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Has supported from the beginning. This morning a lawmaker calls the plan a missed opportunity. Kaitlan collins at the white house. The scope of this proposal may be not the big deal that the president seemed to indicate he was all for at that meeting at the white house. Reporter thats right, john. Its a lot less dramatic than any of the language weve heard the president use since that shooting. One of the biggest parts of this proposal unveiled overnight by the white house and three weeks after that shooting was something the president has pushed for which was Arming School teachers. This proposal specifically calls for, quote the rigorous training of School Employees to be able to use these firearms but i should note that it doesnt call for any new funding for states to be able to provide that training to teachers, but whats most notable about these proposals is whats not included here, john, and thats the president s idea to raise the age limit to purchase certain firearms from 18 to 21. Now, what this proposal does do is create this commission that would study a range of issues including raising the age limit to see if that would help to pret Mass Shootings in the future. Even the president s education secretary betsy devos struggled to really explain this commission this morning. Everything is on the table and the commission that is being formed of which i will lead is going to be looking at this issue along with a number of other issues. There are many things that have driven this issue in the first place and we have to go back to the beginning and talk about how these violent acts are even occurring to start with. Reporter john, i have to point out that the formation of this Committee Comes about 24 hours after the president was denouncing such committees at that rally in pennsylvania on saturday night while talking about the Opioid Epidemic across the United States saying that those kinds of commission, those blue ribbon commissions just dont work but the white house and the president seem to think its going to work for the School Safety measures. Theres also new reporting over the weekend on the russia investigation. The the New York Times is saying that the president was considering hiring this lawyer with an expertise in dealing with the i word, i am peach manhattan. Reporter certainly expert. Flood is a veteran lawyer who defended bill clinton during his impeachment proceedings. The president has been meeting with mr. Flood, including last week in the oval office with the idea of potentially bringing him on to help deal with the white houses response to the special counsels investigation and the the New York Times says that if they did hire him, he would deal with the daytoday dealings with the justice department, but weve got to point out that the president was quick to deny this story on twitter, essentially saying it was fake news. This speaks to the larger issue here, john, is the white house clearly does not think that this investigation is wrapping up any time soon. Kaitlan collins for us at the white house. Thanks so much. Well come back to the russia issue in just a moment. Lets talk more about guns. Julie hirch fooel is joining us now. Julie you covered the bigger dramatic meeting between the president and families at the white house. You covered the white house when the president had that dramatic interesting meeting with lawmakers about guns. In both places he talked about raising the legal limit to buy a gun to 21 from 18 now and now when he comes out with the proposals, nothing in there about the age limit. Critics asking did the nra get to him. What happened here . Theres no question that he had extensive talks with the nra both behind the scenes and he alluded to an Oval Office Meeting that he had with them shortly after that meeting with lawmakers that was so extraordinary because he had really endorsed or seemed to be open to so many gun control measures that republicans typically certainly republicans with a lot of support from the nra have not been willing to go near. I think what were seeing here is what were seeing so many times with President Trump where in the immediate aftermath, he goes way out there on a limb, makes very bold statements about what hes willing to do or what he wants to do on policy, and then in the intervening days and weeks, he kind of slowly, slowly walks it back and so what were seeing in the proposal that was rolled out overnight is, not only a drift approximating away from this idea of raising the age but theres no mention in this package of the manchintoomey background checks legislation, theres no mention of an assault weapons ban, which of course he famously in that meeting at the white house said he would be open to sticking upon to a background check bill. Its a retreat from what he initially said and you have to imagine that the nra is quite happy about that. And it does include this federal task force which would be chaired by betsy devos. It comes just 24 hours after the president said hes against this idea of federal task force. He doesnt think they get anything done. Listen to what he said just saturday night. We cant just keep setting up blue ribbon committees with your wife and your wife and your husband and