Transcripts For CNNW CNN Newsroom With Fredricka Whitfield 2

Transcripts For CNNW CNN Newsroom With Fredricka Whitfield 20170326

substantive blame. >> i think there was plenty of blame to go around. >> this is not the end of the debate. it's like saying tom brady lost at halftime. >> "cnn newsroom" starts now. hello, everyone. thank you for joining me on this sunday. i'm fredericka whitfield. the blame game is happening today as donald trump is blaming democrats, the conservative freedom caucus and other gop groups saying they saved planned parenthood and obamacare. athena jones is live for us. a republican source telling the president and speaker ryan spoke last night for more than an hour, and that their relationship is stronger than ever? >> reporter: hi, fred. that's right. there's no question this was a huge disappointment for the white house. and a huge setback for young administrations that want to be putting wins up on the board, not something like this epic loss. and so one of the questions going forward is, how does this failure to repeal obamacare affect the way the white house and the president himself deals with house republicans? and when you ask that question, you're really asking three questions, because we are talking about how the president deals with house leadership. folks like speaker ryan and the rest of the leadership team. how he deals with conservatives in the house instrumental in killing the repeal effort. and how he deals with moderates in the house, who he doesn't want to alienate if he wants to get things done in the future. when it comes to house leadership, and specifically speaker ryan, we have heard from the white house a lot of positive words from the president towards the house speaker. they are standing by him and do not blame him. the president was asked a couple days ago whether he's doing a good job. he said yes. and we have heard more of that this morning from the chief of staff reince priebus on "fox news sunday." watch. >> so does he want paul ryan to step down or no? >> no, he doesn't. and he's talked to paul ryan yesterday for about an hour. he believes what he said in the oval office on friday. he doesn't blame paul ryan. in fact, he thought paul ryan worked really hard. he enjoys his relationship with paul ryan. he thinks that paul ryan is a great speaker of the house. >> and reince priebus also went on to say in the interview it is time for our folks, republicans, to come together. and i also think it's time to potentially get a few democrats on board as well. two points to make like that, we see a tweet from the president this morning blame iing and say there are concerns with the republican party. they said they underestimated the animosity inside the caucus. and then when it comes to democrats, the same question. can the president blast democrats on twitter as he has the past couple of days and say, let's all get together and work together? those are the question about the president's sales effort and where that was lacking. >> thank you so much, athena jones at the white house. let me post the questions to our panel joining me right now is cnn senior political analyst david gergon and i have dillon buyer with me from cnn politics. good to see all of you. david, first, the conservative freedom caucus is getting blamed by trump for not getting the health care bill through. listen to caucus chairman mark meadows and what he had to say about that this morning. at this particular point, no one has been as self-critiquing as me. i have looked at this and said, could i have spent more time? should i have spent more time with the tuesday group, more time with democrats to find some consensus? so as we look at this today, this is not the end of the debate. i had one of my friends call me the other day and says, it's like saying that tom brady lost at laugh time. we're not -- we may be in overtime, but i can tell you, at the very end of the day, the most valuable player will be president trump on this because he will deliver. he's committed to the american people. and we're committed to helping him get there. >> i have to say -- >> so meadows went on to say that he believes that president trump is going to take another stab at it and the support is there. so david, you already said this is probably one of the first 100 days we have seen in a presidency. what is your reaction to how meadows is sizing it up there and moving forward with the trump administration? >> well, i must tell you, fredericka, 4 hours in, there's deepening disarray within the trump camp about what happened, who is to blame and where do they go from here? you know, you will remember just after the vote he blamed the democr democrats. and now the white house is talking about how to work with the democrats. he said, and reince priebus e a advised yesterday to say watch judge shapiro on fox, and what does she do when he comes on? she's never tweeted about tweeted him before saying he has to step down. first, very importantly, they said they were boing to move on to big things like tax reform and move on and that the media. we are hearing that if they have bigger problems to worry about than tax reform -- it is very hard to follow the story because we don't know where the white house is coming down. i think in order to reassemble a coalition as a winning coalition, they themselves have to figure out where they are going. >> adding to the conclusion. a aiding and abet iting -- addingo what they saw, this is what they saw. >> paul ryan needs to step down as speaker of the house. the reason? he failed to deliver the votes on his health care bill. >> so dylan, is it your feeling that the president knew what he was going to say, or is it that he anticipated something else? >> let me start by saying, i have no idea what the president was actually thinking. but it is my assumption based on the folks i have talked to in the white house and where the president is and the strategy going forward in that legislation, that may have very well been an accident. the countdown clock that fox news had going all day was a reference to new details about surveillance on trump. which is, a narrative that he really loves to have out there, we'll have all the other stuff going quite poorly for him. so his anticipation was that fox news may come on at 9:00 p.m. and offer him more news to vi vindicate him. there's a lot of people in the white house who would love to put this blame on speaker ryan. steve bannon, he has always sort of seen ryan as the embodiment of the sort of establishment that bannon would very much like to sort of do away with in washington. but i think there are enough people, including reince priebus and the president himself, who understand that going forward, they actually need speaker ryan. because whether they are going to attack further to the right to bring in the freedom caucus or attack further to the left to try to bring in