Transcripts For CNNW CNN Newsroom With Fredricka Whitfield 2

Transcripts For CNNW CNN Newsroom With Fredricka Whitfield 20161210

new j. edgar hoover. >> the fbi had this material for a long time, but he, comey, who is of course a republican, refused to divulge this information regarding russia and the presidential election. he violated the orders of the attorney general, president and good taste by getting involved in the election. i am so disappointed. in comey. he has let the country down for partisan purposes and that is why calling him the new j. edgar hoover. >> the trump issued this statement discrediting the claims but the entire cia. they write these are the same people who said -- the election ended a long time ago in one of the biggest electoral victories in history. it's time to move on and make america great again. meantime, president obama is ordering a full review to investigate whether russian hacking affected the outcome. joining us cnn global affairs correspondent. the cia is not commenting on the matter. do you and the sources you have spoken to see this potentially fueling a feud between the president of the united states and one of the country's most vital intelligence agencies? >> well, boris, i think it remains to be seen if this is an isolated incident about this particular charges on the election. i think the trump transition and president-elect himself is very sensitive to any implication that he didn't win the election fair and square. and to be fair here, this investigation that president obama has ordered is not necessarily about whether russia actually affected the election. i just spoke to a senior administration official just a short time ago and this person said it would be unknowable to know how many voters were affected by this kind of mix of leaks, fake news, what fbi comey, director comey released in terms of information about hillary clinton. it would really be impossible to know how, why voters voted the way they did. what the investigation is showing is -- will show is what russia did, it's techniques, its tactics. it would also go back to several other elections, it remains to be seen if this is an isolated incident about the russia meddling in the election or does president-elect trump have more serious concerns about the quality of the intelligence he is going to get from the intelligence community. the -- what some people feel politicization. i spoke to people on the transition that say they have not gotten that far but are taking a strong issue with the idea that the election would have been affected in any way. that is what they're dealing with right now, this incident about russia. >> we heard sean spicer on with michael smerconish this morning saying he felt this was the work of a few people in the cia that were unhappy with the result of the election. cia sources maintain there is evidence that russia was involved. the president only has about 41 days to get this done, ultimately he is just handing it off to donald trump. what is the goal of this investigation ultimately? i think it's a couple things, a. the administration is calling it a lessons learned about not just this election, but they are going to be looking back to 2008, there were some charges of hacking perhaps by the chinese, they're going to see about 2012. to kind of look at what happened ask look at some of these techniques, tactics, what could have happened. so that future administrations, not just the trump administration, but future ones can ward themselves off against these techniques, i also think it's a way a little bit to kick the administration -- to kick russians on their way out the door. we understand that there is a parallel track that the administration is considering some measures against russia, could be sanctions, could be cyber issues, we probably won't know about that, it might be covert, there could be some measures, and if this report is made public, it would give a little bit of legitimacy to any actions that the administration would take because we know that president-elect trump has said that he might overturn some of the executive orders that president obama said he might -- he has instituted, that could include russia, trump has made no secret about the fact he wants better relations with russia. if this report is out there, it has uncontrovert i believe proof about russia meddling in the election, it would be politically difficult for donald trump to kind of blow off an intelligence assessment that is out there in the public domain. >> it appears that is what he is trying to do with the initial reporting. thank you. the rnc is fiercely fighting back against claims that russia meddled in the election to help donald trump and that the rnc was also targeted in a heated exchange, spokeman spicer said the claims were personal agendas and wrong intelligence. listen to this. >> i'm not sitting heesh as a democrat, i'm not sitting here as a republican, i'm not even sitting here as an independent. i'm sitting here as an american who is so frustrated by the idea that people are suiting up in their usual jerseys on this issue, respectfully including you. and instead of uniting against a common enemy, in this case putin and russia, and being pissed at the idea he put a nuthumb on th collection. we like the result of the election, therefore we don't nt wa to deal with this any more. >> hold on. wait. wait. stop for a second. i'm not suiting up. i'm actually using facts, that "the washington post" even put in there. this is what they wrote. they wrote that the 17 agencies couldn't conclude with certainty what happened. they wrote that, not me. they also wrote "the new york times" wrote that the rnc had been hacked. that's false. >> how do you know it's false? >> because we work with intelligence agencies, michael, michael, hold on. we were willing to offer "the new york times" inside access to know what happened. we were willing to offer them proof. they chose not to engage in that conversation. not us. i sat there with senior folks in "the new york times" last night and said i will bring you inside, we'll give you access to certain things so that you can see we're telling the truth, that we are -- that we can prove this. they chose not to engage in that conversation. because it didn't fit their narrative. so when it -- respectfully, we are the folks that are actually trying to show this. please don't turn around and put it on me. this is what we are trying to work with these agencies and these reporters to get it right. >> you were saying, so i'm clear. >> that's not on me. >> i want to understand, i want to understand facts. you are telling me that you know to a certainty that the rnc was not hacked by the russians or anyone else and so to the extent, whether it's the post, the times, cnn, to the extent that anyone reports, including the cia, that the rnc was hacked, sean spicer knows that to be a falsehood? >> i know that we have worked with intelligence agencies right now that are saying that we have not been hacked, our own systems show that we have not been hacked. i am not a forensic computer person, so i can't say it -- i know that the intelligence agencies that we are working with tell us with certainty that we haven't been hacked. we've said it before and tried to work with these media outlets to explain them and show them. they have chosen not to engage in that conversation. that's not my fault, michael. again, look at what the reports -- if they're so certain it happened, why won't they go on the record and say it. i don't understand