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Lets begin our coverage with abby phillip. When you look at why the white house is very comfortable, according to jeff zelenys reporting, putting this out there, they think this is another way to play to the base with the deep state argument. What else are you learning . Reporter thats right. If theres anything that this white house knows how do very well is it change the subject. Thats what theyre doing with another potentially very controversial move. What Sarah Sanders said yesterday that President Trump is looking into removing security clearances of former Obama Administration officials. It was brought up by senator rand paul who said he talked to President Trump about it in a meeting yesterday. Sarah sanders added several other officials to the list. Former cia directors john brennan, michael hayden, James Clapper and former National Security adviser susan rice as well as former fbi officials james comey and andrew mccabe. The problem, as you can see on that list, two of the people, james comey and andrew mccabe, dont have security clearances anymore. What we hear from sources is that this is going to be something that President Trump is not in any way hurry to actually resolve. He may not even do this at all or any time soon. In part because this is about having the conversation, making this about former Obama Administration officials and ways of getting at what he calls the deep state. Some people are taking it very seriously. Listen to what James Clapper, one of the individuals on that list, said about what this means if President Trump is considering it. I think this is real abuse of the clearance system just to use it to attack political opponents or people that have been critical of the president. It has all kinds of First Amendment implications, which are deeply disturbing. A lot of these former Officials Say that this is not something that they utilize all the time. But the protocol has been allowing former National Security advisers to keep their clearances allowing them to consult with current officials to get advice, to get insight into the matters that they are working on currently. Thats the reason why some of these officials might have these clearances. At the same time, Sarah Sanders said yesterday the reason they want to look into this is to prevent former officials from potentially monetizing this. Something members of the trump admission have done and every administration going back. Lets bring in bob baer. Over 20 years of experience in all this stuff. Good to have you, bob. Thanks, poppy. Is krit siegzcriticizing a s president a security violation or threat that could risk their clearance being revoked . Absolutely not. Your clearance is revoked if you leak classified information, misuse it, give it to a foreign government, publish something without permission. Criticizing the president does not fall within that category at all. Look it, theres hundreds of thousands of people in this country with security clearances that have political views that get on the net, that write articles and the rest. As long as you are not looking classified information, you cant have your security clearance withdrawn. Here is how republican senator rand paul sees it. Remember, he is the one it seems like from his series of tweets, put this idea in the president s head. Listen. I think anyone who is calling basically the president treasonous, which would require the death penalty, is someone that is over the top and not showing the proper judgment to still have access to classified information. He is talking about john brennan who said after the helsinki summit that that was tantamount to treason. He seems to think its dangerous to the country. Any argument there . Well, here is the argument, is that john brennan has seen the classified information which suggests there was collusion between russia and the Trump Administration. Is he basing his comments on that information . I dont know. When rand paul is clearly worried about that and so is the president , they are worried about the criticism, they worry about where the Mueller Investigation is going, they wonder what john brennan remembers that he has seen, especially intercepts and the rest of it. This is very defensive on their part. For the base, they want to characterize the Intelligence Community as the deep state. Thats a political point theyre making, not a legal one, or nothing to do with security clearances. Explain to our viewers why officials maintain their security clearance when they leave their post. I think a lot of americans are waking up and wondering i dont get why brennan and clapper would still have this if theyre not working in government. A lot of times ci direcciair and others will go on contract. They want to keep their security clearance so they can work wherever. Its useful for the government to keep the security clearances. Its very expensive to do background investigations. Washington has hundreds of thousands of people that keep their security clearances, that work for defense contractors. Its a courtesy. Former president s as well keep their security clearances, like obama. They are briefed by the cia. Its not that unusual. Its a practice thats been going on a