democrats, they are going to need that middle. they need ryan in the middle holding the ground for them. again, just my assumption. as they were saying, it is interesting he is an tag nig nighting them going into the weekend. >> it is hard to know what the president's intention is. at the same time, he is quick to tweet and he is quick to express himself. and if the wrong message may have been sent last night one would think he might come out and reemphasize he's in the corner of paul ryan, just as he did on friday behind the doors. >> i should add to that quickly, he is starting to tell reporters that his tweet was not meant as a knock against ryan. again, you can't believe everything that comes out of the president's mouth but that may be sincere. >> yeah. today is really underscoring the great fishers, the -- >> the divisions are within house republicans right now. and we are seeing more fingers pointed with house republicans at other house republicans. so a tweet i saw interesting to me was austin scott, a republican member from georgia, a conservative public who went after the georgia caucus. they are talking about this going down within the white house pulse. what we see is what david and dylan were talking about, disappears. that's part of why it didn't get through. having live in the obamacare wars for five or six years in trying to replace this, there is one dynamic we didn't have last year or the year before. that's a present working to -- >> it's one thing to be on the campaign trail and another to be president as nick mulvaney responded to those questions. >> we are asking the same questions, we really are? i know the man in the white house is capable of being the president. if anybody had any doubts of mr. trump coming to be president -- >> he's a big negotiator? >> people said he couldn't work with different groups within the party. no, what you saw this week were that things are more rotten in washington than we thought. >> all right. so david, i echo chuck todd's question. really? >> well, i -- he's now in charge. they have had seven years to prepare for this. and the obama team, they carefully prepared the ground ahead of them. >> a year. and it was a full-court press over a long period of time. and this was just a short, brief, two or three weeks, we're in, we're out. and let me ask doug this question, can the president afford to go to democrats and start trying to bring them into a coalition? does he alienate, totally alienate the freedom caucus and then find it is ungovernable? because democrats are not going to play ball easily. they are going to demand a high prize before they start cooperating with him. >> you know, one of the side issues of republican gains in the house of representatives over the past six years is we lost a lot of conservative blue dog ghblgdemocrats. the democrats that we would have gone to. most of them don't exist anymore. it is hard to see other than a nice bipartisan talking point of how politically you're able to do that and then hold conservatives. we had a hard time keeping leonard lance and franklin beondo from new jersey. how we get democrats and hold the freedom caucus is a real problem and a real challenge for republicans moving forward, not just on health care, but on tax reform, on infrastructure and on significantly, keeping the government open at the end of march. >> that does seem to be a huge herculean task. >> just to doug's point, we spent so much time on friday talking about who was to blame for the failure of the health care bill. was it trump? was it ryan? there was also a victory here, not just for democrats, but for the freedom caucus in terms of showing that group of 30-some people can really sort of stand up and stare down the president of the united states. i mean, i don't think we should -- i don't think you can understate how significant it is, this sort of growing movement of the far right is one that looks poised to grow, even when it stands up against the very president you should be working. >> that caucus was celebrating what they thought would be a victory. and many in the caucus are saying this is a victory. the emboldened power. thank you very much. dyl dylan, thank you so much. 200 iraqis were allegedly killed by air strikes. that is next. sorr it's unlimited without compromising reliability, on the largest, most advanced 4g lte network in america. 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>> hi, fredericka. the investigation is announced as the credibility assessment. of course, the coalition has been looking at the strikes it undertook in mosul and the reports coming from the ground. and one strike they see that kind of overlaps with the area that these reports are coming from was a strike that occurred on march 17th. and that strike was targeted against isis fighters and isis equipment. now, the coalition is looking to see what happened with that strike, specifically now, unlike in previous years where the u.s. had a lot of presence on the ground, there is not so many u.s. troops in the immediate area. so this is a lot harder to assess. they are having to use surveillance from drones. they are using local reports, social media reports, iraqi officials, and they are getting a lot of conflicting information. so some of it is having to go through that and come up with their findings after this initial assessment is complete. >> all right. thank you so much. ryan brown, appreciate that. let's talk more about this with cnn military analyst retired lieutenant rick francona who was also a u.s. military officer in iraq. there are conflicting reports on how the civilians have died, so is this showing us how murky this fight is getting in mosul? >> well, as the fight progresses into this densely populated area, we'll probably see more civilian casualties for a variety of reasons. isis is using them as human shields and when you're dropping weapons into a howly populated area, this is one of the consequences of forcing them into a battle in the city. urban war fair is usually the deadliest type of warfare there is. that said, the number of casualties seem a little high. the investigation is probably going to figure out exactly what happened. we're not even sure that both of these incidents that are under investigation were the result of an air strike. there is some talk that maybe there were a couple ieds that went off. in any case, isis' ultimately responsible for the casualties. it is impossible to eliminate them. >> in the case like this, are the civilians to blame isis or the coalition? >> that's a good question. ultimately, i believe isis is responsible, but that doesn't do any good for the people that are there. and what happens when you these instances, we have seen this in afghanistan and earlier in iraq. even as far back as desert storm, when you do this kind of thing, you rob yourself of any popular support, any good will. the people there are