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Lawmakers why he quit his job. Mick mckinley, adviser to mike pompeo resigned a few days ago from that post. He is now testifying for the impeachment probe and is expected to layout his reasons for that resignation, specifically his concern that the department and its leadership was not backing up its career diplomats. His testimony follows another former state official who reportedly testified that he was told to quote lay low after complaining about rouge rouges efforts seeming to undermine u. S. Foreign policy in ukraine. The official said the acting chief of staff Nick Mulvaney laid out who will oversee the ukrainian relationship Going Forward. As the white house struggles to push back on these developments, a few gallup poll shows that 52 of americans surveyed, now support, this is crucial, not just the impeachment, but the president s removal from office. Thats quite a difference there. Its an important one. That is now the majority. Joining us from capitol hill, our senior Congressional Correspondent manu raju. We just saw Michael Mckinley come up to the hill. She behind closed doors. We have learned his testimony is going to begin with him explaining why he resigned after 37 years. Reporter thats right. We are seeing he detailed exactly why he left, detailed the state department as he abruptly stepped aside from his post. Members have a lot about everything that happened in the runup with that phone call with President Trump or president zelensky. He urged the president to open up the investigation in ukraine into the bidens. Everything around the actions of mike pompeo as well, the current secretary of state. Mckinley is a very close adviser to pompeo. Pompeo is in the center of this investigation. His role, his handling of this investigations effort by President Trump as well as Rudy Guiliani to push for this probe. Now we just also saw curt volker, the former special envoy to ukraine appear also surprisingly to this house intelligence committee. This house impeachment probe. He had been interviewed,ing turning over text messages, interviewing discussions that took place around that july phone call. He appeared behind closed doors. We are told by republican sources, he is probably there to review his testimony, his transcript from last week. We will see if he has anything traditional to reva el to this committee. You mentioned it, this is digging deeply into exactly how that call took place. Manu, listen to the president s personal attorney Rudy Guiliani rather mike pompeo speaking about Rudy Guiliani. Have a listen. To call witnesses and to subpoena people. There is no impeachment inquiry then authorized by the house. So the minority is shut out. I dont consider what she is doing legitimate. But the day they do pass an impeachment inquiry, if they vote as a body to open up an inquiry, then the game would change. Do you believe the president was fully aware of the ramifications of his actions before . Well, heres what i believe to be true. A week ago from sunday he got a call from erdogan, im going in. For about two years, hes tried to keep erdogan out of syria, thus its a nightmare for our kurdish allies. The phone call came, President Trump wrote a letter, it was a good letter, advising him not to do it. I hope he will release it. Once erdogan went in, we went 32 you our soldiers, saw to blame erdogan for this catastrophe, there is no substitute for american leadership. This that we get out is folley. Foreign threats over there are much to our detriment here. Radical islam is not tired of fighting you. You may be tired of fighting them. 27,000 troops were able to take the caliphate down working with kurds and arabs, those people deserve our support. Isis will come back. Theyre not defeated. The caliphates destroyed. But there are thousands of fighters and the best bet for the United States is to have a kurdish u. S. Partnership to keep isis at bay and keep a foot on their throat. If we push the kurds with assad, a nightmare for us. I talked last night to the leader of the kurdish military. He said he does not want to align with assad. He wants a working relationship with the United States to destroy isis and the isis prisoners are still in jail. If we continue to allow turkey to mismember syria, the kurds will have to make a choice between guarding prisoners and families. Know the choice they will make in aligning syria to get a hold in northeast syria is a complete catastrophe for our interests. It all can be reversed. It will take president ial leadership. President. I want you to withdraw your support of the president. Im not sure if you hear that. But senator graham, fairly blistering in his criticism of the president s decision to withdraw from syria. Talking about isis gains for russia in iran. This is space that one of the president s closest allies still are willing to go and criticized him publicly. Manu, can you hear us . I was asking you to comment on Lindsey Grahams very Harsh Criticism there of the president s decision to withdraw from syria. What are the consequences of that i know they are talking of moving a bill through congress. The president says he doesnt care about u. S. Sanctions, what we are seeing on the ground there likely to continue. Thats right. We will probably hear continued criticism from both republicans and democrats about the president s move, while graham and democrats are now talking about legisracing to move forward, how