it. it doesn't make any sense. go out there and say -- >> there's an obvious answer to that. they don't want the russians to know of the way in which they assembled this case. >> hold on. that's not true. no. please don't make excuses for them. they did -- >> i'm not making excuses for anybody. >> hold on. michael, they came out and said with respect to the dnc and the dnc confirmed it, okay. so i don't understand why -- look, there is questions on that side, we've been willing to ta you can to people to show it wasn't true and people are willing to ignore it. on the flip side there was a gi difference. i'm just trying to get the facts out there and somehow it's well you must be lying. you must not be accepting the facts. i'm actually trying to get the truth out there. >> i didn't say that to you. sean -- >> the implication is clear. michael, hold on, with all due respect. you said that why won't we accept the facts and we're suiting up and taking our position. no, i'm actually trying to get the facts out, i'm trying trying to make reporters understand what is happening and bring them into the process. >> i'm making a different point. i'm casting doubt on whether sean spicer could definitively know the answer to the question of the extent of the russian hack and my fru trags is until this thing is fully developed already, president-elect trump is saying move on, folks, there is nothing to see here. i need to ask you an additional question. speak to the point that -- >> wait, michael. >> i'm also concerned -- i'm being fair to you, i got to get a word in every once in a while. i'm also troubled by the idea that my president-elect, he is going to be all of our president, is already throwing under the bus the intelligence community with whom he is going to have to work on life and death matters. wasn't that a troubling thing to do at 9:34 last night in that very -- >> michael, "the new york times" in their story said they based their conclusion on the fact that the rnc was hacked. if the rnc was not hacked, then that casts doubt on their conclusions. i don't understand why this is that difficult to understand. if you are basing something -- >> regardless of whether the rnc was hacked and that would be a big and new development, i think we know to a certainty given podesta and wasserman schultz that the dnc was hacked. why aren't we, as americans, upset about the fact that a foreign hostile actor, apparently put its thumb on the scale in our election and why doesn't donald trump want to get to the bottom of that as he takes office. that's the issue. >> first of all -- okay. couple things, i'm outraged, i don't think any foreign entity, any individual. >> why don't you say that and why didn't trump say that. >> i'm saying that. >> that's what i haven't heard. >> i just said it. let me actually take yes for an answer. i said it. okay. i don't think donald trump doesn't think, no one thinks a foreign entity should be interfering with the u.s. elections, bottom line, full stop, i said it. what proof does anything have they affect the the outcome, i heard zero. >> the fallout from the president-elect slamming the cia next. what trump's move could mean for his relationship with the intelligence community. plus, i did it. those words coming from the man accused of unleashing a pray of bullets during a bible study. more from his disturbing fbi confession. next. speaking of tech wonders, with the geico app you can get roadside assistance, digital 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intervened in u.s. elections specifically to help donald trump. talk about this more with global affairs analyst, and joining us cnn national security analyst. david, let's start with you. you've met with several current and senior u.s. intelligence officials. first, do they agree that hacking took place and that it favored donald trump. what have you heard about what they're looking at? >> well, there is two separate things, there was unanimous agreement in a statement october 7th there was an effort of russia to undermine the credibility of the election. the nein the last 48 hours it w more. i have spoken with former george w. bush officials and current obama officials, they believe there was no question they were trying to med will in our election. the extent of it, as you have seen in the earlier exchanges is debated. but just this meddling itself, what was agreed upon in this october 7th statement from more than a dozen intelligence agencies is unprecedented. it's extraordinary this went on and there was an effort to undermine the credibility of the election. >> david, let's continue on that thread. at the time the obama administration has been revealed has known about this for months and they've been reluctant to go after russia more aggressively. now there is a talk of investigation and potential sanctions. how do you see this playing out if on january 20th, donald trump takes over. what comes of the investigation then? is it too little, too late? >> i think it is too little too late. there were various law enforcement officials who over the course of the summer complained to me that they wanted to see more aggressive action against russia to set a precedent, that there would be a price for this effort to meddle. the administration was very cautious, they didn't want to be seen as backing one side in the election and they waited. this is in a sense too little, too late. and i think trump has said in his statement, he will just, you know, he doesn't believe it, and i think he will push ahead with his administration and not really want to address the issue. >> let's talk about the trump response. we saw the tweet and the statement from his camp discrediting the cia pointing to the reports before the invasion of iraq about weapons of mass destruction being wrong and the evidence that russia medeled in the election. what does that tell you about his relationship moving forward with intelligence agencies? >> well, it's incredibly dangerous and it's also exceptionally unsophisticated. no president, no governor, mayor wants to go to war immediately with their public safety apparatus because they exist to protect him and the nation he will govern in january. i want to take you back to 2008, president obama got a lot of criticism from his left flanked side for not going after intelligence and law enforcement agents who may have been complicit in some of the behavior in the war on terror during the bush administration. the philosophy then, i think he was right, he did not want to start his term essentially at war with the non partisan professional intelligence and law enforcement agencies. trump has now waged war against them and we're in unchartered territory in a way that i think is only going to harm president trump in both the short term and the long term. >> i wanted to point out something you said. a non partisan agency, david, republicans, specifically sean spicer has said this is really the work of just a few unhappy partisans upset with how the election turned out. in your experience, does intelligence have a political viewpoint? in other words, are there partisan officials within the cia potentially distributing this information to discredit donald trump? >> this is a key thing about the importance of the cia and why we go to war. the cia is not supposed to be partisan, the director is not supposed to give politically biased information. they're not even supposed to back certain policies in debates in the white house. so this is a very serious charge that the trump campaign is making and