waiting to be liberated. but if you start to kill too many of them, then they believe that these guys are no better than what we have. so you have to be very careful how you do these things. >> okay. you can see the air strikes continuing and an effective tool, particularly as it comes down to battle isis? >> yeah, here's the problem. as i said, when you get into the packed areas, and we are reacting now to iraqi requests for air strikes. and when you have iraqi troops in contact and call for air support, they are going to get it. so we are relying on the iraqis to determine how much damage might be caused in one of these strikes. so it's a very delicate situation. if we controlled the air power on the ground, this wouldn't be much of a problem. but we're relying on our allies. and when you do that, you put yourself in this really, really iffy position. >> and then ultimately if mosul is liberated, what are your worries on the other side? >> well, i think this is just the beginning of yet another challenge for the iraqis because although isil will be defeated in mosul, it's not the end of the organization. they still exist in other parts of the country. but they are also changing their operations, they're recruiting people to set up an insurgency, so we can defeat this organization and yet have to fight a follow-along organization. the biggest worry is that the iraqis after their election this fall will once again ask for the removal of u.s. troops and then we start this cycle all over again. >> colonel rick francona, good to see you. thank you so much. a scandal in search of evidence? that's what one of president trump's former campaign advisers is labeling the ongoing investigation into possible collusion between the campaign and russia during the 2016 election. that is next. my family came from. i did my ancestrydna. the most shocking result was that i'm 26% native american. i had no idea. it's opened up a whole new world for me. ♪ announcer: get on your feet for the nastiest bull in the state of texas. ♪ ♪ the biggest week wow, watchathon has netflix? hey, drop a beat... 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>> well, let's finish with grucifer. my communication with her is entirely public. >> let's bring back my political panel to talk about this, david gergen and doug hine. and we have the former ambassador to the czech republic and a former czar. ambassador, let me start with you. roger stone says he's been completely transparent. what kind of question would you want asked of him? >> well, fredericka, thanks for having me back. not just mr. stone, mr. manaforte, mr. page and mr. flynn all need to answer questions about their contacts with the russians or the russian agents. what they knew, when they knew it, and we need to understand a fuller picture, including the president's own ties, his sons have said russian dollars are very important to their business. so while we need to get mr. stone in, we need to get him under oath and we need to understand what were his communications, not just with gucifer 2.0, but also with wikileaks. he said over and over again that he communicated with wikileaks. it seems clear that both wikileaks and gucifer 2.0 have committed cyber crimes against the united states, against persons in the united states. so we need to understand what mr. stone's involvement, if any, was. >> so three out of the four that you just mentioned volunteered to testify. we are still waiting to hear whether mike flynn will be called upon or whether he will volunteer next. doug, despite the intel officials testimony that gucifer was a russian asset, stone says they are wrong. is roger stone accusing intel officials of committing perjury? >> well, i don't know if it is prnl, but i think it is consistent with the theme we have seen degrading our intelligence services and the intelligence offices who do some of the most vital work done on behalf of us, that our government does on behalf of us. and it is really troubling to me, and i think a lot of conservatives to see so many republican brethren to take, my enemy is my enemy to the extreme. just because we didn't like obamacare or hillary clinton or what have you doesn't mean that aligning ourselves with russia is smart in the short-term and could be devastating in the long-term. >> devin nunes has been in a lot of hot water, particularly for going to the white house first, you know, to share information. this is how democrat adam schiff is responding to all of that behavior. >> when the white house is the subject of the investigation, i think the chairman has to make a decision whether to act as a surrogate of the white house as he did during the campaign and the transition, or to lead an independent and credible investigation. i hope he chooses the latter. the country really needs to have an independent credible investigation in the house. >> so, david, nunes, is he capable of being impartial and can he be trusted at this juncture? >> well, he clearly made a mistake by taking this to the white house instead of going to other committee members, especially the democrat members and up wasn't straight with him. to his credit, he apologized for that and said he would like to go forward. but, of course, the democrats have to be on guard. whether it is going to be impartial, it would be far better for the country to have a more independent investigation. but let me come back to the three men who have now agreed to come forward and come back to the ambassador's point. i think essential to their testimony before the committee is that they do so under oath. they -- there's been speculation about whether that would happen or not. but what is the point of bringing them up to tell their stories unless they are under oath? and a second question is, the committee has to be very careful in calling up public witnesses now. not to interfere with the investigations that the fbi is conducting, this is often an issue when there are investigations by the justice department. and if you have ongoing public investigations by members of congress, the two things can stick and trample each other and can impede the investigation, the private investigation. so i think both of those are pretty essential to moving forward. it would be really helpful if they were a more independent committee looking into this. >> ambassador, more sound now from roger stone about any current contact he may have had with the campaign or the white house. >> when was the last time you spoke with him? >> i have made my policy not too disclose or discuss my conversations with the president. they happen from time to time. it has been a while now, but i remain a steadfast supporter of donald trump. >> he was being asked, when is the last time you talked to donald trump and that was his reply, they talk from time to time but wouldn't say exactly when. so is that troublesome to you that there is some sort of contact? >> well, i'm