Transcripts For CNNW CNN Newsroom With Fredricka Whitfield 2

Transcripts For CNNW CNN Newsroom With Fredricka Whitfield 20180804 16:00:00

The latest news from around the world with host Fredricka Whitfield.
and then actually never really does do it. like release his taxes, right. then there's other cases where it overrides all common sense, all of his advice and everybody else and does do it. the big question is, is he going to do it in this case? we don't know what donald trump we're fog to get on that particular day. although his staff does say and his attorneys do say that his tweets, in effect, and his public statements amount to his own testimony so far and you can just read his tweets and read his mind and that's something muler is doing, to see if there's any condemning statements he's made in those tweets. >> he's been warned about that for a very long time. the president continues, you know, to tweet. whether he is saying disparaging things about the process, his own intel community, all of that. how will mueller use these tweets to his advantage? even if they never get direct q & a from the president? >> yes, well, the tweets, on one
hand, the tweets are just irrelevant to mueller and his team. it's just background noise and they're not paying attention to it. in terms of affecting the work they're doing. >> but it could influence direction or could -- >> even with -- >> -- cause more probative questions? >> it could provide leads and, in fact, even amount to evidence at some point. >> even when he tweets blatantly that sessions should fire mueller. >> that's the kind of tweet that could amount to evidence -- >> whether the word is "must" or "should." it's important. >> in terms of the tweets as criticism, you know, that's what i mean when i say the mueller team is not paying attention to that. sure, they're looking for potential evidence there. and so we'll see how that goes. i don't -- if i had to predict, i wouldn't say the president will sit down with the mueller team. i'm not sure the mueller team needs the president to sit down to make whatever case or cases they're trying to make. >> meaning they already know the
answers likely? just to see whether someone's being truthful? >> i think that's right. ironically enough, most subjects or targets of investigations, when they're given an opportunity to sit down with the prosecutors, it's really in their benefit to potentially talk themselves out of an indictment. in the absence of sitting down and convincing the prosecutors an indictment is forthcoming. it's more complicated of course with the president because there's the school of thought that says the sitting president cannot be indicted. i'm not sure that there's a good answer here for the president. on one hand, defense lawyers would say don't sit down in the situation. on the other hand, of course, the mueller team will assume the worst if they don't get cooperation. >> and then, you know, steve, all of these investigations are taking rather odd twists. because now sources are telling cnn that kristin davis, also known as the manhattan madam, met mueller for a voluntary interview this week. investigators appear to be interested in her close ties with longtime trump adviser
roger stone. so, steve, how do you see all of this connecting? >> well, the manhattan madam part admittedly might be a bit out of my expertise. but i think the hard thing that mueller has to do here and of course he's uniquely qualified, as is his team, is move from all these pieces of information, many of which have significant counterintelligence implications. what are key people doing. where is money moving. what are the connections back to russia. what malfeasance is going on. in moving from simply counterintelligence stuff, which is basically common sense suspicions and following patterns to a legal case where you can actually begin convicting people and saying, okay, the laws were broken here. i think common sensically, everybody can look back and say, look, there was a lot of no good stuff going on here. but turning that into a legal case is something that's a bit tougher. >> i do think, you know, for
roger stone, he must be looking at paul manafort right now going, you know, if they're going to build a case against me, if that's why they're interviewing the manhattan madam and they're going after me and my finances, do i really want to go through this trial -- >> so like an imposing fear? >> yes, it's sort of a warning. you know, like do you want to end up like paul manafort or cooperate and end up like michael cohen. that's a choice between a lot of these guys who are part of this investigation. i think roger stone, things are really closing in on him, and that's going to be his choice too. >> potential legal strategies here. thank you so much. appreciate you all. all right, still ahead, a letter from the president. secretary of state mike pompeo hand delivers a message from president trump to a north korean official. so what does this pen pal kind of situation say about the relationship between the two leaders? and later, the trump administration separated hundreds of children from their parents at the border.
so why now? are they suggesting, the trump administration, suggesting that someone else should be in charge of bringing these kids and their parents back together? we'll have a legal expert weigh in coming up. the new school year is almost here. and a new iphone from t-mobile is the best way to keep in touch. or keep tabs on their "extra curricular" activities. he skipped orientation for the beach? he takes after me. you know it's true. oh yeah. join t-mobile and get an iphone for everyone in the family. buy an iphone 8, get an iphone 8, on us. only at t-mobile. agent beekman was one step ahead of them.dits stole the lockbox from the wells fargo stagecoach, because he hid his customers' gold in a different box. and the bandits, well, they got rocks. we protected your money then and we're dedicated to helping protect it today.