long time. By the way, everybody monetizes their security clearances. Job bolton wrote a book. He is drawing on what he knew when he was in office at the state department. Bob, thank you for laying it out for us. We appreciate it. Thats the National Security impact. What about the Politics Around all of this. So julie, you cover the white house. Lets unpack how Sarah Sanders put this yesterday. Here is part one of her explanation. The president is exploring the mechanisms to remove security clearance because they have monetized their security clearance. Ironic coming from this white house or any white house that would make it . Yes. Obviously, there have been many officials who have left this white house and gone on to use their positions and in some cases their security clearances to land lucrative contracts, lobbying contracts. Michael flynn when he left the Defense Intelligence agency, the first trump National Security adviser did that when he went and consulted for foreign governments, including turkey. This is not an uncommon thing. I do think its worth delving into whether the president and the white house actually intend to follow through with this. I do think this is much more about making the point that there are these people out there who are criticizing the president and saying things that we dont like about him and its an effort to really discredit them. I dont think a real tangible threat. Thats interesting. Its not about the security clearance. Its about discrediting the critics. We know the white house is totally comfortable with the optics, how this is playing out. It plays into their deep state argument, to their base. Do you think the white house, the president , will follow through with this and actually revoke the security credentials of these four individuals . Its hard to know. The president has been very frustrated for months with some of the criticisms that the officials have given him. As we reported, he wanted to see charges filed against james comey. He is very angry with these criticisms. This president is someone who has shown a vindictive streak at times. The president has wide and vast powers over classification. Most president s have not taken away unilaterally the security clearances of others who they dislike. The president has wide purview to classify, declassify. He could do this. He could do this. I will say its notable that general michael hayden, former director of nsa tweeted, i dont go back for classified briefings and wont have any affect on what i say or write. We have new sound in. I think we have it. Let me know if we dont. From jeff sessions. We have it. He was speaking to a group of conservative High School Students this morning. I want you to listen to this. Lock her up. Lock her up. Lock her up. Lock her up. I mean, the fact that you have the head of the department of justice, the attorney general here laughing and also chanting at one point, lock her up, of course, one would assume regarding Hillary Clinton, something that Michael Flynn led that chant as well on the stage of the convention. The significance of that . Look, this is still top of mind for the president. We heard him bring up Hillary Clinton last week in helsinki standing next to president putin. Its still a chant that we hear break out at all of his rallies and his appearances. But by the attorney general . To me, that sounded like a sort of reaction of what am i hearing here. It seemed like he was trying to laugh that off. Certainly, if you are in the administration now and you are jeff sessions, who is on thin ice with the president , you will embrace that sort of tack and that political point that the president has never let go of. Its very much something that animates his supporters. If you are jeff sessions, you dont want to step on that. Thats not a place you want to be given how preoccupied this president continues to be with his former rival who he is no longer facing in any sort of political race at the moment. On the topic, josh, of attorney generals, current and former, eric holder. Eric holder, doing the media rounds. Holder goes on colbert. I dont have the sound to play for you. He asks him if he is thinking about running for president. He says, yeah, im thinking about it. Do you have any reporting on it . What do you make of the chances he would have and him publically confirming this . Im not sure the chances he would have. We have seen people jump in to early moves for 2020. Doesnt hurt to be talked about at this point. Doesnt hurt to have your foot in the ring. You see people go to iowa, massachusetts for fundraisers. You see early action. If you are eric holder, it doesnt hurt to say im considering it, im floating it. Whether he runs or not its mid 2018. We have a year and a half before theres really any sort of palpable action where you have to do anything. Let me get to you both on the willingness of republicans in congress to act right now. When it comes to the latest sort of unprecedented move by the white house, this threat of revoking National Security clearances for these former intelligence officials, our team caught up with congressman scott taylor yesterday. He is one of the few republicans to at least vocally blast this. Here is what he said. Im not okay