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We are a little bit delayed here. We were supposed to start at 9 30 this morning. The judge had a sentencing in another case, so now prosecutors and the defense team are in the courtroom ready to start their arguments any minute. Each side will have two hours to make their case, their final statements to the jury here. Their arguments before that jury goes in to the deliberations. Were spenting to hear prosecutors remind the jury about Paul Manaforts lavish lifestyle, how he allegedly hit those foreign bank accounts, how he allegedly defrauded banks. The defense team, well see what they say. They might pin a lot of this, as they did in their opening statements, on rick gates. The fact that he testified for 2 1 2 days and did admit to embezzling money from Paul Manafort. Of course, he has pleaded guilty to lying to investigators. Perhaps the defense team will seize on that as well. Well all see this unfold over the next four hours. Then the jury will be charged and it will be in the hands of that jury. Jess, thanks for the reporting. Our chief legal analyst, jeffrey toobin, is with me now. Hi, poppy. Hi. Good morning. So the defense calls no witnesses. The Defense Attorneys come out and speak to cameras yesterday and say the government hasnt done its job, they havent met their burden of proof. Not unusual necessarily to not present a defense. Right . But how do juries read that . Well, its important to remember, it is not unusual. It is also very usual for defendants to get convicted. Upwards of 90 of defendants in federal court get convicted. It is not an easy thing to defend a case. Look, take it from someone who predicted Hillary Clinton would are inthe 2016 election. I dont get the defense in this case. No. But i mean this defense like whats the defense here . They have never really articulated why Paul Manafort is not guilty. Rick gates, they say he is a terrible person. But most of the false statements that rick gates made on paperwork was for the benefit of Paul Manafort. It was not for the benefit of rick gates. Also, the tax returns. They were false. All the documentation. It was false. The bank submissions. The bank applications. They were false. And it was all for the benefit of Paul Manafort, not Paul Manafort doesnt want to go to jail. Is it too late for him to flip . What gives . You know what . I have been baffled by this from the very beginning. I dont have a clear explanation. A lot of defendants just cant come to terms with the fact that theyre guilty. Theres also the possibility that hes playing for a pardon. The president has made clear that he pardons his friends. He pardons his political allies. But or he may just believe this is the way to be a standup guy. He could do right . These are all federal charges so he would have the power to pardon him on everything. Absolutely. He could pardon him tomorrow. He has not indicated that. Lets be very clear. The president hasnt. So he did not take stand at all and this isnt it. He has another trial in like five weeks in d. C. Unless something happens, i mean it is possible that he may take a message from this case. If he gets acquitted, i expect he will go to trial and try to beat that case, as well. If hes convicted, i wouldnt be surprised if he tries to reach some sort of resolution in the washington, d. C. Case. But ive been confused by his Defense Strategy before. Just to be very clear and to say it one more time again, this is not a trial about President Trump. This is not a trial about russian meddling per se, in the campaign. However, rudy giuliani, the president s personal attorney made a connection last night, at least in terms of when the president might decide whether or not hes going to sit down with the special counsel. Heres the Exchange Last night with chris cuomo. Are you any closer to having a deal with mueller to sit down . No. Havent heard from him in a week. How do you interpret that . I think theyre waiting for i hate to bring up the case. I think theyre waiting for the manafort case. I think they feel if they win, theyre going to be empowered. What do you think . I dont really see one as having much connection to the other. This dance would they feel empowered if they get a guilty verdict, even though his allegations arent tied to his time on the Trump Campaign. Would they feel more empowered . We try to psycho analyze Robert Muellers staff. I think theyre just trying to do their jobs. I dont really think one has much to do with the other. It would be a huge, crushing disappointment to the mueller team if they lost this case. That would be a devastating, devastating blow and it would certainly have a political cost to them, as well. If they get a conviction, i dont think it really matters with regard to the donald trump interview. Remember, this negotiation over his interview has been going on since late last year. Eight months. They were almost agreed to do an interview on january 27th of this year. So this saga about back and forth, i mean it sure looks to me like theres going to be no interview and that raises the question of whether there will be a subpoena, and a big legal fight which may stretch well into next year. Jeffrey, thank