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they're just pretty much generally saying we want to continue, we are committed. but if you look past the last week, there's been ups and downs. reports that north korea is continuing to evade sanctions, continuing to develop its nuclear program and there's a lot of rhetoric going back the last couple of days. especially in terms of north korea meeting the denuclearization, which pompeo admitted today that north korea's really setting the pace of this, that they're going to be the ones who dictate when they're going to denuclearize. >> they initiated the letter, right? and presumably it doesn't just say hi, how you doing. there must be in this kind of dialogue a tick tock of this is what we're willing to do, this is what we don't want to do, this is what we like. >> no, there doesn't have to be. you would hope that there would be and there should be. but a lot of these letters are
just kind of reaffirming the commitments that each one was willing to do. secretary pompeo has not been able to nail the north koreans down either for a time line for denuclearization or for the definition of what it actually means. it means something very different to north korea than it does to the united states. and as soon as secretary pompeo left after shaking hands with the north korean foreign minister and exchanging some pleasantries, as soon as he left that meeting of asean nations in singapore, the north korean foreign minister was blasting the united states for not lifting sanctions, for saying that it needs these type of confidence building measures. so although certainly rhetoric has improved since a year ago when it was all fire and fury, there's not a lot of progress in terms of the denuclearization. >> last hour you reported the u.s. says that north korea is evading sanctions. but what does this mean? no surprise there, right? >> it's no surprise.
but the problem is when the two leaders met and there's this agreement to kind of move forward, countries thought they could relax on the sanctions. so there's an oil ban, a petroleum ban, against north korea. now there seems to be transfers of oil, ship to ship transfers. and russia is responsible. china's responsible. they have pictures. also north korea's defying an arms embargo, trying to ship light arms place, proliferating weapons. so as the u.s. and north korea start to move closer together, countries feel that they can relax some of those sanctions and now north korea could get some of the retch knew that sanctions have been designed to put pressure to get them to give up the nuclear program. >> we'll see what's next. elise labbott, thanks so much. now to iran where the country's navy is holding military exercises in the strait of hormuz in the persian gulf and the war games come as the
trump administration is preparing to reinstate sanctions against iran and president trump and iranian leaders have spent the past few weeks exchanging threats on social media. cnn's international diplomatic editor nic robertson joining me right now. nic, no accident that iran has chosen the strait of hormuz to flex its military muscle. this is a major shipping area. what is the message being sent? >> really seems to be the message being sent that if iran so chooses, it can disrupt the world's oil fields. 20% of the world's oil passes through there. it's a major choke point effectively. and impacting one oil tanker, never mind shutting down the whole straits, would put a spike, a nasty spike into oil markets. perhaps trigger higher fuel costs for us. the reality is we don't know why iran has put these military
exercises into play right now. the timing of course right before -- in position of sanctions on them, because they've -- because president trump unilaterally pulled out of that international joint program with iran and iran's commitment to denuclearize. that really puts economic pressure on iran. so i think the indicators here are absolutely as you say they're flexing their muscles at a strategic choke point that could have huge impacts, huge economic impact, were they to push ahead with some nefarious activity. no indication that's going to happen. the iranians didn't talk about this military exercise publicly. often they do. so the moment, it's just a lot of questions around it, fredricka. >> all right, that's at the straight s of hormuz. u.s. and turkey, both of these countries have frozen the assets
of key officials. is this all over the pastor being held in turkey? >> it seems to be, though there are other issues in the background, you know, the decision to suspend the sales of f-35 fighter aircraft to turkey. that was a decision taken by the senate recently that put that decision off now to wait for a report from the pentagon in 90 days. so the turkish are not happy about that. there's turkish banking officials that are currently going through the courts because the united states accuses them of trying to get around sanctions on iran, sanctions busting there. there's differences of opinion over syria. but it does seem to be the issue. he has really brought things to a fore. earlier in the week, the united states deciding to sanction the justice minister and interior minister. we heard from turkey's foreign minister in the middle of the week, saying they would reciprocate.