sure it has been a while. because roger stone and these other three men are radioactive now, fredericka. i think it's telling, and there's been rumors and speculation that this weekend mr. flynn is cooperating with the government. the way these investigations work, number one, you can't have roger stone go before -- i agree with my friend david, he can't go before the committee and say, well, i'm going to answer some of your questions but not all the questions. and the volunteering has been cabined, including by mr. m manaforte. they need to be ready to answer all questions before the committee. if mr. flynn is cooperating, we have to remember the big picture. he was very close, not just to the campaign, but to then candidate trump and then president trump. what did the president know? when did he know it? and so that is going to be an important question. it is telling so far that of the four, mr. flynn is the one who has not volunteered, as far as we know. >> david, you underscored concerns about the conflicting investigations. but, at the same time, can it be beneficial because on record we'll be hearing various testimony and accounts of things. and it really is a matter of learning of what is consistent or what is inconsistent. >> yeah, but one of the issues that rises out of something like this, fredericka, people are asking public questions, who have seen a lot of the confidential information. the question itself that can be a road map for a third party who is under investigation about who is saying what to whom inside the investigatory bodies, that's why this gets complicated with a public hearing and private investigation underway. these things can often conflict with each other. and it's really important to or for the committee to be careful here, not to jeopardize the investigation, the fbi investigation, because they are looking for some publicity. we can wait a little longer to find out what happened. we need a thorough investigation on the fbi side. >> and then -- go ahead. >> it's particularly true, given the escapades of chairman nunes, when these critical witnesses come in, that he's there to conduct an inquiry, fredericka, and not a -- to continue a cover-up. his conduct so far has been so profound, i think it raises serious questions under the house code of conduct. number one, bringing this refute upon the white house and number two, revealing classified information. given nunes' role, there's serious questions on how the house inquiry can be proper. >> and doug, with all the ongoing investigations and, namely, president trump actually called for and tried to encourage congressional investigations. how does this not interfere with his pursuit of the next thing on the agenda? >> well, i think we're seeing this with health care. everything gets many the way of the next step of the trump agen agenda. most especially president trump's conduct. whether he works capitol hill as hard as he could have on obamacare. and politically, one of the problems for the trump white house this week was this was supposed to be a very good week for the white house. all we were supposed to talk about is neil gorsuch, how he would be a great supreme court justice and sail through confirmation. while he had a very easy set of hearings this week, no one's really talking about what should be news that reinforces positive feelings for trump among all republicans and even a lot of moderate voters. >> all right. doulg hine, david gergen, ambassador norman, thank you. >> thank you. >> thank you. one person is dead and 15 your injured after a shooting in cincinnati nightclub. details on the manhunt currently underway. . t-mobile one save you hundreds a year. right now get two lines of data for $100 dollars. with taxes and fees included. that's right 2 unlimited lines for just $100 bucks. all in. and right now, pair up those two lines with two free samsung galaxy s7 when you switch. yup! free. so switch and save hundreds when you go all unlimited with t-mobile. ♪ a lot of people have vertical blinds. well, if a lot of people jumped off a bridge, would you? 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>> reporter: well, just in the last hour, fredericka, authorities have announced they have now recaptured another one of the 29 inmates. so the tally stands at 15 that remain on the run. 14 have now been captured. and those who have been captured have been in the same city. so we know that investigators are certainly focusing their efforts there, but when it comes to other questions of the investigations, really authorities have not said much and are citing security reasons. when i called the prison this morning, they refused to answer any questions on the phone and said there was an ongoing investigation. >> so are those inmates considered dangerous? >> reporter: at this point we are trying to figure out what crimes they were impressened for, but this will paint the picture. once the inmates escaped, again, 29 of them, authorities have told us that one man was carjacking another man and shot that man. so yes, already we have seen the very known dangers of having these escaped inmates out there. but again, authorities really focusing on reestablishing order and regaining control within the jail because just friday as they went in to search the cells, there was a riot. and the inmates -- there was fire because of some of the debris that they sparked. and so really, it's about regaining control, not only outside of the prison, but also within. >> all right. leyla santiago, thank you so much. so much more straight ahead in "the newsroom." modern way to pay. you excited? 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>> my daughter disconnected from me. she disconnected from me when he left. doesn't call me, won't talk to me. >> have you tried to reach out to her? >> sure, it just, it's a wasted effort. >> you say you got declared, boy, that's it. >> all right. don't miss an all new episode of "believer" tonight at 10:00 p.m. after cnn's "finding jesus." we have so much more straight ahead in "the newsroom." and it all starts right now. happening now, the failure in health care and the blame game. >> the people who are to blame are the people who didn't vote yes. >> this bill didn't pass because it didn't deal with the most fundamental flaw in obamacare. >> trump tweeting today it's the fault of conservative republican groups. >> i can tell you, no one has been more self-critiquing than my, than me. >> this conversation should be more about the people whose lives are going to be impacted by our decisions on their health care. we did not have enough of a substantive discussion. >> never once have i seen him blame paul ryan. >> but ultimately, i don't think you can blame this bill on any single person in the house of representatives. >> this is not the end of the debate. it's like saying tom brady lost at halftime. >> "cnn newsroom" starts now.

