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What now for all the United States and its ongoing struggle to understand its own complicated heritage. The president s comments have been chewed over. At a bare minimum, the president said folks who mar cmarched alot a bare minimum, he called these very fine people. You had some very bad people in that group but you also had people that were very fine people. They were people protesting very quietly the taking do you know of the statue of robert e. Lee. You had a lot of people in that group that were there to innocently protest. Very fine people. Make no mistake. This it is an important moment, a different moment which is developing for our eyes this morning. So what now . Lets go first to jeff zeleny at trump tower. The theyve had a night to digest and see the reaction to the president s statement. Wondering if youre getting a sense from inside the white house staff, the trump team how they think things are going this morning. Reporter good morning, john, the people inside the white house and indeed inside trump tower have been virtually siel lipts. Theres been no comment from identify ivanka trump, any of the top advisers, this is the most uncharacteristically silent white house ive seen in such a critical moment here. The reason is this. Theres not a lot of defense going on. Usually you hear advisors trying to defend the president , explain what he was saying. This is a much harder moment to explain and defend. Im struck by the silence this morning, john. Lets go back to those comments yesterday in trump tower. Of course they started the week by the president trying to clear up his comments from the weekend with a scripted statement. Yesterday that statement was anything but scripted but came right from his heart. What about the alt left that cham charging, as you say, the alt right . Do they have any semblance of guilt . Let me ask you this. What about the fact they came charging with clubs in their hands swinging clubs . Do they have any problem . I think they do. I watched those very closely, much more closely than you people watched it. And you had a group on one side that was bad and you had a group on the other side that was also very violent. And nobody wants to say that but ill say it right now. You had a group on one side and you had a group on the other and they came at each other with clubs and it was vicious and horrible and a horrible thing to watch. But there is another side. There was a group on this side, you can call them the left. Youve just called them the left, that came violently attacking the other group. So you can say what you want, but thats the way it is. You said violent on both sides . I do think theres blame on both sides. Reporter it is those words there, john, blame on both sides that has put the president back in a far deeper hole than he was over the weekend when he was criticized by many republicans for not condemning the hate and the violence that that charlottesville rally over the weekend. John, again, the white house, were not expected did shwere told the president will not be talking anymore today. Hes not been tweeting about this specifically. Hell be going back to his golf course and rezosrt this afternoon. His daughter and soninlaw, of course are on vacation. The a lot of advisors are, you know, as i said, silent before, not defending or talking about the president. Theres no talk of resignations. Theres chatter as there always is in washington about what people will do, but republicans on capitol hill, others talking to this morning, john, are disappointed in the president. See where this goes. One side note. We are learning that hope hicks, the president s Longtime Communications advisor, she is on track to perhaps become the new Communications Director of the white house. That is a big job as well. Jeff as we they are on vac while the president a has been saying what he has been saying. Here to discuss political analyst ryan lizza and selina, and columnist, i asked a lot of what now questions at the top of this show. One of the Big Questions is what now for republicans. The there have not been many elect the republicans. In fact i havent seen any republican elect the officials out defending the president of the United States this morning. What we have seen is more reaction like this from governor john kasich. Pa in the ic, isnt it . Just pathetic listening to this and hearing these marchers. The president has to totally condemn this. And this is not about winning an argument. This is about the fact that now these folks apparently are going to go other places and they think they had some sort of a victory. There is no moral equivalency between the kkk, the neonazis and anybody else. Thats just a taste of the words youre hearing. John kasich maybe not a surprising critic of the president but there have been others as well. Many others, as i said, no defenders, the question though, is do you think these republican elected officials will treat the president differently now . Has their relationship fundamentally changed with the president . If you look at a lot of statements tweets, right . From people like marco rubio, others who have tweeted, some of them are for one, reluctant to actually call the president out by name. T i think marco rubio did do that. Others have been reluctant to do that. Given the seriousness of this, which i think john kasich there, really articulates, this is a matter of public safety, this is a matter of of an american president giving aid and comfort to a group that wants to do great harm to other americans, given that seriousness, the fact that i think most of these republicans so far, have been fairly weak in h terms of their condemnation of the president. Not even really condemning the president condemning his words, but