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National intelligence dan coats is expected to step down in the coming days, but this is something that white house officials had seen coming. We had reported just a couple of weeks ago the president was having discussions who he might tap to replace dan coats. White house officials have told cnn that they got the sense from him that he was eyeing retitle. Hed already been on the job for two years, and as one white house official put it, the president never fully warmed up to dni coats. We should point out the two men have had very public disagreements on a wide array of issues. The director of National Intelligence frequently contradicting statements made by President Trump on everything from the objectativity of the Intelligence Community to Foreign Policy with syria and north korea, russia specifically. So its not clear at this point that those disagreements, those very public disagreements are leading to this departure, but we know the president according to sources had previously considered dismissing the director of National Intelligence. As for potential replacements, a lot of names are popping up. One of them congressman John Radcliffe. He was grilling mueller. We know the president is a big fan of his. Another name being floated is fred flights, the former chief of staff to current director of National Security or National Security advisor i should say john bolton. We know according to sources he had previously had conversations with white house officials about replacing coats. And another name thats out there, a controversial one is congressman devin nunes. His name was floated last week as a possible replacements for coats. Of course that would be a very controversial pick considering how many deep state conspiracies hes pedaled but we know the president is big fan of his. It was dan coats during the Aspen Security Forum who was asked by someone in the audience about is it true that the white house, you know, the president invited Vladimir Putin to the white house, and, you know, who could forget he was just like come again, say that again . And of course the president didnt like that. That kind of response coming from dan coats. Okay, well get more reporting on that. Boris sanchez, well get you to do that. As well as the New York Times is reporting about that expected stepping down of dan coats. Lets talk about the race for the white house. We are just two days away from the potential makeorbreak moment for 2020 president ial candidates, the cnn democratic debates, the first round featuring senators Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren taking to the stage tuesday night. Round two coming on tuesday, and as the candidates descend on detroit were getting a clearer idea of the plans of attack. My view is if the United States congress would bail out the crooks on wall street it would destroy this economy. If we could give a trillion a halfdollars of tax breaks to large corporations like amazon, last year owned by the wealthiest guy in this country, it doesnt pay a nickel in federal income taxes, if we can do that, we can help save a millennial generation. I believe this is going to be one of those moments of truth where im going to be able to present progressive vision thats actually being put into action. New york city, weve done prek every child for free, 15 min pm wage, paid sick days. Were giving those two weeks paid vacation to every working person. Were literally guaranteeing health care for anyone who does not health insurance. Were the only advanced industrialized nation that bases our funding on property taxes. What this means is a child in a financially advantaged neighbor stands a chance, a good chance of geing a very high Quality Public School education here. But if a child does not grow up, not live in a financially advantaged neighborhood, then the opportunities are far less for a Higher Quality education. This administration has weaponized the law to cruelly separate little children from their parents. Ive bip consistent. I dont have an issue with maintaining a secure border. Were always going to do that. What i have an issue with is separating little children from their parents. I have an issue with an administration that uses migrants as a scapegoat to create fear and paranoia in order to win elections. We have Team Coverage on the campaign trail. Lets begin with National Correspondent athena jones. So how are candidates poising themselves, getting ready . Reporter hi, frederica. As you know these debates are huge opportunities for the candidates to make their case before a wide audience, a big National Audience and they play an outside role in shaping the race. Remember what happened with senator Kamala Harris at the last debate in miami going after Vice President biden on desegregation, on federally mandated busing to desegregates schools. She saw a bump in the polls, a bump in attention because of that successful attack, and so thats the sort of thing well be watching for a couple of nights from now. Not just harris potentially versus joe biden but also senator cory booker, julian castro. Beth of them have signaled they plan to go after biden as have several other candidates. Well