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The latest news from around the world with host Fredricka Whitfield. As i watched him, he headed south. The fighter jets were maneuvering him away from land. And he continues to circle around and do erratic flying above stella com and the island. And when i looked over, it just nosedived and there was a large fireball. I didnt know what to think of that moment. Did you initially think perhaps this was something planned, it was an air show, the fighter jets maybe might have made you think that was even more planned . Or did you know right away there was something wrong here . Well, i know that theres a local base, louis mccord is nearby and the fighters were in the area so i thought maybe there was some kind of training going on or Something Like that. But i have flown on these small aircrafts like that before. And when he pulled up Full Throttle and banked very low to the ground, i knew at that point something was not right. So thats why i continued to watch, wondering, what is happening, what is going on around us. Were you worried there was more than just the pilot on that plane . As you mentioned, you recognized it as being a commercial airliner. Were you fearful there were more people aboard that plane . Yes, that was one of the questions that the person i was with, abby, i looked at her and i was wondering, is there people on that aircraft . That did come to mind, yes. After experiencing this and seeing i dont want to use the word easy but seeing how this person was able to pull this off, what concerns does it raise for you . Do you think this blind spot needs to be taken care of at Airlines Across the country . At that very moment, i dont know if i was thinking that in my mind. I was thinking what is taking place right now. But as everything started to unfold, i started to think about how could someone gain access definitely to an aircraft like that and be able to maneuver around to a highly populated area. I thought maybe it might have been hijacked or i really didnt know what to think. I was pretty uneasy at the moment. Wondering what was going on. And then when you saw the plane go down, how quickly do you see the plume of smoke . Did you know right away it was an unfortunate end in this situation . Yes, it was immediately. He did a couple small maneuvers erratically around the island. Turning up the sky. Then pointing down to the ocean. But at the very end, he nosedived directly into the island. The fireball was very large into the sky. Were you ever concerned at all for your own safety, perhaps that he was going to put this into a more populated area, perhaps where you were . Yes, when he did the barrel roll over the ocean right next to chambers bay, obviously i dont know if he was an experienced pilot or not, but unbelievably pulling it off. I dont know what was going on in this mans mind. He almost Hit Chambers Bay and thats when he banked at Full Throttle and the jets were just flying around him, trying to get him away from the populated area. I thought he was going to hit right where all the people were in chambers watching the sun set. Incredible. Thank you so much. We appreciate you sharing your story with us. Were glad youre safe. Thanks so much for being on. Absolutely. Youre welcome. Still ahead, new york representative Chris Collins is suspending his Reelection Campaign after facing charges this week related to Insider Trading. What that means for the Republican Party and the Balance Of Power in the house next. Plus, a State Of Emergency in effect in virginia today. Law enforcement In Charlottesville taking no chances after last years deadly protests. We are back in a moment. How can we say when you book direct at choicehotels. Com whenshe was pregnant,ter failed, inlaws were coming, a little bit of water, it really it rocked our world. I had no idea the amount of damage that water could do. We called usaa. And they greeted me as they always do. Sergeant baker, how are you . They were on it. It was unbelievable. Having insurance is something everyone needs, but having usaa now thats a privilege. Were the bakers and were usaa members for life. Usaa. Get your insurance quote today. Door Bell Rings its ohey. This is amazing. With moderate to severe ulcerative colitis, are you okay . Even when i was there, i never knew when my symptoms would keep us apart. So i talked to my doctor about humira. I learned humira can help get, and keep Uc Under Control when other medications havent worked well enough. And it helps people achieve control that lasts. So you can experience few or no symptoms. Humira can lower your ability to fight infections, including tuberculosis. Serious, sometimes fatal infections and cancers, including lymphoma, have happened; as have blood, liver, and nervous system problems, serious allergic reactions, and new or worsening heart failure. Before treatment, get tested for tb. Tell your doctor if youve been to areas where certain fungal infections are common, and if youve had tb, hepatitis b, are prone to infections, or have flulike symptoms or sores. Dont start humira if you have an infection. Be there for you, and them. Ask your gastroenterologist about humira. With humira, control is possible. Breaking news on the future of indicted congressman Chris Collins. The republican has announced hes suspending his campaign for reelection. Just days after he was charged with Insider Trading and is facing up to 150 years in prison in convicted. Cnn National Correspondent athena jones is following the latest developments. What do we know . Hi, ryan. We know as of this morning, Representative Collins has announced he is suspending his campaign for reelection. He will fill out the remainder of his term. Heres part of the statement he put out. He said after extensive discussions with my family