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County. New york news 4 buffalo has been saying its reporter has been asked to leave because state police call it a hot spot. Radio traffic is indicating Police Officers are moving large numbers into that area. They have been asked to maintain radio silence as they search for these two convicted murderers who escaped from a maximum security prison 14 days ago. Sarah, what are you hearing . Reporter good afternoon. Yeah we know that state police are actively searching an area in friendship new york which is very close to the pennsylvania border in new york in Allegheny County. I just talked to the caretaker of the cemetery very close by where state police are searching. He told me hes seen cars state Police Trooper cars go up and down the hill where the cemetery is he sees helicopters flying overhead. He says hes not far from a freeway where they are doing car searches and checkpoints, not far from a creek and not far from Railroad Tracks. Thats important because we know that there were reports of unconfirmed sightings last week along Railroad Tracks in different border towns, in neighboring county near the border with pennsylvania and new york. We know the police were working on tracking down those leads last night and this morning and then this afternoon, we got word that there was a sighting a possible sighting in friendship new york in Allegheny County new york. State Police Actively now searching that area for these two escaped convicts. They have been missing now, this is the beginning of week three. Just to be clear here this sighting potential sighting i should say, of these two convicts near or in friendship new york is that separate from the sighting that came into the authorities on tuesday . Reporter it is separate but its not far away. Its only about 30 miles west of where those two sightings were. Remember those first two sightings in stuben county new york a neighboring county those actually happened last weekend, on saturday and sunday but werent reported to state police until tuesday of this week and police didnt find Surveillance Video that could possibly confirm or deny that until friday. Then as that video as that news began to be made public and they asked residents near the border to be on the lookout, thats when we got word today that there was another possible sighting when state police converged, began to search began grid searches where they canvas canvass specific areas. What we are hearing from a witness on the ground there is a helicopter overhead that has been hovering for about an hour several state police cars checkpoints. This is near Railroad Tracks near a creek and near a freeway, all ways that if you were running from someone, you might things you might follow to get out of town to a new place. This person just to tell you, told me he said im very scared. Hes 80 years old, hes a caretaker of a cemetery thats right nearby. He said im sitting here with a rifle and he said i think theyre really serious that they have seen somebody. I just hope they catch them. Otherwise it will make for a long night. Of course everyone in that area being told if you see them you think you see them do not approach them. They are very very dangerous people. Call the authorities right away. Thank you for the reporting. I will let you get back to that on the ground since its a very active situation. Lets talk more about this with former fbi assistant director tom fuentes. Tom, if you are in this situation, walk us through what theyre doing right now on the ground there. What would typically happen is that when this news came out late last week that there had been a sighting earlier the week before last weekend, much of that news goes in that area then everyone becomes more alert. Theyre looking out their windows and now all kinds of suspicious people are seen by people that may not be that suspicious. We had this very similar to what was occurring in dannemora after the prison break, suspicious guys walking down the street walking near Railroad Tracks. Typically when you are asking the public to be on the lookout they will see a lot of things when theyre on the lookout that may or may not be them. Im not saying its not them or it is them we dont know. It will take more work. We know they have been using these sort of expert dogs these bloodhounds with these very keen noses. You are not a fan of that. You dont think that is the right way to search . Not saying its not the right way. Not your favorite way. Well i have had a lot of experiences with dogs over the years. They get tired also they get fatigued. Tsa uses their dogs four hours at an airport and then they are rested. We dont know in this manhunt are these dogs out there 12 18 hours like their handlers are a day, looking for these people. They get tired, they get fatigued. There is false positives, false negatives. So yes, they can be a very good tool but they are not the end of the story in a case like this. I think that again, go back to the candy wrappers that were found near dannemora prison where the dogs alerted on the wrappers and on an area that they thought the prisoners had slept and i just pointed out that everybody in that county practically works at the prison and probably brings home food and candy and things like that and throw the trash away that would have the scent of the prison even. Did the dogs smell that or did they smell these specific two individuals. Thats all. There are so many false leads and whats happening now is just many of the leads they get like that they have to pursue it they have to send the man power there and the aircraft and give it every bit of attention, especially since they dont already have them but im just saying lets let this play out a little bit. The authorities are telling everybody stay