be watching to see about those matchups. How Vice President biden handles himself. Is he able to both defend himself while also making a compelling case why he believes he should be the parties standard bearer . Another important thing to point out here, frederica, for many of these candidates this isnt just an important opportunity, it may be the last opportunity they have to get some attention, to catch fire, to increase their ranking in the polls. And to that point i want to play some of what we heard from senat senator kierten gillibrand on the campaign trail going after unnamed fellow democrats and their stances on women. Take a listen. We have Democratic Candidates running for president right now who do not believe necessarily that its a good idea that women work outside the home. No joke. We have president ial candidates running right now who thinks the me too movement has gone too far. We have members of we have people who are running for the president of the United States as democrats who believe the standards for the Democratic Party are too high. Reporter so there you hear Kirsten Gillibrand talking about womens rights and this has been a center piece of her candidacy, but whats odd there youre wondering who is she talking about . You hear these extreme accusations and you wonder who shes pointing to. I asked her campaign and her communication director gave us this statement. Keirsten believes we need to have a broader and more intentional conversation about valuing women in this country and even in this primary and she intends to do so in the coming days. Stay tuned. Whats interesting about that is she talks about having an intentional conversation and yet they wont say who she was talking about in those remarks. Shell likely be pressed about that or could be pressed about that in a couple of nights, but shes clearly trying to indicate shell go after some rivals. Maybe thatll be some surprise element during the debates and well see that on stage. Let me also talk now about senator Bernie Sanders whos in canada today traveling with a grume of diabetes patients in search of cheaper enslen. Cnn national krunt rycorrespond nobles is there for us. Lep us understand the strategy and message. Reporter its no doubt Bernie Sanders attempts to try to lay the ground work. He wants health care to be the folk squs the cost of prescription drugicize a big thing Bernie Sanders talks a lot about on the campaign trail. Thats why he came to this pharmacy in windsor, ontario, just across the river from where the debate will take place and who have to in many cases pay ten times as much for the insulin that they need to stay alive in the United States versus what they would pay in this pharmacy behind me. And according to sanders after he left the pharmacy with those patients who got that drug for a much cheaper price, this is big problem in this country he needs to fix. Take a listen. At the end of the day it is an embarrassment for those of us who are americans. We love our canadian neighbors and we thank them so much, but we should not have to come to canada to get the medicine for our kids to stay alive. We can do that in america. If sanders believes his medicare for all plan would at least be the start of reining in drug prices. Hes part of that first round of debate participants on tuesday night. For more on this weeks debates lets bring in democratic strategist Elizabeth Rosen and alexander rojas. Good to see both of you. Side by side there in detroit. For a lot of these candidates this will be the last chance to make their case why they should stay in the race and moval onto the third debate, the cnn debate come september. In your view, hillary, do you believe they will try to stand out by policy or stand out by trying to, you know, attack somebody else that they may be sharing the stage with . Well, and its going to be hard to get attention tonight i mean on tuesday night because youll have the big dynamo matchup with Elizabeth Warren and Bernie Sanders. So those third and fourth tier candidates are going to have to figure out how to get into that debate when you know sanders and warren are going to want to try to distinguish themselves from each other. You cant outleft flank Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren on tuesday night. But what you can do is challenge them about what they can do to actually execute on the plans they have. I think the American People are kinds of particularly democrats, we want to win so badly that we want someone on that stage to tell us how theyre going to be successful, not just how theyre going to turn the country upside down. Right, alexandria, you know perhaps while there have been some candidates who signposted theyre going after the, you know, the one out in front, the one who was leading according to polls, joe biden and cory booker signaling he might be doing that, then you have other candidates who have said im going to release more ahead of the debate, more on my health care plan, you know, or my economic plan or, you know, such as tim ryan and even Kamala Harris. What do you believe will be the focus of any number of these candidates . Will they refrain from trying to, you know, go after each other in trying to