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Unlike any before due to concerns over the spread of coronavirus. Each now 2nd lieutenant wore a mask and socially distanced. I want to take this opportunity to thank all members of Americas Armed forces in every branch, athictive duty, National Guard who helped step forward to battle the invisible enemy, the new virus that came to our shores from a distant land called china. We will vanquish the virus. We will extinguish this plague. The ceremony happening as the president makes an aboutface on his upcoming tulsa oklahoma rally. He now says he will push back the event by one day. This after criticism the Campaign Rally was to take place on the day many africanamericans commemorate for receiving news of the end of slavery in the u. S. That came two years after the official emancipation. That rally comes as the president s Top Health Officials warn the coronavirus pandemic is not over with 19 states reporting a rise in cases. The cdc advising the use of masks and avoiding close contact with others in public. Meantime, more protests are also expected today as marchers continue to hit the streets for a 19th consecutive day to protest racial injustices and Police Brutality in response to the death of george floyd. Lets begin with the Graduation Ceremony at west point where the president delivered the commencement address and at a time when the nation is undergoing racial unrest. A pandemic and tension between the president and u. S. Military. Cnn White House Correspondent Jeremy Diamond attended todays ceremonies. Talk to us about how president s focus today. Well, fredricka, as you can see, the president is currently saluting every 1,100 members of this class of 2020 here at west point. This after the president delivered some remarks here. Delivered the commencement address at west point. We know that the president kind of got ahead of west points announcement that this Graduation Ceremony was going to be taking place in person when he announced this back in april. West point officials insist it was their decision to have this ceremony in person and certainly we have seen a very different ceremony with a lot of social distancing. The former cadets, now 2nd lieutenants marched with masks on their faces. Now as for the president s remarks, what we heard him focus on was really the history of west point. The history of the u. S. Army. And he did make some small references to kind of the issues of the moment. We heard him thank the National Guard troops for their role in handling the coronavirus pandemic as well as addressing the protests and the unrest that weve seen across the country. We also heard the president make a veiled reference to his view that those bases that are named after confederate commanders should not be renamed. The president talking about protecting american heritage. Thats the same line that he has used in the past to refer to that issue of confederate symbols in america and the president s staunch opposition to removing any of those symbols. What we did not hear, though, was also notable. And that was that we did not hear the president do what we have seen so many senior military leaders do over these last couple of weeks which is address these issues of racism as this country, as a whole, is really going through this National Reckoning with these protests that have gone on for more than two weeks since George Floyds death. We did not hear the president address that. Substantively. He did talk about diversity in the ranks. What were still failing to hear from this president is really comprehensively addressing that issue of racism in america. That is not an issue that the president has wanted to delve into. Very strongly. Certainly we know yesterday he suggested that he would be opposed to a ban on chokeholds with a meandering response but weve not heard him address in full what kind of policing reforms he would like to see and more broadly, really, how the issue of racism affects people, including these new graduates who are now entering the u. S. Military. Fredricka . Congrats to the 2nd lieutenants on this Graduation Day for them. Jeremy diamond, thank you so much. In response to lots of criticism, people hoping to attend President Trumps next Campaign Stop will have to wait a bit longer. The president tweeting that he will push back a planned rally in tulsa, oklahoma, which was originally scheduled on juneteeth. The day that commemorates when so many africanamericans received notice of the emancipation. But still lots of questions about how social distancing will factor in. Abby phillip is in tulsa. Dr. Anthony fauci says he has not talked to the president about the risks of holding a rally like this. Lets address that first. And then, of course, address whats at the root of the controversy of the location and the date the president originally intended this rally to happen. Yeah, fred, the campaigns position on this seems to be rally at your own risk. They are basically telling attendees who agree to come to this rally that they have to sign this waiver or agree to a waiver in the fine print essentially of their agreement to come to the event that theyre not going to sue the president or the campaign if they contract coronavirus as a result of attending. Now that may very well be an acknowledgment by the campaign, essentially, that coming to the rally is a risk. And that is essentially what youve heard dr. Anthony fauci say. There are a lot of questions here about whether people who attend this rally will be Wearing Masks. Will they social distance . Will they even be able to social distance at this event thats going to be held at an arena that is indoors. And President Trump says that there have been 200,000 rsvps for this