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Allegations of a Tea Party Targeting scandal coverup. Why emails sent have disappeared from both the computer and an irs server. Also happening now, john kerry is delivering remarks on human trafficking. Were keeping an eye on that. Also waiting to see if he says anything about iraq. And at the bottom of the hour here, the va back in the spotlight this morning. At issue, 10 million worth of bonuses given to executives at the phoenix va. Thats were there are allegations of rigged waiting lists, veterans forced to wait several months to receive care. Well monitor all three hearings and bring you updates as soon as we have them. But we begin of course this morning with iraq as terrorist fighters inch closer to the capitol city and more American Military advisers head toward that crisis, there is a new call for reinforcements. Theyre now asking them to reenlist to prepare and maintain planes and tanks. This, as president obama makes the decision to send up to 300 special forces from this country to iraq. Theyre not going to fight, but to advise. Rather than try to play whack a mole wherever the terrorist organizations may pop up, we have to built effective partnerships, make sure they have capacity. And this morning, theres also new concern about isis as militants take control of a facility once used by Saddam Hussein to produce and to store chemical weapons. Were on the ground there in baghdad. Nick, you have a very unique perspective on this chemical weapons site because you visited it back in 2002. What can you tell us about it now that there are reports that isis has control of it . Reporter sure. Back in 2002, i went with u. N. Weapons inspectors. I look back at my script and the first line is rusting rows of chemical weapons. This is a site that was at the heart of Saddam Husseins chemical weapons production. It was the the birthplace of his biological weapons. All of this stuff was used in the eightyear war with iran in the 1980s. What kind of condition is it in now . Its judged by the state department to be in a poor condition. Thats certainly what i saw. Its still there. Its still rotting. The gas, some of the chemicals that there were. And the concern has to be that some of the fighters associated with isis right now are some of the officers that would have had knowledge of that site, maybe even involved in the use or storage of the chemical weapons there. What we understand and from what i saw when i was there, these weapons are in a very dangerous but not useful military condition. Okay. And im also wondering there on the ground, nick, if youre getting any reaction from average iraqi citizens responding to news from president obama yesterday afternoon that the u. S. Is spending up to 300 military advisers. I know that the government has been asking the u. S. To get involved, but what are the people saying . Reporter you know, there are people that want the strikes and wanted them quickly because theyre scared. They dont like isis. Theyre afraid of them. Theyre afraid of what they will do to them. At the same time, you have sunnis in the west of the country saying hold on a minute. If the United States comes in here, backs this government with these strikes against sunnis, some of them are tribesmen. They would say the United States taken a position against the sunnis. A lot of the insurgency in the west of iraq that killed many u. S. Service men was a result of the sunnis there fighting against the u. S. Troops. So theres divided opinion, poppy. Yeah, absolutely, nick, thank you so much. We appreciate the reporting on the ground there in baghdad throughout all of this. Also later today as we mentioned at the top of the show, our own kate bolduan will sit down with president obama for a one on one interview. Shes going to ask him of course about this plan to send those special forces to iraq. Well bring you that conversation later today and much more of it on new day on monday morning. Breaking news. This just into the cnn news room. We have flight ningny video of our own Senior International correspondent being roughed up in the west bank. This happened during a demonstration to support p palestinia palestinians. I want you to take a listen. No, no, no, hes going to take your camera now. Go, go, go, go. [ speaking Foreign Language ] wow. Ben joins us now by phone. Not by phone. In person. Thank you. You look you made it through. You look all right. I could hear your voice in there trying to negotiate while all of that was happening. What happened and how are you doing . Reporter well, were fine. Couple bruises, a few scratches, but were accustomed to tussle with with various police in various parts of the world. We were at a demonstration organized by a maus and people that have recently been detained by israelis in the roundup after thursday. The Palestinian Authority does not like it when the press covers groups of protestors affiliated with that Group Protesting against the Palestinian Authority. I heard one of the plain clothed policeman saying, grab the camera, grab the camera man. I told him, theyre coming for you. Lets go, lets go. We vereventually got the camera back. Im afraid its not going to be working for cnn anymore. Wow. Im glad that you guys are okay. Youre a pro. Youve reported in this environment for a long time. Appreciate the update for us. Im glad you and your team are all right. Stay safe. I want to show you incredible pictures from the banks of the mississippi right in