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Unfortunately, they are very different measures that stand almost no chance in the other chamber. The senate is taking up the president s offer and the president is calling nancy pelosi irational for opposing it. This morning we are watching the growing field of democratic president ial hopefuls including the junior senator from california declaring this morning on network television. We begin on capitol hill with lauren fox. You have the democratically controlled house that will pass its own bill. You have the republican controlled senate. Its really just drama because there is no meeting between. The president unveiled that proposal on saturday, 5. 7 billion for his border wall in exchange for a temporary extension of daca and a temporary extension of temporary protected status. That is going nowhere in the house of representatives where Speaker Nancy Pelosi will bring a package of bills this week in the house that would expand border funding by a billion dollars. It is Border Security money and not border wall money. That is a key distinction. Meanwhile in the Senate Majority leader Mitch Mcconnell will bring a package forward that looks a lot like the president s proposal that would include an extension of the violence against womens act all intended to put pressure on democrats to break from their leadership in the senate and get on with the end of this Government Shutdown. In a lot of ways we are exactly where we were a month ago when it comes to the shutdown. The president and nancy pelosi have to get in a room and negotiate an end to it. Otherwise there is no end in sight. Now to the reality for the thousands of workers impacted by this shutdown. We are joined live from a food bank in new york city. We are talking about thousands of federal workers on this holiday that need to go to a food bank just to feed themselves and their families. Tell us what you are hearing. Reporter thats exactly right. We are just getting underway here at the food bank for new york city. They are expecting hundreds of volunteers to turn out today to pack meals for federal workers. The food bank will be distributing to a thousand Emergency Network partners in the five boroughs. They are targeting certain areas like staten island. We know the coast guard is not being paid during this Government Shutdown. I want to bring in the ceo of the food bank for new york city. Tell me about the impablth that you are seeing with federal workers. Are they coming asking for food . We are absolutely seeing an increase across the city of federal workers. Our volunteers are helping serve the 18,000 federal employees as well as the workers who rely on s. N. A. P. And will not receive food in february. Reporter how long do you think you can keep up with the need . Food banks cannot be interchangeable for government. We cant do it. We are going into the same stance that we typically use for natural disasters. Reporter so you are looking at a plan that you usually reserve for hurricanes . Absolutely. This time the maps will be paced on disaster zones by flood levels. It will be based on utilization of snap. Some neighborhoods where four out of five people rely on snap. Those are the places we must go very deeply. Reporter we are hearing this across the country from food banks that are running into these same issues. They are particularly worried about the s. N. A. P. Program, the Food Stamp Program that people rely on. It is funded only through february. If they dont get that money for march, food banks like this one are going to be coming up across a great demand that they simply cannot meet. Food banks for working americans. Its just incredible. The tsa says the number of unsequentialed absences was eight percent nationally up from five percent a year ago due in part from the financial strain of the shutdown. We are joined from reagan airport. I wonder, the key question i imagine for many viewers is safety. Is this impacting safety . Reporter you know, jim, it depends on who you are talking to. The agency tsa is a Security Agency so they are careful about how much they are willing to reveal. They say security has not been compromised at airports. In talking to a lot of tsa ploys, i can tell you that is their number one concern that they are essentially doing more with less because we are seeing as this shutdown continues to drag out, we are seeing more and more of these call outs. Tsa officers who are simply telling the agency they cannot afford to come into work. You mentioned the statistic from saturday, eight percent call out rate nationwide for the agency. We just got numbers from yesterday and yesterday was the highest call out rate we have seen since the shutdown began. Ten percent nationwide callouts at the check points at these airports. We have seen airports shutting down check points. Baltimore was forced to shut down a check point because of short staffing. We have seen that at other major airports as well. Numbers dont lie. Tsa has claimed at times the sick outs arent happening. Cnn is reporting on an internal memo sent by the tsa. What are they telling their officials to say about the shutdown . Reporter we got ahold of an internal memo sent from headquarters to airports and tsa leaders saying do not give out the data for how many screeners and staff and officers are