rally. That is a massive scale. And i think many people believe it will be difficult, if not impossible, for people to get that crucial six feet of distance away from each other. Here in oklahoma, as ive been on the ground here for the last day or so, its been notable how many people are not Wearing Masks here in this state. Even while the coronavirus pandemic continues to be a factor. And then there is also the issue as you mentioned of the juneteeth date change. The president pushing this rally over to saturday, in part because of the outrage here from the black community in tulsa to the decision for him to bring his rally to this town on a day that they celebrate for the emancipation of slaves in the United States. That celebration in tulsa had been postponed because of the coronavirus. Now people here say that theyre telling me they plan to have a counterrally, whether President Trump has his rally or not. They want to send a clear message that they do not appreciate the president bringing his rally here, bringing his message here, and exacerbating already, you know, roiling tensions between this community and the police here in tulsa, fred. Its two things that rubbed a lot of people wrong. Not just the date, juneteeth, but the fact that its tulsa, oklahoma, as well. The place of one of the largest massacres of black americans in american history. This is the 99th anniversary of the tulsa massacre in which hundreds of africanamericans just up the street from here were massacred in their community. Really wiping out a place that was known as the black wall street. So there were it was sort of insult on top of injury for people here who have long tried to have that moment in history acknowledged and then on top of that, recent incidents involving police here in tulsa that they believe black residents here feel are still being ignored. This coming at a time, fred, as you know, President Trump is talking about law and order. He says police are being unnecessarily vilified. And he has not said as much about the concerns among black americans that there is racism. Systemic racism in the way that policing is conducted here in tulsa and around the country. Abby phillip in tulsa, thank you so much. All right. Although businesses and people seem to be going about their business a little more normally now, businesses reopening, the cdc is warning that the coronavirus is still spreading. The pandemic is not over. Cnns Polo Sandoval joining me now with more on this. What are you learning . Hey, fred, good afternoon. Ill take you across the country to show you exactly how some of those states are dealing with these increases. First, the latest from what were hearing here in new york from andrew cuomo. Announcing the numbers do look promising. Saying that the infection rate in new york, which was at one point the worst in the nation, now appears to be one of if not the lowest at this point. Certainly promising news here. Also calling new york the anomaly in terms what were seeing after we began to see these reopenings. Those numbers do continue to drop when at the same time in other states, those numbers begin to rise as businesses begin to open. As we heard from the governor if that happens in some of the municipalities here in new york, then theyll likely go back to some of those closures. Dr. Anthony fauci with a new warning for americans as coronavirus case counts are rising in 19 states. If you leapfrog over different phases, you increase the risk that youre going to have the kind of resurgences that were seeing in certain of the states. Has the United States stalled in the fight against coronavirus . Im not so sure we can say its stalled but were seeing right now something obviously thats disturbing. Reporter with more people congregating in public places, recent protests for Racial Justice in major cities and the lack of a vaccine, experts are concerned. Were in the early days of the pandemic. And if only five or 10 of the population has had this infection, we have a really long way to go. Reporter since memorial day, the number of coronavirus hospitalizations has gone up in at least a dozen states, according to data cnn collected from the covid tracking project from may 25th to june 9th. North carolina has seen the most cases reported in one day since the pandemic began. Democratic governor roy cooper said in a press conference friday. South carolina has seen a large increase in daily new cases. On thursday, the state saw its single largest daily increase since the pandemic started. Floridas average new case count has about doubled since june 1st. As youre testing more, youll find more cases. Reporter and Governor Ron Desantis says there are new outbreaks in farming communities. In houston, texas, they are prepping a Field Hospital at the texans and rg stadium just in case. Covid hospitalization rates in texas just hit an alltime high. In arkansas, a Record Number of covid19 cases reported in the last 24 hours. If things continue on the current trend well lose 20,000 to 30,000 americans a month and nothing in the foreseeable future stops that unless we really do things differently. Reporter dr. Fauci cautioning states on friday to rethink their reopening strategies if they see increases in the number of people hospitalized with covid19. Wait a minute. Lets rethink this and see where were going. Maybe we need to slow down a little. Maybe we need to intensify our capabilities to identify, isolate and contact trace. We dont want it to get out of hand again. Reporter oregon and utah have paused their reopenings. In californias orange county, relaxing a strict mandate for face coverings. Neighboring l. A. County which recorded its highest single day increase moved into phase three. Gyms, day camps and tv Film