Transcripts For CNNW CNN Newsroom With Poppy Harlow And Jim

Transcripts For CNNW CNN Newsroom With Poppy Harlow And Jim Sciutto 20190415

polishing a formal rebuttal. while the president keeps up the prebuttal he started years ago. just this morning he repeated the false claim that mueller found no obstruction and demanded the investigators now be investigated. cnn's joe johns is at the white house. what's the anxiety level like there this morning? >> reporter: i can't tell you about the anxiety level, but i can tell you all eyes are on this attorney general's office as we expect that release of the mueller report sometime this week. we've been talking again and again about the release of the full mueller report. that comes, of course, with an as tear risk because we do not know how much of that report is going to be redacted for public consumption simply because mr. bar has several areas in which he says he won't be releasing information to the general public. the president raised some questions about the release of the report over the weekend with a tweet. the tweet essentially indicating that democrats -- he called radical left democrats in congress, asking whether they have a right to retry and examine the $35 million report. he said no collusion when the crime was committed by hillary clinton, the dnc dirty cops. he also said the attorney general will make a decision. that raises the question of whether the president has changed his position on the release of the report. he said before he's in favor of it. aides over the weekend, not indicating in any way that the president had changed his mind. nonetheless, the reporting from my colleagues over the weekend indicates that the president's lawyers are preparing already a rebuttal for the information coming out whenever it does, presumably this week and also i think important to say that there's a big question about whether the administration might exert executive privilege. that's something we don't know. that privilege rests with the president. presumably he'd have the final say. ana, back to you. >> joe johns at the white house. joined by former federal prosecutor and cnn legal analyst laura coates and white house correspondent for reuters jeff mason. jeff, let me start with you. sarah sanders has said we consider this to be case closed. that is a direct quote. are they justified in thinking that? >> i'm not sure they're justified in thinking that. i think that's the position of the white house, but that's certainly not the position of democrats. i think you're going to continue to see pushback from the democrats on that, probably for some time. >> so if the white house believes it's case closed, why is trump still hammering on the dishonest and treasonous, fraudulent and phony russian witch hunt? >> number one, he feels that the conclusions that attorney general bar laid out are the ones he cares about the most. the rest of the world and no doubt the white house as well is curious to see what's in that report. he feels it's case closed because of the top line headlines that came out a few weeks ago. that's what he's going to continue to be focused on. that's weight his supporters will be focused on. the rest of the world and democrats will be looking for the details in the report. >> on one hand, laura, he's talking about this witch hunt, on the other hand, i'm struck by a couple of words he has written about the mueller report. great intelligence he writes. when is the last time trump had a good word for the intel community? >> before he was president trump frankly, before you had this so-called witch hunt. the notion he is now trying to say they're this wonderful organization, belies the last 22 months where he spent time talking about andrew mccabe and james comey and peter struck. talking about the genesis of the investigation. so it is shocking he's doing it. however, i think we also believed he would actually talk about the community when it an newered to his benefit. it did here in the findings of no collusion. the second area, the no obstruction, it was not so clear. there were close calls at play, ana. those are the areas the american people most want to know about. what was it that caused mueller, the person who had the mandate, to actually reach a conclusion to say i can't do it at this point in time and for barr who had a peremptory 19-page document saying, listen, you can't possibly find obstruction of justice. why was there such a disconnect in this court? the president is nervous about that dynamic and wants to explain it away. he's cut off his nose to spite his face. >> given this reported and this investigation is so politically divisive, is barr justified in making any redactions? >> yes, he is. you have grand jury testimony, we have a coveted interest in trying to keep that documentation secret to how the grand jury process works. >> isn't the precedent for that to be, i guess not overruled, but for a fudge to say that grand jury information could be revealed? >> all the time, every prosecutor who has a grand jury witness will go in trial and say, your land or, can we have it based on the rule 60? there is an interest of national security. this was a counterintelligence probe as it began. the problem i have with redactions is they are overinclusive to suggest that, number one, there's information that congress actually could see. remember, congress also has a security clearance. congress also is aware of rule 60 and making the information publ public. if they're saying congress is incapable of deciphering what is what, that's a problem. also whether there's information to a third party, that's problematic. it's essentially telling congress we're going to usurp your other rule, ana, they have a legislative function and a parallel investigation that should have gone on even without mueller's actual probe. i think barr is going to have hurdles there, most of which are