indoors. If you think you spot them do not approach them. Dont approach them and the other problem with that is as it gets dark you might have a Police Officer shot by somebody out there. They may see officers going through these fields and through these woods and somebody may decide they are going to be the one that catches the bad guys and accidentally shoot a Police Officer. What does it mean that the officers are being asked to keep radio silent . What does that mean . I think that what happens from the command post is youre trying to send out so much information, receive so much information, you just dont want a lot of unnecessary chatter on the air. Thats usually what radio discipline is always about in these kind of cases. Stand by. I want to bring sarah back in who is on the ground there and has information that we are just learning that this is what they are calling a hot zone. Look we have also heard this week that this search went cold. What are you hearing from the authorities on the ground there . Reporter a couple of things here. New York State Police have actually according to one of our affiliates, wivp asked one of the local reporters there to leave the area because it is quote, a hot spot. We have been listening to some radio traffic, scanner traffic from here indicates that people are moving in authorities are moving in large numbers of search teams and responding officers have been asked to silence go into radio silence while they do that. I also want to tell you that i just heard, im talking via text to the pio, the Public Information officer for the new York State Police he says they do have aviation and k9 on the scene but they have no confirmation at this point that its actually the escapees. Of course, that witness on the ground telling us there are in fact large numbers of search crews on the ground, helicopters, state police now saying k9 as well. You remember earlier in the search a k9 did pick up the sense of these two men much closer to the prison. This remember is 350 to 400 miles away from the prison where they escaped but there was a trail at one point early in the search that was lost. As you mentioned, they did say it had gone cold, their search had gone cold. They had modified their search in this area and then when these sightings were reported it seems they have stepped up that effort to do grid searches canvassing these areas, k9 and aviation units again now with this new information. Its unheard of that anyone that has escaped this prison has been gone for nearly this long. It has simply never happened. They havent faced a challenge like this before. Stand by. I will let you continue that reporting. Tom, to you. If indeed these two men are 350 miles away from where we are right at the prison in dannemora, new york having gone south to possibly next to the state line of new york and pennsylvania there does that surprise you, given that the prison they broke out of is just 20 miles away from the Canadian Border . It surprises me for other reasons than just that. Thats one reason. The other reason is that if they are out in the woods and if they are jumping on and off trains freight trains like a bunch of hobos, that means they dont have food, they dont have water. You would think you would find evidence of them going into dumpsters, going through peoples trash or going into empty homes to try to sustain themselves, to try to find shelter. I think at this point i was of the idea that they would probably be a long way away where they might feel that they would have a greater degree of safety to be in a home or to get groceries or do whatever it might be separate or together. But in this case i would be surprised if theyre that close for this long a time. If theyre going to get away get away. If youre not, i wouldnt have been surprised if they were within two miles of the prison i wouldnt be surprised if they were 5,000 miles. If they are together, why Stay Together . Why would you do that . If they are out in the wild they would need each other. If they are trying to hunt for animals or rummage through dumpsters or take turns sleeping to keep a lookout for each other, they might still feel that they need each other up to a certain point. I think once they feel theyre safely away the hunt has died down the attention on them has died down they are a long way off, then maybe they go their separate ways. Dont forget they have been partners in crime here. Partners in planning. For well over a year. Tom fuentes, thank you. I appreciate it. And thank you for the excellent reporting on the ground. We will take a quick break. Leave early go roam sleep in sleep out star gaze dream big wander more care less beat sunrise chase sunset do it all. On us. Get your first months payment plus five years wear and tear coverage. Make the most of summer. With volvo. The goodness that goes into making a power kale chicken caesar salad is rivaled only, by the goodness felt while eating one. Panera. Food as it should be. 