nothing very personal in terms of president. You think about a marco rubio, called president obama one of the most devicive figures in modern history. He hasnt given sort of similar critique of this president. I think ear he going to have a republican figure out what theyre going to do with this president. They obviously like his agenda and have to figure out whether backing that agenda ultimately means theyre going to be standing beside a president who, in word, seems to have some sympathies for White Supremacists. Thats a major, major thing for them and the Republican Party. Remember, the Republican Party has tried to get away from that. I think theyre going to have to do some soul searching in terms of their own history with kind of playing the race card, racial polarizations in these decades and donald trump is just the most i think egregioagreejious f h. Growth. These are elected republicans some democrats frankly. Who work inside the white house for president donald trump. Our friend maggie is reporting that disgusted and upset with the president s statement. Gary cohen along with steve minu stood what do you make of the white house staff, the rumors that cohens upset . To what end . Exactly. There are a number about of options for both members of congress and people who work in the white house. If you work in the white house and you leak anonymously that you are upset thats not taking a moral or principle stand. You have to speak out publicly and risk losing your job or resign because you find it too morally reprehensible to work for a president that gaves aid and comfort to nazis and kkk. The traditionally the president would be the voice of moral authority. Since he has abdy kated that control, congress has to step in. If you are a member of congress you can send out a tweet and say you disagree but i think were at a place where there has to be more. Theres a rising tide of antisemitism and far right violence and activism in this country. Congress should step in, perhaps and hold hearings. Maybe someone in congress should present a resolution if they find what the president did so reprehensible there would be a solution in the house that condemns that. The president has failed here, congress now has to step in and have that moral voice that the president has given up. Thats my view. You have your finger on the pulse of the trump voter here, and we love your reporting and you do terrific reporting on this. The you know if the president thinks hes doing this for them, if he thinks he is making the statements in handling this the way he has for those trump voters you talk to, hes fundamentally mislead reading what they like about him. He was elected to be a doer and also in the succession of presidencies that have been politics of conflict. And what people have been looking for is politics of result. The right . There havent been enough results for a lot of these voters. He is fundamentally misreading these voters. They want him to do something. The this isnt the thing they want him to do. The they dont benefit from his grudge with the press. I suspect part of what happened was, yesterday, from what i understand, it was an infrastructure event, well, infrastructure is why a lot of working class democrats voted for him. Right . There was nothing about infrastructure. The he went out there with a bee in his bonnet and wanted to folk t poke the eye in the press. Nobody that votes from him gets to benefit from that grudge. They might not like our profession but at the end of the day, theyre there for results for their family, personal lives, communities, for the country. And he is not providing them by doing this. He gets in the way of himself and he gets in the way he is not going to have a successful presidency if he if he just continues to go down this rabbit hole. I didnt see that that press conference wasnt about poking the press. Weve seen donald trump do that very effectively at times. That press conference was about embracing it in some ways exonerating White Supremacists. The if you read the transcript of it, its mostly about thetsh what he sort of deem mon identifying the alt left and some what more than the altright, right . He frames the altright as sort of innocent by standers who were there to peaceably assemble as if this were some sort of candle right vigil and the alt left charging. It was more like the alt left was more guilty. This idea that this was about the press, it wasnt. No. I think we also forget the ways in which Donald Trumps presidency was in some ways bat based on rask resentment, this idea of building a wall, banning muslims from certain countries, deporting illegal immigrants. Remember when he announced, talked about mexicans as rapists. You talk about the culture recall unnatural piece dwell. I think what you were saying is if he thought he was delivering a press critique what he actually was delivering was a defense of a strange set of moral values that many, maybe even perhaps most trump voters dont want to get near. Im sorry i dent make that clear. Le he was mad because he didnt like the way things were covered on saturday. He was mad because he had to come out on monday. It wasnt about what he said yesterday. It wasnt antipress yesterday in h terms of what he said. It was about that he was mad because he didnt like the way he was treated for three days in a row. So he let us know how he really feels, which of course, now, what matters. Exactly. All right, guys, stick around. Weve got a lot more to discuss. The president of the United States has tweeted about many things. But one thing he has not tweeted about. One name is Heather Heyer. This morning the city of charlottesville is mourning her. Hundreds are expected to attend the memorial. Cnns kaily is outside the service. The. Reporter good morning, well the