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Transcripts For CNNW CNN Newsroom With Fredricka Whitfield 20170326

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substantive blame. >> i think there was plenty of blame to go around. >> this is not the end of the debate. it's like saying tom brady lost at halftime. >> "cnn newsroom" starts now. hello, everyone. thank you for joining me on this sunday. i'm fredericka whitfield. the blame game is happening today as donald trump is blaming democrats, the conservative freedom caucus and other gop groups saying they saved planned parenthood and obamacare. athena jones is live for us. a republican source telling the president and speaker ryan spoke last night for more than an hour, and that their relationship is stronger than ever? >> reporter: hi, fred. that's right. there's no question this was a huge disappointment for the white house. and a huge setback for young administrations that want to be putting wins up on the board, not something like this epic loss. and so one of the questions going forward is, how does this failure to repeal obamacare affect the way the white house and the president himself deals with house republicans? and when you ask that question, you're really asking three questions, because we are talking about how the president deals with house leadership. folks like speaker ryan and the rest of the leadership team. how he deals with conservatives in the house instrumental in killing the repeal effort. and how he deals with moderates in the house, who he doesn't want to alienate if he wants to get things done in the future. when it comes to house leadership, and specifically speaker ryan, we have heard from the white house a lot of positive words from the president towards the house speaker. they are standing by him and do not blame him. the president was asked a couple days ago whether he's doing a good job. he said yes. and we have heard more of that this morning from the chief of staff reince priebus on "fox news sunday." watch. >> so does he want paul ryan to step down or no? >> no, he doesn't. and he's talked to paul ryan yesterday for about an hour. he believes what he said in the oval office on friday. he doesn't blame paul ryan. in fact, he thought paul ryan worked really hard. he enjoys his relationship with paul ryan. he thinks that paul ryan is a great speaker of the house. >> and reince priebus also went on to say in the interview it is time for our folks, republicans, to come together. and i also think it's time to potentially get a few democrats on board as well. two points to make like that, we see a tweet from the president this morning blame iing and say there are concerns with the republican party. they said they underestimated the animosity inside the caucus. and then when it comes to democrats, the same question. can the president blast democrats on twitter as he has the past couple of days and say, let's all get together and work together? those are the question about the president's sales effort and where that was lacking. >> thank you so much, athena jones at the white house. let me post the questions to our panel joining me right now is cnn senior political analyst david gergon and i have dillon buyer with me from cnn politics. good to see all of you. david, first, the conservative freedom caucus is getting blamed by trump for not getting the health care bill through. listen to caucus chairman mark meadows and what he had to say about that this morning. at this particular point, no one has been as self-critiquing as me. i have looked at this and said, could i have spent more time? should i have spent more time with the tuesday group, more time with democrats to find some consensus? so as we look at this today, this is not the end of the debate. i had one of my friends call me the other day and says, it's like saying that tom brady lost at laugh time. we're not -- we may be in overtime, but i can tell you, at the very end of the day, the most valuable player will be president trump on this because he will deliver. he's committed to the american people. and we're committed to helping him get there. >> i have to say -- >> so meadows went on to say that he believes that president trump is going to take another stab at it and the support is there. so david, you already said this is probably one of the first 100 days we have seen in a presidency. what is your reaction to how meadows is sizing it up there and moving forward with the trump administration? >> well, i must tell you, fredericka, 4 hours in, there's deepening disarray within the trump camp about what happened, who is to blame and where do they go from here? you know, you will remember just after the vote he blamed the democr democrats. and now the white house is talking about how to work with the democrats. he said, and reince priebus e a advised yesterday to say watch judge shapiro on fox, and what does she do when he comes on? she's never tweeted about tweeted him before saying he has to step down. first, very importantly, they said they were boing to move on to big things like tax reform and move on and that the media. we are hearing that if they have bigger problems to worry about than tax reform -- it is very hard to follow the story because we don't know where the white house is coming down. i think in order to reassemble a coalition as a winning coalition, they themselves have to figure out where they are going. >> adding to the conclusion. a aiding and abet iting -- addingo what they saw, this is what they saw. >> paul ryan needs to step down as speaker of the house. the reason? he failed to deliver the votes on his health care bill. >> so dylan, is it your feeling that the president knew what he was going to say, or is it that he anticipated something else? >> let me start by saying, i have no idea what the president was actually thinking. but it is my assumption based on the folks i have talked to in the white house and where the president is and the strategy going forward in that legislation, that may have very well been an accident. the countdown clock that fox news had going all day was a reference to new details about surveillance on trump. which is, a narrative that he really loves to have out there, we'll have all the other stuff going quite poorly for him. so his anticipation was that fox news may come on at 9:00 p.m. and offer him more news to vi vindicate him. there's a lot of people in the white house who would love to put this blame on speaker ryan. steve bannon, he has always sort of seen ryan as the embodiment of the sort of establishment that bannon would very much like to sort of do away with in washington. but i think there are enough people, including reince priebus and the president himself, who understand that going forward, they actually need speaker ryan. because whether they are going to attack further to the right to bring in the freedom caucus or attack further to the left