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The latest news from around the world with hosts John Berman and Poppy Harlow. The latest news from around the world with hosts John Berman and Poppy Harlow. A furjry trap. You have to be thinking the president has to be thinking well if i dont sit down with mueller at all and if i never grant this interview how do i go out there and explain to the American People i wouldnt do an interview even though i didnt do anything wrong. I think thats exactly right and part of the calculation that is creating such hesitancy on team trumps part about whether to sit down, two ways to look at this interview politically and legally. Politically as you point out it might make sense for the president to sit down. He could try to wrap up this investigation quicker, before the midterm elections potentially and tell the public look, i am cooperating like ive been saying im doing nothing wrong legally as the lawyers pointed out his lawyers feel like its a massive risk for the president. Legal experts ive talked to involved in past special investigations say they wouldnt advise their most studious client to sit down with a team like mueller s this seems so here including everything back to the lester holt interview talking about why he fired james comey. I was going to say, wouldnt that include intent, what you say in an ontherecord interview . Of course. The problem is when you look at each piece of information in isolation which is what the report will try to do and then put the picture together, the mosaic is important but so are the individual pieces and without that informative interview youre left with the interpretation aspect, well, do i have enough for corrupt intent or do i have somebody exercising president ial prerogative. Good point. Alex, Rudy Giuliani on the trail yesterday this election is going to be about impeachment or no impeachment. Is he right. I dont know about impeachment or no impeachment. Thats the argument republicans want to put out there. Its whether congress will investigate the president aggressively or not and to lauras point, the overwhelming likelihood right now as far as everyone in washington is expecting is that mueller is not going to completely finish the job here that some element of this will fall on congress, whether its Something Like impeachment or a follow up inquiry or investigation using Subpoena Powers of the house and senate. Right now that isnt happening because remember republicans control the levers of investigation. If democrats were to take the house its a safe bet not that they would do meechlts but that they would make the president s life absolutely miserable with that subpoena power. Amber we heard Rudy Giuliani saying over and over how much time and energy this is sucking up from the president. How many times he has to talk to the president about Whats Going On and that its hard to focus on other things but in actuality the Trump Administration is doing a lot at the same time that this may be sucking up the oxygen or eating up his twitter feed. If you look at whats happening now and today you have two big things happening through rule making, that is reversing the obama administrations policy when it comes to emissions on cars in a major way and also allowing the sale of Health Insurance plans that undermine the rules of obamacare and these are things that are happening on their own but not getting the attention. Well, yeah, and i think Trump Administration actions are going to escalate as Congress Calls it quit bes sides trying to fund the government this fall so theres a distance between Rudy Giulianis argument by saying we cant focus on anything else. And if mueller tried to subpoena trump and that went up the latter of the court to try to force trump to sit down, that would be a main argument on team trumps part is saying you cant force us to sit down because were the president and busy with a bunch of other stuff but as you point out, well see the Trump Administration acting on a whole host of issues as congress takes a break. The Clinton Administration tried to do that but it didnt prove to be fruitful in the end. Thank you very much, laura, alex and amber. The socalled Rocket Docket is living up to its name. Paul manaforts trial will resume day three. What were learning about his luxurious lifestyle and how he paid for it and will his former deputy take the stands . Plus thanks and see you soon. On the same reports we ear getting word that north korea is working on a new missile, the president sends a late night tweet praising kim jonguns kind actions for the remains that were returned. And the tsa considering eliminating passenger screening all together at 150 airports in this country. Seriously. A major safety risk . Well dig in. A place with 24hour Fvalet Servicee and a Boutique Salon A place with all day arts and crafts it even has a day spa a place thats so much like home, because well. It is home home instead senior care when you need Personalized Care in the comfort of home. With tough food, your dentures may slip and fall. New fixodent ultramax hold gives you the strongest hold ever to lock your dentures. So now you can eat tough food without worry. Fixodent and forget it. Moments from now the trial of Paul Manafort will resume in alexandria, virginia. Prosecutors are expected to c el manaforts bookkeepers and accountants to the stand. Prosecutors allege he hid money from the irs and the big we hanging in the air is will his deputy, rick gates, testify against him . Our crime and justice reporter Shimon Prokupecz joins us now. I was stunned to see this Headline Cross that its a question as to whether rick gates will take the stand. We know with rick gaits flips but he might not testify . We were shocked. Reporters in the courtroom ran out to report the news. That was a surprise because we had anticipated that. Though the prosecution never indicated they were going to Call Rick Gates, he is on the witness list but theyre not bound by that. The defense made more of an issue of this trying to blame everything on rick gates here so all of this transpired yesterday while a witness was testifying, an fbi agent was testifying