despite the fact that the turkish foreign minister met with secretary of state pompeo in the past few hours and the readout from that meeting was positive, constructive that they thought they were making ground on this issue that it could be resolved in a number of days or weeks. now we hear from turkey's president today, reciprocating, as the foreign ministry warned they would, by sanctions on the turkish assets of the united states justice and interior ministers. now, obviously, the united states doesn't have justice and interior ministers and turkey hasn't yet said who these people are, but it looks like it could be attorney general jeff sessions. it looks like it could be secretary of homeland security krist kristirstjen nielsen. so the impact this would have would be minimal. but the signaling, it's not a positive development for getting him back to the united states or even out of house detention where he is now. >> nic robertson, thank you. coming up, hundreds of children and parents still apart after being separated at the
border. but whose job should it be to bring them back together? the justice department is pointing the finger at the aclu. is that option viable? or even legal? we'll find out next. ♪ ♪ ♪ i put a spell on you ♪ yeah, because you're mine ♪ with chase atms serena can now grab cash on the go, all with the tap of her phone. ♪ stop the things you do no card? no problem. life, lived serena's way. chase, make more of what's yours. i saw my leg did not look right. i landed.
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the ones to track down parents and determine reunification eligibility, bringing kids and parents back together. a california judge rejected that request, saying the administration should be held 100% responsible. joining me right now is immigration analyst raul reyes. good to see you. while the court may have issued that ruling, is it the feeling the administration will respect that and then take the lead in trying to reunify children and parents? >> well, right now, they really do not have any options, so it does look like that the government will continue to, in the search for these children. remember, most of the children that were separated from the parents, at the point where we are right now, most of those children have been reunited with their families. the children who are at issue now are about 400, 500 children. many of their parents have been deported to central america. the problem is now the government is saying it wants to essentially abdicate responsibility for finding them and reuniting them with their
parents. now, both legally and practically, this is -- this is really just an astonishing position. because first of all, when the government took these children into its custody, it assumes a duty of care for them. unresolved issues including potential asylum cases. so the government cannot just hand them off to a third party. the fact is, the aclu has done tremendous work on behalf of these children and families. the aclu is not an arm of the federal government. so for example even if they wanted to, a group like the aclu cannot go to central america and command and work with local officials to help them find these families. they don't have that authority. they cannot go to a consulate, for example. and meet with government officials and work with them and demand that they help them find these parents. >> the judge's ruling is reminding that it's not the aclu or any other ngo group that took
intake of these kids. >> exactly. >> made any kind of, you know, record or cataloging of parents and children. but presumably based on the judge's ruling, the government would have done that. so is equipped or should be equipped to try to locate parents who have been deported or simply parents and children who have been separated. but the administration has already spoken essentially. saying it didn't do a good job of cataloging. so now why should anyone think that as a result of the government's actions, these reunifications will take place? >> well, the reunifications are going to take place for most because they have to. the judge has issued -- >> but if they didn't, if people did not do a good job of once they deported, they didn't find out how to, you know, reach that parent whose child is still in detention. why is anyone convinced, you know, that the government will then do the leg work to find a
parent who has been deported and reunify them with a child who may be in iowa, maryland, new york and in a facility in texas. >> there are about 100 children in the united states where the government doesn't know exactly where they are. the reason is because what came out of this latest hearing with the judge and the parties involved is that the government, number one, has had no plan. they're basically winging it in terms of the reunification. and there's no specific point person. what the judge said to them, the judge gave them very specific orders. number one, that the next status meeting on august 10th, the judge wants to see a specific plan. it wants a process in place. >> do you have confidence in that august 10th deadline being met? >> i think the government at this point is doing good faith efforts. but the second thing that the government asks for -- not asks for, ordered the government to do is to put a point person in place. one person to be in charge of leading this effort. because one of the big problems we're seeing leading up to this is that the agencies involved in
reuniting the children thus far, including i.c.e., the office of refugee and resettlement, dhs, their computers don't even talk to each other. they're work on databases that don't even connect. so that has hamperred the whole process immensely. the aclu has volunteers of their own volition to say they'll help the government to reach out to these families to try to make connections in central america. i want to remind people of something that's a very important practical consideration. when we talk about the reunification of parents who have already been deported. these are people who left those countries under very desperate circumstances. they left because they were afraid of gang violence or because they were maybe facing death threats. so when they go back, they're most likely in hiding or in a new location or in very remote areas. so that makes the process of finding them even more difficult. so now it seems that the judge is losing patience.