to try to bring in democrats, they are going to need that middle. they need ryan in the middle holding the ground for them. again, just my assumption. as they were saying, it is interesting he is an tag nig nighting them going into the weekend. >> it is hard to know what the president's intention is. at the same time, he is quick to tweet and he is quick to express himself. and if the wrong message may have been sent last night one would think he might come out and reemphasize he's in the corner of paul ryan, just as he did on friday behind the doors. >> i should add to that quickly, he is starting to tell reporters that his tweet was not meant as a knock against ryan. again, you can't believe everything that comes out of the president's mouth but that may be sincere. >> yeah. today is really underscoring the great fishers, the -- >> the divisions are within house republicans right now. and we are seeing more fingers pointed with house republicans at other house republicans. so a tweet i saw interesting to me was austin scott, a republican member from georgia, a conservative public who went after the georgia caucus. they are talking about this going down within the white house pulse. what we see is what david and dylan were talking about, disappears. that's part of why it didn't get through. having live in the obamacare wars for five or six years in trying to replace this, there is one dynamic we didn't have last year or the year before. that's a present working to -- >> it's one thing to be on the campaign trail and another to be president as nick mulvaney responded to those questions. >> we are asking the same questions, we really are? i know the man in the white house is capable of being the president. if anybody had any doubts of mr. trump coming to be president -- >> he's a big negotiator? >> people said he couldn't work with different groups within the party. no, what you saw this week were that things are more rotten in washington than we thought. >> all right. so david, i echo chuck todd's question. really? >> well, i -- he's now in charge. they have had seven years to prepare for this. and the obama team, they carefully prepared the ground ahead of them. >> a year. and it was a full-court press over a long period of time. and this was just a short, brief, two or three weeks, we're in, we're out. and let me ask doug this question, can the president afford to go to democrats and start trying to bring them into a coalition? does he alienate, totally alienate the freedom caucus and then find it is ungovernable? because democrats are not going to play ball easily. they are going to demand a high prize before they start cooperating with him. >> you know, one of the side issues of republican gains in the house of representatives over the past six years is we lost a lot of conservative blue dog ghblgdemocrats. the democrats that we would have gone to. most of them don't exist anymore. it is hard to see other than a nice bipartisan talking point of how politically you're able to do that and then hold conservatives. we had a hard time keeping leonard lance and franklin beondo from new jersey. how we get democrats and hold the freedom caucus is a real problem and a real challenge for republicans moving forward, not just on health care, but on tax reform, on infrastructure and on significantly, keeping the government open at the end of march. >> that does seem to be a huge herculean task. >> just to doug's point, we spent so much time on friday talking about who was to blame for the failure of the health care bill. was it trump? was it ryan? there was also a victory here, not just for democrats, but for the freedom caucus in terms of showing that group of 30-some people can really sort of stand up and stare down the president of the united states. i mean, i don't think we should -- i don't think you can understate how significant it is, this sort of growing movement of the far right is one that looks poised to grow, even when it stands up against the very president you should be working. >> that caucus was celebrating what they thought would be a victory. and many in the caucus are saying this is a victory. the emboldened power. thank you very much. dyl dylan, thank you so much. 200 iraqis were allegedly killed by air strikes. that is next. sorr it's unlimited without compromising reliability, on the largest, most advanced 4g lte network in america. 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>> hi, fredericka. the investigation is announced as the credibility assessment. of course, the coalition has been looking at the strikes it undertook in mosul and the reports coming from the ground. and one strike they see that kind of overlaps with the area that these reports are coming from was a strike that occurred on march 17th. and that strike was targeted against isis fighters and isis equipment. now, the coalition is looking to see what happened with that strike, specifically now, unlike in previous years where the u.s. had a lot of presence on the ground, there is not so many u.s. troops in the immediate area. so this is a lot harder to assess. they are having to use surveillance from drones. they are using local reports, social media reports, iraqi officials, and they are getting a lot of conflicting information. so some of it is having to go through that and come up with their findings after this initial assessment is complete. >> all right. thank you so much. ryan brown, appreciate that. let's talk more about this with cnn military analyst retired lieutenant rick francona who was also a u.s. military officer in iraq. there are conflicting reports on how the civilians have died, so is this showing us how murky this fight is getting in mosul? >> well, as the fight progresses into this densely populated area, we'll probably see more civilian casualties for a variety of reasons. isis is using them as human shields and when you're dropping weapons into a howly populated area, this is one of the consequences of forcing them into a battle in the city. urban war fair is usually the deadliest type of warfare there is. that said, the number of casualties seem a little high. the investigation is probably going to figure out exactly what happened. we're not even sure that both of these incidents that are under investigation were the result of an air strike. there is some talk that maybe there were a couple ieds that went off. in any case, isis' ultimately responsible for the casualties. it is impossible to eliminate them. >> in the case like this, are the civilians to blame isis or the coalition? >> that's a good question. ultimately, i believe isis is responsible, but that doesn't do any good for the people that are there. and what happens when you these instances, we have seen this in afghanistan and earlier in iraq. even as far back as desert storm, when you do this kind of thing, you rob yourself of any popular support, any good will. the people there are waiting