and the prosecution was asking some questions and the judge basically said well youre going to have rick gates come in here so why doesnt he just testify to this and then the prosecutor responded we dont know if were going to Call Rick Gates. We may or may not so that set off this chain of events, all of us leading to believe that perhaps there is a whole thing that maybe he wont be in court to testify. The prosecutors are also hanging a lot of this on trying to convince the jury by showing them look, heres how us a ten tashsly he lived. Look at the money he didnt report or pay taxes on but the judge had been blocking them from being able to show these goods and try to make their case to the jury and theres an update . This lavish lifestyle perhaps some might say somewhat tacky. There were 15,000 purchase of an ostrich jacket pictured there so the jury has not been able to see these photos. The judge has not allowed prosecutors to display them in court saying essentially, the judge is arguing there is no reason to do this and at point point the judge told the prosecutors living a lavish lifestyle is not a crime so overnight prosecutors are arguing, they filed a brief with the court saying they want to introduce this into evidence. They need to show it to the jury because the whole point of this is that a lot of these items with purchased through overseas money, wires that came to these companies from Shell Companies that manafort controlled and overseas accounts and the prosecutors need this to show how he was using the money, how he was hiding this money and how he was living this lavish lifestyle. And today who takes the stand and why are they critical to the prosecution. More of the same. Its going to be vendors, bookkeepers and tax folks that will come in and talk about manaforts finances. This is important because theyll again detail some of the taxes he wasnt paying, Shell Companies he created and how he was hiding his money overseas, obviously this is what this case is about. Its about taxes and not reporting Money Manafort made and hid in overseas accounts. Shimon, appreciate the reporting. Thank you so much. Lets bring laura coates back in for the legal side if the prosecution doesnt Call Rick Gates to the stand that would be stunning. It sounds like the lawyer tried to back trap after he said it in the courtroom. If they dont Call Rick Gates, why night be . Theres two reasons. The idea he may have tried to backtrack is important. The reason the prosecutor said they may not Call Rick Gates is because judge ellis, known for intervening and inserting himself into the questioning and making sure its an expeditious proceeding is trying to tell him why are you asking those questions . If you Call Rick Gates it will be irrelevant and the prosecutor has every right to build his case the way he sees fit and not hinge his case on one witness. The other reason is now after Opening Statements the prosecution is well aware of the defenses strategy. That theyre going to do a he said he said game and rely on the jury believing that the person who is the informant, the cooperator for the government is not a credible person so theyve taken a lot of air out of those sails by saying you better rethink your strategy, this is a documentheavy case and we may not ever have to Call Rick Gates so your he said he said Credibility Issue may never come to play. The Rocket Docket that is the nickname for this court and specifically judge ellis who tries to move things along so quickly, why . Couldnt bit dangerous to justice, frankly, to rush things too much . Well, there is that thought that perhaps if you are trying to cut corners and there is an injustice happening however the notion that somebody would be if sill ta facilitating a quick trial should be the goal. Its not that he is trying to expedite in a way to cut corner bus to keep focus and say listen, this is not a trial weve put wealth on the stand. We are trying to ensure the government has a case based on whether or not he paid uncle sam and lived above his means or whether he did not. However there have been assertions by previous people in front of the judge including prosecutors in this case who believe perhaps that this is becoming too expeditious. They said it would be a threeweek trial, poppy. At the rate its going right now that is a gross overestimation of how long it will take. Wow. Quickly before we go, what do you know about this judge . He is becoming a central part of this. Quite a character. This is somebody who has spent 30 years or more on the bench. Princeton, harvard and oxford educated. Is known to speak spanish to his spanishspeaking defendants. Equal parts warmth and scorn for people trying to slow down the Court Proceedings and he would like the focus to be on the crime. That is a great thing. The other part is remember this is the same judge who questioned the motivation of why the Special Counsel would try to go after Paul Manafort and upended of who the audience of one was going to be. Was it Robert Mueller or donald trump . He is known to be kuwait fire. Somebody who at one point was known as the Tasmanian Devil because he will make sure that his courtroom is in order even if it means there is pie or egg on your face in the process. Laura coates, thank you very much for being with me on all of this this morning. The president is praising kim jongun for his kind actions on the same week were hearing north korea is building more missiles. And were moments away from the opening bell on wall street. The dow is expected to fall. Top of mind for investors, the trade were with china and its impact on the broader economy as the Trump Administration considers raising tariffs to 25 on 200 billion worth of chinese goods. Introducing e trade personalized investments professionally managed portfolios customized to help meet your financial goals. Youll know what youre invested in and how its performing. So you can spend more Time Floating about on your inflatable swan. [ding] been return is a very good thing. Is it kind or is it just righting a wrong that she should righted a long time ago . We need to clear a couple things up. Thats not the extent of the remains