self-imposed. >> as we look at the waiting game, jeff, "the new york times" says president trump's sanctuary cities's plan to dump mike grants sanctuary cities is designed to distract from the mueller report. do you think that's going on, and will it work? >> over the past two years people look at strategy from the white house and strategy from the president to distract from various problems. i'm not entirely sure there's ever a major strategy there. i think it's genuinely something that the president cares about, something that he is putting a lot of emphasis on going into the 2020 election. sure, maybe it's partially to distract, but i think it's also coming from a place of, this is something that he genuinely believes in. that said, i think it's always very difficult to get inside the brain of this president, of any president for that matter to find out what the strategy is behind it. >> jeff mason and laura coates, good to have you both with us. thank you. >> thank you. also this morning, congressional democrats ramping up the pressure, giving the irs a new deadline to hand over the president's tax returns. that deadline is now just eight days away. white house press secretary sarah sanders says lawmakers won't understand those returns even if the president does hand them over. >> i don't think congress, particularly not this group of congressmen and women are smart enough to look through the thousands of pages that i would assume that president's taxes will be. my guess is most of them don't do their own taxes, and i certainly don't trust them to look through the decades of success that the president has and determine anything. >> joining us now, cnn's lauren fox. how are democrats on capitol hill responding? >> over the weekend that letter from richard neil doubling down on the request for six years of the president's personal and business tax returns. in that letter, richard neil citing he believes democrats have a clear objective here and he believes they are fully within their rights to get the president's tax returns. he also set a very clear deadline, april 23rd, he said by 5:00, he wants an answer from the irs. he said, quote, i expect a reply from irs by 5:00. please know if you fail to comply, your failure will be interpreted as a denial of my request. this is a legal and political showdown. we should say richard neil is not the only democrat on capitol hill looking into the president's finances. we know the house oversight committee, intel committee, financial services committee, they want information from capital one about the president's finances. today we expect house oversight chairman elijah cummings to issue a subpoena, they want more information into how the reports were all put together. so a lot of showdowns on capitol finances as democrats seek to follow the money. >> lauren fox on capitol hill. we know you'll stay on top of it. still to come, mayor pete buttigieg packing some punch. the democrat launches his 2020 bid. how does he change the race? eight people are dead after severe weather ripped through southeastern u.s. now that massive storm system is headed east with some major cities in its path. plus tiger roars again. the comeback of a lifetime. we are live in augusta. stay with us. ♪ limu emu and doug. hmm. exactly. liberty mutual customizes your car insurance, so you only pay for what you need. nice. but, uh... what's up with your... partner? oh. well, we just spend all day telling everyone how we customize car insurance, because no two people are alike, so... limu gets a little confused when he sees another bird that looks exactly like him. 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joining us, cnn political commentator patty solis doyle, former clinton presidential campaign manager. patty, as we're inside the bubble, our news bubble, he had an exploratory committee. since then a big surge, now it's official. what do you think is behind buttigieg's momentum? >> mayor pete has definitely had an incredible month. he's surging in the poll, third in the money race. he had a very successful announcement yesterday. this is a very smart guy, a road scholar, speaks seven languages, he is a mayor of a small town in the midwest. he is a vet, embracing his religion like no other candidate thus far in the race has been doing. he's thoughtful and considerate when he speaks which is something we're not getting from our current president. but i think more than anything else, he really represents generational change. he has a fresh face. more than generational change, he represents transformational change. it very much reminds me of the dynamic of the race in 2008. it was a field that was pretty big, not as big as we have today, but filled with wash tonians, people of washington, i think combine more than a century of experience in washington and then along came barack obama out of nowhere, a fresh face, someone who represented transformational change. he ended up winning the race and the presidency. >> people have compared what we heard from pete buttigieg's announcement yesterday to some of the same types of words that president obama used when he was announcing his run for the presidency. i want to ask you about president trump's campaign now announcing $30 million in a fund-raising haul for the first quarter. that's as much as the top two democrats combined. you see it there, bernie sanders with $18.2 million, kamala harris with $12 million in the first quarter. do the president's numbers worry you, to see that kind of enthusiasm behind him? >> of course they do. that's a lot of money no matter who you are. it's a lot of money for a sitting president as well. but we are going to run a primary race first. each of the people running have raised formidable money, between bernie sanders and pete buttigieg and camera hakamala h. they'll be spending that money running against each other, but also putting money against donald