with it. Not okay with it at all. Its free speech. If something im troubled by it. I think its not what we need to be doing. Its one thing to say it. Right . Its another thing for republicans in congress to act to do something about it. Whats the appetite for that right now . Although, the president has the power to do this. We have seen Congress Make efforts to tie the president s hands and hold symbolic votes. From what we have seen, frankly, theres little appetite for challenging the president on any of this. We did see the senate with the vote last week to refuse to extradite or send any americans to russia for questioning when that outrageous idea was not dismissed out of hand by the president or by the White House Press secretary. In general on concrete issues where they could weigh in and make a difference, they have chosen not to. If you look at the polling now, republicans are more behind the president than they have ever been. Its a Political Risk for the republicans on capitol hill like the one whose sound you played to challenge him given their con city ept constituents are in line with what the president is doing. There isnt anything in this particular case that congress can do. The president has wide latitude on National Security issues. I suppose all they could do is hold a symbolic vote to send a message. Thats about it. Thank you josh, julie. Nice to have you. Still to come, new evidence shows north korea is dismantling its main rocket site. Could this be a promising sign . Paul ryan set to take questions at any minute. Will he address you can bet he will be asked about the president s threat to strip the clearance. Whats he going to say . What started off as a dispute over a parking space leads to a deadly shooting. The gunman is walking free because of stand your ground laws sparking new concern about the legislation next. He beginni, wells fargo has supported Community Organizations like united way, nonprofits like the american red cross, and our nations veterans. We knew helping our communities was important then. And we know its even more important today. So were stepping up to volunteer more and donate over a Million Dollars every day. So our communities can be even stronger. Its a new day at wells fargo. But its a lot like our first day. Bundle and save big, but now its time to find my dream abode. Right away, i could tell his priorities were a little unorthodox. Keep going. Stop. A little bit down. Stop. Back up again. Is this adequate sunlight for a Komodo Dragon . Yeah. Sure, i want that discount on Car Insurance just for owning a home, but im not compromising. Youre taking a shower . Water pressures crucial, scott its like they say location, location, koi pond. They dont say that. Its being called a first major step in the removal of Nuclear Weapons from the Korean Peninsula if that happens. You have new satellite images that appear to show north korea disma dismantling a key test facility. South korean officials are hailing it as a good affect on denuclearization. Lets talk about this and more with congressman gregory meeks. Its nice to have you on this and a lot of topics. Lets begin on that. South korea likes what it is seeing in the satellite images. They say, this is Proof Positive that north korea is taking steps towards denuclearization. Does the Trump Administration deserve credit for this . We need to investigate further. I know from what i heard and talked to individuals, there are several kind of facilities that are there in north korea. One is what they utilize i understand this has not been utilized since 2012. If thats in fact the case, then i think that we should be focusing more on what they utilized in the tests they were doing in 2015 and 2016 and 2017. One is an old type of equipment. The other is new. If theyre just dismantling something that they had utilized or not in 2012, then we dont have anything here. I think thats what needs to be investigated. Its a fair point as will ripley reported last hour. This is where liquid fuelled rockets were tested. Not the new solid fuel, which are much more difficult to detect, because they can be rolled out immediately and then utilized. You sit on the House Foreign Affairs committee. Mike pompeo was invited by your committee to testify this week. He declined. He will testify in front of the senate Foreign Affairs committee tomorrow. Have you had the opportunity for him to testimony before you, what was the most pressing question you were planning to ask . One, about north korea. When i look at what took place, if you compare the north korean what the president did at the socalled summit and what the president did pulling out of iran, do you have any agreement to have someone thats on the ground in north korea and go into all of the sites so we can verify whats taking place as opposed to guessing . Secondly, does mike pompeo know what took place in the two hours in helsinki with the president being exclusively with mr. Putin . Does he even know . When i see mr. Coats, he doesnt know. Seems like no one else knows. I would like to ask him those questions. I do think it would be more appropriate to do it in a classified session. Congressman, i would like your response to the white house threatening to strip six