minneapolis. Heavy rains were close to the University Medical center. An entire river collapsed. No patients have been affected. Were told the hospital is now in safe condition. This is because of rainfall of historic proportions that have been falling there for about a week. Yesterday, really record rainfall causing the governor to declare a state of emergency in 35 counties and the risk of flooding remaining high todayment our affiliate kara has the latest. Reporter Structural Engineers here in minnesota will certainly be watching the scene behind me here today. Essentially a massive mudslide took out an entire section of a bluff near the university of minnesotas rir side hospital along the banks of the rising mississippi river. One of the saturated hillsides simply gave way late last night. This after torrential rains thursday. It dumped mud and large trees into the river and left a massive hole inside of the bluff. This mudslide was dangerously close to a hospital building, by nobody was hurt. And engineers determined the hospital structure is still intact and okay. Patients and hospital staff were not affected although some staff were briefly e vabback waited. They will begin the cleanup process, but it may take a while as they wait for the area to stabilize. Back to you. Appreciate that report. Meantime, newly released documents reveal major accusations on wisconsin Governor Scott walker. He was allegedly involved in a criminal scheme to illegally coordinate conservative groups to help him and others fiegtd back against the recall efforts in 2012. No charges have been filed and this morning walker is fighting back against those claims. The facts are pretty clear. Youve had not one, but two judges. A state judge, a well respected court of appeals judge, and a federal judge more recently have looked at this argument. In the past, not just recently. This is not new news. No charges case over. Both judges said they didnt buy the argument. They didnt think anything was done that was illegal. Were going to have more on that from our cnn executive editor mark preston straight ahead after the break. Still here to come in the news room, when he ran for governor, he described himself as one tough nerd. Now rick snyder is getting ready to sign an aid package to try to help the city of detroit out of bankruptcy. His response to critics who call it an unfair bailout of his states biggest city. Im mary and i have copd. Im jeff and i have copd. Im lisa and i have copd, but i dont want my breathing problems to get in the way of hosting my book club. Thats why i asked my doctor about breo. Oncedaily breo ellipta helps increase airflow from the lungs for a full 24 hours. And breo helps reduce symptom flareups that last several days and require oral steroids, antibiotics, or hospital stay. Breo is not for asthma. Breo contains a type of medicine that increases risk of death in people with asthma. It is not known if this risk is increased in copd. 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Now, the same governor is one of the biggest advocates for an aid deal worth almost 200 million trying to pull detroit out of bankruptcy. It passed with broad bipartisan support. Later this morning, hes headed over to sign it. Governor, thank you for being here. Its great to be with you. Its another step on getting detroit on the path to being a great exciting city again. Ive covered detroit really extensively. This is a big step. Its frankly unprecedented according to analysts that cover bankruptcies like this that ive talked to. But the road is still very long. You have a big fight between creditors and the city. Do you see a successful exit from bankruptcy for detroit come this fall . Yes, it should happen. There are two more important steps after the signing today. Theres a vote of retirees and we need a yes socievote on that. Then the bankruptcy trial itself with the judge who needs to approve the plan of adjustment. That trial begins in late august. Those are the two major steps left in the process. Assuming positive outcomes, then we should be in a position to emerge from bankruptcy and get the city with the mare and the city council with good oversight all foe us kd on growing the city of detroit. The real struggle you still have is the fact that the tax base has been so depleted. So many people in businesses leaving detroit. Youre having a lot of success downtown bringing tech businesses back in. What do you do to get people back in detroit . Its starting to move already. Thats the good part. Detroits already coming back. As you said, midtown and downtown are very exciting. Were out of housing now for young professionals. Detroits one of the hot places to live in the country. We have Major Projects on the drawing board. A light rail system. Theres a lot of great things going on. The one thing in particular, we also need to make sure that neighborhoods are participating in this. Thats why theres great programs and removing blight. I think the mayor has done exciting things about trying to get blight removed in the city. Some have made that argument, detroit needs to take responsibility for years, decades of financial mismanagement and corrupt politics and not get bailed out by the state or real change isnt going to happen. What do you say to them . Well, this isnt a bailout. This is a settlement. Because the settlement is a number of parties to do something truly unique on a voluntary basis. This is the foundation community, Detroit Institute of art donors. Labor come wgt state to