meet ibrahim has san, the kurdish father of five tells us he was forced to flee his home with his children when the Turkish Military operation began this is what remains of his house. Ibrahim says it is one of many in his kurdish neighborhood that was deliberately ransacked by turkishbacked forces. They took everything and after they took all our belongings, they set it on fire, burned it all. Reporter just days before the offensive began, ibrahims children had posed smiling with u. S. Troops patrolling the area. He says americas presence gave him a false sense of security. Then suddenly they were gone. Since america betrayed us, every time i look at these photos of my children with the americans, i want to embrace them. Reporter do you feel that you have trust the americans stil still . Definitely not. Reporter . Now we hear, see on Television America saying they are only here for the oil. Trance why did trump do this . You betrayed all the people. Reporter its a sentiment we found shared by many here. Nearly 200,000 people have been displaced by turkeys offensive. Hundreds of their homes have been damaged or looted. Local authorities are now trying to move them out of the schools so that class can start again and into hastilybuilt camps like this one, conditions are bleak and resources are scarce. Because of the security situation International Aid agencies have had to pull out, leaving them with no one to rely on but themselves. Reporter shes saying its very difficult here because its very cold, especially at night. They dont have enough food. They dont have electricity tapped water is not good. Camp organizers say there are 3,000 People Living here now with more arriving every day. Almost everyone in this camp is from the town and it used to be around 75 kurdish. Now, though, we are told there are just a handful of kurds left and the people here believe the ultimate goal of this turkish offense siv to essentially push the kurds out of this area completely and claening the ethnic makeup of it forever. Turkey has done little to alleviate their fears, as the kurds have poured out of these areas, arabs have been bussed in. Syrian refugees who turkish authorities claim are originally from these areas. After more than eight years of civil war, this part of syria is full of people forcibly displaced. In the christian single we find more families sheltering in the ruins of a destroyed church. Will you try to go home, i ask these women. There is no home to go to, they reply. Isis cleansed this area of christians when it was in controlling. They have yet to return. Now the village provides refuge for another people, forced from their homes with no sense of a possible return. Now, the stated goal of this Turkish Military operation, jim, was to create a socalled safe zone, 20 miles deep across the syrianTurkish Border. I can tell you based on what we saw during our week in northern syria, based on conversations we have been having with people on the ground, it doesnt feel very safe in that safe zone. There are regular violations of the ceasefire and very troubling, a number of car bombings just yesterday afternoon in that town, 17 people killed, jim. Now, clarissa, the fact is some u. S. Troops are back on the ground if syria now guarding those ill fields, even conducting counterterror operations, i wonder if that redeployment as it were is khafji some Federal Reserve there is among the kurds . Reporter i mean, there is definitely a sense, jim, with the kurds they understand they do need the u. S. Theyll take what they can get. Theyre happy, yes, absolutely, antiisis are resuming with kurdish and u. S. Forces that some force are going to be deployed to protect the oil. But overall, i think there is a broader sense as well, maybe this is a day late and a dollar short. They feel they have been betrayed, they feel disappointed. They deep feel they can rely on americas worked in the long term. You hear from from the u. S. Military as well. Clarissa ward, great to have you on the ground there, thanks very much. Coming up, new revelations about what President Trump knew about the whistle proceeder complaint and more important ply when he knew it. Im jim chute stoscuitto, thank joining me. At this hour starts next. Danafarber Cancer Institute discovered the pdl1 pathway. Pdl1. They changed how the world fights cancer. Blocking the pdl1 protein, lets the immune system attack, attack, attack cancer. Pdl1 transformed, revolutionized, immunotherapy. Pdl1 saved my life. Saved my life. Saved my life. What we do here at danafaber, changes lives everywhere. Everywhere. Everywhere. Everywhere. Everywhere. Hello, everyone, i am live in washington, in for kate baldwin. The big question this morning. What did President Trump know about the now infamous whistleblower complaint and when . New reporting from the New York Times offering an answer which completely undermine the president s own time line events around the ukraine scandals. According to times mr. Trump knew about the

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