individuals who have been critical of the white house and the president from their security clearance, two of them mccabe and comey dont have clearance anymore. It would be taking away the clearance of these four individuals. Here is how rand paul justified it. I think anyone who is calling basically the president treasonous, which would require the death penalty, is someone that is over the top and not showing the proper judgement to have access to classified information. He is speaking about john brennan who said the president s actions on stage and words with putin were tantamount to treason. Does he have a point . No. I think just as some people talk about our constitution and First Amendment rights also. So individuals have the First Amendment right to say this is not russia. We dont jail people, we dont take things away from people for them saying what they think. I believe theres a difference between jailing someone and stripping them of their security clearance. I hear your point. What this president is doing in my estimation is its not a surprise. Does he he does it all the time. He knows what took place in helsinki has been a mess. Not my words but again, senator rubio and cruz called him a con man when they were doing the campaign. What you do is to shift the view, shift your mind away from something, you bring Something Else up. Thats what theyre trying to do. On the topic of russia, let me ask you about reporting thats come out in the last few days. Its reporting about a trip you took to russia with congressman rohrbacher. This was a time of high tension between the United States and russia. This is after russia had annexed crimea, shot down malaysian flight 17. Let me ask you about the purpose of your trip there. Why did you go . Did you meet with any russian officials while you were there . I went with an official i am the ranking democrat on the committee. The chairman of the committee decided that he wanted to go. The Committee Approved it. I wanted to make sure, knowing what the chairmans position was on russia, that i thought it was important given the significance of the time that they didnt hear one voice, they needed to hear both voices. I wanted to make sure they knew that we were not pleased with the going in and taking over of crime crimea, that they were going into the eastern ukraine. I wanted to make sure they heard two sides of the voice two voices. I know what the position of the chairman was. We heard it in the committee. That was my purpose of being there. Any meetings with russian officials . No. The one person i can recall was from the dumas at an open meeting. Final question about the future of your party. We heard congressman moulton this weekend. He said when it comes to leadership of the party, this is bigger than one person. What we need is a new generation of leadership to be honest about the problems we face. Who do you think embodies the future of your party, the future of the democratic party, more right now, nancy pelosi or the candidate up in november alexandria cortez . We had a motion actually in Democratic Caucus before coming here where we are saying were going to focus on winning the elections together. I understand that, congressman. Im running out of time. I want to know from you alexandra, who won new york 14 and is up for general election in november, a lot of people are pointing to her and saying, a candidate like this far to the left is the future of the party more than nancy pelosi. Are they right . I dont think that there is any one person. What makes our party good is the diversity in our party. We have people from all different points of view, just like america. Hold on one second. I have to jump over. Im sorry to interrupt. Lets go to paul ryan. Some of the people have lost their clearances, some people keep their clearances. Its not in our purview. I think he is trolling people. In all caps. Look, i dont ive made it clear, i dont think tariffs are the right answer. I dont support tariffs. I think tariffs are taxes. There are better tools that we can use to hold abusers of trade laws and people who countries that perpetuate unfair trade practices, there are better tools to use to get them to play fairly. I just dont think the tariff route is the smart way to go. I understand the president s plan. I understand what he is trying to do. The goal he is trying to achieve is a good one, a better deal for americans, better trade agreements. I dont think tariffs are the way to go. Our members are making that pretty clear. Its the way he is going. Like i said, we made our points very clear. We hope that this at the end of the day, we all want to land in the same place. I would like to get to the landing spot as fast at possible. Anna . Im seeing is a celia today. I dont know if im well, they do they dont trade fairly with us on a number of issues. Im a person who wanted to get im out of the mainstream. I believe its important to lower trade barriers to one another. They have high are tariffs on our products in certain areas. Agriculture in particular, we have a big beef, no pun intended, with the europeans and cheese as well. I think its important that we Work Together to reduce trade barriers and trade restrictions between our countries. This