put a grand bargain together to say lets soften the plow on reti e retirees that otherwise wouldnt be available. It helps those retirees which is critically important. This is a way to win together. And the way i view this, this is a smart settlement so we can all grow detroit. Ive talked to a lot of those retired city workers who are scared of whats ahead. I want your response to this. The americans of prosperity wanted to see detroit sell its assets. Like its artwork. It has a lot of valuable artwork. They see this as a bailout. They have vowed to work for the defeat of lawmakers who supported this package for detroit. Are you worried at all that the republican allies are going to pay a price with a future defeat because they voted for this package . Well, the feedback after the bills were passed through the legislature was fabulous. It was with broad bipartisan support. The ledge slay turs supported it. I went and talked to a number of them afterward. I said, how did it go back in your district. The feedback was overwhelmingly positive from all corners. I had few that said this is a vote im going to regret. Detroit is building a big new hockey arena right downtown. Millions of that is coming from taxpayer dollars. I know its going to bring revenue is. The question is, is this the right use of taxpayer money in detroit right now when you have streets where you cant turn the lights on, where trash cant be picked up . Is this the right move . The good part is, we haveny trash providers, lights are going up, so all that is happening in detroit. A normal arena, i wouldnt be supportive of. But this is a critically important area that will connect midtown and downtown detroit. And will axccelerate even more growth than whats already going on. Well be watching. As you know, i am a big fan of detroit and im waiting for that city to come back. Positive things happening down there as well. Thank you, governor. Thanks, poppy. Back now to the newly released documents which reveal major accusations against wisconsin Governor Scott walker. According to state prosecutors, walker was allegedly involved in a criminal scream to illegally coordinate groups to fight back against recalls. Lets talk about this with our Senior Executive Political Editor for cnn, mark preston. What are they talking about here . Well, you know, poppy this is something that happened yesterday. It blasted onto the front pages of all the newspapers in wisconsin, but also nationally, something that caught the wisconsin governors aids by surprise. It stems from a fight that occurred a few years ago when the governor tried to curtail collective bargaining rights. Democrats in that state tried to run a recall election against him. They were able to do so. But in fact, walker had won. There were several state senators as well also put up for recall. What we see now is documents that were released yesterday where we have these county prosecutors in wisconsin who allege that walker and his cam pap aides coordinated with outside groups, something that would be illegal with state election law. Walker we saw him go pack and say that in fact this is just a political vendetta by his campaign foes and by democrats and that is federal judge and state judge has both refused to pursue these charges. I just got off the phone with one of his top aides. They say they are ready and prepared to fight this. This is coming into an Election Year where we will see walker up on the ballot. If he wins in november, a lot of people think that he will run for president in 2016. This is very big. Has brought implications for a man running again in 2014 and maybe making a bid for the white house. Still ahead in the pneumonia, how did workers at the cdc get exposed to anthrax. Our dr. Sanjay gupta live with that this morning. 75 workers under surveillance now. Being offered antibiotics. What exactly happened . This is the cdc. Ill explain after the break. Co sometimes you dont know you need a hotel room until youre sure you do. Bartender thanks, captain obvious. Co which is why i put the hotels. Com mobile app on my mobile phone. Hotels. Com i dont need it right now. So i get invited to quite a few family gatherings. Heck, i saved judith here a fortune with discounts like safe driver, multicar, paperless. You make a mighty fine missus, mlady. Im not saying marks thrifty. Lets just say, i saved him 519, and it certainly didnt go toward that ring. Am i right . [ laughs ] [ dance music playing ] so visit progressive. Com today. I call this one the robox. This morning, a federal investigation is underway at the centers for disease control. Thats the federal Health Research facility that handles some of the worlds most deadly biological threats. Today, about 75 cdc workers are being closely watched after possibly being exposed to anthrax. You may remember the deadly bacteria from the post 9 11 stair when someone mailed that deadly bacteria. Dr. Sanjay gupta is at cdc head quarters. I know youve been speaking to people from the cdc. What are they saying . Reporter first of all some news, the 75 number actually increased now to 87 as they try and figure out who may have been exposed, more people have been identified. So the numbers have actually gone up, poppy. What happens is you have biosafety labs. Some are higher level, some are lower. They were taking this anthrax and wanted to transfer to a lower biosafety lab. They were supposed to inactivate the bacteria and wait 48 hours to make sure it actually worked. Neither one of those steps