trump. i think donald trump's 30 million, while impressive, he's going to have to combat all the candidates that are currently running, and that's a lot. there is no doubt, given what happened in 2016, donald trump is going to run a formidable race. i believe that. so we need to be very, very disciplined and stick to our guns and run a great race for the dems. >> speaking of money, senator bernie sanders we've learned is a millionaire. he's come under fire for not relosing his tax returns. he promised to do that today. will this hurt him politically? >> we'll see what his tax returns have to say. we know what it's going to say. he is a millionaire as you said. that's really rich, both figuratively, given that he has spent decades railing against millionaires. i don't think anybody begrudges him being successful or having money. this is america after all and we value success. he has been successful. the notion, though, that he has been stalling in releasing his taxes, i think that's the real problem. when you run for president, you release your taxes. if you don't, the assumption is you have something to hide. that's why we want donald trump to release his taxes, we think he has something to hide, whether it's ties to russian money or he's not as rich as he thinks he is, whatever. the idea that what he had to hide was that he was rich, i don't think it's going to go that far. he'll certainly get blowback to it. i think it will blow over sooner rather than later. digging into the divide amongst democrats, house speaker nancy pelosi threw some shade saying socialism, quote, is not the view of the democratic party. she said this when asked about unifying her party. >> you have these wings, alc and her group on one side that's the progressive group. >> i'm a progressive, yeah. >> patti, your reaction? >> i think she's right. which are having -- there are -- it's a large congress and many of the women or people who won are on the progressive side. many of the people who won are also more moderate. we're now having a primary race where candidates are going to run their race and the voters will decide where the democratic party is, for us to be judging it out and saying, oh, we're very progressive, we're more moderate, let the voters decide. that's what the primary is for and we'll see. >> patti solace doyle, thanks for being here. powerful deadly storms cut a path of destruction from texas to alabama. we're live with the latest on the aftermath. look at this. destruction after the devastating weather. stay with us. run with us. on a john deere x300 series mower. because seasons may change... ♪ ...but true character doesn't. ♪ wow, you've outdone yourself this time. hey, what're neighbors for? it's beautiful. nothing runs like a deere™. run with us. save $300 on x330 and x350 select series lawn tractors. at participating john deere dealers. our because of smoking.ital. but we still had to have a cigarette. had to. but then, we were like. what are we doing? 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[ distant traffic sounds ] [ loud traffic sounds ] [ music replaces the noise ] the new galaxy s10 on xfinity mobile. the phone and network designed to do more. switch and save today, and you get a new galaxy. say "get a galaxy" to learn more. at least eight people are dead after severe storms ripped across the south and then took aim at the northeast. this powerful system produced tornadoes, hail, heavy rains, cutting a path of destruction all across texas, louisiana, mississippi and alabama, leaving nearly a quarter million people still without power. cnn's ed lavandera is joining us from alto, texas. what are you seeing there? >> reporter: this is the deep piney woods of east texas. this is where the initial tornadoes where the storm system started spawning off tornadoes. we've seen four people killed over the weekend. there were also deaths in louisiana, mississippi, alabama. three children killed in all, two children near where we are here in texas, they were killed in the back seat of their car that they were riding in with their parents when a tree collapsed on the car. we're in the town of alto, texas, where the police chief says some 75 homes have been destroyed, that this is an area where some 200 people have been displaced because of the storms. this kind of gives you a sense of what we're dealing with. trees, and i mentioned, this is the piney woods of east texas, trees splintered by this storm, this is one of the 75 homes here in this disseminated. the front porch there completely separated from the rest of the foundation and the rest of the home. ana, the tornado came back from west to east over here this way, cutting across the tree lines throughout here. as you can imagine, this is an area where it's kind of hard when all the trees are standing to see your surroundings and see where the tornado is coming from. the police chief tells us that there wasn't a great deal of warning, there were no sirens heard in this area. they say an hour and a half, ana, after the tornado touched down here on saturday afternoon, a second tornado came through almost the exact same area. so you can imagine the nervousness and the desperation that many of these people here in this area were feeling and the intensity of the storm i think is really evident. you see here, obviously, this is the porch i was talking about and the home and the foundation pushed away. look towards the back, as you look back toward the wooded area where the storm came from on saturday afternoon, those massive trees, many of them simply toppled and cut and broken in half by this tornado that ripped through here. throughout the overnight hours since we've been here, ana, they have been working on the power lines. dozens of people left without power here. you can see the crews back out here at work trying to piece everything back together. it will take some time. you can see the