and friends over the last few days, ive decided it is in the best interest of the constituents of new york 27, the Republican Party and President Trumps agenda for me to suspend my campaign for reelection to congress. As i mentioned, he is still going to fill out the remainder of his term. And this latest announcement comes just a few days after he insists not only on his innocent, not only that hes not guilty, but that he was going to fight these charges which he calls meritless. Now its clear under some pressure he has decide to step aside, ryan. And athena, we do have some reporting that officials there in new york will likely nominate colins for a town clerkship. This is because new york has strict rules as it relates to removing someone from the ballot. This would allow him to vacate. How would he be replaced . Thats right, according to a gop operative, it looks as though theyre going to nominate him for this. According to the state board of elections, the Party Leaders in his district, new york 27, would meet to select a substitution. They would vote. The bottom line is the gop in that area would be able to select someone to replace him. We already have heard from an executive at erie county, the comptroller who says he wants to run for the seat. New york 27 has been a reliably republican district for the last several cycles. So it appears that they would be able to save this district if it remains reliably read. We also know that the democrat running is trying to make hay out of this. He has been raising money in the days since Representative Collins indictment. Weve also now heard from nancy pelosi, the democratic minority leader, and she said this insufficient and overdue announcement does little to drain the toxic cesspool of selfenrichment and corruption that has proliferated in washington under gop control. It looks as though even if theyre able to replace collins on the ballot with a strong gop contend, the democrats are going to try to paint republicans as ethically challenged, in this case, legally challenged, sort of paint the party with a broad picture and say its time to get democrats in. Reliably red seat going all the way back to jack kemp. Republicans desperately want to hold on to this. But certainly in peril as of this point. Athena jones, thank you for your reporting. Lets discuss the impact of congressman Chris Collins suspending his Reelection Campaign. Joining me now, cnn political analyst julian salazar. Obviously the republicans are concerned about a possible blue wave this november. How might this decision to suspend his Campaign Impact republicans chances to hang on to the house . Is it just about this particular district . Or could there be Ripple Effects across the country . Its bigger than the district. Obviously the district has now shifted from solidly red to competitive and every seat matters. But this allows democrats to build a campaign against political corruption. They will connect the dots between this candidate, this incumbent, between stories from the trump administration, and do what the democrats did in 2006 when they beat republicans then, which is to create a story about the ethical problems of the incumbent party. So thats how this hurts at a national level. And of course President Trump won collins district by about 24 points back in 2016. He was of course the first member of congress to endorse President Trump. Is it realistic for democrats to think they can take this seat . Is it possible at this point . Its difficult. So the flip side of the story is democrats shouldnt be overly Enthue Enthuft Yaftic theyre about to pick up a seat. Republicans are going to, you know, continue to paint the democratic candidate as left of center, and that could be effective. But that said, it is competitive now. Its up for grabs. And we saw in ohio that these districts are no longer solid in the age of trump. So i dont think republicans can take it for granted that this will just remain republican if they can replace collins quickly. And at the very least, it creates another competitive district that draws away resources from other districts across the country where you need to raise money, right . It just makes that job of maintaining the majority in the house that much more difficult. Thats exactly right. Parties dont have unlimited resources. Either financial or human power. And so every time you open up a new hole in the wall, you have to stop it. You have to plug it. And thats what the republicans are going to have to do with this district, which means you have to take resources away from another competitive race. And thats the kind of Playing Field the democrats are hoping allows a blue wave to actually take place. So republicans are actively trying to get Chris Collins off the ballot, not an easy job in new york, but something they should be able to pull off. But we should keep in mind that, you know, republicans often run or not just republicans, but candidates run on more than one line in new york state. Thats something youre allowed to do under election law there. Were only three months away. What happens if they cant get him off the ballot . If hes still on there in some form or fashion and possibly wins . Do republicans then have another problem to deal with after the fact . Sure. He becomes a poster boy of the democrats of what the republicans are all about, you know. Potentially have a convicted person in office. And so, again, thats a theme that democrats are hitting away at. I think republicans, as has become clear this weekend, really would like him gone. And theyd like the risk of a competitive seat, rather than having the baggage of collins. And i think right now the party after last weeks special elections does not feel that they could afford yet another story like this. But that said, he might still be on the