it's dangerous for the country. if we can't agree on these basic facts that sort of helps our sad ve -- it's unfortunate series of events, this is unprecedented. i agree, it's a risk by the trump administration to potentially you know, turn these agencies against him. the career cia people not affiliated with any administration, they believe this effort was unprecedented. they believe there is more to be investigated and again they've served republicans and democrats. >> i asked david earlier, the question to you, this effort by the obama administration to now go after russia. do you think anything will come of it? >> well, probably -- i think trump will be trpresident in january, if people are hoping otherwise i wouldn't hold my breath. let me pick up on what david said, why are they doing this investigation. there is a limited number of theories at this stage based on the new evidence that the cia told the white house and the senators, one is that there is some collusion, so we don't know if there were conversations between the trump campaign and russia, that's not good. number two is there some form of blackmail, we have this evidence that the rnc was hacked, e-mails hacked but not released, something that will be released later. a theory that has to be a part of the investigation. the third is that we have evidence that the russians were talking amongst themselves because we're doing he is pea naj against them. we don't know at this stage. every theory is plausible. i will tell you as american -- going back to david's point, the director of the cia worked for bush. this is rid dig lus. this is serious stuff. any of these they're res is disquieti disquieting and upsetting from the percent tech i have of american democracy. i think if the investigation doesn't impact trump in any way, i don't care. it's just very important to understand the extent to which russia thought and was able to influence this election. >> and important to point out that sean spicer has fought back on the notion that the rnc was hacked. we'll have to wait and see what the results of the investigation show thank you so much for spending your weekend with us. up next, the war in syria. secretary of state john kerry working with diplomats to save civilians in the city of aleppo. live with an update when we come back. it should just mean, well, finding new ways to do them. right at home's professional team thoughtfully selects caregivers to provide help with personal care, housekeeping, and of course, meal preparation. oh, that smells so good. aw, and it tastes good, too. we can provide the right care, right at home. 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(whisper) rocket >> i'm boris sanchez. for the first time we're hearing the haunting confession of the man accused of gunning down nine people inside a charleston church. dylann roof laughs as he tells investigation tor he opened fire on war shippers during a bible study. the fbi interrogation video, the defendant said that he quote had to do it. listen for yourself. >> can you tell us about what happened last night? yeah, i mean, i just -- i went to that church in charleston, and -- i did it. >> you did what? . i mean -- i know it's tough sometimes to say it. >> it's not that i don't want to say it, because i don't want to make myself seem guilty, i just don't really like saying it. >> did you shoot them? >> yes. >> what kind of gun did you use? >> a glock 45. >> did you say anything to them before or after or during? >> no. i didn't say anything to them before or anything. >> before. what about after? >> well, i think like during i said like don't talk to me or something like that. i had to do it, because somebody had to do something, because you know black people are killing white people everyday on the streets and they rape white women, a hundred white women a day. that's an fbis sta tis tick. >> what is your thought about those people, though? because i think you kind of alluded to it earlier, in wrour mind they're innocent people, they're church going people, they were in a bible study. >> well i try not to really think about it. >> but i guess the question would be because they were black, that really kind of overroad, because you had to send that message? >> well, it's like this, you see, i'm not in the position, you know, by myself, you know, to go into like a black neighborhood, you know, or something like that and shoot you know a drug dealer or something like that. you see what i am saying, that is not going to do anything. you see what i'm saying, i had to go somewhere else. do you see what i'm saying. >> do you wish there were more people in there. >> no, if that were the case i wouldn't have shot anybody in there. it afterwards it was -- that's why i didn't shoot that lady. >> do you remember telling that lady i will let you live so you can tell my story. >> yeah i remember saying that, it's not really my story. >> do you have any remorse? >> i think it's too soon. >> what about regrets? >> yeah. i would say so. >> what do you regret? that's, you know, regret doing it a little bit. >> a little bit? >> yeah. >> but part of you is glad you did, still, i kind of sense that from you, right, you are proud, i mean part of it -- >> i don't really know exactly what i've done, you know. >> what do you mean by that? >> i don't know how many people were killed or anything. >> how many do you think -- anybody die? i mean -- >> i think somebody died. >> if i told you nine people died last night, how would that make you feel? >> i wouldn't believe you. >> it was nine. >> there wasn't even nine people there. >> there was a little bit over nine. it's hard when you are looking -- >> you said when you went in there it could have been six, eight, you weren't certain, you know. >> are you guys lying to me? >> no. >> would you consider this a crime and you are guilty. >> i'm guilty, you all know i'm guilty. >> let's bring in our legal panel now. a civil rights attorney in cleveland and a criminal defense attorney joining us from las vegas. >> the defense is admitting guilt in this case. why is the prosecution playing these tapes? >> well, the prosecution has to establish guilt, it's obligated by beyond a reasonable doubt to make sure they get these convictions, there are 33 federal pending charges, 18 of which are murder charges, so in order to, you know prevail on this case, they're going to have to convince that jury, and let me tell you something, you saw the tape, you heard the tape, this is repugnant behavior, sinister ghastly behavior and i think there is no doubt that a conviction will be attained. the more complicated part of this case will be mitigation, that is how is that going to be handled and to comely indicate it, the defendant wants to handle it without a lawyer. he has a lawyer in the guilt phase but is going to try to do it, the mitigation phase on his own. >> that was really the gift of my question. clearly this is for the death penalty portion of this case. richard, part of the tape that stands out, is the fact that for example, he didn't know what month it was, he seemed kind of completely aloof, clearly no empathy whatsoever, could the defense end up using that to their advantage to make the case that perhaps he didn't realize the extent of what he was doing. it seems like he does. >> well, you know, what is going on here is this is a conditioning portion of the trial. it's the guilt phase and the punishment phase. during the guilt phase, the government is trying to condition the jury to put him to death in the penalty phase