they meet, and they have a meal, and they talk, talk, talk, talk, two hours later and write a report. Look, thats what i got in washington. I got all these blue ribbon committees so sabrina, he was talking about opioids on saturday night and today hes talking about guns. He has punted this idea to a federal task force and this is not what President Trump likes to think hes about. He says hes about action. This isnt exactly action. I think that the irony is, its his administration that has been setting up some of these commissions and they did the same for the opioid crisis. They had a task force that met and included state officials as well as local authorities and they produced a series of recommendation. Its ultimately up to the white house and the president to push for those recommendations and to support some of the proposals that any task force comes up with. Whats notable about the Gun Violence Task force is that there is no set deadline for their works. Theres also a lack of urgency with respect to addressing the issue of gun policy in the wake of parkland at a time when you have this grassroots activism that is really trying to keep this issue at the forefront of the debate in washington. Ultimately, whatever the president chooses to support on guns, unless hes willing to use the bully pulpit of the presidency and really put some urgency behind the need for congress to act, especially on issue thats so bitterly divides lawmakers in washington nothing is going to get done. You havent seen him use the platform of the presidency outside convening these meetings. President obama really mounted a public Pressure Campaign design pedestrian to force lawmakers hands. Interesting, ryan, that the person whos going to chair this federal task force is the secretary of education betsy devos. She is the secretary of education. It is her job to know what goes on in schools and shes from where shes supposed to know even more about what goes on in schools. Listen to this Exchange Last night. Public schools in michigan gotten better . I dont know. Overall kwla say overall that they have all gotten better. The whole state is not doing well. There are certainly lots of pockets where the students are doing have you seen the really bad schools . Maybe try to figure out what theyre doing . I have not i have not ive not intentionally visited schools that are underperforming. Maybe you should . Maybe i should, yes. Betsy devos is the secretary of education and the reviews of that interview universe alpli not so good. People have been pretty tough on that. Reminds me of her confirmation hearing. She stumbled over a lot of basic questions on education policy. A lot of democrats pointing out that she never went to a public school. Shes been a fierce champion of vouchers and Charter Schools and spent a lot of time in michigan politics working on education, so its bewilledering that she wouldnt be able to answer the basic questions. Just one comment, john, on the trump and guns. It strikes me the thing were all trying to adjust to with trump is, unlike previous president s, his words just dont make policy. I remember instances with obama where he said something and the policy of the white house shifted because he said it publicly, right . With trump, it is the opposite. It does not matter what he says, it does not make policy in the white house and in congress, they just ignore it and so we have were just adjusting to a president whos words, frankly, dont matter. Weve seen it with immigration. We now saw it in a startling way with guns where he literally mocked determine senators for being scared of the nra and the a few weeks later the nra puts their wish list on guns. When trump says something on policy, theres no reason to believe that that is what is going to be. He defers to policy aides in the white house and congressional leaders on capitol hill. Even so, he still has an opportunity here if he chooses to use it. In the meantime, this morning a lawyer for Stormy Daniels tells cnn he hopes that reports are wrong that lawyers for the president are trying to stop the airing of a 60 minutes interview with Stormy Daniels. Joining me now with the very latest on this is m. J. Lee. Reporter what is very clear is that Stormy Daniels wants to speak out about her experience and about this alleged affair that she had with donald trump going back to 2006. She wants to speak out about the 130,000 payment that she said she got from Michael Cohen and she wants to discuss this nda that she had to sign and the threats she continues to receive from Michael Cohen. Now we know that she sat down with Anderson Cooper for an interview on 60 minutes but a report said that lawyers associated with mr. Trump, President Trump is considering taking legal action to ensure that this interview doesnt air. Now daniels lawyers is on new day this morning and he says he hopes that the 60 minutes interview will air because the American People deserve to hear her out and deserve to know the truth. Heres a little more of what he had to say. I dont understand why the president cannot come out and state unequivocally did he know about the agreement, did he know about the payment and did he have anything to do with the payment being made. Three very simple questions. You dont need 140 