ticket. And he might be the republicans to keep for the short term. Julian, its not as though republicans have the exclusive right to scandal, right . Right. There are certainly democrats dealing with this. Best example being robert menendez, the senator from new jersey who ended up beating that charge, and is also running for reelection. I mean, is it difficult or could it be risky for democrats to use corruption as a Campaign Tool . Because perhaps that could blow back on them to a certain degree . And with some of their candidates . Sure. Thats always a risk. And especially when theres a lot of anger about washington in general. That could, you know that anger can turn around against democratic incumbents as well. But lets remember, republicans are the party in power. So often voters will put more of the blame on the party in power with these kinds of stories. And of course theres President Trump, who consumes a lot of the air waves, and these kinds of stories have also surrounded his administration. So i think theres a way in which democrats probably could leverage this. Even with a menendeztype story, and keep the focus on the gop. What about President Trump in all this . Does he need to Say Something in all this . Its not as if collins was some rank and File Republican member. This whas his most early and vocal supporter. In many ways, opening up the floodgates, making it open for republicans in congress to back donald trump when it seemed as though they were doing everything they could to stay away from him. What role does the president play in all of this . Well, you know, the story could be a little bit like manafort. Who did the president surround himself with. And what does that say about the kind of leader he is and the kind of Judgment Calls that he makes. So there is space for the president to say if these allegations are true, if this is all true, this is not who we want on our party team. But i dont expect to hear that from the president. Remember, i expect the president to question the legitimacy of the charges, which is his status quo. Youre right, this isnt simply a rank and File Republican in the world of President Trump. This was a very, very close ally and an important point of connection between the Congressional Republicans and the president. Someone who remained a trusted adviser because of that well into the beginning of the trump administration. All right, julian, thank you, as always, for your expertise. Charlottesville, virginia, on edge today, one year after White Nationalists clashed with count protesters in deadly riots that stunned america. Today, the president is condemning racism and calling for calm. As the same White Supremists plan to hold a rally next to the white house this weekend. We have a live report coming up. Belly fat the chili pepper sweatout. Not cool. Freezing away fat cells with coolsculpting . Now thats cool coolsculpting safely freezes and removes fat cells with little or no downtime. And no surgery. Results and Patient Experience may vary. Some common side effects include temporary numbness, discomfort,and swelling. Ask your doctor if coolsculpting is right for you and visit coolsculpting. Com today for your chance to win a free treatment. 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The State Of Emergency is in effect in virginia. Law enforcement In Charlottesville taking no chances after being criticized last year for being unprepared. In a show of force, police are already patrolling the streets on this anniversary. Cnns Kaylee Hartung is in char lotsville for us. It seems like its been quiet. Whats the latest . Reporter it has, ryan. That demonstration you saw by the Antifascist Group, the first organized demonstrations of any sort that weve seen from protesters of any ideology. That group left through this point. One of the two entry points allowing people inside the secure perimeter of downtown charlottesville. It wasnt but 20 minutes before that group entered here, had their bags checked like everyone else, to ensure no implements of riot are being brought in. Then they made a short threeblock walk. To the intersection of fourth and water streets in downtown charlottesville. Thats where Heather Heyer lost her life. One woman in this group told me that was their goal today, to come here peacefully to honor Heather Heyers memory. The Grief Process for this community continues. Nobody expected it to be a short process. Last summer, charlottesville became a battleground. This is cnn Breaking News. Clashes have erupted between White Supremists and protesters. Terror in virginia. One person is dead. Reporter One Year Later, a new team of officials are vowing not to let history repeat itself. We have to own that we did not live up to our training, our oath, but we have the opportunity to recover and get it right. Reporter after a sharply critical report placed blame on the Charlottesville Police department for its failure to contain the violence and protect the public. This is not a Law Enforcement event, this is a Public Safety endeavor. Reporter chief al thomas retired. Raci raci racial. Rachel brack ni took over the position. I walked into this position. I walked in in some ways with my eyes wide open but i didnt realize probably the extent and the breadth and width of what that responsibility would be because i had not really had the opportunity to hear how hurt this community was and still hadnt healed. Reporter the first images of Hate America Saw In Charlottesville came from here. The night before the planned and permitted alt right rally, White Nationalists marched on to the University Of Virginia campus with tiki torches. The visual was startling. But that wasnt the worst wed see. The next morning, violence in this intersection as police looked on just outside the park where general robert e. Lees statue stands. Socalled Alt Right Activists chanting racist slogans, carrying guns and confederate flags, clashed with antiracist and antifascist protesters. Then the day turned deadly. This street where he allegedly barreled his car into a group of counterprotesters, it remains a memorial to Heather Heyer. Highier was killed in the attack. 