calling out sick. They essentially say keep that information strictly going to headquarters. Do not release it to the media. They told them you can engage with the media and tell them how the shutdown is impacting the personal lives of your employees but stay away from giving out the statistics. We reached out to get a sense as to why these talking points were put out. They say this is a security issue. It also is just a window into how the agency is trying to control the messagings as the shutdown continues. Thanks very much. Joining me now are matt lewis. So we got a strong country with many hundreds of billion dollar budget here. Federal workers and im sure you know some, they will have to go in food banks. Is this a working strategy . We second guess a lot of things. Maybe he should have started with infrastructure. He has made a decision to be about winning over his base. A part of that is building this border wall. So that is where he has decided with that as the premise, i dont see anything changing his mind. I dont think he is going to cave or walk away from this without getting something, some way to declare a victory. I think there is a chance we could begin to see the bigotry of low expectations of donald trump. People dont expect donald trump to be an adult. They might expect nancy pelosi and Chuck Schumer to just give the baby his bottle and give him the 5 billion or come to a deal. Doesnt seem like it. It hasnt happened yet. This latest proposal is a g. O. P. Proposal designed to bring moderate democrats, basically to split democratic voting. I think if they had tried this tact before the Government Shutdown in december when they were getting towards the deadline and everyone was trying to appear to be reasonable and appear to be negotiating and the president had said he was proud to shut it down, if they tried to put it forward remember daca is something democrats continually said they wanted. If they had put this forth before the Government Shutdown i think they might have had a chance of peeling off the moderate democrats who did not want a shutdown. Now that it is shutdown and we are a month into the narrative where the president has said he is digging in, this is about the wall and him being proud to have this fight. I dont see enough democrats willing to say we are going to hold off on reopening the government until we can engage in this complicated negotiation and get this deal because the bottom line is they will be presented with bills that reopethen government right away. And so i think that that is the real Sticking Point here. The numbers have been clearly blaming the president and republicans for the shut down. I think we have the numbers here. It is about 50 , 60 or mid 50s blame the president and republican republicans blame democrats. I wonder if you are right that the president is all about that base. He is about that 35 , 40 . If he feels he is pleasing them and democrats feel they are pleasing the large majority of americans, there is nothing that breaks that. Both sides have incentives to keep this going. Democrats feel like they are on the right side of Public Opinion. Donald trump feels like he is on the right side of his base. That is what matters to him. I dont see how this ends. Now, the one group of people who may feel the pressure are republicans who are not donald trump. The problem with that is we are still a year and nine months or whatever away from the next election. Republicans shut down the government in 2013. Ted cruz basically shut down the government. It was so far out republicans werent punished at all by that. I think they lost a Gubernatorial Election in virginia because of it. There is so much time that i think it is implausible to say that Public Opinion today is going to hurt republican electoral chances tomorrow. Here is a possibility because even the white house concedes that the economic effect of the shutdown is double what they initially estimated. You have other economic pressures going on here, slowing china trade, rocky trade talks with china. Could that be the linchpin if it starts to show up in economic number snz. I think that is one of the major reasons we saw the president come out and make the speech on saturday. I think they are desperate to change the narrative and to figure out a way out of this given this is no longer a political fight but a very substantive problem which putting aside the polls and who blames who and who is in what political camp, if the economy is bad, that is bad for the president and bad for republicans. If its as bad as the white house economic advisers think it could get, that is going to be a problem for donald trump no matter who people blame. I think that there is more motivation on the white house because of this to solve the problem. They havent found the strategy yet. People with food banks. I see food lines on pennsylvania avenue. There are political dangers for democrats. They were elected a lot in swing districts to get things done. There have been democratic lawmakers who have been saying to their leadership this is not a good look for us, either. Ink the of watching the playoff games last night. You have to be watching the clock. Democrats have a clock. That clock is running out. It is hard for them to enact an agenda. There is a limited amount of time in which they can do anything when they are