first of those people looking to attend this memorial for heather have begun to line up. You can see them in their purple behind me for the service that inn goes at 11 00 a. M. Among those alfred wilson, hes the man that hired heather at 26 years old to join the miller law group. The she was 26, working as a waitress, had no more than a high school education. She told him he was crazy but he recognized her warm personality. He saw how she interacted with others. He knew this was a person he wanted to take a chance on. The he told us just a short while ago what he thinks heather would think of all that shes come to mean to so many. Heather would be proud to know that shes being recognized for such a fighter, such a struggle. One of the things about heather is shes a very humble young woman, a woman that would do anything for anyone to help anyone, and to see that anyone would actually get a fair treatment. The fact that the country is standing behind this 32yearold woman, it just amazes me. Im so proud of her. Reporter mr. Wilson will be speaking at Heather Service today at the request of her mother. The her mother asked that todays service not tend towards any political views of others but be a day to memorial ease and honor her memory. Thank you so much. We asked what now. The well immediate impact, perhaps, from the president s statement of the events this past weekend. Four confederate statues brought down overnight in the city of baltimore, the mayor responds. Plus, a member of the president s diversity counsel, how will he react . He says he wants steve ban non out of the white house but will this individual stay on the Diversity Council . The first survivor of alzheimers disease is out there. And the Alzheimers Association is going to make it happen. But we wont get there without you. Visit alz. Org to join the fight. It survived 4 food fights,ew but old, home a onecoat wonder named grams, and rolled with multiple personalities. Number one rated marquee interior. Behrs most advanced onecoat hide paint. Only at the home depot. When did you see the sign . When i needed to jumpstart sales. Build attendance for an event. Help people find their way. Fastsigns designed new directional signage. And got them back on track. 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Your group, Hispanic Chamber put out a statement after of the president s initial response to charlottes vil. Should have been a nobrainer for President Trump. The group went on to say that it will continue to work with the white house but the administrations behavior makes continuing that role exceedingly difficult. That was after saturday. After yesterday, after the president made even more clear where his heart and head is on this matter, will you continue to work with the white house . You know, let me begin by saying that a clear unequivocal denunciation of antisymmemi ti was the order of the day. The president missed that moment. These are the moments that define a presidency. Of the these are the moments that define a president. We will continue to serve in the capacity, but only because it is my constituency that is asking me to stay in the role. I represent american Small Businesses, womenowned businesses that collectively contribute over 668 billion to the american economy. Our job is to make sure that our Small Businesses, our american job creators and taxpayers have a voice in this administration. Frankly, in any administration. So, the path forward is clear. We stay the course. The but i have to say it is a sad day for the american people, and i call on this president to remove steve bannon. The i think that would be a clear signal that he understands the gravity of the situation and that he is taking steps to remove this antisemitism, this nexus of hatefilled rhetoric that is right down the hall from the oval office. Steve bannon wasnt in trump tower yesterday. As far as we know he hasnt talked to the president since saturday. The they may have exchanged text mass messages. Why do you think removing ban non will change anything . Absolutely the president owns what has happened here. This is a clear failure on behalf of the president and the rest of the administration. But bannons influence and fr s fingerprints are all over this. Steve bannon is antiglobalization, not realizing that 95 of the Global Market exits outside of the United States and our businesses in order to grow must play in the Global Market place. He is antiim grant, not realizing that 42 of americas fortune 500. I totally get this. Absolutely. I understand from an economic standpoint at a minimum why your Group Opposes steve bannon. But youre ready to quit steve bannon for the comments but not the president. Absolutely im ready to quit the president. Le i dont serve this president. I serve the american taxpayers who put me in this role. I dont want to conflate the two. I serve at the pleasure of the american Small Business owners who are asking me to stay the course and to ensure that american Small Business has a voice in this or any administration. Whether i agree with the president or not has nothing to do with it, really, john. I under stand that. The next time the Diversity Council meets with the president what will you say . Were not waiting for a meeting. The were sending our message now. He has failed this moment. He needs to make sure he understands the graft of the situation and he owns it. The he needs to act president ial. He needs to bring this country together. Thats why hes in that white house. Have you seen any sign that he will act the way you want him to . You know, i remain hopeful. There are people around him like ivanka, like secretary perdue, like secretary peri, like secretary minute mew shin who i do work with. Im hoping those voice the will win out and hell do the right thing about the american people. As i said, always nice to talk to you. Thanks so much for coming in. The. The altright is praising him. The white house is digging in. Talking points urging republicans to say the president is entirely correct. Thats next. Duncan just protected his family with a 500,000 Life Insurance policy. How much do you think it cost him . 