because let's face it, as far as liability goes here, there were 77 rounds of hollow .45 caliber shells on the floor, nine people murdered. he admitted it in his manifesto. the fbi did a surgical interrogation, which we just listened to. he admitted to the hate crimes and the premedication, you have nine murder convictions, federal hate crime convictions. the question is, is there any mitigation for this individual and in federal death penalty cases there is only about 60 inmates that are facing the death penalty federally in the united states right now compared to 3,000 state, very difficult to get a death penalty conviction and to have it put in play federally. >> so does that play to the defense's advantage, the fact it's so rare to have a federal death penalty conviction? >> i don't think so. i think each case turns on the merits of what the justice department puts forward. and let me tell you something, the hardest working person in that courtroom isn't necessarily the lawyers, u.s. district judge, who is presiding over this case, has a very complicated job to do. he is dealing with the media, he has dealt with competence and then you have the defendant saying i want to handle mitigation penalty on my own. and the question becomes, can a federal district judge permit that to happen, blow up the integrity of the process because dylan roof wouldn't have the slightest idea how to do mitigation and that is going to be a very complicated part of what is coming up here. >> the judge already made a ruling on that. he took a hearing and he ruled he is competent to do this. the interesting portion here is this, early on in the case, the defense attorneys, who are very competent death penalty attorneys wanted to introduce evidence of mental instability. he said no. so when we get to the punishment phase, dylann will handle that himself. he will not put in a mental instability defense, there is not going to be mitigation, he is going to get the death penalty here. >> just on the merits of that, you have to question his sanity. what is he thinking, how is he going to be able to get out of this? >> well, you know, that was the -- that was the issue, the judge had to decide. in fact, the hearing was so sensitive, because he wanted to make sure, the judge wanted to make sure that dylann roof got a fair trail. he had to balance that against the first amendment rights of the media to cover competency, heard testimony from experts and the bottom line is the federal judge held that he was competent to stand trial, so whatever mental issues are going to be introduced during the penalty, the judge has already concluded that he is competent to stand trial. >> thank you, gentlemen, for spending part of your weekend with us. we'll be back with more news after a quick break. that's why this control enthusiast rents from national. where i can skip the counter... ...and choose any car in the aisle. on average, four out of every five rentals at national is a free upgrade. getting a full-size and paying for a mid-size? ♪ whoa, oh, whoa, whoa, lovin' every minute of it... ♪ as the boys from loverboy so eloquently noted... i'm lovin' every minute of it. go national. go like a pro. every day starts better with a healthy smile. start yours with philips sonicare, the no.1 choice of dentists. compared to oral-b 7000, philips sonicare flexcare platinum removes significantly more plaque. this is the sound of sonic technology cleaning deep between teeth. hear the difference? get healthier gums in just 2 weeks vs a manual toothbrush and experience an amazing feel of clean. innovation and you. philips sonicare. save now when you buy philips sonicare. >> former new york mayor rudy giuliani will not serve in donald trump's incoming administration. this morning trump sent this tweet saying rudy giuliani, one of the finest people i know and a great mayor of new york, just took himself out of consideration for state, secretary of state. we learned that rechl tillerson is the leading candidate for that position. ryan nobles is at the site of today's army navy game where trump is set to attend. ryan, the big news, of course was rudy giuliani, reporter wag was that he took himself out of the running for secretary of state back in november. is this just saving face now? >> reporter: well, i mean, you could certainly look at the facts as we know them and ask that question, boris, i think that is fair to say. because rudy giuliani and the transition team saying in a statement yesterday that he took himself out of the running at the end of the november, but in the first week in december, there were transition officials that said that he was still on the short list, that was seriously -- a serious contender for the position. and cnn has some sources that say that the trump transition told rudy giuliani he woint get the job of secretary of state. that's why the focus has really shifted to exxon mobil ceo tillerson as the clear front-runner at this point. we know that he was actually at trump tower this morning. he was not seen by reporters, but the transition confirms that he was indeed there. as for rudy giuliani, he spoke this morning about the speculation about his exit and who he would like to see in the position of secretary of state. take a listen. >> i think rechl tillerson is an excellent choice. had i been president in 2008 i probably would have appointed him as secretary of state. josh bolton i think is superior. i think mitt romney, i mean i voted for him, supported him, i thought he would have been a better president than barack obama, i think like mike huckabee does, he should apologize or at least explain what he meant by some of the comments which hurt me greatly when i was campaigning for my friend, donald trump. >> i think actually, done old is less troubled by it -- they want to put the campaign requested we withhold it. plus they didn't accept it immediately. they said they wanted to keep me in the running and i said well i don't want to be, but they said they wanted to keep me in the running. so we agreed, i'll wait until you are ready. when you are ready, then we can announce it. >> it's clear that trump still thinks quite a bit of the former mayor of new york city. he will actually be with trump here today at the army/navy game and we don't expect the president-elect to say anything about the secretary of state search but it seems pretty clear that tillerson is the front-runner at this point and boris, when trump comes to this game here today, he is going to spend half of the game on the army sideline the other half on the navy sideline as he prepares to become the next commander in chief for these men and women in uniform. >> just a fascinating backdrop for all of this controversy and political news, . . . . we'll be right back with your top stories. when you find something worth waiting for, we'll help you invest to protect it for the future. financial guidance while you're mastering life. from chase, so you can. this is your daughter. and she just got this. ooh boy. but, you've got hum. so you can set this. and if she drives like this, you can tell her to drive more like this. because you'll get this. you can even set boundaries for so if she should be here, but instead goes here, here, or here. you'll know. so don't worry, mom. because you put this, in here. hum by verizon. the technology designed to make your car smarter, safer and more connected. put some smarts in your car. ah, family holiday party, huh greg? 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Transcripts For CNNW CNN Newsroom With Fredricka Whitfield 20161210 :