actually worked. First of all, the invacaactivat process didnt kill the bacteria. All of a sudden, live bacteria got into a lab thats not equipped to handle that. One of the things that its so important we clarify here is that no everyone that may have been exposed ultimately gets sick from this. I know theres a high mortality rate if you do get sick, but give us is sense of what the outlook is for those who may have been exposed right now. Reporter you put that well. The idea of actually getting sick and getting enough anthrax into your lungs to make one sick, the risk of that is pretty small. But if an infection takes hold, its a deadly problem. I mean, 75 to 80 of people who contract anthrax in that way die from it. Thats the concern. Not easy to catch, but really problematic if you do get it. This is what they do. I mean, this is their mission. Theyve offered the people who may have been exposed antibiotics and theyre starting those antibiotic they can choose to start them and take them for 60 days. Again, as you say news this morning that 75 number of people possibly exposed now up to 87. Well stay with you for updates on that throughout the morning. Still to come here in the news room, the va scandal on the hill and under the microscope. The hearing getting underway as we speak. Lawmakers want to know why executives were rewarded while veterans were dying waiting for their help. 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Weve had problems time and time again where it appears that its much easier to get a bonus at va than it is to get disciplined or be fired. Someone literally has to be committing a crime in order to get fired in the federal government. Joining us by phone is our senior correspondent. This is another layer. What are we expecting today . Youre going to hear from the head of Human Resources from the department of veterans of affairs. She is the only person testifying before the House Veterans Affairs committee. Shes going to try to explain how with all of the problems that the va has had and known about for years, why so many, if not all of the Senior Executives, have been given performance bonuses. That includes the director of the phoenix va where this scandal really blew up. But it also includes the directors who ran the va in pittsburgh at the very same time that there was a leej nel la problem in the water supply killing veterans there and the va knew about it. So its going to be a very, very tough line of questioning because quite frankly, these members of congress find it incredulous that these bonuses are so easily handed out. Wow. Theres also a very important update in terms of the audit released by the va in terms of numbers here. What have you heard on that front . Well, the numbers released yesterday are showing more and more the true wait times. We had an initial audit that looked pretty bad. And as the numbers come in and are more accurately recorded, its just getting worse. Now theres tens of thousands of more veterans across the country who have been waiting four months or longer for appointments. So as the va actually does its own correct auditing of itself, we are realizing that this wait list scandal across the country is just getting bigger. Which is why today youre going to have serious questions about why the bonuses are being dolled out. Absolutely. Its such an important story, drew griffin. Thank you for being on it for us. Meantime, 300 American Military advisers now on a mission to help stop isis. They may not be combat troops, but theyre more than just analysts. Theyll include navy s. E. A. L. S and highranking officers. Joining me now cnn military analyst Lieutenant Colonel rick francona. Good morning to you all. Thank you for being here. Weve been talk about this over the past few days. I want a sense from you of exactly what these military advisers on the ground are going to do because i heard it described well this morning. Someone said theyre not boots on the ground, but theyre boots on the ground enter they are boots on the grand. And people at the pentagon are telling me their initial job when they get there is to assess the situation. They want to find out whats the actual condition of the iraqi troops and what are we going to have to do to get them up to speed. What kind of assistance are they going to need. Theyre also going to assess the capabilities of isis. So youre going to have u. S. Intelligence people on the ground again. This will be the best source of information. Framgly, were not trusting iraqi intelligence right now. Barry, you served under the Bush Administration and the obama administration. You think right now the president has a lot of it right in terms of diagnosing the problem. But you think his proposed actions are too measured and modest. Why . I think it is a good first step. I would have done two things a little differently. Instead of making it a u. S. arack thing, i would have made it a many country iraq thing. I hope its to build a broader coalition. Work hard diplomatically with the iraqi leadership to make sure they have a more inclusive approach that includes the sunnis to break the sunnis off of isis. And to do the Counter Terrorism work. I guess, can you count on that from the government right now to all of a sudden turn the page and be inclusive . You definitely cannot. Thats why instead of just the u. S. , i would have had the gulf coordination council, maybe russia, maybe china, maybe european countries. We all have an interest in this. Maybe well, ill get back to