you. Sure thing, poppy harlow. See you soon. This morning no laughing matter here the white house cannot guarantee their words, cant guarantee we wont hear a tape with the president using the n word. Heres what the because does say. The president s attack on exwhite house aide Omarosa Manigaultnewman this has nothing to do with race and everything to do with the president calling out someones lack of integrity. He always fights fire with fire. He always fights fire with fire. Thats is how Sarah Sanders was defending the president taking to twitter yesterday, calling a woman he hired, a black woman, his former aide, a dog. And it seemed like her message here was nothing racist about this because he insults everyone. Reporter pretty much, poppy. The message is that the president is an equal opportunity insulter, but yet we know based on his tweets just in the last several weeks, his goto for insulting programs, whether its lebron james or don lemon or omarosa is that they are not smart. He took it even further when he used a term that he actually pretty rarely uses in a direct way to call one of his opponents. He called her a dog. He didnt say she was like a dog. He said, that dog. I think thats what really took it across the line and highlighted for some people that this is a white house really struggling with issues of race. They are already defending the president against accusations that perhaps there is an alleged tape of his saying the n word during the apprentice, and now this. It is getting bipartisan condemnation. Senator jeff flake saying this is unbecoming of a president. And other lawmakers saying it doesnt matter whether she was africanamerican woman or not, calling any woman or any person a dog is beyond the pale. But this white house not backing down at all. Once again, Sarah Sanders reverting back to this idea that the president reserves the right to insult whoever he wants, poppy. Okay. Before you go, abby, walk us through these tapes. Right . We know omarosa has had these multiple recordings of different conversations, shes sort of drip, drip, dripping through her and people on these tapes that she recorded unknowingly are now speaking out with very different stories than they had before. A lot of credibility issues tied to all the parties. This has been a fascinating show of exactly who we can trust here. The white house and their allies have been trying to say that omarosa is untrustworthy. There are issues with her own credibility, including why she work for a man who she now describes as racist. But she describes an episode in her book in which during the campaign several Trump Officials were on a phone call discussing the possibility of an n word tape. She describes the conversation in detail, including using quotes. Those people on that tape, lynn patton and katrina pierson, both initially denied that that episode ever happened. They denied that there was a Conference Call in which they discussed this episode at all. Then omarosa released the tape. By later that afternoon they both appeared on cnn last night and they totally changed their story. This is what they had to say. She really was a dog with a bone when it came to this tape. It got to the point where we had a campaign to run. What you hear in that tape, which is not the tape shes been referencing, is me placating to her, which i did a number of times, because she would not let this tape go. There were a lot of times that we talked about this tape because omarosa was literally obsessed with it. She brought it up constantly. It is clear now the reason why she did is because she was surreptitiously recording us. First, those conversations never happened, now they happened but they happened because of omarosa. It is all coming down to who can you believe here. Is it the former white house staffer whos turned on her boss, or the Current Trump allies who are lying about what happened . Its i think perhaps going to come down to what is recorded on tapes and what we can see and hear with our own ears, poppy. Thank you for trying to keep it straight for all of us this morning, abby. Still to come for us, the White House Press secretary Sarah Sanders is apologizing this morning for saying that President Trump created many more jobs for programs than president obama. That is simply not true. Also, a big night for diversity and a big fight for the president. Well break down a history making primary day. Plus, hundreds of firefighters, Police Officers and volunteers swarming the site of a deadly bridge collapse in italy this morning in a frantic search for any survivors. We will update you. Tech at safelite autoglass, we really pride ourselves on making it easy for you to get your windshield fixed. With safelite, you can see exactly when well be there. Saving you time for what you love most. Kids whoa kids vo safelite repair, safelite replace with the right steps, hasnt left my side. 80 of recurrent ischemic strokes could be prevented. A bayer aspirin regimen is one step to help prevent another stroke. So, im doing all i can to stay in his life. 