friction that were having, as long as it results in lowering barriers and making it easier for us to access foreign markets and have reciprocal trade agreements, thats great. Thats hopefully where we can end up with this. Who will ask the last question . Sam ryan came with work to dad today. Sam ryan gets the distinction of that today. Have a good one. Take care. Republican House Speaker paul ryan talking about trade, talking about tariffs. We will have much more after the break. Ere. [telephone ring] ahoyhoy. Alexander graham bell here. No, no, my number is one, you must want two two, i say like my father before. [telephone ring] like my father before. Ahoyhoy as long as people talk too loudly on the phone, you can count on geico saving folks money. Fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more on Car Insurance. Does your Business Internet provider promise a lot . Lets see who delivers more. Comcast business gives you gigspeed in more places. The others dont. We offer up to 6 hours of 4g Wireless Network backup. Everyone else, no way. We let calls from any of your devices come from your business number. Them, not so much. We let you keep an eye on your business from anywhere. The others . Nope get internet on our gigspeed network and add voice and tv for 34. 90 more per month. Call or go online today. Right now, former Trump Campaign chairman Paul Manafort is headed back to jail after a quit appearance in a virginia courtroom. Were told manafort was wearing a suit and tie, not the jumpsuit in previous appearances. This comes as the first potential jurors in his criminal case were briefed by a federal judge. The judge gave questionnaires to the potential jurors, telling them they must be able to judge manafort solely on the evidence of the trial. Everyone was dismissed. Witnesses say as the potential jurors left the room, manafort winked at his wife. Its nice to have you, paul. Lets get through this. First, when you look at what he is facing, what manafort is facing, we have learned his lawyers do not plan to argue in this trial before these jurors that their client is the victim in any way of political prosecution or that he was selectively or vindictively prosecuted. Is that important and interesting. This judge, who is going to hear this case and preside over it, said a month or so ago to muellers team about this case, you dont care about manafort. This is all just about essentially President Trump and trying to lead to his prosecution and impeachment. Thats very true. I have to tell you something about the judge. He was appointed by president reagan. Lawyers think of him as an equal opportunity basher. In other words, sometimes he will beat up prosecutors and the next day, two days later, he is beating up the defense attorneys. A lot of people misread him and thought he was pro manafort and antigovernment. But he is just a crusty, very opinionated judge. He criticizes both sides. I wouldnt read too much into that. I dont think that defense that he has been singled out as a sort of political defendant is a way to get to the president. Difficult to sit a jury in this case, given the high profile nature . Very difficult. But doable. We tried o. J. We tried other high profile defendants. You will come up eventually with 12 people and alternates. Lets talk about the president s former selfproclaimed fixer, Michael Cohen. We know now that he did record the president in a phone call about a payment to a former alleged mistress of his. We know there are 12 tapes. One has the president on them. Would these conversations would the one conversation with President Trump be covered by Attorney Client privilege . We know that giuliani and the team have waved the right. Would it be covered . Normally if the president was having a discussion with Michael Cohen about a legal matter. Hush money, payments to anybody, including prior mistresses, would be considered to be legal. That could have been a privileged conversation. The real question is, did they wave the privilege . The president can consent to having it turned over to prosecutors. I think thats what happened here. You write an opinion piece. Its fascinating. You argue this is the the final sentence is, if cohen is seen as akin to john dean and president nixon, he will by john dean light. Why is that . Why do you think he is not as potentially valuable, i guess, to those opposing the president if he flips . In writing the article i found out a lot of people dont remember who john dean was. Absolutely. Counsel to president nixon, the center of the watergate scandal and maybe the most important witness that led ultimately to the impeachment of the president. I call cohen john dean light because even if cohen has some taped conversations with the president , john dean had the benefit of every conversation that happened in the oval office pretty much was on tape. John deans evidence related to nixon as president. Most of cohens tapes probably relate to President Trump before he was inaugurated. There may be even if there was evidence of a crime or embarrassing stuff on the president , i dont think he is going to get impeached for it. I will say vanity faiva v reporting Michael Cohen said if they think the efforts to discredit me arent known to me, this are mistaken. Did they think i was going to roll over a die . That sounds like a declaration of war by cohen. We will see a lot of interesting things in the tapes. I dont know they will rise to the level of john dean against nixon. Its a fascinating read. Thank you. Breaking news. Paul ryan says the president is trolling people with his threat to pull security clearances from former officials. You will hear it all here next. Welcome to holiday inn thank you wait, i have something for you every stay is a special stay at holiday inn. Save up to 15 when you book early at hollidayinn. Com with a 500,000 Life Insurance policy. How much do you think it cost him . 