characters on twitter in order to answer those three questions. Just a reminder of what is happening, legally Stormy Daniels has filed a lawsuit in california against President Trump. She basically wants the court to say that this nda that she signed with Michael Cohen is void so that she can speak out and just as for how Stormy Daniels is doing right now, she says she told our colleague over the weekend that she is more in demand. That she has more dance bookings but this is really a doubleedged sword because shes had less time to promote her adult films. Thanks very much. Joining me now to discuss this legal analyst Michael Zeldin and laura coates. Is there any chance that if Michael Cohen and the president really want to stop this interview from airing, is there any realistic chance they can do that . Much of the cats already out of the bag over the fact that she filed a complaint that detailed a lot of information people already thought. But if this contract is enforceable, if the nda is enforceable, absence of a signature is not enough to just take away and void an contract, then there is a leg they would have to stand on if the contract is valid. She cant disclose the information. The reason for that is its because its nondisclosure. You cant disclose the information in there. The optics are already bad enough. They may not want to fight it quite as hard. What are the consequences for Stormy Daniels if this interview does go ahead and air over the objections of Donald Trumps lawyers . Im not sure i believe the lawyer for Stormy Daniels who says, wed be very sad if the trump team filed action to get this interview from airing . I think theyd be thrilled. The more the better in terms of attention. First, is, they are seeking in a lawsuit like this to restrain the media from publishing a story. Prior restraints dont work very well as we saw in the pentagon papers case. They have a losing hand with respect to trying to restrain the media from publishing this because 60 minutes is not even a party to this contract. So, they could then perhaps sue in damages if there is such a damage claim but i think the gambit of suing in court from restrain her from speaking is silly. Shell then to get put on her case which says, essentially, its true what im having to say and that overcomes their efforts to get a prior restraint. Its a losing proposition for them where they proceed this way. Michael, other legal news over the weekend. Kaitlan collins telling us the story where the president meeting with the yich peachment expert adding perhaps, thinking of adding to his legal team, what does that tell you . First of all, weve understood for a long time that this is a very except tal team. Youve got ty cobb, john dowd and jay sec alou and thats it. They need reinforcements and theyve needed it for quite a long time. Bringing on another lawyer supplemental to ty cobb and john dowd makes a lot of sense to me and emmitt flood is experienced. He worked for David Kendall on the clinton impeachment and so if it ever got to that point, he has experience in that respect. I think its fine for them to think about additional counsel on this case. It doesnt seem to be going away any time soon, and muellers got a formidable team. It doesnt seem to be going away any time soon. We have more people going in to testify before a grand jury. Theres still more indictments coming out. The the wall street journal is reporting that the president s lawyers are trying to reach this strange deal to get him to testify and that deal would be, hell go and speak to investigators under the condition that the special counsel wraps up the president s role in this, finishes what hes going to do with the president within 60 days after the interview. Why on earth would the special counsel ever agree to that . They wouldnt. Their efforts are herk uleanion at this point. The president of the United States in terms of the mueller criminal probe, he has no Bargaining Power here and no position to negotiate for strength. Theres no incentive for mueller or his team to allow the president to dictate the terms, the tenure, the duration of their investigation. What if more witnesses come forward or more information is available that allows them to maneuver a different direction or go in a different direction or pursue either a rabbit hole or one that actually is chockfull of krots while the president would have dictated the terms. No prosecutor in their right mind would allow somebody whos potentially a target or a witness or somebody whos even related to investigation to give them their prosecutorial prerogative. It doesnt work that way. Any efforts to do so would be laughed at. Does the special counsel have the stomach to battle, you know, in court if he needs to subpoena the press, if it gets to that is that something he wants to . I imagine he prefers not to have to do that, michael . They probably are looking at the bill clinton case as the template. In that case, ken starr threatened to subpoena bill clinton into the grand jury, instead they worked out an agreement where ken starr came over to the white house with his lawyers, they had an interview in the map room, that was ported over to the grand jury live and it lasted for most of the day. I think thats what will happen here. Theres