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This president since he took office in the yearandahalf that hes been here has created 700,000 new jobs for africanamericans. Thats 700,000 africanamericans that are working now that werent working when this president took place. When president obama left after eight years in office, eight years in office he had only created 19 5,000 jobs for africanamericans. President trump in his first yearandahalf has already tripled what president obama did in eight years. No. That is not a fact. That is not true. She later corrected the record and apologized. Heres the truth. President obama created about 3 million jobs for africanamericans during his eight years in office. Advisors said, look, this was miscommunication. This is after bloomberg pointed out the mistake. Joining me now, the man who did just that. You were listening to this and you thought, what . Yeah. I just thought those numbers just sounded way off. Just sort of didnt really make a lot of sense that there would only be 195,000 jobs created for africanamericans under the eight years of the Obama Administration when we saw more than 11 million jobs created across the country for all americans. The idea that President Trump had tripled that number and just came in and changed the entire situation for the Africanamerican Community within 18 months did not sound true so we looked back into the numbers and it was clear that Sarah Sanders misspoke. She was trying to defend herself against charges that the president may have said the n word. No one asked her specifically about job numbers but she used that to try to defend this white houses record on africanamerican unemployment and the numbers were just way off and its a rare admission of a mistake. Weve seen Sarah Sanders make false statements from the podium multiple times. This is one of the rare times where she has tried to clean up the mistake because it was so far away from the truth. And thats important, right . If you get it wrong, say you got it wrong. And she did that. Right . So josh, when you look at the big picture conversation yesterday at the press briefing, it was largely about the n word and whether the president had uttered it and whether there is any tape. Here is an important question that she was asked on that in her response. Im not going to get into the back and forth on who has signed an nda here at the white house. I can tell you that it is common in a lot of places for employees to sign ndas, including in government, every Administration Prior to the Trump Administration has had ndas, particularly specific for anyone that had a security clearance. All right. Sorry. We played the wrong sound bite. Lets listen to the right sound bite where shes talking about whether she can guarantee or not that an n word was used by the president on a tape. Here is that. Can you stand there at the podium and guarantee the American People will never hear donald trump utter the n word on a recording, if any context . I cant guarantee anything. But i can tell you that the president addressed this question directly. I can tell you that ive never heard it. Josh, whats your read on how she answered that . Because, some folks have been pointing out to me this morning, you might think that she would Say Something like, i would be stunned if he ever said, that would never happen, its not in his lexicon. Whats your read . Proof that he has said that. So far it is just an allegation from Omarosa Manigaultnewman who said shes heard it second hand. I think Sarah Sanders has learned from the podium no the to ever promise or guarantee anything because this is quite an unpredictable president. He was on the apprentice for a decade or so. Lots of tapes of him. You remember the access Hollywood Tape that came out. No one saw that one coming. I think she wont make any promises or guarantees explicitly. That said, i thought her defense yesterday was fairly remarkable. Questioned repeatedly about how the president continues to insult africanamerican folks like lebron james and don lemon and omarosa. She said hes not racist, he just insults everyone. And then she said hes actually said nastier things about other people. Facing those charges at the podium whether the president was racist, Sarah Sanders says not really, he attacks everyone. An interesting defense. It was odd. Turning to the ndas, the white house basically saying these ndas are totally normal, everyone signs them, nothing to see here. When you look at who white house staffers are actually working for and being paid for, theyre working for the American People, being paid salaries by the american taxpayer and yet there are these ndas with multiple White House Former press secretaries like ari fleischer, is not the norm. You had multiple legal scholars come out and say that these ndas would be completely unconstitutional and against the idea of freedom of speech to have an employee sign basically a loyalty oath saying that they will not for perpetuity talk negatively about the president that they served under. These are Administration Officials who work for the taxpayers. They may work during a specific administration but they are not they are not required to pledge loyalty and to require themselves to never say anything negative about a particular president. These ndas are basically indicative of a presidency