Transcripts For CNNW CNN Newsroom With Fredricka Whitfield 20161210

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new j. edgar hoover. >> the fbi had this material for a long time, but he, comey, who is of course a republican, refused to divulge this information regarding russia and the presidential election. he violated the orders of the attorney general, president and good taste by getting involved in the election. i am so disappointed. in comey. he has let the country down for partisan purposes and that is why calling him the new j. edgar hoover. >> the trump issued this statement discrediting the claims but the entire cia. they write these are the same people who said -- the election ended a long time ago in one of the biggest electoral victories in history. it's time to move on and make america great again. meantime, president obama is ordering a full review to investigate whether russian hacking affected the outcome. joining us cnn global affairs correspondent. the cia is not commenting on the matter. do you and the sources you have spoken to see this potentially fueling a feud between the president of the united states and one of the country's most vital intelligence agencies? >> well, boris, i think it remains to be seen if this is an isolated incident about this particular charges on the election. i think the trump transition and president-elect himself is very sensitive to any implication that he didn't win the election fair and square. and to be fair here, this investigation that president obama has ordered is not necessarily about whether russia actually affected the election. i just spoke to a senior administration official just a short time ago and this person said it would be unknowable to know how many voters were affected by this kind of mix of leaks, fake news, what fbi comey, director comey released in terms of information about hillary clinton. it would really be impossible to know how, why voters voted the way they did. what the investigation is showing is -- will show is what russia did, it's techniques, its tactics. it would also go back to several other elections, it remains to be seen if this is an isolated incident about the russia meddling in the election or does president-elect trump have more serious concerns about the quality of the intelligence he is going to get from the intelligence community. the -- what some people feel politicization. i spoke to people on the transition that say they have not gotten that far but are taking a strong issue with the idea that the election would have been affected in any way. that is what they're dealing with right now, this incident about russia. >> we heard sean spicer on with michael smerconish this morning saying he felt this was the work of a few people in the cia that were unhappy with the result of the election. cia sources maintain there is evidence that russia was involved. the president only has about 41 days to get this done, ultimately he is just handing it off to donald trump. what is the goal of this investigation ultimately? i think it's a couple things, a. the administration is calling it a lessons learned about not just this election, but they are going to be looking back to 2008, there were some charges of hacking perhaps by the chinese, they're going to see about 2012. to kind of look at what happened ask look at some of these techniques, tactics, what could have happened. so that future administrations, not just the trump administration, but future ones can ward themselves off against these techniques, i also think it's a way a little bit to kick the administration -- to kick russians on their way out the door. we understand that there is a parallel track that the administration is considering some measures against russia, could be sanctions, could be cyber issues, we probably won't know about that, it might be covert, there could be some measures, and if this report is made public, it would give a little bit of legitimacy to any actions that the administration would take because we know that president-elect trump has said that he might overturn some of the executive orders that president obama said he might -- he has instituted, that could include russia, trump has made no secret about the fact he wants better relations with russia. if this report is out there, it has uncontrovert i believe proof about russia meddling in the election, it would be politically difficult for donald trump to kind of blow off an intelligence assessment that is out there in the public domain. >> it appears that is what he is trying to do with the initial reporting. thank you. the rnc is fiercely fighting back against claims that russia meddled in the election to help donald trump and that the rnc was also targeted in a heated exchange, spokeman spicer said the claims were personal agendas and wrong intelligence. listen to this. >> i'm not sitting heesh as a democrat, i'm not sitting here as a republican, i'm not even sitting here as an independent. i'm sitting here as an american who is so frustrated by the idea that people are suiting up in their usual jerseys on this issue, respectfully including you. and instead of uniting against a common enemy, in this case putin and russia, and being pissed at the idea he put a nuthumb on th collection. we like the result of the election, therefore we don't nt wa to deal with this any more. >> hold on. wait. wait. stop for a second. i'm not suiting up. i'm actually using facts, that "the washington post" even put in there. this is what they wrote. they wrote that the 17 agencies couldn't conclude with certainty what happened. they wrote that, not me. they also wrote "the new york times" wrote that the rnc had been hacked. that's false. >> how do you know it's false? >> because we work with intelligence agencies, michael, michael, hold on. we were willing to offer "the new york times" inside access to know what happened. we were willing to offer them proof. they chose not to engage in that conversation. not us. i sat there with senior folks in "the new york times" last night and said i will bring you inside, we'll give you access to certain things so that you can see we're telling the truth, that we are -- that we can prove this. they chose not to engage in that conversation. because it didn't fit their narrative. so when it -- respectfully, we are the folks that are actually trying to show this. please don't turn around and put it on me. this is what we are trying to work with these agencies and these reporters to get it right. >> you were saying, so i'm clear. >> that's not on me. >> i want to understand, i want to understand facts. you are telling me that you know to a certainty that the rnc was not hacked by the russians or anyone else and so to the extent, whether it's the post, the times, cnn, to the extent that anyone reports, including the cia, that the rnc was hacked, sean spicer knows that to be a falsehood? >> i know that we have worked with intelligence agencies right now that are saying that we have not been hacked, our own systems show that we have not been hacked. i am not a forensic computer person, so i can't say it -- i know that the intelligence agencies that we are working with tell us with certainty that we haven't been hacked. we've said it before and tried to work with these media outlets to explain them and show them. they have chosen not to engage in that conversation. that's not my fault, michael. again, look at what the reports -- if they're so certain it happened, why won't they go on the record and