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Police are saying they received a call today from a resident in the area who said that he saw them he saw the two men, the two escapees and based off of that police set up a perimeter in the area theyre searching now and believe they found some tracks that they are now following to see if it is the two escapees. You are incredibly well sourced when it comes to folks, Law Enforcement authorities who are dealing with this. How confident do you read them at this point in time . Do they seem confident here because they get a lot of leads. They are. I think they are sort of being tempered because there was some sightings previously they had tracks previously that they were following that they felt could be the men. Just talking to them and listening to whats going on out there, you could tell people are excited and they are trying to make sure that they sort of keep things under control and they dont want to get any of us sort of false hope in that they are finally going to get these two men but they set up a perimeter, they are calling in more resources, there are more Police Officers moving in that area. Initially it was just the locals that were involved in the search. So now that more state police are responding and other local area Police Officers are responding they are actually hoping they can go in to sort of some of these areas and really start searching and seeing if they are hiding somewhere, perhaps in the sort of wooded area around where theyre searching. So police have asked a local reporter up there to leave one area where theyre searching, calling it a hot spot. Are they saying why they would do that . Because they just dont know. They dont know if these men are armed. They have been on the run now for several days. We dont know maybe they broke into a home somewhere and stole guns. We just dont know. So they dont want people there reporters or any of the local residents going out there, seeing whats going on could potentially endanger themselves and also the police are sort of right now out searching, they dont want to mistake a resident or perhaps a reporter or someone else and sort of have some sort of incident with someone there who shouldnt be there. Right now they want to keep everybody out. Theyre really not even going in right now. Its sort of theyre setting up a perimeter trying to determine how best to try and go in and start searching. Its a very dangerous situation for them. They dont know what theyre dealing with. Its something they need to take a lot of precautions with. Stay with me if you can, as you work your sources on this. I want to bring back in tom fuentes, former fbi assistant director. You said look they had 800 to 900 leads at the beginning of this. How unusual is it for leads to be called in because they also said earlier this week it went cold. Well the actual specific trail went cold that they were using the dogs and trackers to look at. It doesnt mean the leads coming in went cold. They still would be getting them continuously. I think what the authorities were trying to pass on early was even though they were so focused in new york still call in if you see something suspicious in california in Washington State in mexico, wherever it is. They didnt want everybody to just conclude well if theyve got 800 officers in dannemora that must be it, they must have them. The problem now is going to be with this new location theyll have to bring in all these officers, create aperimeter and if they do the same type of diligence, foot by foot shoulder to shoulder through the woods, this will take a couple days more to do that particular area. They werent necessarily in that area they are building the perimeter and then they are going to go bit by bit to make sure they cover all of it thoroughly. Do we have sara still . All right. We do have sara ganam on the scene, is that right . Reporter im actually at the prison where they escaped. Can you hear me . I can hear you. Let me ask you this. Tell us a little more about the railroad and the significance of it. One of the tips that was called in earlier this week tuesday, we just found out about it yesterday to the authorities, is that they may have seen these two men buy by a set of Railroad Tracks and the search scene right now is also by a set of Railroad Tracks. Tell us how these two come together. Reporter thats right. One of the reported sightings, hadnt been confirmed from last weekend was that these two men were in a town called irwin, p. A. One county east from where the search area is right now. This is near gang mills rail yard is where the sighting was. Of course thats a railway. We tracked that railway on a map. It actually connects to the area where police are searching now. Those same tracks that go through one town where there was a sighting lindley, new york and the gang mills rail yard in irwin, new york go through friendship new york to the very spot just a few hundred yards away from where the man who we talked to who is the caretaker at the cemetery who sees the chopper overhead and patrol cars going up and down a hill he said that is very close to the same railway that we can see on the map that leads that way. You know theirinking these men might have traveled along the railway, police were following trails following railways and again, we keep hearing from scanner traffic, authorities were looking in an area very close to that railway. Stay with me because we are showing our viewers a photo right now to the other side of the screen from the map. Guys in the control room, can you tell me about this photo . We know they are searching this area that is quote unquote, a hot spot from the authorities, but im going to find out more about this photo we are showing you so we can tell our viewers more about exactly, exactly what it is. We will take a quick break and be back with the breaking news on this man hunt for these two convicted killers in upstate new york. Potential sightings, potential sightings being reported to the authorities on the state line there between new york and pennsylvania. Im a very busy person, very involved in school activities. If you take the time out to actually do it you see results. Swimming biking running. Over the last several months he says his bad habits have changed. I think the biggest change is really looking at the kind of food choices i do. A lot of times i would kind of eat late at night. Thats been a big nono. And hes getting results. 