Production are among the businesses reopening. All of missouri will be open next week, and concerts and conventions can resume in georgia july 1st. As the coronavirus pandemic continues, officials at the cdc are reiterating the importance of social distancing, wearing face coverings in public and washing hands frequently. New york facing another big test. Late this month actually. You remember that we saw this wave of protests and demonstrations in new york. We heard mayor de blasio say yesterday that by next week, we could potentially find out if those protests did have an impact on those numbers, possibly lead it to resurge. At this point its too soon to say, but authorities are still reminding people if they did participate in those protests that it makes sense to at least get tested. So many are bracing. Polo sandoval, thank you. As we see the spike in cases, there is also some optimism about the development of a vaccine. Researchers in oxford, england, are already in largescale testing involving thousands of human participants. And here in the u. S. , drug Company Moderna says it is just about to begin phase three on its own test human testing of the vaccine. Joining me is jessica moladi rivera, a microbiologist and the science communication lead with the covid19 tracking project. So good to see you. So this oxford trial is about to go to phase three and the moderna trial is almost at that stage. Is it time for cautious optimism . Is there anything to read thus far from the phases already completed . Yeah, you know, its always encouraging when a trial advances to the next stage because theyre bags thsing tha the decision. They are basing it on the safety data from phase two, albeit small. Thats what makes phase three that much more exciting. So many more participants involved. And making Big Decisions moving forward. I am cautiously optimistic because it seems like the end points for the smaller studies are being met. The real test really is in phase three right now. What happens in phase three exactly . In phase three, its going to be a lot larger. Theyre going to diversify the participant group. Have different age groups represented. Its going to be a lot larger of a population theyre testing. Theyre really testing for the efficacy to make sure people doan get covid19. Theyve tested for the safety and they want to make insure this can prevent illness. Ive spoken to one gentleman who is in the case study of the moderna. And he has, you know, been very positive about his experiences thus far. Is there you said youre cautiously optimistic, but is there room right now for scientists to start getting particularly excited about what they are observing in these test cases thus far . I mean, the regulatory system for vaccines is really robust. And its intended to make sure that were putting out safe and efficacious, effective vaccines to the public. So i think cautious optimism is appropriate. I think we shouldnt be making any claims that are not based on the data. The u. S. Government has fast tracked five candidates in what theyre calling operation warp speed because they want to make sure if after phase three something is approved, then we wont be scrambling to have a stockpile of vaccines. So theyre putting their money down to make sure they can prepare for a future approval. The food and Drug Administration has not, you know, committed to a vaccine trial with at least 30,000 people. So should there be concern about, you know, potential pressure to release a vaccine before its ready or fully tested . No, theyre not going to put something out thats rushed that even though it says operation warp speed, its intended to essentially put their money focused, making sure they have the resources, the personnel, the logistics, all the Financial Support that really elongates the time for a vaccine approval. So theres a lot of moving parts here. And they are going to make sure that whatever is put out is safe and effective, even if its happening pretty quickly. In california, where you are, movie theaters, gyms, bars mostly open despite the rise in covid19 cases. Whats your point of view on that . Yeah, im very concerned about activities that make things like mask wearing and social distancing difficult. I know weve been easing restrictions in a lot of places and i know gavin newsom, the gfrks has governor, has repeatedly said its based on the data. Right now the data are telling a different story. Its saying things are moving in the wrong direction. A lot of that could be because some restrictions were eased up, memorial day activity. And so i do think we need to be very cautious about what activities and what businesses are allowed to reopen right now. Does this mean that you think they should its not going in the right direction. Do you mean that this should amount to businesses that were allowed to reopen now close as a result of a spike in cases . I think what we need to be reinforcing is the fact that this should not be the end of mask wearing and it should not be the end of social distancing, and it should not be the end of avoiding contact with a lot of people that you are not that are not in your social bubble. What were seeing are new cases happening all the time, the test positive cases increasing and more hospitalizations. Thats indicating the outbreak is growing. Okay. Jessica malaty rivera, thank you so much. Appreciate it. Thank you. The black lives Matter Movement is spreading around the world. Right now, protesters are gathering in london and paris as Tensions Mount between counterprotesters from the far right and police. Plus, a deadly policeinvolved shooting at a wendys drivethrough in atlanta. An investigator says the violence started over a taser. Want to brain better . Unlike ordinary memory supplements, neuriva has clinically proven ingredients that fuel five indicators of brain performanc memory, focus, accuracy, learning, and concentration. Try our new gummies for 30 days and see the difference. Vif you do, one call to newdayn . Can save you 2000 a year. Newday lets you refi at todays near rock bottom rates by shortcutting the loan process. 