he expressed anger. he was annoyed the government has not been more on track with reunifications. hopefully going ahead the government will make a stronger effort to find these families. >> i read there have been so many cases of parents who have been deported who were told one thing only to find out that once they were deported they were not leaving with their child or they were leaving without the information in which to retrieve their child later. so there's such a variety of circumstances that it's made -- >> that's one of the other big issues that the aclu is following up on. whether the parents who have been removed from the country knowingly waived their rights or did it with full understanding of, you know, the documents that they were signing, the consequences. >> we'll leave it there for now. thank you so much. undocumented immigrants already living in the united states are facing a growing health crisis. regardless of disease, condition or disability, undocumented men, women and children essentially
cannot be treated until they are on the brink of death. our chief medical correspondent dr. sanjay gupta has one mother's story. >> reporter: in order to really understand what's going on here, you're going to need to suspend disbelief. lucia is dying. her lungs drowning in fluid. her electrolytes are fluctuating wildly. and her heart is precariously close to shutting down. this 51-year-old mother and undocumented immigrant has end stage renal disease. full-on kidney failure. >> the function of the kidneys is to filter blood of excess toxins and excess fluid. when both kidneys stop working, people on average will live anywhere from 10 to 14 days. and so to continue living, you need some process to filter blood, which is a dialysis machine. >> reporter: for most people that treated the problem.
but here's the thing. lucia is allowed treatment only when she essentially arrives at death's door. the emergency medical treatment act of 1986 says hospitals in the united states must care for anyone with a medical emergency, regardless of their citizenship or ability to pay. but they're not obligated to prevent that emergency from happening in the first place. what is happening inside the body? >> for these patients, because they only come in once a week, instead of the three times per week, excess fluid, it stays in their body and it goes into their lungs, goes into their legs. separate from that, the toxins build up. one of the most important toxins being potassium. which at high levels can make the heart stop. >> reporter: this is no way to live. about as close to death as you can get. what's more, research shows that treating patients with emergency dialysis versus standard dialysis is nearly four times more expensive because these
patients like lucia are so much sicker when they come in for treatment. they're literally pushing themselves to the brink of death to get this treatment. am i overstating that? >> no, not at all. >> reporter: there is no question it works. lucia. just look at lucia now. after dialysis removed ten liters of fluid from her body. how are you feeling? >> translator: right now, i feel good. >> reporter: still, lucia is always worried. mostly about her family. especially her son alex. he watches his mother steadily decline every single week. this is their life. how hard has this been on your family? >> translator: it's been really hard. it's been really hard for my family. the worst is for my son. he worries about me. >> reporter: because just a few days from now, like clock work,
lucia will once again go to the precipice of death just so she can live. i'll tell you, it's unclear how long lucia can carry on like this, week after week, going to this plus businerecipice of dea. a kidney transplant would improve her life, cut down on her care costs. she is not eligible for that. she is eligible to donate her other organs whenever she passes. that is the reality of the situation for people like lucia. >> all right, sanjay gupta, thank you. still ahead, tough questions for one of college football's top coaches. what did urban meyer know about domestic dispute allegations against one of his coaches? and when did he know it?