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Farxiga can cause serious side effects including dehydration, genital yeast infections in women and men, low blood sugar, kidney problems, and increased bad cholesterol. Common side effects include urinary Tract Infections changes in urination and runny nose. Do the walk of life yeah, you do the walk of life need to lower your blood sugar . Ask your doctor about farxiga. And visit our website to learn how you may be able to get every month free. We spend a lot of time onlinaround here. But with all this speed from xfinity, its all good. Hey, why dont we do some homework for a change . Gary, you too. Dad. Work stuff. Yes lovin the new design konichiwa hirosan. Five minutes. All this speed is very empowering. Check out the new hardware. With the Fastest Internet available, xfinity is perfect for people who need to get a lot done at home. And now you can go even faster. Weve just increased the speeds on two of our most popular plans. Im poppy harlow in new york. We are continuing to follow the breaking news. A potential sighting of those two convicted murderers who escaped from a maximum security prison two weeks ago today. Joining me on the phone, John Anderson regional editor for the wellesville daily reporter. You are on the ground there. You have a keen sense of how this search has gone over the last two weeks. How credible do you think these tips are right now that has caused those 800 Law Enforcement officials to narrow in on a part of new york that is right along the state line with pennsylvania . I think its a very credible sighting took place around 1 30. The reason is the description the individual gave the troopers is very close. You have probably seen the updated sketches with the beard, showing the facial growth. Thats what this resident saw, described, described the teeshirt of the individual. Everything was pretty common with exactly what the troopers are looking for. Thats what they told me at 1 30. Now, as time has gone on the last couple hours, the problem is so many people are calling in sightings, and they may be other people who are looking for this reward money. Like 100,000 so obviously, people want to be the one to call and be a credible tip and as a result we keep seeing troopers go one way, ten go oh. Im standing right next to a helicopter that just came in thats getting ready to head out again as soon as they have another credible sighting. I do believe they have this man hunt condensed to an area where they believe they are. Tell me a little bit about this part of new york. Are we talking about rural . We have seen some images of homes. What is this area like . Very rural. Allegany county is a county of 29 towns and a few villages. There are no cities, not a lot here. Very hunting, fishing, recreational type area. A lot of wooded area and people know this area very well. The troopers here a lot of the troopers that ive talked to today have been here at the barracks for many years and the troopers here in the amity based State Police Barracks have been leaning heavily on the other local agencies because a lot of these guys know each other, they fish and hunt together their families know each other, so theres very good cooperation going on between the Sheriffs Department Friendship Police the park rangers, dvc, they are on atvs and when they are calling for radio silence or talking to each other there does not seem to be any problem even though they dont Work Together every day. Thats one thing they have to their advantage. They know this area they hunt this area. Its pretty unique. And they are stopping cars. We have seen some images and video of the different troopers there stopping vehicles talking to residents. Yeah. They are. They are concerned obviously these guys get into a vehicle. The area as you see, the interstate is also near the railroad and there are some small tunnelways they can get underneath and around. But the good thing is for Law Enforcement, they have been expecting these guys. For some reason there was a very credible trip that they were heading to a particular county in new york. The troopers have been there for a long time havent said much of anything but thats where they were believed to go from the original time they escaped. That was the sevenhour destination that we could figure out was going to be not buffalo. However, if anyone has ever traveled the Southern Tier to get to buffalo where the one gentlemans from you would have to this is pretty much the best way to go the Southern Tier get going towards wellsville and cut up. You are going to get away with it if you can stay around this area. Its a very rural area. John anderson i really appreciate the reporting from you on the ground there. Thank you for being with me. I want to bring in cnn National Correspondent Deborah Feyerick who has been working her sources in Law Enforcement and following this very closely. You have new information. What can you tell me . Reporter a Law Enforcement source who was briefed on the prison investigation is telling us they believe there was a credible sighting of the two prison fugitives near the town of friendship new york which is just north of the pennsylvania border. A second source i was speaking to who is involved in Emergency Response says that heavily armed police and Law Enforcement agents are walking along Railroad Tracks armed with shotguns and long rifles and other firearms. Authorities are approaching from multiple angles, the source says to create a large perimeter. Apparently the sighting came from a tipoff phone call where they found some tracks that they are now following to try to determine if it is in fact the two escapees. Right now they do believe this is a very positive lead. Have they told you why they think this is so credible compared to all of the other leads that come in . Is it about those tracks . Reporter it is about those tracks. They have been looking in that area and over the last couple days there have been a dip