propel their plans or is there a way in which she can determine that . These debates i think are public moments of accountability. And its an opportunity to severely contrast candidates amongst other candidates. And i think largely whats going to be at least on the first night is you have Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren making the case of a progressive vision. And i would argue the rest of the candidates on stage a more centrist vision. And i think a lot of the framing of the conversation around debate strategy has been the sort of centrist wing of the Democratic Party is so focused on winning and the sort of progressive plank is all about testing and thrippiflipping they upside down. Theyre arguing they want to maintain the status yo and not really change very much what the progressives are talking about, transforming this country fundamentally. When you have have 60 of americans that cant afford a 800 emergency bill or one in five americans that still dont have access to health care, presenting solutions that arent fund ltal fundmentally addressing and the Democratic Base right now is largely young people, people of color, Union Households and a lot of those folks stayed home in 2016. So i think the candidate that is authentic, clear in their values, that remembers who their base are is the one thats going to win in 2020. Ill just say i think thats silly. I think that not a single democrat on either night is actually advocating for the status quo. If everybody wants something different, everybody wants a country away from Donald Trumps policies, so how they get there is going to be key. And i think youve got youre going to get some interesting moments. For instance, the governor of montana haents been on the stage before. There are a lot of people who think is he potentially the sleeper centrist who maybe challenges joe biden . And then we have other moments where Kamala Harris attacking joe biden actually worked last time. So are we going to see other candidates get a little personal than democrats have historically been willing to get to . So theres a lot of energy on this stage thats both policy andthetter. And at the same time a lot of americans are hoping and counting on clarity. We know the economy and health care have always been constant pillars in any president ial race and americans are going to be at the edge of their seats wanting to see if theres going to be something understandable for them to try and digest and pick their candidate. Hillary rosen, alexander rojas, thanks to both of you. Appreciate it. Just two days until this cnn president ial debate. Each night the first on tuesday july 30th with Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren central. And then wednesday july 31st see the rematch potentially between joe biden, Kamala Harris, the democratic president ial candidates live from detroit only on cnn. All right, still ahead, the white house doubles down. Some officials even say the president s tweets attacking congressman Elijah Cummings were not racially offensive, but there are many others who see it very differently. Plus, the father whose twin babies died in a hot car has his first appearance in court. The latest on that coming up. What about him . Lets do it. [ sniffing ] come on. This summer, add a new member to the family. Hurry into the mercedesbenz summer event today for exceptional offers. Lease the glc 300 suv for just 419 a month at the mercedesbenz summer event. Going on now. Think you need to pay prestige prices for better skin results . Try Olay Regenerist. The rich, hydrating cream is formulated with vitamin b3 and peptides to plump skin cells, brighten, and visibly smooth wrinkles. 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What it takes to protect. ® backlash is erupting right now as President Donald Trump doubles down on his attacks against congressman Elijah Cummings and his maryland seventh district which includes baltimore. On the heels of president s extensive rapt on the city and the democratic lawmaker yesterday, the president is back at it today tweeting just moments ago saying this, there is nothing racist in stating plainly what most people already know, Elijah Cummings has done a terrible job for the people of his district and of baltimore itself. Dems always play the race card when they were unable to win with facts, shame. The Baltimore Sun fighting back in an oped this morning calling the president after this headline, better to have a few rats than to be one. The mocker im now quoting from the paper. The mocker of war heroes, the gleeful grabber of womens private parts, the serial bankrupter of businesses and the useful idiot of Vladimir Putin, end quote. And the slew also has lawmakers across the country defending cummings and defending his 23 years of service in congress and that includes president ial candidate Bernie Sanders and congressman jerry nadler. They both addressed this from trump today. Our job is not to have a racist president who attacks people because they are africanamericans. That is a disgrace, and that is why were going to defeat this president. The president is as he usually is or often is disgusting and racist. He makes these charges with no base at