massive trees uprooted by the strength of this storm here as well. so this is a storm typical for this time of year causing extreme devastation for many of the people in these areas. this is something here in the spring time in texas and in the south many people prepared. >> prepared, but you're still no match for mother nature no matter what. devastating to see the destruction there. thanks for walking us through that. a sheriff's deputy in washington state is the first in his department's 165-year history to be killed in the line of duty. deputy justin derozier was killed saturday night when responding to a call for a disabled vehicle. he leaves behind a wife and 6-month-old daughter. the suspect in the shooting was shot and killed by police. no other deputies were injured. dallas police making an arrest of a vicious transgender woman caught on video. i have to warn you it's tough to watch. it shows people repeatedly kicking and punching this woman in broad daylight. investigators are reviewing the video to determine whether this is a hate crime. they say the woman was involved in a minor car crash before being attacked. police detectives have arrested 29-year-old edward thomas for his alleged role in the aggravated assaults. they're seeking the public's help to identify others involved. a florida breeder of giant s was killed by one of his flock. the man was attacked after he fell on saturday morning. cassowarys can weigh up to 160 pounds, razor sharp talons. the victim made the first 11 call. a short time later another person called to report a medical emergency. the victim was rushed to the hospital. unfortunately they couldn't save them. the bird remains on the property while authorities investigate. time is running out to file your taxes. if you did it already, chances are you noticed a change. who is winning and who is losing under president trump's tax plan next. the ones who see a city that make those who live in it feel a little safer. who see the efficient shape and design of the ocean's wonders as the future of aerodynamics. at dell technologies, 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♪ delicious 100% real chocolate embracing the lightness of crispy rice. crunch. the chocolate bar all americans love. a place with one of the highest life expectancies in the country. you see so many people walking around here in their hundreds. so how do you stay financially well for all those extra years? well, you have to start planning as early as possible. we all need to plan, for 18 years or more, of retirement. i don't have a whole lot saved up, but i'm working on it now. i will do whatever i need to do. plan your financial life with prudential. bring your challenges. it's tax day. next hour, president trump is going to leave the white house for minneapolis where he is set to tout the gop's tax reform. just how are mayor kajsz re americans really faring. >> this is the first under president trump's new tax law so we're all getting used to it. if you put off filing your taxes, you are not alone. as of friday, the irs reported as many as 50 million taxpayers had not filed their tax returns. they stayed up late watching "game of thrones" and now they're busy this morning. who are winning? most u.s. taxpayers. more than 65% of tax filers will see their overall tax burden fall at least 100 bucks. losing, people who thought a tax cut would mean a bigger tax refund. that's not happening. new figures show the irs issued about $6 billion less in refunds this year with refunds down an average of 20 bucks. why the smaller tax refunds? for many, it's because those workers took home more money in their paychecks during the year because employers began using the new irs income tax withholding tables. you paid less and will get a smaller refund. other taxpayers will pay more. the new code gutted popular deductions. taxpayers in new york and new jersey took a huge hit. the biggest winner, ana, u.s. companies. the tax loss slashed their corporate tax rate from 35% to 21%. of course many companies never paid the full 35% rate anyway because of the loopholes. the lower rate took a big bite out of corporate tax collection so much so the budget deficit is swelling because less money is coming into government coffers. the president is making without any evidence this claim that the stock market would be up 5,000 points or 10,000 points and the economy growing at 4% if the fed had not been raising interest rates last year. the president famously is a brand master real estate guy, not an economist. he seems to be putting the blame on what is now kind of a still growing economy, but not growing gang busters the way he promised. the effects of those tax cuts are start to wear off in terms of economic growth and how much they're giving to economic growth. you're not getting this super charged economy that the president had promised. he's clearly looking for someone to blame on that. the fed, by the way, is not raising interest rates anymore. has said it will probably stan pat this year. he's attacked the independence of the agency which worries people in the markets because they worry -- an independent fed is incredibly important. it's the shock absorber for the american economy and speaks for american workers and american families. that's what its clientele is, not the white house. >> we see the markets are down slightly this morning. christine romans, thanks for that. will the president follow through with a plan to dump migrants into sanctuary cities? the new demand he just made to congress next. you wouldn't accept an incomplete job from any one else. why accept it from your allergy pills? flonase relieves your worst symptoms including nasal congestion, which most pills don't. flonase helps block 6 key inflammatory substances. most pills only block one. flonase. readyaveeno's sheer formulaiant? packed with pure soy evens tone and texture. so skin looks