this ultimately impacts whats happening now with turkey and syria is probably has very little impact. What you are saying. What they are trying to do is send a message both to the president and to turkey that the actions are unacceptable. The question is also will the president listen to some of his allies on the hill . We have been hearing from republican after republican criticizing the president s decision. Right now the president fought listening to what his allies have been saying. Graham trying to thread a needle about what the president realizes he cant go too far as he raises serious objections to what he has been doing, guys. He did tell us we would blame the president if there was that resurgence isis there. So threading the needle is exactly right. Thanks very much. Lets talk about all of the panel. So, let me begin with you, jeff mason, Michael Mckinley is there, hes behind closed doors. He is explaining to lawmakers why after 37 years he left the state department. This is someone so close to mike pompeo. Mike pompeo brought him in. Clearly, he was unhappy with how the administration was handling ukraine how they unceremonious po pulled the ambassador Maria Yovanovitch from her post early. I think its one more sign of the white house strategy of not complying is crumbling. He sent a letter to Speaker Pelosi saying that they did not consider the impeachment inquiry to be legitimate essentially and people would not be testifying and documents would not be submitted. That was followed up yesterday by mike pence, Vice President mike pence, also saying the same thing, he would not submit documents. You have nonetheless, these people, this man today and the other testimony in the last several days of important officials who know things about this particular incident who know about the relationship, who know about the ukraine call testifying. That has got to be a proceed to this white house. Basically, what we know about their testimony, they are backing up the central part of the whistleblowers complaint, are they not . Of a shadowed Foreign Policy run by the president s personal lawyer. Pressure it seems applied on the ukrainian president tying a visit with the u. S. President to this help in digging up dirt on joe biden here. I think its important, and so does the gas lighting. Until a week ago, all the attacks were on the whistleblower. Those have quieted down. Those are backing up what the whistle proceeder said. They would still like the out the whistleblower. Because killing the messenger is what you can do when you cant fight on the substance and its true, jim, the testimony day after day has continued to confirm the whistleblowers complaint and obviously broadened and deepened the narrative of this what you call shadow Foreign Policy that was really like a Political Campaign being run by Foreign Policy and National Security officials shaped not in our National Security interests, but in the interests of the president s Political Campaign and whats stunning to just learn how broad the cast of characters is and continues to grow. I mean the nfc lawyer that we learned about from fiona hymn, mr. Eisen berg, he is the one that took it upon himself to place his lindsay call in a special server thats reserved for military secrets. We have the involvement of mike if not the involvement, the awareness of rick perry, make pence, bill barr, Nick Mulvaney, mike pompeo, certainly and this testimony just continues to reva el that many, many people knew what Rudy Guiliani was up to on behalf of the president and they were told to take it and be quiet. Listen, john bolton felt the need to report it to white house lawyers. This idea it was some crazy liberal wackadoodments behind this plot it does not stand up to the facts. Elliot, so the white house opinion in this is that theyre flying blind in the impeachment process, juggling to build a response, bus they dont have white house lawyers in the room for these deposition, for this testimony. They think thats unfair. The president says on twitter this morning, thats unfair. Is this a fair process . Its absolutely a fair process. And remember, all these talks about process are knowing that republicans are given equal time to question every witness. Its a congressional proceeding and the democrats and republicans do so one of the things they are challenging and Lindsey Graham said this just before the segment is there hasnt been an official vote on an impreechlt proceeding. And i guess impreechlt proceedi impeachment proceedings. And i guess nancy pelosi is put in a potential of taking a vote. A perhaps you call their bluff and make folks like Lindsey Graham who are saying until there is an official vote we cant comply with this law as processed. Again, because theyre not weighing on the facts on the law, theyre talking about process. And thats the excuse that pences lawyer at the white house gave yesterday for not turning over the documents. This is not a real investigation. There has been no vote, et cetera. So well ask the democratic law maker coming up if they should have that vote. Thank you, we appreciate it. We have a lot ahead this hour. Stillco come, the president is expected to speak from the white house. Very, very soon. This as it deepens. What is the strategy to fight it off . And House Speaker nancy pelosi at least right now holding from not having a vote to formalizing impeachment probe. She continues to stonewall, is she being backed in a corner . Plus who