in calls and tipoffs people reporting that they believe they saw the two prison escapees. This one seems very interesting to Law Enforcement. Deborah feyerick stand by. I will let you continue to work your sources on this. Some tracks were found, some footprint tracks in this tipoff that was called in to this tipoff line. The Law Enforcement sources say this is a very credible threat that they are following. Sara ganim with me on the ground outside the maximum security prison where these two men escaped two weeks ago. Today, what are you hearing . Reporter we know this is a very active search. We know they have k9 and aviation helicopters in the air, k9s on the ground. Hopefully trying to pick up the scent of these two men. We know that earlier in this search when it was closer to the prison they had picked up the scent of these two men but then they lost it. The trail went cold for several days as authorities here began to scale back slightly and were no longer doing grid searches in this area but instead were following trails out of town. Then after that, the next credible lead that came wasnt for several days. It wasnt until tuesday of this week when they learned that there were two possible sightings last weekend, saturday and sunday in two towns near the border about 30 miles east of where theyre searching now. Whats interesting, being on the ground and looking at the situation, whats interesting about those two sightings last weekend is that they were near Railroad Tracks. We know from witnesses on the ground that they are again searching near Railroad Tracks in friendship new york. A cemetery caretaker who i spoke to on the phone a few minutes ago told me hes at the intersection of a Railroad Tracks a creek and a major highway, the Southern Tier expressway is the name of the highway. They say they are doing car checks and road blocks on that highway. He said the chopper has been hovering above for more than an hour with Police Troopers going up and down the hill near the cemetery. We know that those Railroad Tracks that are very nearby also lead directly to the town in irwin, new york where there was that potential sighting last week. Now of course state police are still reviewing Surveillance Video from those sightings last weekend trying to determine if in fact those were the two men who were spotted but along with this lead that has come today and this new active search it appears that the two could be linked. Sara also we learned today within the last day that the prison there, the Clinton Correctional Facility has put one of their Correctional Officers on administrative leave. Theyre not saying why but the timing seems interesting. Reporter thats right. Theyre not giving us a whole lot of detail here. Investigators here have always said from the beginning that they believe that theres a strong possibility that there were others involved in this escape. Obviously very elaborate. A lot of planning went into this. Clearly some help because we know that a prison seamstress Joyce Mitchell has been arrested and charged with bringing them tools and aiding them in her words, supposed to be their getaway driver as well before she backed out and got cold feet. The District Attorney has told us all along there was a possibility they were helped by others and last night we learned that there is a corrections officer, a male corrections officer, who has been put on administrative leave as this investigation continues. We dont have many more details than that. The District Attorney and other authorities not commenting as it is an ongoing investigation. But that would be if that person is implicated in some way of helping them in some fashion, that would be the second person from inside the prison who would have helped. Of course we know also from the d. A. That these two men were practicing this escape for many nights leading up to the actual breakout of the jail of the prison by climbing into the walls, potentially by getting access through the prison walls to tools that were left behind by contractors. Many people here telling us many people of authority saying there is a lot to look at the way the prison was operating in the weeks leading up to the escape moving forward to make sure this doesnt happen again. Sara ganim, fantastic reporting. I appreciate it. Stay with us. Also from Deborah Feyerick working her sources. We will take a quick break. Well be right back on this breaking news. A good host, is a good host no matter where hes hosting. An hors doeuvre for the table . Perhaps even an elegant gesture for the neighbors. Stella artois host beautifully hp instant ink can save you up to 50 on ink, so print all you want and never run out. Right now, buy an eligible printer and get three months of free ink with hp instant ink. Available at participating retailers. The most affordable way to print. Hp instant ink. If you want a paint thats tough enough to protect from the elements. If you want a paint flexible enough to survive the subtle cracking of time. 