Criticized. Candidate trump questioned whether he could oversee the Trump University lawsuits because of his heritage. House speaker ryan called the comments racist. Bring us up to speed on the details of the case of this dreamer, juan man yell man at the scene. The reason why judge curiel is involved is because this is a lawsuit. Normally of course we have Immigration Courts and all of these immigrations cases that we have been following go through that Immigration Court system. So why do we have this one in a u. S. District court . Well, because this dreamers attorneys are alleging that immigration deported and detained him and did not give him copies of his deportation processing. So thats whats at stake here. It is a lawsuit asking the federal government to fork over all of those processing documents. Here is the other big issue. Dhs, immigration, is saying that some of the things, some of the allegations that attorneys are alleging here never happened. So let me give you the background. So this 23yearold is juan maneman maneul who was hailing a cab and immigration picked him up at that point and deported him to mexico. Dhs says that that never happened. Here is where dhs and his attorneys do agree. They agree that on february 19th he was picked up by immigration again and deported on february 20th. And, so, john, thats whats at stake here, that his attorneys are saying immigration, you did not give him processing documents. We need those processing documents to figure out his Legal Recourse so that they can then go to the Immigration Court system. John . Thanks so much. Want to bring in joe johns because as we said this case is now in front of judge curiel. Remind us who this judge is and what his relationship is to President Trump. Right. It is a fascinating turn of events quite frankly just because of the personalities involved, john. So judge curiel is best known as the judge who handled the Trump UniversityClass Action Lawsuit last year. That lawsuit was settled and judge curiel actually had to sign off on the settlement. So donald trump during the campaign complained more than once, quite frankly, that he believed the judge, because of his mexican heritage, was biassed or had a conflict of interest in handling the case and he said it many times, including in an interview last june with cnns jake tapper. Lets listen. If you are saying he cant do his job because of his race, is that not the definition of racism . No, i dont think so at all. Hes proud of his heritage. I respigot him for that. Youre saying he cant do his job because of that. Look. Hes proud of his heritage. Im building a wall. Im going to bring back jobs and theyre going to get jobs right now. I think im going to do very well with hispanics but were building a wall. Hes a mexican. Mr. Trump was also very active on twitter criticizing the judge. We have some examples of that. I have a judge in the Trump University civil case who is very unfair. Second tweet, i should have easily won the Trump University case on summary judgment, but i have a judge who is totally biassed against me. Even though i have a biassed and unfair trump judge in the trump u civil case in san diego, i have thousands of great reviews and will win the case. So, yes, the Trump University cases have been settled. Curiel signed off on them but now there is another case on his docket and this one will certainly test the administrations evolving view on the deferred action for child arrivals or doca program that was signed into law by president obama. Of course, donald trump, the candidate, said he wanted to throw it out. But he has softened his views apparently since entering the oval office. All right. As joe was saying, the president s views on dreamers have evolved. Dreamers of course are people who are born in another country, brought here by their parents, raised in the united states. This is what the president had to say about it in february. We are going to deal with doca with heart. I have to deal with a lot of politicians, dont forget, and i have to convince them what im saying is right. And i appreciate your understanding on that. But the doca situation is a very, very its a very difficult thing for me because, you know, i love these kids. All right. Joining us now to discuss you know, this issue of dreamers and immigration for donald trump, it is interesting because we heard him say in february hes still thinking about the issue. These kids he says are beautiful people. It does appear he has deported at least one. Do we know exactly where he stands or where hes headed here . I think he gave us evidence to where he is heading in that, you know, once you become president , what you see on the campaign trail and then what you actually see and feel and experience and have to deal with as president is completely different. And i think that he is showing that hes being more reflective about this. Hes not being as bombastic. Hes not using, you know, words that, you know, make people cringe when he talks about people of a different race. This case is going to get a lot more scrutiny than any other deportation case would because of the judge that will be presiding over it. Having said that, i think deportation cases are pretty normal, and i also think that you see a softening on the president s side on the dreamers. You know, brian, im asking you this as a democratic strategist. You worked in the Justice Department. You have some experience yourself with the judiciary. Candidate trump had some things to say about a judge not flattering and that judge is now hearing this case. Is this what Goes Around Comes Around . Well, it is a remarkable coincidence and i have to say that some morning i wake up and it feels like the 2016 campaign will never end. But in a campaign that was filled with a lot of low moments, this was mock the ugliest. But from all the racist blunder you heart from donald trump, his legal team sort of acknowledged there was no legal basis to seek a recusal on the sopart of this