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we have over 500 kids a week in strategic game clubs during the school year. with games, not only do you get the cognitive and the actual skills you're learning, but you get a lot of skills, how to relate to other people, how to read body language. it's amazing to be able to explore things like that through board games. i read a whole bunch of books on how to do business in today's era. all of the books told me you had to make people want to come and hang out. i've put all of my effort into making this a place that people want to come and hang out. urban meyer, coach of college football powerhouse ohio state university, is insisting that he followed procedures in reporting domestic violence allegations against his now former assistant zach smith. smith, meanwhile, tells two media outlets that he never hit his ex-wife. zach smith has since been fired. urban meyer is on paid
administrative leave. cnn correspondent cayleigh hartung is following the story for us. >> urban meyer is trying to make it clear he believes he followed the proper reporting protocols and procedures when he was aware of the allegations courtney smith was making against her then husband, his assistant coach. urban meyer is a husband. he's a father of two daughters. he's a leader of young men. and he's recognizing how he's been portrayed since the story broke. and that's as a man who was indifferent to domestic violence. who allow ed this behasslvior t on. he issued a strongly worded statement on twitter yesterday, in which he said here's the truth. while at the university of florida and now at the ohio state university, i have always followed proper reporting
protocol procedures. my elevating the issues to the proper channels. i did so regarding the zach smith incident in 2015. i take that responsibility very seriously. any suggestion to the contrary is simply false. so now i think the question broadens to not just what did urban meyer know and when but what did the university know, what did the athletic director know and what actions did they take, fred. >> and where are we in this ohio state university investigation, in what phase? >> this investigation is focused on what urban meyer himself knew and what he did, you know, when brett mccmurphy first reported this story, there was no discussion, there was very little room for debate as to whether or not courtney smith was a victim of domestic violence. she has pictures. she had text messages to prove that she endured.
now zach smith is speaking out and sharing his version of events. take a listen. >> anything that happened to her body was all just defensive movements to remove myself from the situation, and i said that's it, i'm not going to get charged because i didn't do anything wrong. >> that denial goes against the mountain of evidence against him. but, again, raise hs the questis of who knew what when. he's saying police notified the university of the allegations against him. now the university saying they have a six-member team leading this investigation who will then operate independently and report back to the board of trustees to decide what needs to happen next. i think it's a question not just of urban meyers' fate but the standing of this university on the whole. >> all right, kaylee hartung, thank you. we'll be right back. sometimes a day at the ballpark is more than just a day at the ballpark. stadium announcer: all military members stand and be recognized.
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jacket probably looked like "a" but i'm going to imagine "b" anyway. even kimmel fell for the feathers. >> that should be what he has to wear in jail. just sitting in his cell, dressdress ed up like big bird. >> reporter: the jacket's actually leather. you know it's ostrich from the bumps that were follicles where the feathers used to be. he also bought an ostrich vest. something even mr. barns on the simpsons didn't own. ostriches get no respect. and neither does an ostrich jacket. it is something you need in order to work for trump that allows you to stick your head in the sand. but the leather is considered luxury. it ends up at $35,000 birkin bags by hermez. you know who else has the ostrich as a status symbol?
j. lo in her latest music video about money. but ostrich wasn't even manafort's most expensive exotic skin. that would be his $18,500 python jacket. then there was the plaid, so similar to one worn by trump ex-lawer michael cohen that someone tweeted did manafort loan cohen his jacket? still, it's the ostrich jacket that has everyone craning their necks. >> it explains the first witness. >> reporter: we haven't seen manafort in it. yet someone noted this looks better wearing it. in the eyes of the ostrich, manafort is already guilty. jeanne moos, cnn -- >> does that make him guilty? >> reporter: -- new york. still ahead, president trump preparing for a rally pushing hard for a republican win in the ohio special election. what will his message be as the russia investigation swirls
around washington? we're back right after this. ♪ hawaii is in the middle of the pacific ocean. we're the most isolated population on the planet. ♪ hawaii is the first state in the u.s. to have 100% renewable energy goal. we're a very small electric utility. but, if we don't make this move we're going to have changes in our environment, and have a negative impact to hawaii's economy. ♪ verizon provided us a solution using smart sensors on their network that lets us collect near real time data on our power grid. (colton) this technology is helping us integrate rooftop solar, which is a very important element of getting us to our renewable energy goals. ♪ (shelee) if we can create our own energy, we can take care of this beautiful place that i grew up in.