embroiled in this Government Shutdown. So i think there are a couple of ways potentially out of this. One is for donald trump to declare that state of emergency which would open the government up and open a can of worms. The other option is some sort of compromise where you inpanel an ex pert committee that they decide we need more border fencing. Will they come to their senses and compromise . I think there has to be pressure on both sides. Blue Ribbon Committee breaking through. Thanks very much. A new contender has entered the 2020 race for the white house. Senator harris says she is running for president. Why making her announcement today is very important. She is not the only one with messages for voters. Several other potential president ial candidates are fanning out across the country. Could there be another vacancy in the president s cabinet. Mike pompeo considering making a run for the senate. Your soup. Oes into just as important as what you get out of it . Our broccoli cheddar is made with aged melted cheddar, simmered broccoli, and no artificial flavors. Enjoy 100 clean soup today. Panera. Food as it should be. Right. But, uh, a talking gecko . Ill tell you why because people trust advertising icons. Some bloke tells you to go to geico. Com and youre like, really . And just who might you be . But a gecko he can be trusted. I ask you if you want to save hundreds on Car Insurance. And youre like, yes thank you, mind babysitting my kids . Im like, of course ill sit with the kids. Youre like a brother to me. Geico. Com. Fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more on Car Insurance. When cravings hit, hit back. Choose glucerna, with slow release carbs to help manage blood sugar, and start making everyday progress. Glucerna. I am running for president of the United States. And im very excited about it. There you have it. Senator Kamala Harris jumping into the 2020 race in what is sure to be a very, very crowded field. On this Martin Luther king jr. Holiday, even those who might not have made official announcements seem to be taking some steps. Cory booker appearing at an naacp rally at the state capitol. Joining me is harrienten and cnn political commentator. Thank you for both of you taking time out of your holiday here. You are looking at the numbers. Tell us about Kamala Harris as a contender for 2020. How strong . Very strong. This is a field that everyone is running in. If there is one person that i were to pick out who has the best shot of winning, it is senator harris. She hits on a number of different parts, africanamerican, progressive prosecutor, woman candidate and somebody who is able to raise a lot of money. She is going to make a strong case to be the democratic pt is there is not just one woman candidate and one africanamerican candidate. The people we are seeing running are actually representative of the Democratic Party. That i think is one of the first times we can say that it is not just a party where you will see white men running for the presidency. You see great diversity. One of the criticisms for democrats post 2016 was was it too much about identity politics and not about how i will help middle income workers in the middle states of this country . Who are you hearing from in the field . People are understanding a couple of things. Winning is going to be about putting together a coalition of voters. This is the most diverse field we have ever had. If you look at what happened in 2016 and 2018 people put together coalitions of voters. So that will be critical. The second thing, though, is it is not just about beating trump. A lot of the candidates, few people say that is their number one thing. To your point, what they understand is you have to make an argument to be able to have your own vision and capture the excitement of more than that, of more than just what beating trump looks like. Part of that means connecting with voters and addressing what was more than economic anxiety. It was fear of change. That was what was driving the economic anxiety and nobody spoke to that better than donald trump. When you look at that, are you seeing folks who have the coalition to win the democratic nomination and in 2020 and beat donald trump . Are you seeing more of the focus on the coalition to win the nomination rather than the general election . Most of the discussion is about winning the nomination because if you dont win the nomination you will not be the next president of the United States. Is this someone who can unseed trump which is a focus of the Democratic Party . If you ask voters they will say they want someone who can beat donald trump and who is strongest in a primary isnt necessarily strongest in a general election. Someone like Amy Klobachar may not be the best candidate to connect with primary voters. I think there is a balancing act that a lot of candidates will have to make. I think someone like senator harris saying for the people that is a very populist progressive message that i think she will try to create the bridge. I think what kamala is doing is creating a movement. It has the obama feel. She announced on abc this morning. She is going home to oakland, her hometown. It is all about join us and be a part of us which is a little different than what we have seen other candidates do which is going to new hampshire, going to iowa. I think there