100 a month . 75 . 50 . 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How the white house wants its allies to respond to the events yesterday. And the very first line is the president was entirely. Do you feel he was. Yes, thanks john. Before we begin id like to send on behalf of the coalition our condolences to the fallen troopers as well as mHeather Heyer. The president spoke loud and clear he wont concone any hate groups coming to this precious right to a symbol, no matter where you are, who you are and that everyone that came with intent to harm and hurt our american citizens are at guilt. I think thats a fair statement. The other thing too, in the former segment here i just want to clarify something. Were the National Diversity coalition for trump which was founded by michael cohen, son of a holocaust survivor. I believe mr. Palmeiro is on the counsel of some other council. He was extended an invitation to come join us back in january. I saw the news article i was kind of confused. I guess hes part of your council. I just want to classirify that. You stand by your comments that the president was entirely correct. One of the things he said was there were some very fine people marching friday night in that torchliterally. I want to play a little bit of the sound from that. You will not replace us the president made leclear he d not think they were very fine people but he did say they were very fine people alongside them. In your accounting of things, would very fine people allow themselves to march alongside or be connected to the people chancing jew will not be here for us or whatever it was that those awful people were saying . If i had to make an assumption, in the president s mind, the terminology of fine people are people who go out and peacefully protest. People who go there and not harm or kick down store windows or harm people or shoot people or burn people, fine people are people who practice that precious right to assemble and not harm people. So, fine people determined if i have to i do know the president. I know his heart was that no matter where youre semabling the fine people are the ones who have intentions no matter where you are in the world and want to assemble peacefully. He also called them good people beyond just fine. You will good when you dont harm or shoot someone, sir or try to maim them. Are you good when you stand alongside people chancing antisemitic slogans. I dont like it. I will tell you the worth thing were doing this this whole debacle is were trying to keep giving life and a spirit to a person that is useless that came in louisiana i wont give his name. Ill say it. David duke. David duke loved. You just gave him life. The Diversity Council, we wont give him the respect of saying his name on national tv because thats what he wanted. He wanted everyone to buy into that. The question, again, i go back to what now. What now for these groups . Bruce doesnt want to necessarily mention some of the people affiliated with them by name. But where do you think this goes next for them . Do you think they go away . No. I think theyre very much energized. Bruce said there that he doesnt want to give david duke sort of credence and give him life. Well, just let the president has very much given david duke life. David duke in his ilk in the White Supremacists essentially see themselves as foot soldiers. The they donald trump as an ally, fellow traveler. At no point have we seen donald trump say that he doesnt want their vote or support. I think they are have said this is is one of the times i think we should listen to what complete supremacists say. They say they feel emboldened and they will be back. I think Many Americans woke up this morning with the realization this is a trez who isnt going to denounce them. I think a lot of folks woke up afraid about what this means for this country. That this group it is interesting. Some of the reaction weve heard over the last 24 hours has been from the u. S. Military, from the leaders. From members of the joint chiefs of staff. The army chief of staff who wrote the army doesnt tolerate racism, its against our values and everything weve stood for since 1775. Again, thats statement from the general. It is interesting and unusual to hear these army leaders. This is the third. They make statements like this. Feel like they have to. Absolutely. I mean theyre in charge of men and women of all different sizes, shapes and colors. They have to be leaders, competent leaders and leaders that people look up to. People that serve in the military are putting themselves and their lives and their fellow everyone is sort of on the line. It could be in jeopardy. So you have to show leadership there. You have to say out front, look, this is not tolerated anywhere in the military, and i think that was smart. Might be unprecedented. Probably is, but i feel like were in month seven of unprecedented. So, yeah. It runs out. After a while is it sort of becomes precedented. I think one thing with the military leaders are saying theyre partly sort of can be seen as a criticism of the president but partly that there were members in their ranks and setting down a clear marker. I want to come back to something bruce said because im sitting here slightly dumbfounded. It sounded like you were saying that protesters, no matter how disgusting their views, deserve some kind of affirmative endorsement as long as they dont engage in violent and that justifies