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They got a credible tip earlier in the day, this afternoon, and authorities telling cnn that they have aviation units and k9s on the ground actively searching right now for these two convicted murderers who escaped from this prison more than two weeks ago today. Authorities also telling us that this is an area thats about 30 miles east of a place where there were two reported sightings last weekend. Its also near Railroad Tracks that connect those two sightings. I talked to a witness on the ground who told me there is a helicopter that has been hovering for more than an hour. He says state police are swarming the area setting up roadblocks hovering over a creek near Railroad Tracks. The man who i spoke to is the caretaker of a cemetery thats right in the middle of this. He said im scared im sitting here with a rifle. He said i think theyre really serious that theyve seen somebody and i just hope they catch them otherwise it will make for a long night. This coming right after news that a corrections officer at this facility has now been placed on administrative leave in relation to this investigation of this escape. This would be the second person who has been implicated in part of this the second worker inside the prison who has been implicated. Last week Joyce Mitchell who is a prison seamstress who befriended both of these men, was arrested and charged with bringing these men tools which they used to cut their way out of this jail two saturdays ago. Not a whole lot of information on this new on this corrections officer and what his role might have been but we do know that it is a man and he has been placed on administrative leave in relation to this and then just hours later, learning that there is what seems like the first credible possible sighting of these two men in several days. The trail here had gone cold. State Police Telling us just yesterday that they were scaling back their search in this area and then just a few hours later, were learning that they are now converging and canvassing on this new area. Sara thank you for the reporting. We will take a quick break. Well be back with much more on this massive manhunt that is narrowing in on a hot spot right now on the border t state line between new york and pennsylvania. vo around age 7, the glucose metabolism in a dogs brain begins to change. maryjo shes always interacted with dogs and now does suddenly not want to be around dogs. jack shes very much a loner. maryjo you are what you eat and this is definitely the case with bright mind. jack ive been surprised by how much has happened. Shes much more affectionate than she was. maryjo she just has integrated herself into the family again. vo purina pro plan bright mind promotes alertness and mental sharpness in dogs 7 and older. Purina pro plan. Nutrition that performs. 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It can help provide the additional control you may need. Im poppy harlow in new york. We are continuing to follow the breaking news in new york state where this manhunt for two convicted murderers who escaped from a maximum security prison two weeks ago has intensified. It has intensified a lot. We have full team coverage. We have sara ganim on the ground outside of the prison this evening with us. We also have tom fuentes, former fbi assistant director here with me in new york on the set and joining me on the phone right now, we have gary baker. He is a cemetery caretaker in the area right in friendship new york right along that state line with pennsylvania where this manhunt has intensified. Gary, are you with me . Yes, i am. Gary, what are you seeing . The last ten minutes there has been three trooper cars go up and down and the helicopters still going over. I know you spoke with our sara ganim and said you are nervous. You are scared. Right. Tell me why. Well i guess those guys are pretty dangerous. So what are you doing to protect yourself . Are you staying inside . Im staying inside and the doors locked and got my rifle loaded. What else are you seeing . And when did this begin . How long ago did you start seeing this real increase in Police Presence there . Im having a hard time hearing you. Im sorry about that, sir. What i said is when did you start to see this increase in Police Presence there . Did it begin just about an hour ago or was it a little bit earlier today . It was a little earlier. I came back and they had the road blocked. And gary did they stop your car to ask you questions . Yes, they did. And asked for a license. What did they checked my van. Right now, i hear my road is closed. Gary what did the authorities ask you when they stopped your vehicle when you were driving home . They just looked inside and asked for my license. Asked me where i was going. And did you ask them any questions . No. The trooper told me you know theres suspects were in the area or could be in the area. Okay. Gary baker, you and your wife stay safe stay inside the house. Thank you for talking to us. I appreciate it. Okay. Gary thank you very much. Lets bring in tom fuentes, former fbi assistant director. What do you make of this tom . Its hard to determine they are taking it as a very very credible tip. Right. I think now you have a very afraid public now because of hearing these reports that these two killers could be there. Darkness is approaching soon and you know all the police that theyre going to need are not there yet, they are en route. I think members of the public there are going to be very concerned about what could happen if these guys are really here will they pick my house to invade and seek shelter and look for weapons, food vehicle. Which is very possible. They could look at somebodys house and do a house invasion. What do they do when night falls . I think what theyre doing. They just hunker down and if they see something, get on the phone and call the police immediately. Dont go outside. Dont go out and pursue somebody or yell out is that you or who are you . Any of those things. I really meant authorities. What do the authorities do when night falls . You were telling me earlier they want to make sure that someone isnt accidentally shot that a Police Officer for example, isnt accidentally shot. Thats true. The police are going to have to check these homes and yet if people are in their homes afraid thats a these homes. The police are going to be going through backyards, the police are going to be going through the woods trying to search for these guys in addition to that aviation asset and the other measures. And theyre in danger of being shot by accidentally by another