35 others injured. A driver, a nazi sympathizer, will be tried for murder and federal hate crimes. There was anger and outrage in reaction not only to the violence but the hateful rhetoric on open display here. I have a message to all the White Supremists and nazis that came into charlottesville today. Our message is plain and simple. Go home. You are not wanted in this great commonwealth. Shame on you. Reporter then very fine people, on both sides. Reporter President Trump ace refusal to condemn the attack and its immediate aftermath further inflamed the national conversation. When you think about the flashpoint that charlottesville was in this country for the dialogue around race relations, where do you think we are One Year Later . So i dont know if we, as a city or even as a nation, have had that real honest dialogue about equities, in terms of really moving the needle forward. Im not sure that weve actually instituted policies, procedures or even support that could help move the conversation beyond the conversation. Reporter and so the conversation continues this weekend. As the second Unite The Right rally organizes in the nations capital. Here In Charlottesville, the focus will be on continued healing. Chief brackney says the city has an allencompassing plan for whatever or whoever the weekend may bring. The Police Presence in downtown charlottesville, a poignant reminder of what this City Experience ad a year ago. So many people in the city making a point of coming out to the Downtown Mall today to support the businesses inside this secure perimeter and also to support each other as they all work to continue to heal. All right, Kaylee Hartung, live for us In Charlottesville. Still ahead, disturbing new information coming from the sheriff at that compound. Well have new details next. A quick programming note, make sure you catch an allnew the 2000s. We were as far as 30 points behind in the national polls. And our view was if we didnt win the first primary in iowa, there would be no chance to win the nomination. And so he spent more than 80 days there in 2007, meaning one on one and in small groups. Are any of these people over 30 . Im on my way to mason city, sioux city, and then out and around. How many people are going canvassing today . Thats a little brisk outside. It will be good for you. Walk quick. Talk fast. Its time that we moved from sound bites to sound solutions. We need to continue to press, keep the energy up. There is a huge momentum. Iowa, you can make the difference. Tomorrow night, the future of the free world is riding on your shoulders. Dont feel any pressure. An allnew 2000s airs tomorrow night at 9 00 p. M. Right here on cnn. This is not a screensaver. This is the destruction of a cancer cell by the bodys own immune system, thanks to medicine that didnt exist until now. And today can save your life. 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The sheriff now calling the members of that compound muslim extremists. Cnn correspondent Scott Mcclane spoke to the sheriff in new mexico. Scott join us live. What else are you learning . Reporter we got a lot of new information. First, this compound was heavily armed. The sheriff says theres no indication at this point any of the guns were purchased illegally. We also learned the body of a young child that has yet to be identified was found amongst inside of a tunnel, buried under human waste. He said the first time Sheriff Deputies went through that area, they actually missed it. He said, in fact, a police dog also missed it. Also, ryan, theres been a lot made in this story about the potential for religious extremists. Specifically, that some of these children were being trained for to carry out Future School shootings. Well, that information initially was put in the criminal complaint, secondhand, from a foster parent. But the sheriff now says that the fbi has it from two of the children, a 14yearold and a 15yearold. But at the time that the sheriff made that statement, calling these people extremists of the muslim faith, well, he didnt know that. He just knew that they happened to be muslim. And i pressed him on why that was relevant to put into his initial statement. Listen. Everyone knows what an extremist is. Somebody who fits the profile of what was going on up there, armed, their beliefs, so forth. Of their muslim belief, thats what they are. Thats very obvious. You can look at their mug shots, their pictures, their dress, their attire. They fit that profile. That was not meant to be a derogatory statement. But they are extremists and they are of the muslim belief. Reporter okay, just to be clear, ryan, he said that there was no implication in that initial statement that these people were violent. But he decided to include it in his statement anyways. Theres also been a lot of controversy over whether or not deputies maybe could have gone into this compound earlier. The Property Owners actually alerted police earlier this year, earlier in the spring, around april, maybe may, that theyve spotted this young missing boy, a 3yearold named abdul ghani wahhaj. And his father, a Fine Tiugitiv wanted in georgia. The sheriff says that information never made it to his desk. Also, the sheriffs deputy showed up on that property and saw the conditions for himself but the sheriff says he never saw any children so no action was taken. But the fbi had been surveilling that property and the fbi did see children and when i tried to get some clarification on