is something trying to do something a little bit different right now and break out of the field to sort of stand out a little bit not maybe by cracking open a beer on new years eve but making it about voters is a really wise idea. One thing that also characterizes this field is you have folks thinking about it, Howard Schultz among them. There was talk about how trump was an unconventional candidate. What is the potential of the success of an unconventional democratic candidate . If youre talking business men, i just dont think there is room for that in the Democratic Party at this particular point heading into 2020. If you look at schultz and bloomberg who announced he is not running and where favorable ratings were in iowa. They are quite low. Andrew yang who pretty much never gets a lot of discussion nationally but has been running for president for a long time, he is a businessman. When you ask iowa voters, his favorable rating was the lowest despite very many people not knowing who he was. Before they introduced his name in the poll, they said he was a businessman. Thats very interesting. Donald trump spoiled that forever at least at this cycle. Thanks very much to both of you. This week 800,000 federal employees will go without another paycheck if congress does not reopen the government. Democrats just rejected the president s latest offer. Whats next . Know that when youe spending time with the grandkids every minute counts. And you dont have time for a cracked windshield. Thats why we show you exactly when well be there. Saving you time, so you can keep saving the world. Kids safelite repair, safelite replace the company who invented car vending machines and buying a car 100 online. 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Government hostage for something that they want. Think about about pinewt gingri in the 90s and ted cruz over the Affordable Care act. Every time there is some sort of opportunity for leverage, the republicans use the American Government as a hostage. We think that is not proper. We are happy to sit down and discuss things. I hear you. It is a point democrats make. This is a tough time for them. Just in terms of ending the shutdown, would democrats back away from their demand to reopen government before further negotiations if they were to get something more from the president , for instance, instead of three years of protections for dreamers, how about permanent protection for dreamers . Is that something the president can offer that can stop the shutdown . Open the government. You want a deal with the dreamers, fine. The dreamer problem is one that the president created all by himself. The dreamers were protected in the obama administration. The president ended that. Now he is really offering to go back and solve the problem that he created, the same thing with the temporary protective status individuals that are here in the United States. He created the problem. He is not offering anything. By the way, the 5. 7 billion is still out there for an undefined wall somewhere along the border. These are things that can be negotiated. I cannot understand why this president would hold the government of the United States, presumably the most important government in the world. I have to believe that putin is sitting in the kremlin go with it. Shut it down. What more could putin ask for than the shutdown of the American Government . I guess he can ask for the termination of n. A. T. O. The president seems to calculate that he loses political leverage. He considered this leverage. Im asking if there is something that would change the democrats position that you must reopen first and then we will negotiate. Is there a sweetener as you call it that would put things over the edge beyond the three years of temporary protections for dreamers . Is there something he can offer that would change the democrats position . I suspect there is. That is going through the various elements that compromise would take time to negotiate. I understand that Mitch Mcconnell is going to offer some sort of a deal. Now he is going to hold victims of the paradise fire hostage for his discussion. Its just unconscionable that you would shut down the government of the United States for 31 days now so that you can get 5. 7 billion for an undefined border wall. It makes no sense at all. Is there something the president can offer . Sure. Open the government. Sit down and negotiate. Tell us where you want to put that wall, mr. President. Tell us exactly why it is necessary in that particular location. And by the way, 80 to 90 of the drugs come through the ports of entry. They come on airplanes, trains and cars and containers. One out of five cars is checked. You wanted safety, open up this government if youre concerned about the security of america, put our Government Back to work. Put those coast guards men, give them the pay that they need, the tsa, all of the people that keep us safe in ways that most people dont appreciate until it is gone. Let me ask you on a different topic if i can because we have been outspoken on syria. Do you believe that the administrations decision to withdraw from syria has put u. S. Forces on the ground in greater danger . Absolutely. There is rabbabsolutely no doub that the president s statement of withdrawing now was a great rallying cry for isis. Lets toughen up, they