say it. i don't understand it. it doesn't make any sense. go out there and say -- >> there's an obvious answer to that. they don't want the russians to know of the way in which they assembled this case. >> hold on. that's not true. no. please don't make excuses for them. they did -- >> i'm not making excuses for anybody. >> hold on. michael, they came out and said with respect to the dnc and the dnc confirmed it, okay. so i don't understand why -- look, there is questions on that side, we've been willing to ta you can to people to show it wasn't true and people are willing to ignore it. on the flip side there was a gi difference. i'm just trying to get the facts out there and somehow it's well you must be lying. you must not be accepting the facts. i'm actually trying to get the truth out there. >> i didn't say that to you. sean -- >> the implication is clear. michael, hold on, with all due respect. you said that why won't we accept the facts and we're suiting up and taking our position. no, i'm actually trying to get the facts out, i'm trying trying to make reporters understand what is happening and bring them into the process. >> i'm making a different point. i'm casting doubt on whether sean spicer could definitively know the answer to the question of the extent of the russian hack and my fru trags is until this thing is fully developed already, president-elect trump is saying move on, folks, there is nothing to see here. i need to ask you an additional question. speak to the point that -- >> wait, michael. >> i'm also concerned -- i'm being fair to you, i got to get a word in every once in a while. i'm also troubled by the idea that my president-elect, he is going to be all of our president, is already throwing under the bus the intelligence community with whom he is going to have to work on life and death matters. wasn't that a troubling thing to do at 9:34 last night in that very -- >> michael, "the new york times" in their story said they based their conclusion on the fact that the rnc was hacked. if the rnc was not hacked, then that casts doubt on their conclusions. i don't understand why this is that difficult to understand. if you are basing something -- >> regardless of whether the rnc was hacked and that would be a big and new development, i think we know to a certainty given podesta and wasserman schultz that the dnc was hacked. why aren't we, as americans, upset about the fact that a foreign hostile actor, apparently put its thumb on the scale in our election and why doesn't donald trump want to get to the bottom of that as he takes office. that's the issue. >> first of all -- okay. couple things, i'm outraged, i don't think any foreign entity, any individual. >> why don't you say that and why didn't trump say that. >> i'm saying that. >> that's what i haven't heard. >> i just said it. let me actually take yes for an answer. i said it. okay. i don't think donald trump doesn't think, no one thinks a foreign entity should be interfering with the u.s. elections, bottom line, full stop, i said it. what proof does anything have they affect the the outcome, i heard zero. >> the fallout from the president-elect slamming the cia next. what trump's move could mean for his relationship with the intelligence community. plus, i did it. those words coming from the man accused of unleashing a pray of bullets during a bible study. more from his disturbing fbi confession. next. speaking of tech wonders, with the geico app you can get roadside assistance, digital 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intervened in u.s. elections specifically to help donald trump. talk about this more with global affairs analyst, and joining us cnn national security analyst. david, let's start with you. you've met with several current and senior u.s. intelligence officials. first, do they agree that hacking took place and that it favored donald trump. what have you heard about what they're looking at? >> well, there is two separate things, there was unanimous agreement in a statement october 7th there was an effort of russia to undermine the credibility of the election. the nein the last 48 hours it w more. i have spoken with former george w. bush officials and current obama officials, they believe there was no question they were trying to med will in our election. the extent of it, as you have seen in the earlier exchanges is debated. but just this meddling itself, what was agreed upon in this october 7th statement from more than a dozen intelligence agencies is unprecedented. it's extraordinary this went on and there was an effort to undermine the credibility of the election. >> david, let's continue on that thread. at the time the obama administration has been revealed has known about this for months and they've been reluctant to go after russia more aggressively. now there is a talk of investigation and potential sanctions. how do you see this playing out if on january 20th, donald trump takes over. what comes of the investigation then? is it too little, too late? >> i think it is too little too late. there were various law enforcement officials who over the course of the summer complained to me that they wanted to see more aggressive action against russia to set a precedent, that there would be a price for this effort to meddle. the administration was very cautious, they didn't want to be seen as backing one side in the election and they waited. this is in a sense too little, too late. and i think trump has said in his statement, he will just, you know, he doesn't believe it, and i think he will push ahead with his administration and not really want to address the issue. >> let's talk about the trump response. we saw the tweet and the statement from his camp discrediting the cia pointing to the reports before the invasion of iraq about weapons of mass destruction being wrong and the evidence that russia medeled in the election. what does that tell you about his relationship moving forward with intelligence agencies? >> well, it's incredibly dangerous and it's also exceptionally unsophisticated. no president, no governor, mayor wants to go to war immediately with their public safety apparatus because they exist to protect him and the nation he will govern in january. i want to take you back to 2008, president obama got a lot of criticism from his left flanked side for not going after intelligence and law enforcement agents who may have been complicit in some of the behavior in the war on terror during the bush administration. the philosophy then, i think he was right, he did not want to start his term essentially at war with the non partisan professional intelligence and law enforcement agencies. trump has now waged war against them and we're in unchartered territory in a way that i think is only going to harm president trump in both the short term and the long term. >> i wanted to point out something you said. a non partisan agency, david, republicans, specifically sean spicer has said this is really the work of just a few unhappy partisans upset with how the election turned out. in your experience, does intelligence have a political viewpoint? in other words, are there partisan officials within the cia potentially distributing this information to discredit donald trump? >> this is a key thing about the importance of the cia and why we go to war. the cia is not supposed to be partisan, the director is not supposed to give politically biased information. they're not even supposed to back certain policies in debates in the white house. so this is a very serious charge that the