100 a month . 75 . 50 . Actually, duncan got his 500,000 for under 28 a month. Less than a dollar a day. His secret . Selectquote. In just minutes, a selectquote agent will comparison shop nearly a dozen highlyrated Life Insurance companies, and give you a choice of your five best rates. Duncans wife cassie got a 750,000 policy for under 22 a month. Give your family the security it needs at a price you can afford. Breaking news out of the press conference moments ago with House Speaker paul ryan. His reaction to President Trumps threat of pulling security clearances for former intel chiefs. A reporter asked him if he th k thinks its dangerous. I think he is trolling people. This is something thats in the purview of the executive branch. Some of these people have already lost their clearances. I think hes just trolling people. Significant. Yeah. A number of republicans have actually pushed back on these comments the president made, dismissing them the way paul ryan did, saying the president appears to be trolling. Other republicans that i talked to suggested that the president should not be going down this road, including congressman scott taylor from virginia, who told me yesterday that its a wrong decision for the president to do this. A lot of them simply see this as a distraction that the white house is pushing in light of the other issues that are going on. One of the issues is the president S Performance last week in helsinki alongside Vladimir Putin and his decision to call for a second meeting in washington with Vladimir Putin. I asked paul ryan directly whether or not he thinks its a good idea to bring Vladimir Putin back to washington. He said, were not going to invite Vladimir Putin to congress. Were not going to let him address congress. Its for our allies, not our adversaries. I dont mind in leaders meet one on one, but the messages need to be firm with russians that there will be no election attacks allowed in the United States. When i followed up, i said, dont you think the president needs to be firmer on that . Paul ryan said, we all need to be firmer, suggesting the white house didnt want to go directly at the president. Nevertheless, the latest thing about the security clearances part of an effort by the white house to change the subject away from what happened in held sisi and the pushback about the second summit. Paul ryan chooses his words so carefully. For him to say twice in so many seconds that he is trolling is interesting. Thank you. Still to come, a refuge for wildlife. The site of the next big oil boom. President trump opened up alaska for drilling. Bill weir takes us into trump versus the wild next. Here comes the rain. [ horn honking ] [ engine revving ] whats that, girl . [ engine revving ] flo needs help . [ engine revving ] take me to her coming, flo why arent we taking roads . flo. [ horn honking ] oh. You made it. Do you have change for a dollar . This was the emergency . [ engine revving ] yes, i was busy 24hour roadside assistance. From americas numberone motorcycle insurer. You know, i think youre my best friend. You dont have to say im your best friend. Thats okay. The alaskan wilderness. Now the refuge is facing off with the Trump Administration. Opening the door for oil drilling. You spent a lot of time up there, bill. What sparked this . A sound bite from the president when he was talking about anwar. He didnt know what it was. We will play that for you. As we live from tweet to tweet in this news cycle, so much Environmental Protection is being rolled back. Shrinking national parks, pulling back endangered species protection, opening up oil drilling. This is magnificent. Wow. Way up at the top of alaska, an airline can feel like a time machine. Theres babies running around. The Arctic National wild life refuge known as anwar is the wilderness most of america paved over long ago. This is it. You are in the heart of the arctic refuge. Welcome to one of the last truly wild places on earth. The coastal plain brims with life. Birds that will migrate to the backyards of all 50 states. As florian has captured over the years, the most common creature is the carabu. We are changing the world everywhere so fast. Why not leave a few places unspoiled . For almost 60 years, that was the rational that protected anwar from this. These are the oil fields that fill the famous pipeline and power countless lives. Since there are billions of barrels elsewhere, nature lovers have arguing theres no need to drill here. For decades, that argument held until a friend of mine in the oil business called. Is it true that you