the president saying theyre good people. Is that what you were saying . No. If so thats a. An example of twisting into a pretzel to defend this president. As long as they dont engage in violence even if theyre yelling things about jews. Im sorry youre in some fog of a dream trying to put words in my mouth. I want to commend attorney general sessions for putting troops on the ground immediately. Unlike the other former administration that let a city almost burn to the ground until they finally sent someone out there. The Ongoing Investigation is going to find out that theres probably more and more people that came up here to harm this great town called charlottesville and harm other people. But im here to tell you, any person no matter what group you are, if you peacefully protest and you dont harm anyone, no matter where youre from, its fair to say that person is nice enough to not try to burn up your building or blow up your house regardless of what group its from. Do you think nazis should get a pat on the back because of didnt burn anything down . No. I disavow that. The president has said i think 13 times. Its interesting in how the media wont go back to 1991 or show the 2000 clip where hes on the matt louer show. Were talking about 2017. Its a terrible tragedy. But i dont understand the position that nazis deserve some kind they. They dont deserve affirmative endorse. Dont try to put words. Heather heyer was good people. There were many people that kiem with other intentions. Remember, they came about a statue. I dont know the gist of every Single Person that came there. Im sure the investigation will uncover when the sheriff, city police chief, when they finish their investigation theyll maybe find who was involved. Who were the instigators, i hope they do and theyre prosecuted. Just as well as the hate group and everybody else that came out to terror rise this great little town. It the president said they were very fine people out there friday night along with those folks chancing jew will not replace us. No. The. That is what he did say. Dont marry it to you have policemen out there who were trying to keep the safety. The picture thats viral of the africanamerican officer standing there. Thats from july. Thats not from this month. Nobody was talking about them. He mentioned friday night, the torch light vigil. Theres a video from vice that vigil with people marching towards the statue. The they were chancing jew will not replace us. Its right there. Thats totally repulsive. Absolutely. And again, what the president said, he said there were bad people but also very fine people out there that night. And my question to you is very simple one. You may think the answer is yes. Would very fine people. John, i just explained it to you. The fine people are not part of a hate group such as this. The there are other people, one more time, that possibly showed up that wanted to protest a statue that had nothing to do with that hate group that was exercising their constitutional right of freedom of assembly and protest of another person. That is pretty much the statement the president s making. A fine person that comes out and doesnt blow up something. Do not try to marry those hate groups with that situation, sir. I clearly i was asking. No youre trying to marry it together, john. Its not going to work. The im sorry. I think everyone should remain single in this relationship, bruce. I really do. Im just trying to figure out what the president was condoning, who he was condoning and what it means Going Forward and what it means for this country. John let me finish. As we try to understand what we are about. Im going to end this now because we have to take a brake. Thanks so much, guys. I appreciate it. All right. More dropouts. President S Business Council just got smaller. Will it stop there . My experience with usaa has been excellent. They always refer to me as master sergeant. They really appreciate the military family, and it really shows. Weve got auto insurance, homeowners insurance. Had an accident with a vehicle, i actually called usaa before we called the police. Usaa was there handson very quick very prompt. I feel like were being handled as people that actually have a genuine need. Were the webber family and we are usaa members for life. 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You can also see scott paul there a lobby group for american manufactures also leaving, this is after merck, under armour, and the walmart ceo whos on a different advisory board, out with a pretty sharp comments in h a message to his own employees. His company kind of main street america. Largest private sector work force in the country, about a million, million and a half workers. He said we too felt he missed a critical opportunity donald trump, the president , to help bring our country together buy unequivocally rejecting the appalling actions of White Supremacists. The you see Companies Breaking with the business president here because they are not in step on this issue just like not no step on Climate Change and other issues as well. Immigration is the one noted departure as well. The president was asked yesterday, you could see it sort of got to him. That was a political statement. Its interesting we talked to the u. S. Chamber of commerce. He thinks he can have a voice. They are feeling a lot of pressure from the shareholders, there was a big on line push from campbells soup saying its no the in step with the image they want. There are others who want to have the seat at the table and talk about manufacturing and nern jobs but it is notable how much pressure these people are under. Theres also a feeling theres a post trump world now. Maybe still get a tax cut down the line but theyre kind of looking beyond the drama in h the white house toward their