trump campaign is making and it's dangerous for the country. if we can't agree on these basic facts that sort of helps our sad ve -- it's unfortunate series of events, this is unprecedented. i agree, it's a risk by the trump administration to potentially you know, turn these agencies against him. the career cia people not affiliated with any administration, they believe this effort was unprecedented. they believe there is more to be investigated and again they've served republicans and democrats. >> i asked david earlier, the question to you, this effort by the obama administration to now go after russia. do you think anything will come of it? >> well, probably -- i think trump will be trpresident in january, if people are hoping otherwise i wouldn't hold my breath. let me pick up on what david said, why are they doing this investigation. there is a limited number of theories at this stage based on the new evidence that the cia told the white house and the senators, one is that there is some collusion, so we don't know if there were conversations between the trump campaign and russia, that's not good. number two is there some form of blackmail, we have this evidence that the rnc was hacked, e-mails hacked but not released, something that will be released later. a theory that has to be a part of the investigation. the third is that we have evidence that the russians were talking amongst themselves because we're doing he is pea naj against them. we don't know at this stage. every theory is plausible. i will tell you as american -- going back to david's point, the director of the cia worked for bush. this is rid dig lus. this is serious stuff. any of these they're res is disquieti disquieting and upsetting from the percent tech i have of american democracy. i think if the investigation doesn't impact trump in any way, i don't care. it's just very important to understand the extent to which russia thought and was able to influence this election. >> and important to point out that sean spicer has fought back on the notion that the rnc was hacked. we'll have to wait and see what the results of the investigation show thank you so much for spending your weekend with us. up next, the war in syria. secretary of state john kerry working with diplomats to save civilians in the city of aleppo. live with an update when we come back. it should just mean, well, finding new ways to do them. right at home's professional team thoughtfully selects caregivers to provide help with personal care, housekeeping, and of course, meal preparation. oh, that smells so good. aw, and it tastes good, too. we can provide the right care, right at home. 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(whisper) rocket >> i'm boris sanchez. for the first time we're hearing the haunting confession of the man accused of gunning down nine people inside a charleston church. dylann roof laughs as he tells investigation tor he opened fire on war shippers during a bible study. the fbi interrogation video, the defendant said that he quote had to do it. listen for yourself. >> can you tell us about what happened last night? yeah, i mean, i just -- i went to that church in charleston, and -- i did it. >> you did what? . i mean -- i know it's tough sometimes to say it. >> it's not that i don't want to say it, because i don't want to make myself seem guilty, i just don't really like saying it. >> did you shoot them? >> yes. >> what kind of gun did you use? >> a glock 45. >> did you say anything to them before or after or during? >> no. i didn't say anything to them before or anything. >> before. what about after? >> well, i think like during i said like don't talk to me or something like that. i had to do it, because somebody had to do something, because you know black people are killing white people everyday on the streets and they rape white women, a hundred white women a day. that's an fbis sta tis tick. >> what is your thought about those people, though? because i think you kind of alluded to it earlier, in wrour mind they're innocent people, they're church going people, they were in a bible study. >> well i try not to really think about it. >> but i guess the question would be because they were black, that really kind of overroad, because you had to send that message? >> well, it's like this, you see, i'm not in the position, you know, by myself, you know, to go into like a black neighborhood, you know, or something like that and shoot you know a drug dealer or something like that. you see what i am saying, that is not going to do anything. you see what i'm saying, i had to go somewhere else. do you see what i'm saying. >> do you wish there were more people in there. >> no, if that were the case i wouldn't have shot anybody in there. it afterwards it was -- that's why i didn't shoot that lady. >> do you remember telling that lady i will let you live so you can tell my story. >> yeah i remember saying that, it's not really my story. >> do you have any remorse? >> i think it's too soon. >> what about regrets? >> yeah. i would say so. >> what do you regret? that's, you know, regret doing it a little bit. >> a little bit? >> yeah. >> but part of you is glad you did, still, i kind of sense that from you, right, you are proud, i mean part of it -- >> i don't really know exactly what i've done, you know. >> what do you mean by that? >> i don't know how many people were killed or anything. >> how many do you think -- anybody die? i mean -- >> i think somebody died. >> if i told you nine people died last night, how would that make you feel? >> i wouldn't believe you. >> it was nine. >> there wasn't even nine people there. >> there was a little bit over nine. it's hard when you are looking -- >> you said when you went in there it could have been six, eight, you weren't certain, you know. >> are you guys lying to me? >> no. >> would you consider this a crime and you are guilty. >> i'm guilty, you all know i'm guilty. >> let's bring in our legal panel now. a civil rights attorney in cleveland and a criminal defense attorney joining us from las vegas. >> the defense is admitting guilt in this case. why is the prosecution playing these tapes? >> well, the prosecution has to establish guilt, it's obligated by beyond a reasonable doubt to make sure they get these convictions, there are 33 federal pending charges, 18 of which are murder charges, so in order to, you know prevail on this case, they're going to have to convince that jury, and let me tell you something, you saw the tape, you heard the tape, this is repugnant behavior, sinister ghastly behavior and i think there is no doubt that a conviction will be attained. the more complicated part of this case will be mitigation, that is how is that going to be handled and to comely indicate it, the defendant wants to handle it without a lawyer. he has a lawyer in the guilt phase but is going to try to do it, the mitigation phase on his own. >> that was really the gift of my question. clearly this is for the death penalty portion of this case. richard, part of the tape that stands out, is the fact that for example, he didn't know what month it was, he seemed kind of completely aloof, clearly no empathy whatsoever, could the defense end up using that to their advantage to make the case that perhaps he didn't realize the extent of what he was doing. it seems like he does. >> well, you know, what is going on here is this is a conditioning portion of the trial. it's the guilt phase and the punishment phase. during the guilt phase, the government is trying to condition the jury to put