all. And they are designed to distract attention from the very serious allegations ability his conduct that came from the mueller from the Committee Hearings this week. And as the condemnation continues to pour in, the president spending the day at his virginia golf course. I want to bring in host of the van jones show and cnn political commentator van jones. Van, good to see you. So your reaction to, you know, the president s methods. I mean he has nothing else better to do . No, i mean the president of the United States is failing kindergarten right now. Literally a kindergartner would be booted out, parents would be called if you had a student even at 6 years old talking about people this way, talking to people this way. This is complex because there are real pain points in baltimore. I spent a lot of my time in baltimore, you know, after the disturbances there, prince went there did a concert. The reality is though when you have pain points you elect a president not to make fun but to make change, to make a difference. I think thats the terrible part here. Is that where there are people who are are suffering in baltimore they need a champion and not a jester when it comes to dealing with these very serious issues of poverty and deprivation. But is that really the issue . Are those really the issues the president is trying to get at, or is he using that as a means in which to target congressman Elijah Cummings who you know has made it very clear in his job in oversight that he is looking for and, you know, or helping to promote an investigation of the president s financial dealings and really the issue is the president doesnt like that . Reporter youre making exactly my point, exactly what im trying to say which is that if you were serious about caring about people in baltimore, this is exactly 180 degrees the wrong way to go about it. So this has nothing to do with the people in baltimore, nothing to do with trying to make anything any better. It has to do with insulting people and throwing out these allegations. And there is a racial charge. I know a lot of people get tired of hearing these words, you know, racism gets thrown around, socialism gets thrown around. But this is as clear a statement of racial animus you can find. He didnt just say, well, Elijah Cummings, cleanup your act. He said no human being would want to live hey, listen, once you say all these People Living in baltimore, no human being, are you saying these are subhuman people . Youre beginning to challenge the humanity of people, its just wrong. Like i said you cant do that in grade school. So the president says these things via tweet two weeks after he singled out four women of color, all sworn in members of Congress Going back to their country, et cetera. And, you know, this is how republican congressman will herd assessed the president s tweets inkauchltsi encompassing cummings and what hes said about the congresswomen. These tweets are different from the ones a few days ago or weeks ago. I forget how long it is now. When you tell somebody to go back to africa or whatever country, thats in essence telling someone because you dont look like them, you are not american and that you do not have selfworth. To be clear were drawing a line here. You condemn the go back tweets, but you do not condemn these tweets by the president . I wouldnt be tweeting this way, but i think they are different. Is it different . Reporter listen, i mean you can try to figure out some way to thread that needle if you want to. Heres how you know that these are racially targeted tweets. Can you imagine trump saying this about a community in appalachia . Can you imagine donald trump or any american politician saying ability people who live in appalachia, who live in rural poverty, that they are infested, no human being would want to live there, no human being would want to be caught dead there . You cant imagine him saying that because donald trump would never say that about a community of poor white people. And so thats how you know. Thats the give, thats the tell. If you were consistently going around insulting poor communities, you were consistently going around spewing bile about poor communities, this someone who doesnt like poor people. But he has a particular kind of bile it seems. And when a community is struggling is of color or a nation is of color, its shole nations. Its, you know, crime infested, rat infested. Its go back where youre from. So this is the pattern people are concerned about. The sad part about it is, you know, President Trump actually has positive things he could be saying about these communities. Hes done criminal justice, theres unemployment record he can point to. He could be making a positive case for his presidency and contending, but instead hes insulting and condemning people, and it just doesnt make any sense. And guess what, van . Theres a piling on because the prepresident just tweeted moments ago sisaiing this. If racist Elijah Cummings would focus more on his energy of helping the people of his district and baltimore itself perhaps progress could be made in fixing the press that he has helped to create over many years of incompetent leadership, his oversight is a joke. So there in lies perhaps