not likelihood that they will go to court and fight this out. All right. Thanks so much for being with us. Appreciate it. Thank you. Republicans fighting to keep control of the congressional seat in trump country, were talking about in trump country. What is really going on here . We are there and the president says he would love to run against oprah. Oprah says, no thanks for now but shes got some advice for anyone who does run, plus a deadly Helicopter Crash in new york city. What happened here . Dramatic video of this incident and perhaps some new information about what went wrong. Plaque psoriasis can be relentless. Your plaques are always there at the worst times. Constantly interrupting you with itching, burning and stinging. Being this uncomfortable is unacceptable. Im ready. Tremfya® works differently for adults with moderate to severe plaque psoriasis. With tremfya®, you can get clearer and stay clearer. In fact, most patients who saw 90 clearer skin at 28 weeks. Stayed clearer through 48 weeks. Tremfya® works better than humira® at providing clearer skin and more patients were symptom free with tremfya®. Tremfya® may lower your ability to fight infections, and may increase your risk of infections. Before treatment, your doctor should check you for infections and tuberculosis. 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All of the polls in recent days show it neck and neck and just to give you a sense of how much republicans feel is on the line, how much trump feels is on the line, the president came down here this weekend to give that rally for saccone which as you mentioned ended up being more about trump, much like this race. Its the weekly sunday chess meetup. John surlow is a long time coach and supporter of the trump. Hes very successful. I want to see him continue to be. Reporter and that means supporting rick saccone over the 33yearold democrat conor lamb, a retired marine and former federal prosecutor. How much of your support is about saccone versus the Republican Party or trump . Very little. Reporter really . You dont really care about rick saccone. I think conor lamb has got a great personality, a great persona, hes like jack kennedy all over again. Just terrific. Reporter but youll still vote for the republican . Definitely. Reporter surlow and trump know this race is seen as a referendum. Theyre all watching. I won this district like by 22 points. Its a lot. Thats why im here. Look at all those red hats here. Reporter this corner of southwestern pennsylvania is also where hes hoping his announcement of steel and aluminum tariffs will resonate with voters as they have with surlow. I feel like the Republican Party has got a wall street wing and a main street wing and the tariffs are mainly in support of a main street wing. If it actually has the effect that it says it will have ill be for it. Reporter at a diner, carol thomas isnt convinced nor is her husband bob. Its going to come around to bite us. Reporter lifelong republicans who dont like the president now at odds with their daughter michelle who support his agenda but not his attitude. I dont necessarily like how the president presents things. I dont like his persona, so to speak. Thats why, while im still supporting saccone, it did cause me to look a little towards conor lamb. Reporter for some like carol who are wavering even more, trumps visit didnt help. If anything, if i were saccone, id tell trump to stay away because he puts his foot in his mouth but i look at saccone as someone who has really good background and a lot of experience. He can probably negotiate the politics. Reporter youre saying that the president s support of saccone would make you less inclined to support him . Much less inclined. Reporter in the end mother and daughter will vote for rick saccone, father for conor lamb. One American Family struggling as so many are and will this year to reconcile their beliefs with deepening political divisions. Just to give you an indication of how panicked republicans are that this special election could be a canary in the coal mine if you will, outside republican groups have spent 10 million in favor of rick saccone, 10 million for a special election. All the while conor lamb the democrat has been out fundraising rick saccone around five to one in the early part of this year. This should be such an easy victory for the republicans that even if saccone manages to eek out a victory it could still be seen as a loss. You dont have to scratch the surface very far already republicans giving you a rebuttal of what went wrong. Alex, thanks so much. So as we said, tomorrows election very much about the president. There is another election which is totally about the president thats the 2020 run for the white house. The president now says that he would love to take on Oprah Winfrey and beat her. He claims he knows her weakness. Now Oprah Winfrey for her part says she is not running. She gave our van jones her advice for anyone who he is. Do not give your energy to the other side. Do not spend all your time talking about your opponents. Do not give your energy to that which you really dont believe in. Do not spend an ounce of your time on that. All right. Coming up much more on the oprah special election also the special election in pennsylvania and we have just heard from the president on what he might or might not do in terms of raising the age limit to buy guns. Stay with us. You might take something for your heart. Or joints. But do you take something for your brain. With an ingredient originally found in jellyfish, prevagen is the number one selling brainhealth supplement in drug stores nationwide. Prevagen. The name to remember. For you, its always now over later. And pause. Not even in your vocabulary. So when a cold sore tingle strikes you act on it. Only abreva can heal a cold sore in as little as two and a half days when used at the first sign. 