like this. and you feel like this. aveeno® positively radiant get skin happy™ tto harrison, the wine tcollection.. to craig, this rock. the redwoods to the redheads. the rainbows to the proud. i leave these things to my heirs, all 39 million of you, on one condition. that you do everything in your power to preserve and protect them. with love, california. this morning president trump with a new demand to congress. come back to d.c. and fix the immigrations laws. this as the white house says the idea of moving some immigrants to so-called sanctuary cities is still very much an option on the table. joining us now is democratic congressman katy porter of california who serves on the financial services committee in the house. congresswoman, thanks for being with us. on this sanctuary cities program, the white house deputy press secretary said it's not political retribution, if anything you should consider it on the democrat side to be an olive branch. congresswoman, is this the olive branch you've been waiting for? >> absolutely not. the president's plan isn't legal. he cannot spend money that congress appropriated for other purposes in order to relocate people to sanctuary cities or places where he has political rivals. these are immigrants, many of whom are seeking asylum. the preside the president is constantly manufacturing crises. >> do you believe there is a crisis happening at the border right now? >> we are seeing more folks who are accumulating at the border. a lot of that is being driven by the president's rateful rhetoric. when he says things to the entire world like the country is full, we are not going to take anymore immigrants. we're going to close the border now between mexico and the united states, that has the effect of simply causing more people who may some time in their future want to try to come to the united states to try to come today. the best thing the president could do is fully fund aid to central america and to begin to approach the process of comprehensive immigration reform. the more his rhetoric heats up, the worse the situation is going to get. closing the border would be devastating to the economy in california and around the country. >> you've identified what you don't like about what the president is doing. you did see congress needs to do something. what is congress doing right now? >> congress has been working to begin putting together a comprehensive immigration plan that's really difficult to do when the president keeps moving the ball. we've seen in the last week, he's now saying he's going to restrict student visas, saying he might close the border entirely. he's saying no to investor visas. >> what is congress doing? i understand you can't control what the president is doing, but you can control what the house is doing, right? >> absolutely. we're having discussions. we had a comprehensive immigration plan in past congresses. there's discussion to revise that plan, but we need to put a law through the house that we think the president will be willing to sign. and so his signals really matter in terms of the work that we're able to do. we could put something together. we could try to get it through the house. if we don't think the senate will take it up and the president makes clear in advance that he will veto it, then that doesn't make that work very productive for the american people. >> that doesn't sound like this is going anywhere any time soon. let's move on to taxes. i want you to listen to what sarah sanders said over the weekend. >> i don't think congress, particularly not this group of congressmen and women are smart enough to look through the thousands of pages that i would assume that president trump's taxes would be. my guess is most of them don't do their own taxes and i certainly don't trust them to look through the decades of success that the president has and determine anything. >> she says democrats aren't smart enough to look over the tax returns. your response? >> i'll take that bet any time. i do my own taxes. i'm a law professor. i serve with a number of really bright people, folks who have owned small businesses, folks who have been venture capitalists. we have the acumen to look at the president's tax returns. what's more important, we have the legal duty to do so. for the secretary to attack the intelligence and integrity of members of congress is one more thing out of donald trump's playbook, which is to continue to attack anyone in government who doesn't want to do what he wants to do. there may or may not be anything to see in donald trump's tax returns, but that's the job of congress, to take a look and to let the american public know. so i very much hope he complies with the real requirement to provide his taxes. i have every confidence that my colleagues and are capable and smart enough. i'm trained in tax law, i'm a legal professor. i'm ready to take a look at the tax returns. >> the new deadline is eight days away. congresswoman ilhan omar says she's received an increase in death threats using her words with images of the twin tower attacks. are you concerned for your colleague's safety at the moment? >> i think one of the things that the american public doesn't realize is that most of us who serve in congress receive threats of violence, sometimes death threats at one time or another. i'm a mom of three little kids. it's one of the most difficult parts of the job for me. representative omar is also a mom, a mom to three great kids. for her to be worried about her personal safety when she's trying to serve this country i think is wrong. the president is free to disagree and disagrees significantly -- to vehemently disagree with representative omar. to put her life at risk and insight violence i think is just immoral come to her defense, now the president is tweeting again about this, writing before nancy who just lost all control of congress and is getting nothing done decides