the motivation. Reporter heres the deal, i think the worst part about all this is that donald trump is a president of the United States, the entire United States including maryland, including baltimore, including every neighborhood and precinct and household in baltimore. So if theres something wrong happening in baltimore, he has a lot more power as president of the United States to do something about it than any single Congress Person or Council Person or dogcatcher. Can yet we havent seen him leaning in to be as helpful as he might be, and yet hes somehow using this as a way to beat up on Elijah Cummings. Listen, i think the Political Class is in danger now of just collapsing into this youre a racist, youre a bigot, youre a socialist, a stutter back and forth while real problems just dont get addressed. Listen, ill say this to you or anybody else, i care about poor people, in bap las vegasa, at the border. Anybody republican or democrat who wants to work on that issue in good faith, i will work with you in good faith, but this is not a good faith commentary about whats happening in baltimore own anyplace else, and its not a dog whistle. Its a megaphone plast in terms of the difference in terms of the way this president chooses to talk when he mad about poor black communities versus poor White Communities and thats got to stop. Van jones, thank you so much from detroit, appreciate it. Well be right back. Lets see, aleve is proven better on pain than tylenol extra strength. And last longer with fewer pills. So why am i still thinking about this . Ill take aleve. Aleve. 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Texas republican John Radcliffe who aggressively questioned former special Counsel Robert Mueller last week has been mentioned as a potential replacement. Im joined now by shawn turner, he is the former director of communications for the u. S. National intelligence and a cnn National Security analyst joining me right now. So what do you make of dan coats possibly stepping down . Well, first of all i think its simpler to play out that dan coats has been a benefit not just as a job as director of National Intelligence. You know, he came in with lots of concerns around the communicate as to whether or not he would keep the Intelligence Community out of the political fray and work to speak truth to power and thats exactly what hes done. So i think this is an unfortunate development for the Intelligence Community because theres been a shield there between the ic and the political world, and i think its going to be very important for the president to pick someone who helps to maintain that. But based on some of things that have been mentioned i hear that might not be the case. And talk to me about the importance of dan coats and his defense of the Intelligence Community especially as it pertained to russias interference with the u. S. Elections. Reporter yeah, i think its thats really important. One of the things we talk about in the Intelligence Community is maintaining a willingness and desire to speak truth to power. So when it comes to things like russias interference in the u. S. Elections even when the president and the administration were saying that were casting doubt on whether or not it actually happened and then suggesting it may not have been russia that was responsible it was dan coats who leaned on the intelligence and those people in the Intelligence Community who were able to collect and analyze the data. It was dan coats who stood up and said, yes, this happened, we were attacked. And it wasnt just with russia. It was convenient for the Intelligence Community to say iran was complying with the Iran Nuclear Deal or to say that north korea was continuing to pursue Nuclear Capabilities even while the president was talking with them. It was dan coats who stood up and said those thing tuesday the president and was honest about those things. I think right from the start that made him that put him odds with the president and put a real chill on that ril relationship. We really need someone in that position whos going to continue to do that. It cant go unnoticed this would be days after former special counsel bob mueller testified on the hill and said that russian interference is happening as we speak. And i think we have the sound bite pulled. It was dan coats, you know, as director of National Intelligence who was at the Aspen Security Forum and someone asked him, you know, to comment on the president s invitation of Vladimir Putin at the white house, and dan coats said say that again and he said that would be special. We have that sound bite. Recall this. The white house has announced on twitter that Vladimir Putin is coming to the white house in the fall. Say that again. Vladimir putin coming to the yeah, yeah. Okay. Yeah. Thats going to be special. Yeah, it was a very awkward moment, shawn, because, you know, you would think the director of National Intelligence would know that firsthand. It was Andrea Mitchell asking that question, and while it was a bit of a laughable moment it ended up being a very embarrassing moment for the president of the United States. Was that kind of the window into what friction would come or a window into the relationship