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And its a blue collar, not very supportive of gun control and a lot of prolife democrats. The democrat running in this race is not in favor of gun control and personally prolife. So the democrats have a candidate that fits the mold of the type of candidate who has historically run and trumps popularity has obviously been an issue for a lot of democrats who in this district who still identify as democrats locally but have been voting nationally and at the president ial level for republicans and pennsylvania, if you look at the history of special elections since trump has been elected, it is one of the states where democrats have overperformed more so. A lot of reasons the democrats are very excited about this race and think they have a chance. Sabrina, do you think theres any part of nancy pelosi that is watching this and is nervous about conor lamb winning . Hes the democrat there has run ads specifically more or less against nancy pelosi, saying, he will not support her for speaker. If conor lamb wins on an antipelosi platform. Does that open the door for democrats around the country to won in a similar way . It certainly does. I think that all politics is local so what conor lamb is doing is he is recognizing that in order to be competitive here he has to distance himself from National Democrats. Think back to the Alabama Senate race with doug jones. You didnt have a lot of National Democrats going to stump for him there. Chuck schumer certainly was not heavily involved in that race in part because they didnt want National Democrats or establishment democrats, so to speak, to have a big presence on the campaign. I dont think that necessarily means hes going to disrupt leadership, conor lamb, if and when he were to get to the house but it certainly speaks to recognition that both the republicans and democrats in washington remain deeply unpopular when you are looking at some of these elections across the country and so the candidates who tend to do well are those who can focus mornt issues that concern those particular constituents and not get caught up in the national narrative. Thats why you dont see conor lamb aggressively running against trump. I saved the oprah questions for you. The oprah peshl election is really what Everyone Wants to talk about. The president went to this district, talked about rick saccone a tiny little bit. Talked about himself a ton. And also talked about open practice winfrey. He brings up oprah out of the blue. Listen to what he says about her. Id love oprah to win. Id love to beat oprah. I know her weakness. Wouldnt we love to run against oprah . I would love it. I would love it. That would be a painful experience for her. I would ask you what is he talking about with oprahs weakness there but i do not think you know. I dont think he knows what hes talking about there. The bigger question is, whats he doing talking about oprah . Is she in his head at all . I think theres no question shes in his head and it was clear from this event on saturday night that this rally was really about donald trump. Hes thinking about himself as a candidate, not so much rick saccone and looking forward i think in his mind, he would love to have a challenge from the far left and i think he may have used those words. He thinks that oprah would represent that and because he is not your typical politician, he is a businessman and a celebrity before hes a politician, i think he thinks of oprah as kind of a fitting opponent for himself and i think he relishes that idea and interestingly, when you played that clip from oprah earlier, i think she and a lot of democrats are anticipating what President Trump would like to try to do in whenever he really starts running for reelection in ernst which is to really make this about democrats attacking him and that would really play into his hands. Theres a big effort by democrats to try to not make the next election about that and thats a lot of the reasons theres a lot of scepticism of oprah on the left. Thats interesting. Oprah warned dont make it just about him. Dont be negative. Are they capable of that . I thought it was very interesting and oprahesque advice. Not the kind of advice you would expect from someone deeply mired in politics. Dont i think her phrase was dont let the opponent take your energy. Dont focus all of your grievance and hatred about this person. Dont, you know, harm yourself by attacking them. I dont think most Political Consultants will tell you when an incumbent whos an unpopular incumbent is running, its going to be a referendum on that incumbent and the race is all about that incumbent. That