in north korea. There is an estimated 7500 remains unaccounted for. 5800 or so above the 38th Parallel in north korea and that mission was stopped in 2005 because of the threatening actions of the kim regime so these 55 boxes are a good start. It will take months if not years to determine who these remains are and how they connect the dna samples and what is in the boxes so while its a good start, it isnt Mission Accomplished in terms of all the remains. This is one of the few areas in the world where the defense p. O. W. m. I. A. Accounting agency doesnt have access on a daily basis so theyve been prevented from going into these areas for the last ten years. Again a good start, very good for families of these Fallen Soldiers but its not as big a deal as it could be if kim played ball in terms of returning the 5300 remains in his country. What about the timing of this . That the the praise of kim jongun, thanking him for a, quote, kind action comes the same week the Washington Post broke the reporting that north korea is working on one, possibly two new missiles at a very critical location and factory and the fact that we just heard Secretary Of State mike pompeo testify under oath before the senate that, yes, north korea is still produce this fissile material. We know theyre still enriching uranium. Its appropriate for the president to thank chairman kim for these actions. Thats could be part of a Negotiating Technique to praise him, asking him to do more, continue to engage. But truthfully when you see the other more important elements of denuclearization which have not been accomplished and there doesnt appear to be Movement Toward that, in fact all indicators from the Intelligence Community and the State Department is just the opposite of happen iing, it seems to be strange these kinds of effusive comments from the president to mr. Kim are saying some of the things that are indicating some of the things that were seeing. The one part that troubled me was i look forward to seeing you again. Without any action on the part of the lower level officials like some of the engagements with Career Diplomats to include the Secretary Of State. I wouldnt advice personally the president to go back again for another summit until more actions are taken by the kim regime. Lieutenant general america hertling, thank you. Thank you, poppy. Wait until you hear this next story. The tsa may actually stop screening passengers, all passengers at 150 airports in this country. Why would that happen next. Why would that happen next. Liberty mutual saved us almost 800 when we switched our auto and home insurance. With liberty, we could afford a real babysitter instead of your brother. Hey oh, thats my robe. Is it . When you switch to liberty mutual, you could save 782 on auto and home insurance. 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Tsa did their own analysis and found this would save them 115 million. They say they could use that money to bolster security at larger airports but the proposal doesnt list which airports could be impacted but we know it is estimated to be more than 150. Test say screens passengers at 4040 airports. So like a quarter of them . The way this would work is if youre traveling through a Small Airport U8d both you and your luggage arriving at a major airport would then be screened and the whole Operating Theory here for this the authors of this proposal is that terrorists arent interested in targeting small aircraft, they want the big payoff like hundreds of passengers on large commercial planes but we spoke with several experts who say that is a flawed reasoning. Because you could still get on the plane with a weapon. Forget about a rudimentary type explosive. There are guns, knives,or weapons, other Dangerous Things that could be brought on board. They said Flight Attendants would refuse to fly the routes where passengers arent screen sod that will create a whole other headache for the industry. Tsa i will say after this story break they sent out Talking Points to their Senior Leadership at airports nationwide and they said making notes in the Talking Points that no final decision has been made. They make it clear this is a disdhaugs is happening now but still even it being considered some people are wondering how is it even a serious consideration. Rene, thank you for the reporting, very important. Ahead, a story you need to see. Almost undocumented immigrants living in the United States dont have Health Insurance, right . Some are showing up at emergency rooms on the brink of death and the need for treatment for Chronic Illness and one doctor says these patients dont have anywhere else to turn. Many of these patients would rather risk having a neardeath experience than being turned away from the hospital when they dont meet critically ill criteria. Behr premium plus, behr through it all with a toprated paint at a great price. Find it exclusively at the home depot. That was a low point for me as well. I feel very strongly about that and i am very vehemently against family separation. We have to be careful about incentivizing behavior that puts children at risk of being trafficked. At risk of entering this country with coyotes or making an incredibly dangerous journey alone. These are incredibly difficult issues and like the rest of the country i i experience them in a very emotional way. Well have more from that interview in a bit but as the immigration crisis persists, there remains a stark disparity between the insured and undocumented immigrants in terms of getting health kcare. Often times they cant get treated for Chronic Illness like Kidney Failure until they are in a life threatening emergency. Dr. Sanjay gupta has been following one mothers hardship as shes been trying to get dialysis. He joins me now. Obviously we would think yes, of course, undocumented immigrants dont have Health Insurance but i never before thought about what do people with Chronic Illness do in terms of getting treatment . Exactly. A lot of people havent considered this. Even people within the medical profession. A group of doctors, a out of denver flagged this issue to give us insight into what happens when someone has