own businesses. Thank you so much. President trump lashed out at the removal of confederate statues, now four mormonments taken down overnight. We will speak to the citys mayor next. For your heart. Your joints. Or your digestion. So why wouldnt you take something for the most important part of you. Your brain. With an ingredient originally found in jellyfish, prevagen is now the number one selling brain Health Supplement in drug stores nationwide. Prevagen. The name to remember. So this week its robert e. Lee. I noticed that stonewall jacksons coming down. I wonder, is it George Washington next week and is it Thomas Jefferson the week after . You know, you really do have to ask yourself where does it stop. It didnt stop last night. In baltimore, four confederate monuments taken down including one to robert e. Lee and stonewall jackson, removed before dawn, barely two days after the Baltimore City Council Voted unanimously to remove them following the violence in charlottesville. Im joined by baltimores mayor. Mayor, thank you so much for being with us. I guess lets start with what you did and why you did it so quickly last night. Explain that. Well, let me just say that it was monday that i let the city council know that we were going to be moving quickly and quietly as related to the confederate statues because in 2015 i believe it was, the former mayor set up a task force and they issued a report to some of the members of this city council in august of 2016 in august of 2016 and so nothing really had been done since then. And the things that are occurring around this country i believe as a mayor, i have a responsibility to make sure my city is safe and that we have more harmony in our communities. Last night i said to the Council Prior to that i was meeting with contractors, i was making sure that i dotted my is and crossed my ts and i was going to move quickly and i did. Quietly, as i said that i would, starting around 11 30 last night and finished up about 5 00 a. M. I know i look tired. You dont look tired. Im the one who looks tired here. The president asked the question when will it stop and suggested removing the statues of robert e. Lee do you then take down those of Thomas Jefferson and George Washington. Do you have plans to remove memorials to George Washington in the city of baltimore . We have no such plans and let me be real clear. This whole movement of us taking an inward look at what we are putting up in front of people in our cities throughout the nation really began in july of i believe it was june of 2015, when the White Supremacists killed nine people in south carolina. I think thats what began the study that took place in baltimore. People are rallying all across this nation wanting confederate statues to be torn down. I think if anybody had listened to the mayors speech and other speeches regarding why they should be taken down, i thought there was no need for fanfare. Lets just get it done and move forward. Do you think what did you think when you heard the president make that connection, though, between stonewall jackson, for instance, and president George Washington . Do you think they are on the same moral plane . Well, let me just say this movement here is about White Suprema supremacy. It is about confederate statues. It is about what you should be doing for the people in your city and your communities. I have so many things to focus on in baltimore. We are right now choosing our monitor for our consent decree, making sure our young people are working, making sure people understand we can move our city forward. So President Trump has his issues. Catherine pugh as mayor of Baltimore City is working for the people of our city. I appreciate that. The president did say he did feel it was up to the local communities and states and cities to make decisions for themselves. Obviously youre not just the mayor of baltimore. You are also africanamerican. I am curious when you have gazed upon the statue of robert e. Lee, your whole life in your city, growing up and seeing it as an africanamerican, what feelings did it give you . Well, let me be clear. Im not originally from baltimore. I am the mayor of this great city. So i didnt gaze on this statue of robert e. Lee but let me just say, what i do believe that it is part of our history and there should be something that says why that statue was once there, what it represented and more importantly, why it should not be there. Because the confederacy did not fight to unite this country and we are the United States states of america. We should be folk efocus on beca more loving state, city, country and we will find out we have more in common than not. If we work together, our city, country, state, nation, this world would be a better place. Theres too much hate going on. We need to move forward as a community and understand that loving each other and working together is what this nation needs. Thats what we intend for Baltimore City because we have a lot of things to focus on, and the statue should not be a distraction. We will let you get back to work. Mayor, thank you for your time and for letting us know why you made the decision you did. Happening right now, mourners are lining up for the Memorial Service for Heather Heyer, the woman who was killed during the charlottesville protest. A city, a nation remembers her. Stay with us. This is not a cloud. This is a car protected from storms by an Insurance Company that knows the weather down to the square block. This is a diamond tracked on a blockchain protected against fraud, theft and trafficking. This is a financial Transaction Secure from hacks and threats others cant see. This is a patients medical history made secure while Still Available to their doctor at their fingertips. 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