him to death in the penalty phase because let's face it, as far as liability goes here, there were 77 rounds of hollow .45 caliber shells on the floor, nine people murdered. he admitted it in his manifesto. the fbi did a surgical interrogation, which we just listened to. he admitted to the hate crimes and the premedication, you have nine murder convictions, federal hate crime convictions. the question is, is there any mitigation for this individual and in federal death penalty cases there is only about 60 inmates that are facing the death penalty federally in the united states right now compared to 3,000 state, very difficult to get a death penalty conviction and to have it put in play federally. >> so does that play to the defense's advantage, the fact it's so rare to have a federal death penalty conviction? >> i don't think so. i think each case turns on the merits of what the justice department puts forward. and let me tell you something, the hardest working person in that courtroom isn't necessarily the lawyers, u.s. district judge, who is presiding over this case, has a very complicated job to do. he is dealing with the media, he has dealt with competence and then you have the defendant saying i want to handle mitigation penalty on my own. and the question becomes, can a federal district judge permit that to happen, blow up the integrity of the process because dylan roof wouldn't have the slightest idea how to do mitigation and that is going to be a very complicated part of what is coming up here. >> the judge already made a ruling on that. he took a hearing and he ruled he is competent to do this. the interesting portion here is this, early on in the case, the defense attorneys, who are very competent death penalty attorneys wanted to introduce evidence of mental instability. he said no. so when we get to the punishment phase, dylann will handle that himself. he will not put in a mental instability defense, there is not going to be mitigation, he is going to get the death penalty here. >> just on the merits of that, you have to question his sanity. what is he thinking, how is he going to be able to get out of this? >> well, you know, that was the -- that was the issue, the judge had to decide. in fact, the hearing was so sensitive, because he wanted to make sure, the judge wanted to make sure that dylann roof got a fair trail. he had to balance that against the first amendment rights of the media to cover competency, heard testimony from experts and the bottom line is the federal judge held that he was competent to stand trial, so whatever mental issues are going to be introduced during the penalty, the judge has already concluded that he is competent to stand trial. >> thank you, gentlemen, for spending part of your weekend with us. we'll be back with more news after a quick break. that's why this control enthusiast rents from national. where i can skip the counter... ...and choose any car in the aisle. on average, four out of every five rentals at national is a free upgrade. getting a full-size and paying for a mid-size? ♪ whoa, oh, whoa, whoa, lovin' every minute of it... ♪ as the boys from loverboy so eloquently noted... i'm lovin' every minute of it. go national. go like a pro. every day starts better with a healthy smile. start yours with philips sonicare, the no.1 choice of dentists. compared to oral-b 7000, philips sonicare flexcare platinum removes significantly more plaque. this is the sound of sonic technology cleaning deep between teeth. hear the difference? get healthier gums in just 2 weeks vs a manual toothbrush and experience an amazing feel of clean. innovation and you. philips sonicare. save now when you buy philips sonicare. >> former new york mayor rudy giuliani will not serve in donald trump's incoming administration. this morning trump sent this tweet saying rudy giuliani, one of the finest people i know and a great mayor of new york, just took himself out of consideration for state, secretary of state. we learned that rechl tillerson is the leading candidate for that position. ryan nobles is at the site of today's army navy game where trump is set to attend. ryan, the big news, of course was rudy giuliani, reporter wag was that he took himself out of the running for secretary of state back in november. is this just saving face now? >> reporter: well, i mean, you could certainly look at the facts as we know them and ask that question, boris, i think that is fair to say. because rudy giuliani and the transition team saying in a statement yesterday that he took himself out of the running at the end of the november, but in the first week in december, there were transition officials that said that he was still on the short list, that was seriously -- a serious contender for the position. and cnn has some sources that say that the trump transition told rudy giuliani he woint get the job of secretary of state. that's why the focus has really shifted to exxon mobil ceo tillerson as the clear front-runner at this point. we know that he was actually at trump tower this morning. he was not seen by reporters, but the transition confirms that he was indeed there. as for rudy giuliani, he spoke this morning about the speculation about his exit and who he would like to see in the position of secretary of state. take a listen. >> i think rechl tillerson is an excellent choice. had i been president in 2008 i probably would have appointed him as secretary of state. josh bolton i think is superior. i think mitt romney, i mean i voted for him, supported him, i thought he would have been a better president than barack obama, i think like mike huckabee does, he should apologize or at least explain what he meant by some of the comments which hurt me greatly when i was campaigning for my friend, donald trump. >> i think actually, done old is less troubled by it -- they want to put the campaign requested we withhold it. plus they didn't accept it immediately. they said they wanted to keep me in the running and i said well i don't want to be, but they said they wanted to keep me in the running. so we agreed, i'll wait until you are ready. when you are ready, then we can announce it. >> it's clear that trump still thinks quite a bit of the former mayor of new york city. he will actually be with trump here today at the army/navy game and we don't expect the president-elect to say anything about the secretary of state search but it seems pretty clear that tillerson is the front-runner at this point and boris, when trump comes to this game here today, he is going to spend half of the game on the army sideline the other half on the navy sideline as he prepares to become the next commander in chief for these men and women in uniform. >> just a fascinating backdrop for all of this controversy and political news, . . . . we'll be right back with your top stories. when you find something worth waiting for, we'll help you invest to protect it for the future. financial guidance while you're mastering life. from chase, so you can. this is your daughter. and she just got this. ooh boy. but, you've got hum. so you can set this. and if she drives like this, you can tell her to drive more like this. because you'll get this. you can even set boundaries for so if she should be here, but instead goes here, here, or here. you'll know. so don't worry, mom. because you put this, in here. hum by verizon. the technology designed to make your car smarter, safer and more connected. put some smarts in your car. ah, family holiday party, huh greg? 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