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Government Officials , Consulate , Demand , Record , Cataloging , Intake , Ngo , Actions , Reunifications , Result , Child , Parent , Anyone , Detention , Leg Work , Reason , Facility , New York , Iowa , Maryland , Texas , Parties , Person , Reunification , Hearing , Number One , It , Status Meeting , Orders , 10th Deadline , 10 , August 10th , Problems , Efforts , Effort , Faith , Agencies , Each Other , Office , Resettlement , Databases , Computers , Ice , Refugee , Dhs , Volition , Volunteers , Circumstances , Consideration , Back , Gang Violence , Death Threats , Areas , Finding , Location , Hiding , Patience , Anger , Track , Documents , Rights , Understanding , Variety , Women And Children , Men , Consequences , Immigrants , Signing , Disease , Health Crisis , Disability , Condition , Reporter , Order , Story , Mother , Brink , Sanjay Gupta , Correspondent , Dr , Lucia , Heart , Lungs , Electrolytes , Disbelief , Blood , Kidneys , Toxins , Fluid , Immigrant , Function , Kidney Failure , End Stage Renal Disease , 51 , Dialysis Machine , Anywhere , People On Average , 14 , Treatment , Hospitals , Door , Emergency Medical Treatment Act , 1986 , Ability , Place , Emergency , Citizenship , Times , Legs , Potassium , Dialysis , Heart Stop , Levels , Research , Four , Question , Translator , Liters , Ten , Alex , Son , Precipice , Kidney Transplant , Businerecipice , Care Costs , Organs , Dea , Allegations , Urban Meyer , Coaches , College Football , Dispute , Infections , Symptoms , Infection , Tuberculosis , Starting Tremfya , Chills , Vaccine , Fever , Muscle Aches , Cough , Sweats , Waaaahhhh , Gorilla Glue , Materials , Cost Support Options , Chair , Woah , Janssen , Bond , Ultra Soft , Jobs , Charmin , Planet Earth , Moderate , Ulcerative Colitis , The Go With Charmin , Door Bell Rings , Ohey , Humira , Medications , Haven T , Uc Under Control , Control , Nervous System Problems , Have , Reactions , Liver , Cancers , Lymphoma , Heart Failure , Tb , Hepatitis B , Sores , Gastroenterologist , Games , Learning , Skills , Cognitive , Game Clubs , Books , Business , Board Games , Body Language , Bunch , Powerhouse Ohio State University , Zach Smith , Domestic Violence , Ex Wife , Media Outlets , Cayleigh Hartung , Leave , Courtney Smith , Husband , Assistant Coach , Protocols , Daughters , Father , Man , Truth , Twitter , Ed This Behasslviort On , University Of Florida , Channels , Suggestion , Proper Reporting Protocol Procedures , Incident , 2015 , Fred , Contrary , University Know , Know , Athletic Director , Phase , Text Messages , Discussion , Victim , Room , Debate , Brett Mccmurphy First , Movements , Version , Listen , Denial , Mountain , Raise Hs The Questis , Who , University , Board Of Trustees , Six , Ballpark , Standing , Fate , Whole , Stadium Announcer , Kaylee Hartung , Military Members Stand , Matter , Military , Family Lines , Half , Explowherever , Theexplorercard Comi Couldnt Catch My Breath , Afib , Beats , The Last Song Of Night , Heart Valve Problem , Indigestion , Heartburn , Stomach , Upset Stomach , Pepto , Girl , Feathers , A , B , Jail , Kimmel , 5000 , 15000 , Jacket , Ostrich , Leather , Follicles , Cell , Bumps , Dressdress Ed , Big Bird , Ostriches , Respect , Head , Vest , Mr , Barns , Simpsons Didnt Own , Luxury , Sand , Birkin Bags , Hermez , 35000 , Skin , J Lo , Ostrich Wasn T , Music Video , Status Symbol , Python Jacket , 8500 , 18500 , Plaid , Witness , We Haven T , Necks , Eyes , Jeanne Moos , Rally , Ohio Special Election , Republican , Win , Hawaii , Washington Dc , Pacific Ocean , State , Planet , Goal , Changes , Population , Utility , Environment , Network , Verizon , Sensors , Data , Economy , Solution , Care , Energy , Goals , Technology , Element , Power Grid , Rooftop Solar , Colton , Shelee , Billions , Digestive System , Balance , Bacteria , Yourself , Support Digestive Health , Probiotic , Gummies , Prebiotics , Firm , Matters , Insights , Tools , Cutting Edge , Stakes , Morgan Stanley , Details , Phone Ringing , Ecialized Phones , Phones Offers , Big Button , Visit , Mobile Phone , Cell Phone , State Program , Volume , Accessoriesphones , Device ,

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