who is worried about loyalty, worried that people will reveal whats happening on the inside of the walls of the west wing and clearly is afraid that if that stuff gets out, it will reflect negatively on the president. It is not likely that well see these ndas enforced but they are creating a Chilling Effect for many people. Do they prevent others from talking about what they experienced. There is reporting about white house attorney don mcghan and howal these ndas actually happened and whether he even thought at the time that they were being signed that they would hold up in court at all. Well, throughout his career President Trump has relied on the nda for business contractors, folks who work with him. When he gave them to the white house, he came into the white house he dend maed new employees sign these ndas. He was frustrated by the cascade of damaging leaks about his personal life, about what was going on in the white house and he wanted these ndas signed. Don mcghan, his chief lawyer said to him, essentially, mr. President , these arent enforceable. We cant ask folks if youre seeing classified info, thats one thing. But unclassified info you cant sign an nda until the end of time. The president said, no, i want people to sign them. Eventually after several weeks of wrangling don mcghan told because aides you have to sign these. But he also privately told folks these arent enforceable, you basically just have to sign them to appease the president. What the president said is that he wanted those out there basically not to scare people but to put fear in people, youre not going to disclose private things about me and you sign this document saying you wouldnt. Thats really bizarre. Sign this but it doesnt actually mean anything. But just sign this. Josh, important reporting. Thank you. Toluse, thank you again for pointing out that important fact yesterday in your reporting. Ahead, vermont democrats made history choosing the first transgender gubernatorial candidate for a major party in the country. What she says is driving what she says is driving americans to the polls. Le has ud for the rest of us. Unlimited for you. For them. For all. Get unlimited for as low at 30 bucks per line for four lines at tmobile. Our new, hot, fresh breakfast will get you the readiest. buzzer sound holiday inn express. Be the readiest. Im a small business, but i have. Big dreams. And big plans. So how do i make the efforts of 8 employees. Feel like 50 . How can i share new plans virtually . How can i download an efile . Virtual tours . Zipfile . Really big files . In seconds, not minutes. Just like that. Like everything. The answer is simple. Ill do what ive always done. Dream more, dream faster, and above all. Now, ill dream gig. Now more businesses, in more places, can afford to dream gig. Comcast, building americas largest gigspeed network. Democrats go for diversity. Vermo the first transgender person winning a major party for governor. Here she is this morning on cnn talking about President Trumps influence and causing the blue wave she sees ahead. We are all reacting to what happened in 2016. Im hoping our children and our childrens children will look back at 2018 and say thats when we made history. And we can be proud of our democracy because our democracy will have survived a despot. On the republican side, a telling result. Picks that the president supported won big last night. Our Congressional Correspondent Phil Mattingly is here to break it all done. Diversity across the board for the democrats last night. Certainly punctuated last night but really if you just look over the course of the primaries over the course of the last couple months youve seen this pop on the women a he side, women candidates are coming out in this droves and they are winning in droves. If you look last night, you also have running state wide for governor two other openly gay democratic nominees. Colorado, texas. It is like there has been a clear shift. Obviously there have been openly gay members of congress and openly gay members of the senate but at the governor level you havent necessarily seen it up to this point. Go down, look at minnesota. The number of muslim women in the United States house will go from zero currently to two. You also have in connecticut likely the first black woman to serve in the congressional delegation. Hayes came out on top in the primary last night. If you look across the Democratic Party theres been a clear move towards diversity in the races that weve seen up to this point. How will that play in november . Well still have to see but no question throughout the primaries it has been real and substantive when it comes to victories. What about the industrial midwest . The blue wall . Whats been so critical for President Trump with wisconsin, and then maybe minnesota flip maybe in 2020. What did last night in those two states tell us big picture . I think if you look at minnesota you look at wisconsin, these are probably two of the most fascinating polictical states. Wisconsin. I think the interesting element here is how split wisconsin has been party wise, demographically. Kind of on both sides of the polls here. You also have a humge governor race. Scott walker is