to be liberated. but if you start to kill too many of them, then they believe that these guys are no better than what we have. so you have to be very careful how you do these things. >> okay. you can see the air strikes continuing and an effective tool, particularly as it comes down to battle isis? >> yeah, here's the problem. as i said, when you get into the packed areas, and we are reacting now to iraqi requests for air strikes. and when you have iraqi troops in contact and call for air support, they are going to get it. so we are relying on the iraqis to determine how much damage might be caused in one of these strikes. so it's a very delicate situation. if we controlled the air power on the ground, this wouldn't be much of a problem. but we're relying on our allies. and when you do that, you put yourself in this really, really iffy position. >> and then ultimately if mosul is liberated, what are your worries on the other side? >> well, i think this is just the beginning of yet another challenge for the iraqis because although isil will be defeated in mosul, it's not the end of the organization. they still exist in other parts of the country. but they are also changing their operations, they're recruiting people to set up an insurgency, so we can defeat this organization and yet have to fight a follow-along organization. the biggest worry is that the iraqis after their election this fall will once again ask for the removal of u.s. troops and then we start this cycle all over again. >> colonel rick francona, good to see you. thank you so much. a scandal in search of evidence? that's what one of president trump's former campaign advisers is labeling the ongoing investigation into possible collusion between the campaign and russia during the 2016 election. that is next. my family came from. i did my ancestrydna. the most shocking result was that i'm 26% native american. i had no idea. it's opened up a whole new world for me. ♪ announcer: get on your feet for the nastiest bull in the state of texas. ♪ ♪ the biggest week wow, watchathon has netflix? hey, drop a beat... 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>> well, let's finish with grucifer. my communication with her is entirely public. >> let's bring back my political panel to talk about this, david gergen and doug hine. and we have the former ambassador to the czech republic and a former czar. ambassador, let me start with you. roger stone says he's been completely transparent. what kind of question would you want asked of him? >> well, fredericka, thanks for having me back. not just mr. stone, mr. manaforte, mr. page and mr. flynn all need to answer questions about their contacts with the russians or the russian agents. what they knew, when they knew it, and we need to understand a fuller picture, including the president's own ties, his sons have said russian dollars are very important to their business. so while we need to get mr. stone in, we need to get him under oath and we need to understand what were his communications, not just with gucifer 2.0, but also with wikileaks. he said over and over again that he communicated with wikileaks. it seems clear that both wikileaks and gucifer 2.0 have committed cyber crimes against the united states, against persons in the united states. so we need to understand what mr. stone's involvement, if any, was. >> so three out of the four that you just mentioned volunteered to testify. we are still waiting to hear whether mike flynn will be called upon or whether he will volunteer next. doug, despite the intel officials testimony that gucifer was a russian asset, stone says they are wrong. is roger stone accusing intel officials of committing perjury? >> well, i don't know if it is prnl, but i think it is consistent with the theme we have seen degrading our intelligence services and the intelligence offices who do some of the most vital work done on behalf of us, that our government does on behalf of us. and it is really troubling to me, and i think a lot of conservatives to see so many republican brethren to take, my enemy is my enemy to the extreme. just because we didn't like obamacare or hillary clinton or what have you doesn't mean that aligning ourselves with russia is smart in the short-term and could be devastating in the long-term. >> devin nunes has been in a lot of hot water, particularly for going to the white house first, you know, to share information. this is how democrat adam schiff is responding to all of that behavior. >> when the white house is the subject of the investigation, i think the chairman has to make a decision whether to act as a surrogate of the white house as he did during the campaign and the transition, or to lead an independent and credible investigation. i hope he chooses the latter. the country really needs to have an independent credible investigation in the house. >> so, david, nunes, is he capable of being impartial and can he be trusted at this juncture? >> well, he clearly made a mistake by taking this to the white house instead of going to other committee members, especially the democrat members and up wasn't straight with him. to his credit, he apologized for that and said he would like to go forward. but, of course, the democrats have to be on guard. whether it is going to be impartial, it would be far better for the country to have a more independent investigation. but let me come back to the three men who have now agreed to come forward and come back to the ambassador's point. i think essential to their testimony before the committee is that they do so under oath. they -- there's been speculation about whether that would happen or not. but what is the point of bringing them up to tell their stories unless they are under oath? and a second question is, the committee has to be very careful in calling up public witnesses now. not to interfere with the investigations that the fbi is conducting, this is often an issue when there are investigations by the justice department. and if you have ongoing public investigations by members of congress, the two things can stick and trample each other and can impede the investigation, the private investigation. so i think both of those are pretty essential to moving forward. it would be really helpful if they were a more independent committee looking into this. >> ambassador, more sound now from roger stone about any current contact he may have had with the campaign or the white house. >> when was the last time you spoke with him? >> i have made my policy not too disclose or discuss my conversations with the president. they happen from time to time. it has been a while now, but i remain a steadfast supporter of donald trump. >> he was being asked, when is the last time you talked to donald trump and that was his reply, they talk from time to time but wouldn't say exactly when. so is that troublesome to you that there is some sort of contact? >> well, i'm sure it has been a