said to themselves. They have become much more aggressive. That war with isis is not over. When you pull out you leave a vacuum. Who is going to take over the vacuum . Ice frs stasis for starters andd and russia and turkey and iran. It creates a very serious problem in the area. We have seen the effect of that with four americans being killed. Those troops on the ground were critical in eliminating isis or in the process of eliminating isis and in setting up a negotiation for the future of syria. Right now we are pulling out. It makes no sense there was no plan, no political agenda laid out. There was no diplomatic agenda. The president woke up one morning and god knows what he had on his mind. He is the commander in chief. It is a very, very serious and stupid move. Congressman, thanks very much. Thank you. Mike pompeo went from congressman to cia director to secretary of state. Could senator pompeo be next . Cancer Treatment Centers of america. Appointments available now. Has been excellent. They really appreciate the military family and it really shows. With all that usaa offers why go with anybody else . We know their rates are good, we know that theyre always going to take care of us. 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Ruptured spleen, sometimes fatal as well as serious lung problems, allergic reactions, kidney injuries and capillary leak syndrome have occurred. Report abdominal or shoulder tip pain, trouble breathing or allergic reactions to your doctor right away. In patients with sickle cell disorders, serious, sometimes fatal crises can occur. The most common side effect is bone and muscle ache. Ask your doctor about Neulasta Onpro. Pay no more than 5 per dose with copay card. Secretary of state mike pompeo, one of the president s most ardent defenders is considering leaving the Trump Administration to run for the open senate seat with his home state in kansas. Sources familiar say he met with a leading g. O. P. Consultant yesterday. Senate Majority Leader Mitch Mcconnell trying to persuade him to go for it. Joining me now to discuss, former rnc Communications Director and republican strategist. This is interesting. Lets talk about the effect on the administration because pompeo and the president are like this in a circle of advisers, a shrinking one for this president. It would be a loss personally for trump and more broadly for the administration. We see we dont have secretaries. We have acting secretaries. This would cause not only another one of those, but one of the most important position that there is. If you think this administration cant get more chaotic, it could. So whats behind this . I hate to ask, but is it possible that pompeo is looking for an escape . The one thing we hear from Administration Officials is they are trying to figure out their graceful exit. If there is a way to do so, people want totry to do that, this would be a great way to tell the president i want to go back to kansas to fight for your agenda. That would be the story you would tell the president. What does that say about the administration if everybody is looking for a way out . It is exactly what we see playing out on tv or on twitter unfortunately on a daily or hourly basis whether the government is open or closed for business is the constant chaos. It is churning people out nonstop. It makes it very hard to move things forward. Interesting. What are his chances in kansas . Is he a slam dunk . He has flirted with a senate race not always with an automatic yes . What im hearing from folks here and in kansas is that it is his until he decides it is not. His to run or to win . His to win that he would not only be the prohibitive favorite, but that he clears the field if he decides to run. That is remarkable. What would this mean . You look at Ongoing National Security Priorities for this president , a chief one being north korea. You have a second summit planned. Pompeo has been a key envoy. What does it mean for the president s Foreign Policy agenda . This meeting will go forward. Pompeo has as much time as he wants to decide. There is the issue of the longer this is out there without pompeo making a decision one way or the other it could effect how he does his job as secretary of state. If he does leave, who ise let in the president s inner circle . It becomes a family affair. That is where people are scratching their heads and trying to figure out who is next which we are doing at agency and department after department. This would be a big one where it is not clear who an heir apparent is. Thank you very much. A Measles Outbreak in Washington State so serious that one county has declared a Public Health emergency. Why is the spike in cases happening now . Its a concern for all families here in the u. S. Why are drivers 50 and over switching to the aarp Auto Insurance program from the hartford . Lets take a ride with some actual customers and find out. Well, tell me about your experience when you switched to the hartford. When i switched to the hartford, im sitting there thinking, man, i should have turned 50 years ago. They saved me a bunch of money. You cant beat that. What blows me away about the hartford is their lifetime renewability benefit. Now this is their promise not to drop you even if you have an accident. I know when im driving, im covered. [narrator] drivers 50 and over can save hundreds of dollars when they switch to the aarp Auto Insurance program from the hartford and get other incredible benefits like lifetime renewability. Not an aarp member . The hartford can help you join in minutes. Call the hartford to request your free quote at. Or go to. Measles was a disease thought to be eradicated here in the u. S. Officials in one county have declared a Public Health emergency after 21 people were diagnosed with measles in just one month. 