a chronic disease, gets health care but its very late. In order to understand Whats Going On here, youre going to need to suspend disbelief. Lucia is dying, her lungs drowning in fluid, her electrolytes are fluctuating wildly and her heart is precariously close to shutting down. This 51yearold mother and undocumented immigrant has endstage renal disease, full on Kidney Failure. The function of the kidneys is to filter blood of excess toxins and fluid. When both kidneys stop working, people will live 10 to 14 days so to continue living you need a process to filter blood which is a dialysis machine. Reporter for most people, that treats the problem. Heres the problem, shes only allowed treatment when she arrived at deaths door. Hospitals must care for anyone with the medical emergency, regardless of their citizenship or ability to pay. But they are not obligated to prevent that emergency from happening in the first place. What is happening inside the body . For these patients, because they only come in once a week, instead of the three times per week, excess fluid, it stays in their body and goes into their lungs, into their legs. The toxins build up. One of the most important toxins being potassium, which at high levels can make the heart stop. Reporter this is no way to live. About as close to death as you can get. Whats more, Research Shows treating patients with emergency die ialysis versus standard isr times more expensive because these patients are so much sicker when they come in for treatment. They are literally pushing themselves to the brink of death. Am i overstating that . Not at all. Reporter theres no question it works. Just look at her now. After die ialysis removed ten liters of fluid from her body. Translator right now i feel good. Reporter shes always worried. Mostly about her family, especially her son alex. He watches his mother steadily decline every week. This is their life. How hard has been this been on your family . Translator its been really hard. Its been really hard for my family. The worst is for my son. He worries about me. Reporter because just a few days from now, like clockwork, she will once again go to the precipice of death just so that she can live. Its stunning. Knowing this will happen to her, but having to get to the brink before you can get treatment. Would she, for instance, be eligible for a Kidney Transplant . No. Great point. Great question. A Kidney Transplant would be what she needs. Just from a pragmatic standpoint, would be cheaper than someone gettingdialysis. Thats why we do transplants. She would not be eligible. Is she dies, shes eligible for her or beggaorgans to be transp. She cannot be a recipient but can be a donor. Another important angle when you talk about the health and cost of our health care system. Thank you. A miracle. Seconds after taking off, this flight crashes. Its all caught on camera. Miraculously, everyone lived. Now iing the Amazing Stories of survival. What will you tell people when you get home to chicago . That i fell from the sky and survived. Comcast business gives you gigspeed in more places. The others dont. We offer up to 6 hours of 4g Wireless Network backup. Everyone else, no way. We let calls from any of your devices come from your business number. Them, not so much. We let you keep an eye on your business from anywhere. The others . Nope get internet on our gigspeed network and add voice and tv for 34. 90 more per month. Call or go online today. This morning, the pilot and two dozen passengers are still being treated in hospitals. Some of them are calling the fact that no one died in this crash a miracle. The mexico citybound flight had 99 passengers, 65 of them u. S. Citizens and four crew members when it was downed apparently by high winds after taking off in mexico. Leyla santiago is with me and has the latest. I cannot believe this. Reporter right. Its Pretty Amazing to know that everyone was able to walk away off that plane after it crashed. The investigators going to focus on what led up to that crash. In the meantime, a lot of these survivors are still trying to make sense of what exactly happened and how they will move forward. Many of those 65 u. S. Citizens, as they make their way home now, poppy, they are going to be asking themselves, how do i get back on a plane. It happened yesterday, 24 hours ago. Its still fresh in my mind. I cant close my eyes right now. I still see the flame. I see everything. Reporter al still cant stop thinking about this moment, seconds after taking off, impact, screams and panic as passengers shifted into survival mode to escape the flames and smoke of the fallen plane in mexico. All 103 people aboard flight 2431 survived, more than half u. S. Citizens. You are seeing First Responders running at you with stretchers. Im yelling at them to go to the more injured people. Reporter he says he joined a priest who was on board in prayer. Cnn talked to the father, director of the shrine of Our Lady Of Guadalupe hours before surgery for his injured arm, he was counting blessings and giving thanks, the idea that nobody died, he says i would consider that a miracle. Reporter officials pointed at bad weather. Strong wind gusts knocked the plane down. Officials warned of possible storms and hail. Overwhelmed with anxiety, several passengers boarded a flight to return home, stopping in mexico city. I cried. Reporter why . The sentiment got to me. I saw my seat where i was sitting in front of me. I saw the people. Everything flashed back. When you are sitting there with your seat belt on, it all came flooding back. Really hard. People die when planes crash. Here i am as a survivor taking another plane. The lady in front of me held my arm because i was sobbing. Reporter with bruises and a passport filled with the mud from the scene, he hasnt found a way to leave it all behind. What will you tell people when you get home to chicago . That i fell from the sky and survived. Reporter fascinating conversation to have with him. Investigators were able to locate the black boxes. Those critical will prove to be critical in the investigation and getting to the bottom of

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