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Fred, there are about three or four dozen people who have gathered here on University Avenue in front of the wendys to protest. I want to talk a little bit about what we know from the Georgia Bureau of investigation who gave us a press release of this case so far. What happened within the drivethrough on the left side of the wendys building that you see there with a 27yearold man who was reported to be sleeping in his car. The gbi says that he failed a field sobriety test and there was a struggle over a taser after which the man was shot. And he later died. Right now you see police blocking this street as these protesters peacefully are making their voices heard. But i also want to point out a really interesting conversation that happened just within the last 30 minutes between these protesters and Council Member joyce shepherd in atlanta. The protesters were specifically asking her about the issue of defund the police, a phrase youve heard a lot around the country lately, and about redirecting resources to other services in the community that could have helped this man instead of police with their weapons. Here is what Council Member joyce shepherd said. There are layers of what we have to do across so many different entities. Not just the Police Department. The county, the state. Lets talk about the state. The federal government fighting to really make this happen. So talking about just taking money from the Police Department is not it because at the same time, we still have crime in our streets. You hear her saying that this solution needs to be multifaceted, and these people really just want to see change. She talked about the fact that atlanta is having a 45day task force to talk about reforms and these people really want to get that process going. Right now wewant to emphasize this particular incident is still under investigation. We have asked for body cam and Surveillance Video and have yet to see it, though we know there are some videos in existence that have been circulating among protesters and other folks on the internet. Fred . Yes, still lots of incomplete information. What transpired between a man sleeping in the vehicle and a sobriety test and then what happened in between a sobriety test and use of a taser which then led to this mans death. Natasha chen, thank you so much. Bring us some answers as soon as you get them. Appreciate it. Up next fighting racism at school as protests continue across the country. The Denver School district is cutting ties with police. So whats being done to keep children safe while promoting equality and inclusion . Ill talk live with a board member leading that movement. What do we want for dinner . Burger. I want a sugar cookie. Wait. I want a bucket of chicken. I want. 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In london, protests against racial injustices continuing there where counterprotests are also being held in Parliament Square. This was the scene there this morning. You can see a scuffle breaking out between protesters and police. In paris, were seeing large protests against Police Brutality. Nic robertson is in london. Cyril vanier is in paris. Nic, uk officials are urging people to stay home. Are they expecting violence . Well, there have been those running scuffles youve just seen. Were now half an hour past the time when the police said all the protesters from both the marches here in Parliament Square and the black lives matter march that ended half a mile away from trafalgar square, they should leave and go home. The police chief in charge of monitoring these protests, they said they need to go to different stations to go home. What ive seen right now is the police really sort of taking their time trying to persuade people to separate out. But this is the moment thats sort of most difficult for the police because you have small groups. Stragglers from both of these protests. And whenever they come together, thats when you are seeing also flashes of violence. The police have been separating it and stopping it, but this is perhaps going to be over the next hour or so, the most difficult moments of the day. But the police from these protesters that the mayor said were rightwing protesters came here to protect statues of Winston Churchill and others. Theyve had the running confrontations with the police. And the Police Commissioner said that she believed that these rightwing protesters as the mayor calls them had come to attack the black lives matter protest. What were seeing today is really the police manage to keep the sides apart for the best part of the day. Again, now theyre trying to get everyone to disperse. Nic, thank you so much. Cyril, many people have turned out. They are thinking about a young man who died in Police Custody five years ago. What are they saying . Well, fredricka, there are striking similarities between the case of george floyd and the case of the man who turned 24 the day he died in Police Custody. There are two black men who died in the custody of white Police Officers. George floyd, as is well documented, as the world knows, died with a knee crushing his neck for 8 46. The circumstances of the other mans death are still being investigated. The exact cause of his death hasnt been determined but he was arrested and pinned down almost four years ago. The responsibilities in his death have not