or respect the president might have of dan coats . That exchange was very telling with regard to the relationship the president had at the time with dan coats and the relationships that had developed over time. I talked to a former colleague after that happened and the director of National Intelligence was generally caught offguard, and we all talk about the fact that is the kind that shouldnt happen, and unfortunately that was kind of on the front of what has been a deteriorating relationship over time and director coats has done absolutely everything to give the president advantage by what it Intelligence Community sees, and unfortunately its been the case oftentimes when director coats or his staff shows up that its not consistent with the world view that the president would like to espouse or would like to have. It put the chill on the relationship, and so i think its unfortunate that the men and women of the Intelligence Community and our partners and allies i think its unfortunate theyre going to lose that. Again, cnn confirming National Intelligence chief dan coats to resign. Well have much more after this. With every meal, theres a dish. But what happens to all that grease . It flows into your dishwasher, gumming up its performance. Add finish dishwasher cleaner with your detergent to help dissolve this grease so youre ready for your next meal. Finish dishwasher cleaner clean dishwasher. Clean dishes. Want to freshen your home without using heavy, overwhelming scents . Introducing febreze one. It eliminates odors with no heavy perfumes, so you can feel good about using it in your home. For a light, naturalsmelling freshness, try new febreze one. You ever wish you werent a motaur . No. For those who were born to ride, theres progressive. For those who were born to ride, we carry flowers that signifyn why we want to end the disease. And we walk so that one day, there will be a white flower for alzheimers first survivor. Join the fight at alz. Org walk. President trump likes to brag about a warring stock market and record low unemployment as evidence of a booming economy. But now 2020 democrats are punching back saying middle class americans arent really benefitting from the economys success. Cnn chief Business Correspondent Christine Romans reports. Reporter frederica, the president of the United States calls this the best economy in history, but the democrats running to take his job, theyll have to try to prove otherwise. Its the economy, stupid. A Strong Economy is a gift for any sitting president going into an election year. We have the hottest economy anywhere on earth. We have the number one economy in the world. Were now the economic envy of the entire world. Reporter ates an advantage for President Trump, the lowest jobless rate in half a century. Nearly 3 Economic Growth last year, the stock market near record highs. But the Democratic Candidates for president are asking just who is the trump economy working for. He has done nothing to help working families in america. Communities where this recovery never even happened. Reporter the key for democrats in 2020 frame the trump economy as great for big corporations and the wealthiest americans. I will repeal that tax bill that benefits the top 1 . Eliminating Donald Trumps tax cuts for the wealthy. It is wall streets turn to help rebuild the american middle class. Reporter senators Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren want more taxes on the ultrarich. An ultramillionaires tax, its 2 cents on every dollar of the great fortunes above 50 million. Reporter crack down on wall street. We are going to break those huge banks up. Reporter and rein in big tech. It is time to break up americas tech giants. Reporter most of the Democratic Candidates want to raise corporate taxes, tax investment profit, some even favor putting a fee on every wall street trade. Frankly, this economy is not working for working people. Reporter democrats message that in the trump economy income inequality is worsening. Today the top 1 own more wealth than the bottom 90 combined. Democrats propose raising the minimum wage, strengthening workers rights and implementing fairer housing policies. Senator cory booker wants to give newborns a bond to close a racial wealth gap. The median white family in america has nearly ten times the wealth of the median black family. Its about time we target the creation of wealth equally for all children in america. Reporter senator calm lah harris wants to brim transparency to the gender pay gap. While biden and sanders have plans to revitalize rural america. Rural economies which are integral to the nations success. Reporter and then theres free College First popularized by Bernie Sanders in 2016, its critical Many Americans know into debt to earn a degree. Frankly, that is crazy. We want you to get the best education you can without having to pay off outrageous levels of debt. Reporter this time around all the candidates have some policy for affordable college. Most want Free Community college, though free college for all and canceling all debt thats a far left position not matched by everyone. No, im not for free college for all. I just dont believe it makes sense to ask working class families to subsidize even the children of billionaires. Reporter warren has proposed wiping out Student Loan Debt up to 50,000 for some 42 million student debtors. Everyone in this country should be able to get an education without being crushed by Student Loan Debt. Reporter bottom line, the democrats say trumps economy isnt helping all americans. The question is can they convince voters the same . The other big question, frederica, is how long will the good times last . Already this economic expansion is the longest in history, 10 years old. Thank you so much, christine. Dont miss the cnn democratic debates tuesday and wednesday nights starting at 8 00 eastern only on cnn. 