running again. Why the Republican Party plays in that state, why the president played in that state is scott walkers organization after election victory after election victory is very real, extremely proficient and almost roundly successful over the last couple years. Thats a Key Senate Race and obviously key governors race to watch. Then minnesota, you know that state better than anybody else. It was one of those interesting elements, you talk about the president s success with endorsements. Tim pawlenty, former governor, wellknown state recognition with name i. D. , he lost to jeff johnson. I think the expectation of the Republican Party was tim pawlenty would have a good shot to win the Governors Mansion. He got wiped out. Not only did he say negative things about President Trump, left his 3 million job as a d. C. Lobbyist to go run in that race . Those will be very key states for november of 2018 but also for 2020. Minnesota, Governors Mansion up for grabs, two senate seats. It is a key state for a lot of reasons. Midterms and heading into 2020. For sure. A group of africanamerican ceos will spend millions and millions of dollars in the upcoming midterms. The black Economic Alliance has already raised 3. 5 million. Theyre raising more. They are an officially Nonpartisan Group right now backing four democrats in the first round of endorsements. The cofounder joins me, dr. Tony coles. Thank you for joining me. Talk first about it is worth noting, this is really the first time weve seen black american executives come together and say well put our power and voice and money behind these candidates. Your mission is to talk about and address Economic Issues facing particularly africanamericans in this country. What is missing in that conversation right now . Well, several of us have all written checks individually to support candidates. But this is really the first time that weve collectively come together and as a group to focus on economic progress for black americans. The statistics are critical. We know that even amongst adults, collegeeducated adults, black americans earn 25 less than white americans. Even if you look at household net income, for instance, it is 60 lower in black households. So we think that this is a critical moment in the conversation, particularly as the economy appears to be rebounding for us to play a role and support this mission. The four candidates right now that you guys have come out and endorsed, senator tim kaine of virginiacy abrams. You guys are going to back 10 to 15 for midterms. Any republicans you like . Any republicans that might get your groups support . Well, for each one of the races we have an interest in it is certainly true in these cases we have reached out to the Democratic Candidates and the republican candidates. To date weve not been able to engage the republcan candidates in the races of interest. But we would look forward to and we would welcome let me jump in. What does that mean . I mean that theyre not responding . They dont want your support . Well, i cant comment on why they might not have responded. All i can say is that we actually because were nonpartisan, we try very evenhandedly to reach out to both sides. We are looking for solutions that are pragmatic and can be implemented. We dont think there is a good idea, that is a republican idea or democrat idea necessarily but we are looking for the idea that will work and be most productive. It is what we as Business People are trained to do. So if there is a republican candidate who believes in the mission, who wants to sponsor legislation to support economic progress, wed be happy to engage and to endorse them. You have said let me quote here it is critical we make black economic progress part of the conversation. The president often touts what he says his administration has done on that front for africanamericans. Just listen to some of what he said. Its something im very proud of, africanamerican unemployment stands at the lowest rate ever recorded. On the campaign trail, remember i said, and would constantly say, what do you have to lose . Meaning what do you have to lose if you vote for trump . And now it was just reported, africanamerican unemployment is at its lowest level in history. Has he done enough . Does he have do you think he should be patting himself on the back for this . Well, its true that the statistics suggest that this is the lowest unemployment level for blacks in several years, perhaps since weve been keeping records. But if you just peel the layers of the onion back let me set that date into context, if i might. Black Americans Still have the highest unemployment of all racial groups white, latino and hispanic. So there is a problem there clearly. When we are employed we arent in the highskilled and highpaying jobs. Were about 13 of the population of this country. We hold about 12 of the jobs in this country but we only represent 6 of the tech jobs, which are widely regarded as the new economy and Growth Opportunity jobs. Of course. So correcting that imbalance i think is going to be quite important and were looking for candidates who will be proactive and support opportunities for africanamericans to participate in the american dream. I think thats all anyone wants. Yeah. Indeed. Equality. Tony coles, please keep us posted on what he hear back from the other candidates youve reached out to. Thanks for being here. We will. Thank you, poppy. So ahead for us a story that is incredibly disturbing but you have to hear it all. Decades of sexual abuse at catholic churches in pennsylvania. A grand jury report details how priests and other catholic leaders victimized more than 1,000 children, some young girls as young as 7 being raped and how the church covered it up. School. Grade. Done. Done. Hit the Snooze Button and get low prices on School Supplies all summer long. Like these for only a 25 cents at office depot officemax. Youre smart,eat you already knew that. But its also great for finding the perfect used car. 