have anwar . I dont know. Who cares . Who is that . He said, reagan tried. Every single president tried. You gotta be kidding. I love it. After that we fought like hell to get anwar. He talked me into it. Decembers tax cut bill opened anwar to drilling thanks to alaskas senator who slipped in the provision, knowing it would only need 51 instead of 60 votes to pass. Its wrong for those from the outside looking in who have taken a nice trip into an area and said, this must be protected. Conservationists point out, there is already a huge glut of american oil. Oil companies are laying people off up here because prices are so low. Oil companies have been laying people off. For the first time in the last five years, i was seeing more oil Company Workers leaving the state of alaska and going to north dakota than coming into the state. But much like trumps efforts to revive dieing coal mines, the rush to drill here seems driven more by politics than economics. Tom delay once said, if we could drill in anwar, it will break the back of the environmental lobby. They havent drilled yet. We know the arctic regions are heating twice as fast as any other part of the world. It makes zero sense to come here and look for more oil thats going to exacerbate that problem. Among those opposed is the northern most tribe of native americans. How many people live here . About 150 year round. I think about 150 people live on my floor of my apartment building. Their numbers may be tiny but they are not outsiders. Evidence shows we have been here over 25,000 years. The only reason they survived is this animal. In the day, they would trap the animals. These days, they use guns and snowmobiles but need the animals to survive in one of the most expensive neighborhoods in america. Groceries can cost twice as much as the whole foods in manhattan. Gas up here runs 10 a gallon. Still, given the choice between oil money and these animals, theres no debate. These folks will stick with the one animal thats kept they will alive for thousands of years. They cannot imagine drills and trucks and pipelines across what they call the sacred place where life begins. Look what happened to the indians and the buffalo. Thats not going to happen to my people. Were not going to allow that to happen again. They are a native american david against aa ga goliath eagr to drill and cash in. Now we have environmentalists saying we cant do this. Whats wrong with this picture . As the government rushes towards development, Community Meetings lay bare the fight, tribe versus tribe, neighbor against neighbor. We have thousands of gallons in places that have seen destruction but restraint is what we lack. When did we all become owners of the land . Its always owned us. Theres a rush to sell off two 400,000 leases by next year. The wilderness lovers are hoping they can win in court or maybe at the polls for the midterms and beyond. Whats up next . Part two is we will dig into that community thats pro drilling. Native alaskans who see this as sovereignty. You saw how emotional it was. Very emotional. We will get into climate change. They are going after the one product changing their landscape. Forever. Forever. Thank you for going. Thank you for doing this. Its beautifully shot and edited. We appreciate it. More from bill tomorrow morning. President trump threatening to revoke security clearances of former intel chiefs. Paul ryan thinks the president is trolling people. We will have more on that ahead. Let me hand it over to kate bolduan who picks it up right after this. When i received the diagnoses, i knew at that exact moment. Im beating this. My main focus was to find a team of doctors. Its not just picking a surgeon, its picking the care team and feeling secure in where you are. Visit cancercenter. Com breast tap one little bumper and up go your rates. What good is your insurance if you get punished for using it . News flash nobodys perfect. For drivers with accident forgiveness, Liberty Mutual wont raise your rates due to your first accident. Switch and you could save 782 on home and auto insurance. 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Utilizing pg es talent and expertise in that area trains our firefighters on the gas or electric aspect of a fire and when we have an emergency situation we are going to be much more skilled and prepared to mitigate that emergency for all concerned. The things we do every single day that puts ourselves in harms way, and to have a partner that is so skilled at what they do is indispensable, and i couldnt ask for a better partner. Hello. Im dana bash in for kate bolduan. A president ial diversion tactic that could come with Real Security implications for the country. What President Trump is doing is transparent. He is singling out critics in the intelligence and National Security world threatening to e revoke their clearance to turn attention away from Unanswered Questions about what happened in his meeting with russian president Vladimir Putin. This morning, the House Speaker, he laughed it off. I think he is trolling people, honestly. This is something thats in the purview of the executive branch. I think some of these people have already lost their

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