yet been fully determined. And thats one of the things thats angered not only his family but the crowds that have turned out today. So they have turned out to protest against racism, against Police Violence and for justice in the specific case of the man who also died like george floyd saying i cant breathe. You saw according to the police 15,000 people gather and the organizers will likely say many more. Sorry im squinting. We can now smell the tear gas. There have been protests with protesters firing fireworks, police trying to clear the area with tear gas. Very few far fewer people now than there were a couple hours ago. Were seeing the last few groups who are really want to get their message across. Theyve been getting up in the faces of the police, with their fists up in the air and making sure making eye contact with the police fredricka. All right. Nic robertson, cyril vanier, thank you so much. Appreciate it. The conversation on race and covid19 continues tomorrow night right here on cnn. Join laura coates with four of the nations top mayors. D. C. s muriel bowser, keshia lancebottoms, chicagos Lori Lightfoot and san franciscos london breed. Mayors who matter tomorrow night, 9 00, and well be right back. 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The board voted unanimously to phase out officers from school campuses. Joining me right now to talk about this is Denver School board member taye anderson. Thanks for being with me. So what precipitated this move . We have been working on this for over a decade in the city and county of denver. The death of george floyd was the straw that broke the camels back. We had innocent students being shot at, tear gassed with the rubber bullets, et cetera. Were no longer going to stand for that. So we are going to end the school to prison pipeline and take the first step with doing that by ending our contract of having armed police and only 17 out of 225 of our schools. So who will now provide security . We have our own dps department of safety thats armed and unarmed but were not going to have an armed presence in the school. The philosophy of a good guy with a gun that stops a bad guy with a gun is false. Parkland and stem both had good guys with guns and we still had kids die. So we need to make sure that were taking the steps to working with dpd on a new memorandum of understanding but letting them know their actions this past week on our protesters, especially our young children, were unacceptable. So other School Districts in the country have taken similar steps. I understand minneapolis, seattle, portland have announced theyll end Police Relationships with schools. Los angeles and chicago are looking into doing that as well. Did your School District or did you even personally consult with other School Districts across the country before reaching this decision . We looked at what other School Districts did and made ours ten times stronger. So were not having any armed presence of Police Officers in our building. Were not going to continue to have the policing of our students. And were going to make sure that were phasing them out. So it will be a 25 reduction in december and a full reduction in the end of the school year in may, but we only have 17 out of 225 schools have sros currently in them. So this has been particularly difficult time. I know thats not even the proper word what School Districts have been going through. You had the pandemic and youve been focusing on how do we reopen schools with that in mind. And now this is a sizable change that you have just made. How have you all managed that . We are able to take on many tasks at the same time. That is why were ending this contract because we have schools that dont have fulltime nurses and postcovid, were going to be required to take Temperature Checks and we wont even have a nurse in the building to take a Temperature Check in some buildings but a Law Enforcement officer with a gun and badge thats supposed to protect and serve our students. Why 17 cops out of 1500 only know how to interact with kids . Dpd must do the work. Were going to take this to the stapleton neighborhood after a clans member who has been named the neighborhood has been named after him. Were demanding they change the name of that community because one of our schools have already done it. That Community Needs to do it. If not, well march in their neighborhood next week. Tay anderson in denver, thank you so much. Still ahead he won two olympic gold medals for track and field. 400 hurdler. Now edwin moses is pouring his heart out on race, social activism and his own runin with police. He joins me live, next. Tmobile and sprint are joining forces to power your business. Were building a 5g network that will deliver unprecedented reach and reliability, and the highest capacity in history. With more coverage and more bandwidth to keep your employees connected, you will get the largest and most Reliable Network at an unbeatable price. Tmobile for business. Whether you know what day it is or not. Consistency is key when taking on acne. 