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A warning, details of this report are graphic, but it is important for you to hear them to understand the scale of the abuse. One priest accused of raping a 7yearold girl who is in the hospital after her tonsiled were removed. Another priest accused of impregnating a 17yearold girl, then arranging an abortion for her. And the grand jury also uncovered a ring of priests who allegedly shared information by creating pornography where they used whips to sadistically torture their victims. These are just 3 of the thousands and thousands of allegations here. One of survivors spoke with cnn earlier and said the pope is not doing enough to combat this. The pope should have landed at jfk or not at jfk but in pittsburgh or in harrisburg or in philadelphia. By the time i touched back here in Long Island City last night. He hasnt. Wen am i going to tell the pope this is theyre supposed to tell me the morality. I mean what do you tell an institution that teaches morality but has none . Our correspondent jean casarez is back with me following this story. The vatican for its part not saying anything this morning. We are though now hearing from the u. S. Conference of bishops. Right . We have. And they have quite a lengthy statement. Lets show everyone what it is. First, they say the report of the pennsylvania grand jury again illustrates the pain of those who have been victims of the crime of sexual abuse by individual members of our clergy and by those who shielded abusers and so facilitated an evil that continued for years or even decades. We are grateful for the courage of the people who aided the investigation by sharing their personal stories of abuse. As a body of bishops, we are ashamed by, and sorry for, the sins and omissions by catholic priests and catholic bishops. Now what this statement fails to respond to are many of the things that are in this very lengthy 885page report written by 23 grand jurors who heard massive amounts of testimony. Almost a half a million internal documents from the diocese in pennsylvania. One of the things in this report is that many of the bishops and priests that helped to cover it all up are still with the church, and they have been promoted to cardinals and bishops. It also talks about secret archives in the diocese and the secret archives would be where those internal documents that were finally unearthed and given to the grand jurors. But they diagram the abuse. And they also told, poppy, the actual priests that were abusing the young women and young men. But only there was one key. And every diocese, only the bishop had the key to that secret archive. I mean they talk about this grand jury report, playbook for concealing the truth, treating the victims with distan, the allegati disdain, allegations this went all the way up to the vatican, but no comment by the vatican this morning. What does justice look like for these victims . One who is in the hospital after a Suicide Attempt recently. An 80yearold man who was the victim who says i have never been able to hug my sons, i cant go to male doctors. It is so ironic when you talk about justice because as it was said yesterday in the press conference, because of the coverup, the statute of limitations has run for almost all of the 301 priests who they found that there was evidence that they had committed Sexual Assault on these young people. Two of them can be prosecuted. Two. Two. Wow. Jean casarez, thank you for the reporting. The death toll is rising this morning in italy. Investigators are searching for answers. What caused this bridge on a main thoroughfare to just collapse in the middle of the day in a busy italian city . A live report ahead. Its the ford summer sales event and now is the best time to buy. You ready for this, junior . Yeah, i think i can handle it. No pressure. Thats just my favorite boat. 