you in a moment. Maybe russia right now . Look at tensions there. Of course people are talking about whether or not we should partner with iran at least on this front. Sally shlgs you say no way, no how should the u. S. Get involved. At the same time, can we risk this region falling more into the hands of our enemies . Can we afford that right now . Lets step back and remember the reason we got into this war in the first place was this theory of threat. There was this tumped up, oh maybe some day rngs possibly what if. I dont think maybes and some days and what ifs are enough to risk again more american lives. But sally, is this a maybe . Is this a what if . Were seeing it unfold 37 miles from baghdad . Isis is not al qaeda, we know that. What they want to do right now is set up a sunni state that is very violent and ugly and bad. If were looking at American Interest and were looking at whether we can actually forget by the way whether we can actually help solve what is an ethnic tension we have nothing to do about and can only exacerbate. We know how to deal with sunni states. There are sunni states. We dont go and invade all of them. This is a political problem and there is not a military solution here. I understand that point. Also, i want to say, Al Qaeda Leaders have said some in isis are too much for them. So theyre not al qaeda, but theyre extreme. A source in the Yemen Government told us that al qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula may start working with isis in iraq. What do you think should be done . I assume you disagree with sally . I do. I think its important we eject these people from iraq. We need to get them out of there. We cant just stop where we are. We cant go in there and say no more. We have to roll this back because we cant afford to have a fanatical muslim state in between syria and iraq. Weve got to get these people out of there. And i think thats what the initial goal of the iraqis will be to do that. Theyre going to set up these two control command posts joint with the u. S. One in baghdad and one further north. I assume theyre going to try and cut these people off and push them out. Thats important. Looking at what the president announced yesterday, igt, up to 300 military advisers going in with expertise. If indeed force is needed, air strikes are not off the table. Do you think this was the right move by the administration . Are you worried that this is the beginning of more . This administration hasnt shown its timidity when it comes to getting bin laden and using drones. So obviously im not always aligned with the administration on this point. But, you know, again, the American People want us to take military action when our National Interest is threatened. And in the last several years since the Bush Administration, weve moved from direct and clear and Credible Threats to hypothetical threats that is not enough to justify putting american lives at stake. There are hypothetical threats all other the place. Its not enough. In this case, American Intervention taking sides trying to put military muscle into a political problem only risks creating those types of threats. The job of a president is to lead and to help inform a public debate. You want to get ahead of threats like this. If you give a skillful, wellarmed, wellresourced terrorist organization thats more extreme an al qaeda, the leaders of a nation state, i think we want to get ahead of that, not wait for it to happen. I appreciate the time. With all three of you. Thank you for the expertise on this friday. Still to come here, two landmark gains for samesex marriage. One coming from the government. The other coming from a big american church. Were going to tell you what they are and whats ahead next. Im jane and i have copd. Im dave and i have copd. Im kate and i have copd, but i dont want my breathing problems to get in the way my volunteering. Thats why i asked my doctor about breo. Oncedaily breo ellipta helps increase airflow from the lungs for a full 24 hours. And breo helps reduce symptom flareups that last several days and require oral steroids, antibiotics, or hospital stay. Breo is not for asthma. Breo contains a type of medicine that increases risk of death in people with asthma. It is not known if this risk is increased in copd. Breo wont replace rescue inhalers for sudden copd symptoms and should not be used more than once a day. Breo may increase your risk of pneumonia, thrush, osteoporosis, and some eye problems. Tell your doctor if you have a heart condition or high Blood Pressure before taking breo. 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They have voted to change their definition of marriage allowing everyone to get married, including samesex couples within the church. Marriage will now be defined as between two people instead of quote, between a man and a woman. Thank you for being with us, sir. Absolutely. Give me a sense of what this means. Can gay and lesbian couples go into the Presbyterian Church today and get married . Not today. But very, very soon. As soon as they wrap up the big meeting in detroit on saturday, they will be permitted to marry gay and lesbian couples. The change in the definition will take a little longer. It actually has to be approved by these Regional Church bodies. In terms of marriage, you may be hearing wedding bells near you very, very soon. What are lgbt groups saying about this . And also i wonder about opposition. Has there been a big vocal opposition to this . I hadnt heard about it