would be the conventional wisdom from most political strategist. The democrat is going to attack trump and make it about his record and not so much about him or herself, whereas trump strategy will be to sort of dismiss the candidate, protect his record. But, you know, democrats have had a tough time recently. Maybe they should listen to oprah. Sabrina, breaking news, the president moments ago weighed in on the gun announcement he made overnight. Seeking to explain i think where he is on the age limit. He goes on 18 to 21, age limits. Watching court cases and rulings before acting. States are making this decision. Things are moving rapidly on this but not much Political Support to put it mildly. Florida just voted to raise the age but its not happening universally around the country. Hes deciding not to take a stand because the politics may not be for it. Thats interesting. The court case that hes dealing with is the nra challenging that new bill in florida because it raises those age restrictions from 18 to 21 for a certain firearms but it goes back to this idea that the president is not willing to put his Political Capital behind some of these more contentious measures on gun reform. You do have some bipartisan support, for example, for raising the age limit unless they really get a sense of urgency from the president that this is something that hes willing to sign and that he wants to see reach his desk, theres not going to be a lot of incentive for a lawmakers to really put their own political future on the line for something that they know remains a very divisive issue. Ultimately it is telling that there are a lot of measures that he supported at least in some of these meetings that he convened that are not part of his framework that the white house has laid out. It is a lot like immigration where he said that he would support a lot of measures that seemed to break with the positions he has espoused in the past but when it comes to actually legislating and come to getting a deal, you arent seeing that same president that you saw in those meetings with lawmakers whos trying to build a consensus and you shouldnt expect much from him on policy. He could lead. Choosing not to do that. In this case we will see what happens going forward. He says it is his expression of what may have happened the night his exwife nicole brown and ron goldman were killed. What o. J. Gave was a confession to murder critics say coming up. Its time for the sleep number spring clearance event. The dual adjustability of the sleep number bed allows each of you to adjust to your ideal level of firmness, comfort and support. Your sleep number setting. For your best. Sleep. Ever. In the morning, youll discover the amazing effects the bed is having on your sleep quality. Your sleepiq score. And snoring . Does your bed do that . Only at a sleep number store where queen mattresses start at just 899. Last chance for clearance savings up to 600. Plus, free Home Delivery on all sleep number 360 smart beds. Visit sleepnumber. Com for a store near you. Its a lot easier to make decisions when you know what comes next. 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Theyre expected to arrive sometime this morning. 14 members of the National Transportation safety board expected to get here and begin their investigation. The helicopter itself remains underwater here at the east river. It has not been recovered yet but the trouble, of course, unfolding last night around 7 00 when that frantic mayday call came in from the pilot. Listen. Mayday, mayday, mayday. You okay . Im sorry say again . East river, engine failure. Say it one more time. Engine failure over the east river. Lima hotel. You require any assistance . It was a mayday call at la guardia. Reporter witnesses who captured the crash on video, you can see the helicopter hovering low before hitting the water and then tipping over taking on water. Inside that helicopter, five passengers, one pilot. The pilot managed to get himself freed but were learning from investigators that the five passengers were harnessed so tightly that rescuers were kind of slowed down in getting them out because each passenger had to be cut out. Two passengers died at the scene. Three were taken to the hospital but then, john, those three passengers died at the hospital. John . All right. Alisyn, thanks alley sun. Call it the lost confession. Fox aired a never seen 12 year old interview with o. J. Simpson in which he discusses what might have happened the night his exwife nicole brown and ron goldman were murdered 24 years ago. Simpson called it a hypothetical account. Others say this sounds like a confession. In the book the hypothetical, theres charlie came by and mentioned something about what was going on at her house. This guy charlie shows up, the guy i had recently become friends with, and i dont know why he had been by nicoles house but had told me you wouldnt believe whats going on over there. And i remember thinking, whatevers going on over there is got to stop. Now the time this interview was done, fox and Parent Company were heavily criticized. They pulled the interview and canceled the publication of the book. The Goldman Family tells cnn it welcomes the airing of this interview. Russia says a former spy poisoned