judge in this case and he presided over the case. So similarly to that case, i dont see any basis for the u. S. Government, the Justice Department to seek in this case to get judge curiel removed. I assume he will preside over this case judging impartially. I suspected if sean spicer is asked about it, you will not see this white house reup the rhetoric that you heard from donald trump in the campaign. The president could be asked about it himself. There is no evidence that judge curiel has been anything but impartial. Guys, we do have some breakig news on health care. The efforts to repeal and replace obamacare i think were in part three right now of this. We just got word of sources close to the talks that there could be something of a breakthrough in discussions between the Freedom Caucus and the socalled tuesday group. Those are more moderate members. They have reached what we are told is a significant breakthrough on health care. We dont know on what. But they reached a breakthrough that could bring 18 to 20 more votes to support this plan. Alice to you, these talks have been going on again off again for some time. If these two sides come together, could you get the votes . Absolutely. And they want this. Look, there is going to be a confidential call at 10 00 this morning with those people that you mentioned. Those are the house Freedom Caucus and members of the tuesday group. Basically, as you indicated, the more conservative facet and the more moderate. They have been speaking with people in the district and they are going to go over the mccar thur amendment to this bill, specifically the limited waiver option which gives state it is opportunity to opt out if they need. And that is going to be critical and that is a critical barga bargaining chip between the two sides here. I am also being told this is being driven with Vice President pence in the drivers seat. He really wants to come to a consensus on this. They would like to get something on the table for a vote before the hyundundred days are over. But clearly, mike pence is working behind the scenes to get this done. These two opposing sides on the phone working on the nittygritty details is a good sign. I do think we should see something next week. Hes working on this from behind the scenes from asia. You seem to know a lot more about this than i do so far. You say they have reached an agreement on state waivers. Is this on the Community Rating that deals with preexisting conditions, allowing some states to waive requirements that people receive health care or equal health care depending on their preexisting conditions. Is that what this is about . Thats one of the aspects. There is a laundry list of things that exist. Preexisting conditions, keeping kids up to age 26 on their Parents Health care. Those are things that everyone pretty much agrees on those. The key factors are the limited waivers for the states and opting out of certain provisions on this. That is something that thats the one rub that the two sides cant seem to come to agreement on. But when they go back to their districts and talk to their constituents thats what they want, states to have more options. Every state is different. Every need is different and thats the one key component that once they agree on that, it looks full speed ahead. First to you on this because voters seem to be saying two things in these districts. Number one, the deal on the table before is lousy. Thats what people say when they call their offices. The second thing theyre saying is how come you dont have a deal yet . Is this a case where maybe they have moved past both of those things . Yeah, i believe so. Other than al driving across the country again and talking to two voters who both supported the president and who didnt support the president and the again reflection that people have been expressing is that they want them to get this done, but they want it to get done right. They dont have as much urgency of getting it done immediately. They would rather see them spend more time and be more thoughtful but also getting different kinds of buyin from different kinds of congressmen. You know, she is right in that you need to all these districts and all these different states are all completely different and they have different needs and different concerns and i think that the first one was too rushed and this one i know they have been working behind the scenes for weeks. I think that like she said it is going to probably be taken care of within the next couple of days. It would be a big accomplishment or a big legislative move at a minimum if they get this done by a week from saturday, which would be within the first hundred days. Brian to you, it will happen if it happens at all without any democratic support, i imagine. So then what do democrats do and say about this after the fact . Well, lets be clear what were talking about here, john. This opt out provision that alison is talking about would give states freedom to discriminate on preexisting conditions. It could cause uninsured people to go up. So i think theyre taking a bill that was very unpopular and making it even worse. So i think democrats will and the u. S. House of representatives will say be our guest, put this bill on the floor. And i think a lot of these moderates may end up signing off on this compromise, but i cannot imagine a lot of these moderates, among the most vulnerables in the republican cal caucus, i cant manage they are going to vote for this. I cant imagine this bill is going to be doa in the senate. They have not restored cuts to medicate. So even if they muscle this thing through the house, i think it is just going to put a lot of House Republicans in a very vulnerable position. All right. Thank you so much. Again, the breaking news, word of a possible breakthrough, some kind of agreement inside the house of representatives, at least among different factions on moving forward with health care. All right. 