front runners going toetotoe, should joe biden be worried about Elizabeth Warren . It showed in last nates debate. All right. A senior diplomat who was once in charge of ukraine policy told lawmakers that he was told to lay low after he raised complaints about rouge rouges efforts in ukraine to seemingly undermine u. S. Policy there. That diplomat george kent also according to democratic congressman Gerry Connolly elly, a Senior Member of the house committee. He also testified acting chief of staff organized a meeting at the white house and told officials that three people that would be in charge of you crepe policy Going Forward would be then u. S. Special envoy curt volker and Energy Secretary rick perry and they were dugged the three amigos. You sure made a lot of news yesterday on all of those fronts from the testimony that you heard behind closed doors. So let me ask you this. Hearing this from george kent, your next reporting, what is your next move . Well, we will be hearing from a lot of other people involved in ukraine policy, but from the state department and hopefully former white house officials and well see where that goes. But everything we have been hearing in depositions has corroborated the evidence we have in front of us, that there was a concerted effort by this president and his white house to essentially extort the new president of the yukraine to ge political dirt on a perspective political opponent and they were willing to hold up a promised meeting with trump here in washington with the new president zelensky and 4 million of badly needed aid so the ukrainians can defend themselves from the russians. To your point here, house intelligent adam schiff said late yesterday democrats have made and i quote dramatic progress in answering some of the questions about the call with zelensky, about the holes, you were trying to fill. He calls it dramatic progress. But with all of this happening, pretty much all of it behind closed doors, no transcripts released. At least not yet, do you fear the American Public is not seeing that progress and it makes your case more vulnerable through the lack of transparency . I believe chairman schiff is conducting this inquiry in a professional, method ic cal serious manner and i believe the gravity of an impeachment inquiry demands that adam schiff made it very clear at an appropriate point we will go to public hearings. I assume many of the transcripts would be made public. I think to avoid the circus atmosphere weve seen in some exercises here. Yeah. We need to do it that way. And i support adam schiff in his desire to you know keep this as professional and as somber as possible. It sound like you would like the transcripts released, though, for transparency at the appropriate time. A few points, you talk about the gravity of an inquiry. News overnight nancy pelosi will not move to hold a formal vote on that you no at the white house is using that as an excuse to not hand over documents as mike pences lawyer did last night. Your republican colleagues are calling you out on that, some of your democratic colleagues are saying yes, lets have a vote because there is so consequential, do you believe the house should vote on this . Iming a agknostic on the question. Constitutionally it couldnt be clearer that the house is entirely empowered by itself to decide on how to improve or proceed on impeachment. Its not for the white house and their lawyers to circumscribe our process. They dont get to decide on the legitimacy of an impeachment inquiry. Thats entirely the prerogative of the house constitutionally. It spells out in the constitution, itself. So theyre way off base, theyre way off base in questioning the legitimacy. Id like to spend some time with you talking about the situation in Northern Syria, turkeys invasion there. Not only are you a member on the Foreign Relations committee. You are cochair of the congressional caucus on u. S. Turkey relations. Ecalled this a chapter of shame in u. S. Policy, do you support the bipartisan sanction legislation coming today from senator Lindsey Graham and senator Chris Van Holland that goes much further than sanction on turk why i this week . I do. I believe we have to send the strongest possible message to the turkish government that you know killing of incident kurds is not something we are going to tolerate. They have used the pre text of terrorism, frankly, to make political scores and payback with the kurds who, of course, had the most signal success on the ground against isis and the caliphate in syria of any fighting force. Given all of that as we sit here this morning, do you still consider turkey to be a true u. S. Ally . Its a complex relationship. This part of the relationship is not good. On the other hand, turkey has been a partner in nato for almost all of its 78 years. We maintain a huge base in turkey. And there have been loyal partners throughout the cold war. So we cant just jumping the relationship, but we have to call out misdeeds and wrongdoing when we see it. And in this particular case, what the turks are doing in Northern Syria is i think reprehensible and needs to be called as such. Congressman jerry connelly, thank you for your time this morning. We appreciate it. Thank you. The important question is there for democrats as well, a new target, candidates shifting their focus to a surging senator Elizabeth Warren. But did they do enough to slow down roar rise . Well discuss. Everyone uses their phone