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The father of twin 1yearold babies who died after being in a hot car for eight hours has been charged with manslaughter, neggent homicide and endangering the welfare of a child. Police new York Police Say the twins were left in their car while 39yearold Juan Rodriguez was at work at a nearby v. A. Hospital. Cnns Diane Gallagher is here with me. We are hearing from the father. In what manner . He made that first court appearance. In his demeanor, in his presence there, you kind of get an idea of what it is like to go through Something Like this. Weve seen the criminal complaint, and right afterward, Juan Rodriguez told police that he thought he had taken his twins to day care and that when he parked the car, didnt notice anything, and when he came back out, eight hours later, thats when he saw the children motionless, lifeless, still strapped into the back seat of that car. His attorney joey jackson, who is a legal analyst here with cnn, spoke in court about what this has been like for the rodriguez family. Everyone is still coming trying to come to grips, judge, with the horrific nature of this circumstance. Certainly his wife and his lovely Family Support him, as does so many friends and members of the community. And i raise those issues, judge, just because they relate to his state of mind. Theres nothing here at all thats intentional. And my client, if he could bring back time, certainly would do that. Now Juan Rodriguezs family was there in court with him and his wife issued a statement talking about how devastated the family is. I want to read a little bit of what Marisa Rodriguez said. She said everything i do reminds me of my sweet, intelligent, beautiful babies. Im still in disbelief. Though i am hurting more than i could ever imagine possible, i still love my husband. Hes a great person and i know he never would have done anything to hurt our children unintentionally. I know he will never forgive himself for this mistake. He was in the military, in the national guard. He works as a social worker at the v. A. But also works with nypd deal with any sort of issues that come about that people who may have emotional or mental disturbances. They are talking about him Going Forward and how difficult it is for that family now. He is out on bond. So terribly sad. Diane gallagher, thank you so much. Appreciate that. Well be right back. Motor . Its pronounced motour. For those who were born to ride, theres progressive. Its pronounced motour. Cant see what it is yet. Re . What is that . Thats a blazer . Thats a chevy blazer . Aww, this is dope. This thing is beautiful. I love the lights. Oh man, its got a mean face on it. It looks like a piece of candy. Look at the interior. This is nice. This is my sexy mom car. I would feel like a cool dad. 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At least one is in critical condition, and police say they are looking for at least two suspects. The search continues for two teenagers suspected of killing three people in canada. Police are going door to door in rural Northern Manitoba where the boys were last seen. The boys were initially thought to be missing when their car was found burning on the side of the highway. But investigators say they are now prime suspects in the deaths of an american couple and a Vancouver University professor. A professional surfer is recovering after being bitten by a shark in florida. Frank orourke was surfing near the Jacksonville Beach pier saturday when a friend says a shark knocked him off his board and bit him. Orourke and his friend paddled to shore and went to a bar instead of the hospital. Back to breaking news. Director of National Intelligence dan coats expects to step down in the coming days. The significance of his departure and the potential frontrunners to replace him, next. 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Dan coats, the countrys intelligence chief, expected to step down soon according to a person familiar with the situation. Texas congressman John Ratcliffe who aggressively questioned former special Counsel Robert Mueller last week has been mentioned as a potential replacement, though an official said no final decision has yet been made. Boris sanchez at the white house for us. Dan coats has been there since the early days of the administration. Boris, he and the president have not always clicked or seen eye to sigh. Is that fair to say . Right now the white house isnt commenting on this re

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