20 are children. We look at the resurgence of this potentially fatal infection. An old disease is making a comeback and experts are blaming one group in particular. The year 2000, the year of the hanging chads and a new show called survivor and the year measles was eliminated in the United States, a disease that once killed thousands of americans a year, gone. But now measles is back big time. The numbers for last year are out and 2018 was the second worst year for measles in more than two decades. The fact that we have had so many cases in 2018 is really quite discouraging. This is a completely avoidable situation. Dr. Thaen with the National Institutes of health joins the antivaccers. The biggest outbreak and still ongoing among Orthodox Jews in new york where antivaccine attitudes have gained tractions. There were outbreaks among other communities for a total of 349 cases last year nationwide. Opposition to vaccines have been growing fuelled by misinformation on the internet and social media. Parents can actually be misled into thinking that the vaccines are causing harm to their children as opposed to protecting the children. Reporter they have rendered entire cities vulnerable to measles. A study this summer identified these hot spots where hundreds of kindergarteners were not vaccinated. 18 states permit families to opt out of vaccinating their children based on religious beliefs. In 12 states the number of exemptions has risen since 2009 leaving babies vulnerable since they cant get the vaccine until their first birthday. We have to protect the people in the society in the same way that a parent protects their own individual child. Measles is one of the most contagious diseases on the face of the earth. You can transmit it person to person and the virus can live on surfaces for up to two hours. Back to you. Thank you very much on that important story. Passengers aboard a United Airlines flight want answers after getting stuck on the tarmac for more than 14 hours in frigid wet weather with a dwindling supply of food. The incident began when the flight was diverted due to a medical emergency on board. As the flight experienced a mechanical failure passengers were not allowed off the plane because the airport did not have a customs officer on duty. On sunday morning passengers were able to get off the plane. Another character showed up to transport passengers back to new jersey. United airlines has apologized for the incident. Five weeks into the Government Shutdown, we could see both the house and senate vote on plans to reopen the government this week. Too bad they are not the same plans. In fact, they are very different plans. Well have more coming up. Hey, what is it . I realize i love you, but as long as youre with jessica, there can never be anything between us. Listen cassie, theres no need to cry. Besides, ive got really great news. Youre leaving jessica . No. I just saved a load of money on Car Insurance by switching to geico. I saved. I thought that meant something to you. Geico. 15 minutes could save you 15 or more on Car Insurance. This morning, we will take a moment to honor the four americans who lost their lives last week during a suicide blast in syria. They represent america. First 37yearold army chief officer jonathan farmer. He served on six overseas combat tours earning him a bronze star and a purple heart. He leaves behind his wife and four children. Navy chief shannon kent joined the navy in 2003. Her commander described her as a rock star and an outstanding leader. Tahar was 27 years old, born in syria and later came to the u. S. In 2001. She was in syria working with the army as an interpreter, her company describing her as a talented and highly respected colleague. Her brother says he will remember her for her kind heart. Former navy s. E. A. L. St. Louis native was 42. He served in the navy for eight years until 2005. His mother says that her son would always talk about his service with his dad but when he wasnt working he lived life to the fullest. We thank these brave men and women for their service. Our thoughts and prayers are with their loved ones. So Many Americans paying a price today. Thanks so much for joining me and my team today. Im jim sciutto. At this hour starts right now. Hello everyone. It is day 31 now of the partial Government Shutdown and there is consensus that about one thing, that the shutdown is good for no one, not for the president , not for republicans, not for democrats and certainly not for the 800,000 federal employees still out of work or working without getting paid who this week will miss their second full paycheck. With all of that it does boggle the mind why there is still no consensus on bring s this to an end. There is no urgency, the fact that there is no urgency should be most unsettling for everyone. Why . For that,

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