what seemed like a contradiction, the sheriff walked out of the interview, ryan. I mean, scott, it seems like many people are wondering how this could have gone unnoticed for so long. Is it because its such a wide swath of area . Or, to your point, is it just negligence on the point of Law Enforcement in this area . Well, thats certainly up for debate. I can tell you, ryan, this is an extremely remote area. Everyone out there lives off the grid. Most of them have to haul in water because you cant dig a well deep enough. This is really scrubland in the middle of northern new mexico, not far from the Colorado State line. Look, neighbors in that area, the Property Owners, say that they had gone to the police to report the sighting of this child and that nothing was done. And so from their perspective, they had reported this. There was no reason why Law Enforcement shouldnt have moved in. The sheriff, though, says there were legal barriers that would have prevented him from going on the property, even though those people had no legal right to it, they were only squatting on it. He says the information was never portrayed to him, that that missing child was there, and that the fbi never saw that child either, and thats why he says deputies never moved in. Still a lot to learn about this very tragic situation. Scott mcclane, live for us in new mexico, thank you for that report. Still ahead, investigators combing through wreckage in washington state, trying to figure out how a man stole an empty passenger plane, taking it on a deadly joy ride. To most people, i look like. But on the inside, i feel chronic, widespread pain. Fibromyalgia may be invisible to others, but my pain is real. Fibromyalgia is thought to be caused by overactive nerves. Lyrica is believed to calm these nerves. Im glad my doctor prescribed lyrica. For some, lyrica delivers effective relief from fibromyalgia pain. And improves function. Lyrica may cause serious allergic reactions, suicidal thoughts or actions. 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Com the department of transportation. She joins me to talk more about this. Mary, not to put too fine of a point on this tragedy but simply, how could this have happened . Reporter you know, failures in security and Access Control is probably the foremost thing that comes to mind. They have their own Security Program. The airline has to have a Security Program so unauthorized people cannot get access to the Flight Controls or deck and perform unauthorized functions. The government approves or accepts it. So they have to review their own program to see how they can improve it. From what youve seen so far, do you think this is an isolated incident or did this man expose a Security Issue across the country . Hes drawn an attention to a Security Loophole across the country. Similar things have happened before. People might remember the case, i think called the barefoot bandit. A young man who stole five planes across the country. By the way, an odd coincidence, he was prosecuted and sentenced in seattle. And he stole planes but they were private planes and then there was a situation in, i think it was botswana, where a pilot took a plane unauthorized and crashed it into the airlines other planes leaving them with just one airplane. Its happened before but not had attention drawn to it in the united states. Mary, i want to listen to a small portion of the conversation with the Control Tower and the man flying the plane. Take a listen. I feel like one of my engines is going out for something. You want to keep that plane right over the water, make keep the aircraft nice and low. A lot of us are remarkably amazed how calm the air Traffic Controller appears in this conversation. Are they trained for this exact situation . Because he seemed amazingly composed. Yes, and certainly some are better than others, but they have training. Theyve had talk down small planes where, for example, only one pilot and someone whos not a pilot then has to try to get the plane on the ground. They encourage, you know, the controllers to have this training so they can do that, to talk people down and they have to be calm in situations like this, but a lot of times, its not a situation like this. Its an Emergency Situation where the plane is in trouble and they have to talk people down and get them down and so theyre doing what theyre trained to do and this person sounded amazingly good at it. Definitely. Lets talk more about the groundworker now whos at the center of all of this and what protocols hed have to go through in order to get the credentials necessary to get the point to have access to that airplane. Does he have to go through some Mental Health screening, criminal Background Checks . And is his level of access different than the flight crew itself . Technically, his access is different but it depends on literally how you carry out your operations. Yes, federal, again, federal law requires the airline to have a program to have a criminal background check, an Employment History. No gaps in the Employment History that cant be explained. Identity and a Fingerprint Check but for nonpilots, for people working at the airport, there isnt a Mental Health check. Pilots jump that hurdle by having to have a medical. If youre a commercial pilot and cover questions of mental stability and if youre taking any kind of depression drugs or mental drugs or things that might impair your judgment. So that is how you get those checks for the pilots, but once they do that and if thats what their Program Requires for security for the airline and the federal government has accepted their Security Program, thats whats required. So no, they wouldnt have put him through psychological testing. Excellent information. Mary skchiavo, thank you. 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