differently. Thats why Xfinity Mobile lets you design your own data. You can share 1, 3, or 10 gigs of data between lines, mix in lines of unlimited, and switch it up at any time. All with millions of secure wifi hotspots and the best lte everywhere else. Its a different kind of wireless network, designed to save you money. Switch and save up to 400 a year on your wireless bill. Plus, get 250 back when you buy an eligible phone. Thats simple. Easy. Awesome. Call, click, or visit a store today. This is video from moments ago. He got the full pomp and circumstance on his arrival here. The new italian president. There will be a meeting in the oval office where President Trump has been known to take reporters questions. When we have that, we will bring you that. One interesting note, italy banned turkey. Even though they have russian surfacetoair missiles. Okay. Also, major shift in the strategy on the democratic debate stage last night. For months, 2020 contenders have set their sight on former Vice President joe biden. Last night, though, those candidates turned their attention to Elizabeth Warren. One by one warrens colleagues called her out for being unwilling to answer the question of will taxes go up for a medicare for all plan . A basic question. We are joined by david gergen, a former adviser to four u. S. President s and democratic strategist bob barnett. Thanks to you. Bob, looking at your notes this morning, you are unusual for folks who kind of have been a monday morning quarterback in this debate and saying you thought joe biden had a strong night. Tell us why . I think he had a strong night. I think he showed the old joe biden there obviously as you talk, certainly as i talk, you have low gips and gaps and things. All in all i think he was strong. He was forceful. He brought his experience to bear. I personally thought he had a very good night. But, bob, should his team be freaked out about these numbers, the money, the fund raising, fec do you that that shows he is way behind sanders, warren and buttigieg . When you look at this process, there are things that go beyond the debate. One of them is money. Obviously, have you to have a lot of cash on hand as you move into these four first key state. He will have to do a good fundraising push to get up there. Remember, joe biden has name recognition. Joe biden is known by everybody. So theres things that other candidates like a Kamela Harris have to do that joe doesnt have to spend money on. Of course, you want to have a key treasury when you go into these first four caucuses. David gergen, you watched the president ial elections. Just a few. As we said, bidens lead has stayed strong over the geteratti looking for his downfall. That said its all about the election calendar. He is behind in new hampshire, where warren has strength. As those first races come, you can have a realignment of who is seen as a front runner. Could you not . Absolutely. Weve already had some realignment. I very much respect bob. Hes been preparing Democratic Candidates for debate since 1976. Thats when i got my start as well with a republican on the republican side. And i thought that joe biden had a good night. I didnt think he was particularly strong. I thought he had two good answers, one on syria and his closing statement was strong about why hes running. Other than that the focus was on Elizabeth Warren. I think shes the one whos surging. Last night we saw a great deal about the promises of her candidacy as well as the perils of her candidacy. So on Elizabeth Warren, bob. She did not answer the very direct question, will middle class taxes go up under a medicare for all plan, which Bernie Sanders says unequivocally yes. Now the biden camp is calling her out this morning. Simone sanders did it on air to call the troops out of the middle east. Theyre going to try to go after her. Its clear, on Foreign Policy. Achilles heels for her, those two points . When we were together yesterday, i mentioned that she is going to face and did face the perils of front runner status in a debate. I have three take aways. First, i think she obviously needs a clear, concise and truthful answer to the whole how do you pay for the Healthcare Plan . Thats obvious. Second, i think she showed that she can take incoming and give it back. And thats going to be important as we look at a general election. And third, caught in the middle there right at the end of the second hour was i thought her best rational for her candidacy that shes ever given, her sort of think big idea. She gets criticized for having too many plans, being too expensive, being for out there. Some believe that on the other hand, she gave a full tloetd and very convincing argument as to where she is doing that think big, dont think small. If we dont make big plans, we will never get anything done. Buy that or not thats your choice. I thought it was a really good answer. David gergen, one candidate that came out swinging, pete gut big. No yet. And a marked change of tact on him. I want the play one exchange and get your sense of how he did tonight. There was beto orourke over the question of gun control. I expect my fellow americans to follow the law. The same way we enforce any provision, any law that we have right now. We dont go doortodoor to do anything in this country. You just made it clear you dont know how this is actually going to take weapons off the streets. If you can twop the plan further, i think we can have a further debate about it. Listen