Police Officer or a citizen whos very afraid. Much less if they come across these two guys and they obtain weapons in the interim. The problem i see here is getting enough Police Officers there, before it gets dark to really establish that perimeter, if the people are really there. Are they going to be able to slip out of the net again . This location where the manhunt has intensified. Is 350 miles southwest of danimora. Which is where most of the authorities were searching. Once they start this search. At this location. Now theyre going to have to look at every square foot of this heavily forested area. If the individuals have slipped out, if they really were there in the last couple days and they slipped out. Now you have another hundreds and hundreds of officers converged on an area while theyre making their way off to somewhere else. This is a difficult thing. And again, the police have to weigh the fact that once an alert has gone out, one of your neighbors may have spotted these guys. Everything and everyone out there becomes suspicious. They may be calling on other people that may be out there. You have other people that are homeless that ride the freight cars the freight trains all the time. They get on and off, go into town, look in dumpsters and get back on the trainings. You would have nose sightings of people that are homeless. Sarah will stay with me. Were going to take a quick break, well be back with more after this. Its part adrenaline and part adventure. Its part geek and part chic. Its part relaxation and part exhilaration. Its part sports car and part suv. And the best part . The 2015 gla. Its 100 mercedesbenz. A good host, is a good host no matter where hes hosting. An hors doeuvre for the table . Perhaps even an elegant gesture for the neighbors. Stella artois host beautifully attention. Did you or anyone in your household work around asbestoscontaining gaskets and packing . The garlock bankruptcy may affect your rights even if you do not presently have an asbestosrelated disease. 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Charlestons emmanuel ame church will open its doors for worship tomorrow morning, for sunday services, with a message of love forgiveness and unity. The church will hold a service at 9 30 a. M. Tomorrow this as the investigation into the senseless massacre continues. A video has just surfaced on the internet in the last hours. It lays out why charleston was the target for roofs rampage. He remains locked up under suicide watch, arlene in a machado has been pouring over that manifesto. What does it say . As you mentioned, its racist its also extremely disturbing and it makes very inflammatory statements not just about blacks but about other minorities. The statement is very long but there are parts of it where they could shed some light into perhaps what it was that was the turning point for dylann roof and why it was he chose the city of charleston as the target of his attack. Now, again, cnn has not been able to authenticate that he is the arthur of the manifesto. I want to read part of it to you, where he refers to the author of this manifesto, refers to the Trayvon Martin shooting. The event that truly awakened me was the Trayvon Martin case. I was unable to understand what the big deal was, it was obvious that zimmerman was in the right, but more importantly, this prompted me to type in the words black on white crime and google, and i have never been the same since that day. Poppy, as you just saw, if in fact dylann roof is the author of this manifesto, it seems to suggest that the Trayvon Martin case was a big influence. I know weve learned a little more about this manifesto, where was it posted . According to an internet ownership search it appears to belong to dylann roof. It was registered to roof and he was also listed as the administrator the ownership search listed his name his email and phone. According to a Law Enforcement officials, we understand that the fbi is still working to authenticate this website to see if dylann roof is the author of this manifesto. They are looking closely as you would imagine at this document poppy. All right, alina, as we continue to talk about this i want to pull up some images of what really matters here. And that is the victims, because so often . These cases too much emphasis goes on on people like dylann roof. This is what matters, these nine beautiful lives that were lost. Youre there on the ground as people line up to go inside of the ame church. What are people on the ground telling you . Weve been here now for a couple days weve been talking to people from the community and also to some of the victims families and friends, and the general focus here the consensus is that this is really about those victims, about honoring those lives that were lost here. Im going to move out of the shot for a moment so we can show you what weve been seeing here all day. I mean this is the church where this horrific massacre happened. This is what weve been seeing signs of love the lines here the steady stream of people stopping by to pay their respects to these nine victims who lost their lives here has been nonstop since this pretty much happened since theyve been able to get closer to the church. There are balloons there are flowers. Weve been hearing prayers, weve been hearing people singing hymns. People really coming together here poppy. To honor these victims. As they should. They will be remembered in a beautiful ceremony tomorrow morning at 9 30 a. M. Eastern at that church cnn will carry it live for everyone. Alina machado, thank you for the reporting reporting. Im poppy harlow joining you in new york. Its 6 00 eastern, top of the hour here and we begin with our breaking news from new york state. The two men who

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