to defend her leader rep omar she should look at the anti-semitic, anti-israel and ungrateful u.s. hate statements omar has made. she is out of control except for her control of nancy. what's your reaction to that? >> representative omar has made clear multiple times, including as recently as yesterday or the day before how grateful she is to have come to this country. she is an immigrant, she came here as a refugee, she wanted very much to the in the united states and has gone forth to serve the united states as a member of congress. so the suggestion that she is anything other than 100% committed to this country and this country's success around the world is just false. she has different opinions, she's apologized for some of her statements, there's definitely a learning curve for all of us as freshman, but what the president should not be doing is trying to insight hate and trying to lose -- trying to use the use of lives at 9/11 as a political pawn against representative omar. >> does representative omar need to be more careful with her words? >> she said that she will be more careful with her words. she's also said that she's being more thoughtful, being educated, talking to folks. so this latest video that the president posted which completely froept and was promptly solely by him. wasn't in response to anything inappropriate or wrong or hurtful that representative omar did, it was a straight up effort by him to manufacture a situation that puts representative omar and frankly the lives of my colleagues and i in jeopardy. >> congresswoman katie porter, thank you very much for being here. >> thank you. it is being called the greatest comeback in sports, so what does tiger woods think about his come from behind masters victory? andy scholes sits down with the five-time champ next. unpredictable crohn's symptoms following you? for adults with moderately to severely active crohn's disease, stelara® works differently. studies showed relief and remission, with dosing every 8 weeks. stelara® may lower your ability to fight infections and may increase your risk of infections and cancer. some serious infections require hospitalization. before treatment, get tested for tb. tell 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winning his allusive 15th major here yesterday in augusta and i sat down with him after he put on the green jacket and asked him what this means to him. >> all right, tiger, you've said before it's a miracle that you could even still play golf considering the back surgeries. 11 years, nearly 4,000 days since just last major, did you ever think this day would come and how does it feel? >> yeah, i did think it would come. just because of what i did last year. you know, i had a chance to win the open championship, i led going into the back nine on sunday, i gave brooksy a little bit of a run at the pga finishing second there and i knew it was in me. now, did i know it was going to be this week? no. but i had a good feeling the way i was shaping the golf ball that i was going to be in the mix. >> you joked before that your kids think of you as the video game golfer because they had never seen you win a major. your kids, your mom, your girlfriend were there waiting for you on 18. what was that moment like when your son charlie jumped in your arms? >> surreal, i did the same thing to my dad and now i'm the dad with my son doing the same thing. so it's amazing how life evolves, it changes. that was 22 years ago when my dad was there and then now my son is there, my daughter was there, my mom was there. my mom was there 22 years ago and the fact that she's still around, still kicking, still fighting goes to shows you her resiliency see. it's hard to comprehend right now, honestly, i'm just a few hours of winning the tournament, i will still trying to enjoy it and trying to figure out that actually i won it. i know i have the green jacket on, but it's going to take a little bit of time for it to sink in. >> i followed around tiger for much of the weekend and i can't even really put into words how much this win means to people. you know, when tiger would make a big putt i saw people hugging, i saw so many high-fives, a guy standing next to me literally said i never thought i would cheer for another person like this. tiger woods brings out so much emotion from people and, you know, the emotion he brought out on sunday was just pure joy and it's, you know, just one of those moments in sports where if you were watching you're going to remember where you were and what you were doing when tiger woods ended the drought and won his 15th major. >> and yet he hasn't had a completely flawless past. i mean, he's had his share of controversy, obviously his battles physically as well, but he sounded very humble, i noticed, when you sat down in that interview with him. >> yeah, and he seems like a changed tiger, anna. i've watched tiger my entire life basically and i have never seen him smile as much as he did this weekend here in augusta. you know, after his round friday, saturday, big smile, high-fives with fans, seems like a changed guy and he is once again a champion. >> it's a story of redemption that everyone can cheer. thank you, andy scholes, good to see you. top of the hour on this monday, i'm ana cabrera in today for jim and poppy. thanks for being here. it's more than they have, but less than they want and it is ready to drop. the mueller roeport is set to b released to congress and everyone else any time now minus material the attorney general considers needs to be redacted. democrats weren't alone in voting last month to make the full special counsel report public. every house republican joined them. the white house calls the mueller probe case closed and just this morning the president repeated the false claim that he had been cleared of collusion and obstruction. laura jarrett

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