to those moms, students who marched for their lives who came one this extraordinary peace plan that calls for mandatory buy backs, lets follow their lead and not be limited by the polls and the consultants and the consult and groups to do whats right. The problem isnt the polls. The problem is the policy. And i dont needlesssons from you on courage. Political or personal. Thats a zinger there. The bigger, hes basically portraying himself as the plan b moderate in this race. David gergen, did you see a credible candidate to break through at some point . Well, listen, i felt that if Pete Buttigieg and Amy Klobuchar had started this campaign as strong as they were last night, they would be in the top tier right now. They both had very good nights. Choeb char was much more i thought relaxed. Klobuchar was much more i thought relaxed. She has a middle class, midwestern values that are going to be so important at the end of the day. Who gets elected to the office. And buttigieg continues to be not only the most eloquent of the candidates, but last night he showed some muscle and both of them did well. A question comes, is it too late . Can you still break in . Is it nude enough . Traditionally bob will tell you this has been very fluid at this point in the campaign. The person thats ahead usually never gets the nomination. But weve had enough debate. Weve seen enough. I dont know if this is a more stable field than we normally see or fluidity is still permits buttigieg and klobuchar to move up. Unless you have one of them pick off a victory in an early stage. We have had people do that, a guy like barack obama. Who . In 2008. No one went after him last night on stage, there was that. None of that. A couple thoughts on that. Quickly, we are running out of time. Are you a wise man, so i will give you extra time. Thank you. A couple thoughts on that he had a very strong night. I thought amy had a particularly strong night. I was emailing with her this morning. She is actually having fun. But lets remember, at this point in the process back in history, we were elected president guiliani on one side and president howard dean on the other. So a lot can change. Fair enough. Just remember the cry of howard dean. That changes. Wise gentleman. David burgen, bob barnett, thank you to both of you. Vice president pence and secretary of state mike pompeo head to turkey later today pushing for a ceasefire. The president says he has no intention of stopping the action. A gop law maker supports the president s decision withdrawing troops from syria. Thats coming up. only tylenol® rapid release gels have laser drilled holes. They release medicine fast, for fast pain relief. Tylenol®. Secretary of state mike pompeo says the turkish president has created enormous risks in syria. This comes as he and Vice President mike pence prepare for turker later today to help push erdogan to stop entering syria. Erdogan is dismissing any calls for ceasefire. Here with me congressman from new york tom reid. He sits on the ways and means committee. Thank you for taking to time to be with me. Always great to be with you, jim. I want to begin with showing pictures of russians taking over the u. S. Military base in Northern Syria, with i u. S. Forces summarily left in the last several days. Here have you someone there kind of showing off himself inside the u. S. Base. Hes asking oh, lets look at what food they ate, et cetera. This is a demonstration as who is moving in as the americans move out. That happens to be u. S. Adversaries russia and iran. How is that a win for the u. S. . Well, its a win in regards to were bringing our men and women home. And as i supported during the obama administration, no boots on the ground in syria because i didnt see a concrete military action plan. I also agreed with the president brigg men and women home from the region is a good policy. Two points obviously, jim, we have a complicated situation we have to deal with. The mission there as you know was to fight and defeat isis, which those u. S. Forces as a force multiplier really for the Kurdish Forces who are the tip of the spear had enormous success in repeat months. What can be a clearer mix for u. S. Forces that took to defeat the isis caliphate . Well, thats why i do appreciate it. That is the mission. You know, we have been playing fast and loose with congress not doing its job and authorizing military force and putting our men and women in harms way. So if the mission is to defeat isis. Lets go to congress, have congress voes on this. The leaders in both parties should authorize the use to use military force. When a defeat occurs, then we know we can bring our men and women home. Im not exactly sure that was the issue. If there was a vote we got together and said the mission in syria for u. S. Forces is to help the kurds fight isis, you would want those u. S. Troops to go back on the ground there . No, that would give me a clear military plan of action, with a clear definition of success. Id feel much more comfortable with the situation rather than this nebulous, were using 2001 law to try to authorize the troops in harms way. Were stronger as a nation when congress is doing its job and the president is leading. So therefore, that would be my path to recommend Going Forward. Let me ask you this, you say and the president said the troops are coming home. In fact, the ap is reporting that the soldiers that have been withdrawn from syria, theyre being redeployed to iraq