in the uk is not its problem. Will the british Prime Minister disagree . This is now a Major International incident. Im here to fix the elevator. Nothings wrong with the elevator. Right. But you want to fix it. Right. So who sent you . New guy. What new guy . Watson. My analysis of sensor and Maintenance Data indicates elevator 3 will malfunction in 2 days. There you go. You still need a pass. All right, new this morning, we just learned that british Prime Minister theresa may will soon speak to parliament about the nerve agent attack on a former russian spy and his daughter. This happened in the uk. So will she publicly condemn russia . A different uk official says it looks to him like this was a statesponsored murder attempt and he does expect the Prime Minister, perhaps, may implicate the kremlin. Nick paton walsh live for us in london. This could be a dramatic moment, nick. Reporter it could be. And certainly we dont know what theresa may is supposed to say in the house of commons, that is the kind of venue you would expect some sort of substantial revelation. Frankly shes under pressure having been predominantly silent over the week to explain to the British Public frankly what on earth has been going on. Now, the key question is what is the nerve agent in question. That has led many people to suspect the state has to be behind this. There is a growing clammer in the United Kingdom about what the public has been told when. We know that back on wednesday the Senior Counterterrorism Police officer said very openly that they had identified the specific nerve agent that was used in this attack, which serg Sergey Skripal and his daughter were exposed to. They lived in the town of salisbury. The concern is if they new on wednesday this was a specific nerve agent, why was it only yesterday that people who visited the pizza restaurant and the pub in which sergey and yula skripal had lunch and drinks, why did it take so long for them to be told to wash their clothes and wipe themselves down with baby wipes . Thats one element of the concern here. Also, too, what exactly really was this, because the notion that they spent so long walking between three different places, on that sunday afternoon, contaminating both the pub and the pizza restaurant and the bench where they fell unconscious has led some to suspect they were carrying the poison with them and didnt know what they were carrying. The length of which it took to act, that points to what kind of poison it might be. They said they have known for days what it was, if they point the finger at russia, which is now the growing clamor here in westminster for them to do, do they blame the kremlin directly, was this something that was state sponsored that has been suggested, was it the enemies of the kremlin doing it to make them look bad or a rogue branch . All these questions on the table here, but the big pressure behind me for them to be out front and make some kind of specific statement exactly what has been going on, and they made it clear they believe they have all the information at hand. Back to you. Well hear from the british Prime Minister theresa may soon on this for first time. Thanks to nick for that. The plane that crashed and burst into flames at an airport in nepal was approaching the runway from the wrong direction. There is no official word on what caused the crash. At least 49 people were killed, 22 others hurt and now in the hospital. Just days before the one month anniversary of the Florida School shooting, the white house released its plan to keep schools safe. There is one thing left out of that plan this morning that has many people talking. My moms pain from moderate to severe Rheumatoid Arthritis was intense. I wondered if she could do the stuff she does for us which is kinda, a lot. And if that pain could mean something worse. Joint pain could mean joint damage. Enbrel helps relieve joint pain, and helps stop further damage enbrel may lower your ability to fight infections. Serious, sometimes fatal events including infections, tuberculosis, lymphoma other cancers, nervous system and Blood Disorders and allergic reactions have occurred. Tell your doctor if youve been someplace where fungal infections are common. 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Comcast, building americas largest gigspeed network. All right, good morning, everyone. John berman here. Did the president just admit he is caving to political pressure . Overnight, he released the white house plan for dealing with school shootings. This nearly a month after the parkland massacre. It did not include any mention of raising the minimum age to buy a gun to 21. This is something the president said he supports. He said it again and again and again after the massacre. But nothing in the new plan on this, the big question is, why . Well, moments ago, the president released a statement where he says part of the issue is politics. Cnns Kaitlan Collins at the white house with the very latest. Kaitlan. Reporter after the white house unveiled the proposals last night for School Safety, behind the cameras and three weeks after that shooting, we have got the president weighing in, publicly, this morning, on twitter, saying very strong improv

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