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Since 1985 selectquote has saved over a million families millions of dollars on Life Insurance. Call this number now. Or go to selectquote. Com. Discover what over a million families know. We shop. You save. All your school get supplies today. School. Grade. Done. Done. Hit the Snooze Button and get low prices on School Supplies all summer long. Like these for only a 25 cents at office depot officemax. Risen to 39 after a highway bridge collapsed in the heart of the busy italian city of genoa yesterday. This morning search teams there continue the dangerous work of digging through the rubble, searching for survivors. The rescuers do say at this point they arent hearing any signs or seeing any signs of life. Investigators meantime are trying to figure out what could have led to this collapse. Ian lee is there now. It was striking, ian, that the government there came out and said, look, this was not totally unexpected. Thats right. Residents in the neighborhood have been telling them for years that this bridge was dangerous. They were telling us stories when we were talking to them about chunks of concrete falling from this bridge, which of course is dangerous in itself. They said they were not surprised when yesterday they heard a loud crash and all of a sudden there was a cloud of dust and people were screaming. They said that essentially they had to pack up what they could, essentially the clothes they were wearing, and flee the area because they were afraid that bridge is going to fall further. There is that likelihood. But talking to people, we hear stories of tragedy but also survival. One was a firefighter who was on the bridge when it started collapsing. His car fell down but was able to land on one of the pylons so it didnt hit the ground entirely. And thats what saved him. He said he was able to get on his phone, call his colleagues at the firestation. They were able to rescue him. He says he thanks Santa Barbara which is the patron saint of firefighters for saving him. He says it is really a miracle that he is alive. But others werent so lucky. We talked to one of the First Responders who was one of the first people on site. He said what he heard was just people crying and screaming for help. Also there was a family in a car and the mother, the father were crushed. They thought that the child in the back seat was alive but when they picked him up the body was limp. Thats just 1 of 39 deaths that were hearing about right now. Were still expecting that death toll to rise as not everyone has been recovered from that ian lee, thank you for that reporting. Incredibly tragic to see that happen. Well be right back. If you have psoriasis,. Little things can be a big deal. Thats why theres otezla. Otezla is not a cream. Its a pill that treats moderate to Severe Plaque Psoriasis differently. With otezla, 75 clearer skin is achievable. 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Geico. 15 minutes could save you 15 or more on car insurance. The University Maryland says it takes full responsibility for the death of one of their football players. Lets go to andy sholes who has more for us this morning. Andy . 19yearold offensive lineman jordan mcnair died in june due to a heat stroke that he suffered after just a grueling workout on campus. His death is certainly a tragedy. What makes it even worse is that it could have totally been prevented. Maryland held a press conference yesterday. Their president , wallace lowe, says the school accepts legal and moral responsibility for the mistakes made during a workout may 29th that led to mcnairs death. I said to the family, the university owes you an apology. You entrusted jordan to our c e care. And he is never returning home again. We will honor jordans life. And we will ensure that a tragedy such as this never happens on our campus again. Last week espn published a report detailing allegations of verbal abuse, bullying and a general disregard for the players well being in maryland. The school has placed the head coach on leave, d. J. Dirkin, whale they investigate allegations of just a toxic culture in the program. The teams head strength coach resigned on monday. Giants dodgers is one of the biggest rivalries in baseball and certainly looked like it last night. The giants catcher having some words with puig after he was very animated after a foul ball. After the shove, it was on. Both benches clear. The Dodgers First base coach john lombard was trying to break it up, he actually just tackles humley to the ground. Nothing really escalated from there. Puig and humley both einvestigatevekjected. Giants won that one, 21. Bud light is giving away free beer to Cleveland Browns fan with these victory fridges they are placing at bars around cleveland. When the browns win that game, a lock controlled by wifi will be opened, poppy. And bold prediction here those beers arent going to be in those fridges very long. Im predicting the browns are going to beat the steelers week one of the season. Of course you are. Michelle, my ep, what do you think . She is a steelers fan. She says heck no. Heck no. I think thats genius marketing, by the way. That is pretty brilliant. Bud light. Do it right. Thanks for being with me today. Im poppy harlow in new york. Ill see you tomorrow. Hello, everyone. Im kate bolduan. Happening right now the last and final pitch to jurors. One mans future on the line, and a special counsels investigations credibility m mayimay be on the line as well. Right now closing arguments are going on in Paul Manaforts bank and tax fraud trial. The former Trump Campaign chair himself not taking the stand. In this huge moment thats playing out today, it is not just

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