where many will still do crossborder raids against isis forces if they rear their ugly head again as it were or to kuwait and jordan. So those troops arent coming home. Theyre still in the battle on the ground there, explain the benefit then. Its unclear to me if thats the case. Ill reading those reports just as you. The fact is theyre not on the line in that hostile war zone of syria. So the rest of their live itself is that much more diminished in regards to what is occurring with their are edeployment. They were hon the front line. It was the kurds worn fighting and dying. I want to play another piece of video here. Because these are pictures of our soon, very recent kurdish allies being slaughtederred by slaughtered by Turkish Forces here. I know you are at a disaadvantage, you see them by the us midtalitary, what do youy about the allies that were fighting there, they are being slaughterred by the other ally. When we put our most precious asset men and women in harms way. We Want Congress to support that because we dont have that, that is the outcome you are seeing this as a result of congress failure to act in my humble opinion. We should be doing this together and to our kurdish allies, i understand where they stand and the risk they are absorbing and the loss they are incurring. Thats where turkey has to be sent a message. You cannot get away with this. I appreciate the fact that the Vice President is going there first hand. We need to send a message. I believe today we will send a message with this vote to sanction turkey for their aggressive action in ways of going way too far with our turkish allies. Will you call on the president , a vote in the house to describe the mission in u. S. Forces in isis . Send troops to fight isis . If we put our men in harms way, theyre risking their actual lives, these leaders have lose their political live careers. Its great to be with you, jim. We are getting some critical headlines from the white house, the president if that meeting with italys president , some Important News on the situation in syria. Those right after the break. Managing type 2 diabetes . Audreys on it. Eating right and staying active . 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That was the president of the United States problem as they continue to attack u. S. Kurdish allies in syria. And you know the president s message could not be more muddled, because, of course, while he did withdraw those troops. He says all u. S. Troops on the turkeysyrian border have been pulled from that region. We are seeing the Vice President of the United States later today heading to turkey to try and broker some kind of a ceasefire here. Whether or not it is the United States problem or something the United States is trying to solve clearly is in question here. The president also saying. Jer me reporter that is time force sorry, guido, jim. Does the president have any explanation of what happened to kurdish allies fighting along u. S. Troops until days ago now being slaughtered by turkish, americas supposed turkish ally . Does he have any defense as far as that . Reporter no, as far as the poll reporters in the room, that is not something the president is talking about. His focus is this is not the u. S. Problem, its between syria and turkey and the president is also saying that the United States is not a policing agent and that its time for to us go home. Of course, in the president s statement just a couple days ago about the withdrawal of most of those 1,000 u. S. Forces in syria, the president made very clear those troops will be remaining in the region. They will be largely remaining in iraq, for example. Where you are talking about, jim, they will be conducting some of those crossborder operations, potentially. When the president says this is ending the wars in the middle east, bringing the troops back home, thats really just not the case. Remember in 2002, the president s troops are going to saudi arabia. Mixed messages. Jeremy dimon, great to have you at the white house as us always. As always, there is so much going on today. Heres something to watch. The russians are secretly selling weapons. We need to team to go into the jungle. We knew this, nobody is coming to save us. Both teams ready . Go all right, still to come, we will hear more what the president said, significant headlines there in the oval office. Stay with cnn for that. Well be right back. We can go down this what do you think . Woo yeah its good its refreshing. At northwestern mutual, this is what our version of Financial Planning looks like. Tomorrow is important, but shes only seven once. Spend your life living. Find an advisor at northwesternmutual. Com. Do you recall, not long ago we would walk on the sidewalk all around the wind blows we would only hold on to let go blow a kiss into the sun we need someone to lean on blow a kiss into the sun we needed somebody to lean on all we need is someone to lean on announcer this is cnn breaking news. Hello, everyone, im kate baldwin, thank you so much for joining me. We are looking at breaking news coming out of the house. President trump is saying its quote not our problem if turkey moves into syria saying its between turkey and syria, marking a total shift. It comes as Vice President mike pence and secretary of state mike pompeo are headed to turkey today to ask turkey to stand down. Also just as american troops withdraw from Northern Syria

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