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Athletes, they are among the loudest voices now demanding social change and an end to racial inequality in america. Our next guest is an olympic gold medalist, multiple times, who has spent the last few decades working to make the world a fair and more equal place. Edwin moses just penned a powerful oped in the Atlanta Journal constitution newspaper writing, quote, equality remains elusive. So elusive that literally our lives are a sense of safety and our opportunities in just about every sphere remain in the hands and beneath the knees of white people like amy cooper, the white woman who called on a black man in central park and derek chauvin, the Minneapolis Police officer, who dont even begin to strive for excellence or integrity. It doesnt matter that now my son also has a graduate degree and is a champion athlete and citizen of the world. As i told him when he was a student at the Atlanta International school, your white friends may be able to hop the fence to take the shortcut across our neighbors property. But you cant. Its not about who you are inside. Your excellence, your integrity and your commitment to equality, its about the fact that you are a black man. Because of that, unlike your friends, you are not privileged to make that move. Joining me right now to discuss is edwin moses, the chairman of the glorious World Sports Academy and an olympic gold medalist. So good to see you, my friend. Thank you. Glad to be with you this morning. So you really poured your heart out here. So what does today, you know, now the protests and a sort of new Global Awareness feel like to you . Well, just this morning i received some Text Messages and phone calls from associates of mine that ive been dealing with in the Sports Development world and also who are sports administrators. And the movement is really even gotten at that level. Theres people that are feeling like its time to change, at the top levels of sport, the top levels of development and needless to say, when you have to i did pour my heart out. Needless to say when you have to think about these things all the time and conduct your life in a very specified and controlled way, its the way that weve been living as black men and women and brown men and women of color and even transgender and gay people have to live under the thumb. And its hereartbreaking and it weighs on you every day of your life. Obviously, we see people all around the world from all walks of live, the diversity is unbelievable who think and realize that its time to change. Its so exhausting. That weight that you speak of. You write in the ajc also that your life is defined by three principles excellence, integrity, equality, bred into you by your tuskegee father and Dayton Elementary School principal mother. Black people do not enjoy equality, but in the meantime, s situate yourself in places where it lives and work to extend it. So you found in athletics, you know, really that space. You had become olympic gold medalist, 400 hurdler up there with one of the most challenging athletic events. So did you ever feel that these accomplishments just might be a sort of escape hatch from all of those inequities . Not an escape hatch. I saw my accomplishments as an opportunity. Every 3yearold or 4yearold child and every kid is put in a foot race if theyre able to do so. Everyone knows if you put one kid three or four feet ahead of the other that the race is uneven. And my opportunity in sports, i really took upon myself as representing what represents going out and doing well in the world and coming from a tradition of equality, morality, ethics that was bred into me not only by my nmom and dad. But ive been able to carry that throughout my life and use it as an advantage and as a tool to help people around the world understand that there are inequities and weve been able to be on the ground in over 120 countries to actually do things to help people that dont have a fair chance. So the whole Sports Concept of fairness starting at the same finish line, i think people are really waking up to it. And one of the more important on instagram, one of the more important reads that i made this week was, i think it was a picture of a 14yearold girl. I dont know how many times its been reposted but she said that george floyd is not a wakeup call. And that peoples alarm clocks have been put on buzz for too long and i thought that really lays out whats happening in the world today. Everyones involved. Its a movement for fairness and equity. And lots of people are finally having to deal with what they have been saying and what theyve been feeling and the stories theyve been hearing and come to a conclusion. The george floyd episode just triggered everything along with the other incidents of just Police Brutality. But its much larger than that. Its much larger than just Police Brutality at this point. You write that, you know, a Tipping Point really for you was that ahmaud arbery. A young man jogging in georgia. You thought about your son. It could have been you as well. And i know you are also shaped by the lessons of your dad. Your dad, like my dad, tuskegee air men who had similar experiences when after world war ii they return to the United States, they could not find work and that just was added testament underscored the hardships of so many black men in this country that we many people are finally convinced this, sadly, has been going on for so many years. These kinds of inequities and edwin moses, you are an incredible byproduct of fantastic parents and are now youre committed to helping so many others find equality. Really appreciate you. Thank you so much. Thank you very much, fred. Thank you very much. All right. Coming up, the future of Race Relations in america. Ill go one on one with Valerie Jarrett who handled criminal justice and Police Reform under the president obama administration. First, as food banks across the country struggle to keep up with demand, two cnn heroes are making sure that people dont go hungry. The clients we serve are very medically fragile, vulnerable. Primarily lowincome people. Many of them living alone. And many of them have lost caregivers because of the pandemic. That population has the potential for the most complications and mortality if they get the illness. So its really, really important this population stays home and stays safe. 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