coming down the pipeline until it happened. It happened very quickly to be sure although momentum had been building for a number of years. The pro poponents of gay marria are very excited about this. Its a big historic denomination with deep roots in america. Conservatives on the other hand are really chagrinned. A number of them have already left the denomination for more conservative churches in recent years because they allowed gay and lesbian ministers. What do you think this means in terms of moving the needle for other churches . Do you believe it is one in a string of other churches following suit . Obviously all of them are not going to. Well, when you look at the kind of big map of religious groups, you definitely see more and more accepting samesex marriage. On the other hand, the big churches in the United States, the Catholic Church, the southern bap hits, theyre kind of bigging in their heels on samesex marriage. Weve heard pope francis say, who am i to judge gay people. The Catholic Church hasnt budged at all. They led a rally for traditional marriage in washington yesterday just as the presbyterians were vote sgrg really interesting development. Thanks so much. Still to come here in the news room, an injury to a star player could impact the is portugal match on sunday. Were in brazil with that. Hi, laura. Reporter hi. Yes, i will have the very latest on what the injuries could mean and how the location of this match will play a very crucial role. Shingles affected me tremendously as a pilot. The pain in my scalp area and down the back of my neck was intense. It would have been virtually impossible in that confined space to move to change radio frequencies. I mean it hurt. I couldnt even get up and drive let alone teach somebody and be responsible in an airplane. As a pilot that meant i was grounded. Whatever happened to good . Good is choosing not to overshoot the moon, but to land right on it. Good is maxwell house. Good to the last drop good is maxwell house. 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He injured his hamstring in the opening game against ghana which we won. Then theres the issue of Clint Dempseys broken nose. Will that affect his playing on sunday . Well talk with laura. Its hot and its the humidity in this game. They are moving into the middle of the rain forest. This is a location right in the middle of rain forest. This is a place where it was announced there would be a game played here, everybody was outraged. It just makes walking in this area that difficult because it feels so heavy, the type of humidity is almost feel like you are suffocating. Its very hard for you to breathe. Clint dempsey and his broken nose can only breathe out of one nostril right now because of that broken nose. Had that and the humidity, its going to be very difficult for this guy to get the oxygen that he needs. Clearly this is the game they were hoping to avoid. The u. S. Faces portugal in manaus. Its probably similar to houston, dallas, midwest, east coast in the summer, so hopefully when we get there, it wont be as shocking as it has been to some other teams. I think the heat plays for both teams, so you can just wash that out. Reporter either way, it will be a physically grueling match for each team. Now for the u. S. , they will have to do with a key player, Jozy Altidore who is out with a hamstring injury. Its a pretty big loss as he was expected to be the goal scorer. He has just broken out of his scoring drought and his form and u. S. Boss Jurgen Klinsmann had very High Expectations for his striker. We certainly hope Jozy Altidore will be back. How quickly, that all depends on the healing process. Reporter no matter which striker klinsmann chooses, defense will be key. Ronaldo is expected to play for portugal and he can score from anywhere. You lose the ball and the next thing you know its in the back of your net. Were going to have to be aware of him at all times. Were going to have to beat portugal. We dont have to think about anything. Reporter if germany beats ghana, then the usa beating portugal in their match would mean that the usa would secure progression into the knockout stages of this world cup. Thats what were looking for for the usa. First germany needs to win and then the u. S. Can beat portugal and then they are safe. Covering the world cup for us, thank you so much. Thank you for joining me. Happy friday. Have a great weekend, everyone. The next hour the cnn newsroom with the one and only don lemon begins after a quick break. So for a cleaner, healthier mouth, go with 1 dentist recommended listerine®. Power to your mouth™. Also try new listerine® naturals. The only mouthwash that combines the power of listerine® with naturally sourced ingredients. He gets a ready for you alert the second his room is ready. When sales rep Steve Hatfield books at laquinta. Com, so he knows exactly when he can prep for his presentation. 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Plus im not incompetent. Youre [ bleep ] inkpet you stupid. Im going to get you fired from ucla because you are nothing but a tramp. Donald sterling and phones and recording devices not a good mix. Who was on the other end of that call and what it means for the clippers. They are coming by the thousands, children coming into the u. S. Can anyone slow the surge . The Vice President visits quite gall ma today to find out. Good friday morning, everyone. Im don lemon. Im don carol is off today. Happen n

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