while. because roger stone and these other three men are radioactive now, fredericka. i think it's telling, and there's been rumors and speculation that this weekend mr. flynn is cooperating with the government. the way these investigations work, number one, you can't have roger stone go before -- i agree with my friend david, he can't go before the committee and say, well, i'm going to answer some of your questions but not all the questions. and the volunteering has been cabined, including by mr. m manaforte. they need to be ready to answer all questions before the committee. if mr. flynn is cooperating, we have to remember the big picture. he was very close, not just to the campaign, but to then candidate trump and then president trump. what did the president know? when did he know it? and so that is going to be an important question. it is telling so far that of the four, mr. flynn is the one who has not volunteered, as far as we know. >> david, you underscored concerns about the conflicting investigations. but, at the same time, can it be beneficial because on record we'll be hearing various testimony and accounts of things. and it really is a matter of learning of what is consistent or what is inconsistent. >> yeah, but one of the issues that rises out of something like this, fredericka, people are asking public questions, who have seen a lot of the confidential information. the question itself that can be a road map for a third party who is under investigation about who is saying what to whom inside the investigatory bodies, that's why this gets complicated with a public hearing and private investigation underway. these things can often conflict with each other. and it's really important to or for the committee to be careful here, not to jeopardize the investigation, the fbi investigation, because they are looking for some publicity. we can wait a little longer to find out what happened. we need a thorough investigation on the fbi side. >> and then -- go ahead. >> it's particularly true, given the escapades of chairman nunes, when these critical witnesses come in, that he's there to conduct an inquiry, fredericka, and not a -- to continue a cover-up. his conduct so far has been so profound, i think it raises serious questions under the house code of conduct. number one, bringing this refute upon the white house and number two, revealing classified information. given nunes' role, there's serious questions on how the house inquiry can be proper. >> and doug, with all the ongoing investigations and, namely, president trump actually called for and tried to encourage congressional investigations. how does this not interfere with his pursuit of the next thing on the agenda? >> well, i think we're seeing this with health care. everything gets many the way of the next step of the trump agen agenda. most especially president trump's conduct. whether he works capitol hill as hard as he could have on obamacare. and politically, one of the problems for the trump white house this week was this was supposed to be a very good week for the white house. all we were supposed to talk about is neil gorsuch, how he would be a great supreme court justice and sail through confirmation. while he had a very easy set of hearings this week, no one's really talking about what should be news that reinforces positive feelings for trump among all republicans and even a lot of moderate voters. >> all right. doulg hine, david gergen, ambassador norman, thank you. >> thank you. >> thank you. one person is dead and 15 your injured after a shooting in cincinnati nightclub. details on the manhunt currently underway. . t-mobile one save you hundreds a year. right now get two lines of data for $100 dollars. with taxes and fees included. that's right 2 unlimited lines for just $100 bucks. all in. and right now, pair up those two lines with two free samsung galaxy s7 when you switch. yup! free. so switch and save hundreds when you go all unlimited with t-mobile. ♪ a lot of people have vertical blinds. well, if a lot of people jumped off a bridge, would you? 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>> reporter: well, just in the last hour, fredericka, authorities have announced they have now recaptured another one of the 29 inmates. so the tally stands at 15 that remain on the run. 14 have now been captured. and those who have been captured have been in the same city. so we know that investigators are certainly focusing their efforts there, but when it comes to other questions of the investigations, really authorities have not said much and are citing security reasons. when i called the prison this morning, they refused to answer any questions on the phone and said there was an ongoing investigation. >> so are those inmates considered dangerous? >> reporter: at this point we are trying to figure out what crimes they were impressened for, but this will paint the picture. once the inmates escaped, again, 29 of them, authorities have told us that one man was carjacking another man and shot that man. so yes, already we have seen the very known dangers of having these escaped inmates out there. but again, authorities really focusing on reestablishing order and regaining control within the jail because just friday as they went in to search the cells, there was a riot. and the inmates -- there was fire because of some of the debris that they sparked. and so really, it's about regaining control, not only outside of the prison, but also within. >> all right. leyla santiago, thank you so much. so much more straight ahead in "the newsroom." modern way to pay. you excited? 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>> my daughter disconnected from me. she disconnected from me when he left. doesn't call me, won't talk to me. >> have you tried to reach out to her? >> sure, it just, it's a wasted effort. >> you say you got declared, boy, that's it. >> all right. don't miss an all new episode of "believer" tonight at 10:00 p.m. after cnn's "finding jesus." we have so much more straight ahead in "the newsroom." and it all starts right now. happening now, the failure in health care and the blame game. >> the people who are to blame are the people who didn't vote yes. >> this bill didn't pass because it didn't deal with the most fundamental flaw in obamacare. >> trump tweeting today it's the fault of conservative republican groups. >> i can tell you, no one has been more self-critiquing than my, than me. >> this conversation should be more about the people whose lives are going to be impacted by our decisions on their health care. we did not have enough of a substantive discussion. >> never once have i seen him blame paul ryan. >> but ultimately, i don't think you can blame this bill on any single person in the house of representatives. >> this is not the end of the debate. it's like saying tom brady lost at halftime. >> "cnn newsroom" starts now.

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