15 minutes after the hour, the no bill zone, the fox mega star is out. With fox executives meeting right now, reports overnight there could be more to come. And then a preemptive strike that doesnt allow the survival of the enemies. A menacing threat from north korea as we begin high stakes exercises next door. The new guy . What new guy . I hired some help. He really knows his wine. This is the new guy . Hello, my name is watson. You know wine, huh . I know that you should check vineyard block 12. Block 12 . My analysis of satellite imagery shows it would benefit from decreased irrigation. I was wondering about that. Easy boy. Nice doggy. What do you think . Not bad. Bp engineered a fleet of 32 brand new ships with advanced technology, so we can make sure oil and gas get where they need to go safely. Because safety is never being satisfied. And always working to be better. Its about moving forward, not back. T. Its looking up, not down. Its being in motion. In body, in spirit, in the now. Boost® high protein its intelligent nutrition with 15 grams of protein and 26 vitamins and minerals. For when you need a little extra. Boost® the number one high protein complete nutritional drink. Be up for it listen up, heart disease. you too, unnecessary er visits. And hey, unmanaged depression, dont get too comfortable. Were talking to you, cost inefficiencies and data without insights. And fragmented care stop getting in the way of patient recovery and pay attention. Every single one of you is on our list. For those who wont rest until the world is healthier, neither will we. Optum. How well gets done. Brace yourselves in a few hours President Trump will hold a News Conference standing next to a key nato ally and learn if he changed his position on nato. Again, he might learn if hes changed his opinion about syria again. We might learn if he promised to tear up the iran nuclear deal. It has been a head spinning 24 hours. During the campaign he said he was dismantling the iran deal. It is day 91, no dismantling. Tuesday night the secretary of state said iran was in compliance with the agreement. But then the white house said it will launch a 90day review of the agreement and then the secretary of state said this about the agreement. It fails to achieve the objective of a nonnuclear aran and only delays their goal of becoming a nuclear state. All right, yes. Unpredictability can be an asset in Foreign Policy. With Richard Nixon it was called the madman theory. But could it be called no conviction so strong it cant be changed. Where are we on the position today . Well, it has been a kind of head spinning couple of days, john. Basically, the u. S. Has to report every 90 days on whether iran is complying with the nuclear deal and so on tuesday night reck sar of state Rex Tillerson issued a statement that said iran has been compliant with its commitments. But then you heard yesterday obviously being a little bit more tougher, not only his statement going on to talk about irans support of terrorism but yesterday with reporters he really struck a much tougher line. Take a listen. Iran is the worlds leading state sponsor of terrorism and intensefies multiple conflicts and undermining u. S. Interest in countries such as syria, yemen, iraq and lebanon and continuing to support attacks against israel. An unchecked iran has the potential to travel the same path as north korea and take the world along with it. So whats going on here . Ive talked to diplomats that are party to the agreement and also analysts and they dont think the u. S. Is really looking to rip up that deal. Think they it is probably a kind of, you know, confirmation that iran is making good on the deal disguised as a little bit of rhetoric trying to play down that iran is meeting its commitments and emphasizing some of its other behavior. Look, u. S. Has also been concerned about irans behavior, and thats why it is undertaking this review. Definitely doesnt want to undertake what happened with north korea, doesnt want to see a Nuclear Power of that state. And, so, thats why Rex Tillerson gave out this statement. And you also have, you know, the u. S. Extending the deployment of the uss karl vinson that sends a message. I think in this case well check if it is there for the full month. Thank you so much for being with us. Joining me now norm ison. Elise was saying right there a western diplomat told her the back and forth on iran is certification dressed up in rhetoric. As they make a lot of noise here, but nothing changes. How do you see it . John, i think thats probably correct. It is very interesting to some extent secretary tillerson is playing to his base, in this case the president s base, saying there are a lot of problems with iran that also fits in with sex tear of defense mattis visits where he came out saying iran is the biggest troublemaker in the region. There is evidence to back that up when you look at some of the things going on not only in places like iraq where we have watched the iranians for quite some time but also in yemen and of course saudi arabia supports the government as it kind of exists in yemen. So there are a lot of areas where there are problems with iran. But the big thing we have with them is that agreement, and thats the one that really counts right now between us. You know, ambassador, i question whether the trump Foreign Policy was the theory of Foreign Policy. No conviction so strong that you wont change it. But you do know unpredictability can be an asset in Foreign Policy, correct . Good morning, john. And on you are exactly right. Unpredictability can be an asset in Foreign Policy. It worked for nixon, and it worked for reagan in europe where i served. Reagans unpredictability was one of the factors that helped bring about the fall of the soviet union and the decline of communism. But unpredictability has its dangers, too. Even in the nixon administration, the madman theory didnt really take hold until he was further into his term and he had the strong guidance of kissen ger and nixon himself was a